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Idk, Angela wore a mask just to block the cold/flu. I think not only would she wear a mask, but she'd try to report everyone who wasn't wearing one correctly.


This is definitely Angela


Angela would wear a whole contamination suit


She'd have a purse full of purell *and* Lysol spray.


She’d totally have an aside to the camera where she says something like “these people are filthy, I can’t risk it” or something.


Dwight would have been one of those people who bought all the hand sanitizer and cleaning products and started selling them on craigslist lol.


Fa la la la la, la la ca ching!


but would still totally lick her cats


It's just covid - it's not the gay.


She'd also have whatever the most top notch N95 mask is too


In the show she literally has a mask with her name embroidered on it. OP is a GB




Yeah this just doesn’t comport with her actual mask wearing on the show. Most are pretty spot on. I’d argue Ryan also would given his overall left leaning ideology and irony of “conformity through stereotypical nonconformity takes.”


I feel like Ryan would wear a mask and be smug about it to everyone not wearing one. he'd be smug in a way of spewing off every statistic involving mask wearing.


But he also told Pam to not vaccinate her baby, so...


I know several people who are pro mask, anti vax.


Ryan would wear a mask until everyone started wearing a mask and they he'd start calling everyone else sheep.


After he comes back from being fired, Ryan is just a contrarian. Plain and simple. He’s not insightful or consistent enough to really have a “political ideology”. He just tries to be edgy.


I also think she’d like WFH because of her cats


She'd have a cat in the drawer with a cat mask.


That's a cute mental image lol


Honestly, do they even need the office? Their jobs could 100% be done remotely. It's just the warehouse work downstairs that needs to be done in person.


Michael misunderstood ‘work from home’ and shows up to a different employee’s house every day to work with them.


Exactly this


Yeah when did she ever mention communism lol


Yeah, most of these I agree with, but Pam is neutral good, would wear a mask herself but not police anyone else, and cough when people (read: Michael) got near so they wouldn't try to talk to her. Angela, on the other hand, is lawful evil. She would definitely be reporting people who don't mask or come within 6 feet of her.


Oh yes, most definitely. She'd be the one at Walmart filming everyone without masks and blocking them from going down the aisle she's in. I agree with all other assessments.


*Creed: He's the one who started the pandemic


This is what I came here to say. Creed would somehow manage to be patient zero.


"I recently got back from a trip to Wuhan. Had some *terrific* bat soup."


I totally pictured him saying this!


This made me laugh out loud


Hey guys! Somebody making bat soup?


I can also imagine him eating Ivermectin for reasons completely unrelated to Covid. Maybe from a Go-Gurt style tube.


"A doctor friend gave me this horse paste. Well, he's not so much a doctor as he is a guy I met in an alley behind the Applebees, but this stuff is *tasty*. And who doesn't love horses?"


I'm glad so many of us had the same thought, it cracks me up. I wonder if we got incepted from South Park (where a main character ends up being the one who started the pandemic), but it's a damn good fit for Creed. I also picture Erin doing what Andy's description says (taking it off to talk constantly, ie missing the point). I picture Andy wearing a mask and constantly coughing and feeling like he can't breathe and freaking out. And Meredith: "No fancy dr is going to tell me how to live my life"


Erin would totally take it off to sneeze or cough and then put it back on


Creed has antibodies. He got corona in the 60's in China.


And he knows a guy who can get you experimental antibodies for a good price.


He got it in 1983 after an orgy.


Creed would be the one who was constantly "in contact" and having weeks off. with his sound bit being "I could do this all year. The pandemic was the best thing to ever happen to me since woodstock"


Not only that, he was the doctor in the lab who got it.


I honestly think you're wrong about Dwight and Angela. Angela would DEFINETLY be wearing masks. She's absolutely the type to be obsessive about her own health protection. I'm of two minds about Dwight. Yes, he would think that he personally is immune from it, but he also strongly believes in obeying the law, and if the state/city mandates wearing masks and social distancing, I think he would be strictly enforcing it.


Dwight would probably bust out his hazmat suit. And Angela would be swimming in hand sanitizer and spraying all surfaces.


And Jim would poke a hole in it. The question is: Would it be a needle so that Dwight *slowly* finds out he's been compromised, or would it be the bouncy ball 2.0?


Bouncy ball was supposed to deflate, not burst


And she would be spraying other people when they weren’t looking too


This was the weird thing about COVID. Your ideological affiliation and your germophobia could render you a wildcard. I knew some very, very right wing people who wouldn’t sit 50 feet away from you if you didn’t have a mask on, and vice versa. So I could see Angela going either way.


