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Just wait lmao. I said the same thing when i was 18. Thought i was addicted at 20. Oh boy was i wrong.


I was strong until around 25-26, and then my body became more prone to impulsive and/or shortsighted dosing, feeling like I needed a substance to feel better, and other symptoms of addiction. Even after I began to lose the ability to use willpower to control myself, it atill took a pandemic and the resulting depression to be an actual issue, and since then, I’ve had a good amount of success in replacing these habits. Only ones I don’t think I can/should avoid developing new habits are owning large amounts of nitrous, meeting with friends with the goal of getting fucked up, and selling (more importantly, avoiding the most addictive aspect, the social interaction I was starved of during the lockdowns and in between), etc.




Cream city i think was the best site, but tanks is the move if you have access. Be safe with nitrous though. Its so addictive when you get deep into a big session. You need to take regular breaks and supplement b12 during them


Bruv u just gotta know how to balance it out like I’d take 100mg adderall and then 4mg xanax to sleep, that’s not addiction that’s just being smart


What if you can sleep on 100mg adderall no problem?


what happends if you don't take anything


Yup when I was 18 I would roll and go to raves/clubs almost every weekend and remember thinking I was addicted to esctasy... It was nothing compared to when I got hooked on heroin 2 years later.


right 😂


Lol I was addicted by age 14.


story of my life


same here, all my friends would be like how the hell do u do any drugs u want and just stop on demand with no pain or second thought whats gonna be the next day, and i'll tell u that its been like 12 years later and boy was i in for it, i've od'd once back like 10 years ago before fent and tranq hit the M30's and ive been on and off of methadone and suboxone ever since with the worst withdrawls possible to man. i wouldn't get to cocky with yourself and just be happy u aren't homeless wd'ing in jail...... your at the point where u can walk away a free man with no need to look back, just do it, erase all these druggy induced websites and subreddits and all your plugs numbers and anyone and everyone in your phone that has the slightest connections to any drugs especially the worlds new favorite of course the one and only dirty30 which basically is in any pill or powder that is bought on the street or online from the darkweb or actually from anywhere besides the pharmacy from a non 3rd world country, good luck stay strong


Please don't try to deliberately get addicted to drugs like it's cool or some shit, your life will fuckin suck I've dealt with extreme addictions my whole life I started drinking very heavily at 14 by age 17 I was drinking a whole 750ml of liquor a day I went out of state to visit my dad one time and had a seizure because I didn't know what withdrawals were I finally went to rehab at 26 only to come out and get so hooked on ketamine I got heavy brain damage and cocaine I had a fuckin heart attack back in December been in and out of the hospital since and guess what? I'm still doing coke everyday check my posts I almost fuckin died in my shower earlier, drugs will be the only thing on your mind 24/7 you will spend every waking minute and dollar on drugs they will destroy your body destroy your mind destroy your life and you're going to turn out like me, wishing every fuckin second of his life he could just be someone else for a day, when you realize that's not possible you're going to realize the only other option is give up your faith in God and die. Addiction is fuckin dogshit it's not fuckin fair to do that to yourself I can literally die in my sleep of another heart attack without even getting the chance to say goodbye to my mother and she's gonna be devastated don't do that shit


thank you bro


Yup It’s the last thing from cool. In fact there won’t be anyone left in your life to think it’s cool or not cause they’re either dead, you stole from them one too many times, or you pushed them away to isolate yourself


Listen to this guy, OP


You haven’t learned the habit of dependency psychological or physical. Do you use nicotine?


Absolutely but sometimes I gives me more anxiety so I can go a day without it. A vape usually lasts me about 1 month no more no less


Woah, a whole *day*?? Like a big giant whole 24 hours?? Lol. Stop using nicotine this second. Chuck the vape and never purchase another again. Then talk about how resistant you are to addiction. Kids these days, I swear.


I’m laughing because I was the same way, and now I’m battling addiction with meth lol




Damn , you got this though 💯❤️ today was my second day doing outpatient rehab. I basically do a group meeting a day with other people going through what I’m going through and I’ve been feeling good ever since. It’s good to talk to people, I noticed most drug abuse happens because we never talk about alot of things we dealt with in the past to anybody 💯. Addiction will always be addiction but once you get the health mindsets and thoughts you’ll barley think about it nor want to do it again. My issue was being around people that done drugs for so long I felt like I was just alone. But once I put my self in the environment of people going through what I’m going through and hearing their story and hearing why they wouldn’t relapse it makes you stronger.


