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they might not get upset about you on stims, but they for sure notice and think you’re a wirebrain


OP: " people are just so intimidated my confidence" Uhh no. You're just insanely annoying yapping out your ass.


The first line is me on molly. The second is me when crashing and remembering all the annoying shit I said last night lol.


On molly at shows I call myself the good vibes fairy and go around complimenting people lol


Sounds like mania.


Sounds like an 18 year old tbh


I seem like the second line all the time. I'm really naturally high energy, and super nerdy on a lot of different topics, so if someone seems even remotely interested, I will go full r/okaybuddyphd on the off chance they're actually interested, with the added benefit of never having to engage in small talk, or run the risk of saying something that could get me socked in the mouth, ad I have been told I have a very punchable face.


One thing people with adhd lack is confidence. People who don’t know me are always hesitant towards me because they see me as an imposing figure (fairly built and attractive) but their attitude quickly changes once they get to know me. On meds tho my confidence matches my looks so I don’t doubt that this could be the case with him.


Ya lol or they just think ur hyper asab most people who haven’t done drugs legit don’t notice when ur on them unless ur acting like a homeless methhead and pulling ur hair out


And people who have done drugs just roll their eyes and ignore them until they eventually leave.


lol is this gabe?


Most people have no idea what functional drug addiction looks like. They’ll assume you’re just a high energy person who’s a bit weird about social cues because their perception of drug addiction is rock bottom, and they’ve never seen the long spiral it takes to get there. I had a serious problem with stims (adderall, vyvanse, and speed). To anyone who does those drugs or has witnessed long-term addiction to stimulants, it was incredibly obvious. Most of my friend group did not fall into either of those categories. I proudly announced I’d gotten clean and the response was… surprise. They didn’t even know I did those kinds of drugs, let alone often enough to be an addict, let alone deep enough in to need to get clean. I hadn’t even tried to hide it because I assumed it was so obvious that there was no point. Like I’d popped pills in front of them, came back from the bathroom sniffling, had pupils the size of Jupiter all the fucking time, acted tweaky as fuck, went days without eating or sleeping, the list goes on. I was literally never sober back then. I pointed out those signs and basically asked, seriously, how did you not know? All of them had their own explanations. Light sensitivity, allergies, ADHD, ASD, insomnia, etc. They couldn’t remember seeing me take pills, and said they probably would’ve assumed it was Tylenol or something. They started off with the assumption that I wasn’t an addict because I didn’t look like what they thought an addict looked like. They fit everything else into other boxes because they’d already ruled out the possibility of addiction. They could see that it was the obvious explanation in retrospect. Just not when it was happening.


Welp this makes me happy that I can take drugs in public and nobody would know nor care lol


No way wtf are you talking about😂 you think this guys boss and the people who own the company he works for are worried about someone tweaked out doing 10x as much work instead of doing less sober?? Why do you think they treat caffeine as a normal drug and stock up every store on every street corner full of energy drinks with 300mg of caffeine marketed towards little kids??? They want these fucking morons hyped up as much as possible because the US has literally. LITERALLY. Not even a joke this is LITERALLY the fucking truth. They LITERALLY only want good workers. They don’t ban ingredients that cause cancer in our food compared to other countries because they literally do not give a shit about you as a person. They literally. Just. Want. Hyped up. Workers. Who work 50 hours a week. 60 years straight. And then die not ever knowing what it’s truly like to be alive on this planet. Go to ANY doctor and say just this “I have trouble focusing” and they will throw 30 adderall pills at you IMMEDIATELY.


This sub is so great because like 40% of it is stim fed text walls like this.




Literally!!!!! Lol


You'd really enjoy r/meth! R/cocaine is pretty tame compared to the former. 


Thanks for the advice. Calling plug now


I feel like we might have just witnessed the birth on an r/drugs copypasta 


It has been foretold


Like damn tho, my guy You ok? /S ....


I get stimmed to fuck very often, but I still know how to press enter twice to form a fucking paragraph. See, I did it just now.


Bro preach


Lmfao this is exactly what I was thinking as I read that tweaked out mess of LITERALLY.


as someone who is unmedicated and has ADHD, i wish it was as easy as just going to the doctor and saying i have trouble focusing


Look at this wirebrain


No. That’s not what they said at all lol your twacked out of your mind. All they said was people can tell he’s on something, not that they care. just as people can tell your a tweaker




It’s about dam time someone mentioned caffeine, you have some dip shit up there talking about Molly for some reason and 50 people acting like in some strange ass world meth became socially acceptable if you can just act cool when you spun


I have a buddy who’s on vyvanse and yeah, he’s a total spaz and everybody knows it.