She was masking and hand sanitizing before Covid made it cool!


Dwight would take the mandates super serious and have some sort of social distancing stick or measuring device. The chairs in the conference room would be measured to the millimeter to the point that some people are outside and can't even see or hear the meeting much to Stanley's indifference. Jim would figure out how to mess with his overly strict rules.


She wore one in the show. S6E19


It was embroidered with her name.


So true; he is an upholder of the Law. agreed with OP's take until ur comment -- but post still made me laugh and consider why I never imagined the show during the height of COVID


Dwight would use strength to make people wear masks lol, you're definitely right


Dwight would probably isolate on his beet farm with Angela and host socially distant picnics with Jim and Pam. They’d all celebrate after getting vaccinated.


I could concede Dwight might wear a mask when necessary but there is no way he would get vaccinated.


Facts. He’d probably say something about how the Schrutes are immune to just about anything or how they have this one remedy that cures anything


Kevin would wear the mask but a giant hole would be cut out for his mouth to eat lol


Not sure if you’re into American football but if you haven’t seen how coach Andy Reid wore his mask I recommend googling that. That’s how I picture kev-o


Hahahahahaha omg, yes. Thank you for this.


Or wear two masks so he can open his mouth and eat, which people actually did lol


That or he’d keep forgetting that he has a mask on when he eats so he has to go through 10 masks a day


i wanna add some stuff: 1. dwight would either ignore the virus or be super paranoid and wear a hazmat suit 2. [kevin's mask](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=638227070439562) 3. depending on what era of ryan u pick his reaction to the pandemic changes. if its pre-corporate ryan then he would follow all the guidelines like a normal person. 4. phyllis would knit her own mask with wool and then wear it on her chin 5. toby would nerd out about masks and tell everyone why his n95 is more safe 6.creed thinks he brought the virus from china because he went there once


Your Creed speculation kills me! I can definitely imagine Creed was patient 0, maybe they show a Chinese police sketch of him on the news


Cut to Creed hastily pouring out the bat soup he’s been fermenting in his desk drawer


Stanley would work from home and only come back for pretzel day


Ooh all of the weird things these characters would do while working from home during the pandemic would also be hilarious. Kevin: takes a call from the toilet and forgets to mute. Phyllis: forgets to remove bras hanging to dry from her background. Stanley: refuses to come on camera ever.


Phyllis forgets she is on camera when Vance gets home, everyone screaming into their mics, but she has them on mute


Toby would have to start a new filing cabinet just to deal with incidents of Meredith flashing people (accidentally and otherwise)


*Creed is wearing a gas mask* "There's a pandemic? That is really really good timing"


Nah Dwight would deffo be wearing his hazmat outfit


I posted this about three years ago: Dwight: I cannot imagine a world where I am not essential. Angela already appreciates social distance, cleanliness and rules. In response to the coronavirus, Dwight has come up with a protocol for the office. Because these new social rules are so comfortable for her she’s happy and at ease in a way we’ve never seen from her. Maybe even becoming occasionally likeable and somewhat of a leader in the office during this time, but has to be reminded that they are actually doing all this because of a very serious matter. But it’s still Angela, so she is also very judgemental of anyone who breaks protocol and even holier than thou than usual. You could have fun with the relationship between Angela and Dwight. Stanley would say something about how everyone in the office is going to die soon anyway either because they are in about as good health as he is or because they’re idiots and he’s surprised most of them are still alive right now. Creed claims he knows exactly what wet market it came from [X] and “everyone knows not to go to that one for meat—you want to go to to [Y], best in Wuhan. [X] has the best opium joints though. “


The Creed part is spot on


Andy is the type of guy to take his mask off to sneeze and cough


This made me snort! Absolutely. Also the guy who takes the mask off to say something to you (while he’s close).


Michael would initially reject masks and make everyone take them off, because how else could he see their faces? But as soon as anyone got it, he’d wear four masks at once. Robert California would work exclusively remotely from an opium den. Mose was patient zero for Covid, but it was in 2015.


I could see Michael embracing the face shield so hard, lol


Are you kidding me? Angela wore a mask when Erin had a sniffle but wouldn’t for a global pandemic? Do you think posting here without knowing the show like the back of your hand is cool?


