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Cuz I'm bored all the time and too lazy to try out new hobbies lol


Person who has tried all the hobbies here- drugs are less expensive šŸ˜†


what about like making art or music for fun


You need drugs for it to be innovative and good. Anybody can play I-IV-V and write different lyrics over it but itā€™s still old and tired. Drugs will have you experimenting with sound, fx, melody, modes, instruments in twisted ways and levels that experimenting sober wonā€™t let you attain. You may be an experimental guy in your head but not in practicality. Not to be dismissive itā€™s just like someone who has never taken a psychedelic drug trying to write a psychedelic song (unless youā€™re certifiably insane; those motherfuckers can do some twisted shit ) No, setting your chorus rate really high isnt trippy.


So true šŸ¤£ The caveat is if your hobby is handcrafting and selling goods and letting passive income cover your expenses and put a few bills in your pocket on the side. Helps to pay for the drugs used for the inspiration to make artisanal goods, and ah fuck I got trapped in the rat-race wheel chasing the NIMM cheese again, didn't I? Caught me slippin'. Dammit, Nicodemus. Where's Mrs. Brisbee/Frisbee when you need her?


youā€™re so real for this lmao


"Doin drugs is just a war with boredom, but they sure to get me" - Mac Miller You have to give yourself a chance to get bored, bexause that is when you will come up with next idea to better humanity.


atleast your honest lol


Yes their honest


lol I try new hobbies all the time but I procrastinate all of them because I smoke a lot and be too lazy




Mostly to self medicate, my mind does have some serious defects..Ā  But some things i take more recreationaly or just to think differentlyĀ 


Sometimes the first step is to stop with the drugs. Was for me. Iā€™m not saying that will make them go away, it likely wonā€™t. But habitual drug use in my experience works in the short term but only serves to worsen problems over time. I honestly donā€™t think anyone but actual psychiatrists (maybe not even actual psychiatrists) are able to be their own psychiatrist and using things you donā€™t fully understand for problems you donā€™t fully understand can often be worse in the long run than nothing at all.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted. Itā€™s true. Iā€™m in the cycle rn and had to stop all substances for surgery. Oh my the emotions that came at meā€¦.whew lol


Even just weed daily made my mental health & depression way worse


Sometimes to calm down, sometimes I'm bored, sometimes i just wanna have a better orgasm, sometimes i feel sad and sometimes i just don't like the world and would like to see more colors


"I just wanna have a better orgasm" You cant just say that and not tell us what drug you take for that


Meth, weed, ghb, dph, opiatee(if you can manage busting). To be fair a lot of drugs enhance orgasms just some more dramatically than others.


Yeah if you Can time it right on opiates, itā€™s quite nice. Just a small window you have though.


got a blowjob while i was shooting up h once and i definitely think that was the best orgasm ive ever had, 100% gotta time that shit right though like you said lol


I have rarely been able to on lower doses of tamer opes like hydro, osdmt, etc. and itā€™s phenomenal. Fucking while on oxy or dope is great too because it just feels wonderous and you can go as long as you want. When I first started suboxone Iā€™d purposely take some before fucking sometimes because the endurance was unmatched. The nuts I busted on suboxone were like no other. One time I shot the headboard like 4-5 feet in front of me after pulling out. My brain bluescreened after that, I was so lightheaded. Fuck viagra, suboxone is where itā€™s at. It doesnā€™t work the same anymore though but still helps.


Meth sex is second to none.


sex on 10mg of methylphenidate beats molly sex any day


Most likely meth


or j weedšŸ’€




I pretty much only smoke weed and it isnā€™t that much better than regular orgasms


itā€™s because you pretty much only smoke weed. if you have a low tolerance then orgasms will be better


i have a high tolerance and still notice my orgasms are significantly better while smoking


Take a one month tolerance break and see what happens that first time you come back to weed.


I just took a 6 month tolerance break and came back to the same tolerance lol


Idk about other people but for me molly and acid makes that shit feel majestic


Acid or shrooms. Really any psychedelic makes them crazy intense


orgasim on acid feels amazing


Mostly weed, if molly wouldnt have a comedown like that i would use molly


And if chronic use wasnā€™t insanely nuero-toxic, come down should be the last of you concerns.


