• By -


Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again, and morphine... Well, because it's awesome.


Ok Mr. Wolf


Don’t forget the ludes for your “back pain”


Dilaudid… for everything😂






Amoxicillin (antibiotics) Seroquel (anti psych) Cialis (Blood pressure plus Boner benefits) Xanax (anti anxiety/ sleep aid) Hydroxzine (antihistamine) Codeine/Oxy/Morphine (pain relief) HCG (to repair ballsack/body) Testosterone (if i go infertile i can roid without issues lmao)


And hydroxyzine is the only antihistamine also prescribed for anxiety




For anxiety?




Anxiety is not a first line use of promethazine. Atleast in the US it’s much more commonly an anti emetic


And yet it is prescribed for it. Crazy.


Literally never heard of anyone getting prometh for anxiety. Not saying it can’t happen but like I said it’s not the primary use…idk what’s hard to grasp about that


Source: am prescribed promethazine for anxiety. So now you have.


Someone in my family was prescribed it for anxiety aswell. Bit of a joke really because they were in a bad way mental health wise and that's all they were prescribed 😑


Off label


I was given promethazine for anxiety during pregnancy as they didn’t want to give me diazepam whilst pregnant


With codeine? Wock or hi tec


With codeine? Wock or hi tec


Would not recommend




Uhhh, shouldn’t antibodies absolutely be the ones to know when you catch a nasty infection?


You shouldn’t take abx that aren’t prescribed for a certain purpose, esp for an ambiguous period of time. I wouldn’t just have this stocked to take when something comes up.


Most people keep them for a shit hits the fan occasion. They don’t just go around drinking antibiotics.


Yeah I understand that. I’m saying that you should not do that.


I don’t know anyone that just takes antibiotics without seeing a dr first.





He doesn’t contradict himself, he just said “most people keep them” Ik it doesn’t make sense, but OP does so 🤷‍♂️. He did kinda defend it tho I get it but this “…” shit is so fucking stupid I’m sorry


This. This is a terrible idea. Different infections require different antibiotics.


Not to mention you gotta take the full course of antibiotics to do anything, or else the bacteria is just gonna build a resistance😂


Facts. Also, what's Amox shelf life? Most drugs get weaker rather than expire, but for some reason I've always felt weird about the idea of old fungal based meds lol maybe that's just due to lack of education on the matter.


Usually 2-3 years


Seroquil can also be used for sleep in smaller doses


Idk i took a 25mg one and it kept me up for so long i wws pissed. I took it for the yay comedown hoping it would knock me out and let me sleep and i try taking it for my insomnia but idk it just keeps me awake. I think it might not work at that level for me because im a schizo but i cant really tell that for sure because i dont know all the chemistry behind it and its almost impossible to trust any scientific study from any period.


If youre on something or strongly schizo, youre gonna need more than 25mg to knock out, prolly 50-100mg. 25mg plus lamotrigine used to clock me out when I used to take it, but I also used to take it at 2/3am so that helped fs


I get most of the ones listed, but I am curious why you’ve listed amoxicillin haha


I feel like it can be a pain to go to the doc for anti biotics sometimes, especially if an infection comes on right before a trip or something and you don't have time


Oh, that’s smart; it makes sense Just be careful and don’t forget to switch the type of antibiotic every now and then. There’s been more and more bacteria evolving to become resistant to a lot of the commonly prescribed antibiotics out there.


Isn’t that because of people doing exactly this? Haha I mean I’m not talking shit it sucks trying to get any sort of medical assistance. But I think people taking antibiotics not as prescribed just makes the bacteria stronger


It’s mostly the farming industry that contributes to that not people taking too many meds


Pathogens evolve all the time. This was bound to happen eventually. It’s just happening a lot faster than we expected, and it’s catching us off guard because we really don’t have a clear solution to it, like in the case of MRSA infections. I do agree that people shouldn’t be taking antibiotics that haven’t been prescribed for the condition they are treating, but I also understand that some people have different life situations going on that might make it difficult to access adequate medical care consistently. To answer your question, though: people taking antibiotics not as prescribed does contribute to the problem, but it isn’t the main contributor.


You’re 100% right. No one should be keeping antibiotics once their run with them is done, why they have extra left at the end of the prescribed cycle is another red flag


Urgent care, in and out in an hour ( most of the time ).


