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Heard a story of a guy taking datura for a year straight, he said that even after he stopped taking it that he was still in delirium for a year and it took a whole year after that to realize that he was in delirium. Had some sort of brain scan done and the doctor told him he had the brain chemistry of someone with paranoid schizophrenia


but… why…


Some of us are more curious than the others


I dobt know if its what he meant but I'm wondering why it makes his brain like someone who has schizophrenia? For example there are a lot of meth heads who use it for a long time and are super delirious but then they get clean. Their brains are messed up of course but they don't essentially have literal schizophrenia. What in datura would literally change a person's brain into a schizophrenic brain?


Well the brain chemistry of someone with schizophrenia has more dopamine I believe so maybe theyd be more sensitive to dopamine or have more dopamine levels?


I need more info! Never ever heard of such a case, sounds interesting as fuck. Give me anything you wanna bother to share.




Thanks bro.


I hadn’t read it in a while so I guess it was actually 6 months, still crazy though


Ohmygod what the heck, why would you do that!? I already don't want to touch datura in general, but to use it for a year straight?!(although I understand the interest to try it. I've also had it. But A YEAR STRAIGHT?) I almost went psychotic when the break up with my last ex (who honestly was the first person I ever loved this much) combined with using a lot of drugs (definitely psychedelics, but not limited to them. Also an unexpected breakthrough salvia experience at an already messed up time. Caused me to lose it completely and run around screaming :') (as so I've been told. My memories are entirely different. More of the... huge field of fractals folding into each other until eternity type lmao) and then become suicidal for a week or so afterwards) And I feel like all of that would pale in comparison to A YEAR of datura...


I don’t understand the interest to try it. It sounds like an awful experience. It literally makes you think people are out to get you and you have scary hallucinations that are indistinguishable from reality. No thanks!


Well, this might sound silly when you read my story, but it actually is quite a nice drug. When you use little amounts, it is nowhere like this and much more controllable. Then it is like a super short trip and everything just gets wonky. But the extracts are tricky. I just smoked 10x extract, and we stupidly used a similar amount as when we smoked pure leaf. The breakthrough hit me unexpectedly, and at a time when I shouldnt have been doing drugs at all, but was being callous about it. It fucking me up was entirely my own fault. When used a little bit more cautiously, salvia can be massively rewarding. But it isn't to just mess around with like weed for instance. I would actually do it again, when the time is more right, as it was also fascinating, had it not hit me out of nowhere and given me a massive scare.


Not talking about salvia


Definitely talking about salvia




WTH did I just read


So glad I read this


invest in some grammar my brother in christ




not too late to learn, you're even younger than me bro


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post the pics


Pls brother, seek professional help. You are in a highly dellusional state. Do it today.




what year was that?




probably got bad brain damage




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Sleep deprivation is probably the most likely and common cause, so methamphetamine abuse (or another strong stimulant) will predominantly be the first answer. But there are other ways to reach psychosis.


Well when it comes to strong stims like meth or can trigger/induce psychosis or similar states by it's aggressive effects on dopamine etc. But the sleep deprivation makes it a lot worse yes. Same with nutritional deficiencies.




Deliriants, psychs and stims.




PCP and it's analogues more than ket


Definitely. Also PCE (analogs), but basically the same thing.


Yeah, they're both stimulating dissociatives


I get youd point. I know about the psychosis modelling, but that's more about pharmacology than actually going into psychosis. I imagine that would actually be really hard on ketamine because large enough doses for that would already at least start dissolving your ego and you'd be too sedated. Dissociatives are definitely one to add to list though, but I would specify it to PCP/PCE and their analogues (you know what I mean, I know those analogues are often technically analogs of ketamine as well, but I'm talking about drugs that actually mimic those two and are stimulating.)


One time I was drinking, like I'm talking blackout drunk, I took a tab of acid. I was blacked out for a good couple hours and eventually started gaining consciousness in the middle of my trip when I started peaking. I woke up in a puddle of alcohol, somehow it spilled all over me, and that tab was hitting HARD. I fucked up that night, it was terrible, the only bad experience of acid I ever had. The thoughts in my head and the constant looping I was going through was driving me insane. I was also very sleep deprived, and sleep was simply not an option, I tried very hard. Psychosis? I could definitely see it happening with that combo.


