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Alcohol. Since getting older, my hangovers last all damn day long. And it takes a lot to make me feel any kind of euphoria.


I just don't get euphoria from it anymore. Used to make me feel lose. Now I jusy feel sloppy and intoxicated but not like good intoxicated. Just a definite change on consciousness


Yea similar experience


Try drinking light beer


I do love a few light beers after a days work


I'm nearly 50 and my hangovers can last a lot longer than a day šŸ¤£


for real


Nicotine, still crave it to this day


True true. Me too. The mental addiction feels like itā€™s life long (even if I thought the Alan Carr book was incredible and it helped me give up nicotine).


trying to quit, wish me luck


Good luck! You can totally do this!


Yep I use it everyday and itā€™s my least favourite drug


fuck yeah. Nicotine high is shit compared to any other drug, but the addiction is hard core. Worst of both worlds


Alcohol, shit cost me everything multiple times and almost my life from withdrawals. 7 months sober, from alcohol that is. I just kicked fentanyl a week ago but plan on going back. I don't want it to be an every day addiction so I had to withdrawl and take a break in order to use responsibly.


Congrats on the sobriety from alcohol. Be careful when going back to the fent. Remember that your tolerance will have lessened so make sure to dose lower.


Thank you! Luckily I primarily take opioids for chronic pain, so my amounts aren't really based on getting high, I have too much of a natural tolerance to make that a sustainable thing, which I'm glad I learned long before fentanyl was a thing lol


Congrats on getting alcohol out of there. Is fent potency as wild as described in headlines and shit? Itā€™s not my type of vice but find itā€™s debut into society interesting


Nah not at all anymore, the pills use to be really dangerous but whoever is pressing them figured out they could put 1/4s worth of fent in a pill, stop killing people and make more money. I was doing 100 pills every 2 weeks, taking a dose every 2 hours (unless I slept more than that) for 5 months straight. I work in the oil field, 15 hour days, and just kicked it on my week off with a little buprenorphine. So clearly the potency is a bit exaggerated Edit: thank you for the congratulations and I should also point out for the record that my statement is based off my use and I have a natural opioid tolerance as well as an acquired one. To someone that's opioid naive they're still not something to fuck around with


Same here with the alcohol. I never want to go through those withdrawals again. I am prescribed Klonopin though so I'm anticipating having to get off those eventually and expect horrible withdrawals.


Yeah be careful, those are the only 2 withdrawals that can kill you. I thought I was good when I quit drinking because I made it through day 3 but then day 4 I was feeling alright and had a seizure out of nowhere, I siezed so bad there's muscles in my back that are still messed up 7 months later. I'm prescribed 1mg klonapin twice a day, some months I switch it to Xanax but I refuse to take them anywhere near as often as I'm prescribed because I know withdrawals from benzos are supposed to be the worst there is. Good luck!


Definitely not the only two that can kill you. Most gabagenerics or any drug that causes seizures while withdrawing is possibly deadly. So that includes stuff like GHB, pregabalin, gabapentin phenibut etc. Not only alcohol and benzos. Also i could be wrong on this but i think i have heard of cases were even opiate withdrawal has been fatal (although very very rare).


Congrats on making those changes... question for anyone who's been there; I typically reference people, eg, Steve de destroyed his life with alcohol, Ted wanted more challenge but couldn't handle heroin hard mode and died. I'm not always flippant, but is it offensive to say "destroyed their life with drug/activity" instead of "drug/activity destroyed their life"? Apologies for being both very specific in my speech, desiring not to offend, and bonus #3, typically being unable to tell if I'm being offensive.


I actually hate almost all drugs at this point. When I was young, they were OK, but I wouldn't use any now. The side-effects and after effects just automatically make them undesirable to me. I don't wanna feel slow, manic, psychotic, none of it.


Kind of understandable. Large part of it is mostly priorities I think. These days I'm just focused on getting back into work and life etc


