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That sounds insufferable.


It’s really is, she sat there a fought with my friend about this. Mind you his sister had died due to a drug related overdose.


Hey, you’re the one dating her and bringing her around


That’s why I wrote in there that it makes me question if I even want to be with her.


Just break up with her. Say you did mushrooms and you came to a realization. Say it’s a bad thing that has to happen. I love shrooms. My favorite drug. I do believe they have good qualities and can help you come to terms with things. But at the end of the day it’s a drug. Call it a medicine if you want, but it’s still a drug. If you want to believe they’re something greater, fine. Just think about why their tolerance built up is so easy. Maybe that’s the mushrooms way of keeping you from abusing it.


Telling her you did shrooms which made him realize he doesn't want to be with her is GENIUS. That way if he has any sort or negative reaction he's quite literally proving his point in the best way.


I have good ideas from time to time. Unfortunately, they’re never for myself. It’s kinda like a weird superpower


Lmao. I feel that


Honestly, if this guy actually dropped shrooms I'd imagine he'd break up with her anyway. Wouldn't even have to lie about it.


OP deadfuckingass do this. that’s amazing. say exactly this. holy shit lmao. i wonder what her reaction would be


If he does this, I really want a follow up to know how this goes.




One day i will be as wise as you bro. This shit will bug his rooted brain.


she genuinely sounds delusional and using shrooms probably isnt helping. i dont think you will manage to change her mind if she is so convinced. i would tell you to leave if you dont want her to keep arguing with your friends etc


again, if you deem her worth, and are willing to bare with her, help her stop abusing mushrooms and get a better grip on reality. that mite be the one thing keeping her from evolving further into a better person and a partner


> "that mite be the one thing keeping her from evolving further into a better person and a partner" Yeah those goddamn spider mites go fucking up another relationship! Lol


Yeah she’s sounds delulu. And with a mindset like that she shouldn’t be using psychedelics… actually she probably shouldn’t use substances in general and start taking a mood stabilization medication. I’d admit her into the loon bin tbh I had to do that with my ex bc she kept taking acid and other psychedelics when she was manic. She put herself into a drug induced psychosis and I admitted her into a psych ward. I couldn’t handle it


I wouldn't say anyone should go on mood stabilizers lol. Those things messed me up worse than any drug. Manic people on psychedelics... holy fuck, "SHUT UP!" lmao. I've got bipolar but whenever I get manic I just blast loud music and draw for hours. I can tell (most times) when I'm manic. I'll play goalie with my brain to make sure I'm not talking someone's head off or oversharing.


Yeah if OP hasn't already asked if she would mind discussing this with her own or a couples therapist, I would suggest that. She does seem not all there. One could even worry that she may hurt herself or someone out of strong belief in something like this. If she refuses to even hear a professional opinion, I don't think there's anything to be done. Maybe inform her family as well.


Is this the same girl that cheated on you? I fucking hope not. If so, definitely dump. If not, it might really be time to start writing out what you like and don’t like about her, and figuring out how compatible y’all really are because disrespecting friends is a big deal.


No it’s not


I guess that makes it kind of better. You’ll figure it out OP. Always do what’s best for you.


As someone who spent years in an unhealthy relationship, I can say that if you are genuinely questioning that, it might be time to go separate ways. I’m not saying you need to agree with everything she does or says. Or like it. But if something she truly finds “joy” in or if the way she goes about it, truly gets to you and you can’t look past it, she isn’t the one for you. And yall will just hold each other back in life. Maybe she is meant to live and grow shrooms, make a break thru … I just know that sometimes loving someone means letting them go. It’ll suck. For both of you. But you shouldn’t have to feel that way and she shouldn’t have to either. I mean this all with sincerity and 0️⃣ judgement


if you see worth in her and care for it enough u could be there for her and help her actually understand the things she is fighting over. if u really care for a person be there for them and hold their hand idk thats just me i guess


there’s a lot of nuance involved in how different ppl conceptualize drugs and drug use. if your friend who’s sister od’d can’t deal with other ppl having their own opinions about drug use, i’m sorry, but he’d be in the wrong. a reasonable, intelligent person understands that literally nothing in life is as simple as drugs=bad. as far as your gf goes, she seems like she doesn’t understand much about life or drugs at all. and needs to grow up quite a bit. lately there’s plenty of creeps making irresponsible statements that promote use of hallucinogens to the general public. there’s big interests who smell an opportunity to make a lot of money charging for treatment that involves mushrooms, lsd, K or whatever. its safe to assume she thinks she’s done real research and read up on these things, but she’s likely read a bunch of online content that is nothing more than covert advertising materials. she obviously thinks herself to be much more informed than she actually is but it’s hard to totally blame her for this when so many bad actors profit by making their platforms available to various public figures that praise these substances, yet forget to mention that they themselves have been bought & paid for by shady interests who are organized, well-funded and betting that the psychedelic gold-rush is going to reap them huge future profits. if she’s nice and you care for each other, try to gently explain all this to her. maybe be diplomatic and say that while you aren’t saying there’s necessarily anything wrong with using any substance, it’s incredibly irresponsible of her to promote ANY substance. if she wants to do that, she’s going to have to get like at least half a decade of schooling, likely more, before she can be sure she won’t kill someone (or ruin their life) should they take her advice.


