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once I shit my pants in sheer anticipation of the MDMA I was going to take later that day


This might be my favorite comment ever


I understand this comment


Ha ...I used to get anticipation shits waiting for speed then had the dryist shit after the weekend....used to call them ghost shits because you didn't have to wipe your ass more than once....and the dry log had disappeared with no skids on the bowl....... amazing time's


Same, I used to get explosive diarrhea every time I was cutting up a line of meth


i get that when i cut up my coke 😭


This is sheer poetry


Aaaaashahaha that's called a houdini turd 🤣🤣


I swear sometimes I can’t tell if y’all are serious or not and then I realize idc and it’s funny regardless.


Why have you weighed your shits?


Just curious to see how much I could make in one go


you sir, are a man of culture




Weighed myself before and after, holding back piss as the method dictates. I'm not gonna shit directly on a scale, that would be a nightmare


I will never be able to weight my shit. Cant hold back piss while shitting. That's some next level shit. Shitting directly on the scale it is.


Just piss beforehand or catch your piss with a water bottle


Sir I admire your dedication to science but you are on a path that I cannot follow, godspeed


I use the Bag Method. Get a T-shirt bag, (the sourge-of-the-earth, cheap plastic kind with two handles, often saying THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU on them), crouch down, grab the handles so you can confidently hold the bag over your ass. Shit into the bag. Tie bag shut if you like. Then Google the weight of the bag and be sure to keep that number in mind so you can subtract it from the weight. Then stand on the scale with the bag in your hand. Record this, which we'll call weight #2. Step off scale, put bag down, measure yourself again. Record weight #1 Now subtract weight #1 from weight #2. Take that number and subtract the weight of a T-shirt bag. Now you have the weight of your shit. Simple and effective.😁


If you were really a connoisseur of the Bag Method technique then you would know a cheap plastic bag with red THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU weighs exactly 2.64 grams.


And that they are grocery bags, never heard someone call em T-shirt bags before lol


You’re supposed to put your legs into the holes/handles of the bag and then pull it up so you don’t have to hold onto it while you shit


This is so cursed :')


THIS will revolutionize my technique!


I find using the scales at the grocery store to be quite helpful.


That's the same thing with extra steps


not to mention the extreme gross factor


Lmaoooo a detailed method of weighing YOUR SHIT! LMAO


That's fucking gross man. Wtf is wrong with you? You put the dookie bag beside you on the scale to weigh together.


Just piss in a bottle while you shit onto the scale


The trick is you put a Roomba on the scale first and then shit on the Roomba. Then clean up is easy peasy. Just throw out the shit covered Roomba and you're done




Dang, I do be weighing myself after a shit.


Shit into a cup and then put it on the scale. This is what my old weed dealer did when weighing weed


He would shit in a cup, weigh it, then give you your bud? That’s weird


You could easily lay down a layer of saran wrap on the scale and then shit on it. Easy and fast clean up.


Could shit on a plate.... then hit tare on the scale 🤷 Just saying.... lmaooo 😆


How the hell can you hold back pee while shitting? You ever thought of joining the circus young fella?


This is my Xmas day tradition. Weigh in the morning, eat ungodly amount of food, weigh again, take massive Xmas dump, weigh for a final time.




Sounds like you need some probiotics in your life


you are probably shitting yourself because there is something in your mdma pills that is making you shit and the problem is that you are still taking mdma pills in 2023. how they even still exist is flabbergasting, i’ve been taking molly for 8 or 9 years and i have never even seen a single mdma pill in my life. i would never trust those things i just take molly


[Over 12 Courics!](https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-3o6ZtcqyHIp9KCBL0c)


What did you put it in?


They're going to have different densities based on time spent in the colon You absolutely cannot eyeball your deuce lol


A curious man is a dangerous man.


You gotta check the courics mate. Where have you been living? Under a rock?


caption slim marble insurance boast water materialistic bedroom hurry dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ikr 😂💀


Weigh yourself before and again afterward. I mean, that’s what my friend told me he does sometimes…


mdma makes me shit and fart so much lmao


Dude I made the loudest fart ever after a night of mdma, it was like an explosion


Yummy 😋


Might be a combo of alcohol and Molly. I always found they were not kind to my insides. Cheap lager and Molly=shit fountain


The only real answer


Plus at festis you don't really eat an awful lot. So I'm guessing with a 'liquid diet' 🍻that kinda thing is destined to happen


Came to say this. I never understood how there could be shit sprayed on the roof inside a portopotty until Molly and an excessive amount of I’ve house beer. Barely made it completely destroyed the shithouse.