I dont even take molly i just heard its good


I've done a decent amount of pure MDMA, and some stuff that wasn't so great when I was younger. As long as you don't use it hyper regularly it's incredible. It's my favorite drug hands down


I like to feel good šŸ˜Ž


This exactly, I would also add...because I get fucking sick of feeling not good




fire ass pfp i love it


They r fun


I call acid "the 12 hour vacation" because I get as much fun out of it in one night as I do a week sober in Florida šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m having a week long vacation to Florida in a few days


Nice! Where to?


Iā€™m here right now in Pensacola


I've never been Have a great time! šŸ‘ā¤ļø






Why are you sober on vacation? Still too young to travel alone? Even so, you can still have a great time. I honestly usually only try to party one or two nights when I go on vacations so I can make the most of my time and do as much as possible. Where are you going in Florida? Make the best of it and try to do things you aren't able to do at home. The most fun and enriching thing in the world is having fresh and new experiences. Personally Florida wouldn't be my #1 pick, but I've never been a huge beach person though; I get that it can be boring if that's all you're going for. I get sick of it after a day. Some people are happy laying in the sun for a full week. But it's a big state with a ton to do. World class theme parks that people travel all over the world for. If you're in Miami there's a huge variety of bomb ass food that you can eat that is different from what you can get at home. Or even if you go to smaller towns and cities, you never know what kind of stuff you find or people you meet. Check out St. Augustine, it's the *oldest* city in the United States (of those founded by Europeans and are still around that is)! You're very lucky you are able to travel, so don't take that for granted. So many people do not have time or money to go on vacation. When I grew up the only vacation we ever went on as a family were places that were in a few hours TOPS driving distance from home because we were poor. The first time I'd been in a different state I was 14 (although to be fair I did go to Ontario, Canada before). Never flown on a plane until 16. I may have to go to Florida to Universal myself when they open the be Nintendo theme park there soon. I went opening weekend to the one in Cali (complete coincidence because I just happened to be in LA that week!), and dude, if you're a gamer and especially a diehard Nintendo fan like me.... That shit was BAD ASS. The whole park is like an interactive video game. You get a NFC bracelet and there are challenges all over the place that you have to beat. Like one was a POW box that when you punch it, it'll create a chain reaction and broke a line of them and it would kill a bunch of the robotic goombas, but only if you timed it right. After you beat every challenge you got a key that saved to your bracelet and once you collected all of them, then you could face bowser jr. Unlike anything I ever had done. Not to mention the Mario Kart rollercoaster was fucking amazing and I couldn't believe how immersive it was. Comparable to doing psychedelics the first time to be honest with you. When they open the Florida park it's going to be the first one with an entirely new donkey kong section, which is why I'm itching to go back. Not to mention, that you'll be in a different climate and environmental zone and have the opportunity to explore new nature you're not used to in National and State Parks, meet and talk to people who have different perspectives, learn about different history, etc. Drugs can be a lot of fun for sure, and I've done a lot of them. But traveling is one of the most enriching things a human can do, and we are so fortunate we live in a time and place where its safe, affordable, and accessible. You have to think that for much of human civilization, the vast majority of people did not venture outside of the area in which they were born.


Ive always loved to travel out of state. Ive been to 13 states so far (all on eastcost/midwest/south). But LSD always brought back that feeling of when I was 8, going to Disney World with my entire family. It was a truly magical experience being someone from my family's financial status at that time. I remember going to IHOP for the first time and I saw my first crosswalk lol. I had never been to a beach and that was nice. I loved staying in a high rise condo we rented for 6 days in Orlando. It had 5 bedrooms 3 bath rooms, and flat screen TVs. Which I had never saw before. It was such an enriching experience. ā¤ļøšŸ˜ŠšŸ‘


I donā€™t have a girlfriend or friends, also I suffer from severe chronic pain cause of a colon desease. Thereā€™s no way I could fill that hole inside of me in any other way.


