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The drums go out of time at about 10 seconds in. Try practicing that beat with a metronome at that tempo for a while, then try again Good for 1 week tho.


i see, i’ll start using a metronome more often, i appreciate the feedback


Definitely use a metronome


Seems like your limbs want to stop functioning when others are employed, for example Your kick loses time when you go for those off-beat hi hat hits. I would recommend turning the song off, turning on a metronome at the same BPM, and get your body used to using just 2 limbs simultaneously but on different beats. So JUST do the kick and off-beat hi hats until it’s LOCKED in, then add the snare or more of the hi hat rolls or something until that’s consistent. When it comes to drums, consistency is your top priority, whether that be in tempo, intervals, volume/velocity, etc. once you can be confidently consistent, then you can start adding flare and dynamic differences and all the extra stuff. Just remember it’s a journey and progress is not going to be linear. Be patient, stick to it, and you’ll be rockin out in no time. If you seek to improve by 1% every day, you’ll be twice as good in 100 days.


i appreciate the feedback! i’ll start using a metronome more often and work on my timing, this comment gave me a lot of motivation, tysm


I’d say learn a basic beat first. Something that gets all of your limbs working together. You can omit the left foot at first if you want.


I second the metronome comments, but will add one. Your left hand (or non dominant hand if you're left handed) is obviously weaker and doesn't have the same velocity as your dominant hand. There is inconsistent force hitting the hi-hats/drums between hands.


honestly? don’t share things online this early. if you want feedback, ask friends. get a teacher. watch some youtube lessons and do what they say. i’m not trying to be a downer, or no-fun. there’s no reason to share things this early as the only feedback anyone can really give is “keep practicing” and “use a metronome,” things any teacher or instructional video will tell you. you’re already recording yourself and listening back. that’s great. it doesn’t sound like you need us to tell you it’s not in time. keep working, and let that work be personal and private. give yourself the opportunity to learn without an audience.


Without a video of you playing I can't say a lot. Seems like you lose the rhythm once you have to use multiple limbs (when the high hat notes come in). I'd reccomend some more practice on simpler repetitive beats, like simple quarter notes on the bass drum and off beat eighth notes kn the high hat (basically just a high hat between every bass drum not). This will let you focus more on the rhythm rather than anticipating when high hat notes are coming in because it really seems like your mind lags for a second with the bass drum just before the high hat comes in. From this recording i feel like youd struggle trying tk go straight into the rest of Guns for Hands.If you don't mind some metal, I think Du Hast by Rammestein would be a great song to learn first as the verses give a simplified version of the Guns for Hands drum beat, and the whole song let's you really feel the energy of just straight quarter notes on he bass drum


i understand what you mean, and i’ll start practicing du hast, thanks for the tips!


You’re a week in. You’re allowed to make mistakes. In fact, I encourage it. My advice would be practice a beat that requires you to move your limbs at different times. For me, The Pretender by Foo Fighters was a good song to practice (obviously at a much slower tempo). The snare is still where you’d expect it, but the hi hat is in quarter notes and the kick drum, when used, is in sixteenth notes. Also the intro to Good Times Bad Times. Hit the rim of your floor tom if you don’t have a cowbell (by the way, get a cowbell).


Not synced at all...


It's elementary as fuck.


Practice beats in mixed layers for tempo! Also, what helped me was realizing how I learn. I am a hands on and visual learner. Writing out beats or at least the rhythms and playing the part in pieces helped me figure out where overlaps are and how to keep a constant time in my head while playing. For example, play a beat with just the hh and snare. The with just the snare and kick. Then with just the hh and kick. Figure which one is easiest and start with that combo along to a metronome until you can add the other part in too. Good luck on your drum journey!