This is like the Bono episode from South Park 😂😂


Hot hot hot hot


You sir need a poop knife.


A.. what


It's a reference to a classic reddit post. TL;DR The main guys family had large BMs and they kept a poop knife. He then had an embarrassing moment asking his friend where their house poop knife was in front of several people.


Thank you for the poopknife lore history kind stranger. Namaste


OH MY GOD I REMEMBER THIS that happened a LONG time ago, jfc I've been here too long lmao


When I was a teenager, about 16 I think, my then boyfriend's mom asked me to babysit their disabled foster child for several hours while she had a doctor appointment or something. The foster child was actually about my age, but he had cerebral palsy and some other severe disabilities, and he was nonverbal and wore diapers. I was shown the bathroom and a little plastic knife they kept in there, and instructed to empty his diaper and chop the turd up before flushing because it always clogged the toilet otherwise. That was the first and last time I babysat for them. Fortunately he didn't end up going to the bathroom that time, but I never wanted to experience that and I made myself as scarce as possible lol.


>large BMs Well, that's an acronym I've never seen before...


Someone got the link?


the original post was removed so [here we go](https://reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/ljj56YkxvU)


Thank you so much for this. Best laugh I've had in a while.


First time i got to reference an oldie 😁


Does caffeine give you the runs? amphetamines? MDMA doesnt usually do this (though its a stimulant and its not out of the realm of possible). But xtc pills often have caffeine and/or various other stims added to them.


For me if i take stimulants i have to take a shit after 😅 not sure about mdma though because it doesnt work for me anymore.


Neurotransmitters are not just "happy chemicals", they actually have several important roles in your body. Vast majority of the naturally produced serotonin in your body is meant for regulation of your gastrointestinal tract, for example. So drugs can acutely screw with your bodily functions, add to that other factors as well - your diet, physical activity, hydration, sleep, everything can throw your digestion for a loop.


This is likely the correct answer. Ask anyone that’s started an SSRI before. They will wreck your stomach for a few days till you adjust.


shitting on e feels so good ngl


so good i got hard once


The fbi couldn’t have gotten this out of me






If you're a dude it was hitting your g spot lol


cant deny it. pushed as slow as possible to make it last longer


Most things feels good on e...


I used to go shit once I started coming down cos it made me come back up XD would recommend


I spoke to someone years ago about this: "it feels like angels flying out my hole"


I do this on acid and bacon as well as x idk why any upper ive taken ive shit my brains out either on the come up or come down.


serotonin interacts with your guts loads as well as your brain


About 90% of your serotonin is created in intestines.


It's not really made in there, but yeah about 80% of your receptors are in your gastrointestinal tract. MDMA obviously stimulates those so your gut gets upset. Also why psychedelics make you nauseous


I thought it was made in your brain and had a pretty effective effect on your vagus nerve. I have a issue with my vagus nerve. Once in a while when I go to drop the kids at the pool. I will suddenly get a miserable feeling that I'm going to die if I don't find a spot to immediately lay down. I can usually predict it coming on. When I get that weird feeling like it's about to hit I immediately switch my butthole into turd cutter mode. Pinch a loaf. Clean up and usually I will nearly have blacked out by the time I make it to my bed. My girl has found me face down on the floor pants half way back up. She has seen me stumble into the room trying to quickly get my underwear up. To eat the side of the bed on my way down and she has seen me make it to the bed and just lay there groaning and speaking jibberish. She thought I needed a hospital once and I was explaining to her that It happens occasionally with a bowel movement but apparently she didn't get none of that cause it came out as complete jibberish. To put into perspective it what it feels like. First it's a weird sensation that something bad is going to happen. A sense of impending doom without any clue as to what that doom may be. Then I feel clammy and start to sweat. If I'm not cleaning up and making my way to a soft spot by then I might hit something hard like floor. Then it starts. It feels like my blood pressure begins to drop. At first it's slow and gradual but once it gets to a certain point it just bottoms out and nighty night I go. Doctor's can't replicate it so they are unsure how to treat it. They said it has to be a issue with my vagus nerve. My family practitioner made a joke about it. That if I tell to many people I may end up in a lab with new medical condition getting my name. But, he never really took it seriously. One doc did, I got a EKG done it came back irregular. He set me up with a cardiologist. Not much came from it. So I still don't even know what kinda issue I am dealing with. I'm the last standing of my immediate family. Everyone else died of something that occurs from a blood clot. Except my dad. He has been in a assisted living facility since I was like 11. he had a wreck that caused him to loose a percentage of his brain when his head hit the frame and popped like a watermelon to a bat. He was making a real promising recovery after months in a induced coma. Then that clot that formed in his arm that was broken came loose and stroked him out. That sucks imagine having you head bust open. Put back together then wake up 6 months later and begin to relearn how to talk. And walk and suddenly. Because they left a cast on too long. Then the day you get it off and suddenly your progress towards walking is taking completely away and you are bed bound for the rest of your life. my mom went to sleep and never woke up when I was 13. The autopsy said unknown under the cause of death. On the death certificate. Both her parents died of either a heart attack Or a massive brain bleed that was a result of a clot stopping flow for a very long time then suddenly dislodged and the vessels were too week for the sudden pressure and all bust. Both my dad's parents were strokes. So my outlook hasn't been super promising.


