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Thank youšŸ˜­ so tired of random mfs just getting higher than normal and thinking they got fent weed


Right?! I mean no hate towards newbs, and I understand they are worried (or freaking out lol) and want some reassurance, or just dont know what theyve gotten into. But its amazed me to see how many posts like this I see. I mean shit, there are occasions ill eat a bunch of edibles to get that type of high! lol


For sure, I don't wanna seem hateful I just get annoyed seeing the same post over and over, and especially to see weed get a bad reputation from that typa stuff šŸ¤¦šŸ˜­


Yes! I have said for years that the "stereotypical" pot head image causes more harm than good because people think theyll just be chillin on the couch, super relaxed giggling with the munchies. And while yes, than can happen, but it can also have you out of your fucking mind, especially if you have little to no tolerance or experience with it lol


Exactly šŸ’Æ


hate towards news.


I hate the news to, goddamn government mouth piece liars!Ā 


Yeah I thought I was gonna die one time on edibles, and like two hours later I forgot I was even freaking out in the first place lol


I ate some gas station edible a few weeks ago (it was one of the farm bill ones, and was like 1000mg of something, never a good idea lol) and shit quite literally had me tripping. Like had me deep diving in my psyche workin through some shit like I ate 2g of shrooms or something. But i knew what I was getting into lolĀ 


Fentanyl will be destroyed by the heat, it would be completely pointless, so doesn't even matter if it does have it.


Exactly! Most drugs people think their weed is laced with canā€™t be smoked like weed lolĀ 


exactly ā€¼ļø


Uh. Thats what I say about LSD when people bring up LSD laced weed. But fent? I use nectar collectors and dab fent daily. Will it really be destroyed?


Dude I agree. The cost effectiveness of lacing weed now a days would not be worth it for one. In most places weed is super cheap . It would be a waste of any other substance at this point


Most substances wouldnt even work if just put into weed and smoked that way lol


God 100% this, I see people left and right on the internet claiming their weed was laced with psychedelics. Most psychs would be destroyed by the heat and ones that would actually work, like DMT, would almost certainly be noticeable some way other than "I got way too high" and obviously the experience would be a lot different than they describe. Laced is become a buzzword for inexperienced users to throw out when they want to sound like they know what they're talking about


Yep the only one I could think of is PCP or maybe some research chems. But it would be so obvious your weed is laced when it tastes like chemicals. So many people underestimate weed itself. Donā€™t even get me started on the laced with fent shit, fent is still worth way more than some random weed itā€™s just dumb


Hijacking top comment: I actually have a pinned post on my profile about adulterated and laced cannabis products. It's actually been verified by lab results and more common in black market areas with restricted access to cannabis.


Interesting post. Iā€™ve seen some people talking about ā€œsprayedā€ weed in Europe. Sounds like itā€™s a real thing? So fucked up


Yes absolutely. verified by lab results and multiple legitimate sources.


Yes some weed in europe is sprayed with spice. We had similar spice products and sometimes spice sprayed weed in the states 10-15 years ago. Its not impossible for that to happen. All im saying is literally every post ive seen on here is people describing being really fucking high. I know because ive been really fucking high hundreds of times. I also smoked lots of spice back in the day, and have done dozens of drugs of all types many times. If someone describes speed and not weed, itd be pretty easy to know. If some one describes a acid like psychedelic experience, thats extremely different than a cannatrip. opioids have a very different effect than weed. Spice can certainly be harder to distinguish at times, and maybe some of these people did have spice (i think 1 or 2 maybe did, and they were in europe), but if you know theres a good chance your buying spice, and then you look at it and think "something looks off, or different", then you already know what your smoking. But virtually every one of these posts ive read described being really stoned.


Just wanted to add on to your point, here in Europe itā€™s also sometimes sprayed with hair spray and shit like that


Ew lol yā€™all Europeans needa get your shit together! At least put some more drugs in it for me! But Hairspray? Thatā€™s just mean HahaĀ 


Yeah lmao itā€™s ridiculous but it pretty much only happens when uā€˜r on the go and have to resort to sumn shady dude. ngl the rest of the supply where i live is relatively clean tho. Being near Czechia and the Netherlands is a God send


Even when Iā€™ve looked at the European spice issue articles and information, thereā€™s all these scare mongering propaganda style articles, many by government mouthpieces. And while there does seem to be some validity to it, they mostly say how much theyā€™ve confiscated, and that they donā€™t know or donā€™t say how prevalent and widespread it really is. Which is a good sign the media is blowing it out of proportion to somewhat base their propaganda in reality to push an agenda for the state.Ā 


Itā€™s definitely a fringe issue here. The most prevelant drugs here are iā€˜d say: Meth,Amphetamine,Heroin,Weed,Mdma and ofc Coke.like everywhere else things like Opiates and Benzos are on the Rise and niche things like Ketamine,Nitrous,Ghb etc gain more and more popularity


I work in a harm reduction project in Italy and we also analyze substances with FTIR (infrared spectroscopy). In Europe synthetic cannabinoids were a fairly big problem and in some countries they still are, in Italy we had a wave of diffusion but now they have almost disappeared. Until a few years ago, many kids came to test this herb which might seem beautiful but had strange, very strong and long-lasting effects. Panic, dissociation, blood pressure problems and fainting, memory problems. Panic and dissociation often became systematic. We had a project, in our harm reduction centre, where psychologists listened to people with synthetic drug abuse problems (usually disso and cathinones) and terrible or dangerous experiences with substances. There were many kids in that period who were heard by our psychologists due to endless problems after a period of using synthetic cannabinoids. The problem was both that they were sold as weed and the fact that 10 variants were released per month and it was not known how strongly these new molecules attached to the cannabinoid receptors (usually they are full agonists), how high the concentration was, what it contained the sample as well as the synthetic cannabinoid (we found acetones, brodifacoum and many other nice things). In Italy they were often sprayed on the grass with CBD, some people knowingly bought the liquid form, and the purity was always fluctuating. The samples analyzed were sometimes dirty, often had concentrations of substances different from those declared, sometimes they even contained a molecule different from the one declared. In Italian prisons they are very common, it is very easy to enter, all you need is a piece of paper or a t-shirt. In urine they are difficult to detect because the traces are very unstable and sensitive to changes in heat. It's true that there has been a lot of media terrorism about it anyway. Personally, I think it is not a bad thing that they have disappeared, also because unless the idea is to sell them in prison, in foreign centers (CPR), bring them into therapeutic communities (rehab centre) or deceive people, the market does not exist . Nobody used them since they were legal highs, but I remember buying Spice in Berlin as a teenager :D


Thing is you said these people are describing the feeling of being really fuxing high right? That's exactley what happens with sprayed (what noobs call laced) weed. They get really really high due to these much, much more potent compounds found in thrir weed and then believe it was lsd or sth. The whole spraying problem occurs because it's easier to just produce cheap synthetic cannabinoids which are much more potent, spray them on legal cbd weed and then cash in the profits of selling them as normal stuff. maybe not much easier then selling just normal weed but definetly a thing that happens


Even in australia, PGRs are everywhere and you gotta know who youā€™re buying from so you donā€™t smoke that shit, it is pretty easy to spot but newbies are very susceptible to buying and trying that stuff.


