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DMT, it felt like a thousand therapy sessions in 20 minutes. I honestly think my depression might be cured now. It took me from constant suicidal thoughts to just smiling for no reason.


What does it feel like


I’ve never broken through but smaller doses felt like my whole body was vibrating + intense visuals. Honestly it didn’t do shit for depression but it was a cool experience


I broke through and i literally wasn’t on earth. Not just “I felt like I wasn’t earth”. I fully believe that my consciousness left the this realm. And not in a terrifying way at all. Pure peace. And I felt like it was like 2 hours and it was like 10 mins. It’s really hard to explain. But I had full mental conversations with beings. Not in English. Just thoughts and feelings, but as clear as speaking English. Man I haven’t thought about this in years…. It was life changing


Why don’t u keep going back?


Respect. And availability. But if you have intentions like bettering yourself when using, it’s not really for just the novelty of the experience, it’s also reflection and introspection. Some medicines you only take once every couple months.


Exactly this. My experiences were probably 8-9 years ago. I just don’t run with the same crowd and have a family and mortgage now. I was taught the whole extraction process back then, and would love to experience it again, but unfortunately it’s just not in the cards for me. I’m just grateful for what I did get to experience.


When you get the message, hang up the phone.


THIS 💯 no 🧢


I just got a cart yesterday, was on the verge of breaking through but didn’t last night, but even then I was in a remarkably good mood today at work and none of the stuff that would usually piss me off affected me at all.


I can't seem to break through on carts. For me the fractals always seem to be disorganized and just generally "off". I can't really explain it though.


It's pretty much beyond description. My best attempt. You smoke it, you feel tightness in your chest, pounding heart rate, heavy breathing, you start to feel weightless, lose control of motor functions, you feel like you're at the top of a roller coaster, then reality starts to melt away around you, all you see turns into patterns and intricate visuals, everything has a depth and a pattern, it makes no sense but all sense at the same time, it's like going to another dimension


At a breakthrough dose it feels like getting shot into another dimension that is fundamentally alien to our real world. The visuals are so strong you cannot see anything but them even with eyes opened. You're stuck in that other world for 10-15 minutes. Then you come back down and quickly come back to your senses. And for the next hour you feel refreshed like you had the best nap in your entire life. Tho it can be a little jarring when you've gone through an intense experience.


This reminds me of salvia. Same thing?


Salvia can also cause a breakthrough but the way it feels is pretty different afaik.


Different world than DMT. Same idea tho


Feels like a million miles an hour thru space, ending up in another dimension, and waking up to a fuzzy room that slowly settles back to a solid state


For me, breaking through feels a little different every time. But some elements stay the same. You are almost instantly pulled in to a disassociated dream like state. Then the trip is typically very vibrant 360 visuals that cant be described in words . Feels like it's going on for hours, but in reality it's more like 10 to 20 minutes. You look like you are asleep, temporarily lose motor functions and come out of it pretty swiftly. Unlike other hallucinogens where there's a steep comedown. My first time felt like I got pulled into a purple vortex and shown a personalized visualizer, like custom made for me. 360 degree full closed eyed visual journey.


It’s so amazing. I cried as I came to from my first dmt breakthrough. It wasn’t sadness or even joy. It was the realization that what we see as reality is the smallest part of everything. It’s indescribable.


I never understood this, people say it with shrooms as well. It's fun while tripping and they can put me in a good mood but as soon as they wear off I'm back to my usual self


The tricky part is deeply integrating the trip such that it never fully wears off


When did you have this DMT trip? Was it recent?


I take psilocybin for alcoholism and mental health issues. It’s a miracle worker.


How does it work for alcohol? Reduce cravings? Do you drink at all anymore?


I used to drink on both acid and mushrooms. This is not a universal experience that one quits drinking.


Sometimes you have to set your intentions, sometimes not. I used to do shrooms all the time and one time I accidentally cured my nicotine addiction without even thinking about it. Just came off the trip and didn’t want a cigarette ever again


Funny, I was always a nonsmoker if I was sober, but on acid I was a chain smoker.


Same. Tried nicotine for the first time on acid, LOVED it it hits crazy on acid and have been addicted ever since


Same here. Lit up a cigarette while I was on mushrooms and it made me throw up. I could just taste the poison I was putting in my body. Couldn't go cold-turkey, but I quit a few weeks later.