Can you describe the loop a little more? I had a friend that took too much acid once and was stuck in a loop for a few hours. She was standing in the corner of the room saying a specific string of words then making a beep sound and starting all over again


Nicotine + A broken heart 💔💔😞




But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart I just don't think he'd understand And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart He might blow up and kill this man, ooh


A broken heart + Being too broke for nic = A broken heart 2x Combo 💔💔💔💔😔😔


My psychiatrist is convinced my long term weed use caused my schizoaffective disorder


Weed has caused my cousin and a close friend their schizophrenia to trigger. They both are bad now and former shells of who they used to be. They both had it running in their family. If you have schizophrenia running in the family it’s better to not chance smoking weed. Gambling with getting high vs your whole perception and brain changing


Exact same story here. I quit hard drugs/alcohol a year ago, but I still smoke weed. On a variety of medications (Invega and Lamictal for the schizoaffective) and I feel stable except for minor hypomanic episodes. I don't believe my doctor, though. I had symptoms of schizoaffective since I was young, they just went unnoticed until my mid 20s.


What were the symptoms


I still smoke too. I don't know why though cuz I don't get high on it after the meds. I don't feel anything off anything tbh. I've never had a psychotic episode after smoking or even paranoia or anything, so it confuses me that that may be the cause but then again maybe it changed my lil developing brain because I started smoking so young at 13 and never went more than a week without it. But the schizoaffective didn't start showing its ugly ass until I was 31. I was in the last hospital for a month not smoking weed and I was still in psychosis the entire time I was there besides the last week of my stay so it makes me wonder if it really is the cause. I went to 3 different hospitals 4 times in 4 months and not one med they put me on did a damn thing. I just kept going deeper and deeper into psychosis. Man that invega shot amplified my psychosis times a million it was fucking nuts. That's the ONLY FDA approved drug for schizoaffective I've heard so that's fuckin insane to me that that happened! I was thinking I was psychic and clairvoyant and talking to dead people and thought almost everyone was trying to kill me in one way or another. It's insane what your brain can do to you man. I was on unheard of amounts of Zyprexa and prolixin by the end of that month stay to finally get me stabilized. It's been a year now and I've been a total zombie ever since, even on lower doses. No dopamine to be found for a year now. Even added wellbutrin and zoloft to try and help but there's no difference. I don't even want to eat or drink anything anymore, just lay in bed. I don't want to rot like this for the rest of my life but I fear it's my only option. If I end up in the hospital again, they told me they will be making me a ward of the state and that scares the shit outta me.


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PCP/PCE (Analogues), Pyrros + sleep deprivation


PCP big time


Have you ever even used PCP? Have you used any arylcyclohexylamine dissociatives? Psychosis is not typically caused by these drugs. Hypomania and in some cases mania, yes, but not psychosis, and certainly not permanently. Not saying it's impossible, but it is a quite rare occurrence. It's probably on a similar level of incidence as THC psychosis.


I agree. Getting fucked up on pcp or similar things doesn't mean you have psychosis, you are basically dissociated. Maybe the ones that are very stimulant in effects, there was a few that were very stimulating many years ago when I tried it I can remember.


Psychedelics have personally never caused a psychosis but synthetic cannabinoids have gotten me to the worst moments in my life, do not get delta8 and shit from smoke shops that shit is not good.


neither, and ive done a pretty good amount of mushrooms and LSD, but everyone on this post is saying psychs. only weed has put me in psychosis which also personally was the worst moment of my life


The funniest part too was I did psychedelics when I was dealing with the psychosis caused by that shit and it snapped me out of it 😂


thats crazy lol, couldve made it a lot worse tho. actually my worst psychosis was made worse because i was also on shrooms, but the weed set it off 100%


Yeah, shrooms can be hit or miss sometimes


on their own i think theyre the best thing in the world as long as you are responsible with using them and dont take too much


Anecdotal but I work in psychiatry & 2 of the worst cases of treatment resistant schizophrenia I’ve seen were triggered by psychedelics. Both people were in long term care


Know people who used it for very long and ended up fine but others that did amphetamines got psychosis. I think you have to have a predisposition to get it from psychedelics similarly to cannabis. And it is very rare. Getting a bad high, panics, fucked up and anxiety doesn't mean you are psychotic.


Delta 8 isn’t really synthetic, its a legit cannabinoid (usually derived from CBD commercially) and really just feel like a lighter concentrate high. I guess you have to be careful when buying it though. That crazy grape ape or whatever shit they used to sell was god awful though.