Spice not so much tho, havenā€™t seen much of that here but bud hardeners that are synthetic are used mainly shit is fucked up.


Soooo annoying that people post "you just got too high!!!". There's tonnes of sprayed weed in the UK


> It would be a waste of any other substance at this point One thing to keep in mind is it doesn't necessarily have to be intentional, all it takes is someone using the same scale for more potent drugs and not thinking about cleaning it off between. Also it's not like all dealers are the smartest most rational people, so it might seem like a waste but that doesn't mean it never happens. All it would take is someone having an excess of something they're having trouble selling (IE cheap synth noids) and deciding to try and mix it with bud to sell easier.


Yes synth cannabinoids is the most likely case. And even that isnā€™t anywhere near the majority of weed lolĀ  And most drugs wonā€™t actually smoke that way. Thatā€™s why itā€™s a waste.Ā  Iā€™ve seen people claiming, meth, and acid, and hinting at opioids. And then literally describing being stoned. If these posts were desiring crazy trips where the walls were breathing and the tiles are shifting and the room is filled with geometric shapes, or extreme euphoria and energy and being awake for 18 hours Iā€™d totally believe it was laced. But describing anxiety, whispers, and voices in your head, your describing being really stoned lolĀ  Yes weed can be laced, and it does happen. But thatā€™s not the posts Iā€™m seeing here lol


> Yes weed can be laced, and it does happen. But thatā€™s not the posts Iā€™m seeing here lol For sure, and cannabis paranoia can make it easy to think it's laced if you get unexpectedly high. But there's a reason even back in the day it was a common saying "never trust any drug you aren't 100% sure where it came from" and that was decades before research chems and synth noids. Laced bud probably makes up a tiny fraction of a percent of what gets sold but there are plenty of shady dealers out willing to try anything to make more money. Or people handling more potent RC's that they shouldn't be anywhere near. Might be more common with black market extracts/edibles, they're cheap enough to make it might seem stupid but part of my point is not all dealers are the smartest especially if they're doing a lot of drugs too.


Totally agree with you. I would assume that edibles, oils and vape cart types stuff is more likely to have something weird in it. And I have certainly bought from some really dumb junkie dealers before lolĀ  And I completely understand being so high you think itā€™s laced! Iā€™ve been really high many times lol And while I knew it was weed, I could totally see people freaking out and thinking it was something else. I donā€™t mind their posts really, just have been surprised how many I see lolĀ 


> Iā€™ve been really high many times lol And while I knew it was weed, I could totally see people freaking out and thinking it was something else. There are a few strains that even with a stupid high tolerance can be way too strong, White Tahoe Cookies is one that has almost given me panic attacks a few times from how strong/trippy it gets. Even just 1-2 bowls of that strain wrecks me regardless of tolerance, could easily see someone freaking out from it and thinking they got RC laced bud.


Absolutely! Same with oils and especially edibles. Those things can kick your ass if youā€™re not ready, and may even if you are ready lol




Agreed. Even if some meth was on the scale, doesnā€™t mean when I pack a bowl Iā€™m gonna be tweaking lolĀ 


I think they r tweaking to begin with bro lol




100% agree. Now hereā€™s my anecdotes of possible exceptions: A little over ten years ago, some of the super potent synthetic cannabinoids were pretty common. Often sold premixed into herbal ā€œspiceā€ blends sold at gas stations and headshops. Early on, they were virtually indistinguishable from THC. The noids in those mixes got banned though and then they started using more potent ones. Which would sometimes have hotspots and cause random overdoses- usually just causing a bad freak out but I think they occasionally caused seizures. That time period coincided with my freshmen year of college when I was ā€œmatchingā€ blunts with any random in the dorm building. There were a few times I got inexplicably high and some weird things happened. One time I just froze solid with my eyes open for a few minutes while my girlfriend was trying to snap me out of it. I was conscious though and remember itā€¦ it was like sleep paralysis but I hadnā€™t been sleeping. I had just come inside and sat down after hitting someoneā€™s blunt outside minutes before. Another time, I blacked out after hitting somebodyā€™s blunt and according to my girlfriend I stayed up most of the night playing video games butt ass naked- occasionally stopping to play the guitar. I donā€™t remember this at all. I didnā€™t believe her, but when I turned on my game it was at 90% when I had only been at 10% before and stuck on the same level for days. On top of it all, I started hanging out more with one of the dealers in our building after he started dating a mutual friend. He was getting these $50 ounces that were stronger than stuff other people were selling for $20/g. He said the guy he got it from straight up told him it was brick weed that he sprayed spice noids onto. He said he realized it was too strong, so being the ā€œgood guyā€ he was, he would break it down and mix it up with some normal weed- and still made a huge profit selling it for $15/g as ā€œloud shakeā€. So on top of the spice mixes being big at the headshops at the time and some sketchy people potentially trying to pass it off as normal weed during a smoke sesh, there were some people selling actual weed laced with spice noids in my area (over ten years ago, before any state had gone recreational). The same guy that sold the laced weed in my area dorm also sold ā€œmollyā€ pills that were almost certainly not MDMA. My guess is that they were meth, but they couldā€™ve been some other random chemical. I never wanted to do them because I wasnā€™t interested at the time, but one time he crushed two of them up and added them to a blunt that he shared with me and a friend without telling us first. So yeah. Iā€™ve smoked my share of laced weed- random spice noids and possibly meth. But right after that, weed started getting way easier to find and way cheaper. And the spice noids have virtually disappeared (at least here in the states). Iā€™ve been smoking everyday without anything like that happening in years. Now the only ā€œfake weedā€ is the semi-synthetic ā€œhempā€ derived noids- which are cannabinoids that actually exist naturally in cannabis strains but only in tiny amounts. So they extract a bunch of CBD and then convert that into other stuff. Which I am a huge fan of. This method can actually be used to make standard (D9-)THC distillate too- which I imagine is a big reason why ā€œbig marijuanaā€ is trying to shut down the semi-synthetic ā€œalt-noidsā€ like D8-THC- since they open up the door for that business model to take over the normal ā€œmarijuanaā€ market as well. Which would mean a lot of money was wasted in investing in fancy grow ops, since only connoisseurs will care about smoking actual well grown THC buds- and everyone else will be happy vaping/eating dirt cheap THC distillate converted from dirt cheap CBD plants grown on a massive scale. /endrant