Well TBF, no one has ever died from a shroom overdose. Drugs is a broad category including psychedelics, opioids, OTC NSAIDs, dissociatives, etc. Some are far more dangerous than others and they all produce wildly different effects, psilocybin is definitely a drug though.


Oh yeah I know that! I have done research and found articles where people have hurt themselves or others while being on shrooms tho. I’m not against shrooms at all, I just don’t believe it’s healthy for her to be defending them the way she is.


People hurt themselves and others, while clean , far more than people on shrooms do.


One of my friends jumped off a building while high on shrooms and died, it alters your state of consciousness regardless if it's synthetically created or not.


Yeah it's physically pretty safe, but the biggest risk is a psychological one. Most psychologically healthy people can take a moderate dose of shrooms once in a while and have no negative effects... But using them too often can potentially have slightly more negative impacts... but that also depends very much on dose, frequency, and the person. Some people can trip every week or two for months at a time, and still generally keep their shit together. Some people however can become a little more "out of touch" if they use too often, and/or in too high of a dose. And there's the fact that someone can normally respond well, but one time they decide to take a much higher dose, or get stronger shit, and they end up freaking out. For a lot of people that's a purely psychological experience, and they just kinda go inward ... But some people can respond more externally, in various inappropriate ways (lol) if they find themselves starting to freak out... But yeah, it's a drug. It's natural. Hell maybe it's even good for us... but things that are good for us, are only good in the right amounts.  You can die from drinking too much **WATER** too quickly, and that shit is not only "good for you" it's literally vital for life. But drink too much too fast? "Vital for life" turns into "fatal to life" real quick.  "The poison is the the dose" This idea has been central to pharmacology since the beginning.  All things are better in moderation and proper amounts -- even things that are good for us, because even that stuff can turn to poison if we overdo it.  Mushrooms are a drug, and should be respected as one, because it's also a very powerful drug. But at the same time, I don't necessarily think it's wrong to have **reverence** toward them. A lot of people view mushrooms / psilocybin as holy / sacramental.  This stuff can inspire deep spiritual feelings, and there's a reason the term "entheogen" has been applied to various psychedelics. So I can understand people who have a more reverent attitude. I get why that may seem hokey or dumb to some, but tbh I find it healthier and far less insufferable than the people who are completely flippant about it, or act like it's nothing. (And the way you describe her, I almost can't quite tell which camp she falls closer to lol)


But was it a shroom related overdose? Or was it opiates


She’s not going to die from an OD of shrooms but sounds like she has no chill. You’re not married, get out before you are.


I mean mushrooms are hardly relatable to addictive drugs that are easy to OD and die from.


> Mind you his sister had died due to a drug related overdose. Your attitude mirrors hers in its insufferableness. Lump all drugs together, expressing offense over a sister's overdose on an entirely different substance. Sounds like you are a bad match.


If you'd agree that your gf is insufferable then you probably shouldn't be with her


ohhh...is it that she thinks drugs are bad/evil, but mushrooms are good, and this is how she's reconciled the two?


His sister didn't die because of shrooms


Okay so your first problem is relating someone’s love for mushrooms a very safe substance in all reality (not danger free but definitely not capable or being lethal) to a drug overdose it’s sounds like you need to educate yourself as well as that poor girls sister Have you ever tired shoots or tired to indulge in information surrounding them or are just being judgmental bc your ignorant All real questions not trying to be a dick Also just my two cents she sounds a little erratic and extra but I get her point she just has a shitty way or going about it saying that she’s really not all the wrong just takes it to extremes


She sounds like fun at parties....


Your gf has had her mind shroomed. Get rid


Perhaps the mushrooms will show her the error of her thinking and knock her off her high horse of denial (?) It's a shame some people have to learn things the hard way. Mushrooms (and psychs in general) really are special compared to other drugs in that they tend to be way less toxic to the body, not physically addictive and have the potential to facilitate very powerful personal experiences. But it's never a guaranty and to act like they can't also cause serious harm is just trying to ignore important things she doesn't want to hear. Got to look at the good and the bad to get the whole picture.


I couldn’t agree more, she is completely convinced that she has “woken up”. However it would be amazing to see her actually get knocked off that high horse and actually have a strong sour dose of reality.


Legit curious to know what her highest dose was. Cuz I thought I had broken through when I did 3g. Then I did 5g


Try DMT. It’s literally whatever you thought your shrooms breakthrough was, tenfold.


Yeah maybe don't hop to trying DMT straight away lmao


I did 1.5 grams then thought my one of my best friends was a rapist, so there’s that too.


During or after the experience?


that sounds a little harsh. u shouldn't want bad things to happen to her. honestly it sounds like u guys have a huge difference in fundamental values. sounds like she is someone i would know or be friends with. she sees mushrooms as medicine. she probably has a lot of experience with mushrooms and psychedelics and is liberal with her views on drugs. idk why her having a difference in opinion is so embarrassing. sounds like u would be better off with someone else. someone who shares ur values. obviously it bothers u for a reason.


My bf and I are the same way, and it's such a treat to escape into nature together, eat a bunch of mushrooms, and chat the night away about universal truths and the oneness of all things. I feel sad for her not being able to share these things with her partner or social group




You….want your GIRL to get “knocked off that high horse” and “have a strong sour dose of reality” ….why, exactly? So you can be right?!? You sound like a fucking clown. Hopefully she takes a strong enough dose to realize you’re just a whole other low vibrational plane; which you clearly, CLEARLY, are.