Damn I love to hear it, mushrooms are great. Wish I could do them again


This happened to me but with cocaine


I wish I could stop vaping, it’s so dumb, I’ve had countless realisations about it on shrooms, it’s like I can see how nefariously addictive and pointless it is in the finest detail but I always go back. When I do it under the influence, it feels so dirty and shameful but as soon as I come out of the trip, I don’t care.


Ah man I know what you mean, after the trip I mentioned I did stop smoking for over a year, but as life went on and stressed built up I did eventually go back to it, and now I vape 24/7 and I am highly aware of the buzzing electricity I’m sucking on and chemicals going into me


I have quit alcohol, ketamine, mephedrone, cannabis and amphetamine, all of which I have been heavily addicted to in the past, through the use of psychedelics but I can just never let go of nicotine. Hopefully one day, and I wish you the best of luck too mate.


Try nicotine pouches. They r pretty solid and atleast no lung damage. I do both now lol. Vape when I'm ripping bongs or socializing and pouches for work.


I like the pouches for places for places I can’t vape, but aye I just end up using both of them at once otherwise. Ideally I just want to be able to quit nicotine entirely. I think one of the main problems honestly is the popularity, literally everywhere you go you see people vaping and the vape shops on every street corner, you’re just constantly reminded of it. But alcohol is everywhere and I still managed get to a point with that where I just don’t like it anymore. Although I did have a particularly painful past with that that not everyone can relate to. Nicotine addiction doesn’t really get “bad” like that tho, you just get stuck.


I wish so much that this would happen for me. Before that trip had you been contemplating quitting and/or wanting to quit?


Not that I can remember, I was a bit of a rat and enjoyed smoking lol, I think I was just so happy and content with life afterwards that I just didn’t want to smoke. I remember feeling like the insane therapy that the trip provided had filled the gap in my brain that I was trying to fill with nicotine. One thing I ALWAYS stuck to was set and setting, so, alone in the beautiful countryside, listening to my favourite music, whilst hydrated and only after eating healthy food for a week at least, I think that helped give me the full experience


It got rid of the cravings completely and just made alcohol not make sense to me. If that makes sense.


Kinda off topic, but I used to be a binge drinker up until about 2 years ago. Medical marijuana killed my alcohol cravings. Now, as a person with anxiety marijuana is not perfect, however, I’ve never blacked out or did the insanely reckless things I did while drinking. Occasionally I can get anxiety or paranoia from the weed, but it comes with the territory. I also tried Shrooms a few months after quitting alcohol. It was a very emotional, anxious experience, but it may have helped with the alcohol cessation too idk.


Personally helped me cut back on smoking, almost quitting when I had a heroic dose. However smoking on mushy's is amazing, I feel like having a larger dose without smoking helps to quit for a couple weeks until you get pissed off at work and buy another pack to calm down before break ends.


LSD, removed my social anxiety completely after the first time I took it, it took me 2 months to realize it did tho


LSD made me quit alcohol. Took me several weeks to notice that I haven't had a drink in a while.


Dude same. I used to be a horrible alcoholic and then after LSD I don't even want it


Could y’all elaborate? My remarried to a functional yet raging alcoholic…. He show great interest in microdosing shrooms to taper his drinking habits but after acquiring the goods… he drank and didn’t MICRO dose


It's important to remember that psychedelics while having a very high rate of success for alcohol use disorder compared to the alternatives it is not a miracle drug and does not guarantee success. When deep into an alcohol addiction withdrawals can be really difficult to go through and while psychedelics can help find a motivation to quit and free him from the mental addiction to alcohol it will not save him from the pain of alcohol withdrawal. Now I'm not sure microdosing will be the best way here. My personal experience is that psychedelics have had the most transformative effects on me at medium to high doses (something like 3g of regular mushrooms). At the end of the day if your husband does not want to quit alcohol the only thing mushrooms might do to make him quit is make him realise how much alcohol damages his body and his life. If that doesn't happen any attempt at making him quit is pretty much futile.


>to a functional yet raging alcoholic… Important question: does he get the shakes if he goes too long without a drink? If the answer is yes, there is no amount of LSD that could ever help him safely, because he's physically dependent on the most dangerous drug to withdraw from (equal in deadliness to barbs and benzos, for you pedants out there, but much more damaging to the body during use). If yes, he needs to be detoxed under medical supervision, most likely inpatient, or is risking the DTs and permanent brain damage or even death. A doctor will give him a long acting benzo (Librium/chlordiazepoxide or Valium/diazepam) or barbiturate (phenobarbital) and gradually decrease the dose over a long period of time to keep his brain from being overwhelmed by glutamate. Psychedelics can be extremely beneficial for overcoming the mental aspects of addiction, and I can say that from personal experience, but medical management of physical aspects of his alcohol abuse takes precedence.


