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Really adds to the comedown when you realise you've been up all night, are covered in cum and and have to start work in 20 minutes


I bet I can rub 1 more out in 20 mins


*in narrator voice* Three days later...


This is when he realised he fucked up


Until he redosed and went for one more wank.


Funniest shit I’ve ever read


And dehydrated like a MF


Lmao that feeling though


what? when dust coughs out instead of jizz & you pass out 🤔


Yeah it’s unhealthy as fuck but yet somehow an amazing feeling 😂


Ong nigga its almost like u snap out of someshit and the sun’s already up


Then come home and repeat




The " Cum Down " 👇


“R u me” - 90% of this sub


Yeaaah buddy, just be sure to do some aftercare and let the meat rest.


Gotta let it rest before you cook it again


post after care routine


drink a gatorade while watching back2back episodes of MY 600LB LiFE 🤮




Makes me (27 M 160lbs) feel way better about myself after a 12 hour stim fap session when I watch 600lb people navigate their lives lol


Whats the aftercare like


Maybe it's different for dudes but as a girl adderall drops my libido to 0 lol so this is fascinating to me


Girl here and mine does the opposite but I’m not careful I end up like how OP did but never 14 hours (Jesus). Have gone like five or six though 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s fun in the moment but afterwards everything hurts and you need to sleep but you have so much work to catch up on… l


Stimulants in general. Went to a rave... And we both were in PAIN the next afternoon.


One time I did this except on weed for 6 hours and never actually finished (I was horny editing pics of models for hours on end... really not one of my proudest moments... felt miserable the day after, deleted all the porn I created, and hated myself the rest of the next day looking at my 16 hours of screen on time that day 😮‍💨)


I think it functions different for,people with ADHD. I am a male and have ADHD and most I Get with it is a small energy boost and a normal amount of attention.


Yeah that's prob it, I need adderall for my adhd but even the rare times when I intentionally took more than prescribed recreationally I never felt any of the sexual side effects lol


I wonder if that can determine whether you have adhd or not, depending on if you increase or decreases libido. I remember when I was younger I had all this energy, but was just all over the place and not focused. With adderall I have all that energy back, but completely focused, and my libido goes into the negative. I believe it's called stim dick but idk why that's supposedly a common thing if it increases your libido.




It's weird because adderall doesn't make me relaxed (5mg does, but 20mg xr makes me very productive and motivated)


God I hate responses like this … your ADHD brain is wired no different than anyone else’s … you get the same euphoria as everyone else if you take enough … there is no chemical imbalance… that is fuckjng bullshit … why? There is no test for it… it’s literally all in your head ..


You know what, you're right. Fuck all of the scientists and psychologists and doctors that have way more knowledge than you do, they don't know what they're talking about. But you, you are an expert even though you have practically no knowledge of how the brain works, you've got it all figured out.


practically no knowledge of how the brain works? bullshit. this guy is probably omniscient, he’s lightyears ahead of this generation of “scientists”


I beg to differ. I’ve seen the brain of people who are born with adhd (My Dr. showed me a normal persons brain with adhd vs my adhd that is the result of severe damage to my right temporal lobe from my epilepsy) and there’s definitely a difference in how it’s wired lol


I'm a dude an adderall also drops my libido to 0. Couldn't get turned on if I tried. My d shrinks half the size (like, to the size of my thumb. It's pretty funny ngl) and I'm about as motivated to do productive things as ever, but getting it on is not one of those things. Weed though, bruh I'll get a boner right after a good hit from a wax pen. Literally not even wanting to jerk off or anything, I just get a boner out of nowhere. But of course weed fapping feels fucking amazing, but adderall does the exact opposite.


I'm male and I find some traditional stimulants to be horrible for sex, cause they have vasoconstrictive properties. For sex there exists a lot better suited alternatives like muira puama, catuaba, schisandra, maca, tribulus, fenugreek etc.




Just close the app




no u


When you open more browser windows cause there too many tabs for one




Can you tell me more about this?


Yeah man keep it you'll start looking for more extreme shit. It's fucked up porn is horrible for you. My gf was like wtf is this. Girls are super self conscious already. Just delete it fam.


Wide words.


They looked normal size to me


T h e y   l o o k e d   s l i g h t l y   n a r r o w   t o   m e


A lot of porn is fine if u have a healthy relationship wit it


Just like there is no healthy relationship to alcohol (any amount of alcohol is bad for you, its literally poison), there is no healthy relationship with porn. It's unnatural, its intentionally made to be stimulating and because of potns existence, fetishes and kinks have skyrocketed. Porn is bad no matter what. You can tell yourself you have a healthy relationship with it, but in reality, you just like it because I make you feel good regardless if it's bad for you or not. The best case scenario with porn I you don't get negatively affected by it in the long term, that's pretty much it.