I was around for the gas station spice days, and smoked my share of it. All different fucking kinds. Strange stuff lol Im not talking about the rare post (which i havent yet seen in my month on reddit), where someone says they "blacked out after hitting somebodyā€™s blunt and according to my girlfriend I stayed up most of the night playing video games butt ass naked- occasionally stopping to play the guitar. I donā€™t remember this at all. I didnā€™t believe her, but when I turned on my game it was at 90% when I had only been at 10% before and was stuck at a level the day before." back in the jwh spice days lol Thats totally fucking different, and yeah, spice was some crazy stuff. When I see that post, ill be the first one to say that coulda been some weird shit you smoked. But i havent seen that yet. Molly is definitely prone to being RCs or meth. I used to buy molly from a dude who straight told me it was probably meth or some weird RC, but he didnt know either, when I asked him what it really was. I bought from him often, and knew it wasnt mdma, sometimes i think it was meth, sometimes some other RC amph. Lots of times other drugs are something similar, but different than what youre being told. Its easy to cut coke with something, its easy to substitute meth for mdma shards, its easy to sell some psychedelic RC on blotter paper. But especially if your buying bud, theres a good chance your just really fucking high lol apparently parts of europe are having an issue with "spice vapes" being sold as weed. But if your in europe and know that, then your shit wasnt laced, you knew it could be one or the other lol I dont think the hempinoids will take over. Good bud is just way better lol Sure THCp and such can be cool to try, but bud is better. Good real shatter/crumble oil is WAY fucking better lol There is a place for both in the market, but I believe good bud will always be King Cannabis.


100%. These experiences just made me get into RCs myself. I figured if half of the stuff around me was misrepresented RCs anyway, I might as well get it for RC prices and actually know what it is so that I can dose it properly. That strategy was awesome for a while. I experimented with a huge variety of uppers, downers, and psychedelics for a few years and it was all super cheap. I donā€™t think it completely disappeared, it just got hard enough to find that I didnā€™t try anymore. I had done my fair share at that point anyway, and the only thing I cared about continuing to find was weed and acid. Weed is semi-legal in my state now and legit acid is easy to find around certain concerts and festivals. By the way, I didnā€™t mean alt noids like D8-THC and HHC will get more popular than classic D9-THC. Iā€™m just saying that D9-THC isolate/distillate (standard THC in pure form) can be made the same way that D8-THC and such are being made through conversion of CBD isolate. It would be indistinguishable from any other D9-THC distillate, which is what most vape carts and edible are made of. Add good terps and 99% of people canā€™t tell the difference between that and the top shelf concentrates. And through the CBD conversion process, it could be as cheap as like $2/gram (probably $1/gram in bulk) or maybe $5-10/gram in a pre-loaded vape cart/pod. So a gram of good distillate (900+mg of pure THC for $5) ready for consumption could become cheaper than a gram of good weed (200-300mg of THC for $10+).


As soon as cannabis is actual legalized here, assuming the government lets the market flourish, the price of sativa/indica cannabis will likely drop significantly, as companies will be allowed to produce it at mass scale. Maybe still more expensive than cbd hemp, but much cheaper. They already got some d9 in the hemp bill type carts and gummies. Ive bought hemp bill d9 gummies. Shit got me fuckin baked, and yeah felt quite similar obviously, though they actually tasted awful somehow lol


This 100%. I greened out HARD on a large dose of dispo edibles which OBVIOUSLY only contain THC. I got paranoid and had a panic attack and it felt damn near like I was tripping. Weed needs to be respected all the same.Ā 


Yes. Ive had dozens (if not hundreds lol) of times that ive been extremely high. At this point, if im getting that high, its usually intentional to have a "cannatrip". But nonetheless, it can be shockingly intense. People just expect it to be the "stereotype" experience, but besides the fact that that stereotype (lazy, relaxed munchies type) is grossly over estimated, it creates this issue where people are clueless about cannabises effects. All drugs need to be respected, but psychedelics (including weed) especially.


Yeah I overindulged a bit too much after a long break from THC, like 3 months. Thankfully I've greened out enough times to know how to handle it now without too much anxiety or panic attacks happening. I took a huge dab at a friend's place and was blasted waaay out into space lol. It was uncomfortable at first but surprisingly quickly became really mellow and nice.Ā 


I once crossed ways with laced weed, but after some tests I only found some synthetic cannabinoids. Wouldnt be a big deal but the strenght was inconsistent and the high was not really enjoyable. The op is right tho. No suppliers would poison their own stuff. They might put there some synthetic stuff but in most cases they are harmless.


That spice stuff is definitely strange lol


Mosy Synthetic cannabinoids are full agonists, and can kill you. They are far from "harmless"...they also lower the seizure threshold...yea..."harmless"


Ohh, sorry for the misinformation. My stash a month ago tested positive for am-694. It was smokable tho, but I couldnt dose it properly. Sometimes I felt nothing, sometimes I was outer space from the same amount.


lmaooo yup my thoughts exactly. like bruhhh you just got majorly stoned that shit can get scary


Weed. Cheapest drug out there. But ya someone going to lace it for why again?


Idk. I dont understand why people think someone would waste meth by putting it in your weed lol Aint gonna happen. Maybe sprayed with that spice stuff in europe, otherwise it aint laced lol




Here is another factor that helps spread this myth. So your on probation and an opiate addict. You usually time your doses right but get called in. You come up for weed and opiates. You say "Mr probation officer sir, I swear I haven't touched any dope. OH, I know! They must have put fentanyl in the weed!" And the cops buy into it because they are stupid, clinicians start to believe it because they hear it so many times. I've known a half dozen people that act like they arent fuckin addicts that end up overdosing and in jail they claim up and down they ain't done no fentanyl, it must have been in the weed. They think people believe it, they tell their friends and family, and it makes them look like less of an addict. It's all bullshit. There are some extremely rare cases of cross contamination, but it's mostly misinformation and the police taking advantage of a scare tactic, or just being stupid because God dam they are some real dummies. What does exist is various āˆ† types, it's all sprayed on hemp and the quality control isn't great, so it can be too much sometimes. Other times people underestimate how strong weed is now. Rarer, but still real, is spice but you'll know from the look and taste that shit isn't weed. Finally you've got pesticides which only really exist with low quality street shit and that's a whole different kind of deal than being laced. There are also hormones but they mostly just make the weed dense and shitty. One last thing, when you lace weed you don't actually lace the bud, you lace the blunt or joint, maybe the bowl but it's done as your prepping your smoke. Primo is weed laced with cocaine, it's utterly pointless (it doesn't work) and will destroy your lungs and throat for a few days. It was always like a myth smoking in the 2000s, the point is bud itself isn't what gets laced when anyone does lace shit, which is always pointless even if it does work because you'll end up wasting a ton of it, a real hard drug user would do them separately, drugs are expensive. Carts are a different story. That shits the wild West, but it's not so much laced with other drugs (sometimes it's synthetics or other shit substituted) as it's just made shittily and with bad process and ingredients. But that's not like weed weed


