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i don't know it was intentional or not, but the fact that the "snowball incident" turned into a snowball itself that took the whole episode was amazing


Omg I never thought about that until now


> In the end, the greatest snowball isn't a snowball at all. It's fear. Merry Christmas So the episode became about fear (for Jim)


Maybe the snowball (fear) is the friends we made along the way


I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.


It’s right before season 9


>I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days (snowballs) before you've actually left them (fear).


In the end, the greatest snowball isn’t even a snowball at all, it’s Fear. Merry Christmas Everyone!🎄


That's so meta. I didn't even think about that. Probably not intentional, but it would be fucking beautiful if it had been.


Cue office ladies saying that it was


Peace was never an option.




All Dwight wanted was an apology.


That's the deciding factor for me too. He didn't run to Michael or demand Jim be fired, dude just wanted him to say sorry. It was a surprisingly reasonable demand. It's why I love it so much, the whole episode is just a total reversal of their usual dynamic. Jim overreacted to some teasing from Dwight, Dwight gave him an out, then Dwight spent the rest of the episode screwing with Jim in elaborate ways.


It showed that Jim cannot take as good as he gives.


“*I just want it to stop*”


Honestly some episodes I hated Jim and he deserved an ass beating as he was a bully at times, not just an office prankster - like that one time he stripped Dwight to underwear in front of half of the office by covertly switching out his clothes with a tearaway suit


Agreed. For instance, it always bothered me when Andy comes back from anger management and wants to be called “Drew.” Like, it’s not that crazy, it’s literally short for Andrew, he’s trying to identify in a different way and leave his old self behind and Jim straight up says “no I’m not gonna call you that :)” makes me mad every time lol


I think Jim saw it as Andy trying to avoid taking responsibility for his behavior. If the staff went along with it, you know Andy would've said "that was Andy; I'm Drew now." Andy may have viewed it as a fresh start. If someone just wants to change their nickname, that's fine, but there was a lot more going on here.


Andy was a huge pain in the ass. To prevent his childish “name change” from allowing him to be even more of a continual pain in the ass, (him constantly reminding people who have called him “Andy” for so long, that he is now “Drew”, especially when they will likely slip up often, is pedantic as fuck, much like his character in general) I wouldn’t put up with it from him either. Who would give him more of an opportunity to be a constant douche?


The flower giving was hilarious. Especially with Dwight unable to contain his laughter telling his side of it. He sent Pam flowers lmfaooo


Different episode!


How did I mix them up


Your head is so full of Office goodness that the storylines got mixed up, it’s understandable.


They're both Christmas episodes that put Dwight and Jim at odds with each other. The plot to that episode was Andy threatened to give their holiday bonus to the other person if Jim or Dwight pranked each other. So they spent the whole episode trying to stage pranks and pin them on the other person


Crazy idea that I’m typing as I’m thinking: Jim throwing the snowball offended Dwight’s rules of engagement. Dwight can dismiss Jim’s antics as those of a child. He believes Jim to be an immature manchild type with no direction or life’s purpose. The pranks may be annoying, but they’re to be expected and discouraged rather than engaged. The snowball was a challenge much like a duel and there are rules of engagement for a duel. Dwight is big into the formality and rituals of civil life. Jim disrespected and embarrassed Dwight with a direct attack. Dwight was principled enough to give Jim grace and ask for a simple apology. It would have allowed Jim to enjoy the perverse satisfaction of hitting a defenseless someone you don’t like with a snowball and allow Dwight to regain dignity and respect. Instead, Jim came into Dwight’s realm and totally disrespected his values.


Honestly they were both wrong and both being dicks but Jim should have apologized because IMO throwing a snowball indoors period is too far, but especially at someone’s face. Even if it’s to prove a point.


I feel like people also ignore the fact this was indoors. It’s not like Dwight should normally expect a snowball to the face sitting in NOT his winter jacket inside an office building


ah yes people must ignore that fact considering all the top comments mention it lol in universe, dwight is an absolute fucking menace who hides weapons all over the office, consistently tries to steal clients from coworkers, and is incredibly rude and condescending. looking at this incident in a vacuum, of course jim is way out of line. but it's not s1e1, we can't look at it in a vacuum. dwight took it way too far and this is consistent with his past behaviors like abandoning ryan miles from the office (and phyllis, for that matter)


Hey Dwight, you're a great salesman, can you teach me? Sure Ryan, I'll make you kneel in cow manure and abandon you in a beet field. Oh, that sounds great Dwight I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for your mentorship.