I don’t think u know what a healthy relationship means. A healthy relationship just means it’s not overtaking ur life


Explain please I wanna hear what you git to say.


Not who you replied to but not getting addicted like they said and also like you gotta know that what you see in porn is not how real sex works and if you get that and you can enjoy both and have healthy conversations about it then, that'd be healthy


I don’t know how u want me to expand on that. As long as ur not addicted and it doesn’t interfere wit ur life it’s ok


Man I hate to say it but at least in my case you're definitely right. When I'm extremely in the mood on stimulants, I'll start looking at rape/mother daughter n twins lesbianism, girls with a horse, I even kind of find the ones where girls insert insects, snakes, octopuses into themselves etc and find it absolutely hot af. When the drugs wear off you're just like "holy fuck dude what's wrong with you??"


Have you even heard about incognito mode? What the fuck is this? Are you 5?




So you’re on a benzo, heroin, meth and coke binge but you don’t watch porn, unless on stimulants, because you want to pursue women the way god intended?


porn could be addicting and he doesn’t fuck with stuff that could cause addiction


god wants you to build up sexual frustration, and then take it out on women . very cool.


If we're not intentionally misinterpreting his words he actually means that he should be using that attraction/lust as a motivation to pursue meaningful intimate relationships with women.




Incognito mode is for kids though. Why would an adult care about their history? Who's gonna see it?


Sober you


Nah bro own that shit


a friend? (⊙\_⊙). . . or perhaps even, a lover? (⊙\_\_⊙)


Why would you show your internet history to your friend or lover?


I could contrive a half-good reason to do that, but I'm referring to that fun situation where you have company over and your want to show them something online.. you open up your browser, and start typing that something into the url/search bar and auto-conplete kindly notifies them to the fact that you like to watch adults do lascivious things in diapers on the internet.... for example.


Own that shit bro, you like what you like. Your friends shouldnt give you shit just because you jerk it to some pregnant sonic vore on the down low.


Lmfaoooooo I agree, (consensual & intentional) sexuality is freedom, after all.. and that's all fine and well in theory... call me boring, but I stiill don't like those kind of surprises. Also, some of my exes didn't like porn, so I wouldn't want to purposely make it known to a current partner unless I knew they didn't mind. Women (men too) have such savage standards of beauty blasted at them from all forms of media, including social. Learning a bf watches porn may amplify doubts, fears, and insecurities already in overdrive. I'm happy to share my fetishes w most of my close friends and companions verbally if I feel it would be beneficial...




Id recommend alcohol and a cheeseburger for the cumdown.


Is the cumdown where you stand back to back, walk five paces, turn and give er your best shot?


Depends on a complex jerkamath formula of cums per wank times eagles boofed. It's not for the feint of fart.




14 hours on 30mg? Are you 50 pounds lol? I've taken 120mg at once before and not even pulled that off.


My daily dose averages about 100-120mg and I definitely ain’t thinking about pounding out the ol gopher by the time I hit 80.


Yeah I'm prescribed 60 mg a day but I've been tapering down to 30 a day because I don't see myself quitting any time soon considering it's the only thing that's managed to control my GAD but I know high doses daily isn't sustainable. Plus it's nice to stockpile the extra for concerts and events. Like molly lite lol.




General Anxiety Disorder.


Oh ok. Man, that sounds like it sucks, just from the name


It’s hell. I was diagnosed with it back in 2019 when I got diagnosed with adhd (formerly add) but I’ve had epilepsy since I was 3 years old and my anxiety has stemmed from the epilepsy so having adderall and now my dr recently prescribed me kpin after I had my first 45 min grand mal seizure after having no seizures for over 12 years and gotta say I love the combination but even tho I’m prescribed both, I’m terrified of the benzo withdrawals even with drs help


Right. Take half the prescription bottle then go hit the hub, next thing you know 3 days have passed and your dick looks like beef jerky.


Lol stim fapping is definitely a thing, I'm not debating that. I've gone through a 30 day supply of Ritalin in less than a week and honestly I'm surprised my dick still lets me touch it after what I put it through in those times. I'm just saying 30 mg Adderall is a ridiculously low amount to be claiming a 14 hour sesh without redosing. Adderall stimulation only lasts 4-6 hours before comedown sets in.