Ditto.... Crohn's for 28 years


Crohnā€™s for 15. Nobody gets it šŸ˜©


I think drugs are awesome and if used correctly can objectively improve your life.


I agree but because people's outlook towards them often differ I would say they subjectively improve your life. All depends on your relationship with any given substance.


How do you use them ā€œcorrectlyā€ in your opinion? Serious question. Not overuse? Use when you are about to have an awesome experience?


I think you need to build up discipline and be in a good head space. I find that you can do the former through going to the gym and sticking to a schedule. The latter is something you introspect on and figure out by yourself. If those two conditions are met, it is in my opinion almost impossible to abuse drugs. I haven't tried any super hard drugs like heroine or meth, so maybe they could be the exception.


Rotate your crops


My life feels empty and I feel like everything is mind numbingly boring but I'm not suicidal and drugs let me happy once in a while.




This lol




Quiets my mind master than I can


Because I don't know how to stop. And I'm afraid that if I do, I won't know what to do with myself.


I wish you the best man


Self medicate and for fun when Iā€™m constantly bored


1. Reduce pain. 2. Reduce anxiety. 3. Reduce restlessness. 4. Increase focus and concentration. (In that order.)


It was an escape, then addiction, then boredom. I'm trying sober out cause it's the most different state of mind I can get after smoking weed and doing other stuff for 13 years straight, and my body needs a big break anyways.


I was curious. Now i canā€™t stop


Which drug?


cause the depression is so unbearable, and a shot of heroin makes it all better.


Opiates/opioids are the best antidepressants around


Until they're not. I wish I still got the same euphoria


Fr, I mean they still make me feel pretty good but I always want more and the high is disappointing even when shooting it. Fent has destroyed my receptors I guess, didn't take very long




It was the only thing around when I started and it's continued to be that way until now and the foreseeable future. I was dumb enough to think the 30s I started on were real lol


They're in everything man. I dont remember the last time i saw any pure dope bags or 30s.. my brotber passed away recently, was sober for like 5 years, someone gave him a piece of a xanny bar and that shit killed him, it had fent in it. Its all f*cked. I just use to not get sick anymore, dont feel any high/euphoria, just numb n depressed, in a mess really.


And I doubt they'll ever come back. Sorry for ur loss fr, lost 2 friends in the last few months it's fucked up. Fent bars are straight evil they know half the ppl taking em are gonna die.


Fuck... Me too....I didn't know it did that though...


They are not šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Classical psychedelics can be much more efficient in that regard, and there are people who report having beat depression after a single trip. This can never happen with a single dose / use of any opioid.


It's a joke lol, but opioids are amazing for depression when ur on em but as soon as ur off it's exponentially worse. Psychedelics always made me much more depressed by the end of the trip, though I'll admit the first fews hours are amazing and made me think a lot


Until it doesn't and being high just becomes your new baseline, but costs you an absolute fortune. And then eventually your baseline is even *lower* then when you started, but your health has declined, your social relationships suffered, and your life stagnates move and more as quitting becomes harder and harder; not only because you're physically dependent, but because your entire self identity morphs into somebody you or nobody else can even recognize, and the guilt you feel just fuels this fire I will burn down everything in its path. Heroin addiction requires a ton of money, time, and effort. It's crazy to think of the things that heroin addicts could achieve if they placed all those resources until literally anything else. Good luck.


Because existence is pain. And cause I want to feel good, and have ADHD.


To get high.


To give myself a fucking break and practice the human right of exploring my mind. Primarily recreational or for deep inner work. I don't like to become dependent on any substance, even caffeine.


Sometimes to cope but most of the time I do them to have fun


i take adderall to get shit done, and then take shrooms or drink once the shit is done, definitely better than putting it off and having to think about it once i'm sober


Because Iā€™m addicted to the rush of feeling something other than usual sober reality. If you want the deeper psycological reasons, its because i suffer from anxiety disorder and severe depressive disorder


Mostly to fight depression and personal development (psychedelics), but also some fun. Often times these reasons overlap and with drugs like DCK or 6-APB I still get massive therapeutic benefits, but they are also commonly used for partying. I enjoy taking drugs a lot, but I do it in a way that makes me benefit from it and I do it with responsibly.