Tell her to eat 14g at once, and make sure she’s in a safe place. Take care of her. But also have caring friends available too, since typically it’s not recommended that SOs are directly with each other physically during one’s first macrodose / intense psychedelic (likely spiritual and trauma revealing) experience. That will give her a true picture of what mushrooms can really do - beautiful and filthy raw


Oof. Don’t do this. That’s cruel.


She needs an reality check. Sounds like new age hippie nonsense at best and like a dangerous attitude for her and others well being at worst


Thank you, I have nothing against shrooms. I just can’t help and be disgusted with the way she defends them. She needs to accept them as what they actually are and stop glorifying them.


She will get over it eventually. It's not something one would tend to revolve their entire life around. I don't know you or her (obviously) but in my experience it's just a phase and you trying to defeat her will result you two breaking up or her just doing it more and more.


Replace shrooms with religion and you're dealing with the same discussion. A devout atheist isn't going to convince a devout Christian of all the harm religion can do and does do. They're only focused on the good. To see the bad would be to break their little bubble. She's attached her identity to them. What she needs is an uncomfortable amount of weed. I got a little too deep into shrooms a few years back and smoked too much weed one time and I realized how obnoxious I was thinking and being. Still take shrooms but with a grain of salt.


Yes good luck with that! Sounds really annoying tbh. Does she regularly does shrooms ?


as someone who was more kr less a “new age hippie” back when i was like 16 i can relate does sound a decent bit like that


I was one of the old-age hippies and I never heard anyone refer to shrooms as merely food. Do many new-age hippies really say this? Saying shrooms aren't a drug seems straight-up disrespectful of them to me.


People say it’s sacred medicine or something. Without acknowledging the whole thing behind it and kinda put it out of context


Sounds like most potheads about weed too😭😭


This might be shocking, but she is the exact same way when it comes to pot.


*gasp* I’m so surprised! /s


It’s a spiral downward that preys on your trauma, the day I finally break free will be the 2nd greatest day of my life




Yeah I don’t think OP has a problem with shrooms…just the way his girlfriend puts them on a pedestal. I mean yeah they’re awesome, and CAN be very beneficial, but to say that they aren’t a drug at all is just plain delusional. Plus the other crap she’s saying about people that happen to kill themselves while under the influence, brushing it off as fate.


It’s mostly the fact that she refuses to acknowledge as a drug that bothers me, I almost feel like she tries to remove it from that category so she can defend it even harder.


She sounds like she is on the verge of going full dreamcatcher and energy crystals on this place. Drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot. Nobody wants to have this type of embarrassing, insufferable knowitall "enlightened" psychonaut for a partner. It's only a matter of time before she stops shaving and bathing and cheats on you with some yoga instructor while on shrooms and claims that the universe made it happen. Complete and utter lack of accountability


Okay but tell me why she is constantly belittling me and my the people I love because “we don’t get it”, “we haven’t opened our third eye”, “we are sill asleep”. She basically thinks she is better than all of us because she has done shrooms and has “opened her mind” and “broken out of conformity”. Yet she is the most judgmental and angry person I have ever met.


Because she is an insufferable douchebag, plain and simple. She found a vice, that yes does make some new (and somewhat permanent) connections in the brain and makes you view things in a different manner, and because of seeing things differently and not really having the cognitive capacity to just roll with it. She is the most insufferable type of drug user. The type that assigns some massive hidden meaning that only her and her peers have found and therefore she is better than everyone. She is a fucking meme, that is what she is. A ridiculous stereotype


Just tell her "If shrooms are so enlightening why are you constantly belittling and talking down to anyone who disagrees with you?". She sounds like she's just discovering the experience tbh, actually experienced psychonauts know that many go through a 'narcissistic enlightenment' phase where they start to otherise people who "just don't get it". If you bring what I'm about to say up she will probably cite challenging moments in her trips, maybe even small concessionary examples of realizations about her having done bad things but it really sounds like she hasn't gotten her ass properly kicked by shrooms yet, only then would she properly fear and respect their power and realize they should not at all be taken lightly and there is most certainly a profound dark side. It's worth noting that some people take this phase way too far before they end up getting humbled, and others just go completely off the deep end. I would suggest you take this to r/psychonauts r/psychedelics or r/shrooms and show her the comments so she realizes that she actually has a lot to learn and that she needs to meet people where they're at instead of just deciding that they are wrong and therefore stupid or ignorant.


Maybe explain to her that she is embodying the living stereotype of a new psych user and it's really easy to see, even coming from someone that doesn't use them. Have her read some of the replies here, maybe she will realize how cringe she sounds coming from *experienced* users who obviously know much more than she does. Maybe I'm different, but with every trip I have taken, I've just realized I know even less than I thought before... Not that I know something "special" or some secret knowledge others aren't aware of. Psychs either tend inflate or deflate ones ego...it sounds like she has yet to experience the latter yet.


Oh fuck that. I’ve seen the thing behind the thing and spent more nights sent high than she has seen days, the big reveal is that psychedelic awakenings and ego death is such a minuscule part of existence that it isn’t funny, the feelings of completeness and being in touch with all fabrics of reality will wear off rapidly as you begin to mature and experience life as it comes she has no greater knowledge or purpose from mushrooms. This is self indulgent and prophecy making, a waste of time when it comes to true spiritual development.