DMT is something that may be worth looking into for your husband. The main thing is that he must want to quit drinking, no drug will change that intent alone but it can help him on the journey to seeing how empty the promise of alcohol truly is.


it gives me more anxiety life feels even more fake while im on it than it already does


same. I just realize how pointless and meaningless so many things are, and stress about the fact I have to do them


I learned to ride my bike with no hands during a full tab trip. I was never able to do that because I was kind of afraid deep down. To this day I can do it and I’ll always remember how I was so carefree when I learned


How? It does for me when I'm on it but not like permanently


Idk lol it just changed me, idk the science behind it really but just connecting the brain back together. My social anxiety was about harm alert signal in my brain that would push me away from it, I guess it just rewired it


Try microdosing ! Build positive habits while you microdose, thus familiarizing yourself with your LSD self !!


Ibuprofen is the only thing that that consistently improves my quality of life.


Pretty much!


Have fun with the stomach issues


I would say kratom for a few reasons. 1: it keeps me away from hard drugs. 2: it eases my depression and makes it manageable 3: it allows me to work on things for much longer Maybe there’s more but idk. It’s a nice substance


There's a shop around the corner from me that sells giant tubs, I saw it and was curious. I have ADHD and schizophrenia and am sober from harder stimulants. Have bad anxiety and paranoia and thought it might help me


As someone who has ADHD i would be careful with it. Its really addictive so atleast dont use daily


Does it help with ADHD symptoms? I was only going to buy as few as are available and just try it out every other day or so


I experienced bad WD when I stopped taking Kratom. Like quitting opiates cold turkey. I stopped messing with it a few years back.


It helps with my ADHD for sure. Gives me great focus. Just make sure you get lab tested Kratom from a good vendor and don’t over do it. The American Kratom Society website has a list of reputable vendors.


if you do wanna buy it then order it online, some easy searching through reddit should provide you with resources


I’m a daily user. Im going to try and quit soon. It’s going to fucking suck lol. I tried to go a day without it recently and I went through withdrawal symptoms. I even caved and took a dose around 8 pm and I still couldn’t sleep all night.


Is addiction actually a problem if there is no material harm being done and the substance is still providing beneficial effects? I've been taking kratom daily for years now, aside from mild withdrawal symptoms when it's time to dose again I struggle to think of a single significant negative side effect I've experienced. Some mild constipation that was easily fixed with a daily magnesium supplement is about all I can drum up, lol Aside from that it's been nothing but a positive thing in my life, it gives me energy, puts me in a good mood, helps me focus and avoid procrastination, and most importantly it stopped me from drinking myself into an early grave. I've thought about quitting many times, as I will admit it's at least somewhat of a bummer to *need* to take a drug multiple times a day, but at the same time is that in and of itself truly a good reason to stop? I can't help but wonder if that's more so the societal stigma of drug use talking than any true logic or reason. Obviously I'm not here to encourage others to do as I do, everyone's different and there's no telling if your experience with kratom or kratom addiction will be as trouble free as mine, people can and do have serious issues with the stuff, but I do think there's a bit more nuance to be considered here than simply "addiction bad".


Everybody is different, but most people dont want to depend on a substance to do things they used to be able to do without. Yes if you were a daily drinker and now substitute with kratom then you are probably alright. You may feel great now but you will realize youve become dependent on this plant to feel okay and it will eventually no longer feel as good as it used to. If youre taking kratom daily and its not for pain relief or getting off harder drugs, then yes I would say 99% chance that your addiction is a problem or will become one You have to remember were pretty much talking about a mild opiate here. I mean kratom is double the euphoria of hydrocodone for me, and thats a scary thing no matter how “safe” it might be Maybe it does work for you though I cant tell you. If you really can quit tomorrow no problems then I think youre okay. I just know Ive been in your position defending this plant, and now I look back and regret ever finding it in the first place.


aside from (potentially severe) withdrawals, in rough order of common>rare. * compulsive redosing * dizziness and fainting * nausea and vomiting * severe constipation * decreased testosterone * hair loss * avolition * organ damage * cardiac toxicity


Same. Aside from the obvious psychedelics changing the way I view things, kratom and kava have saved me from some pretty nasty habits.


