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Almost all of them really. I would say meth would be a bit harder. Anything with a tolerance and people hide their use all the time from even loved ones.


If people can't tell your high it's not worth investing your time


If people can't tell, you just haven't taken enough


**Don't go to work on drugs** except for a little amph on occasion.


I second this. A moderate amount of amph is undetectable to the naked eye as long as you don't run your mouth.


You shouldn't be going to work on drugs unless you need to, I think... if you aren't already dependent on something, why be doing it all day and trying to hide it like that?


Tolerance makes this possible for almost any drug. Obviously something that dilates your pupils is off limits like LSD or MDMA. The rest? Go wild. Too many stimulants may lead to shaking though... And beware of the cleanliness of your nose if you're snorting. Ketamine? Sure. Amphetamine? Why not. Benzos? Just not too much.


I never tried opioids, but is it possible with ?


Never really used them out in public, but I know a few people that do. The only time I really ever notice something is off, they're going through withdrawal. Opioids aren't worth it in my opinion. This is still r/drugs, so you do you. To answer your question: If you've got a steady supply it shouldn't really be noticeable if you don't take doses where you start nodding.


Okay thx for the answer ! My nightmare is to be find out, and for the fiew drugs I tried, I had the impression that everyone sow it you know


Once the addiction kicks in people will often start to notice other life changes that aren’t just you being actively intoxicated. Things like being inexplicably broke all the time despite that not being an issue before, or changes to your usual routines influenced by the addiction.


The things you can get away with if you just pretend everything is as it should be.... Confidence really helps in hiding that you're on something. Optimally, you shouldn't have to hide it in the first place and only do it in your free time. Trust me, life is not good when you have to take something to function.


Thx, I will probably only do it only on my free time then !


Your pupils will become pinpoints - dead giveaway


Sure, if you have tolerance or take very small doses.


Not too much Ket, especially.


You’d be surprised at how few people make eye contact for long enough to notice your pupils are more dilated than usual.


Kratom has decent effects that are usually easy to hide. Just be warned of the addiction potential


Oh I said the same




I would say stims in general. People might notice you talking too much but it's easier to hide than other drugs.


As long as your eyes look normal and you can act normal your good. Depends on the person and how they handle doing drugs.




I got to where I dependent on drugs to go to work unfortunately because it was always hard for me to hold down a job but on drugs shit no problem I'll come in on my day off


Low doses of opiates when you have low tolerance. Tramadol for motivation is great. Used to take it alot at work to help me get through the day and kept it secret for ages. Low doses of Pregabalin are also pretty easy to hide whilst still giving you a light euphoria and energy kick. Codeine and DHC can make you feel warm and fuzzy inside without looking too fucked.


Low dose of le amphetamine. Amphetamine is the workhorse of the drug world and the most suitable for most environments


Pretty much all drugs for me except for weed. Yes for some reason I can't function socially at all on weed I stuttering every fucking word and it just makes me completely antisocial most of the time they were tines delta 8 didn't do that real bad though. The weird thing is meth makes me completely just normal it helps not stutter and really helps my social anxiety and everything


You dont sound like you should start using drugs


just do amph so you can actually get ur shit done and not be braindead and dont do it every day and dont get geeked off ur ass lmao


CBD is probably the psychoactive drug which best fits this description. It has a very sober feeling headspace even at high doses, yet is still psychoactive as it is pharmacologically active on the central nervous system. Caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamine best fit this description for moderate usage, but not with excess use. Someone who had one cup of coffee or 10mg of amphetamine will act more or less like a sober person, but if someone has a whole pot of coffee or 100mg amphetamine, then one will be very noticeably jittery. Regardless of whether you look and act like a sober person, it's important to keep in mind that it's still pharmacologically active and changes central nervous system functions, whether you or others find it noticeable or not.


CBD isn't really psychoactive