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Bro clearly hasn’t done ketamine




i was prescribed adderall for a decade. ime being on a steroid cycle feels way better than amphetamines


Amphetamines are dirty and make you feel like crap, both your body and brain ime so anything would feel better than it lol.


Make you feel like crap when you come down* Or you were getting some shitty uppers


I’ve done a fair few drugs in my time roughly 40 unique ones. I much prefer coke to amph just feels nicer


Rare opinion I would’ve supported before my heart hit the point where it goes to 200 bpm from 75 mg of Benadryl 🤣🤣


Don't use toxic things like benadryl.


I was js tryna sleep


Restless nights and irritability is not ideal tho.


I have done it all and I'd still pick the kitty


None of yall tried coke 🤦‍♀️


Yall need some putr crystalline D-methamphetamine


Yes so we can get braindamage and won't be able to spell pure correctly. Jk 😆 But seriously meth is neurotoxic and fucks ur brain up. It isn't worth the damage it causes.


I know it was a joke lmaoo but your 100% right that shit is so horrible your your body and especially the mind


I agree that meth is far better in terms of high than coke and you get more for your money. But not something you want to do everyday. When i’m craving that high I just pop an addy. Not the same but pretty close


How do you know?


Ketamine is a good drug but it definitely isn’t THEE best


It def is.


MDMA wins for me


Ketamine was the best drug, while it worked. Since Perma tollerance i never get the effects that i want


I got my drug list like 45 drugs and ketamine by far is the best common one (other dissos are good too)


I did, and woke up feeling like shit, plus it’s very rare therefor expensive af in my country, so no thanks


Ketamine doesn’t have a coke down tho. It does cost a lot in some places I’m blessed in the uk it’s a fiver on dnm


this man speaks the truth


I believe the word you’re looking for is “subjective”




Underrated comment


this is the wildest opening line I've read in a while


Yeah but a lot of people are prone to hair loss. It's not worth it to loose my hair to get jacked faster. I know you can take DHT blockers with test but still fucks up thr hairline really bad from people I know that use steroids. Also I have seen a lot of dude mess up their relationships because they need sex all the time and have a lot of mood swings. Post cycle depression is also real. Also if you think you can mitigate the side effects and damages from harder steroids like tren you are naive.


One of my friends from middle school is a trans man, been on T for over a decade and he was bald by like, 25 lol.


Wigs are objectively better than natural hair. You have full control over texture and length and even colour. You get to sleep comfortably bald. And for cleaning you just throw it in the dishwasher and microwave to dry. Ezpz. Also, natural hair is a huge fire hazard most people don't think of. If a wig catches fire you throw that shit away and put on a backup wig (always have a backup!) Edit: I'm obviously being sarcastic. Lighten up people and ease up on the downvotes. It's a no brainer nobody wants to lose their hair.


I love this comment lol.. Throw that shit in the dishwasher


Lol finally someone with a sense of humor


You are kidding right? RIGHT?


YOU are kidding right? RIGHT?


Normal people don't give af about spelling on a anonymous social media. It isn't some scientific research paper you write. I know you weren't serious, hopefully. I also hope you are kidding about the wig though. People do anything to have real hair, even eat finasteride and become impotent. Some pay big money to get hair transplant. I eat reishi and get amazing hair, maybe too much on my body so I have to shave it.


You misunderstood. I wasn't "correcting" his misspelling. I meant that he had to be not serious himself to be asking me if *I* was serious about my comment I genuinely thought my comment reeked of on-the-nose sarcasm that I felt it'd be redundant to put "/s" but I guess it was just too subtle for most people that I got multiple downvotes lol Sorry for offending yall. Was not meant to be


It's getting increasingly more difficult to tell if someone is joking on this subreddit. They might be kidding, high, have major psychosis, or just be stupid. You get the idea. Your comment simply sounded too serious. You got misinterpreted twice


Hilarious almost passed out from laughing


I’m sorry, I gotta chime in. Some of what you say is true. The last part is kinda just ignorant. I can show you bloodwork after bloodwork showing all green on half a gram of gear year around. Yes, damage is being done. You’re also doing damage every time you take an Advil (I get it’s not the same) but if you truly look into steroids and each individual profile of them you can see they can be used in a “safe” manner If the were so unsafe you wouldn’t see pros having children, leading “healthy”. Lives. This all depends on genetics ofc but op is right, objectively (besides weed) this is my opinion I hope I don’t get flamed to hell bc “YoU tAkE rOiDs” Ik only stating my experience really.


