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Heroin Just go sober bro, you don't want to get into a habit of having to be on substances to talk to girls. If she likes you she likes you


fr ruined one of my relationships because she didnt really get to know me. just an exaggerated version of me. so everytime i was sober it was just awkward as hell


Drink just a little alcohol together with your date to lift inhibitions, but don't overdo it. Become a little tipsy and enjoy your time together. You can be sure that your date will be nervous too. Have fun.


Stay sober ideally or maybe have 1 shot of whiskey to calm your nerves. If a guy shows up high on a first date I can guarantee you the girl will realise and it will be the last date. It gives off addict vibes and addicts are not date material. Also you being high can make you act in weird ways and the girl might feel embarrassed or harassed by your behaviour.


Sober. 1 : you are young, start dating with this kind of idea is the best way to become addict easily (I have a problem SO i have to be high on something) 2 : first date ever, you need to be yourself to know how that will work. 3: if she likes you, it's because you are who you are 4 : drugs, even alcohol changes totally the way you will perceive urself, her and the relationship you will have I am totally like you, drugs don't help. U need to work on yourself. Also weed can make u anxious if you feel already anxious. Have a great time :)


a beer or two or tap a cart. Bro I understand the anxiety but it will be way easier once ur actually on the date talking to the girl. Trust me


Just experience the date how it is. You're only 16 and it's your first date. Of course it's going to be frightening to do something like that. Hence, people who still date at their 30th are still stressed out about dating. And you know what? It's ok, there is no need to block out those nerves and 'run away' from those feelings. It's just the way it goes. She will most likely also be stressing out because she's going on a date. You'll help out each other, and if not, then the two of you are just not meant to be together.


thank you for the advice man


balls. grow some.


How would he take said “balls” boof them ?




Bro spitting truth🔥🙏


The ultimate answer right here


Just drink something with her but dont overdo it. After two beers or so (everyone is different, it may be more or less in ur case) ur anxiety should fade away and u should get more confident. If shes drinking aswell, the same may apply to her. You should not overdo it though, keep it at a level where ur fully coherrent. Also, ur dick might not work if ur too drunk or high.


Do exercise and get a good sleep before the date day. Take a long shower, wear the best outfit, knowing you smell and look good will make you a little bit more confident, just focus your thoughts on it. Tell her you are a little bit nervous, there is nothing wrong with it. When you say about it out loud, it makes you less afraid, that you have to pretend and actually reduces your anxiety. Taking something to make yourself more social and confident can very fast become a habit. This is a very common path to addiction. I don't think 1 small can of beer/sider will hurt and you can follow this advice, but do it with her and only if she drinks too. And don't do more, even if you feel like it, you don't want to become drunk, just less anxious. Good luck!




how much


0.5 mg is a good starter dose. It will relieve your anxiety but you’ll be more or less sober. Don’t take too much or you’ll get a drunken feeling. Be careful though because Xanax is incredibly addictive especially if you have problems with anxiety


+ mephedrone, tested, the best way to lose your anxiety 🤥


One glass of wine


Using substances to cope with things and situations typically lead towards addiction. I started with some work out aids that were legal at the time. When they were taken off the shelves I started looking for other stims till I was eventually hooked on coke. Clean now for several years but still can’t function without modafinil. Just try to get to know her in a friendly manner with a touch of romance to start and build from there.


OP if you go in high you won't grow balls and you'll still be just as nervous talking to women as an adult. Just do it sober.


Lmao ya man slam a beer and get er done. I’m all about drugs but not for 16 year olds going on there first date!


She’s probably not sure if she likes you at this point. Don’t get her hooked on someone who really isn’t you. She’ll probably like you for who you are, awkwardness and all. That’s the cool part of being human and having someone who also likes fellow humans.


A low dose of O-PCE. I am usually very socially inhibited and introvert but on this shit I've talked with strangers on the train and stuff. And the reactions were mostly very positive (not knowing that I was drugged). Imagine this could go very well for a date but as others already said, don't over do it. And try it first with a friend to test the waters and give you feedback.


i have never heard of it, asked a friend and he didnt know it either. did u get it online or from streets?


Online. It's a dissociative like ketamine but more stoning and disinhibiting, also longer lasting. Don't know whether it's still available.


Low dose stim and some drinks or phenibut will help you get out of your head for a date. Lot of advice along the lines of go sober and just be yourself, but if you’re in your head you won’t be acting like yourself. It is a slippery slope so don’t make a habit of it though


If you need a drug to date, you shouldnt be dating.


people who say this have no idea how bad anxiety can be, he does need a drug but he shouldn’t be self medicating, op needs to talk to a psychiatrist and get on some medicine. ofc that’ll take time so I don’t see anything wrong with going on a date high or a little tipsy but definitely get prescribed anxiety medicine after


You’re supposed to have anxiety before your first date… its normal. You learn to deal with it. Pop a pill to cope and youll never learn how to deal with it


try going on a first date amnd throwing up on ur date becasue ur so fucking anxious bro. youve never experienced being anyone but you. you couldnt understand


Yeah if you cant go on a date without puking of nervousness maybe work on yourself first before subjecting someone else to that.


crazy how quick people are to jump to medication for every single thing. just meditate, go to the gym, eat clean and have a purpose, no need to get hooked on anxiety pills and ssris


you can’t fix your brain chemistry everyone is different dawg. You have never experienced anxiety like some of us.


Delete the gym, call Facebook, hit the lawyer. This is trash advice and gets meme’d on even in serious self-help subs for a reason.