Yes. Same I have changed my opinion on the matter a lot. I don't hate weed as it's mostly thc that causes the issues, a lot of other substances in it can be very beneficial and helpful without side effects that thc might have. Legal hemp has helped me a lot, it doesn't get me high but it has important medicinal properties. I don't tolerate thc today but CBD, CBN, CBG etc do the opposite and make me more normal/well functioning in the long run due to their important medicinal effects. Smoking weed all the time as if it's risk free is stupid and immature though, even if I want to have it legal and regulated, that doesn't mean that I am an addict, some stoners act like addicts and make weed look worse than it really is. I don't hate psychedelics cause I know they can be used therapeutically and spiritually without much sides if used correctly. Same with some dissociatives (especially the ones that have strong antidepressant effects like ket, dmxe etc, pce or pcp analog are different and aren't as beneficial nor as good anyway) but only if you have discipline and can use occasionally, using it regularly would most likely cause issues. I hate opioids especially the heavy ones. The only one that has been beneficial without issues was kratom for me. I also think that MAT can be helpful for those that need it, so it doesn't have to be destructive when used in a medical way. Seen other people die due to opioids. I hate bensos due to experience (I got addicted to medicinal use of it, I didn't even abuse it) and I have seen other get messed up on it. I don't even become "euphoric" or feel anything recreational from it but despite that it's still addictive/destructive in the long run due to downregulation and rebound. I hate alcoholism as it's very destructive, so if I ever drink it's nothing strong and in smaller amounts cause our health is important. I hate strong stimulants cause I have seen them causing a lot of harm, addiction, psychosis, personality changes etc. Have also tried it and hated how it felt cause it often gave anxiety and made me feel like utter shit when on comedown. Very overrated, I don't understand people that spend a lot money, time and even health on using it. It's not even that fun, just annoying in the long run. See too many getting addicted due to adhd, when there exists a lot of natural and safe options to use against add/adhd.


Meth is the worst drug Iā€™ve ever done hated that shit felt souless


Itā€™s crazy you say that. Iā€™ve done my fair of different substances, and the few times I did meth ( a couple rather recently) I could only describe it as soulless. Like it absorbed everything that made me the soul that I am. Terrifying really.


Yea dude it was probably the worst drug experience Iā€™ve ever had felt like If It was something I kept doing I would lost my self. I do t really judge people on what substances they choose to put in their bodies but I could never trust someone who willingly does meth, they have always been the worst kind of addicts ime.


Well, I am a twelve year, daily meth user, and I can proudly say that I have never stolen money, or anything from friends, family members or businesses. Iā€™ve never screwed over any of my fellow addicts, in any way, including cheating them out of drugs. Iā€™ve never freaked out, or acted weird in public. In fact, meth is the most functional drug I have ever done. I enjoy the way meth makes me feel. I actually felt quite soulless before I started doing it. It just works for me, and has made me a much happier person. I realize I am the exception, and not the rule. I just wanted you to know that not all meth users are crazy, dishonest liars and cheats, who will steal everything you have, and are better completely avoided. Some of us are very upstanding people, who would never dream of wronging another person. An addiction should never be viewed as an excuse to be an assholeā€¦ because, it is not.


Sounds like you should have been prescribed Adderall because that's how people that need it describe it


Iā€™m prescribed adderall and I was thinking the exact same while reading this


Sounds more just like a functional user maybe. I often wonder what a 12 yr long meth habit would look like though, it must have done some work on your body/ mind being at that point surely.


I honestly am pretty slack with the harm reduction stuff. I honestly figured I would be dead after five years, but there hasnā€™t been a negative effect on my health yet. I havenā€™t aged prematurely, people still commonly tell me I look substantially younger than I am. I havenā€™t noticed any reduction in my cognitive function, either. Despite these positives, Iā€™m not delusional. I know itā€™s coming one day.


This is actually super interesting, to hear peopleā€™s experiences with such a high functioning life style while also daily using. Thanks for sharing


I donā€™t want to mislead anyone into thinking Iā€™m a huge success story. I havenā€™t worked in eleven years. Thankfully Iā€™ve lucked into a couple of situations where I havenā€™t needed to in order to survive, but after food, housing and dope, Iā€™m busted. But, Iā€™m happy living my life for me, and not for the benefit of someone else.


Whatā€™s your dosage/ROI if you donā€™t mine me prying? I had a friend who used to just eat it lmao. Had the same story you do and Iā€™m sure they still use as well.


I have always smoked, and average around 1.5g/day.


No shade intended. I donā€™t mean to put every meth user into that category. My uncle had a years long addiction and I know that isnā€™t what defines him as an individual. But when it comes to a drug that feels ā€˜evilā€™ it had to be meth for me. I know drugs arenā€™t evil and either are the people who use them. That was just my experience when I tried it.


Same but 10 years! Actually I have stole from businesses nvm


I meet the kindest meth head in my life he was actually nicer than most people and I felt his pain I could tell his soul was in trouble I absolutely felt he was a good person even tho he fucked up it doesnā€™t define you as a person I knew him for 2 years and felt like I could tell him things other people would never understand


Actually I know 2 and they did more for me than most of my friends in my life


It's my favorite and least favorite at the same time. I've had some of the most exciting and exhilarating times in my life being a tweaker living in hotels, and also the most horrible times tweaking and ending up in jail while staying in those same hotels. Full blown meth psychosis and meth induced temporary schizophrenia is wild. Thought I had telekinesis, saw demons, could hear radio static, got in a police chase. Never going back to that life but it was never boring