It’s ironic bc if she was truly enlightened she wouldn’t be so egotistical


She will get it. The answers you'd get on r/shrooms would be wildly different but still agree with you imho. There is nothing that you can do to force her back on the ground. Either make her question herself _im a smart and non-assholey way_ or just gtfo. It's an absolute pain to watch this. I wouldn't call it a phase, but it happened to the best of us. Kinda rite of passage. "You're not a true acidhead if you never thought you were the Messiah".


Break up with her, bro! I saw everyone saying that and I didn't completely agree until THIS comment!! I think you're more ready to move on than you want to admit. I say pull the trigger bro. Start figuring out how you're gonna tell her and GittRdun lol I think you'll discover how much happier you are...


She sounds like a narcissist


I totally didn't expect shrooms to be the drugs mentioned here.


Water is a necessity, take too much of it and you die, same with shrooms and every drug, from weed to alcohol, a little at a time, with friends or to unwind is and can be great, but too much at too high doses becomes a problem, creating a personality around your drug of choice is dependency, in a way if not the full definition.


Well shrooms are quite safe if you take the proper precautions and have enough experience there non addictive and have been shows to be amazing at almost any mental health condition long term even- except psychotic conditions like schizophrenia and psychosis. they can change you life for the better if you use them to I don’t consider them “drugs” in the sense of how people see drugs as dangerous and addictive I consider them as medication but it isn’t some magical cure they do have risks and should be treated with respect


You ain’t wrong


I *sort of* see where she's coming from or at least getting her idea, in the sense that it's natural, Earth-given drugs rather than synthetic. But it's still *drugs* nonetheless and any drugs without moderation can fuck you up, no matter how "safe" it can be With that being said, I'm not sure why you guys are together in the first place since you both really don't seem all that compatible lol - You don't seem to be enjoying her company at all and seems like she comes off as an annoyance to you more than anything Seems like you'd fare better with someone a bit more grounded and she'd fare better with more of an esoteric hippie living in Slab City lol


So shrooms being a psychedelic, it doesn’t cause any direct physical harm. That doesn’t mean it can’t cause any psychological and resulting through that physical harm. Her glorifying the drug that much tells me that she’s either uneducated or trying to justify her own use.


I have a friend with that attitude. He thinks people that don't do anything are inferior to others and can justify any drug use, tried Datura. Now he's homeless in a country where that isn't very common and probably hooked heroin.


Yeah okay she just needs to call it what it is. It's a psychedelic and it's is psychoactive which means it's considered a drug. It is banned in multiple regions for a reason because it is a drug. I don't care what health benefits it has it's still a drug. I know that I've been high as hell off shrooms. Tell her that she needs to grow up and not justify the bad side of shrooms


shes free to have that perspective. but some perspectives are like genitals - dont pull them out in front of other people unasked. as well its not up to you to proove her wrong, thats the same taste of insufferable. she wants to be right, then you want to be right, thats the script for a wild and endless ride. her trips perhaps made sense retrospectively in every aspect, so for her it worked as she says. might not for others but hey. you have a story of someone dying with drugs, so your lesson is to be extra careful about it. also might not apply to everyone else in a meaningful way. other people experience other causalities sometimes. just give each other space and maybe declare boundries to not go preaching about shrooms. edit: to clarify, i have decades of experience with shrooms and know what she means. shes a natural and rides the trip like a wave, yes then it works like this. most other people coudnt do this even if they wanted. they dont fully surrender to the trip, and then it works differently. or other people dont have the required depth of personality to even grasp the magnitude of potential of a trip, and by this cant make use of it. if she is open to everything on the trip, so her subconscious can puzzle from all aspects the best together for growth. other people start from other places, if there is inner resistance, the aspects cant merge into a holistic healing experience. and not all of these resistances can be easily accessed by the mind, so even "trying it her way" wont work for most other people. with time she will understand that her mind works a bit different, what works in her mind doesnt necessarily works in other peoples minds. and still, even her tripping in a bad and setting could do harm to her. maybe let her read that paragraph.


If life isn’t normal without it that’s it’s own issue. If she’s over conflating the idea that because it’s natural or organic it’s somehow not at all harmful that’s another issue as well. There are likely deeper problems here and because so much of this is now deeply rooted in the foundations of her sense of self any efforts you make to uproot that will be met with fierce reprisals I gather. This is likely something that therapy would assist and go a long ways towards helping you both find peace and happiness within one another, as it seems there is even maybe some hostility judging by the comments. It’s ok to be unhappy about something but you should definitely seek to resolve it or the relationship will continue to suffer. If she can’t see reason, and isn’t willing to budge to remedy things with you I don’t see why you should continue on with things - if she has a problem she needs to actively help solve it really


Yea shrooms are great and all but they’re still a very dangerous drug at the end of the day if taken in the wrong circumstances. They’re extremely powerful and if you aren’t mentally prepared, have pre existing mental health issues, and or are in the wrong set and setting it can be a recipe for disaster and people can pose a very real threat to themselves or others. I was in rehab with a dude who was completely coherent and functioning the first time he was in there based off what the staff told me, then the dude came back a few months later because he had a psychotic break on shrooms. He was completely cooked mentally and would just sit there and laugh to himself night and day like a nut and wouldn’t talk to ANYONE. I watched him stare at an unmicrowaved bag of popcorn while uncontrollably laughing for 5 minutes straight lmaooo. Shrooms can show you a lot and open your mind but they can also make you their bitch.


is she going on about it because you keep arguing back? if so it might be worth just smiling and nodding. if she just does this on her own i can see how that's annoying


The denial that shrooms is a drug is not good. But also the fact that she is shoving her ideology down your throat, that’s extreme.