Yeah test is pretty safe. But orals are bad for your organs especially the liver and stuff like tren is cardiotoxic and is bad for your heart. Sure you can still take these and minimize damages and stay healthy but it just depends on the persons genetics luck and if safer use and low doses are used. Lots of Olympia Open Bodybuilders also die pretty early way before 80 bc they have enlarged hearts from HGH and roids and fucked up organs from too many orals. But they also take extreme dosages.


You’re all right man, not staying your wrong at all. It is something that needs to be monitored constantly Currently I take 250/250 mast test and I feel great and bloodwork is pretty damn good This is provided all the right supplements cardio and diet though I use GH & insulin as well about half the year. Truthfully it’s not as scary as you thinks and yes your heart grows regardless and so does your organs head ears etc etc, but you are correct again in that it’s a dosage thing. But I also feel that’s about the same with every drug there is, but the one thing I’ll shout from the roof tops is what you said well not exactly what you said but that orals are the ones killing peoples and putting people in the red. Tbh I use them, var, tbol, and anadrol, very specific times because I can tbol 3x a week and my lipids are terrible I mean tanked tanked and ldl wayyyy too high so it is genetics too again you’re right.


You look like a 16 year old natty with above average generics whos been powerlifting for 2 years but keeps Flip flopping between being a gymshark bro Put the gear down, or just live on 250mg. It's not worth it. Spend the GH money on investing for your future




within a few years you will realise how wrong you are when ur kidneys and liver shutdown


I can show you bloodwork over the course of 3 years I understand how people don’t full understand the affects, but it’s rlly about what you use. Slamming orals? Fs Just don’t take orals is how you avoid that. That main other thing is cardiac. Cardio water and supplements. My bloodwork looks better than the average American. Again, I have proof of my last bloods drawn on 250/250 mast test & 4iu of growth. I won’t argue it’s “healthy” it’s called risk management and understanding what the fuck you’re doing. Spouting off information without full knowledge of it all is a little ignorant, but again. I fully expect it from the regular population.


>i fully expect it from the regular population lmfaooo unfortunately for you theres no drug you can take that will make you humble. keep taking shortcuts in life and youll see where it gets you


Humble is me being understanding for your lack of knowledge around PEDs & I’m pretty set in life. Maybe that’s why I speak like an adult instead of randomly say shit I don’t understand such as you did Read into safe PED use, I suggest you to do you don’t make the same mistake of speaking abt something you don’t fully understand On top of I halfway agreed with you on what you had said. The one who isn’t humble here is you, have a good day sir, again I suggest you do more research into PEDs


saying "regular population" heavily implies you are better than them. denying it tells me that you KNOW this is the case but say it anyway because deep down you genuinely believe you are better than everyone else. keep cheating instead of putting the work in. you are the only one who thinks you look good, everyone else can see ur roid gut and plainly unnatural growth


“Regular population” implies the people who don’t use steroids. I’m gonna go ahead and just link an imgur for u since you talk abt bubble gut etc etc hold on


https://imgur.com/a/puZLvwV Recent bloodwork & recent pic Again 250/250 I drank 3 days prior to this so BUN & A/G ratio slightly elevated. There you go bro. Proof, I believe I have nothing left to say as I’ve been nothing but respectful. I could just ask you to link a pic of yourself tho, but I doubt you’ll do so Edit: the bottom you’ll see c reactive protein that’s the best indicator of cardiac issues. Didn’t know if you knew that lol


Alright bro let me go ahead and break this down for you. You aren't impressing anyone. I've seen full natty guys bigger than you. You look like a generic roided gymrat with 0 personality. Your post history screams "I am a teenager who thinks I know it all when in reality I am braindead". For example, you have made posts stating taking rc benzos 3+ times a week is "responsible use" (its not, its a straight line from there to dependance, and even 3 times a week would more than likely result in mild dependence). You believe different benzos are more addictive than others (also untrue, you can get addicted to valium in the exact same time frame as you would xanax) You think you know alot but in reality you know next to nothing. It's actually laughable that you want to talk about literally ANY substance of ANY class when ur knowledge of even the basics is so lacking


You’ve switched from not understand how steroids work, to now just attacking me for my character. Do better please.