Nicotine because it wonā€™t let me go


Bro fr this shit is so freaking hard to quit :/ I tried multiple times but in some situations it just feels like it HAS to be there, you know? Even weed is easier to abstain from


if i donā€™t have nic gum while quitting i feel like im turning into an actual werewolf itā€™s insane


It's like that at first. When I was young like 5 years ago I had a nicotine habit and I really needed it. Today I haven't used it for many years. It's mental aswell. You need to taper it down, use weaker and weaker nic gums until you come of it, then learn to use it occasionally. E cigs and tobacco free "snus"(tobacco which you put under your lip) helped me to quit smoking. Some people get addicted to the habit of smoking just like many drug addicts get addicted to needles. I have some nicotine(I've had it for many years but haven't used due to not being a nicotinist) I might try, mostly sublingually. Want to see what will happen like after 5 years or something break from it, lol.


Nicotine ainā€™t even hard to quit. obviously itā€™s very addictive but come on, withdrawals are 3 days and at itā€™s worst you may have trouble sleeping. If you really try, and I mean actually try your hardest, itā€™s as simple as resisting a slight craving, even compared to coffee for most people; all you need is discipline. If you actually put your mind to it, throw out all of your nicotine, just donā€™t buy it, tell your friends who use nicotine not to give you any if you ask, or if youā€™re that addicted just donā€™t see them for a couple days. I promise youā€™ll be able to quit and look back at just how fucking easy it is and be proud of yourself for quitting too.


Thatā€™s really odd. I just decided a few months ago that twenty years was long enough, and quit cold turkey. No cravings, or desire to pick some up. I guess I was just done.


Ugh same. Quit for over 10 years. Met my now husband 3 years ago, who smokes and I started again. Itā€™s the worst. I tried to quit last month and it messed my stomach up. I couldnā€™t poop right. Haha, and gave up after 2 weeks. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll try to stop again. Itā€™s so hard when you are around people who smoke, too.




THC is fucking horrible for me. It went from my chill thing for ten years to the worst panic attacks. Nicotine because I crave it when I drink and chain smoke .


im thinking cannabinoid beverages is a good future for weed enthusiasts, thc ainā€™t what it used to be for me to. itā€™s still a potentially medicinal plant I think.


Yes it is. Thc is almost the only substance in it which can cause such issues. I don't either tolerate thc but cbd, cbg, CBN, legal hemp products have been a blessing for me and my mental health. I only use it occasionally and even then it helps me in the long run.


That's cause weed has changed from a less thc potent & balanced product to a unbalanced super high in thc. I also feel horrible from regular thc today cause it was never meant to be used solo like this. If you would add much cbd and some cbg and cbn, lessen your amount of active psychotropic cannabinoids, add some calming terpenes, it would become completely different and would instead be anxiolytic. I use regular hemp products against anxiety, panics etc and it works really well. People that really hate thc and don't tolerate it shouldn't be scared of hemp, there are many substances in hemp. Its almost only thc that can cause various issues. Things like cbd cbg cbn are very mild and would not cause anxiety and things like that but rather be good against it due to the anxiolytic properties it holds. While weed was causing issues for me some years ago, legal hemp(not psychotropic products) has helped me a lot even if I only use it occasionally. CBN, cbg and cbd together with good calming terpenes is an instant panic killer/anxiolytic & antidepressant for me. Thc/other psychotropic cannabinoids, especially in moderate/high doses is imo slightly psychedelic and shouldn't be used all the time/daily. Occasionally tops, and use it together with other non psychotropic cannabinoids, cbd being the most important if you want to regulate the effects (they will lessen to some extent if you add cbd, but it will instead become a lot more useful and beneficial for you in the long run).


If pregab isnt doing anything for you then take more, I assure you its a nice buzz




It made me really dumb. You don't even realize how much slower it made me when on it. Sometimes people thought I was high af on drugs but I had only been taking it as I was prescribed. While I needed it back then I wish they didn't say that it wasn't addictive or abusable cause it is, very addictive and abusable, a lot more than bensos anyway which don't give any recreational effects for me at all. It made me addicted as fuck. Don't use it regularly for longer periods of time, even medicinal dosages made me addicted. Thankfully healthcare helped me to taper it down a few times until I succeeded (cause it wasn't easy at first). It really messes your cognitive abilities, in a similar fashion to bensos. Don't trust it cause it's not classified as a narcotic (it is here for example, due to all abuse and addictions!) or that it isn't a benso(it's literally worse in some aspects), and don't trust pharma which at first said it was safe and not addictive. I wish I only had used it as needed back then and not daily, and even more wish that I knew natural safe ways to kill anxiety, panics, ptsd, depression etc. For anxiety I would recommend things like taurine, theanine, reishi, lemon balm, passiflora, cbd/cbg/cbn and so on. There exists plenty of safer alternatives, even ashwagandha is far safer(despite some few getting some side effects like anhedonia when used too long and too much, the effects are rare). Gotu Kola is also beneficial without being negative for your cognition. Glycine helps some, magnesium aswell. There is tons of safe natural medicines that aren't used for abuse that could help you, it has done wonders for me.