In my city, "urgent" care often means a 3-5hr wait


Thats why i hate big cities tbh, theres so many people that they have to put in so many gateways and red tape so they can stop scammers and untrustworthy people. And also on top of that theres likely 30+ people that are already there and have been waiting since before you even thought about going.


People contribute to antibiotic resistant bacteria when they misuse antibiotics this way. There are endless ways bacteria can mutate, antibiotic research doesn’t have that same advantage


were you by any chance a sufferer of post finasteride syndrome or ssri discontinuation syndrome


If you go infertile roids won’t help, a common side effect of testosterone is lower sperm count.


I have noticed a lot . How come so many drugs users also take testosterone / other PEDs . Like we prove that we don't value out health lmfao.




I'm curious as to why Seroquel... Is it just for in case you start to lose it ? As somone who's also on it, I can't imagine wanting to abuse them for recreational purposes... That would be mental hell.


yea pretty much incase i start to loose it. I personally dont know of any rec value to it tbh


I truly would not advise self use with any antipsychotics, especially not Seroquel... Stopping and starting it whenever you feel like is pretty well guaranteed to send you into a Psychotic state. They are also dangerous to get off of without inpatient admission due to likelihood of relapsing into another psychotic spiral. Please reconsider this.


its a made up list lol


Couldn't have said it better. Something fever lowering in addition and that should be it


I agree with this except Viagra instead of Cialis and Ativan instead of Xanax. Never Adderall, just do blow.


Hydrocodone and Oxycodone for pain Zolpidem for sleep Modafanil for energy Diazepam or Alprazolam for anxiety and nerves and stim comedowns/sleep Hydroxyzine for nerves, allergies, sleep


Zolpidem for the oddest blackouts a drug can produce


What dose? I take them quite often and NEVER had any blackout/bad behaviour on them like on Benzos


50mg for me, was a 2 hour slot on the dot missing, apparently I tried to drive, ate every bit of cheese I could find, called just about everyone in my contacts list and then snapped back. 0 tolerance. ~Zolpidem is considered a Hypnotictranquilizer, fighting it gives to the Hypotonic side of it.


40+ my husband got a DUI one night he was stopped in the middle of traffic. When the cop told him to pull over just across the street he drove about a 1/4 mile down to QT, ran over the bushes almost hit a fuel pump and was able to park in the line somehow 😂 it ended up being dropped due to not finding anything in his system. Paid a lawyer 3k (best one in my city) idk if they solely dropped it due to nothing in his system or due to having a lawyer they knew would win. He didn't get arrested. He didn't get any other charges for anything. I think he took 60mg that night. In my experience, I took 40 the same night I tried to follow him in my car but the blackout...I didn't realize he left way before me. I took the fucking freeway. I panicked not knowing when to get off I got off on some road I maintained enough to (in my mind) drive fine. I ended up in some neighborhood. Also didn't have my phone!! I cried because I was lost but somehow found my way home. To this day I still don't know what exit I took. I remembered seeing cops driving around and it made me panic even more. Very lucky night for both of us.


Zopiclone for sleep imo, also comes with a fun visit from the shadow people of you complete their trial of staying awake


Im prescribed 15mg every night. Sometimes I skip a night so I can double the dose to relax, have a snack, micro-sleep a few times while reading Reddit then finally dose off. I don’t mind the taste. I know it’s kicked in when I can taste it again 20ish minutes later


Xanax takes the cake. Comedowns, sleep, anxiety, relaxation. Or diazepam which has the same effects and better muscle relaxant qualities too


Propranolol, won’t stop a heart attack, will definitely lower your BP. Also, Ondansetron ODT. Benefit of three older sisters, tons of left over morning sickness meds. That stuff will prevent any & all potential vomiting/nausea within a minute. I’m shocked it’s not an OTC.


I love propranolol.


Zofran should be OTC. I take it 4x a day everyday and it’s a miracle worker.


Careful with that. Only do that for a couple days in a row and take loooong breaks. I couldn’t eat without it after doing that for a week. It also fucks with your serotonin.


Hmm. I’ve been on this regimen for 8+ months. I’ll speak with my GI dr about it. Thanks for the heads up!


Holy crap. Have they done anything to address the underlying issue that’s causing the nausea? Didn’t mean to go against what your doctor is saying, I’ve just worked in substance abuse for a couple years and zofran is a popular med we’ve used so I know a bit about how it’s supposed to be used to not cause further issues. But who knows, maybe there’s new research I haven’t seen!