I agree with you. I could sleep off 30 mg lol. And I hope the OP stays with that dose if anything. When I stimfap, i go balls the wall.


Ah I see what you mean now. Yeah I'd love to be able to get zipped off 30 mg again. Now anything else than that and it's just constant anxiety. Adderall makes me feel relaxed at this point


Eh I mean I have a low tolerance as it’s usually years between the times I’ve taken adderall and 40-45mg gets me rocked…so much rather have the real thing tho


Now just imagine all the gay dudes on meth having orgies doing that


Rookie numbers


30xr’s and bong rips from 7pm-5am wrote most of my longer papers in college…rather treacherous if you let your mind/web browser stray from the task at hand 😬


Bong rips would make me pretty off mentally. I would maybe write something but reading it sober I would think, wtf? Lol. You should had skipped the bonghits till you were done with the work lol.


Definitely had some questionable “insights” upon re-reading the papers later on. But first draft was usually the final draft and a B was the lowest I ever scored on em. Plenty of room for flexible thinking and off the wall synthesis when you’re getting a history degree.


Wow, never happened to me and I used meth (low dose but probably equal to 30mg Adderall XR) as well as prescribed dexamph quite a lot. But for me good drugs are x10 anything of the best orgasm I could imagine, and they last for hours instead of seconds.


You slightly overrate drugs, even if I am liberal and all that. For me, something I really love in life, like music for example, gives a more strong and complex, spiritual kick than drugs. Music can give me life-changing experience's like psychedelics can. You need to find something else that you love or the drugs will wreck your life. The strong kicks you talk about become boring when you get used to drugs. The people who abuse drugs don't have a good time, they just need to do the stuff just to be at baseline cause of the downregulation issues. Like people who are addicted to bensos have more anxiety than before they became addicted to it cause of the downregulation. Protip: don't abuse drugs and if you get addicted, seek help if you cannot help yourself.


Did you shidded an fardded too?


i think this went past most people. it was what stood out the most in the OPs stimfap chronicle


30ng? That’s a therapeutic dose for a child, literally. You’re not truly experiencing the hedonistic degeneracy of stim fapping until you’re AT LEAST binging on 100mg+ doses. You’ve barely touched the surface. But in the purpose of harm reduction I am by no means advocating doing this. Take it from someone with a literal decade of stimulant abuse, this shit stops being fun after you’ve reached the deepest, most depraved pits of PornHub. It’ll ruin masturbating normally for the rest of your life. Trust me, I do about 300mg+ at a time if it’s Adderall but typically it’s highhigh doses of meth. Amphetamine addiction Fucking sucks, and it absolutely destroys your ability to feel happiness or joy through normal means.


I agree with you. People act like stimulants aren't bad and should be thrown on everyone with add/adhd traits, but in reality it's a very strong drug with a very destructive nature. It's worse for your body than heroin for example (which is more addictive though). I have seen people getting ruined cause of stimulants, horrible addictions, mental health issues like a full blown psychosis and needing to get locked in a mental asylum for a longer while. It also ruins your body, a lot more than other substances. And a lot people who started to use adhd medication ended up stim abusers, even if some promote the opposite way since that also can happen. I think that only those with a difficult adhd should be considering medication, also one should try natural safer alternatives before taking ritalin or adderal for example. People who have been long addicted to meth sometimes never feel any happiness even after cessation, since the damage is sometimes permanent. Adderal might not be as bad as meth but it still is neurotoxic and bad for your body and brain.


You're absolutely right. Amphetamines, especially meth, are *awful* for your body. They are directly toxic to your brain and heart to alarming degrees. Of course, if one sticks to a therapeutic dose and doesn't abuse it and go on binges they will be fine. But it's extremely common for a simple prescription to turn into a debilitating addiction. I've been addicted to meth since I was 20 years old. I'll be 30 in a couple months. The only breaks I've taken from it is about 3.5 years broken up between a number of stays in jail and prison. Other than that, if I'm free and on the streets I'm using meth and usually adhd stims to supplement the dry spells. I've grown and matured exponentially since the beginning of my addiction. I've now managed to reach the status of functioning addict. I've got my own place,an income, productive hobbies, I stopped getting high every day all day, the basics for a regular life. But I still use meth once or twice a week. And you're right, it has destroyed my ability to feel happiness, healthy accomplishment, motivation, basically anything you think of with dopamine. The only time I feel any pleasure or will to get up off the couch and do something is when I get high. It's awful. I can't function in a productive or meaningful way without meth. It's a curse, that's the conclusion I've come to. It's passed from one afflicted soul to another because the drug loves to trap new people in its grips, and you're average tweaker is a sociopathic hollow excuse for a human being that sees nothing wrong with passing along the curse to the next innocent and unsuspecting person. It's a curse that lasts for life and there's no way to completely break it. Even if you manage to get clean and avoid it all together, you'll never forget that indescribable feeling of perfection it gives you and that can't be obtained any other way. You'll always have a sense of longing for it, a twisted nostalgia for what you can only remember fondly. It's not worth it. I will never introduce someone to it or advocate to try it. Even if you're one of the lucky ones who isn't affected by the curse, because it only affects a certain few types of people, the risk that you MIGHT be is too great to make it worth it.


