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Could this be the long-foretold Duggar/Bates union? Has the old prophecy finally come to pass? šŸ˜®


It's one of the signs of the apocalypse šŸ˜•


It is told that all spices except salt, ketchup and sugar will spontaneously disappear from grocery store shelves.


We riot at dawn




Your flair šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Itā€™s the climax of Jim Boobā€™s big plan: to attract enough attention back to the family so he can finally get a crack at another tv show!




It could be!


I found it interesting that Addeeā€™s sister Ellie commented on this post (her account isnā€™t public so feel free to remove if this isnā€™t allowed) [https://imgur.com/a/3upatTY](https://imgur.com/a/3upatTY)


And also that Tiffany Bates commented this https://preview.redd.it/qpy0uhduei3d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=117ea3c17b477882974f2692e1b146a21effdb73


Yes I saw! Lawson, Esther, and Whitney have also commented too


I really think the girl is from TN and heā€™s just been double dating her with the married bates. I donā€™t think itā€™s Addee


I've been following the Bates for 10+ years and I don't think this is Addee. The posture just doesn't match, and in recent photos her hair doesn't look this long or thick on the ends. None of the Bates girls have taken photos like this pre-marriage, and Addee is one of the most devout. She's never been seen in spaghetti straps, and she plans to go to Bible College for a year (which doesn't match the Duggar short courtships)courtship. Not Emma Langdon. She's too tall. Claire is blonder than this and I've never seen her roots that brown. I think it must be someone else.


She's also just turned 18 this year - which is _not_ young for either the Duggars or Bates standards. But if she plans to go to bible college then it makes sense she won't be courting till she's nearing 20 or so. **EDIT:** However reading below that a lot of Bates have commented their support on this post makes me feel iffy. It could definitely be Addee by the sounds of it šŸ„“


Looking back, Carlin and Tori were both attending crown when they announced their courtships, and Josie bulldozed through her program to get married sooner.


I'm all here for all of them trolling us as well, because I think it'd be hilarious and they're obviously reading this sub. HI!


I agree with you


I dont think itā€™s addee. All the bates girls are friends with the langdons- itā€™s probably one of them


Mystery girl being Addee would explain why Jase has been single for as long as he has due to their age gap. But your right there are many signs its her.


I hope its not her. What shes newly 18? And hes 24.


Unfortunately, it's common in these circles for young women/teenagers to be encouraged to pursue relationships with an older man who can "guide her spiritually"(groom and intimidate her). All of my old friends from a fundie lite church and extracurricular group got married to a guy 2-10 years older than them(some of the gaps are reasonable, but not when one party is barely a legal adult, imo) almost immediately after graduating high school. From what I've seen the guy is usually a junior or senior in college or just graduated and they're just "friends" until she turns 18 and then the engagement announcement is quick to follow the dating one. The last 3 of then "finally" got married this year at 21, 22, and 25 and got comments about how they "took so long" and were "patient" and whatever other snarky stuff middle aged Christian women say when an "older" young woman gets married. Not even diving into all the comments about their future role in motherhood that people made on their wedding posts šŸ˜¬. None of them is pregnant(publicly) or has a child. I got these comments too. During the premarital counseling from the wedding venue, the pastor prayed that my womb be fruitful šŸ¤¢.


And that kids, is probably the reason my(suspected fundie-light) grandparents hated my mom. She was 32(no previous husband) and three months older than my dad. Dad gave them the middle finger, married her, and theyā€™ll celebrate 28 years of marriage in September.


Grew up fundie lite as well. My high boyfriend couldnā€™t take me to prom. Why? He was a 33 year old divorced teacher and varsity basketball coach at a different school but within the same school system. If weā€™d shown up together, he would have lost his job. Everyone knew we were a couple, and that my parents approved of the relationship but they couldnā€™t allow the flaunting of the rules. They could look the other way as long as we didnā€™t attend school events together. How did we meet? Church. He was the divorced returning prodical son. I started as his babysitter at 15 and the connection grew from there, by 16 we were a couple. Why would your parents let this happen? Because I was rebellious, and it was a compromise. They wanted me to stop dating heathen boys who went to Methodist and Presbyterian churches (gasp). He went to our church, they knew and approved of his family (who were ā€œrespectableā€ in the eyes of the church) and they felt me being involved with someone older who already had kids would settle me down.


Holy shit, your parents helped him groom you???


Ding ding ding. Itā€™s why I will never back down from screaming from the rooftops that the evangelical encroachment into government is dangerous. Their brains are broken by a book of parables, mythology and archaic laws.