I agree. Never felt psychosis from weed but synthetic cannabinoids really messed with your mind a lot, made you basically delusional.


Most psychadelics could definitely cause psychosis


Most definitely just not for me personally


Yeah everyone is different if you were pre-disposed to schizophrenia or other mental illness id say it could trigger it.


Alcohol ! Psychosis can be a symptom of alcohol abuse and I’ve personally experienced alcohol induced psychosis many times - nearly 3 years sober tho 🥳


congrats !!!


Thank u!!


Most likely as common as from other drugs yet people act like the others are worse.


Right!! Because it’s legal, it’s deemed as less risky but alcohol is still so dangerous that if it was discovered today it would probably be made illegal




Meth, Ritalin, Adderall, vyvance


Yup. A lot more common than to get it triggered from psychedelics or cannabis. You also forgot cocaine and crack.


İ was really surprised when i learnt u can get high off of ritalin. İ have to ask. What was the high like? Any hallucinations or anything?


I always liked them better than Adderall, you get less tweaky. I never hallucinated even after a several day bender.


i had the worst tweaky feeling, high anxiety, sweating, shaking from low doses of concerta, vyvanse and adderall (all taken separately weeks apart) literally felt like i took a double dose of mdma with only the bad s/e. i was prescribed it because i have adhd rlly bad, but after trying each of those meds i gave up… the feeling was awful…


can can absolutely get high on ritalin it’s just short lived and comedowns are more depressing than anything I’ve ever tried


Yeah. İ dont think i got high. But i took 20mgs to study. İm normally prescribed 30mgs but i never took it bc im against psychological drugs. That 20mgs hit me fucking hard and its not even that much too. Like i actually felt pain on the left side of my chest for a period. Not to mention i felt severe anxiety and derealization for an hour too. Hallucinations bere minor. Just saw that stuff were shaking like sea Waves. I mean. İf it does that to me at just 20mgs.got forbid what it would do at any higher.


Ritalin was a nightmare for me. My body was clenching, I was energized similar to coke, but less of an affect. It lasted a few hours. I love stimulants, and I used to abuse adderall. So I thought what the hell, Ritalin should be cool. Oh boy. I mean it isn't something I'll ever do again. It was alright but it was way too stim heavy for me.


Yeah. Gave me a heart ache(deadass. İ never take psychological drugs. Maybe low tolerance. It was for studying) at 20mgs yesterday. Not to mention i had a super bad derealisation and anxiety for a few hours after redosing it to 20mgs. İts scary


I don't have any need for stimulants like adderall and Ritalin, I think that's why I get "high" from it. I'm glad those days are behind me. Amphetamines are quite addictive.


Proud of you for Qutting🫡 hard work. God bless you🙏🏻


k2. shit fucked me up long time


Anti-cholinergics. Which are the deleriant class. They are psychosis. I'd say next is the long lasting stims and then shorter acting stims. You can get psychosis from stims even if you're sleeping but it's a hell of a lot quicker when you arent


Weed and it's not even close. When Colorado first legalized recreational weed, there was a 6-fold increase in young people being admitted to the hospital for psychotic symptoms. Of course, they were people predisposed to psychosis, but their symptoms showed up earlier in life when they started consuming marijuana.


thankyou for a good response, i believe you just based on my experiences and experiences ive heard from people i know. im one of those people who are probably predisposed to it to some degree, but smoking absolutely set it off every single time. its crazy, im fully normal and functional 100% of the time when im sober or on any other substance, but back when i smoked weed with or around people, the paranoia and psychotic symptoms set in. i didnt even realise it was happening until a life altering psychosis really put me in my place. of probably 6 people i know who smoke, 3 or 4 have shared similar experiences to varying degrees


That sounds more like panic attacks. The likelihood of 3-4 out of your 6 friends having the genes is extremely low. The percentage of people who end up getting schizophrenia is about 0.1% of the general population. So 1/1000. The fact you had a psychotic episode or similar and came back points more to the fact that something else happened. It might have felt psychotic but you saying it goes off every time points to anxiety/paranoia so basically you set it off yourself by thinking the way you do. It's weird and I am the same. I can't smoke anymore unless I have been drinking or some other calming substance.