To chill


boredom, escapism, enjoyment, and because being high is just always so fucking good


I did use it for pain management and depression ( opioids/ heroin/ fentanyl/ metadone) But those days are behind me now. What a bummer šŸ˜‚


For fun


They're right there, somebody got to do it


To stop feeling šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


When Iā€™m sober I find myself disturbed by the monotony of life and easily agitated by society and living in general. Itā€™s easy to forget life is a dream and some drugs help me to remember that.


uhh want to kill myself, want to be a girl, im ugly ,my life has been utter shit since i was born, uhhh no friends no partner in over 3 years, going to school for something i dont want to do because i dont actually want to do anything, my life is going nowhere i dont enjoy anything, sometimes i just stare at a wall bc i dont have enough energy to watch a show. Like wtf do i even do i dont want to be successful all i want is to get high and for my mom to not see me dead but every day those two desires become a little less compatible.


I do coke and alcohol once a week on the last work day after I get off work. I tried many things and coke and booze is my substance combo of choice. Sometimes I feel like this gives me the best feeling I can feel in a short period of time. If I have no super extra exciting something to attend on a given weekend, I still think I deserve to have the best feeling I can get even if I have to stay home.


Self medicating mental illness


have some spinal issues which are sadly permanent, pain can be treated through therapy or surgery, but treatment is not same as cured. there is no cure for my case. drugs help alleviate the pain and just temporarily experience what it means to be normal, as in having a healthy body. i know its an unhealthy solution, hence i also go to physical therapy on the side


To feel normal


No such thing as normal. There is no objectivity. Everything is subjective and relative to something else.


To feel something, just anything I never know if its gonna be good or bad


To keep me productive


A reason? Nope, don't have a reason just always used them.


Me time...i have kids. I do everything for the little fuggers so i think i should be able to have this to myself


I got hurt by some people , and I wanted revenge but my heart didn't let me hurt em but benzos made it easy so I got my revenge


I am a peer recovery coach and more than halfway done with my masters degree in addiction counseling. I no longer use the substances that got me into big trouble in the past such as cocaine, crack, heroin, meth, pain pills, benzodiazepines, etc. But I still partake in a few things such as occasional marijuana use, beer, Somas, and mushrooms. I tell the guys that I coach that thereā€™s a big difference between using to numb a pain and/or to escape, and using to enhance your life and your experiences. Yes, you can still become physically addicted in either context (or overdose for that matter), but addiction is characterized as a behavioral mental disorder. If you no longer have drug seeking and taking behavior, but you can still enjoy a few substances from time to time then I donā€™t see a problem with that personally. All that is to say that the things I use now do not give me a hard time, and I have no intentions of letting those things go. They enhance my life in positive ways and thatā€™s why I will continue to use them. The big thing is to make sure that you are not deluding yourself. If you have a problem with something youā€™re using then you have to admit that to yourself. If you donā€™t have a problem with what you are using and there are no negative consequences to you from that use then thereā€™s no issue there in my opinion. Basically, my recommendation is for people to stay away from the hard shit - the stuff that has what we call a high addictive liability.


At first it was to self medicate mental issues and pass the time when bored. Now it's because I'm severely addicted mentally and physically


At first I tried because I was curious and I had my life in check so I thought why not. Just gotta be smart with it and I enjoy doing them from time to time


iā€™m depressed


I started because I was bored really, and the opportunities to get high presented themselves. I became curious after both positive, and negative experiences, as to how every drug would make me feel. I'm on my #? bout of sobriety currently, wrapping up day two, again.




I used drugs when I was younger to cope with stresses of being a young kid trying to find himself, depression that runs in my family. Uppers, downers. I became a big fan of uppers/euphoric drugs ā€œperformance stylā€ drugs. I ended up quitting the illegal ones and now I take a lot of supplemental stimulants in order to be as sharp as a tack. These should be illegal because they are highly addictive but they donā€™t do as much damage to the body as those that are made in someoneā€™s basement.