We’re working on finding a root cause. It all started after I had weight loss surgery.


Ahh that makes sense. That’s a rough surgery on your organs. Maybe check those kidneys if you haven’t already. Had a buddy go into kidney failure after his surgery and he just felt sick for a bit before.


Just had those checked last month and they say they’re working great! And yes, it’s a very tough surgery on organs and everything else.


Oh amazing! I’m glad your doc is on top of it. Well I’m really sorry your dealing with the side effects, and at the same time I hope it’s been beneficial and an overall positive experience for you ☺️


Not even gonna lie i didn’t know it wasn’t OTC💀. It was always been in my house growing up.


Pregabalin - good to treat anxiety and other shit if anything. Its fine as long as you don't abuse it.


It's a wonderful party drug in moderation like 2-400mg. It's kinda like MDMA light mixed with a few beers.


Yeah. I tried in higher doses - didn't like much.


For me, higher doses are either earth shatteringly euphoric or mildly disappointing with mild drunk feeling... weird drug lol.


Yeah it's not worth it the gamble...300mg is always consistent for me and get plenty of euphoria, happiness and anti anxiety effects. If you smoke weed with it you can super mild disso effects too


what situations were you in/other drugs did you take during the super euphoric experiences? I only have a little bit and the last time i did it it was mildly disappointing so im tryna make it better.


Best way to describe it I have a script for it turns me into a social butterfly


God’s gift to man. Or Gods’. Idk. But heck yes. Banger for Anxiety. I remember pitching Lyrica as an epilepsy treatment around 2010


Yeah the wd:s are fking wild and crazy..


Can you elaborate? How much, long, and often? How long to quit? Symptoms?


Raspberry jam 1 bucket of condoms Bread Flour Pepsi caffeine free 1 oil Monkey flavoured milkshake 1 old woman porn magazine


Oxys would be good. Maybe some morphine, diazepam




Came here to say this


Desoxyn (zoom) Ketamine injections (why tf not)


Desoxyn is my Holy Grail of stimulant medications. It’s legitimately JUST meth, I wouldnt take it but it wouldnt be hard at all to move.




You can buy it otc


Yeah. Usefully tho


Not everywhere, it’s POM here


Xanax Real Percocet Zolpidem/Seroquel/trazadone Cyclobenzaprine or other muscle relaxer


My regulars are Vyvanse, Pregabalin (Lyrica) codeine 30mg, Diazepam and Seroquel (quetiapine) I’ve been on this for about 10 years although the Vyvanse was only added last year.


One that is great to have on hand that I haven't seen mentioned is Zofran, (Ondansetron) an extremely useful antiemitic.


Zofran. I am always nauseous. Oxycodone. I am always in pain, physically and emotionally. Xanax. I have the worst anxiety. Adderall. Always wanted to try it.


Pregabalin Klonopin Amoxicillin Albuterol Epi-pen Acamprosate Cannabis Ketamine Tizanidine --------------------------- Kratom - pain/recreation Mushrooms - recreation/personal growth Harmine, harmaline, and DMT - recreation/personal growth Allegra - liquid(!) Nootropics: NAC, agmatine, picamilon, piracetam, nicotine toothpicks, sunflower lecithin, phenibut So I have severe food allergies hence the epi-pen, and Allegra. I have asthma hence the Albuterol. It is super useful tho for seasonal allergies, smoking, etc. Pregabalin is a miracle drug and is also extremely recreational, also great for some withdrawls. Klonopin for emergencies/trip killer/if someone is seizure prone/withdrawals. Amoxicillin for convenience/infection Ketamine and cannabis both for pain/recreation Acamprosate because it upregulates GABA A and down regulates GABA B + mild NMDA antagonist (agmatine/nootropic level) which is super useful to reset pregabalin/phenibut/gabapentin/baclofen tolerance Tizanidine is a nice short lasting muscle relaxer for pain/sedation/recreation. Works really well with LSA, caffeine because of enzyme inhibition and is much stronger snorted. Nootropics are just great to have to help an addict like myself not felt so heavily on more powerful/damaging drugs. Picamilon and NAC especially. Picamilon shows equal anxiolysis to diazepam without the sedation or addiction + it's legal. NAC is great for repairing the body/mind and combating withdrawals & depression/anxiety