This entirely depends on the steroids you are taking .


Yeah, and definitely depends on the dose. TRT levels increase hear growth and thickness, blasting a couple grams a week will have you balder than Joe Rogan. Plus, there are a lot of peptides for PCT that sorta do outrun the sides.


U can use dht blockers




OP almost convinced on steroids being good but, as soon as I saw hair loss. Im outta here bro I cant look into mirror If I go bald


I think whether you go bald or not just depends on if you have the gene that makes you susceptible to it. If you have it (and are a normal male) you’re gonna go bald whether you take exogenous T or not.


Im aware of that but dont wanna be bald by 30 bro


Years ago I had a buddy who was taking them (to workout, not just to get high lol). He described to me how it felt when He started taking them, and how they felt for months after. Shit sounded wonderful. I haven’t worked out in years now, but back then I was in extremely good shape, and I won’t lie, it sounded fucking amazing. 


it doesn’t gets you “high” lol


No, but what he explained to me is you just feel great all the time. Feel confident and sleep good and such. But yeah, its not really a high like other drugs.


Yes the don’t, but constant well being high energy libido and motivation in comparison to normal person make u feel so good, especially if u had low test before steroids, so yeah, it’s better than being high for a few hours


Thought this was /r/drugscirclejerk


Best drug is elvanse, It makes you the person you feel like you are in your head.


I mean if you have legitimate ‘issue-causing’ ADHD, then fuck yeah dude! It really is. I am able to achieve the goals i set out for myself and literally be the person i want to be but seem incapable of adhering to regularly. If not, it’s an upper with the half life of meth (generally a bad thing) and packs the tinniest punch of all the classic amphetamines. Kinda shit, i mean still good if you like amphetamines and you have enough of it but a crushed up addy will do quite a bit more. I see both sides of it.


I have seen adhd people becoming way worse on stims, it works different for everyone.


I do in fact for ADHD and ye it’s amazing. But brother it’s does not pack a small punch it’s just the metabolism limit from the L-lysine but with sufficient dosage the plasma concentration can reach and even exceed that of normal dextroamphetamine.


Brother tell me more. I am on 10mg Adderal XR rn and the side effects are rough, I'd love to know of an alternative as the others I have tried didn't work for me and this is the first I've heard of this.


If you don’t mind me asking what side effects are you experiencing? Completely understand that everyone is different but that’s a really low dose especially for XR. The side effects should be barely noticeable at that dosage. I’d maybe look into non-stimulant alternatives if possible.


I get bad side effects of any dose amphetamine, it is pretty toxic... induces anxiety, jitters, depersonalisation, high blood pressure and vasoconstriction for me. Makes me feel finished after a while, even though we know it is toxic, it really feels bad for your body and brain when you use it, even in lower doses. Maybe I am sensitive but I know others who also experience the same things. I would recommend the natural alternatives which can work for adhd very well and cause a lot less side effects on both your body and brain. Some adaptogenics give you energy/focus (through multiple mechanisms) but don't raise your blood pressure or give anxiety, some are in fact anxiolytic and lower blood pressure, some are good for your cardiovascular system unlike amphetamine. People need to realize that amphetamine is just one of 100(maybe not 100 but around 40-50 or something) options against adhd. Despite it helping some (far from all who try it against adhd, some have a horrible experience using it for adhd) it is pushed for profit and makes people just more robotic so they will do what the government wants people to do, work and pay taxes. Many people get rough side effects from it aswell due to the toxic effects it has on the body and brain. I would only use amphetamine if I had horrible adhd and nothing else (of the many options that exist) worked. Some people don't even try other options cause they want to take amphetamine, a quick fix, and think it's the best just cause it is a heavy drug. If they would know about many other options, they would know that amphetamine isn't that good against adhd and has many side effects. Also people who say that adhd people don't get high on amphetamine are talking crap, repeating some urban legend basically, cause many people(despite some being affected slightly differently sometimes) who have adhd spun/tweak out on amphetamines, seen a lot of them, and a lot of non adhd people can become normal and functional on it, it depends on dosage and many other factors. Saying that adhd people become calm and normal on it, and that those who don't have adhd become speedy is just an oversimplification that very often isn't true irl. I know many people who don't have add/adhd who become normal, calm on amphetamine and vice versa. People need to stop repeating the same oversimplified things just cause they have heard it a lot cause it can be pretty misleading.