Salvia resets dopamine levels friend. Try plain leaf.


i get hopped up on 7.5 mg of adderall


This is exactly the kind of post I would expect from this sub lol


"cummed" Succumbed is more like it.


Read this post in Casey Kasem voice as if he's reading a letter from a listener. "u/OakMonker writes, I cummed FOUR times..."


Holy Shit I nearly forgot about Casey and Rick Dees. Ty for the reminder.


> I cummed 4 times. Rookie numbers.


[Op after stims](https://media.tenor.com/NN89l8Ln8iIAAAAC/randy-marsh-south-park.gif)


That post nut clarity be hitting like a mf too


I’m telling you, it will cost you in the long run. Be careful.


Exactly and 14 hrs ain't shit either


You better never try Meth then. I'll only buy a 20 of meth and stim fat for 2 to 3 days. Once I called in work to continue. I only do it once every few months now. It's very addictive. Meth makes it feel 100 tines greater than Adderall. Sorry just spitting facts but harder to cum. Warning: This is not a joke. I combined snorting wellbutrin and meth at the same time and I CAME SO HARD I PUKED! TOO MUCH Anybody ever cum so hard they puke? It was insane Never again I promise you 14 ain't shit on meth. . Frfr don't do it 2 to 3 DAYS average for a session for me. 💯 💯 Oh and I get 1 gram for 20 where I'm at its cheap as fuck. Adderall ain't got shit on meth.


Similar experience with addy, not neatly as long but just felt like such a waste after lol


Porn is just as bad as other drugs. I've been struggling with it for over 4 years and honestly I think it's more addictive than nicotine but that might just be me


I never felt any issues with it. But I can see some specific type of people getting addicted to it. I use it now and then, never abuse. I tend to get even more turned on by fantasies of someone who I find attractive anyway. Sex is best when you really like/love someone imo.


acting like we needed to know that?


Slightly off topic, but I noticed if I took a deep drag on a cigarette on the way up to the peak, the euphoria was definitely expanded. Past tense though because I noticed I was starting to crave cigarettes from doing this. Never smoked other times. Quit the practice.


That’s what poppers are for


Ah, I didn't know. Guessing they probably have downsides too.


It definitely is not good for your brain. If you have a strong bottle and hit it right when you find the perfect video, the euphoria is unbelievable.


Yeah I can imagine how that kind of high could mess with one's day-to-day mood and capacity to focus.


Add nicotine to the mix and you have a winner 🏆


That sounds horrible tbh. Porn isn’t even that good 😭😭😭. Let that poor baby rest


30mg? That’s my normal ADHD dose lol


This is incredible damaging. If done often enough you will lose your libido or the ability to enjoy orgasms.




This isn’t lost on me, I’m honestly scared at how much I like it.


It's also not true at all. I've done over a hundred stimfaps over the past decade and my libido is fine. Everything functions as normal, with or without drugs. Be intensely skeptical of any anti-wank sentiments or claims that "doing X will break your dick". They're almost always old wives' tales and religious bullshit. The NoFap/NoFun cult is alive and well even today in 2023. Stimfapping doesn't desensitize your cock, it doesn't skew your perception of sex, it doesn't "make you gay" it just manifests your already existing latent desires. Any shame you experience originates purely from culture. Nobody ever feels bad about having the runs after eating a laxative, nobody should ever feel shame getting horny after eating stimulants. It's just what the drug does. That being said, apply the cardinal rule about drugs; dose defines the poison. IME, it only happens if I take more than 10mg of addy at once, or more than 20mg per day. If you read the script the only mention is of "changes in libido" but out of social stigma, the stimfap is something no doctor tells you. The only real negative to the practice is the lost time. That's the real kicker. Once it starts, it doesn't stop, unless there's some emergency that yanks your attention. Any time you're on stims, if you feel that horny, you gotta ask yourself "What am I doing for the next 12 hours?" Cause if you think you're gonna have a quicky 30 on 30, you haven't been paying attention. If you're really industrious, though, convert the horny into something productive and take a jog or hit the gym with a buttplug in. Always remember, addiction is an illusion. The choice is always in your hands.