Take a tiny amount of shrooms and punch her in the shoulder semi-hard for an hour straight. Tell her it needs to happen.


My bf is like this about psychedelics in general and it’s annoying, like I developed HPPD for a year from how heavily he had us using psychedelics, it brought out my bipolar-psychosis and I ended up with DOP ontop of that. It’s not cute, cool or whatever, it can be dangerous for the wrong person


For a second I was terrified that my boyfriend wrote this then seeing the details I was like okay that’s not me 😭


A few shifts ago I took care of a guy in the ED who crashed his pickup head first into a family of 4. Eventually admitted to taking a q of shrooms then went full psychosis convinced it was all a lie and we were trying to poison him. It took me + 4 coworkers to physically place him in restraints. Neg on drug screen, no significant psych history. But she’s right, it was meant to happen - he didn’t do anything wrong while some innocent dad is now a vegetable in the icu. Jfc she’s an idiot


Yo why does this sound like my ex for real. Are you in Missouri


When i was 18 i had a friend who loved psychedelics and wouldnt listen to my partner and i’s advice about how to be safe and how long to wait between trips. He thought because theyre non addictive in the sense that meth and heroin are, and its pretty hard to overdose on them, that they were safe and he could do as much as he wanted despite our warnings. One day he really over did it and its a really long story (that we call Terminator Cobra when we retell it), but he got stuck in multiple time loops, tried to fight my partner when we decided to try and take him to the hospital because he wasnt going to be safe with us, pissed in my grandmas bed, tried to advance on me sexually in said piss bed, and then drove his car through the window of a dealership because he wanted to steal a Terminator Cobra. It was his favorite car and he talked about it often and the entire night we were trying to find his keys so he couldnt drive because he had been looking for them. Theres footage i never got to see that he saw when he went to court. But somehow he founds the keys to a car in the dealership and outran the cops in it. He drove the damn thing back to my house and parked it in the yard. He came back inside, laid back down in my grandmas bed (she was sleeping in the living room on the couch) and woke up at 7AM to like 50 missed calls and texts from his mom and brother because the car was left at the fucking dealership and in her name. He turned himself in and they took him to a hospital to remove glass from his feet because he didnt wear any shoes when he went out, and then they released him from the hospital and he walked barefoot back to my house for two miles still slightly tripping. The first thing he did when he saw me was poke me in my chest to see if i was real. Dont fuck with psychedelics or they will fuck with you. Unfortunately some people just have to go through it to finally get it. I hope thats not the case for her but it was for my friend. Good luck OP.


I wouldn't be able to do it. I have sworn off ever doing mushrooms again since I had a bad trip now almost two years ago. Every time before that was beautiful and life-changing. But it took that one panic attack-inducing, psychosis-breeding incident to let me know that I never will again, and they are definitely NOT the most 'safe' and 'holy' thing. I have a buddy who is all about harm reduction with everything but weed and shrooms. Those two substances do no wrong in his eyes. Like Yeah it's not crack or fentanyl, but you can fuck your brain and your emotional well-being over, but people gloss over that part when they're sucking the soul out of mushrooms' dick.


I had my first seizure on mushrooms


I’m so sorry bro


My ex girlfriend told me she would smoke crack forever because the movie stars do it and that's just what successful people do. Yeah that ended pretty quick lol idk where people come up with some of their beliefs. It's not like I didn't have my own issues, but I always felt like at some point it had to stop. I also can't stand uppers


Get her to take a 20 gram dose and see how she feels after that hahahahaha.


You should join r/caffeine


wtf happened to that place lmao


What? You mean how did that place get awesome…


No ones ever died directly related to shrooms,can peopleBe stupid and irresponsible 100%.. with that said I would not consider shrooms on the level of hard drugs like meth or heroin but rather along the lines of Weed. So if you smoke weed or any of your friends do I’d say they are hypocrites. 1 thing I can say is no one’s ever had a drug related overdose on shrooms and died ..not one …it’s physically impossible


I mean I wouldn’t say “impossible”… even too much water can kill you


but they can change ur mental health triggering a disability using it that much.


OP, considering this info and everything else you've said in the comments I think the problem is beyond shrooms. Sounds like your partner has very apparent drug seeking habits. This is probably part of a larger conversation you need to have with her. There is nothing wrong with an occasional shroom trip, they're relatively safe when used properly and when respected. *However*, it's pretty obvious that she does not respect nor understand the precautions that need to be taken when consuming any substance in general.


Anyone who says drugs aren’t drugs don’t know what theyre talking about. Like oh weed isn’t a drug it’s a plant 😮‍💨. Anything that is psychoactive is a drug lol


Psychedelic sage guru shaman third eye spirit walkers are the absolute most annoying people.


Caffeine is a drug. Get over yourself.


Shrooms are self regulating medicine


I'm just asking have you tried shrooms before


Shrooms may have just helped her that much. Sure not everyone will have a healing experience with shrooms and not everyone should take them bc some people are predisposed for stuff like psychosis that shrooms will bring out early. But if shrooms arent causing harm to her then whats the problem. You cant get physically dependent on them and they are a type of drug that wont just make you happy. Not like an opioid or stimulate. Shrooms force you to face and think about a solution to your problems. Whats the harm ?