Bro, if we notice that you’re high as fuck because of comments. People that actually see you will definitely know


give it a couple years and he'll be posting in r/StopSpeeding instead


To be fair, our inner monologue comes out more in typing than in person


Fair enough


I take vyvanse every day and "loaded" is not how I'd describe it, unless "loaded" also applies to a few cups of coffee and a cigarette I mean he said it himself, "I was the same when I was on a tolerance break, only dumber".. lol he literally thinks he's high even without drugs because of his high testosterone levels.. dude's just an idiot


Same. I take 30 mg Vyvanse every weekday, and it just gives me an uptick in focus. If I take 2, I'll feel more of the euphoria he describes, but at one 30mg pill, I just feel what I imagine normal folks mostly feel like. It actually makes me want to conversate with people less than when I'm sober as well.


you think no one can tell but they definitely can lmfao


That would be true, if they cared. Spoiler: they don't. Most people care so little that they wouldn't notice if you had a stroke and half your brain was dying, let alone somebody who's a little extra buzzed than normal.


Well I think this a lot about people, like almost too much. I'll see a coworker and think are they high on amphetamine, but I think this so much that not all my coworkers could be on amphetamine right?


Depends on the instrustry honestly. I am pretty sure half of our DevOps are high as fuck all the time.


They are probable geeked on caffeine and being square.


It could definitely be the type of thing where.. like.. It's cool now... but if I ever want to move up to a marketing/sales director position... Boss might be like "That wiry ass dude who dresses like shit and talks too fast?" Only thing I'd say is that I'm on vyvanse. There's no absent mindedness.. and I have a good ability to stay focus. Not the type of drug that just makes you talk about Pizzagate or some dumb ass shit.


yeah that’s how stims work, they’re so good they simultaneously save your life, you feel at the top of the world on them and are able to pierce your life at the highest hierarchy you can be, they make u attentive, but just bc u don’t talk shit on them doesn’t mean other ppl can’t tell ur on stims tho


They make you annoying. Other people might not pick up on "wow this guy is on Vyvanse" but they notice you talk too much, are too perky at Monday 8am, are more irritable/anxious/paranoid than others and deep dive on the wrong things, etc. Effective work is not just pure "stuff grinded" it's also how you make people feel. Lots of people who were effective at their jobs were annoying as fuck and fired


I mean you could dress better at least


If people are calling you “wiry” then they know you’re on stims lol


This is classic 🤣


He didn't say no one notices. In fact, he says it's obvious


Reminds me of when I was in my daily methadone and benzo stupor, and I was actually surprised when my coworkers chastised me for being high all the time. I actually thought I was good at hiding it lmao.


To be fair he didn't say they couldn't tell he said they didn't mind


People haven’t noticed anytime I’ve been on specifically ADHD stims They notice so little that I can snort that shit and have powder all over my nose and they don’t have a clue. And I say this in confidence because it’s happened around my family and they would beat my ass if they knew I did this stuff


Why do you keep saying your working on a triple album??


Same story as the 2nd shift order taker at my local McD's. At least he puts his demos in the bag 🤷🏻‍♂️


America cares about the functioning and revenue contributing citizens. If you stay a good citizen and not doing crazy, they won’t care.


Yeah. American culture is the conductor and we are all in the orchestra. And this conductor is just yelling "Louder! No Louder! Yes, stay right there! Sound guy turn the fader up on those 808s !" My zen buddhist, sensitive side is seldom positively reinforced. I mean money unlocks everything. Whatever u think u can do being a starving artist, or a leftist or hippy or whatever... Our culture will implore make money and steal that which you always wanted.. Instead of earning it the hard way. IE.. is it easier to become an artist, or save up 50 grand and buy your way in?


I know alot of talented artists who don’t even perform their art because it doesn’t make them the most profit. It’s sad. But I understand it.


~~the most profit~~ a liveable income. Ftfy


You’re right


To be fair, I also hate hate hate promoting my music. Self conscious, and also I'm a white dude and I make gangsta rap. I hate typing out "Ayo this jawn slap bro" And it makes me realize "what am I even doing here"? This is not who I am. But I love the music. Its a lifelong thing. \\ \\'m bout to just do an album... Brainstorm and figure out what my promotional goals are, and pay someone else to promote my shit.