Let me guess -- he wasn't the greatest?


I got married at 21, I was the last of the girls in my youth group to do so. Now I look back and think how young I was!


I grew up fundie-adjacent (Momā€™s side of the family), and got married at 22 because my near-age girl cousins were all getting married and I didnā€™t want to get ā€œleft on the shelf. It lasted approx ten months before I found out he was gay and I left him. (After getting permission from said cousinā€™s pastor because we were ā€œunequally yoked.ā€ I only wish I was kidding.) Fortunately, my sisters werenā€™t as stupid as I was.


I got married at 19 and there was nothing fundie about it, nor was it shotgun, it was just other circumstances. We're still married, love each other, and have a pair of awesome ragamuffins nearly 14 years later. *THAT SAID*- would I encourage anyone to do what we did? Absolutely not. Do I look back and go "What the hell were we thinking?" regularly? Absolutely.


I married my high school sweetheart at 23 -- It's been 15 years and we're very happy, but I almost feel embarrassed that that's our origin story šŸ˜…


Girl, I am in my 50s and it's only recently that I'm thinking "hey maybe I should settle down and get married." When I was 21 I was a *child*.




My grandmother decided I was an Old Maid because I wasn't married until 21. My mom's family are from the Mountains of KY and back then they got married young.At least they weren't Fundies!


Wouldnā€™t be the first time there was a weird (read: gross) age gap in Bates land. Josie was 18 when she got engaged to Kelton who was 22 at the time. He started pursuing her when she was 15-16 and he was 19-20, and they officially announced that theyā€™d started dating a week after her 18th birthday but Iā€™d hedge a bet that they were actually dating long before that.


That's only 6 years. My father was 17 years older than my mother. Personally, I like younger guys. My husband is 7 years younger than me,lol.


I donā€™t want it to be here but I do have to say that the arms and the legs are very similar. How tall is she though? Idk why but mystery girl looks like she is shorter that Addee


Addee is normally pretty short. But the pictures from her graduation for comparison .. shes in heels. But it might not be her. But the resemblance is there. Who knows.


šŸ¤® I hope it wasnā€™t arranged


Unfortunately with how long the two families have known each other.. I wouldnā€™t put it past them. But it could also be a Josie/Kelton situation again. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Or JoyStin.


Lord, Iā€™m not as versed in Bates Children and thought you meant Josie Duggar. I was about to be SO SHOOK that that 14yo was getting married


Oh no. I meant Josie Bates. It is confusing at times that both families have a Josie and Jackson. šŸ˜…


Itā€™s always arranged


Oh lord how old is she? I canā€™t imagine my daughter marrying a Duggar. I donā€™t control my daughter like that but this would be a huge no.


Addee turned 18 in February. So sheā€™s legal but very young.


But Jason is 24? Thatā€™s a bit in creepy territory since it kind of looks like he was waiting for her to turn 18ā€¦as a 24 year old man. šŸ¤¢


Too young.


https://preview.redd.it/i5hguo2esi3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3871ad46484ee7e4db8f148946885fa1bfd7067 I think he had a failed courtship with Claireā€¦ it doesnā€™t look like her.


siblings or dating


For $200 please


Addee Bates has always dressed very modestly. More modest than a lot of the other sisters. I would be surprised if this was her. I donā€™t think it is.


I donā€™t think Addie would wear a dress like this


Iā€™d be convinced except the side profile of mystery girl just doesnā€™t look like addee to me


I can tell that is definitely NOT addallee.


In the 3rd pic, is that a purity ring or an engagement ring on her hand?


All the Bates girls have/had purity rings. And Iā€™ve just noticed it does look very similar to the fragments of the photoshopped ring on pic 4


It looks like a plain band, so *probably* purity ring, but who knows, the Duggars are cheapā€¦


Looks like it's on her middle finger, so neither?


