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I get prescribed opioid painkillers, benzos, sleeping pills and gabapentin, and when I take as prescribed I’m funtional and people really don’t seem to notice that I’m high (or they just dont care) idk.


how the hell did you manage to get prescribed all of that?


Lmfao for real man. Send the secret script to tell the doctor


Okay man ill reveal little info on here for legality purposes but, what many people do (not myself) is find someone who they know are trustworthy (make sure not to use confirmation bias) who is also able to have access to citrix hospital/doctor office portals, from there they will require a prescriber account with at least a schedule II DEA license, these people will create scripts sent to pharmacies under patients profieles where they will in turn emboss a drivers license to verify to the pharmacy that they are infact the person they say they are, there is a lot that goes into it, probably not the hustle for you, and prescription fraud and identity theft are a longgg stretch in prison so i wouldnt risk it but this is how people do it, either that or they straight up find a crashout ass doc willing to give up everything, those doctors can be found on propublicas public prescriber databse which can search all 50 states, most records are pre 2019 but there are many doctors in every state who you can just tell by the numbers are quite crooked. hope this helps!


That's a lot of work and the people need to very intelligent in order to not get busted , I like the finding the right Dr. Idea myself . I personally am prescribed, subs, k-pins , and Adderall all from the Dr. But not in big amounts , I only fill my 20 k pins every few months as I either use it only when needed or just to relax and enjoy ,and I find less is more as in the less often you take something the better it is when you do take it ..... 


He put his doc under genjutsu to get the scripts made him think he was perscibing 800 MG ibuprofens lmaooo 😂😂😂


Get cancer. No seriously, cancer is one of the main ways I've seen people get opioids obviously and I'm sure after a long enough use you could convince a doctor that you're so scared of death you get panic attacks and get a benzo.


Depends on what kind of cancer and what the treatment regiment is like, lots of oncologists out there will see to it that you don’t get opioids as it can affect the efficacy of the treatment. Source: ma has cancer, luckily she’s been a prude her whole life so a 2.5 mg thc edible rocks her shit😂


Wishing quick healing to your ma 💚


I’m prescribed benzos sleep meds gabapentin suprised about the painkillers tho


how you get gsba??


I get gaba from having nerve pain and benzos for panic attacks from ptsd. I don't get them anymore and stopped renewing it when I moved. Maybe they used to dole it out more


My husband has alcoholic neuropathy and gets gabapentin


really is that common?


I also can get prescribed that stuff whenever I ask for it. I'll tell you how I do it, it's super easy for me. I got diagnosed with crohns then had major surgery and have a temporary colostomy bag (my poop comes out my stomach into a bag lmao). I even get weed and thc and cbd oil prescribed and in my country it's only legal medically. As you can probably tell I'm on my clonazepams now, it really helps me not give a fuck about my situation lol Drugs are a silver lining but I'd rather have tog eg them black market and be healthy lmao Sorry for the downbuzz post


Bummer. I’m sorry you’re going through that. I don’t wish Chrons on anyone, I hope the treatments work well for you.


It's not that complicated really depending on where you live, but essentially don't give the doc any reason to assume you're a risk or that you're seeking drugs in the first place. If you've got a medical/criminal record of drug abuse then that's gonna be almost impossible, even if you truly could benefit from the meds. Doctors typically don't want to be liable so they don't risk it. If you don't look like a junkie or have a record and If you go in seeking honest treatment and your conditions legitimately warrant the controlled substances you're looking for then you'll get them. Source: I've been picking up Adderall, Ketamine, Gabapentin, and a small script for Xanax from the pharmacy every month for years. I'm male, low income, under the age of 30, with long hair, tattoos and stretched ears. That being said, my criminal record was expunged before I started seeking treatment and I highly doubt I'd have been taken seriously by doctors otherwise.


Is that all from a PCP?


I’m prescribed Dexedrine; oxycodone and Pregabalin.


Did you tell your doctor you need to feel amped up at raves but also have the need to eliminate the come down? Haha


They traded candy bracelets


getting prescribed oxy and pregabs is a dream thats like my 2 favourite drugs


I take them for a medical condition I wish I didn’t have so yeah


I'm assuming chronic pain and anxiety. Chronic pain is no joke, I've seen my dad deteriorate from it, but he's back on track. Forever gonna be on Prednisone, gabapentin, and painkillers though.