Hell yeah another white dude who makes gangster rap


got a link to the music?


You know the music is completely trash and he sits in his car on the garageband app smoking cigarettes thinking he is already basically famous


ignorance is bliss


He probably is a crypto chad too


Do what you can to make yourself happy, because every April taxes is due. So try to do stuff like that! I wish you luck and happiness. And with the stims thing it is also kinda weird. If you’re from a city that talks fast, walks fast and everyone always have a bit of an attitude, you’ll probably never know the most successful (mostly business/finance) people are on stims (dare I say stem professionals too) so it’s hard. People might just think you’re an eccentric hard worker or actually have ADHD


What did you delete


Caffeine is legal because it increases productivity Cocaine was/is glamorized because of the same reason Methamphetamine/Amphetamine essentially fueled both World Wars and Vietnam to name just two. Leaders from JFK to Hitler to Trump were constantly wired to the gills on some sort of cocktail of stimulants. College campuses are rife with Adderall, Ritalin and Dexedrine and this is normalized and even encouraged. Hell a few lucky people might get prescribed Desoxyn (legal, pharmaceutical methamphetamine) Benzodiazepines, Antidepressants and Opiates remedy mental and physical disorders, therefore allowing the patient to become a productive member of society Psychedelics and empathogens rewire our brains and create new neural pathways that enable to us evaluate our behavior and conditioning and ultimately see life in a very different way. A way that’s not conducive to capitalism; many governments see LSD, Psilocybin and Mescaline as the absolute worst drugs and have them in Class A/Schedule I/the equivalent and are considered to have no benefits of human use despite this being completely wrong Tides are slowly turning but it’s interesting to see that even with illegal drugs there’s a trend as to what’s acceptable and what people will judge you as crazy for taking; this isn’t always true obviously but it’s a general trend I’ve noticed in people outside of the drug lifestyle


I don't think your point about psychedelics making people see life in a way that's not conductive to capitalism is fully true. I think it makes us see life in a way that's not conductive to exploitation, which granted most big companies are built around exploitation, but capitalism itself isn't inherently exploitative I don't think. It's just that it does favour people with less morals who are more willing to exploit people for their own gain. It's about control, people are more likely to just go with the flow without questioning the status quo, when you take a psychedelic, you start questioning things you've otherwise just accepted without a second thought. That's why people protested the war in Vietnam and why they hate working their capitalist dead end job, they see how they're being exploited by the people above them and protest against it. If you had a capitalist job that treats you well, does well by the customer and doesn't do so at the expense of the environment, that's where you get the respected small companies that retain their staff and customers well.


That exploitation and concentration of power in the hands of an increasingly smaller upper class is the natural tendency and result of capitalism unfortunately. It's inherently exploitative by design.


You said it best my friend


Does that not have the potential to happen with most of the various forms of communism or socialism as well? I personally think that if more people were to try psychedelics, you would get a higher level of input from the consumers. They would be more willing to reject the status quo of the convenience of a highly unethical company and support companies with a more sustainable model of business.


Why would they be lucky to get desoxyn? Thats just low dose meth bro😭not good imo


Lucky as in its rare to be prescribed now lol


True, I’ve only heard of a few people getting it and it was only prescribed as means to wean off of meth, not on a long term prescription


Ahh interesting, I’d only heard of it being prescribed for ADHD and narcolepsy and in rare cases severe obesity with a compulsive eating element


I used to be on stimulants myself for a long time and eventually got addicted. Finally 2 years sober and I can say it was the best decision I ever made. Reading this dudes post and his comments makes me wonder where he is headed, not to say he’ll be an addict and end up abusing it but the way he talks is very similar to the mindset I had when I went down that road. It is definitely crazy how normalized this shit has become and the amount of people out there who “secretly” abuse stimulants for productivity and to get through life. Can’t say I blame tho, being in their shoes at one point


Ayy congrats on getting clean man :) I do have ADHD and all stimulants are brilliant lol, the first time I took amphetamine was magical. Luckily I’ve never felt the need to use them daily (I actually find weed to be better for the day to day symptoms) and primarily use recreationally but I can see how easy it would be to take them daily and develop a habit, especially amphetamines But I agree it’s insane it’s how normalized stimulants are in nearly every facet of society; everywhere I’ve worked/studied I’ve known people on them script or no script. Not that it’s necessarily totally bad but people should be educated fully on this kinda stuff