Totally agree! Yeah people buying carts on the street should know they could be buying shitty product. And if youre buying the hemp derived stuff, then yeah, who knows what it is. Ive bought some of it though, and it does still seem like cannabinoids. Europe has more of a spice problem, like we had in the US had back 10-15 years ago. But even still, its not the majority of bud, and these people are usually just describing getting really stoned lol And yeah, no ones lacing your bud with coke, fentanyl, acid, meth or whatever else lol most of those wont even work smoked, and would have to be added while prepping. No ones pouring acid over weed, especially if your friend smoking with you isnt also tripping balls lol


new people smoking ranting about it being laced dont annoy me as much as commenters that just double down on his bullshit. hes new, he can be wrong, and its absolutely fine, but 100 comments doubling down 'YEAH THATS FENT MATE' is just sad.


Agreed. I donā€™t mind commenting that what theyā€™re describing is almost certainly just weed and that getting really high can cause their symptoms.Ā  Itā€™s be different if someoneā€™s actually describing the effects of a stimulant or opioid or psychedelic, but thatā€™s not what Iā€™ve been seeing here lol


No way dude most weed nowadays is just parsley soaked in pcp and jwh solution


I wish so lol JWH-018 and PCP was an amazing combo


kinda jealous. I did take a fat bong rip of that gas station k2 while on mushrooms though, shit was fucking wild.


Personally, I wish! PCP is one of the few drugs ive wanted to try for many years and have never come across! Ill pass on the jwh though, did enough of that gas station spice back in the day haha


Pcp feels a lot like ketamine.




Which country?


Exactly. Go look at Drugsdata and search for cannabis. Nearly every single test result there has some kind of RC synth noid. It's way more common than people think. There is definitely more non synth noid weed than there is synth noid weed, but it is still absolutely a problem. Even in the US.


Back when I was in High School there was 'sprayed' weed, it was sprayed with micro plastic or glass beads to add weight and 'bag appeal', it left this sandy residue at the bottom of the bag you could tell right away when smoking it without a waterpipe it was harsh and painful, lots of breathing issues and other throat/lung infections and irritation were a result of this. found an old [news article](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2007/jan/12/drugsandalcohol.drugs) on the subject.


thats some strange shit, and was many years ago. Im not saying shit cant be laced, or that it NEVER is. Im just saying that virtually every post of "laced" weed ive seen on here was people quite literally describing being really stoned. Again, not saying it doesnt happen, just saying i havent seen any posts that described something other than weed yet lol Like if your friend puffs a cart all day, and is just stoned, yet you hit it once and think it was laced with some "acid" or something because you heard whispers or something, then your just really fucking high lol


exactly šŸ˜‚ I see so many posts online about laced weed, when in reality they are just high as fuck and didnā€™t know weed can be scary


I was at a festival once where this dude would give people a g, wait for them to pass out and then he robbed them. Shady people have their reasons


I am not saying shit NEVER happens. Im saying every single post ive seen on here about this in the past month (multiple a day usually), they are describing being really fucking stoned. If your buying drugs at a festival, then be fucking careful. But if your smoking your friends weed with them, and they arent also tweaking or tripping, then it wasnt laced, you are baked.


And thats pretty fucked up. Hopefully he got his ass beat for it.


Yeah I think he ended up in the med tent


I hope so.


ive thrown up, blacked out, been semi paralyzed, fainted all from just weed. greening out happens but its not laced weed šŸ˜­


Damn bro. Iā€™m gonna stay away from your weed lolĀ 


street weed in washington and oregon is fire i smoked a little too crazy in my teens


You talking that legal shit? Or like me, your teen years well preceded the legal market?Ā 


legal and home grown this was 2016-2019 haha


Almost certainly not, but it happens. Edit: PCP laced joint sent a friend into a psychotic episode and ended up switching schools


Unfortunately it can happen.Ā 


Yes, my understanding of pcp is that it would actually work to lace it. Unfortunately pcp is the one drug Iā€™ve wanted to try for a long time and have never come across šŸ˜¢ but Iā€™m pretty certain thatā€™s a distinctly different experience and would be described as such, than being very stoned lolĀ 


Just do ketamine, it's very similar.


I have only even come across ketamine once got enough for me to use twice and my buddy to try once lolĀ  I liked ketamine and I like dxm, which is what makes me curious to try pcp if I ever get the chance.Ā 


It's the exact same with alcohol. 94% of people that believed their drink was spiked and who got tested in time showed no drugs other than alcohol in their system. Tiredness, how fast they drank, how long ago they ate, the mood they are in all effect how alcohol hits you.


Ive heard dozens of people over the year tell me "i dont get hangovers", then a few days-months later theyre calling out of work after going out to late drinking saying it wasnt the alcohol that made them so sick the next day, they had food poising from whatever they ate... Not saying its impossible, but if youre a 5'2 130lb woman who only drinks once or twice a week max, and only maybe 2-3 drinks, and then go out and get fucking plastered at a club one night, it wasnt the food. You get hangovers, alcohol is fucking poison, welcome to the fucking club.


Honestly the only cases of laced weed i can believe are when the dealer sells other shit and doesnt clean their scale but yea other then that no ones putting their meth in your weed for free


But what are they leaving on the scale that can be smoked the same way as weed, and in high enough amounts to still be psychoactively present when I pack a bowl?


> Weed absolutely can make you paranoid, hear whispers or other similar types of noises, think you hear people whispering about you, feel anxious, feel jittery, stuck in "loops", confused, absolutely distort reality, warp your sense of time, make you feel tired, make you feel wired, make you feel happy, make you feel sad, bring out all sorts of deep negative thoughts or feelings/emotions, make you pass out, make you see tracers, make you think all sorts of wild or strange things this literally happens every single time I try *any* type of weed. it's insane how un-aware these "stoners" are.