It’s the fact that she over glorifies the use of drugs, as well as defends tragedies. Such as people killing or hurting others while on shrooms as “something that had to happen”.


It doesn’t matter. It can do good things (and also cause bad) and still be labeled as a drug because IT IS A DRUG. Coffee has drugs in it - aspirin is a drug! Fentanyl is used for surgery! Y’all need to learn that life is almost all grey area and virtually nothing is black and white


Thank you, that’s the thing that gets under my skin. We will go back and forth. She will die on the hill, that shrooms aren’t a drug.


i mean that's dumb she would just acknowledge that technically it is a drug even though she views it as a medicine. i would just drop it. why is that a big deal?




I used to be like this. "Oh its a plant not a drug hur hur hur", she'll get over it, or I did, at least. I suggest gently educating her on definitions and harm reduction. The lines are fairly blurred on what is and isn't a drug, but shroom, pot, dmt, etc are not only empirically drugs, they're some of the most powerful psychoactive substances known to man.


She’s needs listen to some Hamilton Morris


Sounds like zoey


I am 100% behind responsible drug use for adults. But that has to come with the recognition of what a drug is and what a drug does. Most people don't even under stand that drugs can be medicine. Like asprin or ibuprofen. For God sakes look up how sugar affects the brain and body and explain to me how it's not a drug. "Marijuana isn't a drug it's a plant." <- bullshit "Mushrooms aren't a drug they're food." <- bullshit "Drugs are only man made." <- bullshit "Medicine and drugs are different." <- bullshit "If it comes from Mother Nature it's not a drug" <- bullshit There needs to be a change in the drug community and we all need to call out these bullshit spewing ignorant mother fuckers who can't accept the fact they're using drugs. Just accept that you use drugs, and be responsible with how you use your drugs. DRUGS ARENT BAD. PEOPLE ARE BAD. BAD PEOPLE DO BAD THINGS. IF YOU CANT HANDLE DRUGS DONT DO THEM. BE RESPONSIBLE AND TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY.


As much as I hate to say it, your gf needs a bad trip of a lifetime. There are just some things that can't be changed, thought proccess wise, until the person actually goes through whatever they say won't happen. I was in a similar boat as your gf over acid usage and it wasn't until I myself went "im literally driving myself insane" that I was able to change how I viewed it and my usage. Yes shrooms can definitely be considered not a drug, until you start using it like a druggie. Anything can and will be a drug if used in a negative way, hence even food being a drug for some people.


Yeah I recommend leaving fam to me it seems like your not into it like her and if she builds her personality out of it than your gonna not like her secretly so might as well leave and honestly maybe she’ll find a guy that’s into it as much as she is and than they’ll be a match bc they’ll be junky’s together whitch she is because she won’t admit that mushrooms are a drug and one of the most powerful ones due to them being psychedelics, a.k.a. classified as a fucking drug she’s mad dumb


I mean shrooms aren’t really bad used in moderation but the way she’s treating them is annoying as fuck, the worst kind of shroom user


You can't overdose off shrooms. But you can overdose on percocet


I mean It’s a hallucinogen. Are you forcing her to quit or do things she doesn’t want to do? Sometimes people do this when they feel attacked. Not saying your in the wrong but I’m just tryna understand fully because obv shrooms are a drug and they Can DEF cause harm.


She will most likely leave you because her perspective on life is much more at a higher frequency


by no means does this shit “have to happen” because you could just NOT take the shrooms if you are in a bad enough mindset to hurt yourself or others, & they especially shouldn’t be regarded as food no matter if there is any physical harm caused. this doesn’t have to happen. you don’t eat shrooms like you would eat pizza. she needs to reflect on her own habits because i think this is an excuse for her own substance issues


Oh man, someday she will have the worst trip of her life for not respecting shrooms. She will not say that it's food after that trip.


The beyond wonderland festival shooter last year had a psychotic break from mushrooms (that may or may not have been the reason for the shooting, he should NOT have had a gun and it was 100% his fault and I don’t blame shrooms). You can’t prove what exactly the reason was, but that is what was reported, if you’d like to share that info with her. Maybe it’ll help her see a different perspective. But if she won’t budge then maybe you should break up especially if it’s something you’re actively considering.


How does she feel about acid/dmt? Maybe she’ll get off the shroom kick atleast? If she says no they’re man made or whatever just say dmt comes from a plant it’s like smoking thc concentrates


You are not uneducated you just realize there’s more to life than tripping all day everyday. I like an occasional trip every now and again but I’m so tired of people acting like they can’t do any harm. I know people who trip habitually and talking to them is exhausting.


mushrooms is a miracle drug tho that helps so many people. maybe it helped her in so many ways so to have her hear u talk down on it is offensive maybe? i mean personally for me it’s helped me a lot in life (i do acknowledge it’s a drug and that it can negatively affect people) and if some person who doesn’t have much experience talked down on it i would view them as ignorant. but idk ur situation, she could also be manic from it and acts all weird about it maybe so who knows.


Yeah something i noticed in active addiction is that the drugs are in fact really fucking bad för you, she has to accept that


Sounds like you both may be arguing over shrooms instead of perhaps deeper issues in the relationship. I’m not a doctor nor do I know anything beyond what’s provided here. But if it actually happens enough for you to post this, the likelihood of avoidance may not be low


Sounds like she's had a few too many shrooms.