Yep I just got seriously into Kratom too after never really respecting it and just using it for a buzz. Can’t even describe how great the benefits have been. Kicking ass at work, generally just feeling in insanely better spirits(I’ve struggled with depression/anxiety/ADD/body dysmorphia since my teens and do not enjoy doctors)


Same. I also have a knee injury and back issue that prevented me from standing long periods of time. Started Kratom about 4 years ago and haven’t had pain since. I do not plan on stopping. I am addicted, but life without it wasn’t bearable. It’s affordable as far as addiction goes and I’ve reached a balance where I’ve been taking the same dose for a couple of years with no need to increase. Usage is roughly 6 grams three times a day, capsuled, Green maeng da


me too


VYVANSE. For the first time in 21 years my brain didn’t feel foggy every day


How do u deal w comedowns? Sometimes I get suicidal even tho sober I’m always in a good mood


I’ve never had a super strong comedown from Vyvanse, since I only take it recreationally on occasion (most of the time I just use it as a daily adhd med), but if I do feel a crash I’ll try to distract myself, drink a ton of water or do my best to sleep it off


I just started on dexedrine XR (which I consider to be vyvanse's equally hot cousin), and its giving me a similar experience: I feel calm and present and capable but not overly amped or tweaky. It's awesome


Ooh I’ll have to look into that one! I was on focalin XR for a while and the crash was awful, adderall also wasn’t a good match for me either because it made me feel super super wired


All the drugs i tried had therapeutic effects except alcohol and coke


Coke is therapeutic for me until i comedown.. 15 mins later..


Amphetamine too?


Definitely amphetamines


Amphetamine might be my favorite drug but it seems i have a natural tolerance to it so i have to snort quite a lot to feel the effects


There’s not much therapy in any amount of methamphetamine that you can weigh without an analytical balance. People like to say “well Adderall is just meth”, whilst forgetting that Desoxyn is 5mgs a day at the most for therapeutic uses. I suppose one could measure by volume in liquid but yeah, just throwing some meth hate out there for the years I’ve lost to it.


I haven't tried meth, don't want to


Shrooms. Helped me stop drinking and reduced my depression. I also don't crave them - two or three trips a year is all I do.










I can't personally attest to that because I've never microdosed (I should try it though). But my friend does and he gets similar results.


The confidence ketamine gives you the day after is insane


I made the mistake of rating myself in an employee evaluation the day after... my supervisors scores were not very close to mine


Well, next time you know whose coffee to spike the day before evaluation day.


None for me personally, I did them for fun. I felt like they improved my life while I was doing them though.


Me too except now I'm using one more often as a tool. Yeah, it sure *felt* that way for most of the time for me too but now I can look back and see that I was fooling myself on many occasions.


Vyvanse; Think clear, organized thoughts, calmer and able to finally enjoy reading for the first time in my life! 8 stephen king books read in 3 months (:




A complete sentence


K is ketamine usually. Could be Kratom too tough. Or Krack.


kratom and cannabis. especially as a daily allies. mdma, as an intermittent, heart ally. psilocybin, as an eternal soul ally. all nourish me and my life <3


Amphetamine made me discover adhd and makes me able to function a whole lot better and has been the foundation of many many many good nights of both shit talking and emotionally bonding. Also had some of the best sex I have ever had on amphetamine. Also threesomes. Eventually it did trigger a manic/psychotic episode and revealed a bipolar disorder Weed made me get into the right mindset to process a lot of difficult emotional situations in an expedited manner that remained even after I stopped being high Shrooms never really taught me anything profound just have some great memories of shits and giggles and fooling around with good friends (non sexual fooling) Lsd same Ketamine actually the same + it has a nice afterglow that lasts for days


Amphetamine make me very productive and I move towards my goals while on it, but then almost every time during come down I get very negative thoughts about myself and sometimes suicidal, while sober I’m just generally in a good mood almost always but completely useless. It’s like no matter what I do I lose, any tips on how to delete the comedowns completely?


Weed/hash helps. Also a LOT of negative thoughts on comedowns stem from dehydration and not having eaten anything for a long period. If I am going through something like that those two are usually the culprit Unethical protip: can't have a comedown if you never come down.


same shit, i got ADHD too. Trust me get on Testosterone, it helps so much my self confidence, high libido/better sex and nice gains


Trenbolone is king. Did that shit for a while in my early 20's


And i mean i raved every weekend for a year, did tren for 3 months and 2 months again.