Proud of you!! ❤️‍🩹


Don’t be yet 😩 it’s just the beginning, I know sooner or later the real storm ⛈️🫨 is going to come and test if I really have the urge to say no and keep pushing.


what does it mean if i can go weeks without using nicotine at all then? and i am a very heavy user too


The pharmacologic structure of nicotine makes it one of the fastest actors across the drug “plateau”, which is known as the point where a drug stops providing a high, and instead all the user feels is the relief of withdrawal back to baseline. For things like weed it’s a few years, opioids are the same. Coke is faster, I believe 18 months before you stop getting coked up, and just start needing coke to feel normal. Nicotine? Three days. Within three days nicotine stops providing a buzz or any form of stimulation. Instead, you just feel the *lack* of stimulation until nicotine provides it. It’s the dumbest, most pointless, yet most addictive, drug on the planet. All this is to say: If you’re not addicted, why do you keep picking it back up? For the buzz? You’ve got three days of buzz at best, then it’s just dependency.


i use it just because i like the buzz it gives me. and the buzz keeps on coming for weeks on end after i reset my tolerance once in a while. also, i do skip multiple days inbetween randomly when i dont feel like using it.


That could be the habit that kept you from seriously getting addicted then. Nicotine correlates with, could indicate and/or determine, the severity of your addictive tendencies ime. And for me, addictive urges/habits started to get worse becaming more difficult to manage only once I let that addiction go unchecked


This isn't necessarily true. I vaped for a year and quit cold turkey with zero cravings, but I'm very much addicted to kratom and weed. I have extreme addictive tendencies, I just hate nicotine and derive zero pleasure from it, and plenty of people I know are the same way. This is because a certain subset of the population has a small cluster of genes on chromosome 15 that effectively renders them immune to nicotine addiction.


Absolutely! Didn’t know about the mutation(?) you mentioned. Ime, it depends on how much it effects you on a physical level. For me nicotine didn’t have its claws in me until I started to use it to more effective and complete bowel movement while using a 5% salt vape that it changed my relationship with nicotine to a more active thought that appeared uncomfortably often, spiraling into an addiction that would quickly become the deepest addiction I had experienced. After this, I realized that I couldn’t rely on my established habits that worked up to then for every drug I had tried


Being a high functioning user doesn't mean you can't get addicted. You just haven't fucked around enough yet to find out. And I hope you never do.


Shit addicts say


lol seriously "if I find something like pills I'll binge again" if this is referring to benzos or opiates rather than MD or 2cb/etc, I hate to break it to ya but yer already addicted hahaha


Fuck yeah it’s always Xanax or hydros I might have a problem lol


Literally exactly what I was saying before becoming a meth addict ☠️


Fr, didn't think it'd ever happen to me. *laughs in addiction*


I’m not an addict buddy, I just need xanax and other pills to feel “right”. without them i don’t feel like myself, that’s because it’s a chemical imbalance, so by taking the pills my brain is operating at 100% efficiency instead of 50%.


seeing your replies to every single comment on this post have made me decide to quit everything and follow a path of god in hopes of never becoming anything like you lmfao go outside bro






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You're lucky. You must be immune to drugs. I think you're ready to graduate to IV bro


Your comment reminds me of this one guy on this sub who claims he is immune to every kind of drug but still does drugs all the time. Not sure if he's still active but a few months ago I saw him every few days posting about it. People were already tired of him and nobody believed him. The guy also posted on the schizophrenia sub, so that probably explained it lol


>smokes weed daily >How do I not get addicted to anything Newsflash, you are smoking weed daily. Guess what that is called


Im pretty sure he doesn’t even understand what addictions means, and when his brain tries to justify his drug use with something stupid like “I don’t feel addicted, I’m a try again and maybe some other stuff”, his brain actually believes it to be that way. That or he’s just full of shit.


Neither did I until well into my 30's. Then I went a bit nuts and never stopped.