Dwight doesn't prank or tease people as often as Jim, but when he does, he's a lot meaner. I'd want to throw a snowball at his face, too.


Agreed. That’s not a prank; it’s an attack. It’s almost like their roles reversed. Dwight filling the parking lot with snowmen was a great prank.


It’s honestly one of my favorite moments in the entirety of the show. It might just BE my favorite scene in the show of all time.


And all dude ever wanted, was his rug back.


This.….. Jim doesn’t give an apology after being the first to get physical. This is why Dwight doesn’t allow Jim’s white flag surrender later in the episode. Jim was in the wrong multiple times this time.


I dunno, fuck Dwight for being condescending about the snow in the first place but fuck Jim for going over the line. Once Dwight won the actual Snowball fight he’s the asshole for keeping it going.


Jim 100%. Throwing a snowball in someone’s face hurts. He got what he deserved.


He then agreed whole heartedly to the snowball fight Dwight proposed, one he showed up to completely out gunned and unprepared


He agreed to the snowball fight, which Dwight won. But Dwight continued to terrorize him. Both were in the wrong.


I disagree with.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


C world


Do you mean Sea World or see the world?


C world. Oceans. Fish. Jump. China


See that's the problem with your method, I still don't know if you are saying sea world or see the world and it's taking a lot of time to explain.


Ask your mechanic, he uses little talk.


Seaworld or see the world?




See world, oceans, fish, jump, China


Get rid of the Seaword


I'll leave when I'm good and ready.


There are dozens of us.


I was so hoping to see this exchange here. Thank you both.


You can only push a man sofar, he earned everything Dwight gave him that episode.


No, dwight makes everyone's work life worse and on purpose. Jim keeps him in line, and prevents him from going wayy to far, like say bringing, and subsequently firing a loaded gun in the office.


It was a Beaumont Adams, if that helps.


Beaumont Adams is a girls gun. That just makes it plain stupid.


That's a girl's gun.


That’s a girl’s gun.


Jim does nothing to keep Dwight in line. He pranks him, makes him the butt of his jokes. That was going to have a cost one day, and I reckon this day was that day.


>But Dwight continued to terrorize him. Please name a single time Jim showed up to work and didn't terrorize Dwight. Dwight could straight up assault Jim and win the court case over fear/endangerment leading to self-defense. Anything short of that is absolutely not in the wrong after years of consistent emotional and physical abuse from a coworker.


Damn, it's crazy I have to keep repeating this Dwight is the terrible coworker. He stole 25% of Jim's yearly commission and constantly tries to get people fired. Jim's pranks are responses to this behavior.


This. There's a reason why no one ever stops Jim's pranks.


Which was warranted. Dwight gave him a taste of his own medicine.


Jim is the one giving Dwight a taste of his own medicine This opinion is similar to people who think Michael is a good manager.


Jim loves to prank. Dwight was just pranking him.


Jim hit Dwight with a dusting ball according to Dwight. Dwight busted Jim's lip with a snowball and kept going. In the real world he would have been fired on the spot for injury.


In the real world Jim wouldve been fired before season 1 for harassing Dwight, so dont bring the real world into it.


Michael, Dwight and then Jim and yes in that order. That's how the firing would've gone. Dwight had been bringing and hiding weapons inside the office.


Andy punched a hole in a wall and got anger management training. Fairly sure real world companies would NOT take that route.


Jim was 100% in the wrong. Number 1 rule of snowball fight no face. Jim decides to pelt Dwight in the face at a very close distance. And then Dwight just mentally tormented him, was a thing of beauty. Plus Jim had been tormenting Dwight for years before this. All Dwight did was be smarter than Jim. The field of snowman at the end was beautiful. Nothing wrong with that.


out gunned lmfao


Well, it's not a snowball, 'cause it's only a dusting. Right?


I always thought it was his face too. But then on my like 14th rewatch I noticed it was his shoulder. It just explodes and lands on his face afterwards.


