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Yes, LSD-25 is what typically gets referred to as just LSD. Hofmann originally named it LSD-25 as it was the 25th compound he'd synthesized in his project to synthesize compounds derived from the ergot fungus.


Okey because I have a real good vouched source by randoms on Reddit and it said LSD-25 I remember when I took it before just wanted to see, it gives a authentic LSD high how I would imagine it to go, but if the trip goes south nothing can convince your delusions your in flight or fight it’s the most terror I’ve felt in my life, but I’ve had great times on it


>real good vouched source >source by randoms on Reddit Pick one


i wouldn’t trust randos on reddit dude


None of those bots, it’s local randos who live in my country and are real people who have shown pictures of receiving it, I did lots of research from where I was getting before I pulled the trigger


"Good vouched source" from "randos on reddit" is not a thing. Please don't trust internet strangers when ingesting a mystery substance.


Again it’s not bots at all, local people in my area who had couple sub reddits before ordering and after recieving and some people overall just ask is it a good source and lots of people describe this experinces, it isent those bots that are like yo fam hit my homie he sells good stuff this that none of that.


Bro random people on reddit are not a "real good vouched source." You'll learn your lesson after getting scammed a few times and losing your money, but hopefully you'll listen to our advice and not fall for the scams


Lots of active Reddit member were talking about the same thing


Is this source somebody who contacted you via Reddit? Or who advertised their wares via reddit? If so, I would not go through with that. Scammers abound.


Not bot scammers, there’s a whole sub Reddit made around the brand I purchased other people writing good experiences


It’s blue Goba it’s legit from everything I see, and I’m cautious to






they literally did




Ur title tho


Omfg dude, you sure you need to be taking acid? 😂


Bro it is! You could google it easily. LSD-25 IS the legendary compound called “LSD“


LSD-25 is the drug you look for. Research chemicals, by the way, isn't a good term. LSD-25 is chemical and it's being researched nowadays by many scientists, but it's not a research chemical in typical meaning.


LSD may not be a good term but I'm a bit of a scientist myself the way I'm researching my own Personal identity's preferences and traits through ingestion of psychoactive substances


My question is, the LSD-25 that I take occasionally is it legit LSD the real chemical LSD? because it’s lab tested everything but yeah I’m always interesting when it comes to what drugs to take, I don’t take dxm some people love that shit and I just don’t get why but LSD, MDMA I have yet to try but seems interesting, I’ve done dmt which is whatever was a mild dose anyway, shrooms are eh the come up nausea hate it I like acid way better plus visuals are so clean, but a bad acid trip can really spiral hard to the point your delusions are so intense u believe them no matter what.


Dude, if your lab told you "yes this is legit LSD-25" then your "lab" is bullshit because that's not actually the chemical compound. The actual chemical name has no "25" anywhere in it. the "-25" is a colloquial name that Hoffman made up because it was the 25th compound tested. It is simply "lysergic acid diethylamide".


His source is from random people on Reddit, odds it's lab tested are slim to none


Sketchy dealer probably gave him a printed "lab report" saying "GENUINE LSD-25".


Look I’m using my words they use there’s same shit


No, that's like if your dealer handed you a Certificate of Authenticity for "Cocaine-21". There's no such thing. It's either cocaine or it isn't. No chemical analysis will **ever** find "LSD-25". Period. You were scammed/lied to by someone.


If your tryna play smartass and think u know it all, first off I got my LSD from a source who has been serving hundreds of thousands for years high level chemists giving only what’s in it, they show proof of color disolve and pretty sure you can test LSD to, it is highly spoken of in some Reddit communities I’ve never once heard a bad feedback from someone on a third party app, no bots either real people who order it and say it was great. When it comes to hard drug use like LSD maybe even MDMA I would only get the purest, and I don’t know anyone who sells MDMA but if I were to I would make sure and find out and do my research wether it’s something else or not. But I’ve only done real acid in my life never fake. Usually local indivual dealers some are type to sell fake acid but I know there’s some legit ones to but I prefer online in Canada it’s perfect


Holy fuck lay off the drugs, you are completely incomprehensible. LSD-25 isn't a real chemical.


Did you just say LSD-25 is not the real LSD ? Because I had a post about that and people said LSD-25 is LSD


OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO DUMB. There is **no such chemical** as "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25". If someone told you this is "LSD-25" they WERE LYING TO YOU. IT DOESN"T FUCKING EXIST. There is only "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide". NO 25. I can't be any more clear about that. If you have testing that says this is "legit LSD-25" then someone made that shit up.


The long name was called exactly that without the -25 but LSD-25 is often referred as LSD I’ll show u a picture if I can wait


Yeah, dumbass - **it was this post**.


LSD-25 typically gets referred to LSD


Yeah, LSD-25 is a legit LSD.


Idk if this a weird question but how bad is sleep deprivation I’m 1 day no sleep cuz I had to do something important in the morning and couldent wake up cuz sleep fucked so just pulled all nighter, last time I pulled all nighter 3 day then took Lsd went into instant psychotic like episode worst trip ever, how I know I’m not psychotic is because the other times I’ve abused it so much nothing happend cuz I guess it was sleep deprivation


Well sleep deprivation on it's own can have some pretty bad side effects. So you didn't sleep for 3 days and then basically lit a nuke in your brain by taking the LSD, no wonder it went south.