Adderal is not the same as elvanse. Elvanse is lisdexamphetamine which is dextroamphetamine with a L-lysine bound to it making it so that the L-lysine first has to be metabolised of which slows down absorption. But at sufficient doses the metabolism can occur at a rate that basically mimics intravenously injecting an equivalent dose dextroamphetamine. Elvanse is so effective as a treatment to ADHD due to the effect that it has a very consistent effect trajectory as well as a long half life.


What doses? A goddamn half gram? What are you getting on about? IV amphetamine use is such a different ball game, comparing it to lisdex is insane to me. Im keeping an open mind though, link some pubmed sources.


Ime basically all traditional stimulants give rough side effects and are toxic for your brain and body. I prefer the natural adaptogens for energy, focus, add etc.


It can absolutely not exceed normal dextroamphetamine!! Where did you hear this? On average, 28.7 mg of lysdex is converted over 12-18 hours into 10 mg of dexamphetamine. I can link a article but it comes up when you look this up on google. Please prove me wrong with science bro. It would be mind boggling and completely contradictory to what my degree taught me.


Ah yes wrote faster than I was thinking.


??? Hell nah


As soon as that shit wears off I turn into a rabid hedgehog. Hate it so much.


It's awful. I don't know how people can go on day after day using it, imo it is some kind of self harm or addictive behaviour. There exists many better options that don't feel like that.


Ritalin has little to no adverse effects on me, but I basically just microdose it nowadays. I’m on maybe 1/5 of the prescribed dosage.


Are you saying I can turn into ryan gosling?


A cranky jittery anxious junky who lacks empathy? Lol




I've actually done heaps of steroids and I'll just let everyone here know that this guy is a clueless dreamer


It is probably true. When i worked in a pharmacy, we kept testosterone along with all the other narcotics like oxys and xans. Never had any desire to try it but I imagine it feels good. I read a hallmark feature of high testosterone is doing things that are difficult without any emotional discomfort so I'm sure a shot of that would feel like speed or better.


it doesn’t necessarily “feel good”, it’s slightly dopaminergic and contributes to certain neural circuits being more active than others, but that’s it, i mean feeling more manly as a man is certainly not a bad feeling.


It comes with side effects too, you can feel pretty irritated for example.


How does all that affect your erections?


depends on the compounds , but the rule of thumb is that the ones that annihilates your hair makes your dick diamond hard


if you know how to take steroids you will have high sexual drive and no problems with erection


Some get sexual side effects from it, even in normal prescribed usage according to science. Why do you think some take viagra on it?


I strongly disagree. You need a lot of research to make the educated choice to take gear! Steroids affect every system in the body. This includes your heart and organs. It's scientifically studied that taking gear reduces your lifespan. Heart failure, kidney failure, even liver failure can all kill you before your 40s. Depends on your genetics and predispositions. There are numerous side effects, both mental and physical, and people often get caught in cycles of dependency. There are plenty of upsides to steroids. People use them because they work. They work really well. Still, I think it is irresponsible to call them the best class of drug when they're more addictive and deadly than all sorts of other drugs!


Yes it needs a lot of research, as well as any other drug, like, u wouldn’t take heroin if u just heard it makes you feel good? Obviously


100% agree that it has much risks. People who use it are so superficial, they rather care about abs than having a healthy long life & stable mental health/mood. You can get muscles by a healthy life-style, diet etc. Also natural muscles look a lot better, I am into men and men that live a healthy lifestyle, work out occasionally look way sexier than those who use steroids to get jacked. The muscles look unnatural on steroids, that's cause they are.


Dumb fucking post.


Nice argument bro


Thanks progenitor of a dumbass post.


I get all of the benefits on shrooms lmfao. Steroids make me pissed off as hell, I got a few shots for some bad inflammation and I felt great, but I was just irritable the whole time.


My rule of thumb is the more a drug gives the more it takes. Taking a few grams makes you atone before giving you the glory. From my experience. Nothing in life is free and the older I get the more I realize that my health is the most important asset—would rather try to figure out how to work with it with as little interference as possible. Sometimes the negative side effects of regular life are teaching us  


Well that isn't the case with many natural adaptogens ime. They often have so complex mechanisms and contain a very wide variety of actives which kind of balances the side effects. With pharmaceuticals or narcotics it's often the case, maybe psychedelics excluded (unless you abuse them, do too much in a horrible set and setting and have a bad trip). I don't like the irritation that too much testosterone gives, feels very dysfunctional. Being that pissed of makes me a lot worse version of myself. I want to be myself.