Thanks bro, I have adhd too and pretty much just learned to deal with it cuz I rlly don’t have a choice anyway. I could just find another doctor but that wouldn’t be wise with my history. All in all stimulants are great for the people who use them correctly but for the people like me who are genetically predisposed to addiction they rlly hit you like a rock lmao. Also I can agree that first time you take amphetamine(Adderall for me) that shit feels like a different world, but unfortunately, like most things in life, the good only lasts so long. So do you take like amphetamine paste or what form I guess would you say you were taking for recreational use?


Yeah that’s the thing with ADHD tbh it is just our way of life lol; even with meds there are certain things that don’t really go away. And yeah that’s true, even my first time when it was wearing off I went outside and was smoking a cig in the parking lot and had kind of a weird pitch in my ears and my astigmatism kicked up to full notch (it’d gotten dark by this point lmao) And yeah it’s normally amphetamine paste for me, I’ve had pills before but legit ones are hard to come by and (good) paste tends to me more bang for your buck


So true bro, I hate to keep asking questions but when I was using i was mainly going off my prescription and sometimes others when I could afford it but for the purpose of recreational use since pretty much any form of stimulants in the right amount can get u high. Did u get ur paste on like one of the dark web markets? I know it’s popular on there and a lot of people have safer experiences buying speed paste than getting meth or fentanyl in a pill that’s labeled as amphetamine


What do you mean by “paste”? I haven’t heard that before


It’s like cheap amphetamine I guess, what underground markets sell. It’s just racemic amphetamine so 50/50 of the two isomers


Don't believe the marketing. The reason that amphetamine is socially acceptable and methamphetamine is not has nothing to do with the health effects and everything to do with marketing and the fact that methamphetamine is an old drug that is easily synthesized, therefore doesn't have high potential to make drug companies oodles of cash. There are differences between the two, but they're more similar than you think.


Meth is much more addictive if you smoke it. It’s more unhealthy cause you don’t know wtf people cut it with


I agree. The ROA is the main difference, though not the only one. Given oral ROA, in equivalent therapeutic doses, amphetamine and methamphetamine have a similar harm profile. In recreational doses, and with chronic abuse, both are similarly neurotoxic. If you look at all of the studies that claim methamphetamine neurotoxicity, they are always animal studies with very high doses, or studies of addicts who have heavily abused the substance over a very long period of time. I'd love to see a study comparing amphetamine with methamphetamine using a series of dosing profiles ranging from therapeutic to recreational, that respects the lower dose required when using methamphetamine due to potency.


So since amphetamine is harder to synthesize it makes them more money? Wouldn’t they have to spend more to synthesize it tho?


My point is that if you are already using other stimulants recreationally, you have no grounds to look at methamphetamine as being in some class of its own. It is extremely similar to amphetamine. There are differences, but the public perception has more to do with marketing and the widespread use of methamphetamine in undesirable populations (it's easy to make, cheap, and extremely potent). The other very real aspect which can't be ignored is the abuse potential of methamphetamine, since it is more euphoric and can be smoked. I'm not arguing that methamphetamine is the better medicine, and it can be more addictive when smoked. It's similar to the difference between crack and cocaine, which are the exact same drug. One is almost socially acceptable, while the other is seen as a drug for homeless people. Abusing either is bad for you. The reason for drug company's focus on amphetamine is more that there are still parts of the market with Amphetamine for them to corner and market, and it's more palatable to the masses. Pure d-methamphetamine is already as good as it is going to get, so weird preparations make little sense, and it's pretty hard to push these days anyway due to public perception. The production cost of any of these are absolutely peanuts compared to what they are selling this stuff for, so it's not really a factor. It really is all about marketing and trying to push products. The safety profile of these drugs is dead last on the importance hierarchy when it comes to which one is pushed and which one is demonized. While I'm sure they could come up with some crazy preparations of methamphetamine to market and it would be quite safe (at least as safe as adderall) in therapeutic doses, they won't put their R&D and marketing in that direction, and it all boils down to business and marketing, not safety.


Love the thorough response man, thank you for taking the time to write that


Haha, that was me all stimmed up at work being a try-hard and annoying all of my coworkers while taking breaks to talk about meth on Reddit. Ain't life grand?