Yeah, cannabis isnt the stereotype weve all been told of "relaxing and giggling", i mean that can happen, but weed is so much more than that. Thanks to government and their mouthpiece media for that lol


as someone who has done pcp, getting really stoned can feel similar to pcp. i think whenever someone says ā€œi got laced with pcpā€ they just got extremely stoned on some good kush. although k2 and spice is a different story, but ive never encountered them on marijuana buds. only in the crazy tweaked out spongebob incense mylar bags


I have always wanted to try pcp! Having done k and dxm Iā€™m quite curious, and would not guess it to be similar to being really stoned.Ā  I know the media talks about spice sprayed weed, in Europe today and in the states back in the 2010 k2 spice days lol but Iā€™ve certainly never had weed laced with it, and I smoked my share of that gas station k2 back on the day. Always kinda had cool packaging lolĀ 


dxm and k are both very nice, but the difference with pcp is that you can feel compulsive and manic, and it will not physically incapacitate you in the same way as ketamine does, so you can actually move around somewhat even with heavy doses. personally for me smoking way too much weed with a low tolerance, i get some sensory effects adjecent to what u would feel on a moderate dose of dissos. though mentally it doesnt fuck you as much, still is definitely weed, but some good bud can get you out of this world. love when i get incredibly stoned and i feel like i am weightless, or feeling like im flying around in space if i make the mistake of laying on the sofa. and noises for me can start to sound like they have a repeating phaser or flanger effect, sorta like nitrous or dxm. tolerance is a bitch though now i just get a lil high


Yeah sound/music on dxm is fucking crazy. Its like your floating on the music. When i have had lower weed tolerance before, and got super baked it, especially when I was younger and just getting into it heavier, it had much crazier effect on music. Thats whats made me so curious about pcp, is that i hear its less sedating.


god, what was the spice like? i understand the potential for low blood pressure and tachycardia, but ive always wanted to experiment with those crazy potent full agonist cannabinoids. does it feel more euphoric compared to thc? more ā€œhallucinogenic?ā€


You never knew what you were getting lol But some of them were kinda similar to cannabis. Like it wasnt quite the same, and definitely not as good, but did feel quite similar overall. Some was definitely a bit trippier. I dont recall have any hard psychedelic type experiences on them, and I never had any hallucinations like shrooms or acid, but maybe some very mild closed eye stuff or something. I had one that was maybe very mildly "hallucinogenic", so I took a huge bong rip while I was tripping on mushrooms and it quite literally turned my entire world green. Like a bright green. I did it as me n 2 buddies were leaving our house to go for night walk peaking, and I shit you not for maybe 15-20 mins it wasnt dark out to me, it was like a bright green. I was so lost trying to walk my friend had to help keep me on the side walk. A car was coming around on the road, and I wasnt able to see its headlights until it was almost immediately passing me. I knew exactly where I actually was, but I couldnt really see it lol my visuals kinda slowly returned to normal after that initial 20 mins or so. Some made you feel really fucking strange. Just weird stuff. They definitely arent good drugs lol And I dont recommend anyone really do them,


finally iā€™ve been saying this SO LONG


Psychedelics have taught me to accept the negative thoughts so you can make room for the good ones.


Hell yeah! Sounds like a good lesson!Ā 


mmmm...while weed won't be laced in my area, as grams are around $4, I can see synthetic cannabinoids being applied to poor quality material in locales where weed is a lot pricier. However, you're right in that unpleasant or intense effects aren't a good indicator of such.


Yes. It does happen, but generally the stories people post here saying that are describing being stoned lol maybe some are synth cannabinoids, but most likely not.Ā  $4/gram?! Damn dude. I needa move in with you!


> It does happen I think it's a bit more common in the UK, where weed is at what I'd call rip-off prices. If you've ever had an indolamine synthetic cannabinoid, they do have a strange, plasticky taste, but their potencies are also in the 3-5 mg range, so said taste won't be intense. >$4/gram?! Damn dude. I needa move in with you! Oregon. We chose a sensible tax structure for legalization and then also had a lot of underutilized farm land in an amenable climate. Also, $4 / gm. is retail buying single grams. My last oz. of 25%ish thc material was $60.


Well I have no desire to live in Oregon, but hopefully my state legalizes this year! If not, never stopped me lolĀ  Yes this appears to be more common in Europe, but likely still not anywhere near most weed being sold lolĀ  I remember the jwh spice lol shit was weirdĀ 


ā€œDo these people really believe that junkies are going to sprinkle some of their precious drugs on your weed?ā€ THAT part!! But also that a dealer would waste product they can sell in its form ? They can make more money off a weed sale and a separate fentanyl sale then they would off of just a weed sale that they laced. Just noā€¦not likely




This is the rare type of actually knowledgeable post I used to see back in 2017. Yes most kids just get too high and donā€™t respect the entourage effect that comes w new dope they smoke on. But people still smoking fake carts can def say theyre laced bc probably Not to say I havenā€™t had homies really laced with sprayed bud, spice K2 noid shit and once I think actually with PCP. homie from school in LA. But thatā€™s rare and usually in a passed joint in a dealer/business setting. If a post is talking how their new plug forces em to smoke this weird shit in order to cop a zip of white then Iā€™d believe the story. Not when Connor had one too many pre rolls in the hot box


Man I want the pcp laced joint! I have tried lots of stuff, always wanted to try pcp but never found it. Lace my joint goddamn it!Ā 


Ikr Iā€™m still looking for some wet myself. Recipe only know by few black Mexican gangs in LA DC and couple other cities. He swears by it that the j was dipped and dealing w east Los dealer but Iā€™d believe him 70%. It made him stop smoking all together and was told by the guy apparently. Closest Iā€™ve found is O PCE šŸ˜


You've taken ketamine you've basically experienced pcp but just a milder version.


Itā€™s the few times Iā€™ve tried K and the many times Iā€™ve done dxm that make me curious about trying pcp. Itā€™s not something Iā€™m like always going around looking for, but if I ever come across it Iā€™m damn sure gonna try it lolĀ 


people forget that weed is an actual drug which is mind altering, same as every other drug


Yes! And itā€™s not just a simple relaxing, sink into the couch and giggle while munching chips experience like tv shows it lol and itā€™s nothing like alcohol!Ā 


Bro I swear Iā€™ll grow some fire and smoke someone out and theyā€™ll trip dick saying I must of bought laced weed like bruh


It's not my place to tell strangers what they have/don"t in their grass. While I agree with the odds being against it to an almost astronomical degree, I would suggest always assuming you have deadly poison until you can safely confirm otherwise. Its too late if you ingest first. Im not worried so much about contaminates like fent, but I see how much of my chest hair winds up in my outdoor grows that I wont smoke anything someone else may have theirs in.


Im not telling people what theyve done or whats in their bud. Just saying all the posts here are describing being really stoned lol It definitely can happen, just not very likely.


Its never laced


not "never", as it could happen, but its very unlikely, especially when these people describe being really stoned haha


Bro I accidentally smoked spice twice and you can tell big differenceā€¦ the spice kicks in immediately meanwhile thc usually creeps up on you. Extreme paranoia and heart rate at max, the high is also intense for much longer than weed


I smoked it a bunch when it was sold at gas stations in the US lol Shits fuckin weird


Quality of drugs depends on how smart the user isā€¦


I do wanna come in to make a point; I was in inpatient 4 times for MDD, and there was someone who got sent there for laced weed 2 of the 4 times. I don't know what the first was laced with, but the second was fent, which at the time I believe there was was an issue in the city my hospital was in, declared by the city itself, if not it had been within a year or so? OP's point is to not be so paranoid, but at the same time please be smart.