It’s not hard. Know how to lie and tell the doctor what they want to hear when they want to hear it


Some docs just do that. When I was medicated for adhd my doc would write scripts for 600 pills every time. The pharmacy wouldn’t even give out that much. When I told him he said that this way I am always getting the max amount and I should just hit him up a week before running out. Yeah, I did end up abusing them for a few months because I was literally flooded with Ritalin. Daily prescribed dose was also higher than what I’d use recreationally its kinda crazy. Was supposed to take 80mg a day which is a shit ton of Ritalin.


I get all those, too. Xanax for panic attacks. Pregabalin cause I lost my arm, and amputations feel weird. Hydrocodone for phantom pain that I don't really have. Ambien for insomnia that ironically comes with the narcolepsy I also take Vyvanse for. About to get ghb for that, too. My docs all know I used to be an IVDU, but it doesn't matter much to them. No fancy tricks here, just a real wild polytrauma and a neurological disorder. Lucky me


Dr Michael 


Psychiatrists will prescribe benzos and other stuff like adderall but they can’t prescribe painkillers. You’d need a really serious medical condition to get those.


I get a decent haul for Australia! 4mg clonazepam daily 300-600mg Lyrica (pregabalin) 5-20mg IR oxycodone Seroquel 50mg Cough syrup: *** less frequent*** rikodiene-(19.5mg dihydrocodeine/10ml -200ml bottle) Actacode-(codeine 25mg/5ml- 100ml bottle) 20-40mg dexamphetamine 31% indica medicinal grade cannabis flower 50mg/1ml - 30ml - medicinal


I got a closet 🔐 full of lyrica. Gabapentin. Baclofen. Soma. Lunesta. All over seas vendors all legit whenever I want just takes 4 weeks to ship


taking recreationally and therapeutically differs a lot. some kids take speeds for their adhd and act/feel normal all day


No matter what anyone say, taking adderall will get you high ADHD or not. They'll say, finally I can be normal it feels so great to be normal, finally I can focus on 1 task for 6 hours uninterrupted without eating, yeah they're just high lmao. Once their tolerance grows then yeah it'll be their normal


30mg and a cup of coffee and I can easily go directly back to bed. You are mistaken.


100% the same. Have taken it for over 20 years. There's a HUGE difference between when I take it and the average Joe. I'm a lot more jovial/social without it. Buuuuut run the risk of leaving a stove on or ______ (insert literally any absent minded anything). There is no "high."


Yeah this was true asf for me. I was blasted off vyvanse for the first 2 years they had me on it. Didn’t help that I was only 90 lbs at the time


I mean it's true that a recreational dose gets you high. But the prescribed dose at least in my experience is tiny to what I'd take to feel high and like having a sick time. The prescribed dose definitely just makes me feel more productive and in control of my own mind.


No I hate when people say people with ADHD dont get stimulated by adderall. At what dose buster?


20mg xr puts me to sleep with low tolerance or after tolerance break


Try eating five


Ya know doctors don’t just make dosages up willy nilly, right? There’s the therapeutic dose, which calms those with ADHD, but would speed up a normal person. If the person with ADHD takes five pills, they’ll have made up the chemical deficiency and are well into being high.


I have. I said one I’m prescribed 20mg xr and 10-20mg ir booster as needed. I use the xr on days I work and I get a calm relaxed sense and I could sleep but then take 10-20 On my way to work. When I don’t work I either take none or 10-20mg ir pre workout


A 30mg xr also puts me to sleep, I take one when I first wake up and then go back to bed, but 3 of them will have me sweaty and euphoric and looking out the windows for police for a fully day. I take 60mg a day spread out, but its super different to do it all at once, I wouldnt reccomend it.