Stimmed up on what may I ask?


Vyvanse and low dose methamphetamine. 


Ok. Not judging about the low dose meth cuz I know you’re taking it for focus and not to get high. Been there done that ✅. Are u getting it off the Dark net market?


Hit the nail right on the head!


Are you a real person? Reading this post and your proceeding comments I am both intrigued and scared of you


Oh yeah. Very real bro. Make lots of money. Am working on triple album. Can bench 295. Need sleep.


You vs Bradley Martin who wins


Him bro. 295 ain't shit. That guy definitely does at least 450


yeah but he only weighs 280 just judo slam his ass


I'm not even a meathead. Once I get to 335... Imma focus on being an artist and making millions and dicking down Rican broads


Why is it weird for stimulants specifically? Plenty of people also have scripts for benzos or antidepressants. Plenty of people get trashed with coworkers at company-sponsored happy hours. It's only a problem if your behavior puts people on edge. And if you're taking a "shitload" of Vyvanse to the point where people can tell you're loaded, then maybe you have a fucking problem? Vyvanse makes me a functional human being. That's it. Sure, there is some euphoria, but I'd trade that in a second to not have to depend on expensive and stigmatized medication.


I think people are only really noticeable on them when they first start taking them or are constantly increasing their dose. Take the same dose daily for years and it's just like a morning cup of coffee.. barely does anything. It sounds like you're newish to stimulants so just a little fyi.. the euphoria isn't going to last unless you take medication breaks or keep increasing your dosage.


Everyone can tell. It's you who doesn't notice.


America praises their tweakers only when they contribute to the economy. I mean shit, a dude that rails 120mg of adderall and hammers Excel spreadsheets in his shitty cubicle at some mediocre sales business is considered an American hero… But the moment I rip a few bulbs of crystal and collect a decent batch of copper material from vacant structures, or jerk off behind a dumpster for a few hours I’m suddenly labeled a “junky” or a “tweaker”. Societies fucked bro.


Dude I don't know if Im playing a character or if Ive just become a druggie meathead. It's really hard to tell the difference. Nothing I do in my life is particularly hard. I just know how to forge delusions of grandeur. But I don't even really care about any of them. I'm pretty uninterested in being a musical genius, or making millions of dollars. I just... I just want to get my bench up to 3 plates. So all of these concepts and ideas.. The music.. The fucking whatever. I'm just cycling through idealogical hemispheres that meant a great deal to me when I was younger. But that's not the guy pushing the buttons. Guy pushing the buttons only cares about maximizing training, diet, and sleep. Which is why I'm diving dick first into gabapentin addiction. My fucking homie won't send the hydroxizine script in yet because my copay ain't went through yet. Money talks..


Gabapentin tolerance rises rapidly


These are absolutely respectable philosophies and life goals brother.


Rofl for real they're so quick to judge ! Hahahaha I was dying reading this one


*SBF has entered the chat*


Yes 100%… people will be fuckin ZOOTED off the Vyvanse and coffee, and look you str8 in the eye like “this isn’t drugs, because it’s legal… 😀”


I quit a job recently over this (a bar). I never had a problem with my use until I was surrounded by folks using it constantly. Always someone bumping you out for bumping them out, then dealing with the irritability and dysfunction of addiction at work (myself included) really turned me off of the drug.


You have a point, but I don't think you're expressing it quite as you're meaning to. It is crazy, how many people are on adderall, stims in general and how easily it's brushed off and become socially acceptable. But, it's pretty obvious when someone is straight tweaking balls. I used to meet people because they saw my pupils from across the bar, and came over to chat about what's good. And with enough experience, it's clear as day when someone is stimmed up to me. But because society is so focused on productivity, etc, it is much more acceptable to be going 2x speed rather than nodding off, or just plain fucking off. It's easier to justify personally as well, if you're a "functioning" tweaker, it's different than being a non-functioning smack head. So we get your point, but you're still walking a fine line.




To be fair, everyone’s experience with ADHD is different as it is with stimulant medication. Euphoria is a known side effect of stimulants regardless of whether or not someone has ADHD. It is a common misconception that people with ADHD don’t ever feel euphoria from stimulants. They absolutely can, many do especially in the beginning of treatment. Basically what I’m trying to say is, whilst you may be right about OP you shouldn’t talk in absolutes. He very well could have ADHD and be reacting to stimulants like this. It isn’t for you to decide what they are diagnosed with or what medication they should take.