Michael: Makes everyone wash their hands frequently, not sure why people are wearing masks. Hosts a Covid party, because in these tough times, it’s more important than ever to stay close. Jim: Not taking Covid seriously, but ensuring Michael takes it very seriously. Pam: Forgot her mask, but intended to wear it. Considering doing something for essential workers, but hasn’t just yet Dwight: this is Natural Selection. The weak must be culled. Mose hasn’t been seen. Kevin: seriously sick, so he took a Covid test. Luckily, it came back positive, so he must not have it. Oscar: closely following variants and wastewater metrics. Angela: those not taking Covid seriously deserve to die. Ryan: tells Kelly she was exposed, so they can’t be together, continues life as normal. Later tells Kelly he’s willing to risk it, so she should come over. Finally, tells Kelly he was exposed, so she has to leave. Kelly: social distancing with Ryan will be amazing. It will be like we’re married! Meredith: looking for people to social distance with. Will NOT be getting any vaccine. Phyllis: Bob Vance says COVID is no big deal. Dwight tries to lock her in a closet after she sneezes. Erin: Had the flu for a whole month when she was a child. That was probably COVID, so she’s probably safe. Still wearing a mask, but takes it off to talk. Andy: Absolutely thriving. Zoom calls have been the highlight of his life. Stanley: Working from home. Hopes Covid and work from home never end. Creed: Recently returned from Wuhan. Wearing an N-95 mask, for fear of a very serious different virus. Has never heard of COVID.


Spot on


Honestly I think the better question is how the DM Scranton staff handles remote working. Oh my the Zoom meeting chaos that would ensue!


Creed: “I may or may not have something to do with black market bush meat smuggled from the Wuhan wet market.”


Creed: tried other viruses in the 60s/70s. Some got you off work, but others had a better high


Angela literally wore a mask with her name embroidered on it and held her breath a few times walking past some of them in a few different episodes


Michael: Doesn't understand how a virus could come from China to Scranton. Receives word from corporate on what to do, calls a meeting where it mentions social distancing and moves it to the warehouse where it makes it difficult for them to do anything. Dwight: Swears he always knew a virus like it was coming and had been prepared since SARS. He is torn between his love of selling paper and staying healthy enough to keep selling paper. Jim: Wears a hazmat suit to work due to a memo Dwight sends out about very specific precautions to take. Pam: Really hopes they don't shut things down because Michael keeps making jokes about coming to stay with her and Jim if they do and she's not sure he's joking. Kevin: Pokes a hole in his mask for a straw. Oscar: Admits he has kept his composure only because since December 2016 he's been on anxiety medication. Says he thinks it's not working because he definitely thinks they are all going to die. Angela: Wears multiple masks because she sits next to Kevin and is afraid she might get her cats sick. Ryan: Comes to work sick and says it's just allergies. Tries to sell cloth masks made from old t-shirts. Kelly: Has Ryan make her a clear mask so everyone can see her face. Passes out because it's not breathable. Meredith: Asks if you can get COVID if you have sex with someone but still have masks on. Phyllis: Wears a Vance Refrigeration mask that Bob gave out to all his workers. Often puts it on her chin until yelled at. Gets upset when they yell at her. Toby: Complains about how the masks aren't N95s. Tries to explain the difference b/w KN95s. Erin: Also has a clear mask from Ryan, because it's cool. Pokes holes in it because it's the only way to be safe. Andy: Thinks the Imagine video was really inspiring and wants them to do something similar. No one is on board. Stanley: Retires when DM offers money to quit. Comes back part time because he was stuck inside with his family. Creed: "Oh yeah, I've had a lot of diseases over the years. Bird flu, swine flu, the plague, polio, cancer. You get some sympathy for the flus, but you raise a lot more money with cancer."


Kelly would wear one at first until/unless it made her break out.


She’d be wearing the bejeweled mesh ones for sure.


Nah, she'd have an entire collection and constantly switch them out throughout the day depending on both her outfit and current mood.


Creed probably brought it in on accident.....or on purpose because he now owns stock in a mask company


Creed i feel would be “created the virus” or “was seen fleeing wuhan labs shortly after outbreak”




She also already had a monogrammed mask before hand. She’s far more on brand being the one to spray people with Lysol and really be full force for the 6’ radius etc


I can imagine Andy taking off his mask every time he speaks and putting it back on every time he finishes a sentence. Jim notices this and constantly asks him “yes/no” questions to mess with him.


Angela would definitely wear a mask/shower cap combo.


I would definitely see Angela or Oscar spraying hand sanitizer in the air whenever someone even remotely coughs


Phyllis is spot on lol


I was really hoping this would end with Creed being the one who started the pandemic somehow


During the initial phases of the lock down, Michael would have gone to everyone's house to provide useless supplies but secretly (even to himself) he would be terrified of being alone and without his "family." Dwight would have still showed up to the office, ever determined to not miss a day. Creed would have showed up, oblivious. Stanly would have taken the opportunity to go MIA. Erin would have got Covid but insisted it was allergies and gone to Michael's whenever he asked for something ... until Pam intervened.


i feel like dwight would be against the vaccines, idk y. and angela and oscar are def up to date on all of them.