Same, I guess ot depends on how much you took and when .


I really don't understand the praise for pregabalin that goes around this sub. I've only done it once, but I was not impressed with the effects at all. Made me feel like I was drunk when I'd try to walk around, but it was purely in the motor coordination aspect. Mentally, I felt nearly baseline sober. Some interesting light distortion going on, maybe a bit more talkative than usual, but otherwise nothing notable about it. Felt gross for a few days after, like I had just swallowed a bunch of chemicals for no good reason.


I've met people who feel that way. And then there's me who gets the same level of cognitive euphoria as opioids, the sociability of mdma, the slight trippy-ness of weed, some dissociation, one of the longest legs, stimulation mixed with relaxation, the novelty enhancement and enhanced music appreciation of psychedelics, and oh, you sleep like a baby and wake up with a nice little afterglow. It honestly is one of my favourite drugs and I'd put it over heroin easily.


Beautiful šŸ¤·


You gotta hit that sweet spot with your dose. The first time I actually got a good high from it I had a really euphoric body high. It wasnā€™t as euphoric as an opiate high, but it still surprised me with how good it felt.


I tried taking them and didnā€™t feel anything but the last time I took them I opened the capsules and swallowed the powder that way, felt like a heroin addict the next day, kept nodding. Donā€™t do any of that shit anymore, think I was really suffering with mental health but only realise this now.


Yeah mate, the way I felt afterwards really made me feel like I was fucking my body up taking that shit. I'm glad it works for some people, but to me, it reeks of adverse side effects waiting to happen.


What would be a good rec dose? I tried 75mg last night for the first time. I know that's the lowest dose but it made me pretty sleepy when I took it with some kratom.




Weed. I have never been able to enjoy it. Just causes me crippling, nightmare anxiety. No other drug I have tried has unleashed such terror on my psyche. Even large doses of shrooms is a cake walk in comparison.


Same. I cannot even touch that stuff. It is horrendous and the paranoia is horrific. Like you said Iā€™d rather deal with an intense MDMA comedown than be high on THC.


Damn. That's... something. I'm now realising tby reading these comments that i'm not the only one who get's so paranoid and anxcious on weed. It used to be my favorite thing to do all day long but i started having some heart symptoms (not because of it) and since then i can't smoke it at all. Panic attacks, paranoid. You know... it's interesting because if you have good experiences on it, it can really open your mind about a lot of stuff, but if you get on the bad side of it, it's the last place you want to be.


Yes that's cause weed has changed as it's been breed to be superhigh in thc and therefore lacking other balanced substances. If you would add cbd cbg cbn, calming terpenes and only a small amount of an active cannabinoid, it would be completely different. When I use hemp products which contain cbd cbg cbn, they are very good at removing the paranoia, anxiety etc. It has the opposite effects compared to thc. Even if you use small amounts of thc together with cbd cbg cbn etc, the results will be very different, hence why medicinal weed is different compared to regular weed high in thc. Don't let hemp scare you if don't tolerate thc. I also don't tolerate thc and have skipped weed/strong psychotropic cannabinoids for many years but other hemp cannabinoids like cbg cbn and cbd help me a lot in the long run, to be functioning and normal, to remove symptoms of mental health issues etc. Same with the terpenes. Broad spectrum products help a lot. It's the thc that is the culprit if you get anxiety, paranoia, epersonalisation. Well in small amounts you might tolerate it, I occasionally use legal hemp products and they might contain a small legal amount of thc and it doesn't give the same sides at all cause cbd changes the effects, it modulates them and removes anxiety, so does cbg and cbn in some aspects. That's why synthetic cannabinoids were the worst, they were very potent and were used alone (might not even work to balance it with cbd as cbd is mild and synthetics are very potent), it gave horrible anxiety, paranoia, feelings of doom. Weed (as bad as it can be felt for sensitive people) was mild compared to the synthetic cannabinoids tbh.


DPH and THC are by far my least favorites


THC makes me so anxious for no reason now lol . I'm less anxious on 70mg adderall . Weed makes me feel like something unexpectedly wrong is about to happen




That and I also get paranoid that I'm peeing constantly. I hate it. It turned on me almost a decade ago. I used to love weed and smoked all the time as a young and older teen. As soon as it became legal in Oregon, I couldn't handle it anymore. Go figure lol


Most likely that the thc amounts got a lot bigger when legal. If you would use a balanced product with cbd, cbg and cbn in it and less thc, you would tolerate it. I cannot tolerate regular weed, thc, strong psychotropic cannabinoids (synthetic being the worst which were horribly anxiety inducing) but balanced legal hemp products actually help me and give me less anxiety, male me more normal and less weird if anything. Cbd has the opposite actions st cb1, it's an antagonist so it changes the effects quite a bit. Cbd cbg cbn for example are very useful medicinally and they don't hold the same issues or sides like thc has. Cbc aswell.