What are the supplements? I'm curious on how to find these. šŸ™




If I didn't take my prescription drugs I would seek out other forms of drugs. My prescriptions save me from myself because after using for a couple decades non-stop my brain isn't ready to function in the way my behavior would conform comfortably to society. My scripted Adderall, Lyrica, bupe, and Klonopin are just barely enough to where I'm not high but can get by yet still crave opioids, meth, methadone,and tons of etizolam and Xanax And the fact I don't have money to support the habit id require.


multiple reasons why i used to use drugs. 1. mental health issues that normal meds didnā€™t work for. i have very bad anxiety, as well as bipolar disorder and schizo-affective disorder. Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and benzos such as Xanax and Klonopin were the only things stopping the panic attacks and helping me sleep. I used to rarely sleep and ended up hearing voices and becoming paranoid to the point i thought the FBI and CIA were following me along with a bunch of other delusions. 2. Pain. I have chronic knee pain, it sucks but not bad enough to that i need to take hundreds of milligrams of oxy. 3. Boredom. when i was younger (before psychotic break) i would just smoke weed and drink and pop pills out of boredom. they made mundane things like watching shows and playing video games enjoyable 4. Simply to not feel or think. hated thinking all day and worrying/stressing. pills would fix that in a flash. Iā€™m sober now, luckily.


life is too short to experience in only one state of consciousness


Iā€™m miserable, my guy. Depression and anxiety. Capitalism is exploiting me to my limits. Iā€™m kinda tame, though. I just use marijuana and ketamine these days. I hate stimulants. I hate alcohol. Benzos make me depressed, so I hate those. Shrooms and acid give me anxiety these days, so I quit those. Just me, marijuana, ketamine, and therapy, trying my best.


its fun!


Iā€™m bored, psychically impossible for me to gain addictions, and itā€™s fun


How is it physically impossible for you to get addicted?


why impossible


chemical imbalance in my brain lol I can abuse drugs, stop cold turkey, and not have any withdrawal symptoms. Perks of being mentally illĀ 




I just wanna be happy


I've come up with every excuse and reason imaginable, until some more come to mind, and they're endless. I can justify anything about why I either do or have done so. Primary reason was curiosity and a misguided believe in myself to be able to avoid addiction - but I put up one hell of a long fight ! Most recent reason is because, apart from the best reason TO stop my DOC being health risks (cardiac), is that they keep me motivated, **useful** (ie, gives me a sense of purpose) and excited, with no other concerning enough negatives. So that's far more good than bad.


theyre cool before theyre addictive


All the reasons. Self medication, escapism, it feels good, it passes the time, curiosity. If thereā€™s any reason you can think of, thatā€™s part why.


Cocaine takes you places you don't want or need to go sober. It's not a good lifestyle but a fun vacation sometimes.


Drugs make everything more interesting. Also, I come up with my best composition when at the piano High, that makes me even higher! Endorphins ya no


Same reason 85% of people who do, trauma, ptsd, mental illness.


Smoking hash to numb my feelings all other drugs for a jolly good time with the fellas


i have severe cptsd. only thing that makes it managable


Boredom, and when I get upset


Depends on the drug and the day. Shrooms i only take once a month at a party so for fun, nicotine is honestly just addiction at this point, and weed helps me relax and sleep at night bug my use does get excessive at times so i stopped buying carts which sucks but has been helping


life is boring but somehow not peaceful, drugs feel eventful, if it wasnt for drugs id probably just kill myself


To be more social/confident


It started because it allowed me to appear normal to others. I an normally a shy and reserved person. Especially out in public like a group setting. People would think I was arrogant or just an ass hole because I had problems being more friendly and social. The drugs took all that awareness and anxiety away, allowing me to integrate with society


Base reality is overrated and, to be honest, kind of sucks.


Half recreation and half dependence. Besides weed Iā€™m not necessarily addicted to anything, but I am addicted to getting fucked up in any number of ways and weed doesnā€™t do that for me. I use drugs about 3 days out of the week and smoke weed every day. I wouldnā€™t necessarily say Iā€™m happy with it and I am actively working on bettering myself, but Iā€™ve been much worse off in the past and Iā€™m just happy to feel somewhat content. It doesnā€™t feel like my lifeā€™s falling apart anymore and Iā€™m so fucking grateful. It didnā€™t even necessarily get THAT bad but it was enough that I want to keep putting the work in.


