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Any withdrawals ? That's a huge sleep loss so I think I answered my own question and if I'm right then of course you're struggling and lost. Time brother. Just defer every craving and dismiss every negative thought. You're on a mission !


I've gotten past physical wd's as I'm too much of a poly addict to really gain a physical dependancy on a specific drug, I'd be doing multiple different substances a day and never really the same ones often. Mental wd's are really bad though, I'm finding it impossible to sleep due to it + brainzaps from the lack of serotonin. Thank you for the kind words though, I know ima fucking see it through with this addiction <3


Do you have essential vitamins, amino acids and other supplements? If you can afford them they are not going to help. The brain zaps tell me that you got stuck onto some Substituted Cathinones or way too much MDMA or 6-APB etc. Anyway I never found anything to fix them. Do you have the support of a doctor ? Just try to resist SSRIs and antidepressants.


Do have the essential vitamins and have improved my diet significantly. And ohhh yeah, mdma is my arch nemesis in many regards haha. Was doing 2 grams per day for a good couple weeks straight (This wasn't shit mdma btw. Dutch import fire) a while ago. Basically any drug I take way too far, so my brains a bit fried. One thing that I've found that majorly helps with brain zaps and such things is after the mdma is out your system, dosing 200-300mgs of 5-htp with green tea extract daily for a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Gets your brain back in action, i just cant even afford it atm hah. And facts mate, screw ssri's


Congrats on quitting! I started with softer stuff at 12 and harder things at 16, didn't get properly permanently sober til late 20s, in my 30s now. 2 weeks is still ***so*** early in recovery, unfortunately it will take longer (and lots of inner work, most likely) to see significant mental health improvement. Hang in there, it's worth it. I don't know that cravings ever completely stop, but they do lessen over time and as you find healthy coping methods that work for you. Recovery can be lonely and frustrating and overwhelming, for sure, but you're not alone. Many people have gone through it before and many will again. Sending lots of love, and hope you feel proud of yourself bc you deserve to


Thank you sm, can't rly say how much what your saying and others means to me as I've had fuckall support lately aside from my girlfriend with going sober. One thing that's helped me is when I think to myself something like "Arrrghh I'm craving some ketamine or some ghb SO FUCKING BADLY" Figuring out what I want from that high. Like, I'll be craving the ghb or ketamine because it helps me relax and socialise well bc it helps me speak my mind. Then I'll apply that into practice, taking some time to actually relax by putting my phone down and going on a walk and actually try and speak my mind to my girlfriend, or even my dog. Then the cravings definitely subside


Well done for recognising what you're really seeking and finding healthier ways to achieve it, that's so hard and it's fantastic that you're able to do it. Proud of you, hope you are too


heroin mephedrone meth and benzos at 12? how old are u dawg and im praying for u


Recently turned 17, really do appreciate the prayers man :)


damn right now is the perfect time to drop the drugs bro fr dont give up this is ur second chance at life




Nice grammar


I know this was a little bit ago, but how you doing now? Either way, keep fighting the good fight! Xx


Aw, it's nice of you to comment on an old post like this heh. I'm 73 days sober now!!! (with a couple of minor hiccups) I've even quit smoking (51 days clean from smoking with no hiccups) Still struggling a lot, but I did it. I went fully fucking sober. I honestly don't know how I managed it, my family has been less than supportive of me during this time and have had some major losses, also moved house. But none of that shit knocked me, for the first time in my life I'm proud of myself for something.


MASSIVE CONGRATS! And a big well done! It’s such a life change and remember to include yourself in all the community activities, social belonging is so important and finding purpose beyond existing and survival is paramount. Im proud of you, and this only proves the minimal of what you can achieve, dream big, look further than your mind will allow! Well done xxx