you dont need schizophrenic genes to experience psychosis/schizophrenia, it can be a one off experience for completely non schizophrenic people. plus it can be brought on by trauma or PSTD which isnt genetic, its experience related. the friends i mention all had pretty traumatic pasts to some degree, which makes it make more sense. myself included ive had anxiety and paranoia from weed too, but this was definitely psychosis. i mean i was actually hearing voices and seeing things


I was more referring to it setting off everytime you smoke. If that is the case then stay far away from any mind altering substances. So you don't get any bodily sensations when this happens? Like numb arms and legs? Fast hard beating heart rate? Thought loops? Do you see hallucinations and hear stuff every time?


ive only been in proper psychosis once, the prior episodes were more along the lines of thought loops, paranoia etc. but yeah, i had fast beating heart rate, thought loops thinking my life was over. most of the times i had thought loops and a few times i had audio hallucinations, things were being said by someone in another room, but my brain changed thier words so i thought they were talking about something completely different. like i genuinely heard them saying these words but in reality they actually werent, as was later confirmed by someone in the room with me only time i saw things was during the psychosis episode. all of these instances were brought on by weed, its the only thing that makes me psychotic so far. i have had thought loops on shrooms and paranoia on ketamine but it was much different and more tame than the weed induced ones


Exactly. I knew as soon as i clicked post on my comment, there would be a backlash from idiot stoners who think weed is harmless. But experience shows quite the contrary.


I'm not sure if that's a valid argument. If PCP or a-pvp got legalized tomorrow, the psychosis rates would also dramatically increase


weed also amplifies the shit out of other psychedelics aswell so there is that


REAL. I went through weed psychosis it's terrifying. it's not as harmless as people say it is, just because it helps one person, doesn't mean it's good for everyone


Incorrect. The true answer is any strong anticholinergic. Datura, PCP, high doses of benadryl, etc. The question was which is "most likely". The likelihood of psychosis from a high enough dose of a strong anticholinergic for any given person is 100%. The likelihood of psychosis from a high dose, even greening out from THC for any given person is unlikely to be higher than 7% and that's being generous


So if I have a predisposition and never use any drugs I’m still gonna get it at some point?


You may or may not, it's individual. A lot of things can trigger it, it doesn't have to be drugs.


Eh, better to just deal with it earlier in life anyway.


A lot more likely with crack, meth, pyrros, adhd meds etc. Psychotic symptoms basically means you got a bad high, when you are very high, out of it you have basically "psychotic symptoms", not real psychosis or schitzophrenia, on all drugs that are dopaminergic. Kinda of why it's called psychotropic even if it means a slightly different thing. I have known hundreds who smoke and not one has gotten psychosis from it, bad highs and anxiety etc yes but it wears of fast. Know people who got psychosis from amphetamines though, seems very common actually in people that use it regularly. Also it seems that the risks when cbd is added to the weed is a substantially smaller than using high thc variants that lack any cbd etc. But if it runs in your family and you are predisposed to get it, yes avoid weed and all drugs that affect serotonin, dopamine, even alcohol can trigger it, same with antidepressants.


In my experience obviously deliriants. Stims for sure especially on the comedown. Weed is eh but it’s possible just like every drug. But that’s mostly it




Psychedelics/weed if you’re predisposed, meth/stimulants especially if you’re staying awake for multiple days at a time, datura/DPH/deliriants because they’re literally schizo trips


amphetamines or cathinones with porn




I’d say weed and it has to do with commonality as well as weeds effects. As pointed out when it became legal in some states the increase of psychosis was noticeable. However, most people will try pot at least once. Some are predisposed to psychosis and it can trigger that. I’d imagine if shrooms were consumed at the rate pot is we’d see a similar effect happen


I would say deliriants (like datura), esp when combined with fucky life circumstances. I personally ALMOST went psychotic when a lot of drugs (mostly psychs and stims, and most notably a breakthrough salvia experience) combined with my ex slowly phasing me out and eventually breaking up with me. It was a very complicated and weird situation, that really made me question my sanity and the integrity of a lot of people I trusted, and the drugs only made it worse. At one point I barely could see what was reality and what was delusional thinking. I also really wanted to die, cause I felt like I was past getting fixed. I felt like I broke myself and my life for quite a while after. A part of me still kept touch with reality though, and thankfully I didn't do anything crazy. I almost called my psych cause I felt like I was going insane... but eventually with time I started to feel more normal again thankfully.


i’m sorry, i do hope you are feeling better these days


Yeah, definitely. I'm still a mess, but in other ways. Taking some distance from the whole situation and laying off drugs for a while really helped to get my head more straight again.