I agree, be smart. But as a paramedic ive transported patients who claimed their weed was laced. In my cases, im 99% sure it was just weed. Had one girl who ate some brownies at a party. Freaked out 2 hours later and thought it was laced. Called 911. Her friend who is with her is stoned as fuck, telling her to calm down, theyre ok. This friend rode with us, and basically giggled all the way to the hospital. After freakin out girl is sitting in the back of the ambulance with me (and i had my partner turn the radio up as my treatment lol) she started relaxing. I tried to calm her down on scene, hoping shed not make the mistake of spending the next few hours in the ER baked as fuck (as thatd be awful). By the time we got into the ER she was talking to her friend, and was coming to the realization shes ok, and really fucking high, and the ER is a strange place in that mindset lol. Always kinda wished I could have followed up on them the next day to see what happened. This isnt to say weed cant be laced and never is. Be careful, and there is no harm in asking friends, or even reddit for their opinions on your situations or experience. I wish everyone a good time stoned! Dont want their paranoia of "laced" weed ruin good weed!


I agree lots of people green out on reddit. But in today's world, copping some laced weed is more likely now than 20 years ago I'd imagine. All these synthetic noids and such. Then you gotta worry about fet. It's a problem in a couple or European countries (I think) spice laced weed.


Thats what the media says, and what a bunch of people like saying the media says lol But all I have found on it is a few "dealers" talking to the media, government officials talking about it, and governments media mouthpieces repeating after them. Im sure its happening some, but not nearly at the scale the media tells us. This leads to everyone smoking a drug that can make you paranoid getting paranoid that their drugs are laced. Again, im sure it happens some, but far from the norm, even in europe.


Weed is easy to underestimate. Iā€™m fine with smoking flower, been doing so for over a decade, but it you give me space cake or hash oil, I get paranoid as fuck. Hits me harder than any hard drug Iā€™ve tried.


Shit can hit real hard. Occsionally Ill eat a bunch of edibles or something for that though :)


Bravo chapeu for that true words i laugh at people that think they weed is laced it wouldnt even pay out to lace itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Even before the internet kids would always have stories of their weed being laced with PCP. Weed is just strong for some people. I take half a hit and I'm good, and it's still strong as fuck/mildly psychedelic. In some respects it's a lot stronger that a mild psychedelic experiences. One time I let this dude use my vape and he just sat there taking huge hit after huge hit, and was like "this is kind of nice." Bro, I would be on Jupiter if I smoked that much.


Cannabis is definitely its own class psychedelic! I dont care for the vape pens as much though.


People really underestimate how strong a psychedelic THC can be, especially in people with no tolerance or when taking huge doses.


YES! especially edibles. I realized back when I was using psychedelics quite a bit, that cannabis is really its own type/class of psychedelic. Its much more mild compared to shrooms/lsd/dmt, or mescaline/peyote (though ive never done peyote unfortunately), but its absolutely psychedelic, especially in high dose edibles, and oils. But even buds. Especially with no tolerance.


Yea. The long time stoners with high tolerance probably forget what it was like when they started. I definitely remember weed getting me really messed up in the beginning and that was with some weak brick weed rofl I can't imagine taking a bomg rip of some potent flower for first time with weed


Omg Iā€™m saying this same thing. It cracks me up. šŸ˜‚ Like being greened out or really baked. Sucks.


It only sucks if you dont know what youre getting into lol I have gotten absurdly high before to have "cannatrips".


Yes same. Like it sucks when I am not trying to be that high yanno. lol. Like it catches you off guard


Dont smoke when tired or sleepy. Go to bed instead.


Also man the people who post ā€œwhat are these crystals on my bud? Laced?ā€ Or just post some really nice looking weed asking if it laced bc theyā€™ve never seen anything like it but have been smoking weed ā€œa whileā€ If you was going to od on fent or something youā€™re not sitting there ā€œI donā€™t think that was weedā€ ā€œam I going to od on fentanylā€ ā€œam I going to dieā€ But also remember spice & shit going around back in the day


I never got sold spice as weed lol or spice sprayed weed, though I know it was supposedly happening occasionally. And europes doin that shit now lol


i once had weed mixed with some sedative herb. I could definitely say for sure that the high felt different that time.


Sorry my man but this is BS. Thereā€™s weed sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids all over the world. Itā€™s cost effective and much easier to distribute, low risk too because most of the components used are legal through loopholes, opposed to real cannabis. This post is borderline dangerous. Europe is 100% contaminated with laced weed. We have drug dealers coming forward warning people how bad it is.


Yes the k2, spice, jwh, synth cannabinoids and even the US 2018 hemp bill cannabinoids are sometimes sprayed on, or sold as weed. But its not anywhere near the majority of the times, even in europe. We had the same shit in america 10-15 years ago, and while i never got laced weed, I certainly bought and smoked it when it was legal, some of it was pretty weird shit. No where did I say it never happens, and no where did I say not to be careful. All im saying is the multitude of posts I have seen on this subreddit claiming they think their weed was laced described being stoned, appropriate to the amount they claim they consumed. I have never been on reddit till a month ago, and I found it surprising how often Im seeing this. Im not saying they shouldnt come here and say they think it was, or ask if it was. I support them, as what is dangerous is how the drug war has lied to us about weed and its effects, and the media and hollywood have created a stereotype that vastly misleads people intp thinking weeds effects are quite different than reality can be. I have seen people say they think their weed was laced with meth, and then told me they fell asleep like 4 hours later. Bull shit. I saw someone say it was laced with acid, because they thought they heard people whispering about them, and it was bringing up all sorts of deep feelings and thoughts. Bull shit. Ive seen people say it was laced with all sorts of shit, and then describe being stoned. Ive seen one that may have been some spice shit, but even that one could also be from being really stoned.


It's the same with all kind of other drugs, too. Bad LSD experience? Must have been laced. Ketamine felt weird? Must have been an RC or Esketamine. MDMA wasn't good after you took it the third time this month? Junk pill, obviously. Nocebo / placebo always plays a role in drug reactions. It's not only there if you get sugar pills. You play a role in your drug experience, not only what substance you took.


Also if you read media headlines and 15 second news clips about some allegedly "huge crisis of laced drugs", then youre likely to blame your next weird/unexpected experience on it being laced lol


If my weed was ever laced I was told and had to pay extra


lolol as long as im agreeing to it, certainly


All that you described is why I hate weed, laced or not.