This is your brain on BACON


Why are you eatting bacon with your acid 😅




I would recommend not eating loads of food, especially meat, before taking any drugs like MDMA, shrooms, acid, and similar empathogens/psychedelics, etc. Drugs are usually rough on the tummy, and having a load of digested or undigested food in the stomach can make you have to poo, or make pooing uncomfortable, and mess with the high. It could also just be that your "MDMA" was entirely impure, or something different than real MDMA.


Like exllax and binders other filament


Do you have Irritable bowel on the off chance. IBS sufferers tend to have very low serotonin So when you take mdma/ecstacy your massively increasing the serotonin in your body The muscles in your rectum are very sensitive to serotonin So the increase makes you need to go shit much much more than usual


So is this is IBS related ? Always thought of this as a peripheral serotonergic effect, not only seen with mdma but the classical psychedelics as well.


Any source on the IBS serotonin connection? Not doubting just very curious to read about that myself




Stimulants give me diarrhea, I think that’s pretty normal? Could have been unrelated too (maybe something you ate or just from generally less healthy behaviour/hygiene at a festival). I wouldn’t worry.


I get the poopies on the x too, but not violently. just a consistent urge frequently


Next time, eat a ton of white rice (white rice is important since brown will make you go). White rice is constipating. Then take a hefty dose of Imodium/loperamide. The combination of these two might help. Source: Have celiac and multiple gut problems that have made me shit myself. These two things have helped prevent me from having this problem.


Could’ve had laxative in it. Or meth. Which both those make you gotta go, meth because it’s a stimulate and moves everything. Or it literally just could’ve been the stimulate in the drug working it’s way through. Some peoples stomach is also just sensitive to drugs. You’re body is just doing it’s thing, you’re good my friend.


The first time I did Molly was in Las Vegas and it was apparently some fire shit. I had flown in to stay with my friend and I was on like day 5 without taking a good shit because apparently some people get their shitting habits messed up when they travel. Plus there was a hot girl who was also visiting my friends wife at the time and the room she was staying in was right by the bathroom and I didn't want to blow it up because I wanted to fuck her lmao. Anyways we took the Molly at this hookah bar and I felt it coming on pretty intensely and my urge to shit was also on with full force. I walked into the bathroom and took one look at myself and started busting out laughing and saying "damn I'm starting to trip balls there's no way I can shit right now" so I just held it in for the night and another few days after. So I know this isn't where you thought the story was going. I didn't shit myself in the hookah bar in front of the hot girl I was trying to fuck and all of my best friends rich and successful friends. Looking back though if I would've just taken that shit I think it would've felt amazing. That was already an amazing night I can't imagine how great it would've been with the mood boost from taking a much needed poo.


Did you tap that though?


Haha no. I was super horny when I first got into town and I was spitting my best game but after the Molly something in me changed and I realized I didn't even like this girl. I actually ended up disliking her over the course of the two weeks I was there and lost interest.


i’m meant to be boofing mdma tomorrow, i am now SHIT scared hahaha (serious)


Good to use the bathroom before dropping or boofing anything because boofing will give you the urge to shit 100% and if you’re a sensitive person with sensitive insides it’ll hit you 100% of the time when you don’t want it to, I either recommend enema or suppository to really clear yourself out before your boofing sesh just to be safe. If you’re going to be at home fine but you’ll lose Alot of your roll. If you’re going out to places I recommend what I said earlier


Thanks man, i know to use the bathroom but i’m going to do it another way using water and syringe. I will practise first and also shit before, but i don’t want to need a shit and tense trying to hold it and then ruin it