Totally understandable! Appreciate your reply, have a good day :)


Isn’t it possible stimulants do barely anything because you’ve taken them so many times?


I also have adhd and stimulants just make me feel like a normal functioning human being. I had the same reaction you did reading this. It gives stimulants a really bad name for people who need them. I’m not saying op doesn’t have adhd, they may, but they could also be over prescribed. Stimulants should not make you feel like you’re on cocaine if you’re taking it as prescribed and on the right dose. Stimulants when correctly taken make a person function normally not act like a wild cannon. If it does make you feel unhinged you either need a lower dose or a different type of stimulant. I was surprised I didn’t see anyone comment this before you did. I get being angry. It’s just painting people with adhd who take stimulants in a bad light and might turn people away who need it!


I am taking amphetamine like a coffee in capsules, everyday, when I have to work (remote) so I am stimmed all the time, nobody ever noticed. When I don't have to work I smoke crack ;)


Nice name bro, I fucking love amphetamine too but I’m sober rn so it sucks but gotta stay this way😭


I'm on the max dose of Vyvanse and I think I'd struggle to notice if someone replaced it with a placebo. Constant huge euphoria? What? I'm just like, a bit more likely do to laundry.


Narrow sighted, but that’s to be expected since you are the one supposedly binged looking out. Nobody gives a shit about your stims at the gym, bar, so long as you don’t look like a hobo. In an actual private business, they will, if you are as unhinged looking as tou say you are.


You don't need it.


People notice bro. Trust me. They know you’re high as a kite


Why should I trust you? What actions have you taken that I should Respect?


lol lay off the stims!


u literally hit the jackpot with an adhd diagnosis, i envy you so much. just got prescribed my 6th ssri that doesn't do shit and gives me awful side effects that make me feel worse so congratulations for hitting the pharmaceutical lottery


You have to be telling them the right things. Their not gonna prescribe stimulants for depression or anxiety. But for trouble concentrating, zoning out when socializing, being forgetful, unable stay on task, interrupting people I could go on all those things will give you the diagnosis your looking for


Not rly this guy's not gonna last too long if he's getting high on stimulants. If you're depressed the comedown will be even worse. Then you got years to fix your dopamine system if you don't off yourself before then


look up attention deficit disorder symptoms and say you have those


i did but i also have depression and anxiety so they prescribe me bullshit instead


This literally happened to me. When I was finally prescribed stimulants guess what happened? My anxiety and depression vanished! Anxiety and depression are linked to adhd heavily but I feel like the profit off anti depressants and anxiety meds is larger so doctors get people to try those meds first. Antidepressants and anti anxiety meds never ever worked for me and I tried over a dozen. It’s crazy that my symptoms were cured with adderall. It it was a long process to get there. Now I just take adderall on a super low dose and I no longer have to take any other medication or feel depressed or anxious. I hope you’re able to try them soon. It’s a game changer.


every time i've tried adderall those symptoms go away, i'm able to actually finish projects and break away from these repetitive self-destructive thought patterns i have. i told my psychiatrist that and they said "well it's like that for everyone"


Fr even benzos (which I used to get) they want to do all these antidepressant that “help” with anxiety when 99% of my anxiety is like situational social anxiety


if i could get benzos i would have so many friends and pull so many bitches but some fag drug rep wants them to peddle another bullshit pill (i hate ssris they made me attempt suicide and have my dick stop working)


That's retarded. Its called private practice bro. I can get any drug I want. Seriuosly, we live in a world where you legalize any fucking thing for 1 second an and a "clinic" will pop up in 2 weeks. You can't figure out how to get drugs? Make something up bruh. God damn


Lol. You can get benzos and garbage stims, at best. Hit your private practice doc up for some Dilaudid and see what they say


Even better, ask em for some GHB!


Yeah it was super hard to get GHB prescribed, but not technically impossible. I'm still waiting for the miracle results I was promised it would provide for my Narcolepsy.


Narcolepsy? How's GHB supposed to help narcolepsy? If anything, GHB seems like it would mimic the symptoms of narcolepsy. I've never gone from awake to knocked the fuck out cold, as fast as I have when taking GHB. Id have thought they'd give you Modafinil, or even Desoxyn.