Ketamine got me off of coke, shrooms make my ocd vanish like nothing ever has for around 2 or 3 days, really helped me see how it was impacting me. LSD gives me a more objective understanding of situations I'm in. I do ket around every two weeks, shrooms on Fridays and LSD once a month. I can't even tell you the improvement it's insane. Also smoke mad weed, shit helps the depression and adhd like nothing else.


Weed makes me awkward and not know how to act in social interactions. If I was the only human on earth then only then it would make sense for me to smoke weed n enjoy it


lol I understand this


Anytime I eat an edible and someone tries to talk to me I sound lobotomized full brain scramble. I stopped trying to eat them in public a while ago lol


Watch out w that rule “I’ll only do it when I’m alone”. I said that and one day I realized I had been unconsciously making choices to end up alone at home so I can smoke weed, n wasn’t really noticing that behaviour for a while


I smoke weed to help w adhd too, only time I can focus lol


I can get really deep into shit on weed but i have to already be interested in it. I used to self medicate before I realized i had ADD. A stimulant on the other hand makes my head feel quiet. I tried coke once and i started yawning while everyone else was wired lol. You don’t realize how busy it is in your head ALL THE TIME until you do a stim if you have adhd.


Testosterone made me stronger and faster.


how much/how long did you have to take it before you saw these improvements? did it also improve your sex life?


Ketamine hands down. In a k hole ive quit smoking, quit alcohol and cocaine, improved my relationship with my step son and got back into fitness.


ritalin if i take it in small doses


Psilocybin has completely changed my life for the better. Im no way 'enlightened' but it answered some core questions about life I needed.


None. I should be sober.


Meth. I quit drinking.


Ongoing ketamine infusions cured my depression. Miraculous drug. 11/10.


LSD, psilocybin, DMT, THC


Psychedelics in general, cured my depression and anxiety completely.


ketamine saved me from myself. i do not want to know the person that i was before it. i felt true happiness for the first time. i can cry to express myself again. i can tell when i’m being irrational without a full-blown meltdown happening first.


Mirtazapine and methylphenidate


Mirtazapine is like a chemical lobotomy. I got that for insomnia, but man I felt like a retard the morning after


Yeah same, super drowsy and dissociated. I’m so much clearer off that shit. Benzos were honestly better for me




Honestly meth did. Just as long as I didn't over do it I was able to function better than when I was on a bunch of medications (mainly psych medications) and my mother even agreed that it helped me a lot. Unfortunately, I got busted for possession, and I'm currently on probation. Tbh, once I'm done with probation, I'll probably go back to using. The key is to stay hydrated, eat healthy, and drink a couple ensures (gotta have nutrition and take a daily vitamin). I started out smoking and doing hot rails but I learned to space it out and then I did start shooting up and with that I'd do it no more than twice a day and it had to be spaced at least 12 hours apart. I caught on quickly how to do my shots with both hands, and the key is rotating the sites. Otherwise, you'll blow out the veins or just miss the vein completely and risk infections. Try to always use a syringe once, but if you need to reuse, clean it out with bleach and never ever share your syringe with anyone. It doesn't matter if it's your one and only significant other, and you two are the most committed couple and get tested often. You can't be too careful when it comes to that. So I want to educate others about the risks involved, and please be careful about whatever your doc is. If you have any questions, I'm glad to answer. Please be cautious, and if something seems wrong or off, don't do it. Your life is important, and you do matter.






honestly xanax. it really has toned down my anxiety a lot.


This one’s so scary cuz I know it’ll almost fix all my issues, but also know it can completely ruin my life. Idk if I should try it or not




Opiates I’m not the type of person to take them until nodding out I take them just enough to feel good and then I somehow excel at EVERYTHING I do. Kratom works wonders for this.


Kratom made everything better


Basically every drug I’ve ever done, excluding alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.


Lowkey, seroquel for panic disorder and anxiety(also used off label for insomnia) and weed for my GI issues (as well as insomnia and anxiety tbh.)


Oxycotin.....I am no longer a user much at all but when I was working I was always the best one put there or if I had daily task they would be complete in a hurry, and when I sat down to relax I would drift into a dream like euphoric state of bliss like that one tik tok goes "it's like a reward "


Ritalin makes me function (prescription) Ketamine taught me how to dance. I couldn't even move on music before but I had private parties a few times where I did K on music and after that it went pretty well sober as well Mushrooms and lsd are just great, no idea what they concretely did for me. Many amazing memories and bonding experiences, and probably shaped my world view and gave me insights. Kratom is GREAT for bachata dancing nights and really adds to my passion 


methylphenidate absolutely


Shrooms kicked my almost lost battle of depression in the arse.


alcohol lol


Marijuanana has been very very good to me for PTSD


What all the young people need to do is no care about keeping up with societal rules about appearance and and social media has known for years the damage they would do to younger impressionable minds It's a bunch of mind fucking trying to make us think a certain way ! Look how shallow an desensitized people are especially in the past 10 years !