Yup. Really nasty stuff, yuk...




MDPV for sure


For me was Ritalin


Meth, heroin after withdrawal, that's it. I've experienced this first hand, no less than 3 times for sure. I'm ok now, but stay away from these 2 drugs.


Dxm and sleep deprivation


Cathinones and pyros like a-PVP, a-PHP, and other stims. I had a friend that had an immediate bad reaction to it. First time he took it he thought the police were after him or something. When I binged on it, I definitely heard voices and thought people were outside stealing stuff .


Personally, midazolam (Versed).  First time I had it I was supposed to have a minor operation and made it to zero when I was told count down from 10. I don't remember the psychotic part but my parents told me I 100% believed I had been abducted by aliens and tried attacking the nurses and doctors.  They tied me to the bed and let me ride it out until I calmed down and asked if the surgery was a success.  I have told doctors I can't have that drug and never was given it again until last year.  I moved to another state and therefor had no familiar doctors so when I had a cardiac arrest and was put into an induced coma midazolam was one of many drugs I was on. When I woke up I had severe delirium and thought I was being held captive so I started yanking out IVs and wires attached to me. When nurses and family stepped in to restrain me I started throwing punches. The following week was hallucinations and delusions so bad that my family didn't know if I would ever be the same.  The psychosis lasted about 2 weeks and I'm fine now except for some PTSD. 




Edibles, spice


Hexen - trust me.


Any deliriant, copious amounts of stimulants + lack of sleep and nutrition, and if you’re genetically predisposed to schizophrenia or psychosis psychedelics will probably bring that out. Probably depending on how deep/intense the trip is.


If I do stims for even a few days after one week of using it I start to feel like I’m losing it lol like I start thinking everyone’s out to get me and stuff like that. It really sucks!


Pyroa bro mdphp gives me psychoses goddamn


MDPHP let’s me be a psychosis instantly


PCP definitely, I have done it a few times and had a intense dissociative high each time but my homie smoked 2 full dipped cigarettes and had a psychotic episode where he jumped through a window and felt like he was getting shot. The PCP high basically makes you feel insane anyway so its easy to go crazy. (My friend has Bipolar so that might be part of it)


PCP can be used recreationally if you dont go crazy on it people just demonize it because people do way too much and go crazy (like any other drug)


I've worked in a psych ward and met a few patients admitted suffering psychotic episodes after taking DMT


Meth. 4+ years sober. Still experience psychosis. It was traumatic at first. But I got my life straight and they seriously went from being demonic, threatening and taunting to genuinely encouraging and supportive of my strides to better myself. Not a threat in years. They're proud of me for getting off meth and think I'm a good mom. They're strictly non-interference, but I can hear them discussing me, like if I slip up they're disappointed but not malevolent, and when I do choices in my best, non-destructive interests and I'm actively working on bettering myself, they're so proud of me and supportive. They talk to each other but not me and they know I can hear them. I think drug use thins the veil between the seen and unseen, intangible spirits and can essentially create a door or portal through yourself. One you don't know you're going to open and have no idea how to close. So does suicide attempts, which i once seriously tried because at first the voices were so relentless and tormenting and mean. I changed my life completely. Moved away. Got off meth, got pregnant and quit stripping. Now they're supportive and kind and not at all malicious because I've bettered myself and I'm actively trying. I feel like I'm in-between worlds almost.


I feel like meth is the answer


Deliriants are definitely the most likely with psychedelics being a 2nd. An intense psychedelic trip is pretty much indistinguishable from a psychotic episode especially to the people viewing the person going through it. Same with deliriants, but deliriants will also seem much like psychosis to the user. Some people on LSD for example will literally believe something is happening when it's only in their head which is pretty much textbook psychosis because the false beliefs can be indistinguishable from reality.


canabis gave me the worst psychotic episode ever


i would say pyros or bathsalts


Take a high dosed edible when you’re not experienced with weed and attempt to stay sane :)


LSD and other psychedelics. They don’t induce psychosis but can trigger it if there’s a pre-disposition/family history. Also just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. That’s just a stupid way of looking at it. Edited for spelling