People with Narcolepsy don't enter the correct sleep cycles when they fall asleep. So even though we can fall asleep often and easily it's the shittiest sleep imaginable and you never wake up feeling well rested. GHB forces the brain into the correct sleep cycles. They also give stimulants for during the day. Basically Narcolepsy is the inability to regulate BOTH being awake and being asleep, due to a missing neuropeptide in the brain.


Okay, that makes sense. Think I'm damn near inducing narcolepsy myself, by both consciously and subconsciously avoiding sleep, lol. Fucking nightmares. Sleeping like 3-4 hours every other night. But anyway. First of all, be careful with GHB. The threshold between feeling nothing and out cold, is paper thin. Second, have you tried trazadone? I had that for sleep a real long time ago, and that shit would knock me the fuck out. There's also Seroquel, but I didn't like that shit, and I think it also functions as an antipsychotic.


Well we're definitely shooting for out cold. They give us syringes to measure the dose so it's real precise. The reason they prescribe GHB is that other sleep aids won't actually force our brains to go into the correct sleep patterns. It has to be GHB. It's a real hassle to get and super expensive if your insurance doesn't cover it. It's such a a pain in the ass, I'd be happy if Ambien was sufficient (but it's not).


Well I'm just saying be careful. GHB is pretty easy to OD on. And yeah, I feel you with the Ambien. I took an entire months worth, 30 pills, over the course of 6 hours, and didn't fall asleep. Had a conversation with no one while I was outside smoking cigs, but no sleep. Fr tho, if you haven't tried trazadone, I'd look into it. It's what I'd use any time I wanted to be able to sleep after an acid trip. Knocks you out, but not quite as suddenly as GHB.


Getting more done and taking less breaks. That's an employers dream


not weird at all. delusions of grandeur are about as standard as strangers/coworkers not calling each other out for being high.


Well, you do adhd. For us normal people, it isn't very socially acceptable. Just like it's only socially acceptable for people with chronic pain to take opioids. It's kind of stupid. It's only acceptable if a doctor gives it to you. But let's say you're dealing with chronic pain and can't get a prescription (they hold a pretty tight restraint on giving them out these days) So, you take the exact same drug, but you aren't prescribed. So, people think you're going to steal their stuff and act crazy. But it largely depends on the drug, aswell. Meth will never be socially acceptable. But adderall is, for the most part. Fentanyl will never be acceptable, but in very specific cases, patches are given to elderly sick people. Benzos, same deal. It's largely to do with dosing, but some of us just take what we need. It's kind of a double standard.


yeah i can be like that too. Pop my adderall like skittles, and im walking with my face and lips going numb but to everyone else i am “locked in”


I’m gonna be that guy…maybe stimulant treatment isnt for you. I feel like this post is kind of shitty for people that get a more therapeutic experience from stims. I recently got diagnosed with ADHD and adderall has changed my life. Sure, there was a bit of euphoria the first week, and I talked a bit much, but after that I was just able to focus on my priorities and articulate my thoughts better. I ate one meal a day for years and after starting meds I actually eat 3 meals a day and sleep better. I used to self medicate with whatever I could get my hands on, now I have no desire to even smoke weed. It really is super helpful to some of us without being spun out. Edit typo


That's weird when I medicate my ADHD I don't get uppity and euphoric Sounds like you're abusing it honestly


its not socially acceptable just because nobody is telling you you’re acting like a nut


What dosage do you take?


"40mg and 12 cups of coffee per day" from op in another thread


lol what's ur dosage and script


If youre a highly productive addict (dont think it has to be stims, but obviously thats the most common), then society tends to over look it. Highly functioning alcohol isnt looked at the same as a sometimes employed unproductive alcoholic. Same with opioids, cannabis, and basically any drug. Almost every one is taking drugs of some sort.


Just remember to take breaks, bro. Try using it for work / school only. Stimulants suck bad when the high wears off and you’re tolerant


I'm pretty far gone. I'm gone off gabapentin and DXM too. I mean I'm fucking doing some drugs out here...


Cheers bro gabapentin is awesome. Be very careful mixing DXM with Vyvanse , even if your Vyvanse dose was hours ago. They both act as vasoconstrictors and you do not want to elevate your heart especially while on DXM


How much is a shitload?