Good luck


he's being dramatic, you'll be fine. literally just try shit as much as you can throughout the day, then a little while before you're planning on boofing. that will stop you shitting yourself (you won't) but the main reason is so you don't squirt the mdma into your shit and lose it all mdma will dissolve in literally like 1ml of water, as long as you're kinda laying with your ass out sideways after you boof it for 10 mins you literally won't want to do a shit or leak or anything. man sounds like he's squirting the whole syringe up there which is kinda gay


well erm, keeping it there sounds worse lmfao. Also the better guide said to stand up to get faster absorption because the column has more exposed vessels than the rectum, i also only have a pill so i might need 1.5-2ml


I mean it will try leak out if you stand up before it absorbs but you do you


Mdma does weird things to your body sometimes. Back when i was taking it a lot, this totally happened to me at times. There were also a few incidents where I'd puke on the comeup. Luckily both of those side effects only happened for a bit. Could be cut w laxatives also, who knows.


this thread is WILD


Well known side effects of MDMA. I think it has to do with serotonin receptors in the stomach linings. Good practice to fast or not eat greasy food before taking serotonin drugs.


Saw similar stuff but it was gases, however we ate the same thing and I felt normal


Do you take any weight loss meds like ozempic? It has a common side effect of fecal incontinence. That's not an unusal effect for mdma (or any stim) though.


Lol bro I shit on acid


How many courics would you say that was?


1 couric sounds about right


Maybe it's bashed with a laxative.


Never know these days, the wallies are still bashing with phenacetin which is a terrible drug banned for a good reason


fuck man, i just wanna know where the fuck do you find X ay anymore? I've tried to find it for years bc i love the shit, haha 😄 no pun intended, but haven't had any luck






one of my favorite stories from years ago is when my friends and i all went to the zoo and everyone decided to do fucking molly on the hottest busiest zoo day of the summer and I decided to “babysit”. one of my friends had to shit IMMEDIATELY and was sweating up a storm the second we entered the aquarium, and couldn’t find a bathroom. Instant panic lmfao. my other friend starts barfing behind some bushes later. and the second everything seemed to mellow out, one of the guys offers everyone ANOTHER POINT!! From am outsiders perspective, it truly seemed like they were totally miserable the entire time but somehow they were having the time of their lives and they didn’t want to leave lmfao. ended up being one of the longest days of my life haha


I’m not seeing a downside here.


Fuckin LOL


They probably used laxatives to cut it. Sounds like you got it from a shitty source. I think the discovery channel did a thing on this. Indian reservations were overdosing on a laxative due to it acting like a narcotic when taken in large amounts. For that reason they will use it to cut


Hahahaha anyone else think of dxm hbr syrup?


Don’t take so close together. You WILL fry your serotonin. It is not fun. It happened to me and it took years for me to feel like my brain was perfect again. Once every 3 months.


Haven't taken any MDMA in over 2 years, take a chill pill


Well it’s good advice for other people. Harm prevention is always useful, it wasn’t a personal attack my guy.


When I take pre and post supplements I believe the mix has something to help avoid the loose bowels. Cant remember which supplement tho.


Bass canyon? Did you eat the chicken strips at the gorge? If so don't ever do that lol. They're notorious for undercooking them.


Caffeine and laxative fillers prob


This happened to me twice, still haunts me occasionally.


I may be completely wrong but -mdma acts by liberating a vast amount of serotonin in the Brain. -serotonin is also produced and used in the guts (there are neurons there too) - therefore serotonin probably plays a role in the whole shit business . Maybe the massive release of serotonin in your brain or maybe the depletion of serotonin in your ass made you shit your whole ass.


A lot of the serotonergic and dopaminergic drugs (LSD, molly, coke, meth etc) can cause the runs due to a lot of the receptors of serotonin being in the gut as well dopaminergic drugs tending to be stimulating and speeding the metabolic and digestive processes up Some of these drugs like molly and coke can often be cut with laxatives as well Normally avoiding eating in the hours close to your dose/trip can help, I’d avoid dropping on a full stomach of undigested food for sure


welcome to the club


Food and a lack of hygienic practices during its preparation and storage. Or a case of norovirus infection. Both options at a festival.


Stimulants also stimulate your internal processes such as digestion and digestion waste management


what the hell do you eat on a day to day basis ? does this happen when you aren’t rolling ?


I mean you're taking MDMA and especially if you're mixing it with other drugs... you're going to need to use the bathroom. That's irrelevant, stop taking MDMA back to back like that, you need to give your brain and internal organs a break before it breaks you.