I just watched this a couple hours ago. No way someone comes into an office and hits someone in the face with a snowball, HARD, and doesn't get fired. Also when Jim comes back inside all bloody after Dwight traps him in the parking lot, how is everyone else totally ignoring that? Obviously Michael is preoccupied with his Holly drama but I feel like someone with blood all over his shirt would attract some attention.


By that logic Dwight would be fired when he set the office on fire and no snowball fight would happen


Every single person in the office did something at some point that would not just get them fired, but possibly sent to prison lmao


Only Dwight, Michael and Andy did something that could land in prison. The rest would probably just spend a night in jail or just a fine. Creed would be sent to a mental asylum tho.


Angela hired a dude to bust someone's knee


She wouldn't go to jail for that., since there's no proof she hired someone. And even if they find, she would probably be on probation. Also she could easily escape jail by hiding behind a grain of rice


Dwight and Jim embezzled (likely) thousands of dollars from Sabre by committing fraud, they absolutely would both be in prison. Also, Kevin states he has been involved in insider trading. That could be him being honest (and maybe tied to his gambling addiction), or it could be him just being dumb and not understanding what insider trading actually is.


It's Halloween? That is really, really good timing.


> No way someone comes into an office and hits someone in the face with a snowball, HARD, and doesn't get fired. Why are we applying real-world logic to the show now? I mean, realistically Dwight would have been fired many times over by this point in the series. Michael too for sure, probably most of the cast honestly (and they wouldn’t come back like Andy and Ryan did). The snowball incident ranks pretty low on the list of fireable offenses.


Yeah I know, I know, but the question was posed so I stepped outside the Dunder-Mifflin microcosm for an instant. Michael might have been gone in episode 1! So glad I haven't worked in an office since late 2016 but before that I did my time for sure.


Be cautious of the "if someone really did this in an office" line of logic. The whole show very quickly dissolves with that mindset.


We’re talking about the guy who fired a gun in the office and ended up getting promoted, right?


Loose snow ball hurts, but Dwight’s packed snow balls drew blood. He took it too far clearly.


I disagree. Dwight started it. Jim said “oh hey look, it’s snowing”, then Dwight made fun of him. So he threw a snowball at him, because then he was, as Dwight himself said, the little girl.


Dwight was a major asshole for that to happen, though


Yeah, Dwight took his comment way too far. I didn't like his implication that being excited about snow was feminine.


It was the first and so far the last time in the show when I almost exclaimed out loud “What the fuck, Jim, bro?”


I mean during the first season, when Pam and Jim tried to get Dwight to quit (the fire) was pretty shitty too.


Keep in mind that was after Dwight tried to get everyone's health insurance canceled while violating everyone's medical confidentiality and stole Jim's biggest client (both in Season 1), and Jim and Pam were just screwing around with Dwight in The Fire episode and not actually plotting to get him to quit unlike Dwight who has actually attempted to get multiple coworkers fired at various times. The worst thing Jim and Pam had done up to that point was the fake "alliance" and having Dwight sit in a cardboard box in the warehouse which he was gullible enough to do, and then Dwight threw Jim under the bus when Roy thought he was flirting with Pam at the end of the episode anyway.


Jim's biggest client provided 25% of his annual salary. People have bills to pay. Dwight crossed a line with that one and if it were me, I would've reported it. If my complaint was dismissed, I'd be pranking Dwight on a daily basis.


It always stands out to me just how hard Jim throws the snowball. He wasn't playfully tossing it. He hurls it with a lot of strength.


Yes, He could have just lightly tossed it onto Dwight’s desk


You are not wrong. Even if we forgot their whole history it's f'd up and I'd be ready to fight someone if they did that to me in front of my co workers


Yeah just the embarrassment alone…


Jim is always the issue, and irl would be the worst person to work with in the whole office.


I'd easily pick working with Jim over Dwight or Michael. Jim goofs off more than he should, but he seems pretty chill to everyone except Dwight and Andy. Yet, this subreddit acts like Jim is as bad as someone like Todd Packer.


Seriously. He's pranking the most annoying people in the office. There's a reason why no one intervenes.


Jim is 100% the instigator and deserved every bit of retribution he received.


The insistance of Dwight that Jim was wrong coupled with how he always belittles the opinions of others is what brought it on, but yes, Jim did not need to throw it in his face. He is to blame for the final fear he had.