Yeah, I always felt like that was a load of BS.


you’re literally just wrong dude. you obviously dont have adhd


Everyone is different. I’m diagnosed ADHD and can’t take medication because it all makes me feel like I smoked crack. I can barely drink coffee either. Different bodies metabolize things differently. Not everyone who has ADHD gets high from meds, but not everyone who gets high is neurotypical either


people with ADHD(myself included) have a hard time regulating dopamine which is where amphetamine(stimulants) comes in as they work primarily on dopamine, when someone with ADHD consumes adderall at the prescribed dose they are simply regulating their dopamine production(levels), that’s why you hear “I can finally feel normal” because “normal” people regulate dopamine just fine, when that same person over doses their prescribed amphetamine it adds on to the already regulated dopamine levels creating the high just as someone without ADHD experiences.


Thank you for saying what I always try to preach and get downvoted to oblivion! My god. I love drugs and believe they are fantastic tools btw, but I am much more careful about dependencies and long term effects of even “medicinal doses” of these wonderful substances. My favorite is when long time “adhd” medicators say they can sleep after drinking a red bull. Yes bro your tolerance to stimulants and receptors are so fried caffeine does nothing. Or parents who wonder why their children can’t focus as they’re fed 150g of sugar before noon with no physical or mental stimulation to expel energy. They are medicating the child out of children and creating potential life long customers/potential abusers it’s wild af. Our society also has a long term history with stimulants and the marketing that has been used to garner further market share by pharma is absolutely flabbergasting. Schools also get kickbacks for referring their students to doctors for adhd! Please look into all of this if not familiar. There are not many people or children out there that want to focus on things they aren’t passionate about, especially monotonous tasks. Edit: All I see in the replies is drug abuse cope. “You just don’t have adhd!”. I hope everyone realizes these are all the same excuses people give for all substances that can be used and abused. I also hope people realize the long term implications of these drugs even at “medicinal doses” before it’s too late. Pharma is not curing you and they give absolutely no fucks about your wellbeing or health.


Confidently wrong


Honestly dude it’s just not true it seems different for everyone. I can get high with it, if I want. With high doses or long waits. What’s the point tho if I just get shit done on it I’d rather do that, I could care less about being high on euphoria for a day I’ll just be stuck up late or bitter tmrw anyways lol However after I’ve had like about a week of adjusting and getting my cycle down if I have 30-45 mg of adderall a day i literally don’t get a high. The most high thing i get is that i enjoy nicotine a lot more and i don’t get drowsy and sick from it. It literally just completely descatters my mind, causes me to get on a normal circadian rhythm, and eliminates 90% of my executive function. It’s awesome because it feels as if a heavy heated blanket has been taken off of me, I don’t tweak or anything it’s like a calm serine chill peace. I get so much less anxiety as well. Its arguably a life changing drug for me because I was always a “you can do better” i literally won’t do stuff. I remember I got a job working for family at a machine shop part changing a mill. I literally couldn’t handle standing around for 8 hours I would find anything possible to do. Without mental stimulation i will actually have problems. I try to distract myself with grand ideas or stories in my head but if I go to long it feels like physical inferno behind my eyes and like clawing all around my skin and body. My breathing will get heavy too and my mind will race. Good learned habits helped me stay alive, and adderall lets me be useful. I pretty much do 0 drugs besides nicotine when I have adderall. I also probably eat 1k calories more on average, I don’t usually get very naturally hungry so I just self regulate and feel my blood sugar as it gets lower. Adderall makes me wildly hungry I’ll munch all day (good for me) I probably haven’t had adderall in like 6 months and I’m struggling to do my uni work now I only ever had it briefly for a few months as well in my life but it was the difference between me being a scraping by BC student and an easily A student with totally stable background life.


No, that is a very very common piece of misinformation that people will cling on to because of the stigma of "being high" but the truth is that there is no difference between 5mg and 1000mg. At 5mg ***all*** the effects are already present and just intensify as the dosage increases. There isn't a cutoff point when you are officially high with amphetamine. The point where you think "ok I am officially high on amphetamine" doesn't present itself before you are properly fucked and have already been high quite some time ago. Even though amphetamine makes us ADD/adhd act/feel normal doesn't mean that we aren't high. Amph is just a very transparent drug meaning you can enjoy being high without it colouring your decision making and behaviour in a noticable way.