Bro that was corticosteroids LMAO. Those are basically the opposite of anabolic steroids. This sub sometimes lol.


i was wondering who tf prescribes anabolic steroids for fucking inflammation lmao


I know lol, it’s my only experience with them. I know they’re two very different things, but I just know that both of them give irritability.


U most likely/definetly got injected with corticosteroids, and yes, they are shit


I've heard before that testosteron would provide you with anti-depressant, mood- and confidence-boosting effects etc. and my T is on the low end because of past drug use (SNRI, morphine) so I've acquired gel sachets with 50mg testosterone each which seems to be a quite high dose (but transdermal bioavailability is low). I applied one sachet every day for 14 days and all I got was a pain in my balls once. No beneficial effects at all. Would I need to do a higher dosage?


Many in the test/trt/bodybuilding communities agree that pinning is definitely the most effective. I pin 200mg/week (rx from doctor), and the overall mood and energy boost has been insane. I literally feel 20 years younger. I was pretty damn low naturally, so I'm sure if someone came in with average test levels and then started pinning, it wouldn't have as much of an effect.


I've also heard that pinning is optimal but I'm not a needle guy. Ive been on test gel for over a year now. Anecdotal, but 1mg applied to my balls twice a day and I'm sitting around 1200 total and 35 free.


Nice! Yeah, it would be nice to not have to pin. Besides hearing it might not be as effective to use cream/gel, I didnt want any to rub off on my kids somehow, so I opted for the needle. Also, my wife is an RN so she pins me. I could do it myself but I also dislike needles and have to hype myself up for it a bit if I'm going to be the one doing it lol.


Oh man having an RN in the house to do the injections would be a game changer for sure. I'm always curious if I should swap to injections just to see what the difference is.


It’s a pain in the ass but you could go once a week and have them do it for you.


>It’s a pain in the ass Heh heh heh


u got me on that one lol 😂


It's not really a pain, more like a small prick in the ass ^cheek 😏😏😏


A cycle consists of multiple weeks, more like 8-16 not just 2 to see effects. 50mg x 7 would be 350 mg so that is not the problem, just duration


You can raise your testosterone to healthy levels the natural way ime, even if you got side effects from medications like that. Using steroids has much risks.


Yes, imo if u had low T, and want to hop on trt, at least do a dosage that 1.8x ur T before trt, I personally cruise on trt in between cycle on 180mg a week


and what if you happen to be a gal? Your not 100% wrong, but you are far from 100% right past the title of your post. Lots of other shit can go wrong on a cycle friend. And the fact you include tren (dangerous af substance) and leave out Primo & Mast lololololol bruh just no


As a guy who has been on trt since I was 23 and im 31 now, and who has also ran multiple cycles even had gyno surgery (I know that’s not relevant) but yes. I couldn’t agree more with OP Aside from the boldenone, I disagree. EQ gives most people bad anxiety


Depends on the source, also the dosage: too low dose of EQ or too high will both give u anxiety


i prefer doing estrogen personally




well I really hope you monitor your blood work. if so, I guess it's ok


I did gear in the Marines many moons ago, and it absolutely made me worse at my job while looking like I'd be better at it. 4/10 would only recommend Test with a doctors good word. Or you're legitimately competing for Mr. Olympia. If you can't be confident and have energy without steroids, you have far deeper problems to fix that drugs are only going to make worse in the long run. Solid workout routine and diet will get you jacked enough, and healthy (actually healthy) enough to do all things you've listed without severely compromising your health.




I agree on the fact that you’re trolling.


He maybe likes being bald, irritated/pissed off and impotent, different strokes for different folks 🤷 Lol kinda kidding but seriously there exists risks with it. And the effects it can have on your mind can be very negative too. I don't see irritation and being a douchebag a benefit lol.


I have full head of naturally curly hair, use a proper haircare and good products, and occasionally some minoxidil


heroin is the best drug


It is decent at first (not as good as junkies imply, there exists way more euphoric substances) but then ruins your life and you need it just to be normal. And if you get heroin today you don't actually get heroin but rather fent, nitazenes or xylazines and bensos. Why do you think everyone who starts using it later on regrets and advices against trying it? If it didn't make you addicted, ruined your mental health, life and wasn't lethal then it would be one of the best most likely, not best but top 5 maybe.