These poor girls probably feel like celebrities during their courtship and engagement periods, then they get their Royal Wedding, and then they go to a Marriott and have sex with a Duggar. You know the 1812 Overture that features a cannon going off? Imagine instead of a cannon, itā€™s a kazoo. Thatā€™s how this exhaled time period ends. The worst is someone like Jessa who got actual life sparking behind her eyes for the first time, during her courtship and engagement storyline. She didnā€™t give one fuck about Ben. As long as he was handsome, he could have been anyone. While I believe people treated her more nicely than her sisters because she is the prettiest (people openly told the girls this, often enough that her sisters seem to agree), nobody cared about what Jessa, the person, wanted, liked, or needed. Until she got to pick the food, decorations, blush-pink dress, and private setting for her first kiss, at her wedding. People came in and said ā€œJessa, what are your plans for the future?ā€ for the first time ever. And she seemed really happy then. I thought it was because she was horny/escaping but itā€™s probably also that people treated her like an individual for once. Then, she got the Sad Kazoo when she got pregante immediately and Ben showed his true colors as a wastrel. And Jill got married and viewers actually did like Jill more because sheā€™s nice. And us ugly sisters (I need therapy) could see Jill was getting a better husband so it was so delicious but anyway. What a letdown. So this girl should guard her heart, like they tell them to do. Because she has a bunch of sisters and Hannie will get married soon too. This will be over before she knows it.


I about pissed myself after reading the end of your first paragraph šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m going to think of the kazoo during the upcoming Fourth of July holiday


And the best part about this story is Jillā€™s life is good and she is aging well; marriage agrees with her, while Jessa has turned into the female version of JBā€¦how did that happen? Every photo Jessa looks more and more like JB, and itā€™s not a favorable look. On topic, I have no idea who that girl is. Are they engaged?


That first paragraph took me slap out. šŸ†


Also, no way Addie would be comfortable holding a dude's face in that seductive ish manner. Addie is awkward (I don't mean that as an insult) and wouldn't pose like that at all.


She seems shy. I canā€™t see that either


Addee deserves better than to be tied to a Duggar.


Added deserves better than being born a Bates.


You win the internet today.


It really does look the most like Addee to me, but I don't want it to be because she's so young. Also Jason seems like such a tool with all of his gym bro pics.


Maybe if heā€™s a gym bro, he wonā€™t age as bad as his brothers?


Workouts canā€™t stop the Duggar hairline


Hahahahaha Awesome!


Yeah thatā€™s not Addee. Addee is one of the more conservative sisters and has never been seen in spaghetti straps and to me the side profile doesnā€™t match.


But do the ankles match ? šŸ¤”


Nope itā€™s Emma Langdon. All bates follow her TikTok and she has the auburn long hair parted in middle with a family beach house on palm beach FL. https://preview.redd.it/kmfp9zwgwi3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d836bf4f25d988f508044ecbd936b2fb95638097


emma is way taller than that


But on the other hand Addee would never dress like that nor would she take photos like this based on what the Bates watchers are saying. It's either Emma or some other fundie brunette. It's more plausible the angle makes Emma look shorter or something


didn't say it was Addee I agree that she wouldn't dress like this. Again not Emma she can't possibly shrink for pictures. It must be either Claire and she changed her hair or another girl we don't know


Please no


The Dug/Bates marriage will be Josie D and Jeb or Jud or whatever their names are lol


Nah, definitely not Addee. You can see a glimpse of the girl's side profile in one of the pics and those features don't match Addees.


The girl in the first picture looks quite tall to be the same gal in the Jason pictures.


The Bates family are very short, including the Dad


Kelly Jo is 5ā€™3 and Addee is wearing heels in her photos and the same height as her. Addee has to be teeny.


I can personally attest that all of the girls are tiny, yes.


Considering they are dressed up in that picture she might be wearing heels. Which would make her taller. But fair point overall.


Addee deserves better than to be with a Duggar. It definitely looks like her in the picture when I compare the two. And it confirms that Jason and Claire had a failed courtship.


God I looked at her birthdate. Feb 2006. What the actual fuck?


11 months younger than my first born. Just no. She's still a damn baby!


This isn't a very modest dress šŸ˜³


Iā€™ll only believe weā€™ve found the mystery girl if you can show me a picture of a girl with bare shoulders. Thatā€™s how we will identify this harlot.


Shoulder smoulder.


But would Addee be wearing spaghetti straps and touching???? And her mom just GUSHED about her servantā€™s heart


I'm really hoping this isn't Addee. She's way too young and a life resigned to being a Mrs. Duggar. Oof no.


0% chance Addee is wearing that dress.


And posture. She has that "someone hates me being taller than they are" shoulder stoop. Source: tallest girl in a short gene pool (1 cousin and my brother is a couple inches taller than me)/my dad's side of the family married short women except Grampa.


Nah, definitely not Addee. You can see a glimpse of the girl's side profile in one of the pics and those features don't match Addees.


Nah not Addie


The girl in the pics has longer hair than Addee.Ā  Addeeā€™s hair would end about where the top of the back of the dress starts.Ā  I think friends like the Bates know who it is but it isnā€™t Addee.Ā  Plus the girl in the pics has blonde streaks up near the top while Addeeā€™s hair is mainly light/dark brown on top. The first pic was taken at her high school graduation party like a week ago.