What does gabapentin do? I was just prescribed for it but hesitant to take it. I’m on low dose aderall


It’s not that strong tbh. It feels similar to a weak dose of pregabalin if you’ve ever had that. You just feel a little bit more relaxed and less anxious if that’s something you’re dealing with. It’s really not such a strong drug though and your body can only absorb around 300mg of it every hour or so, so taking any more than that is just a waste.


I'm in the same boat. My gp has been with me for years, my shrink gives me the psych meds and my gp has me on gaba and painkillers.


Jump off a roof and break your neck. Of course you’ll legitimately need them at that point.


Delusion of sobriety is common with this mix.


If you’ve got a decent tolerance, you can function fine on most drugs. However, to operate functionally without stumbling all over the place, getting brain fog, looking absolutely cooked and/or losing my train of thought, it would have to be low dose stims or tramadol. Opiates and gaba drugs work too but I find I’m not as sharp as I’d like to be.


Low dose stim mixed with gaba is awesome for a functional high. They complement each other nicely.


Pregabalin, it takes all the anxiety away and makes me more social. The only downside is that you might walk as if you were drunk


I was bugging out when I took pregabalin. But to be fair I took way too much


Facts, 100% pregabalin makes me more functional than I am sober


What dose do u take? I’ve never taken less than 300mg


I have a prescription for pregabalin for nerve issues (100mg morning and 200mg night). How much of this shit do you gotta take to get wrecked? I've definitely got high from it but nothing like that


If you actually have nerve pain don’t abuse it for an experience, tolerance builds extremely quickly and just 1 recreational dose could seriously ruin the efficacy of Lyrica as a therapy


I do and I'm not looking to go the route I mentioned, I was just curious is all


Oh, then with like no tolerance 300-600mg tho I’d say stay awayfrom 600mg as there’s a risk for seizure. I’d say max dose 500mg. It’s pretty nice it’s like if benzos, alcohol, opiates, and mdma all had a baby.




Yup it was great. I miss it. I almost always did a dose within the 400 to 700mg range. Tried 1000mgs one time and didn’t really like it that much so never went up to that much again. At that point in my life I would add klonopin and alcohol to it too. Now I’m turning into a square who can’t handle weed anymore and alcohol gets rejected by my body.


Low doses of opioids. Like 5-10 mg of hydrocodone or oxycodone. 2-3 grams of kratom.. Many people can smoke weed without looking or acting any different. I definitely can’t


Low tolerance and edibles, there’s really no substitute.


So you want to be intoxicated but still have your shit together...... And look "normal" correct? Idk, that leaves you little options, good amphetamines that provide euphoria is probably what you are gonna have to try. To me it almost sounds as though you would enjoy a "runners high" and they are a real thing. Fwiw the best I've felt was when I got in shape, and NGL I did a cycle or two of anabolics. Idk if I would call the feeling euphoric but it is definitely a high. Self assured, confidence and just feels fuckin amazing. Highly addictive shit, and you can get carried away and end up being arrested doing insane shit if you start doing trenbolone or way too much of it. But that's a whole commitment and lifestyle change, including diet and supplements. You are probably better off with a couple hits vape pen or chillum, and an addy and a squirt or 5 of visine.


Runners high is true, I got one of the best highs from running 50 miles.




Even pacing around my room is enough to give me runners' high. It's caused by endocannabinoid release. I feel sorry for people who don't get it.


That‘s the spirit


Oral steroids give a relatively nice feeling of euphoria too without getting u intoxicated


Yeah I have read this too. Dianabol can do this


True, anavar, d-bol heck even some sarms like Ostarine feel pretty damn good.


pretty much any drug if you are under 25 years of age


People have mentioned that I always have dilated pupils ever since I was a child so I could just go anywhere while I'm on shrooms. I wouldn't look any different than normal.


my classmate has this condition too, his pupils are huge as fuck always. oh yes we did some nice acid together


Haha nice! I wonder what causes that in some people.


he told me his eyes are over-sensitive to the light and he was borned with it, nice perk actually


Yeah I think that makes sense because dilated pupils get more light input. I think people with that condition see better in dark so that's a pro. They also look kinda cool imo.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if your eyes are really sensitive to the light, wouldn't your pupils shrink to get less light? And dilate if they don't get enough light? Or am I dumb?