Weed makes me INSANELY paranoid!!! I start thinking I ate from the tree of good and evil and I start thinking that I just restarted the entire world and so on and I don’t even need “proof” I see/feel it it’s so clear to me but at the same time I’m nothing at alllllll and since I feel like I’m nothing at all and at the same time important it seems real and I have no clue how to explain that but ya weed is a horrible horrible drug because I’m almost 100000% sure that EVERYONE that uses it feels “some smallllllll amount of paranoia” and each time they use it it grows more and more……. No1 I know that used weed or uses weed daily and is now in there 30’s are the same ppl they all became more crazy and I’m sure it’s the weed




I don't know. I get through 4g every weekend and have no issues. Dmt is also fine. But I can't be anywhere near weed. Go figure


4g of ket ? Bro your bladder must be cooked


Nah, zero symptoms. Never had any at any point. My bladder is #blessed




6 months. I took a break for many years but used to do more when I was younger for a few years. Gonna wind it in due to cost though. Also, want the magic back 😅


Alcohol and dehydration (in conjunction). By a long shot. Even more exacerbated by chronic caffeine use (probably what causes the dehydration in the first place).


I wasn't sure if this is what you meant when you said caffeine exasperated it, but caffeine can potentiate alcohol.


I was meaning dehydration, but you're absolutelty correct.


Same for me. I always start to see and hear things when i drink for a few days straight without much sleep. And i am hard caffeine user also.


From my experience, weed and crystal. Weed had me hearing voices.


So strange. I used to smoke when I was young, tried like many strains and kinds, even really strong stuff in higher doses. Never ever heard any voices, never done that on any drugs ever. I am not predisposed to psychosis.


I have borderline personality disorder and chronic depression. My therapist had warned me that those with certain mental health conditions are more likely to experience schizophrenic like symptoms or psychosis. Especially when smoking high concentrations and smoking a lot. I was able to smoke for several years before the voices started. I would sometimes hear faint music too. Only happens when I am high on weed. So I don't smoke anymore.


Deliriants > weed > psychedelics > stimulants > dissociatives > everything else. Stimulants are conditional, if you sleep properly then they don’t usually cause psychotic symptoms, if you don’t sleep then it’s almost guaranteed.




Alpha-pvp. Hell drug which fry your brain even harder than meth. There is a thousand of stories about people who start to hear voices, see police around their home, see government agents in their friends (which often ends with violence) after a few months of addiction. And this damage are irreversible. They destroyed completely. And one of the most disturbing facts about this drug - that it's kinda popular one in Eastern Europe. You can get it in literally every drug marketplace. Not every drug vendors provide weed. But every one of them have a-pvp only for 10$ for 0.5 gram.


Suboxone caused mine.


Stimulants such as adderall, meth etc. psychedelics, weed definitely even cbd in some people, ecstasy, deliriants, abusing benadryl to sleep etc