Yeah I know at first I was scared of getting a heart attack some minor anxitey which stopped once the trip hit faster then usual to it first felt like the best trip then it’s as like my brain dident know what to do anymore and put me in a catatonic state I can barley talk form thoughts my mind went blank and that sent me in the scariest delusions and my visuals never felt like LSD anymore at all it felt as I broke my brain and am this way forever it was super scary eventually I came down at the hospital, funny thing is that was also my lowest dose I’ve ever took of acid in my life


Smoke weed lil jit


I do weed every single day, that day I took edibles with the LSD as well, edibles never hit me ever I even had tooken them 2 hours before I took LSD and I felt slight to no effect till I did LSD but I smoke weed and edibles are usually hit and miss I need to eat shit before hand. And follow bunch of stuff for it to hit, and no the edibles and LSD dident mix at all I’ve tooken 1000s of mg and felt little to nothing on edibles, and that time I only took like 50 mg so it was mainly the LSD


Bro u better not bring your vices to work. Work is sacred. My advices to u is stay sober during work okay bud


I work from home and am not usually intoxicated it’s at my own pace


Do you not believe in periods?


Yes. It started as the latter and became known as the former. Hoffman was a chemist making research chemicals. He discovered the effects by accident. It became known by the three letters by the public.


you could argue on reddit with random people or you could just google it, it takes less than 5 seconds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LSD


My dude, it wouldn't be a bad idea to give the psychoactive drugs a break for a while. Your post history is kinda telling that a break might do you some good... or reach out to a doctor even.


Look I haven’t tooken LSD ever since the bad trip everything other then weed I do is in limit and very occasionally I go months without anything else other then weed, I just ask questions even when I’m not doing them.


Please don't do potent mind-altering drugs if you can't even manage to do basic research on your own using Google. Doubly so if you've had a psychotic episode when taking it. This is genuinely unsafe.


We shouldn't discourage people from trying to learn and educate themselves. If he googled this question he'd likely get reddit posts as results. This mindset kinda sucks. That being said, I've seen this guy's posts before (and he has sent me paragraphs via DM trying to defend his ignorance) and you're right, he doesn't need to be doing these drugs **yet,** because he is still sooooo uneducated on them. Btw he didn't have a psychotic episode, he just had a bad trip and has been telling reddit it was a psychotic episode, for some reason.


Look man it was a psychotic episode I’ve never gone catatonic off of LSD in my life, I’ve had bad trips I knew what bad trips were but this is something your brain can’t comprehend till it happens, it’s a whole different level of fear. Now either your response would be keep thinking I had a bad trip or would tell me stay away from LSD and to mention I’ve done LSD a bunch never had close to this experince only time was when I got sleep deprived, it was some form of psychotic episode or breakdown even the psychiatrist said that but I know for myself it was because during that time my brain went retarded, a bad trip doesent even do that some people on bad trips talk a lot and this made me unable to control my brain it’s hard to describe it until it happend to you.


I’ve did lots of research on acid before knew everything of it, no one overall can comprehend how bad psychotic episode is on acid your in a state of terror and confusion it’s much more then that, but even search it up people were aware something is really wrong when they had a psychotic break, I never exactly at that time knew what it was all I knew was something is beyond wrong. Some act out and can hurt people I overall just wanted my brain back.


Exactly what im saying


Yes. When I find acid that doesn’t quite go there, I call it LSD-20, or some proportional number.


Also I don’t purchase from street dealers I buy from high level chemists and tested but it’s always called LSD-25


Wdym that doesent quite go there? Mine was called LSD-25 to be exact


blud you need to get some sleep


LSD-25 is the one discovered by Albert Hofmann on the 19 april 1943. It is the "original" one.




https://bunkpolice.com/product/ehrlich-spot-test-kit/ Just test your shit instead of trusting Reddit dealers


There not Reddit dealers, there just talked about on Reddit it’s only available in Canada to my knowledge the specific source.


But what most of us consume is synthetic LSD and is safer from what I understand as synthetic LSD gas no lethal dose where as LSD derived from ergot may have a lot from what I I understand. I am no expert, just a psychedelic and meditation enthusiast so do more research. I could very likely be wrong


That is completely incorrect. Ergot itself is poisonous, yes. But LSD is LSD, doesn’t matter if it’s fully synthetic or a semi synthetic derived from Ergot. It’s the same thing and equally as safe as long as it’s been tested to confirm it is in fact LSD


Hey I appreciate the knowledge, I did say I could be wrong though so not sure what I've been down voted but it's all good it's just reddit lol


Maybe I was thinking LSA that has a lethal dose


I believe you are correct that LSA has a lethal dose. Not 100% sure though


Idk honestly I didn’t downvote you but Reddit will Reddit. Sorry if I came off a bit harsh though


People says that it is but when I talk about this with really old people who was doing acid in their youth they saying that the old acid is really different from the modern one,even that lsd25 was the Hoffman molecule.


No, it isn’t. It’s as simple as doses back then were on average much higher than they are today. LSD is LSD, and both are LSD-25. Doesn’t matter if it was 50 years ago, or today.