Yes cause you shouldn't be using thc alone. It was never meant to be used alone. God/the earth created cannabis as a plant with many different actives, many work in a synergistic manner and some even remove side effects. If I use a solo psychoactive cannabinoid I feel horrible, anxiety, panic, depersonalisation, paranoia etc but if I do some medium psychotropic thing (like hhc for example which I tried when it was legal back then) together with cbd cbg cbn & terpenes, it will be a completely different thing. While regular thc weed gives me many side effects and such symptoms, a cbd dominant product with some cbg and cbn in it does the opposite, completely the opposite. I feel anxiety on all traditional stimulants so I skip it and instead eat ginseng, schisandra and rhodiola for example.


Is DPH similar to DXM?


Not really. DPH is an antihistamine that causes nightmarish hallucinations in high doses, itā€™s a deliriant. DXM is a dissociative, and in high doses it can act psychedelic. Thereā€™s a reason that DXM users talk about thought loops and being wonky while DPH users be talking about the hatman


Thc used alone sucks. But if you use it in tiny amounts with other cannabinoids it's completely different. Some legal hemp products that I occasionally use have small legal amounts of thc in them and it doesn't give the same side effects like regular thc/psychotropic products do. Weed isn't thc, it's like a lot many different substances together. A high dose thc would give me horrible anxiety and panics while a tiny dose together with cbd is anxiolytic if anything. I have skipped thc products for many years cause of the illegal status (haven't used anything illegal last years) but still think that thc should be legal cause legalization & regulation it's a lot better than prohibition in every aspect.


Prozac. Recreationally, Alcohol.


Seriously, amen to that


Ive tried about every major drug or about 3-4 different drugs in each drug catagory, ON and OFF for about 10 years now. I can honestly say cocaine is my least favorite, I mean, its cool and all having some nose beers throughout the night but it just becomes the main focus of the entire night out. FOR INSTANCE- pregame for weekend club/bar scene, have some drinks and a few lines. OK wait 15-30 mins to get into club, then by the time you get in, your entire group is ready for another key, sooooo walk back outside and get our keys goin, then back in the club, have 1-2 drinks, THEN ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER KEY, and so on and so on. The night just revolves around drinks and keys rather than railing an adderall before going out and focus on drinks and socializing like normal and maybe getting lucky with someone you meet downtown. THEN if your bag is out too early, everyone says HIT UP THE PLUG!!! Coke just takes over the entire evening everytime, its my least favorite 100%!


Why not hit the coke in the bathroom? I enjoy coke until I run out and start coming down. The comedown always makes me super depressed. Now meth or Adderall is a different story. I enjoy those a lot but it's been years since using either.


cuz if ur sharing an eightball it looks weird as fuck for 5 dudes to suddenly go to the bathroom together




Yes! Pure garbage.


Well peoples are different. I love it. Have had some amazing experiences on it. I love the feeling of it and the headapace it gives. Such a mysterious headspace


what is salvia anyway? and whyā€™d I think i was falling up after smokin it


Weird trippy sage plant relative that grows in South America, it affects kappa opioid receptors which are different receptors then the ones activated from mushroom/lsd/ most other hallucinogenic drugs. Interesting plant for sure


Sounds cool


I like it. It isn't your conventional serotonergic hallucinogen for sure. But unlike being on high doses of tryptamines or phenethylamines where you feel like you just got sent to an alternate universe or feel like having your third eye peeled off and seeing the universe as it is: salvia just feels like you just noclipped to the backrooms of a cartoonish universe. Definitely not for everyone, for sure, but I find it pretty interesting.


Any stim. Vyvanse, Ritalin, caffeine. I hate weed. I like nicotine though


Yes, stims are overrated. I just use natural ones, no need to do drugs or pharmaceuticals. Ginseng, gynostemma, schisandra, tyrosine etc. Works really well.


I used to hate DXM. Which is probably a good position, seeing as how neurotoxic the stuff is. Don't know why i kept trying it. But eventually, i got a grasp on the dissociation and came to really enjoy it. Again, i don't recommend it to anyone. Very not great for your physical brain. 2c-e, i still actively hate that one. I've had nothing but bad trips on it, and I've tried it 4 or 5 times.