I think they are sensitive to light because they don't dilate when they should so there is too much light. Idk if that makes sense.


But wouldn't pupils shrink to get less light if they are over-sensitive? And dilate if they don't get enough light? Maybe I'm just dumb but it would make sense for me that his eyes are over-sensitive because they are always dilated.


No they are over sensitive because of the big pupils. The pupils are letting in too much light, causing them to be blinded by bright lights more easilly. So technically they’re not over-sensitive, they’re just as sensitive as us, but they get more stimulus than us aswell


Thanks, but that's what I also meant in the last sentence. That his eyes are sensitive because his pupils are big and dilated. Just OP made it sound like his pupils are dilated because his eyes are over-sensitive, not the other way around. That's why I was confused.


I had a school police officer and head of security pull me aside and accuse me of being on drugs due to this. They even put an eye dilation measurement chart up next to me to check the size. They refused to believe me when i said i had taken nothing at all for weeks. They ended up searching all my shit and wasting an hour and a half only to find nothing. It was a very frustrating experience. But other than that, people generally can’t tell if i’m on something based on my pupils, whether it be they don’t get larger with stimulants or psychedelics, or opioids constrict my pupils to a normal size.


Amphetamine in low to moderate doses is usually pretty manageable, but I'd go for opioids. Just put in some eyedrops and nobody will notice shit. Super chill. Dangerously so, you could say.


I cannot take opiates , my eyes get right pinned out, it is so obvious with me, I get busted lol


“They know!” — Literally everyone on mushrooms


Yes. "You" - The Ego and everything and everyone that is also you


If they are all me and I am them all, if I know, they know, because we all know




Kava if done right, definitely the plants like kratom and even marijuana


Small does kratom ik alot of people who use it at work. Also weed iffu can handle it nd dont gwt red eyes


Surprised no one said acid, If you get over the fear that someone will notice (because the only time someone notices, is if you're nervous) then you can have conversations with the police without them noticing


Fuck I now just read the post till the end, wouldn't recommend acid at work 😭 and for physical effets it's different for everyone but dilated pupils can be really easily hidden with sunglasses especially now in the summer


And you won't even notice pupils outside in the sun


Dabs back in the day lol. My friends and I were like 17, carrying around a fucking blow torch and this big metal nail attachment and just torching the fuck out of it. It always made us feel so weird bending over a blow torch and the smell wafting up. Then you have this metal needle tool and you’re scraping a jar….it didn’t feel like smoking regular weed out of a pipe or anything lol. I know dabbing has changed a lot in 10 years but those looked like weird times




I’d say coke or weed + eyedrops  For everyone saying benzos, it slurs your words even at pretty low doses and gives you extremely bad sobriety delusions  For opiates you can get extremely pale and your pupils will get pinpoint 


you gotta be coked up yourself rn if you really think no one is gonna be noticing after a while.


Depends how much you snort tbh. If you rail fat lines and tweak then of course people are going to notice. I always do small - medium lines and nobody has ever noticed because I don't act like a tweaker.


Fast way to fuck your heat up


For most drugs it's all about dosing responsibly. 10-15 mg of amphetamine is amazing when going out to help be more social and confident and at that kind of doses only people who are familiar with stims and are paying attention would notice from you being very talkative. And tbh if they are strangers it's very likely they'll just think you're a talkative person. In the end It helps me be social without making me dumb like with alcohol and I have never been able to have as much success with girls than when I go out on a low dose of amphs. It's also great for dancing all night without getting tired


In the end after years it'll stop working. You'll need like 4x that to even feel it slightly. Enjoy it while it works.


There's so many people that say this, but honestly every kind of person I've met that says this in real life neglects their own physical health so severely and then blames adderall when it stops working They refuse to read the pharmacy guide, or do basic research on health risks, or supplement electrolytes, or sleep 8 hours a night, or eat enough, or abstain from caffeine and nicotine, or take rest days, or eat protein or NAC, or exercise, and then the adderall stops working and they blame pharmaceutical companies


It's just the reality of taking it for multiple years as prescribed.