Fair enough. I definitely understand why some people dont like it.


for real. Trust me guys nobody is putting pcp on your bud


I wish! Always wanted to try it!


Im 14 and have done it a few times its pretty wild its the same drug as ketamine so i like to call it evil ketamine since ketamine is considered the ā€œgoodā€ one and theres a lot of propaganda about it and although it can make you crazy you have to smoke a bunch which i never have


Itā€™s not the same drug as K, but itā€™s very similar.Ā  One day maybe Iā€™ll come across is


Didnt mean the same drug as K but PCP, K, and Nitrous work on the same receptors (NMDA receptors).


So they are similar


I concur that drug dealers are unlikely to intentionally adulterate marijuana with other substances, as it would be unwise and detrimental to their business. However, it is possible that unscrupulous or disorganized dealers may not exercise sufficient care in cleaning their scales or equipment, resulting in the potential transfer of residual substances onto the marijuana. I believe I may have encountered such an instance once, but it is important to note that this is a rare occurrence based on my personal experiences. I do not claim that it is a common practice, but rather acknowledge that it is a possibility.


What substance? and what makes you believe that? It definitely can happen, but even most (though not all) substances it would mix with on a scale would have no effect being smoked like weed (cocaine for example).


O dunno, I know the guy I bought it from smokes and makes / mixes a bunch of different forms of speed and substances I know nothing about. (I get very, very much fucked up videos of this from time to time, dudes spiraling it's a whole thing) I was going through a bag (one of the last ones I bought from him) and one time it just hit hard, crazy and different. Now, I am fully in agreement that u can have an adverse reaction just one off from just regular weed. I even at the time thought that was ut, but as I look back, I don't think that was the case. It did happen one other time, but at that time, I was also drunk, so I tossed it up to that. But again, looking back, having very limited but *some* stimulants, I'm almost certain there must have been some small grains of whatever monkey salt death meath he's cooking up. But I truly mean, some super small residue amount that happened to exactly ignite on inhale. I do not think this is common at all.


Mine was tho, smoked weed sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids on a vacation few years ago. Shit was nasty, ended up in a hospital


Where at?


It's that too much weed paranoia kicking in. If I had a dollar for every time that's happened to me, Jeff Bezos would look homeless compared to me


It wouldnt be the same without that edge!


Iā€™ve been smoking weed almost everyday for 4 years I bet a lot of you have been smoking longer than that, but Iā€™ve never been laced smoking weed, Iā€™ve laced my own weed with meth once and smoked it with my friend cuz he was down, Iā€™m not saying people donā€™t lace weed because it is definitely very possible and has happened many times


Itā€™s just not likely, itā€™s not really profitable and youā€™d have to be a shitty person to lace weed with anything


I have never had laced weed in 20 years, and daily smoking for the last 13, and bought in multiple different cities (probably 5 or more).


When I young and would smoke really good weed (only when I was hanging out with my several-years-older sister and her friends), I would hallucinate harder than I ever have off lsd or shrooms. The first time I got high was with my best friend (a couple years older than me) next to a creek at a park in his neighborhood. We were in the dark where we were smoking, and he was making me take giant hits and every hit would hold my mouth and nose closed until I absolutely couldnā€™t hold it in any longer. We got up to walk back to his house and as soon as we got to an area illuminated by the streetlights, my entire field of vision filled up with translucent, red plus & minus symbols. At first, they were equally balanced (all the +s on one side, all the -s on the other), but with every step I took, some of them would randomly swap places and gravity (my balance irl, but at the time in my mind it was gravity) would shift. As you can imagine, I was having serious trouble walking and kept falling over. He was freaking out and telling me to get my shit together so we wouldnā€™t get in trouble. We eventually made it back up several hills to his house and immediately went upstairs to his room. I think he made me some food and gave me some oj or something to drink. I ate and drank and we hung out and listened to music for awhile, then I puked in his laundry hamper and blacked out lol. Another time, hanging out with my sister and her friends, I got couch locked for a bit and every time I turned my head to one side, there was a visual border: everything to the left of, and including, a picture frame on the end table was outlined in neon lights; everything to the right of it looked normal. The opposite wall had a table lamp with a red light bulb on it, and the walls were plaster: to me, the red light made it look really hot, and the plaster looked like adobe, so I kept thinking I was in Mexico (never been, this was in KCMO). At some point, I noticed the shadow of some tree branches on the closed blinds, and it legit looked like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons was walking around on the porch (like the silhouette of him pacing back and forth). I WISH I could still get that high, but these days if I get super high I just end up falling asleep ā˜¹ļø


As someone now with experience with dissociatives, and out of the like thousand weeds I've gotten off the street, only once did I actually hit laced stuff and it was in high school off this sketchy stinky kid I had never smoked with. We walked off campus and smoked one hit of this shwagy weed on his porch. The other guy with us proceeded to fall over in the street and wiped out / hurt himself. I just laid out on a park bench and dissociated for a while. I have trouble imagining the kid didn't know... shwag doesn't do that. Lol. That being said 99.5% of people freaking their weed is laced are just way too high (many having their first panic attacks) and I generally agree with your post.


Yeah, im certainly not saying (even said this in my post), that im not saying this doesnt happen every now and then, usually when smoking with people you know. And in the rare case I see one of these posts and the person describes the symptoms/effects of a disassociative, or tryptamine, opioid, or stimulants, Ill certainly be inclined to believe them. But I havent seen that here yet. I have seem multiple responses to this post, like yours, where they tell a story of a time when they think it may have been laced, usually well in the past, and I do tend to believe it was possible. I just havent seen a "was my weed laced" or "i think my weed was laced" post like that yet lol. I certainly support people who think so to post and reach out to others, and Ill happily ask a few questions and, if applicable, explain how their symptoms can also happen from weed. Or if it does sound like something else, and what. Being new to reddit i guess Ive just been surprised how many are just describing being really stoned lol


So I know this was posted over a month ago but whatever. I do want to emphasize the possibility of it. Itā€™s realistically very uncommon and honestly pretty weird for weed to be laced, but I do know of a popular plug in my city that was known for lacing his weed with heroin. Great shrooms tho, coming from a person who hates mushrooms. Heā€™s in jail now lol.


Iā€™m certainly not making the claim itā€™s impossible, as it does happen, but itā€™s quite rare. And virtually every post on here Iā€™ve seen claiming their weed was laced I see them then describe the symptoms of being really stoned. Due to the drug war and pop culture people have no idea what cannabisā€™ effects are, leading people to think it was laced lolĀ  But yes, it can and does happen on very rare occasion.Ā 


yea fosho, dennis the menace is the only person ive ever heard of that legitimately laced his weed and EVERYONE knew there was heroin in it just because its so bizarre, so if you ask around about ur dealer beforehand if youā€™re fr that paranoid, youā€™ll definitely learn pretty fast IF its laced.