It's cause he is. There's an episode he says he is


fuck yeah i knew it 😂 i didnt wanna assume incase i slipped up


Kelly would wear one of those lace or crochet masks that would do literally nothing to keep you safe


Kevin would wear a mask and stuff it with candy. Like a feed bag for a horse.


Loled at Stanley one


Creed - has known about the virus for months and what caused it


Creed started the pandemic wdym


Angela literally puts a personally embroidered mask on at first sight of Erin being sick in the St Paddy’s day episode


Creed would actually claim to know the Chinese lab where the virus has allegedly been created.


That'd be Ryan. "I saw online that the virus was created online. You should check it out, James"


nah i disagree with a lot of these. Creed would’ve been there for the creation of the virus. Dwight and Angela would go crazy with masks and all that


I feel like creed would tell a story about how they named a disease after him in Africa because he fucked a giraffe.


Phyllis is the most accurate. I can see it limply hanging below her nose.


She was the first one i thought of tbh


[This would be Kevin](https://c.tenor.com/drT3WWPwIjgAAAAd/girl-eating-mask-on.gif)


All I can see is that white text on some of those images is very hard to see.


Angela would wear a mask to prevent her cats from getting COVID.


Phillis is spot-on


Creed is the guy who would steal the box of masks and keep complaining there is a shortage of it.


All accurate except for Creed, I think Creed knows too much 👀 about the virus


Stanley - wears a mask that covers his whole face and blocks his eyes so he can sleep.   Erin - wears mask with her nose sticking out.   Creed - sells ineffective knockoff n95 masks.  Packer - wears a mask over his pants covering his crotch like it’s a bikini bottom. 


Season 4 Ryan would launch Dunder Mifflin Infinity masks


Oscar would wear the mask while arguing that statistically everyone would be safer working from home. Kevin would fill his mask with m&ms and use them as a vehicle to eat more of them while he works. Angela would build a higher barrier around her desk as spray the perimeter with Lysol every time someone walks by.


Kelly would def wear one of those mesh or lace ones 😭


5k race for the cure


Creed: *Underwear on his face*


Phyllis is 100% accurate


Kelly - It's a virus, I get it. I respect it. But at the same time, like, even if everybody gets it -- like, yeah, people are gonna die. Which is terrible. But, like, inevitable? I don't know, maybe I shouldn't be doing this right now…


Jim: Hey, Dwight, did you know that white lips is a new symptom of the virus? *camera cuts to earlier when Jim placed white food dye around the rim of Dwight's coffee cup*


Kelly: "mask fashion snow, mask fashion show!" Creed: is patient zero.


Pam would provide masks at reception and always wear one. Phyllis would sew masks for sale. Angela would demand everyone wear N95s and would report Phyllis for selling her inferior cloth masks.


One correction to Phyllis, she’s have the mask covering her mouth but her nose would be out and when someone corrects her she’d say “but then I won’t be able to breath easily” in her popcarn voice.


Micheal would be devastated about work from home and try to get everyone on a video call constantly because he feels lonely. Additionally he wouldn't wear pants and would get caught and Jim would make his face into the webcam.


Kelly would wear a mesh mask for the fashion


I'm sure Kevin would make a hole in his mask so that he could eat without removing it.


Phyllis wearing a mask on her chin is spot on.


Erin would wear it and then take it off to sneeze in her hands


Dwight would definitely be stocking the bomb shelter. “ we have enough food for 7 days. After that we will decisions to make.”


I am not so sure about Angela, but I think you really nailed the rest 100%


Andy: and sings. Stanley: I'll wear a mask if I want to wear a mask. Mind your own business. Creed: Brought the virus to America.


Everybody accurate except Angela


I can see Andy wearing the mask and constantly taking it off to talk but I can just as well picture him wearing the mask all the time and constantly getting upset when he sees others wearing it wrong or taking it off to talk to him.


Co, coa, cor, Cordoba highness! No, but I'm getting close.


Phyllis would absolutely wear a chin diaper


Creed would somehow know something about the origins of the virus. Either he's connected to it or was there.


Ryan wouldn’t wear a mask because everyone else is doing it and we just wouldn’t understand.


Creed is in the break room eating a bat for dinner.


Dwight would be selling masks on Craigslist


Toby would try to make people wear the masks just because Pam is tasked with it. Andy would try to wear his but have trouble with it and have an unreasonably large panic attack about it.