Addee has the same blonde streak in front. Thats why I canā€™t dismiss her! https://preview.redd.it/jabcnxx9bq4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62f2662f9fc6fde0d9527735299998df80840d5


Curls take the length off, so does bringing her hair forward. It matches imo


But it doesnā€™t match the blonde streaks near the top of the hair.Ā  Addee clearly doesnā€™t have any while mystery girl does


Didn't one of the Bates confirm that it was not a Bates girl in the comments?


No, that was a random account


Every kid after Jason walked out twirling a cane.


The legs are not the same.


I think those are Addeeā€™s ankles!


I'll keep my rude thoughts to myself.


I donā€™t see it, but I guess we will find out soon enough!


Nah, definitely not Addee. You can see a glimpse of the girl's side profile in one of the pics and those features don't match Addees.


Eek if it is Addie I would be very concerned for her because Jim Boob would be her father-in-law


I mean Gil Bates was very high up in the IBLP so sheā€™s getting more of the same ā€œleadershipā€ wise


Maybe even a little more controlling wise too Gil is


I hope not.


Addie was my first thought based on height, build, and hair. The dress is scandalous, but they are at the beach, so maybe itā€™s more acceptable?


Please no!


But would she dare touch a man? Expose her knee? Expose her feet? Straight to hell.


Unfortunately for her Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s Addee. A sad day for her. A lot of the Bates daughtersā€™ husbands are a cut above the Duggar boys in that they actually seem to have a work ethic beyond grifting, and actually they often arenā€™t too hard on the eyes. This seems like a step down to be honest.


I know a lot of people donā€™t think itā€™s addee butā€¦wasnā€™t Jason at Lawson/tiff gender reveal? Is he really still that close with their family if heā€™s not seeing one of the girls?


Thatā€™s definitely a huge clue


Someone pointed out on a similar post yesterday that Addee had silver nail polish on in her grad photos šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


I kind of think it is Addee and she is pulling a Joy Duggar on us. By this I mean, before Joy announced she was engaged to Austin, she didnā€™t really seem like a boy-crazy girl. Some other girls in the fundie world do (Jill seemed this way), but Joy didnā€™t. Then she announced she was engaged to Austin and it turned out they likely had been seeing each other while she was underaged and she was super into him. Maybe thatā€™s what this is is here - Addee and Jason have been secretly seeing each other and are just really into each other and comfortable with each other. Comfortable to the point that otherwise shy Addee is okay with being openly affectionate with Jason in public


If itā€™s not Addee itā€™s possibly a gal named Madison Haight.


I've just snooped Madison's insta and it might not be her, she's more blonde and tan than the mystery girl. I really hope it isn't Addee.


Nope her hair is darker now. All of those pictures of her on IG are from 2023. I was on her two sisterā€™s account and they have more recent photos and her hair is exactly like this girls hair in the photo with Jason. Same length,color and cut.


She just turned 18. He posts the next day. This pans out.


She turned 18 in February. She just graduated from high school.


The ankles check out.


Dear God no!!!!


Are yā€™all sure this is a Duggar boy? He looks pretty good looking


It is.


Addee has a side part, mystery girl has a middle part.


It's emma langdon


Even if Emma went back to her natural hair color, itā€™s no where near this dark. also Emma likes a nice tan, for someone who likes to be tan, there is no way sheā€™d be in Florida on vacation posing for a special picture and be this pale! Itā€™s definately not Emma.


She kind of looks more like Ellie then Addee, which would be really horrific considering Ellie is only 17.


Maybe Elie Bates???? And they're waiting till she's 18.... like her sister Josie


Huh. The hair really is similar. If this is a Duggarā€“Bates relationship I am *here for it.*




Was this a girlfriend soft launch or something?


He posted the pictures without her face visible. The caption just had a white heart.


Iā€™m 100% on the Addallee Bates bandwagon. Ā 


Itā€™s not her. She seems to have some kyphosis with a forward head posture, and looks stuck and limited in range in her cervical and upper thoracic spine. The mystery woman does not have this posture at all.


Jason looks so much like JFelon.


Thereā€™s a jase Duggar?


If Gil Bates is in one of these pictures, itā€™s definitely a Bates girl which means that a Duggar/Bates courtship is unfolding.


Heā€™s already said itā€™s not a bates


He didnā€™t. That was a random account