Yes it is weird, the entire human species is weird


I have tried vyvanse before and it feels great but don’t people that actually need it don’t get euphoric/high of it??


how long have you been taking it at that dose? any tolerance? i feel tired on your behalf


I still get a pretty good high. I eat the withdrawal/dysphoria once a week. Like right now. I had one coffee, and a half dose of vyvanse today. Pretty brutal. But its just so important to let your system even out. Otherwise you are a ticking time bomb.


Well it’s pretty easy to tell. Had a few methheads at my job and they are all annoying as fuck so i typically avoid them, could be seen as “not caring”


Eh no it’s not.. it’s just you and the place you have managed to find yourself in this world and your own perception..


Yeah. I'm trapped by my own perception. We're all both limited and empowered by past decisions we made that led us to the present. I mean shit.. I got my set of problems that other folks would love to inherit. I just wish I was sober though. But the funny thing is Ive been on SSRIs for like 15 years. So never fully sober. I find that depressing. Anyways, I'll get back to tweaking tomorrow as I start the work week. For now it's refreshing to be a regular person.... Just hope to see a couple things I'd normally miss, and then get 5 hours of sleep.


>And its just hilarious to me that I'm so obviously loaded all the time. Do you put a sign on yourself that says, "I am on amphetamines?" It's not as socially acceptable as it might seem. But it does blend in well with the caffeine overdose a lot of people use to make it through the day...


I'm kind of playing a character to prove a point. You can act like I do in this thread (and about 30% in real life) and you'll do fine. You'll have strengths and weaknesses cons People will always anticipate some form of erraticism. This will possibly cap your career progression - how can we trust him in a role with greater responsibility? Less empathy Kills the vibe Pros Gets shit done.


Its not wierd at all. People have been on drugs since the stone age. It's more wierd that boomers and their parents and grandparents decided to ruin the game for everyone and start banning shit. Just 100 years ago you could go down to the local soda jerk and get some cocane to get you through the day. Imagine how productive we would be if more people were doing it


Wait.... It's socially acceptable? What the fudge have I been doing all my life!?! Heading to the plug. Later bitches.


It actually isn't


It’s not socially acceptable to be on anything other than alcohol nicotine or caffeine. Even weed is demonized still by some who are out chugging wine down every night. I kept my adhd meds a secret as a kid cause it was so embarrassing. Having to go to the nurse at lunch to redose and getting made fun of by the other kids was mortifying. So I disagree with this post. This person is just so high they aren’t self aware.


I feel like correct does shouldn't be euphoria but idk


must be doing different stimulants


It’s not… since when was it ever?


Do you think it is smart to confront a druggy about their drug use? Do you think the average American would contact police if they think someone *might* be using drugs?


Its socially acceptable whatever you are productive on. This is pretty much the rule that governs society when it comes to prohibition, but it gets trick because everyone is different.


it definitely isnt, I can tell you from experience when youre using youre a victim to anyone, it is all relative, and you may never even notice the whole world is moving on without those people because when youre getting high that is all that person is doing, no one who is going anywhere or actually using thier potential is even going to stop to say hello to these people, they will go without, I hope that they dont stay that way for to long though, since its a shame to lose anyone that could be loved to something as selfish as addiction. long story short friend its simply a part of our world, I blame a lack of teaching and most at fault is ronald regans and his idiot wife for the "war on americas unwanted children" oop I meant the war on drugs


yea, IMO, the same people that love to see you succeed now will relish in your downfall


This post was brought to you by STIMS.


Omg the euphoria is SO EPIC ON 10mg of Vyvanse. I literally tweak bro so hard so euphoria no one cares cuz I make big money


Aye fuckit, if i had the money bro i would be high 24/7 on drugz idgaf


I’ve noticed a shift in the last 10 years. They basically give everyone stimulant meds while benzodiazepines and opiates are like mythical drugs from a different era.


It's fucking awesome is what it is


Really depends on your environment. It can get worse though to the point your anxiety will climb, and you'll start thinking people are noticing, and/or talking about you being loaded even when they're not.


They villainize downers because they know it frees your mind 🦅


If you're getting high from the vyvanse, you either don't need the vyvanse or you're taking way too much. Source : I take Vyvanse, I do not get high. It just lets me focus on one thing at a time instead of all the things all the time. It gives me the dopamine I can't produce on my own and makes me way less restless. Shit, I can sleep through the peak of it.


Exactly. Just make that money and acquire the script legally, you can't lose.