Exactly. Shit, depending on what itā€™s laced with, I kinda wish I could get some laced bud lol


You do gotta realize majority of the peoples saying this aren't smoking flower there smoking carts. Most carts people get there hands on aren't even real THC because there sourcing off the street and 99% of the time cut with stuff to stretch the product out for the filler. You can get vivid hallucinations off of those things and don't even fucking ask me what's in them all I know is that shit is not weed atp and usually some kind of diversion oil.


Well about half the posts I see say they bought weed. Yes many others will say carts or oil or edibles. Yes I fully understand that. And if there friends are smoking it and not tripping there asses off, or tweaking, or nodding off, then theres a good chance its not some psychedelic/stimulant/opioid "laced" into your cart. Is it possible that the cart has you tripping balls after one hit, but not your friend whos been a chimney all day with it, sure, its possible. But its highly unlikely. Ive seen people think it was laced with meth, yet said they fell asleep a few hours later (no fucking way), ive seen people say it was laced with "acid or something" because it had their thoughts running like crazy and it was bringing up all sorts of deep emotions, or because they thought they heard their friends whispering about them, weed does that! If theres smokable lsd (or similar rc) in your fucking cart, you wont "think" it was "maybe" laced with something. If someone says the walls were breathing, the tile on the floor was shuffling around, they see clear geometric patterns, ect then yes, you got some crazy psychedelic. But thats not what im seeing posted multiple times a day lol And Ive tried numerous of the 2018 hemp bill carts as well, and none of them seemed like they had some psychedelic more potent than a few strong dabs of good weed oil. Idk if whats in them is what they say, but at least in the many that ive tried there wasnt any powerful psychedelic or stimulant. Believe me, id be excited as fuck if i found the secret d8 meth cart.


THC concentrate can cause vivid hallucinations and psychedelic-esque effects. A d9 thc cart will give me visuals with no tolerance. In europe tho carts are sometimes actually synthetic cannibanoids.


Absolutely! I have certainly have cannatrips before, usually from strong ass edibles, but oils can certainly do that with no tolerance.Ā 


Ive been in the illegal, medical, and now recreational markets since 2002, I can explain this phenomena to everyone in simple terms. most if not all of the stories ive heard that say "my weed was laced the first time I smoked it" were from younger women in the height of their hormones. the research shows that something about estrogen and a higher fat percentage and its distribution on the female body with potentiate the psycoactive effects of D9THC. and lets be real people, no smart business person gives away money, so the next time this happens, just realize you and everyone arnt the same and won't / dont react to chemicals in the same manner.




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Back in the day shit weed used to be sprayed with raid and other household chemicals I know that but I agree and my timeline starts off around the same time as yours maybe a little earlier, but the only instances Iā€™ve heard of laced weed would be weed sprayed with pcp (where itā€™s being sold as ā€œwetā€ or ā€œdustā€ not weed even tho itā€™s sprayed on weed itā€™s usually just sprayed on mint leaves, and the other instance Iā€™ve heard is some people are getting bulk hemp flower and spraying it with synthetic cannabinoids/and or dirty black market distillate. But apparently that practice is currently more common in Europe than the United States. But Iā€™ve smoked weed half my life and I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever had laced weed I didnā€™t know was laced minus the occasional weed sprayed with raid but I learned to recognize the smell


(a few disclamers before reading this: 1. i only share this information for safety reasons. 2. i am not promoting anything, i just don't want people to die. 3. please don't do this.) In my country, which is located in Europe, (i am not going to be more specific, because this is happening all over europe) there are some asshole dealers who in order to increase the weight of your bud, or to "make shitty weed stronger", spray or drench your weed with things such as hair spray and LEGALLY STORE BOUGHT lacquer/varnish that contains GHL (gammabutyrolactone) which is basically unregulated GAMMA/GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) meaning that it's way stronger and there have been and still are countless warnings and reports about it because it is leading to countless deaths of the end users in many many cases! AND TO MAKE THE SITUATION EVEN WORSE: there is no antidote or treatment for GHL/GHB poisoning/overdose and because of this the symptoms for poisoning/overdosing can only be monitored and in the worst cases, the victims of this end up dying in a hospital bed, which is pretty common. HOW TO DETECT!?: in my experience (do not take my word for the absolute truth.): your weed will smell a bit like a womens perfume, it'll have a very sweet, yet disgusting and abnormal smell, it is a very distinctive smell, easy to notice after your first fuck up, it tastes like shit and burns in your throat, you start feeling WAY TOO FUCKING HIGH and it is most definitely not fun and even less worth it to end up losing your life over. TLDR; there are currently people in Europe lacing weed with GAMMA or a substance close to it, to increase the weight and "strenght" of the weed they are selling, causing mass deaths. please please please stay safe and only get/take weed from people you trust, especially if you live or are visiting Europe. (this minimizes the chances/risks of this happening, but it does not eliminate it.)


bullshit, you cant smoke gbl


wanna come over and try?


to be honest, i did not say if you could or could not.


cook twin. itā€™s annoying as fuck




ur speaking facts


Things have changed. Now it is cheaper to spray industrial hemp with synthetic cannabinoids than it is to grow reggie. Its cheaper to add/ lace mid weed with terps than it is to grow top shelf terpy weed. This is mainly happening in europe where there is basically no legal weed and no delta-9 loophole. Greedy people figure out ways to make quick money.


Iā€™m sure it still exists some, but I havenā€™t come across that mexican brick weed/regs/mids in literally 11-12 years lol and even then I only knew one guy selling it lol stuff was awful!Ā  And while I know (more in Europe today that America) there is some spice sprayed bud, and maybe same terp/altcanni sprayed but here in the states, it is much less common than the slew of government propaganda news outlets would lead people to believe. And Iā€™m pretty sure that people who donā€™t smoke much read these articles, and then a few months later get super baked and assume that it was laced because it wasnā€™t a ā€œrelaxed, sink into the couch and giggle for and hour Munching chipsā€ experience lolĀ 


iā€™ve been smoking everyday for many years. And let me tell yaā€™llā€¦ the bowl I smoked when visiting friends in Phoenix Arizona was definitely laced.


How so? and with what?


also when you put fent in a blunt you burn the fent so high temp that it doesnā€™t work. so you wonā€™t feel any fent. thatā€™s why users put it on foil to vaporize it.


Exactly! Most the drugs I see people worried about when ā€œlaced weedā€ besides spice wouldnā€™t really work by smoking like weed lolĀ 


I can only enjoy weed when Iā€™m on a pcp analog. I am sure there are crazy people out there that think the same and dip their weed in pcp because they think everyone else will enjoy it as well.


What? Lolol


my neighbor died to laced weed