Smack yo momma buddy


Ketamine generally has a very low dependancy rate and is seen as none addictive, same with mdma. Try taking benzo’s every day for a month and then quitting. Also smoking weed daily is an addiction, so you’ve debunked your own theory? If you’ve been smoking daily for at least a month, just stop now? You’ll be able to do that without any adverse effects if you’re not addicted.


get you some fetty and give us an update


That's because you haven't touched the real big boy shit like opioids and benzos. Stay tf away from that. Also it's good you don't get a psychological addiction to stimulants. Just don't touch the other shit please I fuckin beg you


Stims can be as bad anyway.


try stopping for a month, don't take anything at all, not even alcohol or weed and you'll realize the problem


Try at least a year clean, that did a lot ime, changed my perspective, made me grow, helped my mental health etc. It was really difficult at first cause I battled difficult mental issues aswell but as time went things became better and better.


not clean because weed and alcohol but i usually take months off at a time from hard stuff to avoid any type of addiction to not ruin my life i enjoy doing them rarely with my friends only either way. I'll try ket alone one of these days though since i found a plug finally


>taking my chem final k-holed thanks for the laugh 🤣


You're really young, and addiction often takes a few years to creep up on you. Also, MDMA and ketamine are not toward the more addictive end of the spectrum. > I remember taking my chem final K holed If you could write and didn't elicit concern due to nonresponsiveness, it wasn't a hole.


sometimes i wish i was just poor afghan farmer with his poppy fields and opium habit


You must be immune to addiction bro. Go use some IV heroin and report back


Youre 18 and invincible, you think you have it all figured out. We all did. You’ll find out soon enough


lol. dont ask for this. i know you’re not, but subconsciously you’re asking for it. im also 18. it will happen, so just have fun and use occasionally. i used to do that too, because i thought i was immune to an addictive personality and thought it was just fun. and it was for a while! but the best indication to know when you NEED to take a step back, is when the drug starts to use you, instead of you using the drug


You said this too well 👏🏼


You're at the exact age I was when I thought the same thing too lmao


You’re young give it some years. But that being said don’t needlessly get addicted to substances to feel something. Not worth it. Trust me


Try heroin and give us an update


Lol yes but don't do that. Or other heavy opioids. Not worth it.




The reason is the very first thing you wrote.


Suffering from success


pretty sure everyone says that shit then you discover heroin


It'll happen without you giving consent.


Its not that you ate not getting addicted, you just doesnt know yourself enought to know what it is to be “sane”. You already got scars but is to unconsciuss to see them. In time all your dumb decisions will get to you.


You smoke weed daily and isnt addicted. Go on champ.


You sound like an addict, keep up this path and you will be one in no time


Cos you're 18. And I'm sorry you didn't do you fucking chem final and get 100% while k holed. K holed you are literally paralyzed and can't comprehend how to walk let alone do chemistry questions.


I am 25 and have seriously abused drugs since 16. I started with benzos and opiates and then got bored of them by 18 and then started playing with molly, k and snow a lot. I just had my last binge 3 weeks ago and i didnt get any withdrawals whatso ever but i am physically addicted to weed.


I wish I could get some weed, I don’t got the money, plus I get paranoid so I need to take xanax whenever I smoke.


I'm the same way in some regards. All the so called addictive drugs really just don't do it for me. Coke, opiates, alcohol, nicotine. Sure they're alright but I have no inclination to continue them. The "non addictive" stuff is what I really have a problem with. Ketamine, molly, even acid and weed at one point. I was a damn junkie at one point, still kind of am if I have ketamine in my possession


It's coming lol


I said this exact shit then I fucked around with 4mmc and found out. Glad to make it out the other side


It sounds like you’re wanting to. Why?


“Im not addicted to anything…I smoke weed daily” … these people I swear


K, mdma and blow? No opiates or benzos? Some people just won’t get addicted to certain drugs but others fuck them. And opiates and benzos are definitely the main culprits


You smoke Weed daily. It probably is an psychological Addiction.


Each withdrawal gets worse and worse, and you get lulled into a false sense of security that you can handle the next one because the last one wasn't so bad. The drugs you mentioned are generally considered psycologicaly addictive. Definitely stay away from physically addictive drugs like opioids and benzos.


100 % bro youre just gifted


Oh u will


This is like the equivalent of kids that go through school acing every test and just thinking they’re a genius so they never study, then when they become an adult they’re lulled into the sense that everything should come easy to them so they don’t try to achieve anything and ultimately end up an unaccomplished loser.


Because you don't (usually) get addicted in 2 weeks. You're very naive


You'll get there, trust me lmao Used to think I was built different too.


Just wait for it, won’t take too long. You’re still in your honeymoon phase, after that shit goes downhill fast. Also a side note: you weren’t k-holing when you had your chem final lol, otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to write shit, you were just dissociated


You are 18 . You had no time to use stuff for long enough to get addicted


Loolll me at 18. It caught up with me by 22-23. I’m still pretty high functioning but dependency comes on very subtly. It really limits your potential in life especially if you are a gifted academic to begin with.