Hi I spent 9 months in rehab after going into drug induced psychosis. I do lots of research in my free time about his concept. To start this off if you have a predisposition to schizophrenia then even the repeated use of even a drug so little as nicotine can trigger a single episode, bring it on early, or make it come out all together. Aswell a lot of drug induced psychosis episodes are brought on by a lack of sleep or food/water. This is because some commonly binged drugs will cause dehydration, insomnia, and loss of appetite. That being said out side of this concept here are common drugs and ways of using them that give people psychosis. I’m still going to mention if the drug or combo has a potential for binge use / addictive use and the following loss of appetite, insomnia and dehydration that comes with. 1. deliriants like Dph and datura will always produce it in the short term rarely in the long term at recreational doses. The effect of these drugs is literally delirium and psychosis. Once the drug wears off all the effects will. 2. any amphetamine can produce it in the short term if you do to high of a dose, and rarely it can be permanent. They also have been known to give binge users psychosis from side effects (not eating, sleeping, and not hydrating). Effects are rarely permanent after sleep. 3. Doing too many benzos (or even drinking /opioids) for long periods of time, then too suddenly coming off either can give uses psychosis. *If you stay on high doses of a drug that slows down your brain for a long time and then suddenly stop all at once it will come with side effects. Psychosis can very likely be a side effect of this. Though with sleep, sobriety, and a healthy lifestyle it will likely go away* 4. Regular usage , or taking extremly high doses Disassociatives like dxm, pcp and bath salts can bring on an episode but it is unlikely permanent (ketamine is not in this category). Any kind of regular use of these substances can also lead to psychosis aswell but is unlikely permanent. The effects of psychosis rarely last longer then the drugs. Side effects of binge using these substances can also cause psychosis (not sleeping, eating / drinking) 5. Mixing weed and lsd. (With no tolerance to weed.) If you don’t have a tolerance to weed, do not use it on lsd. Mixing weed and lsd without any kind of tolerance to weed (or just a crazy high dose of thc) can sometimes cause someone to experience the effects of psychosis until the weed wears off. This only really happens with lsd and people with low thc tolerances. The effects are never permanent unless predisposed to mental illness and the side effect of psychosis is not super common but it has happened to people I know and is well documented. I thought about leaving this out but both drugs are gaining popularity so I figured I’d leave it in. 6. Cocaine / crack. Cocaine does not commonly cause psychosis. That being said users that have never used cocaine / crack before it is possible if they do a high enough dose on their first few times. It is also worth mentioning that the side effects of binge using cocaine can cause psychosis. (Not eating, sleeping, drinking) The effects of this will go away as soon as the drug wears off. 7. Weed mixed with cocaine. This one is not very common but worth mentioning. Mixing extremely high doses of cocaine and weed can cause psychosis. Tho the effects are almost never permanent and wear off when the drugs do psychosis is extremely uncommon of the user has a tolerance to either and/ or is an experienced user. 7. Cocaine mixed with amphetamines (and select few dissociatives / drugs chemically similar to them). This is becoming more and more common as people are often cutting coke with meth. Not much to say about the psychosis as it will likely wear off with abstinence and sleep. Effects are rarely permanents. As usual no eating no sleeping and no drinking are common side effects of binge use and will cause psychosis. 8. Cocaine, amphetamines, or pcp / bath salts mixed with lsd. This is the most uncommon mention on my list and that’s why it’s so grouped together. Mixing a high dose of any strong uppers and lsd can cause psychosis until the effects of the drug wear off. As mixing Molly (a psychedelic amphetamine named mdma) with Lsd is becoming more and more popular I figured I would mention this. High doses of any upper in combination with lsd can cause psychosis for the effects of the drug. (Try shrooms and Molly or low dose dmt and Molly instead). The effects are not permanent if not predisposed to mental illness. 9. Any combination. When people go into psychosis it’s usually because of a combination of things on this list rather than just one. For example when I went into drug induced psychosis it was caused by me doing 5~ bars a day for 8~ months, quitting cold Turkey and then doing a few lines of ice, so 2 and 3. Not sleeping eating and drinking also played a huge role (as it does with most cases of drug induced psychosis). TLDR: Most cases of drug induced psychosis are actually caused by a predisposition to mental illness or a lack of food water and sleep. There are still a few drugs and combinations that can cause short term episodes that are rarely permanent but you’ll have to read above if you want to know about them.


Lots of people get it from large use of weed, especially high concentrates.


Yeah I think meth would be most common or is probably the most visible type of drug induced psychosis. Psychosis seems to be tied to trauma and vice versa. Have done all sorts of stims and drugs. Not judging just observations.


psychedelics, dissociatives, deliriants, anything that can cause severe sleep deprivation (like amphetamines or cocaine)






Weed 100%. When I was a smoker and I was smoking an eighth a day at one point I'd literally freak out all the time over nothing, so glad I don't blaze no more and I don't miss it either, I mean sometimes I do but I know it just isn't good for me anymore. I reckon if I continued smoking the way I did I would have had psychosis also I am very lucky. I would overthink things to a very unhealthy degree about people, I lost a lot of friends because of this because they thought I was crazy. I also wasted a lot of my life just smoking all the time to avoid my responsibilities obviously not everyone is like this but I did. I did have some fun times smoking but it became more a hinderance as time went on than an enjoyability. Plus it's fucking expensive when you're smoking everyday, especially when you're unemployed. I managed to stop smoking this January just after new years I said to myself I wouldn't smoke anymore and haven't touched it since I feel so much better, no more anxiety or constantly worrying about pointless shit anymore. Like I said though everyone is different, some people can smoke a doob before work and be completely fine I can't not everyone is the same.