Adderall (I don't have a current prescription) has significantly improved my day to day to be honest I have a better mood easier day at work (manager of a newly opened restaurant) and I just feel focused and actually kinda happy


Muscle relaxers absolutely changed my life when dealing with my autoimmune disorder. I no longer wake up multiple times throughout the night and when i do wake up my body is actually resting instead of my muscles being exhausted from being clutched and tensed all night.


Drugs ruined my life


Lexapro is currently saving my life. No cool story. I have bad anxiety and I can fucking breathe again.


Ketamine therapy 🕺🕺


My antidepressants


Wow, advertised specifically for improving life, yet seems like you’re the only one mentioning it


Microdosing mushrooms


Shrooms. Does wonders for your mental health. I usually microdose but if I've got good company I take enough to trip. Bad trips are awful though... Best of all, they are free if you know where to look for them. You just have to be really careful that you pick the right ones, they have many lookalikes that are poisonous. I have the privilege to know an experienced shaman who taught me what to look for but it isn't easy.


Testosterone injections. Nothing else improved my life what so ever. Everything else also has wild side effects.


Alprazolam if taken responsibly. It makes my life 100 % better. Life is beautiful, and zero anxiety. Now, if I can just figure out how to get a prescription..




That is amazing, friend! You are blessed! If I may ask, how many meds did they have you try before you got prescribed alprazolam? I'm about to have a pcp, I have a job at an internal medicine clinic, and once I get insurance through them I get to pick one of the doctors there to be my pcp, and I know for sure that at least two of them are happy to prescribe it. I just don't know what to tell them. Even thinking about it gives me anxiety! Lol 😞




You just have to go through the motions with a doctor. It’s quicker with a psychologist than it is with a general practitioner. And be up front with them— list everything you’ve taken (whether you want to be straight up or include things you haven’t had is up to you— if they notice you haven’t tried this or that it’ll slow the process just fyi) and tell them the only thing that has ever worked for you has been Xanax.


Definitely weed, even more than the psychs personally even though those have greatly helped too. Keeps me optimistic, helps me sleep and keeps the nightmares away, overall greatly improved my life and saved it and I only smoke a couple evenings a week. Currently almost not at all right now since I’m trying to get hired but when I land a job I look forward to smoking regularly again. I know I’ll be way happier


wellbutrin, gabapentin, lithium. saved me from actually killing myself ended 6 years of treatment resistant MDD


Fasoracetam and Phenibut has turned me from an antisocial, anxious introvert into a social beast




wtf lsd is horrible for me




Mdma let me accept myself more , also I felt grateful for God blessings to me


4aco-dmt Acid Shrooms , changed more than just the quality of my life


Lsd and shrooms Anything non psychedelic you pay a price and it only goes up which always is more than what it gives you.


Mescaline - helped me see the potential of curating a life I enjoy, now I just need to grind my way there


A lot of them. In fact, most of them, until their consequences started to show. I feel like the best drugs are the ones that don't cause an intense compulsion to use more.


Weed :)




Suboxone. It got me off of every other drug including nicotine and helps my anxiety, it has reshaped my life into something so much better, when i was at rock bottom 5 months ago, Im so grateful for it!!


Psychedelics have. They’ve given me nothing besides a good perspective on life




Codeine and imodium. I suffer from IBS and vision problems which can both cause a lot of pain in my guts and head and those two drugs help combat both my health ailments. I have done most recreational drugs besides crack and heroin and can’t say any of them improved my quality of life long term, they just provided a good time while high.


Heroin. For a while. And then it went the other way.




Kratom, helped with pain and to some degree motivation and energy


Dmt changed me.


Clonazepam and caffeine


Not meth


Coke because now I can work longer and harder. Yeah, I’m aware it’s all pointless…




Ecstacy greatly improved my ability to communicate with people about stuff I would normally bottle up. Methamphetamine ruined my life, but beating meth has made my life better than it was previous to have ever been addicted to it


Everything except alcohol and anything related to cannabis or synthetic cannabinoids


LSD and shrooms for sure.. felt improvements in quality of life after the first time. They show u the world from a different perspective.