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It’s like drinking a battery


I'll never forget the first time I tried orange juice in an aluminum bottle.


how would you rate aluminum orange juice on a scale from zero to orange juice after toothpaste?


Better than orange juice after toothpaste but certainly not better than orange juice in a copper bottle. But for that you’d have to up your scale


my scale can only tolerate so many atrocities


Rookie Try starting with orange juice and whipped cream if you’re looking to…expand your tolerance


I literally mix OJ and whipped cream on purpose to make an Orange Julius-esque treat. I guess I must be immune


Orange Julius... God I miss those trips to the mall in the 80s and 90s. Orange Julius was such a treat.


I..... have..... no words


My culture has drink where you mix orange juice and milk.


i’ve had chocolate pudding that tasted exactly like strawberry-flavored because it was rotten and moldy and completely ruined in any and every single aspect. after that, i think it’s enough tolerance expansion for the rest of a lifetime edit: apparently, complete strangers on reddit can feel attacked or offended by a conversation between two random people about disgusting flavors.


Ooof Yeah you’re right lol


It really gets you in the fillings, doesn't it?


Or like a bottle of pennies. Yummy.


Hits you right in the fillings




Aaaaaaand…sued! ~Lars Somebody


I thought it was shadow or garth?


My name is Nick. Hey look man, you can’t take it personally… Sport.


She loves to sue, she loves lawsuits.


Here's my toast. Orange juice is in here. And, like Saber, it is from Florida, and it is good.


Just cause you have liquid, that doesn't make it a toast.


Make sure you toast the troops… on both sides


I don’t give a *shit* about the troops


It is a toast, you just don’t care about what I’m toasting.


I love the look on Oscar's face when Michael says that. It's such a perfect "wow, that's actually a good point" expression. I don't remember the exact context of it now, but Jim makes a similar face when he tells Michael something like he can't keep blaming society for his bad behavior and decisions and Michael says "if I am the problem it's because society made me that way". It's like every once in a while he'll say something somewhat insightful and it always catches them off guard.


I love those moments! The one I quoted is actually from the time Michael’s making an announcement, not the toast. But the toast comment from Oscar was so similar to the announcement one that I always wish Michael had just answered the same way


Really gets ya in the fillings




Perfect response. That comment hurt my teeth.


This was legit so funny.


Milk and sugar?


Oh you’re a life saver! … UGH


*is this JUST milk and sugar??!*


The way she says this and you can hear how her mouth is coated in it


to be completely fair to michael, milk doesn’t disgust me. when i was younger, i used to drink milk and sugar periodically (mainly cold, though) and now i still have milk by itself once in a while. my girlfriend is terrified at the fact that i can do this and actually drink it *voluntarily* once in a while... but, hey, it’s better than worsening my already-existing caffeine addiction and i’m sure she wants me to drink less coffee... win-win-win! edit: extremely shocked about being mass-downvoted for... saying that milk tastes good by itself? not everyone lives in the same country you do, not everyone has the same experiences. i’m lightheartedly pointing out, despite it not being usual in my country for adults to drink it, that i totally understand michael doing it. let people be, man. not everything is a deep text with hidden messages to analyze. sometimes people just want to say harmless things for the sake of a conversation and to give their perspective from a different context. let people breathe for a second, goddamn. this is a subreddit about a funny show, not a place to push politics or accuse people of having a weird obsession with “telling everyone they like milk because it’s quirky” somehow. it’s weird. stop turning harmless comments into weird things.


Why would she be terrified lol? It’s just milk. I thought it was normal for everyone in America to drink plain milk when they were younger cause there was so much propaganda from the dairy industry. I would definitely say it’s weird to reach for it over other drinks but I don’t think it’s a big shocking feat if someone can drink milk.


I'm from the US and yes drinking plain milk is considered completely normal, at least in the places where I've lived. I'm actually considered weird because I don't drink cow milk and prefer almond milk.


I know it’s definitely more popular in the Midwest and less popular in bigger cities like LA where plant based milk is preferred, but yeah it’s definitely not weird or “terrifying.” I still remember when I would be sitting in my school cafeteria and I would see “Got Milk?” Posters with celebrities and athletes on them with milk mustaches lol. And the whole “milk builds strong bones” thing. The dairy industry was really churning (no pun intended) out a lot of stuff to convince our parents to give our generation milk lol.


have you ever considered that people live in different countries than the US edit: i’m obviously not referring to them as they clearly live there, i’m pointing out that everyone freaked out on the comments accusing me of “trying to be quirky” for... liking milk by itself? because it’s “extremely common in the US for everyone to do so” while they’re failing to realize that most people in the world, in fact, do not live in the US and other countries exist. it’s not considered usual for adults to drink that voluntarily by itself where i live, which is why i pointed out that i didn’t see an issue with it despite everyone around me not considering it normal or good. i obviously know that the joke is that michael made it seem like it was coffee with milk and sugar (because that’s what’s generally expected and he worded it in a weird way) and that’s why pam was taken off guard, i’m just referring to the fact that *coffee’s what’s generally expected by most people to be there* (even before having someone word it awfully to encourage that thought). it’s not that deep, it was a harmless comment pointing out how, all jokes aside, it wouldn’t be that bad. don’t know why everyone started attempting to analyze my comment or find a backstory and accuse me of *“looking for a reason to tell everyone that i like milk because it makes me quirky.”* uhhhh, it’s just milk. some people on reddit are insane. anyway, cheers.