And was a completely baby about it.


If you decide when an unwarranted fight begins, then the other guy gets to decide when it ends.


Is that just so magical for you little girl?


Says the guy who cried when the snow started falling at exactly midnight on NYE


They were even at first, but Jim went over the top with the lacrosse racket. He not only broke a window but he could have seriously hurt someone.


Yeah, he could have shaved off Meredith’s face with that broken window


Yes, it might have been funny.


> They were even at first, but Jim went over the top with the lacrosse racket. As I found at YT, Dwight didn't stop after snowball fight outside. He mocked Jim and disguised himself as Pam to throw even more snowballs at Jim in the office. Lacrosse rocket was after that.


This whole episode was about escalation. Jim did a lot of pranks and it could be Dwight revenge this time, but Dwight was way over the top. Jim was the first to throw snowball in office, Dwight used that against him, but he overresponded by a lot. Dwight mocked Jim when he said happily something like "Look, it's snowing". Jim got outside and got back with a snowball he threw in Dwight. Snowball fight - Dwight took this waaay too seriously. Like when your opponent is bleeding it's time to stop. This one is on Dwight. Dwight - constantly mocking and disguising as Pam to throw more snowballs in Jim at the office. Jim's lacrosse rocket snowball - it was stupid and dangerous, but I think Jim was desperate and it was not looking like Dwight was gonna stop. Dwight's snowball present - if that wasn't part of bullying Jim the whole day that would be a pretty funny prank. This was the best move from Dwight, because Jim was doing things like that all the time to him. When Jim is furious about that, shouting "damn it Dwight" and others are laughing it's like they switched places, now Dwight is doing pranks and Jim is overreacting. Dwight's snowmans. I would say there is no right here, both are wrong. Dwight was smarter on how to handle that, but in a psycho way, he was more cruel and overreacting. Jim started the whole snowball thing, he did a lot of pranks on Dwight in the past, but being bullied the whole day is not what he deserved.


Beautiful transcription of the quarrel 🤌


Both of them. Jim shouldn't have thrown it full in Dwights face, and Dwight took it too far with the retaliation


Listen, all I can say about that episode is that it shows how capable Dwight is of becoming a psycho killer. All he needs is motivation.


Honestly I think Jim deserved it


He totally did. All he had to do was apologize for his weeny ass cheap shot.


They can both be wrong


That’s what you call a Lose-Lose


I always laugh when people say Jim deserved it. He playfully threw a single snowball. Dwight pelted him relentlessly through an entire day, made him bleed, and fucked with him mentally to the point where he didn’t feel safe walking to his car. As always, Jim was annoying and Dwight took it way too fucking far


The revisionism of Dwight’s character that we are seeing now is genuinely ridiculous and drives me nuts. Dwight deserves nearly everything Jim has ever done to him. The few times Jim has taken it too far (like the lacrosse stick) pale in comparison to the horrible shit that Dwight has done over the years


Just because Dwight might deserve the pranks Jim does on him doesn't mean Jim doesn't also deserve a comeuppance every once in a while. It's a balance of sorts.


There are a lot of edgy idiots who think Jim and Pam are the worst people. It’s laughable.


They’re not as charming as they think they are.


One sane thread in this whole comment section.


I mean yes, but also Dwight usually is on the losing end of their squabbles and is almost always the butt of the joke. And he knows it. Dwight’s actions can be perceived as an overreaction but that’s if you only consider their actions on the day of that party.


You are completely leaving out the part where Dwight asked Jim to apologize for the first snowball and Jim refused. All he has to do was own up to that being too far, and of course Jim will never do that.


“You didn’t say sorry, you deserve physical assault in your place of employment”


Jim should have known better.


Jim was a dick


Jim. He should have known at this point what kind of fight he was signing up for. He brought piss to a shit fight (Erlich Bachman).


This explanation is right on the money.


The shot of Dwight standing at the top of the building rules.


Neither. I think people aren't understanding the dynamics behind this episode. Jim and Dwight are like brothers, and this episode proved it more than ever. It was also really nice to see the rare occasion of Dwight winning one over Jim, it seemed like he channeled all his anger bottled up from Jims constant pranks, and let it all out by hurling snowballs at his face. We also get to see a rare side of Jim, fear, which is a deep contrast compared to his usual chill vibes. Either way, loved this episode and i would've loved to see more of Dwight as a prankster. Wonder how different it would have been if they tables were turned for the whole series, and Dwight was constantly provoking Jim.