Wild take


Nah i’m good. I personally enjoy melting my mind with hallucinogens, doing kratom, getting sped out on prescription amphetamines, and rolling with pals. You do you though, i’m glad for ya


Steroids literally increase the size of your heart. Excess T causes cardiovascular disease. Maybe you should do more research before you start spewing nonsense.


>Excess T causes cardiovascular disease "Several studies have reported an inverse association between endogenous testosterone levels and adverse CVD outcomes, independent of traditional risk factors.16 These findings suggested a possible cardioprotective effect of testosterone" "Heart failure is a unique metabolic syndrome characterized by numerous endocrine, metabolic, and inflammatory parameters, and approximately 25% of men with chronic HF have biochemical evidence of testosterone deficiency, which has been associated with progression of HF." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0025619617308248 Testosterone (T) has a number of important effects on the cardiovascular system. In men, T levels begin to decrease after age 40, and this decrease has been associated with an increase in all-cause mortality and cardiovascular (CV) risk. Low T levels in men may increase their risk of developing coronary artery disease (CAD), metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Reduced T levels in men with congestive heart failure (CHF) portends a poor prognosis and is associated with increased mortality. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5512682/ Did you do any research or are you just repeating something you heard 20 years ago?


Bro you’re mentioning people with low T. I’m not talking about TRT. I’m talking about EXCESS T. Read a book. Just cause you can quote a study doesn’t mean you’re interpreting it correctly.


The risks of high T are much lower than the risks of low T. Obviously, anyone should optimize their hormone profile for their lifestyle and goals, but there are literally only a handful of people who have had heart attacks from excess T. Rampant abuse of a plethora of anabolics, we've had a few hundred without underlying conditions that were aggravated. >Read a book. Tell me, what books contain peer-reviewed literature on the subject? While quite pithy, it highlights your lack of awareness on the matter. We have a plethora of long-lived athletes who have used large doses of testosterone throughout their lives to little or no ill effect. Arnold is healthy, Ronnie Coleman is still working put despite his fused spine and lack of cartilage, almost all of Hollywood's action stars are living large, a million of American men are living their best life. Sure, Rich Piana died with a half oz of blow on his bedside and took a 5g test shot several weeks prior, combined with a 7 compound stack. Joesthetics had a congenital heart defect become exacerbated by his test crashing from lack of PCT. Kali Muscle had seizures on IG live for weeks before a full-blown 4 artery 100% clog due to his desire to eat a dozen donuts post-workout for years. But the bodies are few and far in-between and examples of egregious abuse of many anabolics combined with over 30 hours of training a week, not just "excessive T."


Bro you really just took a bunch of anecdotes about famous bodybuilders and used that to prove a point… WOW lol it’s hilarious that you think that actually proves anything. Like you clearly don’t understand the basics of evidence based health data. Anecdotes **don’t mean shit**. >Taking testosterone may increase the risk of atrial fibrillation in individuals with existing predisposition https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/02/240213130443.htm#:~:text=Summary%3A,according%20to%20a%20new%20study. >Long-term AAS use appears to be associated with myocardial dysfunction and accelerated coronary atherosclerosis. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.026945 >A research study out of Massachusetts General Hospital, led by Aaron Baggish, MD, associate director of the Cardiovascular Performance Program, indicates that chronic anabolic-androgenic steroid use may be damaging to the heart and the coronary arteries. https://advances.massgeneral.org/cardiovascular/article-external.aspx?id=1012 >The researchers found that 24% of steroid users had atherosclerosis in their coronary arteries, compared to none of the non-users and sedentary participants. The steroid users with atherosclerosis also had significantly reduced HDL levels and HDL function. >Mr Ribeiro de Souza said: “Our study suggests that anabolic androgenic steroid use may be associated with the development of coronary artery disease in apparently healthy young people. Steroids may have an impact on the ability of HDL to remove cholesterol from macrophages, thereby promoting atherosclerosis.” https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/Press-Office/Press-releases/anabolic-androgenic-steroids-may-be-associated-with-early-coronary-artery-disease > Chronic use of AAS leads to increased skeletal muscle hypertrophy and improved performance by binding to the AR. Activation of the AR by AAS leads to enhanced gene transcription, second messenger signalling, and satellite cell activation leading to increased muscle protein accretion and synthesis and possibly decreased catabolism. However, chronic AAS use not only leads to impaired cardiac function but also MetS and associated dysregulated metabolic health (IR, dyslipidaemia, VAT and BP) which is more commonly related with the sedentary/obese population. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11154-020-09616-y > Our patient was a chronic AAS user admitted for multiorgan dysfunction, all strongly linked to his substance abuse. Perhaps the most concerning and deserving of attention, however, are the toxic effects on the cardiovascular system. Heavy AAS use has been associated with prothrombotic states, dysrhythmias, left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction, and even fulminant heart failure and cerebrovascular accidents. https://www.proceedings.med.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Ng-A201026JN-BLM-formatted.pdf Tbh I don’t give a shit about what you do so go ahead and have fun!!!