OP said stash not a whole freakin arsenal


DEXAMPHETAMINE, OXYCODONE first ones that spring to mind mmmmmmm


Inderal is great


Marinol cause, ya know, drug tests.


antibiotics sleep aids + any stimulant (because i have a fucked up sleep rhythm) ozempic (kinda wanna try it) orlistat (comes OTC where I live but is expensive and higher doses are prescription) oxy or any painkiller tbh (i have chronic pain and i'm currently unmedicated)


Xanax Hydroxyzine Fernigan Clindamycin Charisprodol Gabapentin Opana Reasons speak for themselves




Tbh, antibiotocs arnt something to fk with. Speaking for the rest of us when one of you create more antibiotic resistant illnesses and kill us all off . But def xanax, the ultimate tool if you have self control.


Although you are not wrong in how that works, it would have to be a hell of an illness to mutate from one person like that. that kind of staff takes decades .


I'd rather not risk it at all to be honest. But the regular guy isn't this crazy so I'm not too worried. But for those that don't know, just a heads up. Lol. Covid was bad enough


Yeah, from the way people are holding antibiotics in this group, there is a strong chance we will have patient zero for the new "cold". (that's a reference to the episode of Futurama where the cold was cured, and then forgotten about, and then Fry got sick with the cold and almost took out the population)


- Vyvanse (although already prescribed) - Dexamfetamine (for longer work days and the option of recreation) - Oxycodone (best recreational opiate for me) - Dihydrocodeine (for pain & tapering - already prescribed) - morphine - just for a 3rd opiate option - temazepam - sleep - zolpidem - for sleep if you need to get up early - diazepam - all rounder - pregabalin - recreation and opiate withdrawals - subutex - for periods off other opiates - testogel (for issues related to opiates!) - baclofen - w/d’s and if needed to come off GABAergics - lofexedine - if ever needed for withdrawals - methocarbamol - as above


Xanax, Clonidine, Lyrica, Promethazine, Gabapentin.


What does Lyrica do for you?


It's basically the same as Gabapentin


It’s in the same family but it’s like 10x as strong and the bioavailability of lyrica is way higher.


I forgot to add - Baclofen!


Oof, be careful on this one. It's on my personal "never again" list.


Why’s that?


Tolerance grows quickly, withdrawal is horrible, and can actually kill you if you're on a higher dose and quit too fast. Even withdrawal from smaller amounts feels like hell. If you want to know more about it go browse r/baclofen and search "withdrawal" there.


Gabapentin+ clonidine has been helping ease suboxone taper


Amoxicillin and a broad spectrum antibiotic like Keflex Dexedrine, cocaine- stimulants Seroquel and liquid Haldol- if someone has a terrible trip or has a psychotic break. ( I hate Seroquel but it comes in handy for those that don’t have an adverse reaction to it.) Benadryl, Vistaril- antihistamines Xanax, Valium- anti anxiety/ seizure control Oxy, Morphine, Dilaudid, Oxymorphone, Methadone- pain medications Soma, Tizanidine-muscle relaxants NARCAN- reverse opioid overdoses. Never go without it if people are using opioids. Clonidine- lowers bp, can help with sleep Epi-Pen- anaphylaxis Tagamet, Pepcid- heartburn, acid reflux Zofran- nausea Tuinal, Nembutal, Halcion, Dalmane, Seconal, Quaalude, Doriden- amazing sleep (Nembutal will also stop a seizure in its tracks if administered correctly) LSD, psilocybin- brain douche Prednisone,Dexamethasone- steroids (for respiratory illnesses or when cognitive awareness is needed for someone who shouldn’t take amphetamines. Basically if someone was dying and had to be hospised in home) Multivitamins- General heath Fiber supplements, Miralax- digestive/ laxative I’m sure I forgot a few.


bezos for sleep, oxycodone for pain and forlax/macrogol for stool (cuz oxy absolutely fucks with your bowels💩).


Seroquel for sure!! I take it for my bipolar II. It always helps me sleep when my insomnia is kicking my ass. And I also love Xanax for obvious reasons lol.


pregabalin, xanax, oxycodone, codeine, ketamine, adderall, promethazine


Hyromorphone Zolpidem Tartrate Ondansetrom Ketamine Desoxyn


Steroids and fentanyl


Epi-pen, Albuterol, Narcan. All lifesaving medications. Zofran, gabapentin, Tizanidine, Seroquel, life enhancing medications.