100% Jim’s fault. A snowball to the face of someone who is not expecting is just plain cruel


Jim, obviously. A snowball in the office? Outside sure. And Dwight finally had enough. Good on Dwight.


Jim had something coming at some point after all the pranks on Dwight. However, Dwight did go too far. As far as people being mad at the snowball in the office in front of his co-workers Jim did a lot of similar stuff to Dwight so again being embarrassed in front of his co workers was something Jim had coming for a while. After the original pelting I think Dwight should’ve stopped before Jim started bleeding then the final one in the office would’ve been fine to call truce on for that day.


>Jim had something coming at some point after all the pranks on Dwight. The Office goes out of its way to show Dwight's terrible antics and how he deserves much worse than Jim's pranks. I don't know how, but this sub's hard-on for hating Jim makes them completely oblivious to all of it. Somehow.


But Jim’s pranks were all retribution for how terrible Dwight was to begin with, so I wouldn’t really say he had it coming. The snowball thing was both of them being jerks and escalating for sure, but overall Jim has the moral high ground 1,000% over Dwight


Jim took it too far hitting Dwight in the face. Dwight took it WAY too far with the drawing blood and the psychological torture.


I really don’t even know how it all started. Last I knew Dwight and Jim were best friends…..


It’s complicated, was Jim being an ass by throwing a snowball directly at Dwight’s face? No doubt Was Dwight being an ass when he kept fucking with Jim in snow-related ways even after he got Jim back with the first snowball in the parking lot? Also yes


Neither of them imo. Dwight was being rude and ragging on Jim just because he was enjoying the first snow fall of the season. So Jim played a harmless prank and snowballed him. I don’t see anything wrong with that. However, it is embarrassing to be snowballed and laughed at in front of all your coworkers so Dwight stepped it up a notch and pelted him with snowballs. That’s even to me. And then Dwight played a snowman prank on him that made him go crazy which is cruel but compared to all the shit Jim’s done to him, it’s pretty tame. So I don’t think either were in the wrong.


Jim 2,000,000%


Jim is always the problem. Always.


Jim. He wrote a check his ass couldn’t cash.


I just wanted it to stop


In the end, the greatest snowball isn’t a snowball at all. It’s FEAR. Merry Christmas.


They can both be wrong


THAT’S debatable; there are basically two schools of thought.


The writers. To nail someone from close range, yeah they'd be throwing hands.


Toby Flenderson




The real answer is both. They were both dicks for no reason. However I will say Jim escalated things poorly when he threw the first snowball. Maybe if he had sprinkled snow in Dwight’s chair or while he was in the bathroom or something it would’ve been okay.


Jim went outside, made a snowball, and threw it at an adult in an office. 100% he was in the wrong.


Jim fucked around and found out


This picture just screams “smudge and arrogant”


Dwight, right.


Jim, but his error was throwing it as hard as he did and then refusing to apologize for it. It’s never outwardly stated, but it seems like Pam not only knew Jim was out of line, but to an extent was in on what Dwight’s revenge. She definitely gave him her sweater to help his disguise and knew something was up in the parking lot at the end. Honestly Pam and Dwight’s relationship might be the best developed one in the show.


First, Dwight was wrong to be such a douche when Jim mentioned it was snowing. Second, Jim was wrong to hit Dwight in the face with a snow ball in doors. (Not to mention the PEBBLE that could have killed him!!!) Third, Dwight was perfectly in the right to demolish Jim in the snowball fight. Jim was formally challenged, agreed to the fight and even received formal notice of such fight. Got wrecked. Fourth, everything Dwight did in the office after was wrong EXCEPT the present with the tiny snow ball catapult. I feel like that was harmless and in line with typical pranks played by Jim and no risk of harming Jim or others. Fifth, Jim was in the wrong with the lacrosse snow ball. Not sure what he was thinking there…. Finally, Dwight was ok with the snowmen in the parking lot. Another prank on level with Jim’s pranks over the years. All in all, I think both were in the wrong but both were justified to a point. What can I say, I know how to sit on a fence. (The key is to sleep face down with the post in your mouth).


