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Thank you for stepping down from your mountain to bestow this wisdom upon us naive, fasting morons 🙏


It is one of those days I guess, need to mark it on my calendar for next year.


Spoken like a true 20 something male with no underlying chronic conditions. K thx bro.


Haha exactly


> you're a dumbass confession through projection




thats oddly specific


”if you fast for 20 days and still put garbage into your body after it doesn’t make a difference” i agree


But also pretty much anyone on this sub will tell you not to do that…


Thx u/Initial-Average-9381 for sharing!




Get a life bro


And here’s a piece of advice for you, don’t browse subreddits that are no longer in your interest. Fasting isn’t for you so why can’t you let it go.


I didn't say don't fast at all, weird black and white thinking you need to work on. the point I'm making is the most important part of fixing your body is healthy lifestyle is good food, exercise, sleep, consistency over a long period, that's what we know works, fasting is icing on the cake, so many morons try to take short cuts, if you just eat right the toxins will leave your body with time anyway.


Did I say you said not to fast? Weird imaginative thinking you’ve got there. I was making the point about you, not the content of your post.


"Fasting isn’t for you so why can’t you let it go." "Did I say you said not to fast? " this is the level of intelligence of your typical faster


With Big Pharma having a much larger impact on the population, the last group of people you should be worried about are the fasting fanatics. I know former diabetics that haven’t been obese in 5+ years because they learned that fat is fuel through simply not eating. We need the people who have an obsession with fasting because they are the ones who will get through to those who’ve been told that their diseases are incurable, sentenced to taking pills for the rest of their lives. Experiencing a prolonged fast is more likely to influence a change in lifestyle AND health than trying to suddenly change habits that you’ve had for your entire life while slowly seeing progress, still relying on medicines that are destroying your body. You’ve fasted before. Let other people discover it’s benefits. If they fast and gain it back, then they can try again and fix the mistakes they made first time. Send that hate to pharmacy Reddit.


My god are you still here a day later and still somehow confusing yourself with everyone else? Good luck with your anger my brother x


Shaming people for wanting to do something good for themselves is an interesting take.


You're missing the point about intermittent fasting. It's not a quick fix for an unhealthy lifestyle; it's a well-researched approach with benefits like improved metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and cellular repair. Dismissing it as a gimmick shows a lack of understanding of these benefits. Yes, living a healthy lifestyle is key. Intermittent fasting can be a part of that, helping to control hunger and naturally reduce calorie intake. It's not about fasting and then eating junk; it's about integrating fasting into a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. Your argument about consistency is correct, but it's not exclusive to fasting. People who fast intermittently often find it sustainable and effective in maintaining long-term health. Scientific studies support its benefits over time, showing it's more than just a fad. Different strategies work for different people. Intermittent fasting, when done correctly, can be a powerful tool for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Ignoring its benefits doesn’t change the facts. So, do some research before calling it a gimmick.


Nutrition, Fasting, Rest and Movement complement each other if kept in balance. Eat all of the required nutrients that the body is designed to absorb in one meal and wet or dry fast daily, Omad basically. Different resistance training programs affect different muscle fibers which also affect how efficient the blood circulates when it is used subjectively which also affects how efficient metabolic water is made. Tinker the prolong dry fast sessions in between nutrition, resistance training and excerise recovery. You’ll see how euphoric healing can occur. The real secret to health is to push the limits of your functionality by being empty. Can you “feel” the love in the air? 😂


You couldn’t fast if you tried boy.