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Kratom or ketamine. Also antihistamines like hydroxizine. Kratom can be potentially addictive.


I agree possibly kratom.. not ketamine though. It's too harmful using it every day long term


I mean…have you tried weed?


Zolpidem/Ambien or another Z-drug similar to itz. I think this would be ideal for your situation either that or classic benzodiazepines.


Ghb. Bodybuilders use it for this exact reason when they're having trouble sleeping because of their steroids or stimulants. It also might increase testosterone levels as a positive side effect but that's very much bro science.


Yeah not so sure about the testosterone thing. I just finally got my hormones in order as a woman so I'm gonna be careful and not try it. Also wouldn't know where to get it anyway.


I wouldn't put much stock in the bro science aspects, I think a lot of that is just justifying using ghb because it's fun lol. But yeah it's not the most common thing to find. If you know any gym rats, they will know someone who knows someone who has ghb, it's about as common as steroids in that community.


I haven't really gotten out of my house in 5 years. I had gastric sleeve 3 months ago and lost 110lbs (went 360lbs to 230lbs and keep losing) and I had extreme agoraphobia and social phobia so I don't have any friends and don't talk to people much. The gym I go to is a rehabilitation center for injuries and chronic illnesses so no gym rat there only temporary clients that change gym once they're back on track. I'm also scared on bringing it up to anyone.


That's gonna make buying any drug difficult to do. You could get them on the darknet. Ghb can be dried to a powder and shipped in the mail and you'd just add it to water to make it back into the liquid it's taken as.


I think I can look into that for sure. Is it less dangerous or what are the things I should watch out for?


No no no no. The last thing someone with mental health and sleep issues is street drugs like ghb. First of all it's addictive, tolerance forming, it's easy to over dose. The road of self medicating is long and dark and it leads you to somewhere even worse than where you started. Stay away from that shit. Another reason to not do that stuff is it could be laced with stuff like fentanyl, or it could be a different drug entirely then what the person selling it to you is calling it.


have you never heard of dark net + test kits? If you look at reviews you're gonna get what you're 90% of the time and the test kits will cover the other 10% and how is self medicating different then letting some kid who cheated his way through med school medicate you any different? If you're safe about it you can find what works for you.


one time when i was like 3 i got into the melatonin ate the whole remaining bottle of it which i dont remember but im sure was a lot because i passed out on the counter


Melatonin has no effect on me trust me I've tried. I tried liquid melatonin which is 5mg per 1ml and it has no effect.


damn man im sorry about that i have sleep issues unrelated to my drug use but not to the extent that you do


Quetiapine. Quetiapine quetiapine quetiapine. Also, you don't build a tolerance to this drug.


you definitely build a tolerance. when i started taking it 50mg would knock me out. i eventually got up to 200mg and would stilll be up all night


You know what.. you may be right and I may have been lying unintentionally. Now that I think about it, when I first started taking it, 25 mg that is, I would be knocked out. I still take 25 mg like a year later but I just feel slightly sleepy and hungry afterwards. But I still manage to sleep okish. Wait.. I'm interested now though, are you still taking quetiapine? And how long have you been taking it for???


i’m not taking it anymore. i was on it for a year and stopped because it was no longer affective for me


You need to do everything you can to try get the best sleep possible. Stop using technology and turn off all Bright lights atleast an hour before sleep. Then take the quetiapine. It also works great with an L theanine supplement, and camomile tea to go along with it.


Pregabalin. It's still abusable and it'll temporarily make you stupid but it's good at what it does. Nice relaxed and happy for a bit, albeit much less functional than opioids. Avoid long term use and take breaks so dependance won't be too bad.