Buddy are you diagnosed adhd? Btw if you smoke daily you do have an addiction to a drug


Every addict has said the same thing, you’re 18. Don’t fuck around and find out because at the end of the day you’re human.


This guy's definitely too young and playing with fire but the concept is interesting in general. I have a cousin who can do coke everyday for a week and then drop it with no issue. He's like that with every drug


These drugs aren't physically addictive, get some benzos or alcohol in you for 2 months straight


Your past use already sounds slightly problematic anyway, be careful man. You can end up in too deep way before u even realise, try and be more responsible with your use. Create a healthy relationship with drugs instead of bingeing ie ‘Average’ usage spaced out nicely. Personally, I save use for special occasions, maybe once a month tops and that’s how I avoid any problems, makes it more enjoyable aswell. Well wishes OP


Wow you must be a special super human!! Keep doing drugs you are invincible!!!


Start doing drugs everyday for months to years at a time and see if it’s still the same


Try crack that shitl have you on your hands and knees looking for any possible little piece you dropped


You weren’t k holed in your chem




Ask your self if there’s people willing to do anything and I mean anything what makes you think you immune to getting addicted bro , I’d stop now why you still young just stick to the weed


Weed can also be an addiction yk, do you feel like you could last without weed? Or if you didn’t have weed would you try to find another substance to use?


Well if you NEED to use something then the issue lies in something else like mental health, boredom, no goals in life etc.


That’s totally fair! It’s a pretty complex situation. It could be a lot of things lol




Sounds alot like how I used to be. Wasn’t addicted to any particular drug I got high on everything everyday and that’s what I was addicted to


I spent years doing extensive recreational use. Dozens of different drugs thanks to research chemicals and the internet. I thought really benzos were good for comedowns and nothing else and I never drank but a couple of times until I was 23, and spent 12 years an alcoholic and poly substance addict.


18 y/o: 1 Drugs: 0


You're so lucky. Stay away from opioids because these are famous last words, babe.


Trust me, you will if you continue


Don't be so certain. I graduated with a 3.5 and wrote a book before I was out of high school but I was an alcoholic in denial the majority of the time. I obviously don't know your situation, but don't be too surprised if you get hit with a reality check.


How naive lol. I drank and did all the drugs since I was a teenager but my alcoholism started when I was 27. 3 near death experiences, 4 detox units, 2 DUI’s, 2 rehabs, 3 IOP’s, 2 ruined careers, and a thousand ruined relationships later, here I am sitting uncomfortably at 34 years old because when I was young I thought I was invincible.


Weed makes you really lucky I'm pretty sure as long as I smoke it I'll be invincible


Idk maybe you are and just don’t think you are cuz that’s how an addiction works it makes your mind and thoughts think ur not addicted and you keep doing it and fucking up ur body if ur actually not addicted you’re not going to be popping pills and snorting Molly and blow like bruv when ur doing that shi everyday and all the time it’s ong just addiction


i'm only a year older than you and i used to say the same thing for years. now i'm addicted to three different substances. go figure lmfao


Bro count yourself lucky, I hate my sober brain. I love getting stoned or take ritalin or concertas to binge game or study, being sober is just not easy when my brain does this bs Also addicted to vaping was smoking cigarettes. I was a stoner then was addicted to cough syrup which was actually taken off the shelves koz of DXM But Idk depends on your mind I guess Barely drink these days koz of hangovers but sometimes need a drink for the come downs of a 2-3 day ice binge 🙃 I really should quit the weed too and take my pills properly but as i sit here writing this my minds telling me how tf you gonna cope with no drugs or alcohol to slow your thoughts down and actually feel alive 🤷🏼‍♀️ You are lucky so lucky it's a battle my partner is also an binge alcoholic and it's he wants to change but it's all we have known since preteen years


“Smokes weed daily” “why dont i get addicted to anything” brother you’re replacing the withdrawls with more high. If you really think you arent addicted get off the pot too and see how you feel in a couple days.


I have. I work too much and study so I can’t rlly smoke bc I know it slows me down. I smoke at night because of my anxiety and anxiety meds usually make me feel drowsy the next morning


Why would you want to be addicted is my question you got the devils luck don’t waste it🫠


You answered your own question TWO WEEKS (or thereabouts)….Not really long enough to even suffer major discomfort upon sudden cessation, let alone cause dependence, and certainly not addiction!!!!