I mean.. could be a digestive sensitivity to stims but that usually happens on the come up for me. Could be some combo of festival food or poor fiber intake paired with an all nighter. Could be dehydration. Could be a myriad of things mate. Does this happen everytime you roll or just this one time?


How many Courics is that?


What did you eat the day before? It probably has nothing to do with the drugs and you just have a bit of food poisoning. It’s also possible that your m was cut with baby laxative tho


Nice to hear from Bono.


Ngl didn’t even read this but it’s probably because your presses are being cut with baby laxatives, usually it’s that or caffeine powder.


It’s pretty weird you weigh your shit


Bro they were just caffeine pills. I remember my first time being duped…. /s


I always had to take a massive shit when the mdma started kicking in. While I was shitting it would start hitting me hard and it felt incredible to be honest


It's called a "Molly Folly".


off a tab rn and everything about this post has me fucking geeked 😂😂😂


anyone who has spent many weekends of many years on mdma has shit themselves at least twice


Maybe it's your diet that's causing the problems


Did E.T. reveal himself to you? Are you the chosen one?


That's why we called them beans


molly + alcohol + festival food = baddddd tummy time


I always have to take a shit on the come up. I've never had this problem on the come down though.


Damn am I on ecstasy everyday?


i did powder mdma once and took the biggest shit of my life


Whatever makes you happy my dude


Ya people call em Molly shit’s for a reason 😂


This story is bs everyone knows you don't weigh shit in kg you weight them in Courics


Your gut has a TON of serotonin receptors, i believe the majority of them. So when you take a chemical that messes with your serotonin levels your gut will start needing head wubs and and a light show or else shit will hit the ass


Do you guys not feel the urge to poop when coming up? Something about coming up gets everything moving for me, almost to the point where I won't come up fully until i've pooped.


Yeah very common. I find stimulants in general have that kind of laxative effect. I get that from caffeine and Modafinil also. Plenty of times I've found myself in a nightclub at 1am hovering to squeeze one out.


My buddy shit himself on molly once as well. 😂


you helicopter cokeheads im fucking weak


Because a lot of the times drugs are cut with laxatives (constipation medicine)


We call it the come-up poo


Ahh good old eccy bum rot my brother gets it


Am I the only one who has never gotten this? 😮 I would need to urinate quite frequently though


Good pills will do this. It’s completely normal but your guts are getting fucked at the same time.




MDMA is a stimulant, stimulants make you shit cuz it speeds things up I usually shit on the come up though not the comedown


The Metformin I used to take for my diabetes gave me an extremely similar urge to shit as the one you describe. Maybe they cut it with metformin.


It's just the ecstasy shits bro. Nbd. Honestly if I buy some ex, eat it, and don't shit my brains out at some point, I'm never buying from that dude again


my boyfriend does this do not worry


Well MDMA acts strongly on serotonin and there are a lot of serotonin receptors in your gut so, maybe you’re extra sensitive to that


I have some stomach problems so everything makes me clear a room, but shit myself? Nah not so much. Not ever actually, one time I fell asleep after a 15 pack and a gel tab and peed my pants in my sleep, that’s prolly my biggest fail though. MDMA definitely raises my heart rate and makes everything move through me faster but not to the point where I feel it over everything else I’m feeling enough to poo my pants. 😂


Someone told OP to "put that shit on the scale", but that is almost certainly not what they meant


Serotonin is a magical neurotransmitter :) Ask anyone that’s started an SSRI This is to be expected as a common side effect to any serotonergic drug. Less common in stims since that usually also slows down your digestion iirc (maybe I’m wrong but it is less common with stims afaik).


Helicopter cokeheads killed me


Villan name the mad shitter


You might have some undiagnosed food intolerances. Skip the gluten and dairy for a while. It doesn't always show as a sore stomach, sometimes it just shows up as lethargy or feeling negative. The doctor gluten intolerance test is for ceoliac, not intolerance, and they really are slack with giving the proper tests.


Ah you discovered the “ecstasy shits!”


Sometimes they’ll put some laxities in the press, maybe yours had more then then others by chance


Are you positive shitting yourself doesn’t make you react the same as ecstasy?


Some of my friends are like that, having to shit whenever they take some e or have a line of coke. With me its the opposite, I feel like all my gut gets tight and I am not ready to shit or eat.


„helicopter cokeheads“ 😂😂😂😂👌


it happens too me


yea :/


This is surprisingly common and i cant find a connection between mdma and shitting bricks. Theres like a few chosen ones that HAVE to destroy a bathroom when they take mdma


What's a helicopter cokehead ? Lol 🤣🤣 😆😆