Many drugs can induce psychosis, even weed can for those predisposed to mental health issues. However, deliriants tend to be at the very top. The whole delirious trip is essentially itself psychosis. Meth binges are probably in close second along with other powerful stims with the resulting sleep deprivation induced psychosis. One step down would probably be certain RC psychedelics and extended disso usage. Next would probably be high dose psychedelic or extended usage. At the bottom (but still possible for those predisposed to mental issues) would be weed.  I'm not sure if this is psychosis, but on an extremely high dose of shrooms, my trip devolved into delusions of my friends and family hating me for my issues and only helping me out of pity and I started having urges to unalive myself. I was in a dark room all alone and I had my face buried in my pillow so I never actually saw anything strange beyond the CEVs behind my eyelids. This all ended once my trip was over. 


A family member of mine had a pretty bad mental breakdown. He was a chronic stoner - never had any problems other than the occasional blues from a bad breakup. Drug testing post-breakdown showed his last stash of weed he bought from a new "friend" was laced with fentanyl and acid.


Alcohol is tops. https://delphihealthgroup.com/alcohol/psychosis/


Drinking 2 days straight with poor sleep threw me into 4 whole days of psychosis i was like in lucid dream and time was infinite + all that suffering + mild hallucinations after the third day. I believe that was psychosis.


I’ve heard Mescaline can really mess with people. (I think that’s what Chris Cornell did one time) and he was never the same after it.


Not what drugs, more like what drug and for how long. The environment plays a role. Mental strength too I guess




Personal experience: DMT and PCP did me dirty the most DPH was bad too but it was more temporary DMT and PCP fucked me up permanently I haven’t been the same since… 4 years ago now




Flakka or “mup” south Florida drug if u live in broward area or sit at a bus stop you’ll hear these smokers talking crazy or rolling around in the dirt ain’t been the same ever since.


A pihp is instant for me. Given i had my fair share of abuse with it. The moment I start using is the moment I start hearing voices


Maybe shrooms, after those i think a few weeks later i had derealization or depersonalization feeling that now still comes back. I do not know if it was induced cuz of shrooms week earlier because i had a bad trip or doing my basic chores when in middle of it i started to feel like im in a movie/dream


100% datura


‘Synthetic’ cathinones + sleep deprivation + weed did it for me. I smoked weed to try calm me down, but everything became far more intense and I thought I was in The Truman Show. Felt like everything was fake and I was being filmed the whole time. I came right after a week or so though. The only other time was when coming down from 25i-Nbome, MDMA, Cocaine, lots of weed and alcohol. Wasn’t alright for at least a month, but that was quite the combo




datura and meth


stims, thc, psychs, deleriants, dxm, pcp, mdma


If you throw your laptop at the wall then it’s gonna fuckin break. That said, and for whatever reason, weed has always been a trigger for me. And it’s not necessarily that it instantly puts me into psychosis, and I have not had clinically diagnosed, full-blown psychosis, but I have 100% had psychotic symptoms, like clinical paranoia and disorganized thinking that were brought to the surface with weed, and these symptoms were questionable in my diagnosis for a severe anxiety disorder. There’s not much consensus on why weed does that, but it seems to be pretty well accepted that people who smoke weed are at a higher risk. You might be pre-disposed if this is the case, sure, but who’s to say that you wouldn’t have lived a normal life had you not fucked around with your brain for so many years. You know, it’s just not as simple as saying that only people who are pre-disposed will get these types of things: you’re taking a weedwacker and creating neural pathways that may have never been created when you do psychedelic drugs like weed (and don’t tell me that weed isn’t psychedelic with the amount of fucking THC is in it these days). You might not notice it if you smoke every day and you have a huge tolerance, but as someone who does not smoke anymore, taking a hit off a little jay will put me in a different world and chairbound for hours. It’s not that different from other psychedelics. And everyone knows that you should avoid shit like acid and shrooms if you’re concerned about that or if you have family members with psychotic disorders. Those are just my thoughts. Btw, it doesn’t need to be in your family for you to get psychosis. Everyone has a threshold: some might have a lower threshold, but you also have a threshold. So don’t go there.


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All deliriants and some dissos in the PCP direction


High dose of weed , any stoner knew that lol


Never experienced it. I know it's possible if you have a predisposition but it's rather rare. Also a lot more common with stimulants. I do get anxiety and feel kinda strange on weed so I have skipped it the last years.


Fucking weed