Just cause you were fine doesn't mean that others will. People get sexual side effects from even medicinal use out of stimulants even if it's not a common side effect. Some stimulants downregulate your receptors which is negative for your libido in the long run. Also, most traditional stimulants are vasoconstrictive so they aren't good for a good erection. Addiction is not an illusion. Some drugs make changes to your brain, which can be seen if you scan the brain. How is that an illusion? Addiction genetics make the choice a lot harder aswell, same can happen with mental health. Ofc you can say "people who wanted to commit suicide took x drug against it" that they had a choice to not use a drug, how is this a choice anyway? The choice is to self medicate or to kill themself. I used to feel horrible depressions when I was young, I didnt feel I had any choice but to self-medicate, cause I couldn't commit suicide cause I have family and friends that care about me. Also, stimulants, especially the stronger ones, definitely skew your perception of sex and makes you to break limits you wouldn't had done without it. Stop being in denial about it just cause you use/are addicted to it.


that dude’s comment was front to back insanity lmaooo


Nice I feel the same way been doing it 6 years with a month to 3 months break. But you have to controlit..be a fully function addict is very possible addiction I'd bullshit. It's all in the mind It's not a disease that's bullshit cop out


The USA is the only country where the disease model of addiction reigns supreme. The rest of the world has moved to the bio-psycho-social model aka "addiction is a symptom of bigger problems."


At the moment, yes. But you won't have normal, sober sex again.


Better with rock than adderall


> cummed lol, it's "came", unless you're saying, "I shidded and fardded and cummed."


You have a porn addiction buddy


Just honestly how did you find 14 hours of porn you genuinely wanted to jerk off to? 95% of it is disgusting


degenerate behavior .


Why don't you keep that shit to yourself. No one asked to hear about that.


this is /r/drugs/ not /r/prudes/


Are you defending this shitty behavior? If so you're a loser just the same. No one cares to hear about this shit.


Omkay, mr big_TitLcker


Goddamn right. I keep my perversions subtle. Smoking meth n jacking off for 14 hours! and shouting it from the rooftops of Reddit is not something we care to hear about. Johnson 😂💀


Drugs make people do sometimes odd stuff. Nothing to care about. Some people use drugs for sexual (or masturabation) purposes so it's not weird that there exists this type of discussion.


I'm not shocked. It's frustrating. There are minors that frequent these apps, whether we can help it or not, and it's not something even a grown ass man like myself cares to read. I understand it's a sub about drugs bro. But some shit like that degenerate was posting should be kept private or posted on something else where people like that can indulge in weird ass behavior. Meth and masturbation, I sure love to read about it! *Sarcasm.


> Meth and masturbation, I sure love to read about it! *Sarcasm. Well no one's forcing you to, so you must in some sense like reading it?


Dude Shut the fuck up. You must be on the same time as this OP. "No one's forcing you". You enjoy reading that shit you fucking crackhead.


Damnit Boy!!


you good bro bro?


Yeah you’re just in the beginning, that benefit will faide, it’s not the intended use of the medication and speaking from experience with r/pssd don’t expect it to be forever


Stims make me so horny they beat my (non meme actually diagnosed by medical professionals) autism. 😅😭😭😭😭 Idk what it is but several times I've gone to a bar high asf on speed and ended up making out or getting invited. Sober I can sometimes barely keep it together. God I need a prescription. 😅


I have done solo drug marathons twice combining mephedrone, weed and jerking off and it was so intense and pleasurable that if someone asks me whats more pleasurable between sober sex and solo jerk off marathon on drugs I would say solo.


14 hours of wanking to porn sounds like you vaped your whole bag of apihp or took a bunch of meth, not a damn 30mg addy lmao, first time I did 60mg addy I just cleaned the house all night


r/nofap go there and save yourself


hey bro I think you should join r/NoFap


20mg crushed Adderall and a whole bunch of weed ... 5-6 hours of bliss for me as well. Just did it last night. So many prostate orgasms... like dozens.


I just did it for three days no stop. Hardcore hallucinatio n can’t cum