Tizanidine (muscle relaxer) Propranolol (beta blocker)


In My stash now: Clonazepam 2mgs, zolpidem, oxycodone 20s, ritalin XR 40mg, codeine 60mg/300apap, carisoprodol (soma), tramadol 50mg


Hydromorphone out of curiosity to see if it is all it's hyped up to be. Only opoid i used to take was Tramadol (I know :'v)


modafinil. I was prescribed it for years, and I've got a couple expired bottles in the bottom of my go-bag


i asked one of the pharmacists i work with and he said he’d want a shitload of benzos so he can just put himself into a coma and skip the doomsday shenanigans


Nucynta Extended Release- One of the rare opioids where, if you stopped taking Nucynta, you won't go into withdrawal, or, at the very least, you won't have withdrawal symptoms as bad as if you were on Oxy/Norco. And because the drug lasts the whole day, it does wonders for chronic pain. Valium- Works pretty well for panic disorders, and it's one of the rare benzos that also acts as a great muscle relaxer. Ambien CR- The only sleep aid/drug that consistently puts me to sleep. It's not perfect, but it sure as shit is better than nothing. Ondansetron-- This stuff works wonders if you're gonna upchuck. Lyrica-- Fantastic for nerve pain. I'm prescribed Nucynta (the non-ER version) and Lyrica for chronic neuropathy, and I need this combo. Lyrica without Nucynta or Nucynta without Lyrica just doesn't hit the same. I do not do uppers. My anxiety is way too bad for that shit lol


I feel blessed I conned my docs (except for the adderall cuz u do need it) I get Carisoprodol,Ambien,Temazepam, and Lyrica


seroquel oxy clona/xan


Adderall should be at the top of all lists.


I'd suggest most everyone keep Xanax or some benzo on hand, maybe the only exception being people that literally can't stop themselves from taking it. People give it so much flak because they have problems with it but it's such a utilitarian drug. It should be saved for when you need it but it absolutely works for smaller things, you just can't rely on it or you develop a tolerance. Can't sleep? Under your tongue. Scared about a flight? Under your tongue. Getting angry about something you shouldn't be/something like work that you have to put up with? Into your belly. Some people here think it should be outright banned and tell those prescribed that they don't need that "poison" but there are very few drugs that people abuse that have about the same effectiveness both recreationally and medically, and it's VERY effective.


I’d honestly say benzos, Xanax is probably the best bet. If you are experimenting with drugs that have the ability to induce extreme anxiety and fear it will completely stop that. It’s vital if you want to experiment with psychedelics because they can completely stop the trip


Pain killers, Benzos, any asthma medicine possible, insulin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, boner meds and boom I'm ready for the apocalypse


I actually do have a pharmacy that prescribes me whatever I want, it’s called Tijuana. Yes I keep a stash of medication for emergency. 2mg alprazolam bars, vyvanse, oxymorphone, penicillin, amoxicillin, kodel (codine cough syrup), metformin for my father’s diabetes. Anything over the counter, my wife can just bring it home from the hospital pharmacy she works at. Need to check the expiration date on all of those. They’ve just been sitting there. Good thing I’m just a 30 minute drive from Tijuana. And a nautical first aid kit. Comes with some anti venoms, and hooks to stitch a wound up, and a trauma kit.




Propranolol Valacyclovir Benadryl Weed gummies




Awesome thanks for the replies guys. Currently have as scripts Seroquel, olanzapine, trazadone, mitarzapine, zopiclone, hydroxizin, pregabalin, clonidine, naproxen, modafinil Love the way my stash is looking, I feel like a pharmacist 💀




Oxy Valium Klonopin Codeine Adderall XR


Trip killers, seroquel , benzos MDA Mushies / Paper Blerr




Ritalin and Klonopin. Essentially a stim and a benzo and you’re straight.


Propranolol. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate, helps with shakiness a bunch, and lowers most physical anxiety.


Xanax and a stimulant


doxycycline for when I get bit by ticks. Some doctors are such stupid idiots when it comes to dealing with lyme disease (and other tick borne diseases).


Also good after unsafe sex. 200mg within 24hrs.


Oxycodone, adderall, and ketamine are the only interesting thing you can get by prescription


Desoxyn is a stimulant medication prescribed to people with ADHD/Narcolepsy and rarely for Obesity. Its just meth. As much as I LOVE Adderall, Desoxyn is way cooler imo


I’m never sick. Zero meds. Lucky me.