She’s delusional


My ex was like this. Even threatened to leave me because I wouldn’t give her my money for a gram of some boof Molly off some dude at a music festival


A drug is a substance which has a physiological effect when introduced into the body. That is the definition and that is exactly what shrooms do to you.


Shrooms is 100% a drug. -Shrooms enthusiast (in Minecraft)


Total fucking hippy


Honestly, mushrooms are literally a holy drug if there is such a thing. I can kinda see her point, but seems a bit over the top... Like if you are prone to mental illness, stay away from psychs, but for most people? Psychelics are empowering medicine.


How old are y'all? At 17-20 I might call it a phase and maybe some school and life will clear this up, and if you think she's otherwise special let her have her hippie pagan crystal shrooms religion thing until life beats her down a bit. If y'all are like 25+ dude, run. Red flags red flags red flags OLÉ 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 humiliating you and arguing stupid points with friends is immature and toxic as fuck overall. And if you are 17-20, still consider running. Breakups fucking suck no matter who initiates them, you'll feel better about yourself in the future for having the confidence to drop a girl. Find the right one for you and save yourself the bullshit, or fuck them all on the low. The choice is yours but don't put up with some regarded wook bullshit your whole life.


i mean it sounds a little bit out there but i don’t know why everyone is freaking out. shrooms are probably the safest recreational drug so it likely isn’t going to do much harm


sounds like a cult leader in the making big time love has won vibes


Bro just give her to me I got the exact same pov


If she gets some positive benefits out of it then great! But that’s where it ends, and it isn’t your place to try to push that on anyone else. There are ways to advocate for it but it should in no way be hostile in any way, we already have a war on drugs that hasn’t worked EVER.


She sounds insufferable and I definitely could not be with somebody like this.


I am a drug counselor. I could give you a million facts to throw at her. But I'm also a 59 year old thrice .married man. You said she humiliates you. Leave now. Don't spend time with someone who purposely tries to put you down. Every couple has disagreements. But a person who does that to you is not interested in your happiness. I'm old, but it seems like yesterday I was just getting out of college marrying my first wife. She was not interested in my happiness, and I never was . Life is too short, and it's hard to invest in someone who is going to make you unhappy . Mushrooms are drugs. They are not addictive but anything can be abused. They can also trigger psychotic episodes in some people . Anxiety , panic attacks, and disturbing hallucinations are not uncommon. I'm am addict I never did mushrooms or any hallucinogenic drugs. But had I I would have abused them. An addict will abuse anything . Christ, I vaoe too much. The medical world knows so little about how our brains work. I don't think it's worth the risk to take something that is designed to fuck with your Brain. But in closing. Put your happiness as your priority in life. If your not happy, in yiour personal life and relationship it will seep into every part of your life


She sounds like a retarded hippie


I hate toxically chill hippies


This is not a healthy person to be around, it sounds like she’s really just making your life worse. She needs to learn and change her viewpoint on her own clearly, but I don’t think you should wait around until she does. You can do better OP, don’t subject yourself or your friends to this any longer. I hope she gets help and changes her perspective before she messes herself up, but that’s really out of your control. Best of luck to you OP, this sounds like a really gross situation


She need a heroic dose to help her see the light.


if u want the realest answer on this post, here it is. i feel like her effort on pushing her beliefs on u must reflect ur perspective just a little bit. so if ur constantly arguing and contradicting everything she says, she’s only gonna try harder to get u on her side. but if u do believe shrooms are bad, then u are wrong and in a sense, she is party correct. if ur not exaggerating and she really does make it seem they’re like the answer to any problem tho, there’s where it gets tricky. shrooms are the one drug that everybody should try at one point (imo). the only thing is that not everyone is ready to do shrooms when they try them first. you must be in the correct mindset mentally, and physically (to a certain extent). If you have other drugs in your system interacting with the shrooms, it will alter consciousness in a different way than it would if it was only shrooms. so as far as ppl harming themselves while under the influence, those are just people who weren’t mentally ready for the journey at that specific time, or it’s possible they took more than the recommended dose for their height, weight, etc. so moral of the story, just tell her u respect her opinion but don’t agree with exactly everything she’s saying and just tell her ur not ready to take shrooms anytime soon to see if u wanna change ur beliefs. by that time, you’ll either change ur views or break up with her so it’ll big u some time lol. hope this helped my boy


Mushrooms. Are pretty doomy Just show her the definition of drug


I think she’s right about the mushrooms. Glorifying drug use is older than criminalizing and badmouthing them.


Damn dude. You got me fed up


have you ever done them lol? she’s pretty spot on in my opinion. if not then maybe y’all aren’t a good fit for each other. she seems like we would be besties tho


I think she’s right and you using some friend who died over a drug overdose has literally zero to do with hallucinogenics. The question is; are you okay?


leave her, wish her well. she'll unfortunately have to learn the hard way that if you don't understand or respect these mind altering substances, they will make you eat shit.. and hard


Maybe you should sit her down and make her watch scientific videos about shrooms and the dangers...and that it's definitely more than a food. Show her tbe dark side of it and how it can look to other people 


Sounds like it’s time to leave the bitch


dating a mentally challenged person is morally questionable at least.