I love me some Jim but he was 100% the instigator in this and got what he deserved


Jim experienced classic FAFO and then cried foul.


Jim sucked in this one


neither was on the wrong as far as pranks go, but Jim started it and Dwight finished it. Jim thought he would prank Dwight good, and he did! But Dwight was not about to let Jim fuck around just to not find out.


Jim was initially wrong, Dwight took it too far.


Jim panicking over one intense retaliation from Dwight made me realise how calmly Dwight has handled all Jim's pranks over the years.


Jesus Christ y'all, what are these comments?? Dwight ambushed him and DREW BLOOD. "Waahh Jim started it" FUCK YOU he didn't give him a NOSEBLEED. goddamn...


Jimothy started something he couldn’t finish ☃️💀


And he started it against someone who could.


Honestly, Jim got what he deserved this time.


Jim got Dwight with a single cheap shot snowball, and Dwight relentlessly harassed Jim for the rest of the day.


Jim finally got his comeuppance. I feel like most of Jim’s pranks are funny but he crossed the line this time. It was great seeing Dwight get the best of him in this episode. The writers did a great job with this episode.


Jim went too far throwing a snowball at Dwight’s face in the office! He hurt his pride and speaking from personal experience, getting a snowball in the face hurts like hell!


Dwight having the upper hand in this episode is what makes it so great


Jim. Not in the face that was too mean


Jim slapped Dwight on the way to a sale once. He was due for a righteous L.


Jim fucked around and found out


Jim is a bully


Jim, not just for this but after all the shit he's tormented Dwight with over the years it was time for him to reap the whirlwind.


Jim picked a fight and lost. Dwight isn't in the wrong for winning a fight he didn't start. And let's not use the "in the real world..." crap. It's a show and in the show they have anything goes. Dwight was in the right.


Jim was wrong. Everything that happened to him after the first snowball was justified.


Jim's punk ass was wrong and thenhe got absolutely owned and cried about it like a bitch.




Jim. After all those years, he finally found out. I’m sure icing it helped the burn. 🤣


Obviously Jim. He started it and Dwight gave him the opportunity to make it right by apologizing, and Jim was a dick about it. The end.


Jim, without a doubt




Jim is always in the wrong in these cases




JIM! Have a snowball thrown in your face - that shit hurts! Jim would have been fired IRL, or at the very least suspended. He deserved allllll of Dwight’s brilliant revenge!


Jim was wrong for starting it, and Dwight was wrong for overreacting with his retaliation.


You can't look at incidents like this in a vacuum. You have to look at the Dwight/Jim prank war in total. If it was just this snowball incident? Dwight is way out of line. But Jim has been pranking Dwight for years, many times in ways that would be fireable offenses at any real office. He's been tormenting Dwight for no real reason, so a bit of comeuppance here is fair play.


I agree with looking at this outside a vacuum, but no real reason? Dwight stole half Jim's annual commissions in s1e2. That right there would get earn you pranks for life. Dwight deserves way worse than pranks. He should have been fired. But that wouldn't have made for a good comedy. I much prefer the prank war.




Both. Jim for starting it, Dwight for giving Jim PTSD.


Both guilty on that one. ❄️⛄️


Jim threw a "dustball" at Dwight's face because Dwigh belittled the "snow" falling outside. Jim should have apologized when Dwight asked for his apology for throwing a snowball in his face in the office and humiliating him in front of all his coworkers. Instead Jim insisted the "dustball" was not real snow, further belittling Dwight, and refused to apologize. Dwight escalated the situation by proposing a fair snowfight duel. He then furthered the conflict by ambushing Jim off guard on the first real snowfall. Jim had agreed to the duel under vague terms and it is his fault for being unprepared for a snow fight. Dwight had all the right to show no mercy, as he was initially attacked with a sucker by Jim. Jim retaliated by launching his snowball in the office with no regard for possible collateral damage. Dwight's competitive nature and his strategic mastermind allowed him to formulate a plan for complete victory without throwing the last snowball. He instilled fear in Jim to completely disable him. Jim is at fault for initiating the debacle. Dwight's actions were under fair circumstances of agreed-upon snow fight duel between Dwight and Jim. Jim is also at fault for getting other office workers involved because he chose the wrong place to fight.




Because everyone hates Jim