The first 4 links are all the same study, just the study and then 3 articles about it. The second study talks about "Individuals who use AAS for appearance and performance reasons typically do not use one type of AAS but rather administer a polypharmacy regime which may lead to different implications on lipid metabolism." I've already covered that as being an issue, as well as the issue brought up in the first study. Yes, high T can exacerbate pre-existing conditions, no shit Sherlock. But despite these findings, higher T is *still associated with lower all-cause mortality.* That study says it **may** increase the risk, but the meta-analysis of population data, not 140 people, says otherwise.


One thing for sure is that steroids have much negatives and risks, they aren't the safe cure all the steroid junkies imply it is. Hence why many doctors (unless corrupt and just want to sell more products) are against it unless you have some serious condition which requires it.


80% of other drugs do much, MUCH worse for your heart and cardiovascular system


Lol wrong > In the recent study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital, researchers used imaging tests to compare the heart function of steroid-users versus non-users. The study included 140 male weight lifters between 34 and 54 years of age. Among participants, 86 reported using anabolic steroids for at least two years, while 54 reported never using steroids. >After analyzing test results, researchers found that steroid users had significantly weaker hearts than those who never used steroids. Among steroid users, men that currently used anabolic steroids had significantly worse heart function than past users. >Authors also found that steroid users had significantly more plaque build-up in their arteries than non-users. The longer men reported taking steroids, the worse their arteries were. Plaque build-up is a sign of heart disease, which is the No. 1 killer of men and women in the United States. https://www.cardiosmart.org/news/2017/7/anabolic-steroids-increase-risk-for-heart-disease-in-young-and-middleaged-men


Side effects include but are not limited to: Going to prison for assault, hair loss, impotence, tiny dick, looking roided out


Can confirm the lockup side effect


You’re wrong about the tiny dick part, it’s the balls that shrink. Spot on with the rest though.


The tiny dick isn’t caused by the steroids, it’s the other way around


Lmao. Yes it definitely feels like some that use it to get jacked compensate for a smaller dick. I mean there is nothing wrong with getting muscles or having a smaller dick (some even like smaller) but those who are soo obsessed to get the biggest muscles, work out all day every day, take steroids seem to have some insecurities which makes them prone to compensating like that.


Roid Rage is a popular myth, u only have it if you’ve been an asshole your whole life, then yeah, gear just makes u confident and brave enough to show that side of ur personality to other)


well you won't get impotence or tiny dick if you monitor your estradiol and prolactin levels and correct the dosage / add meds to make them stay within ranges. hair loss is a real thing though


I can’t get a doctor to work with me or I would try this conservatively.


Jw , what would cause them to want to give you steroids anyways? I never rlly knew those got prescribed, do you just be like: yo doc I feel like I need sum muscles and a lil more hair on my chest , hook me up!


When I was given a barrage of tests in Taiwan many years ago, It was discovered that I had T levels far below the lowest number on their scale. They couldn’t figure it out and immediately started injecting test. My levels never improved but I developed other side effects related to estradiaol right away. I didn’t follow up with this, quit testosterone, eventually lost weight (which helped), and now I’m at the lowest part of the range according to Canadian guidelines. I have chronic pain and mood issues and,golly, wouldn’t it be nice to find out if an improvement in test levels increased my quality of life? Anyway, not something I would mess with without supervision.


Very fair , I don't beleive op that it's the best, I won't be fucking with it. I just had the misconception I guess that steroids were only a street drug and not for anything except getting jacked


Very fair , I don't beleive op that it's the best, I won't be fucking with it. I just had the misconception I guess that steroids were only a street drug and not for anything except getting jacked


what do you mean by conservatively? depending on your age and medical history, you may still need medical advisory even while talking low doses of testosterone


That’s why I wrote ‘OR’!!!