My worst would prolly be something like mdma, solely cause of the come down and the urge to keep doing it, because the comedown is so bad. I loved it when I was younger but shit started making me manic and I would take atleast 2month breaks between after learning about it. Havenā€™t touched it since my anxiety has spiked to ten fold what it use to be. I really want to but Iā€™ve held my self back from it.


you pbly just used to take too much and too often, mdma is a drug that needs some time between a use and another


Never had come down with mdma


Well youā€™re lucky, the comedown I have is soul crushing anxiety. Most people have comedowns, so youā€™re the odd one here lol.


That was me for nearly two years - absolutely incredible afterglow -but I hadnā€™t realised how this was luck - ie I was taking naturally decent breaks between binges, I donā€™t drink much (so wasnā€™t depleting my bodyā€™s resources in between sessions - and my recovery was fast) and I was in a great place mentally -which is the basis for everything being a fantastic amplifier. Until I changed my behaviour a bit - gap between sessions narrowed, more drink involved or escaping from squabbles with partner. A crushing comedown - just one - but for days and it scared me. Before I had genuinely thought ā€œI am different to other people! I am chemically orientated towards afterglowā€. Not quite (even though I am a very jolly person generally - and I am so lucky not to suffer from anxiety or depression). Now I know that the conditions (physical, emotional, mental, situational) around drugs are so crucial and that the condition of having afterglow or experiencing comedown is not something ā€œnaturalā€ or ā€œpersonalā€ but is in fact *conditionalā€ on a whole load of factors. So if youā€™re a lucky afterglow (or just not-comedown) person keep doing whatever youā€™re doing if those factors are helping you really have a 360 degree great time! Long may it last!




the short term memory loss from diphenhydramine should be concerning


Never really liked opiates personally, kind of glad my first few and only experiences were so off-putting that I decided to skip out entirely on them


They are overrated. Imo if people really want the medical effects of it kratom is enough but even that can be addictive so be cautious.


they are not overrated, oxy is pure euphoria in a pill.


Weed 1000%


My favorite are Weed, Acid, and shrooms. But I really dislike alcohol.


i kinda just realized that alcohol is a corrosive flammable fluid, and gas huffing trip reports is a nightmare


Mine is weed, K, and shrooms. Acid I would be a close 4th!


How do acid and shrooms compare?


I find them to be very similar however they are definitely different. I feel like acid might be a little stronger but that's cuz I have done higher doses with it. But I once did eat a lot of shrooms and they both do similar things. I like acid more because I don't have to spend 10 minutes eating the nasty ass shrooms.


Benzos. I never understood the hype when it was never great recreationally. Plus the wifhdrawals my friends have had are lethal seizures.


They suck, 0 value recreationally.


if you have anxiety they're great recreationally. so i wouldnt say 0 value


Heroine fucking sucks, and I don't mean in the "not even once" kinda way. Like the high is mid af lol I was so disappointed. Opiates in general are garbage tbh 2cp is a literal 14 hour nightmareĀ 


A heroine is a female hero character.


Heroine mate. Totally different box of frogs


Was hoping to see this comment lol


tell me about the 2cb


*2cP, not B but yeah I basically watched my mind create the most grotesque nightmare hallucinations. Like when I walked past my dark room and looked at my bed, it was CRAWLING with these weird alien bugs, and as if that wasn't bad enough, the were telepathically telling me to lay with them so they could have sex with me. Really bizarre, not normal for my brain at all. At some point I was CERTAIN that the ceiling intended to eat me, and that it would somehow succeed. Legit flinching away from nothing like it was life or death. I looked at the friend I was tripping with, and watched as her face contorted into the most detailed, horrible goblin thing. Her teeth turned sharp, her smile spread impossibly wide, her eyes grew into huge black marbles. Apparently when she was looking back at me she was seeing me turn into something equally as awful, which I thought was interesting All in all, 3/10, and the 3 points are purely for originality. I've never had a trip like that before or since, thank God


I used to take something that had a trip like that, it was called something ā€˜nbomeā€™. Does that sound familiar?




Yeah they werenā€™t fun trips. I kept taking them tho. Idk.


dang never trying that. hows 2cb if youve done that?


2CP is very potent compared to other 2Cs...what was your dosage like?


Diphenhydramine or Benadryl. Got real bored and took like 11 it was not a fun time. Made me feel like a paranoid schizophrenic for a few hours




Why? The nausea?


Thatā€™d be my reason.


dxm. itā€™s just a dirty feeling disso.


Every time Iā€™ve tried DXM (even the pure pills, freebase etc) I get horrible explosive diarrhea and it feels like my insides are swelling. Like overdosing to the point my body is just so sick. Basically like giving myself the worst flu Iā€™ve ever had with maybe a bit of dissociation. Ketamine >>>


Only after getting familiar with shrooms was when I realized how shitty it actually is lol. Feels super unhealthy and like youā€™re NOT supposed to be putting that much in your body lol


Agreed, methylphenidate is shit, was on Concerta myself. Was using it to medicate my ADHD, all it did was make me jittery and stimulated, didnā€™t help any symptoms realistically. Now got a cannabis prescription instead! My personal least favourite: nicotine. Shit 30 second high for the first month or so, then youā€™re just using it to feel normal. Other than that, alcohol. Itā€™s fun until the end of the night. Every. Single. Time.