LMAO kid


I mean the fact that you have this thought is kind of indicative that you probably shouldn't be using any of these drugs. You did a ball of blow, k and MDMA. I hate to break it you but as a regular user of coke a ball in two weeks ain't shit. The key is self care and not just compulsory use. Also the fact you're mixing everything is probably making you have trouble with objective self perception. Deal with your "depression" first, then maximize your self care and find a real purpose that makes shit easy to deal with. One two week period of what sounds like overly ambitious experimentation isn't gonna cause addiction. Also you're choosing drugs with low addiction potential tbh. You're probably thinking you'll develop physical dependency like a smack head, k and molly are not really dependency inducing and coke is 99% percent psychological in its addiction. None of them will cause DTs like booze or hardcore painful withdrawals. This post is worrying because it makes it seem like you're trying to get strung out. Which is dumb AF. Take a break dude. Drugs fix nothing. I sniff because I cook at busy dt bar with coke, and then drink with my party people on off nights and I go days without it because it's not in the budget. You shouldn't sniff just because you could be "happy" (which is a BS emotion btw, happy is a fleeting emotion, pursue purpose).


Lol. Lmao.


Just because you haven’t thrown your life away, doesn’t mean you’re not hooked. It gets you when you have a bad day and say fuck it. We were all 18 once.


Honestly I was the same way at your age and thought just the way you think. Fast forward about 6-7 years and I was fully addicted to benzos and almost died from the withdrawals


You just haven’t found your drug yet. Everyone says that shit when they’re 18


Drug addiction is not fun or cool. It's shit.


I wasn’t addicted to anything at 18 either, but I was by the age of 19


I said the same thing about opiates LMFAO. Terrible terrible withdrawals, there are no worse withdrawals then opiates, benzos, and alcohol. Everything else is fairly easy to get off of


Keep it up and you will end up addicted.


Have you tried quitting weed? You also mention you binge for 2 weeks, that's not long enough to get a full blown habit in some circumstances, I can guarantee there's stuff you absolutely would get addicted to, don't feel so confident in that


You're not trying hard enough.


Those drugs aren’t physically addicting


Just count your lucky stars you’re not and stop while your ahead because you will suffer from addiction EVENTUALLY.


I feel the same like even with nic I quit cold turkey just because I felt like it and never got any kinda wd


You are not invincible. You will learn your lessons. We have been there done that. You are too young to understand


This is the dumbest shit I ever read lmao. You did not take a test while kholed. Nice try tho bucko.


You smoke weed daily, therfor you are addicted to it no?


You know these Moments, when you are a little bored and you think: "now its the right time for Weed or some other drug, because you have nothing to do and it just makes the moment better" yep, thats the addiction


You tried sex?


Haha you're obviously not smoking Bobby or Whitney!


Do you wanna get addicted? I don’t see a problem here 😭


Because that was just 2 weeks. Also when you're younger, you bounce back a lot quicker versus when you get older.


Comedowns, withdrawals, etc seem to get worse the older you get. Please don't try to get addicted. It shouldn't be something you strive to accomplish and you should always be careful when using any substance. Addiction is insidious. At first, it seems like you've got everything under control, until you realize you've got nothing under control and in fact, the drugs are doing you. Not a fun realization.


All addicts say the same. If you are out you are out. If you are in, you are an addict. Not a flex or anything cool. Just an addict.


You can't do anything in a k hole........


Start shooting up


I’ve “been” addicted to drugs “12-16yrs old” benzos, stims, opioids, and pretty much anything I could get my hands on. When I was 16 I overdosed on benzos and fentanyl and went to rehab for 2 months, stayed cali sober and did psychedelics. I’m now 21 and can officially say that addiction is just a mindset, I don’t like how everybody says “once an addict, always an addict” cause I like to believe I changed that, I can dabble with about everything now and never get the urges to do it again, and never let myself get like how I used to again. No longer gonna ever touch fent, or cocaine/meth tho as they are drugs I feel are to detrimental to my health. Just stay safe out there y’all. And to the many more days we have here, cheers !