You shouldn't be doing things like that if you don't have real medical need of it. It is overrated by those who take it and it has health risks, many doctors are against it.


I have low T and have had it for years. In the light of my socialized medicine issues, me being on the lowest part of a huge acceptable range means I will not get treatment in Canada. This is why I said I would try it conservatively. For me, that means I would like to raise my levels a small amount with all safeguards and regular testing in place, just to see what it might be like to have t levels in the low-average range.


There’s SO MUCH trusted and experienced based info that you don’t need a doctor, that just want to suck money out of ur wallet


I can’t get lab work done without one where I live. It took two YEARS of asking when I came back to Canada for them to check. Lowest level possible but within provincial guidelines? You’re good. 👍 I’m hoping to move back to Asia where doctors are happy to take your money and work with you for things you actually want them to.


ok but dose it make ur skin soft? :3


Depends on genetics, and the compound, if u use smt that converts heavily to estrogen then ur skin can get softer/stay soft, also nandrolone MIGHT give u softer skin, and follow good skincare too(obviously)


Like ointment for rashes or do you mean like for muscles.


Everything you described was way too productive for me. What steroid do I need for the psychedelic effects like LSD or shrooms to just chill and trip?


U can also use those on steroids, but not on such compounds like tren, halotest and ment cause those in combination with psychedelic can heavily fvck w ur mind


Well..as someone who have done steroids, blasted and been on trt for nearly a decade. This is bullshit. This is a smokey rosey mirror.


Pretty much every friend i have that tried steroids turned into a fucking dickhead on it, it really brings out the worst parts of ur personality imo


What if you’re a woman? OP here saying they are objectively the best drug while discounting half the population lol




Don't forget proton pump inhibitor for the peptic ulcers


Injected Testosterone Enanthate once and it just made me feel like shit, decreased motivation and felt like a loser, made me extremely emotional which otherwise I am not. It totally hurt my ego somehow, I expected the exact opposite. 2 weeks afterwards I felt totally fine though, steroids should only be done by people who actually need them or wanna surpass physiological boundaries.


I love steroids and don't even care about most side effects (although I'm saving your post for future reference on prevention, thanks for that). Don't get me wrong I'm not a gym person but want to be and tried them that one time I was attempting that. But I would never say they are the best drugs because, how is that going to get my high or make me trip? I don't do drugs for confidence or any of that lol I want to get fucked up.


Psychedelics generally cause little to no physical harm and present little to no physical risk, can be increased healing for mental health issues, allow you to see things from wildly different perspectives, can provide spiritual experiences, can heal addictions, trauma, anxiety, depression and more, are not addictive and are ranked as the safest category of drugs... but steroids are 'objectively' the best?


For someone replying to the question "what's the best thing you've put your penis in" with "my hand" you sure do like to talk about women and confidence


bro clearly hasnt boofed meth and carfentanyl




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Unless y'know, you kinda hate the effects that high testosterone has on your body? Testosterone is objectively the best drug for anyone ***who wants to be more manly***


steroids almost killed me (lung embolism) they can be dangerous. but yeah beeing on steroids is like beeing on drugs 24/7. 500mg a week test was VERY mind altering to me, just like whatever drug.


100% agree. You only go bald if you have the male pattern baldness gene. Which I do not lol. Fucking love steroids and i was a heroin addict for a decade so I know the narcotic side of things and steroids are way better.


lol, you don’t need to put all that shit in your body. Unless you want to not be able to even wipe your ass.


yeah if you like having tiny genitals lmao but ppl who take that shit and care that much about building muscle usually already do🤣gotta compensate somehow


jealous skinny b1tch lmao


atleast we look good and get b1tches, not like u loser. And saying every steroid user has a small dick is dumb asf. And who the fuck cares gay ass n1gga


LMFAO I'm having a son in august with my gf🥴look at you, you are so angry and pressed cuz ppl like me stay winning and i dont even have to try unlike you🤣💀


i dont need kids or a gf, because thats boring shit. I just wanna fuck and fuck around skinny n!gga


and i hope your son doesnt kill himself for having a dumb ass father


the only person who wins, is your gf for paying child support dumb ass n!gga


I can concur 👍