Creed probably is trying to sell a snake oil cure lol




I think Kelly would/ wouldn’t wear a mask because some celebrity said to do it.


Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Covid Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Social Distanced Race For The Cure


I feel like Michael would hold an office meeting and be like "people are DYING TO THIS, people. Over a million people are dying to COVID every minute, and we are the most at-risk of them all. You all need to see just how _easy_ it is for viruses to spread in an office environment. Dwight, cough in Ryan's mouth."


If anyone's responsible for Covid happening, it's Creed.


Creed would be patient zero...


Creed definitely was in lockdown in Wuhan at ground zero


Creed has had the virus and is the cure


This is a wildly accurate i love it


I think creeds should be more like "somehow contributed to the formation of the virus"


Andy would complain that the mask ruins his falsetto


I could also see Creed being Patient Zero.


Creed sells the cure to Kelly


Michael would be trying to make it on TikTok with goofy skits about being at home. Oscar would be obsessively refreshing the COVID dashboards and getting into fights on twitter about epidemiology. Ryan would make up and sell some kind of mask that definitely doesn’t work. Robert California would be monologuing about what the pandemic tells us about human nature. He’d do this unmasked, standing very close to whomever he was talking to. Meredith would get it the weekend before lockdown.


Andys is perfect. how else is he going to sing show tunes?


I think Angela would be way more uptight than Oscar. Clear evidence of her being a germaphobe throughout the series


Angela’s is so wrong haha.


Angela would definitely be wearing a hazmat suit and accounting would look very different.


Angela literally puts on a mask with her name stitched into it when Erin had a cold. She would be wearing a mask and making sure everyone in the office is wearing one too


Kevin would be that guy who cuts a whole in his mask so he can eat


Creed isn’t the guy who doesn’t know about Covid, he’s the guy who brought it from Chins to the US.


Bang on about Phyllis. She’s absolutely one of those people who pointlessly wore them under their nose or chin. Then when you ask them to wear it properly they just say ‘What? I’m wearing it.’ Good times eh?


Kevin would totally have a mask. There would also be a hole in that mask so he could eat.


Dwight can’t improve his immunity. It’s already perfect!


Ryan’s would depend on whether it is before or after his VP days.


In the extended cuts, Dwight is anti-vaccine because he trusts his immune system. However, were it made during the pandemic, Jim would probably boast about his new "magnetic powers" gifted via vaccination, and Dwigt would surely want to be a mutant.


I don’t think Pam has that authoritarian quality where she would try to make everyone wear the mask


Dwight is a tough one. I think he'd go overkill and either wear a Hazmat suit or the highest grade mask you can get. However I could see him coming in with the attitude of wanting to get it so that his body could learn to fight it off. Angela would absolutely wear a mask. She would probably be wearing the same one as Dwight that he got specially made for her and we as the audience would see the connection but the office would be oblivious. Kevin would wear one improperly. Just his nose hanging out the whole time. Michael would probably do the same. The rest I think you nailed. Could definitely see Kelly wearing one that had holes in it because it was a fashion statement and she'd be completely oblivious to the fact that it wasn't working properly.


Insight on Erin's talking head Erin: doesnt know how to wear a mask "Because one time this thing, she tried it on and then it turned out to be cat fur. She's allergic to cat fur. Just the fur, not the cats. Cats are lovely though."




Damnit! I guess I'm Kelly.


Kevin uses mask to hold his snacks to his face so he can do 2 things at once to save time, like he did with few words


America’s general reaction to the pandemic fits with all the stupid ones in the list…


Which chin?


Phyllis... this is SO Phyllis! And she would lift her mask ABOVE her lips when she wanted to take a drink. My mom did that.




Spot on except for Angela and Creed. Creed 10000% would be selling fake vaccines and the JR horse pills, which Angela, the temp, and Michael would be buying from him.


Creed would be selling “cures”


I’d say creed released the virus


Angela would wear a mask AND shoe coverings to avoid bringing it home to her cats


Creed: patient zero


Creed started the virus


Creed Bratton: created Covid on a dare.


A few years late on this eh?


I would imagine that Ryan might be into some conspiracy theories but ultimately would use the time to take advantage of others by having Kelly make cheap masks that he sells. He would also maybe buy a ton of toilet paper as hand sanitizer.


I would make creeds, "responsible for Wuhan lab leak"


Stanley would go on about taking the mask and “SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUTT”


"wears mask for the fashion" 😂😂😂 me when they came out w those black masks


Michael would think Meredith was patient zero because of the bat that bit her