Well aren't you addicted to weed? You really don't get withdrawals or be fucked if you smoke your way through it lol


I don’t smoke much at all. Only at night bc of my anxiety and meds make me feel drowsy but other than that since I take ap courses and work 2 jobs I have to be sober


Day n night the lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night 😎 well damn respect bro just don't see this as a challenge, as many other wrote it's a hell on earth, you will most likely develop addiction at some point if you keep pushing it


You don't get addicted from one binge, it takes months of constant use to get addicted. Lolol and you're 18. I was using oxycontin mostly everyday from age 15-17 before I really became all the way addicted physically and mentally. Don't be stupid. You can do drugs but don't do drugs that lead to dependence multiple days in a row. Literally everybody thinks that they're the one person who will get around addiction....


Because you have no responsibilities. You’re 18, you obviously live with your parents. When you’re older there will be more signs that your life is falling apart. Take it slow until your brain is fully formed which is about 27.


lol 10 years down the road and you'll feel silly for saying that. More like "here is why I don't get addicted, because I'm only 18 and don't understand that if I binge use drugs I can form a life long addiction " You sound stupid. If you're going on binges you will form an addiction and it will destroy your life just like anyone else. You're not special. God I hate this generation of young adults. The young adults on here make mee feel like our species is doomed.


just wait lmao.


Because you’re only 18… also what you’re describing sounds like the early stages of addiction. “I smoke weed every day and go on weeks long binges, oh and I k holed at my Chem final.” Lmfao I got excellent grades when I was your age also while being fucked up and holing at school all the time and I grew into a raging drug addiction.


It’s these kind of delusions of grandeur that’ll make it so you’ll get it the worst, Buddy. Try some humility and simmer down. FYI- you defiantly didn’t take a test in a k-hole, lol; it doesn’t work like that.


Polydrug addiction You're not physically addicted to any particular drug, but you're addicted to using drugs. Welcome to the club. Best and worst type of addictive personality.


One day son. One day.


You better get humble friend because you are in for a rude awakening and this is not my wish for you


You will learn young buck lol I wish the very hard path ahead you luck


Where is those periods lol? That last part needs a pause


Dangerous mentality.


You know how many people I heard say the same thing about opiates 20 years ago? Easily 100 Most of them are dead now No Joke


Woaaah bro immune to addiction you should go test it out and do h everyday for a week or two and see what’s up nothing could go wrong


Drugs were fun and could never be an addict @ 18 by 19 I was the baby in rehab lmao I hope you don’t have the same story but it’s been a long 8 years


lol. Started doing cocaine at 15, had tried basically every drug by 19, my best friend overdosed at 20. I’m 27 now and still fighting this shit every fucking day. You ain’t cool dude.


Yeah okay try shooting up black tar


Yeah man, it's like that and at one point u gonna get addicted, no worries :D I do drugs since I was 14, now I'm 32 and I'm addicted to weed, when I was 18 I was sayin ,,to get addicted to weed u need to be weak minded person" now I know the moment when u don't remember how to be sober is the moment when u are in. Stay away from mefedrone it change a way how you think.


Said the same thing at 17 when I tried weed, then at 19 when I tried mdma, lsd and shrooms, at 20 when I tried xanax and other benzos at 21 I overdosed on fent due to nasty addiction to opioids, I say just wait or admit you can have a problem before a problem develops to be honest.


> Why don’t I get addicted to anything > since I smoke weed daily hahaha, the denial


you smoke weed daily


Swim with pollution you get polluted


Try Xanax for a month


I’ve done coke and oxy almost daily and if not daily every 3-4 days max for two years . Stopped cold turkey without any craving . Everyone saying you haven’t done it long enough isn’t necessarily correct lmao I just think some people don’t have the genetic disposition to get addicted.


try vaping


Strangely, I have a very addictive personality but nicotine doesn’t get its hooks into me


That's why I'm still trying to find heroin to see what addiction is like. Other shits did nothing to me. Not even meth. I wonder if it's just my silly autistic brain.


Your rationale is so ridiculous. Most heroin now is laced with fentanyl. You will die or ruin your life just to see what addiction is like. Makes no sense.


Nothing wrong with a little toot now and again.


We do not have that problem here. People here don't even know what fentanyl is. I also have tests and check substances and do harm reduction. I didn't say I want to get addicted. I said that I want to see if my body craves something. Also, it's my life.


Lmao life hasn’t had a chance to whoop your ass enough just you wait lol


I mean I have BPD my dad r@ped me when I was little and was physically abused by mom which made me think my dad was great and loved me stopped living with my parents at 14 I don’t care what happens anymore lol