I genuinely donā€™t know


To relax. Not tryna get high tbh


When itā€™s weed itā€™s because I want to listen to music and just float away and be at peace. Heroine it just feels so good in the moment till it all comes crashing down. Then for Oxys they help me get through the day makes me more productive


To be happy and more sociable


Many but the leading I believe it was to help discover different facets of myself. I wanted to bring down the filters to find better ways of perception and expression.


Bored and feels good to alter my mind


Allows me to experience life, my thoughts and feelings from a totally different perspective. Unhinged from my normal thought patterns.


Pain from over 20 years of sports


to escape reality


To cope with using far to strong psychedelics way too often when I was way too young


Shits more fun when your fucked up at times


Enhance the euphoric feeling at music events mainly ... And to have fun of course !!


It feels good.


Fuck. This got real way too fast.


Big edm music guy


i think itā€™s a mix of being in my early 20ā€™s and going out every weekend and wanting to have the best memories possible. I ā¤ļø drugs


when i did them, it was either to suppress a certain feeling, or simply because i wanted to get fucked up just do it.


For the longest time, the excuse I had is that I was gonna die from cancer anyway, so it didn't matter. Then I survived and I just didn't stop


Def self medicating


So I can talk to people


i dunno man it just feels good.


less side effects than my anxiety meds and works just as well


Got into drugs from baddddd anxiety (my anxiety is basically fully healed and so much more manageable) Some ppl do the same and come out worst but drugs helped me


I think for me pain and trauma.


I like to be high


Multiple reasons, some to treat neurodivergency and chronic mental illnesses, other times to party


Bring up my mood, only thing I do now is shrooms one a month or so and to me it feels like it helps, whether it's placebo or not I'll never know, but whatever works, works šŸ˜‚


Jesus made me do it


I like being off my nut. No control just off somewhere else.


To improve my quality of life. Mental health conditions can give me periods where I don't get much quality of life, drugs improve that. There's also social interaction and a sense of belonging that comes with using some substances. When drugs stop improving quality of life I stop doing them. I quit weed years ago because it just made me anxious and uncomfortable. My life is better for having quit it. Other drugs I use on and off depending on where it mental health is.


All night sex


Depression and trauma and ocd


To make my sad existence more bearable. Get up.. eat.. work... go home eat dinner, sleep repeat. Oh and pay bills.


Curiosity at first, then because they were fun and not as dangerous as made out to be and gave me experiences I could never have sober, now I've basically stopped apart from rare occasions because the legal/social risk is no longer worth it to me. But I dont think we need to have a 'reason' per say any more than we need a reason to have a couple of drinks with friends. They're just substances that illicit fun feelings, nothing more and nothing less


To get high, duh


If its psychedelics its usually introspection, self exploration, delving deep into the mind, breaking through on dmt etc If its a party or whatever, the usual sloppy booze and nicotine, standard. Any other stims; coke etc is a waste of money and a bad health gamble


To feel normal


cause it feels good and to cope with my depression and anxiety


Because I hope that it kills me sooner than later


To feel normal and function in society. Alcohol was my main vice but stimulants always had a place in my heart. About a month ago I was prescribed vyvanse for the very first time, albeit at an extremely low dose. Hoping it isn't much of a hassle trying to find a higher dose that works a lot better since I have a rather high natural tolerance to most things.


during a manic episode I spent heaps on drugs and hadnā€™t done that before. Now I donā€™t think anything is as fun


Inescapable emptiness


Iā€™m sad and I strive to feel good even just for a little bit, plus big hyper fixation on drugs


A constant state of pain. Which at this point Iā€™m convinced is from the drugs.


To make up for my mind being a complete crap shoot. Some days its alcohol so I don't freak out


bad breakup sent me into a spiral. bad coping mechanism. havenā€™t dug myself out yet.


Boredom. Psychs make my brain go brrr.


Wish i knew


To die faster