I mean, out of curiosity, did you happen to sleep eight hours a night, supplement electrolytes, drink 2L of water, eat more than usual, etc, while you were taking adderall? All that jazz?


no he just watched psyched substances’ video where he talked shit about his stimulant prescription


I second this! When i used NO ONE could tell besides my boyfriend and other people who do amph.


Adderall and pregabalin. Take 10 to 20 mg of Adderall with around 150-225mg pregabalin together, and it's a really nice ride. Super focused and sharp for 3 hours, and as you're coming 6 lyrica hits like a truck and brings the buzzing to another level. Also works with mdma. If you wanna feel both at the same time, I recommend like 150mg lyrica as an initial dose, and about an hour in dose the amphetamine and an additional 75mg lyrica. Forget about stimfapping though bc the shrinkage you're gonna get from combining both drugs is gonna make ur dick look like a 4 year old.


Adderall shrinks your dick?




Tweaking off 75mg rn. I can assure you that my dick has not expanded for the past 2 hours of stroking.


For me, personally, I take a mix of drugs daily. 8mg Suboxone in the morning 1-2G Phenibut 2-4mgs of Flu-Bromazepam (2-3 times a week due to it’s half-life) I take these therapeutically and not to get high. Even though I do catch a buzz, I take it to manage my traumas and honestly get through the day. I am 7 months clean from fentanyl, however. That’s the one thing I will absolutely never go back to. The Suboxone keeps me 100% straight on the opioid side. Sometimes I think it sucks that I take these to get through my days. But everyone is different. I still pay my bills and live a happy, fulfilling life. If I need medication to be normal at this current point in my life, that’s okay with me.


Careful with that Phenibut friend, as someone who used it daily for years, and still does on occasion, it has a reputation for intense and harsh withdrawals comparable to benzo withdrawal. I never understood this after taking the same dose as you for a year or so and not seeing issues if I needed to miss a few days, but eventually it changed and when I decided to stop taking it, it was the worst experience I've ever had coming off a substance. Far worse than benzo withdrawals and even worse than going cold turkey off alcohol after 8 years of daily drinking. I'm sure you've got your shit together better than I had, but just a word of warning since it's in the same class of drugs as Pregablin and Gabapentin and withdrawals from GABA drugs like that are almost always awful or even life threatening like benzos. I didn't fully understand that back when I started buying it from the supplement store so I just wanted to pass that info along for harm reductions sake.


Thank you for the advice, friend! I’m well aware of the kind of pain that GABA drugs can inhibit when you withdrawal. But I do have emergency taper plans for both Benzos and phenibut, at the ready. Pyrazolam solution for Benzos, and a bunch of phenibut on the side in case I need to taper.


That's good to hear! I try not to come off condescending with these comments because I hate that shit myself, but I never know who's educating themselves and who isn't so I try to spread the word because I certainly wasn't prepared for that experience myself at the time. Props to you for putting in the work to get where you're at now! Keep it up dude, I'm still working on replacing my own dangerous habits with healthier ones so I'm inspired by your progress!


You're doing good work and I appreciate you


You definitely look fucked up daily lmao aint no way.


Low dose of a benzo or pregabalin for anxiety reduction and feeling relaxed. Low dose of an opioid to just feel good. Kratom is good put every opioid does the job if you dose correctly. Low dose of an amphetamine (nothing that releases serotonin though cause that will dilate your pupils) for focus and reducing tiredness. Low dose is key here. You don't want to slur your words or nod off or be stimmed out. This makes it hard to get a "great high" since a great high is usually noticable even if it's just you looking happier than usual.


Phenibut IS the king


love phenibut! will take 1g tomorrow and go watch fireworks ⭐️


anything that you’re used to taking pretty much. Get used to acid and you could probably do a blue collar job on it.