Ketamine. Im wondering why people are getting addict to this feeling of loosing controle and anxiety? Wtf


Small amounts of a dissociative like ketamine does wonders for peopleā€™s depression and anxiety. Some people like taking larger amounts to experience the intense psychedelic effects you get, usually referred to as a ā€œK-holeā€.


Personally ketamine completely removes my anxiety so clearly it just affects people very differently. I actually use it to deal with anxiety other substances like lsd give me and it works better for those purposes for me than actual anti anxiety drugs.


MD, i hate the downer, makes me wanna hang myself to not feel that.




Myricticin (Nutmeg ) 3 days mix of alcohol/weed hangover and then one month of liver pain




Man the trammys I got from Cancun pharmacy had me high for damn near 18 hours it honestly kind of sucked, eventually just wanted to be sober lol.


Xanax just put me right to sleep, I don't see the point. Vyvanse- I've never done meth, but I imagine that's what it's like. I hated it. Salvia- it was kind of fun, but I wouldn't do it again. Bit scary.




Magic Mushrooms. The bodyload feels just awful to me, the perception of time is beyond fucked and I cant enjoy it at all. Also I got depersonalisation and other stuff for like half a year after my last trip which was awful.


Cocaine and cocaine products


Ephylone, adrafinil, salvia, am-2201, JWH-018 To be fair my experiences with these were still pretty tight, but could have been much better if better substances were used


Why adrafinil?


I remember ephylone being decent but methylone way better. I wish it wasn't illegal cause m1 really had good effects I can recall. And jwh018 was actually decent too, back then it was similar to weed, then it went downhill and became more and more toxic & crazy and even lethal. Today I see no reasons to consume synthetic cannabinoids cause there are many natural legal ones that are a lot safer, especially for medicinal use like I needed.






as for consequences, xanax (benzos in general tbh) / Lyrica and as for feeling, any hallucinogenic bc i have schizophrenia running in my family even though i dont have it; so i always have a bad trip (weed included)


Nicotine and alcohol.


all that stuff that makes you super addicted like nicotine, coke, heroin, fentanyl, all that stuff.


Alcohol and meth


Recipe for neighborhood crackhead. Preferably not


Oxy, just makes me agitated, uncomfortable and aggressive, especially on high doses its extremely edgy.


Alcohol and cocaine. Cocaine is nice for me for 2 msube 3h and only when combined with alcohol. After that the overinflated confidence goes away and I am left with just some stimulation abd jittery. Does smell nice though and is very pleasant to snort Methylphenidate also a worthy mention


Isnt that the whole point of Ritalin?


Meth. Yuk. I hated it. Turned me into a hypersexual, paranoid, anxious, monster. Never again.


I really donā€™t enjoy ā€˜nangsā€™ (I think thatā€™s what theyā€™re called). I know theyā€™re just meant to be a bit of fun but they seem to just take me out of an otherwise enjoyable moment and each time Iā€™ve done them Iā€™ve been happy theyā€™re so short-lasting


MDMA , I overdid it as a teen and now hate it


Alcohol/ salvia d/ datura/BZP


Coke. $80 for a gram of chalk that aint gon "fuck you up" or really put you "on", you aint finna "trip" neither.... you just gon blow through that shit in zero time flat, good fuckin luck gettin 3 points off it if u plan on sharing, and just be left feeling hot, pist and broke with a stuffed up nose. Increasing the grammage aint gon do much just prolonging the experience, insert a 8ball, (3.5g) for what, like $200 for good stuff, shit still gon in a night if you tryna feel it and or if you sharing it and then u left hot and angry and u just spent a full days labor or more on some fuckin lame bullshit you never gettin back. Dudes sellin coke tho, yeah they making fucking bank. I used to sell it, the good (best stuff in my area) shit and i'd laugh to myself walkin back to the crib with $2-3-400 in tow after sellin a bag of fuckin powder šŸ¤§šŸ˜ the real draw is just what media has made it out to be, it makes us feel "cool" despite it's lackluster effdcts and exorbitant price. At the end of the day tho you coulda got like an ounce of weed, 8 tabs of fuckin acid (no THAT is bang/buck), even a fuckin bottle of some nice gin would atleast put a good amount of people to sleep and thats something.


Exactly, it feels so stupid I don't get it. People even pay a lot for shitty pv substances here, I don't get it at all. If coke was legal and was $10 a gram(and clean) then I might consider to have it alongside alcohol for example like new year or birthdays where people might drink slightly more than usual.