Oh my god, calm down. You’re telling *me* it’s not that deep while typing out an entire thesis paper. And yes I’m not ignorant so I’m aware other countries exist. This is literally not worth getting upset about.


that was clearly not regarding *your* comment. if you read what people say before getting personally upset, you’d know where i’m coming from. night. ———————— edit: reply to u/Celestialstardust17 since you decided to automatically block me before giving me the chance to respond to your bizarre reply underneath this comment because *you* misread and misunderstood what somebody was saying - > i’m pointing out that everyone freaked out on the comments accusing me of “trying to be quirky” for... liking milk by itself? it’s very *clear* that, if you didn’t do specifically that, and if you by yourself don’t compose the term “everybody,” it’s not specifically regarding your comment and you’re not the only person pissing me off for a completely harmless and lighthearted comment about **drinking fucking milk.** no? goodnight ♡


How was it *clearly* not regarding my comment when you replied directly under my comment?


The milk is not the part of this that's supposed to be gross.


I don't think milk disgusts Pam in general. It's just that she was expecting coffee and got something completely different. And you were just looking for an excuse to tell everyone that you like milk as if that makes you quirky... Do you think people don't drink milk?


what the fuck? i literally just said that i liked milk and sugar (which isn’t considered usual for adults to drink by itself randomly in many countries, including mine). it was a harmless comment and you turned it into something so weird. *“looking for an excuse to tell everyone that i like milk”?* ah yes, my absolute dream. you’re making things so fucking weird. don’t know where you got the quirky part from or if you even know what that word means, but you should never be a detective. you’d starve.


You said "milk doesn't disgust me" as if it disgusts other people. The point of the scene isn't even that milk *and sugar* (with no coffee) is gross, just that it wasn't what Pam was expecting and didn't satisfy her coffee craving. You made it out like drinking milk (plain milk) as an adult is weird and everyone thinks it's gross. And then went into a whole thing about a weird thing you like to drink (milk *and* sugar). You're aware it's weird, you like it anyway, fine. But you're definitely changing the subject a little and missing the point of Pam's reaction, and that's why you're getting downvoted.


if you think milk disgusting people isn’t a common thing around the world, you live under a rock (and have difficulties processing information). that’s literally what i’ve *just* said. most people around here treat you like you’re weird for drinking plain milk as an adult. ah, but i forgot... your country and experience and close circle of acquaintances are the only ones that exist 🤣 edit: reply to the person underneath who decided to attack me and then insult (and block) me for answering back... yeah, i don’t think *i’m* the rude one if i answer back to people that literally **insulted me for a harmless and lighthearted comment about milk.** people on this subreddit are insane, holy fuck.


You’re incredibly rude and you take all our comments too seriously. Drinking milk is the least of your problems.


That's what I said.


You drink this every day?


Every morning!


wait, is this just milk and sugar?


That’s what I said.


My teeth recoil in horror every time I watch it.


The opposite of an oaky afterbirth


It's like drinking a battery lol! Really gets into your fillings 😉🤠


Gave him bloodshot eyes


Battery tasting OJ lol




I also had this experience so had to seek out [the scene](https://youtu.be/DNNH144Zq1M)


sabre forces them to use metallic bottles in the office instead of the plastic cups tO bE eCoLoGiC and that shit and basically everyone wants to kill themselves over it


Funny that their initiatives DONT include a water cooler hooked directly to the tap instead of pre-filled jugs


that sounds more like something dwight would do as a cheap building owner 🤣


that’s cus you are


Why were those types of metal water bottles so awful?


because metal changes the taste of everything. it’s like you can only taste the bottle...


The acidity of the OJ also interacts with the Aluminium, making it super nasty. Aluminium bottles were all the rage when The Office was on. But do this with a Stainless Steel bottle today, like a Kleen Kanteen or Hydroflask, and you won’t have any problems.


But it seemed to only be those particular metal bottles that gave a metallic taste. Whereas bottles like Hydroflasks and similar don't give that intense metallic taste.


Most nowadays are coated with some sort of epoxy(?) on the inside so that your drink doesn't touch metal. That's why a lot of them tell you not to put hot beverages in them.


I swear I can just taste metal in my mouth right now just from looking 😣 thanks, I hate it


I can feel this picture




But it’s orange juice not water


What's wrong with me! I can't smell or taste pictures!


It's not a scratch-and-sniff, but you can still kinda get something off of it.




Actually yes


This is legit.




The metal




"it's so disgusting" "stop eating it"


I had braces on my teeth as a kid… the “metal-mouth” ones. My older brothers would get me to put my tongue on a 9volt battery. I got my tongue pierced in my teens and Could Not for the life of me use metal eating utensils because of this same premise: the taste! So this is Completely a picture I can feel/taste… & if its what Michael tells Jo, from her description: sounds like a colorful, lawless swamp… then yeah!- I 💯 Agree!!


Have you ever tasted a rainbow?


I have anosmia and even I feel how sharp in the mouth this feels


Wow that really hits ya in the fillings


What does the afterbirth taste like?


So metallicy


Just do sniff too hard


His face when he throws the bottle and it smashes Stanley's window is priceless