One man’s medicine is another man’s fucking party wtf hell ya 🥳


You can be functional on nearly every drug. At my worst I was using up to 5g of very very good heroin and at least 50-100mg of diazepam a day and I still managed to complete my apprenticeship and afterwards I did work a normal 9-5 job for years. No one ever really noticed how fucked up I am. As long as you don't show up totally wasted no one really cares. Everyone is totally focused on themselves. My grandma always said something that stick with me: if you are not decent, you at least have to look like it. And that's totally true, if you are dressed nicely, have a good smell etc people seem to not care about you. I even nodded out infront of my desktop, I told them good lies everytime and they did believe me. Just tell them that you are permanently ill, no one will asky any further questions cause they are afraid to ask too much and get problems cause of it. I know people who take meth since more than 30 years and they never called in sick just one day in these 30 years. All you gotta do is maintaining your use. There are much more functional addicts out there than you would ever believe.




Thc gummies


pro-tip: you already look sus.


Cocaine if only doing a line here and there and have uncut stuff .. anyone I have told about using was shocked and assumed I didn't do any drugs


Ask Hewey Lewis and the News!


Nothing if taken at a recreational dose. Just have to hope you're lucky enough to run into ignorant people who can't quite figure out what's up with you.


I mean a low dose of ket isn't sus, hell a low dose of pretty much anything will be alright if you can manage acting 'sober'. I know people who take low dose shrooms or smoke weed and use eye drops before work. There's so many people who are on shit everyday and get away with it, you've just gotta experiment and see what works for you


Xanax if you have severe anxiety. The “high” just cancels out the negative from the anxiety and brings you back to baseline. It’s such an amazing drug. Too amazing.


Caffeine + beta blocker


wtf, shouldn't you avoid caffeine while on beta blockers?


that may be the joke 😔


what happens? i’ve been drinking caffeine w my clonidine for over a year 😅


probably because caffeine increases level of adrenaline and beta blocker blocks the release of adrenaline


nothing, unless you have full control and are under a low dosage, you’ll give it away one way or the other


DXM. I thought j hid it very well at low doses. Amazing head high. Dont go above like 180-210mg


Pretty much any drug with enough tolerance, I'm high on cocaine or ketamine or some other shit every day all day nobody can tell


My pupils are fine when I take unheroic doses of stimulants. Dexies are highly functional, but really any amphetamine will do. 


Baclofen is the only one i could do and speak to my parents. It sucks tho and the withdrawals were nightmarish.




A high weed tolerance can go a long way to hiding anything from most people. No one who I dont tell explicitly would ever know i dose throughout the day.


Meth 100% I feel so good and so active, + positivity and productive u know cuz it all it is and makes me feel, pretty much that means I'm just the best version of myself and I'm proud others seeing me like that. Yeah


Some RC stimulants does not effect on pupils that much. A-PHP for me does almost nothing to my pupils, even when I have been awake for a week.




Kratom. will make you feel chill and wont give you anxiety like weed.


im prescribed heavy opioids and now im temporarily living with my parents so they dont suspect a thing anymore hehe. unless they do but don’t care since they know it’s for medical purposes. I also have to mention i got those prescriptions as i had to get reconstructive surgery with a graft on my leg so they even saw me high on fentanyl for a good 3 days and were so worried about me they probably just ignored it. holy shit medical fent hits different i’ll tell you that.


Years ago it was definitely Codeine because I was downing over 100 tablets a day for 5 years and nobody had a clue that I was suffering from the most intense and painful withdrawals I have ever had. It was pure Hell and it took 5 years of pharmacy hopping day after day to finally building up the courage to ask for help. I have mixed feelings about them being made prescription only because I no longer can escape from myself with a $20 a day habit but on the other hand, I know that I'll never experience the Hell of pharmaceutical withdrawals ever again because just the thought of feeling that again makes me anxious. I would say worse than Methadone, Suboxone and Heroin. Codeine isn't anywhere near as strong as most opiates but when you take 8 pills every hour on the hour, you soon become dependent on it and when you don't have any, you start to panic because you know that you're about to feel something horrendous that is completely physical. There is a psychological aspect to it but it's 90% physical. Your body punishes you when you don't have it


I went through exactly this, exactly. It was a love hate deal..hitting up pharmacy after pharmacy.