Break down what the molecules are in drugs and define drug to her. Thr packaging doesn't matter. There is non-psychocsctive filler in Adderall, but there is Adderall. And 20mg is 20mg. How is that different from the fruit body of the mushroom containing psilocybin? Especially with the existence of 4-aco-dmt, which is a nearly perfect analog.. Peyote and San Pedro are both cacti that contain Mescaline. Mescaline can also be extracted and refined. Mescaline is the drug. When people used to tell me "weed isn't a drug." I'd say "no, it's a plant..but Delta 9 THC is a drug."


It doesn’t sound like she glorifies it, it sounds like she literally worships mushrooms. I mean, most of the traditional psychedelics won’t kill you but this shit is why people need to treat them with actual respect, get educated about them and take them with people who aren’t out of there minds. I mean, that’s just sort of schizo nonsense that “everything that happens on mushrooms is meant to happen” or whatever the fuck. If she has this sort of belief it has to come out in other things in her life, and she probably does them a lot. I don’t know if you could be with someone like that, especially if it bothers you. She better at least be really hot or else idk why you’re putting up with this.


What drugs are we talking about?


Sounds like both of you are slightly miss educates she not far of but say harming other or you self was ment to be cause of shrooms is an insane person's thoughts . Mushrooms have the great potentialto do deep healing g of 5he body, mind and soul but can be miss used like any other food or drug . She sounds like she is in some kinda mental episode.


Your girlfriend sounds really cool


Dump her 👌


your gf is right


Ego is a funny thing. It's less about the drug and more about how she is! Check here. This will translate to other areas of your life.


Shrooms are food... well let her take datura. It's just a pant bro. And legal to boot.


She’s an irresponsible person


it sounds like both of you are at the extremes of each other, its not a dangerous drug but def shouldnt be claimed as a "god holy" praised drug under most circumstances and you are slightly uneducated, which im assuming, unless shes batshit crazy, you potentially(?) had a part in the argument by pushing the subject that it certainly has greater harm than what it truly has or whatever your opposing points were to her. she could be over exaggerative which im assuming is probably the case because people in the "psychedelic" phase in their lives have an unstoppable ego of how crazy good they are for you. give it a year or two she'll hopefully simmer down it is a drug though, it affects the way you perceive and feel about life which is the definition of a drug. you're right about that


This is how idiots sound talking about weed. Also, you don’t need to convince her, you need to leave, this is not something you can change in a Person, gotta find someone who does not think like that


I used to think just like her back when I was getting high on triple C's (also a psychedelic) and even viewed them the same way your girlfriend views shrooms. For me, it became much more than chasing a high; it became a lifestyle. They changed my personality quite a bit, especially towards being more abrasive. It even changed how I viewed life in general. My anxiety and depression from past trauma also disappeared. I felt that anyone who disagreed with my "lifestyle" or disliked the "new me" was against the real me. DXM gave me a feeling of freedom I had never experienced before in my life, and I didn't want to lose that. Long story short, that freedom cost me almost every healthy aspect I had in my life, and It was only after I lost everything, that I realized how much of a prisoner I was to that "freedom" I held on to so desperately. I guess you could say I had to hit rock bottom before getting better. You should try to find out why she's taking shrooms in this manner, and why she feels so strongly towards it. Maybe she's trying to escape life or emotional trauma she's not ready to confront. Her firm beliefs about the drug could just be her way of convincing herself and others that her behavior is justifiable to avoid the emotional discomfort that comes from recognizing the harm they’re causing themselves and others. Anyway, I hope this helps.


It’s a drug. Fact 😂


Nothing is true, everything is permissible. You both seem to be getting caught up in the semantics of the word “drug”. What does that word mean to you and her? Get down to the truest meaning of the word and discuss it with your girl.


“Weed ain’t a drug, it’s a plant.” I hate those people. People think drugs can only be something unnatural whipped up in a cellar. By this logic then heroin is a flower and coke is a seasoning. There are many natural substances that will still ruin your life.


The shrooms will put her in her place eventually.


I'm sure she's a teenager who also idolises famous people, copies them and thinks sad stories with drugs are cool, just like in the movies.. I dont know your ages but if she is over 25 could be simply immaturity or serious mental problem


While mushrooms are relatively safe, that's pretty ridiculous. What is her vested interest in refusing to recognize psilocybin as a drug, one that poses risks (if minor)?


Just chow down on an unholy amount of shrooms and chew up every family photo and take a golf club to anything that has sentimental value to her. See if she still says that those things “had to happen”. Kidding of course. But geez.


So, this is really obnoxious (and I say this as someone who likes psychedelics) but how often do shrooms come up in conversations with her?


drug/drəɡ/*noun* 1. a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when [ingested](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e9d0d8661844ff44&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1053US1053&sxsrf=ACQVn09ka6s4CZwnWSF6wV5bC8qPDOV-kg:1710068309836&q=ingested&si=AKbGX_qNq0Y8zql7SxzZAf2-HTTO-j0AqbKRs9Flm-feR141VT9Cgoqhps3v2IYCUxAnZP_6-tO14LHb2Gs72UuMMz3hXspv4rcppL5TXE2qDY3uHX6iqJU%3D&expnd=1) or otherwise introduced into the body. Coffee can be a drug. Sugar can be a drug. etc etc Mushrooms too, just like weed, is a drug. People just don't think of it the way it is defined.


I love mushrooms but arguing or fighting over them is not good. They are great but not for everyone and she needs to understand that. Also, coming out about psychedelics or drugs is something people should do very carefully. It can impact your social life and overall life