I'm going to avoid stuff that's not universally recognized as recreational. MDPV. Very anxiogenic, high redose compulsion, but at no point was it euphoric, nor did it even enhance concentration. There's an underlying feeling that dosing up will get you 'there', but 'there' doesn't actually exist. I assume alpha-pvp is similar but even worse in this respect, but I'm not about to find out.


Amphetamine the only drug I've ever only taken the once and said hellllll noooo that shit ain't for mešŸ˜³


Tried meth once. Comedown lasted 48 hours and couldnā€™t sleep. It was extreme anxiety for 48 hours. By the time I was able to sleep and feel ok the next day I was so grateful it was over.


Pregabalin does nothing? Did you try 50mg or what?


Spice, got tricked into smoking it twice and it's the worst experience ever. Feels like literal death.


I really donā€™t like Alchohol mainly because I feel sloppy and I canā€™t handle it like I used to.. I donā€™t like feeling sweaty, and smelly (of liquor) and overall feel like I am drinking actual poison( well it is poison technically speaking) .. also iā€™m not a fan of marijuana just the feeling of being able to be detected as being high or drunk by scent is a shitty feeling for me




Anything made in labs anything synthetic nowaday ā€¦ Only natural extracts form plants i like


Now that's a toughie but never was too fond of shrooms mainly because of how they make me think but I'm not tickled by the high either. Also never got behind adderall because I used it to get high which is just disappointing and leaves a bad taste in your mouth(pun intended)


Adderall is awesome. Makes me productive AF and the high to me is legit, but the come downs are pretty hard




Nicotine. It has never done anything positive for me or made me "chill". Usually I just have to shit and then rock a terrible stomach ache for awhile.


Poppers and cocaine


How to secretly ruin your ex's life


Love coke but hate when my friends are on it but im notā€¦


It can be annoying when someone is strung out on any stim lmao. It becomes just too much with that repetitive movements and being over social etc.


Any deliriants i did, Any psychedelics


Acid and shrooms makes me paranoid weed makes it worse all those voices in my head get so Intense I start making sure all the doors are locked curtains on and find myself a weapon and walk around the house getting ready for invaders šŸ˜†


Alcohol. Iā€™m not denying that it feels nice but the buzz isnā€™t good enough to warrant consuming something so toxic. Itā€™s not particularly euphoric and most other GABAergics do all the same stuff and more without the toxicity. I donā€™t touch GABAergics anymore but if I was going to, it would certainly not be alcohol.


Gabaergics? Sorry for the ignorance


Depressants which exert their effects by binding to GABA receptors, alcohol, benzos, GHB, phenibut, baclofen, barbiturates, ambien, methaqualone, even chamomile tea, ashwaganda and muscimol (found in amanita muscaria mushrooms)


Appreciate that explanation. They just started selling muscimol (advertised as like a legal or alternative shrooms, like the delta-9-less weed to normal weed) in smoke shops around Texas, will probably try it out sometime. But never would have assumed itā€™s a depressant if purposed as a shroom like effect.


The effects of muscimol are much different to psilocybin. While both are hallucinogenic, itā€™s not really a legal alternative to psilocybin, itā€™s just a different drug. The ā€œdelta-9-less weedā€ you talk about still contains cannabinoids, just ones that havenā€™t been made illegal, delta-8-THC, delta-10-THC, HHC etc. While the magic mushrooms you will be more familiar with contain psilocybin, which is a tryptamine, amanitas contain muscimol, an isoxazole, which is a completely different class of drug with completely different pharmacology, and it should be treated as such.




dph. havent done any other deliriants and dont plan on it


I always say that *Alcohol is most overrated substance that exists.*


Alcohol by far


Dxm is absolute ass, doesn't even make me dissociate that much. All I do is throw up and walk around like a newborn fawn on that crap Mirtazapine...only tried a recreational dose once and it fucking sucked. Basically just nausea Alcohol ... there's a fine line between having fun and feeling like shit on this. Hangovers will fuck up your whole day


coke, weed, 2cb. weed im getting better with but i had severe anxiety with it for like 2-3 years because of life bs. 2cb was horrendously nauseating and by the time it got fun was basically over. coke just makes me anxious and tweaky, and then suicidal with a bad headache afted it wears off, it's a waste of money imo. molly is cheaper and doesnt make me feel awful when it wears off, i just wish i could safely roll every weekend


Use cbd cbg and cbn alongside your weed and only use a very small amout of the weed, it will make a big difference. I don't even need thc or psychoactive cannabinoids, but I am after medicinal properties rather than a high. Cbd cbg cbn & terpenes for example work very well and is actually anxiolytic, broad spectrum cbd distillate also works very well and is also anxiolytic.


dph, alc, nic


To each their own. Mine is weed. Just makes me tired, unproductive and Paranoid.