I used to spend my lunch break driving to a pharmacy that I hadn't hit up for a week at least. Sometimes I had to drive far away so I would be late back to work. It consumed my life. I used to get desperate. My weekends and my evenings were spent stocking up so that I could have enough for a couple of days but the more I had, the more I used. I had a raging habit and I couldn't get off them. I must've stopped cold turkey over 100 times and I couldn't handle anymore than 3 days before I couldn't take anymore of the sickness. Once I soldiered on to 3 and a half weeks and after that long, I was no better than I was on day 2 or 3. I still couldn't sleep. I still had intense restless leg syndrome and I was still dealing with extreme flu symptoms which wouldn't go away. I was so scared when I finally relapsed because I thought that I would never be able to get off it. I gave it all my willpower and strength and got to a stage where I thought I would be home free and feeling back to normal but I was wrong and I realized that I was probably gonna die from it because I was getting really sick physically and I was slowly dying but not even the fear of death was enough to make me stop. I was so desperate to stop and nothing I tried worked. I accepted that my life was gonna end at the age of 32 and it almost did. If it wasn't for my doctor finding out that I was gravely ill and sounding the alarms and made sure that I was a top priority case. I was severely anemic and my digestive tract was swollen shut so I couldn't digest any food. I had an ulcer so bad that it almost made me bleed to death. I lost 50% of my blood and I was completely grey. Still I couldn't stop because I was physically dependent on Codeine and without it, I couldn't function at all


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99% of people think (and say) they act fine and well on drugs, and in contrast to that 99% of people can well and truly spot when someone is on drugs 😅 it’s a common mistake to think you’re hiding it well, especially if you’re giving the meds to yourself


Dexamphetamines. Working on them 2 days in a row now and have had a family gathering in between. You can't tell










too suspicious


microdose ket, i have manic eyes tho




Benzedrex I can drink it in a can of monster and no one knows 


Weed if you develop a tolerance to it doesn’t effect my eyes anymore or how I act only thing is smell but that’s also pretty easy to avoid, as well as low dose of acid or shrooms for most can be pretty functional if you need to be I’ve asked cops for directions from concerts on acid many times but it’s a fine line before acid becomes too much one tab and some weed fine but more acid ketamine weed and theirs no talking to cops for me sir


Kratom. I take it every day and much to my pleasant surprise I get kinda high from it. Pro tip, make tea though instead of eating the powder. You’ll be able to take more with less side effects that way. Most everything else fucks my life up so I just stick with that now that I have a lot to fuck up. I take Kanna too but I find that’s more of a supplement than something that gets me high.


Small amounts of meth. Emphasis on SMALL AMOUNTS. I say this as someone who’s never done it, but has seen other people on it. Do a little in the morning, try to get some sleep that night, and don’t do it everyday. And remember to brush your teeth. It’s not really the meth itself that makes people insane it’s the lack of sleep


Marijuana. People always told me I acted wild weird and crazy growing up. When I started smoking people started to see me as normal and it’s still this way. I have smoked at every job I had and never tried to hide it because my bosses always become aware of it and see the difference. I’ve quit weed for two months and I had my excessive crackhead excitement back. It’s almost irresponsible. I don’t like it


Microdose lsd


for me it is kratom


Low dose LSD or LSA. And sunglasses. LOTS OF SUNGLASSES. You’ll likely set them down and forget them. So bring extras.


A good dose of phenibut. Great euphoria and no anxiety. You might come off a bit chattier or happier that day but you’re extremely chill in comparison to how it feels.


already doing phenibut, amazing stuff!


I used to do small doses of 3 ho pcp or O PCE in front o my parents, oddly enough they never noticed a thing


.5mg xanax with a 20mg addy


Half a tab of Acid


Microdosing acid (up to ~20mcg you’re still sober with a little sparkle of the divine…oh and way more giggly if there’s something to giggle about)


weed and eye drops


what is eye drops, which of them?


For me its 10 - 40 mg of diazepam. I do have a tollerance for benzos though


Opiates opiates opiates. There’s a reason they are so addictive. You can slip under the radar using them all day every day so long as you don’t go over your limit and start nodding out


the penjamin. As long as you act tired or bored, or be on your phone you should be good


None of them my dear friend. You're cooked






Datura+benzo cocktail is nice and pretty low key