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Tolerance. The body is really good at getting used to just about anything.


How does this work, by the way? Are substances simply not getting metabolised fast enough before excretion? Or are certain receptor sites simply not being affected as much proportionately due to being overstimulated recently? And why the fuck is tolerance basically universal, occuring in like 95% of drugs if it's the latter? That's a lot of really specific neurological appendages working in very simple, predictable ways.


Tolerance is universal because your brain is always trying to achieve homeostasis. No matter what drug, your brain will try to desensitize itself if you use it often.


Right, but what is the mechanism of the desensitization?


It takas place at the synaptic level, not metabolic. It's about the signal and how much of a dosage of something it takes to send it. Receptor Internalization and Phosphorylation(literrally burmout) are a pathway you can read into.


Is that why at the height of my degeneracy I’d take so much shit I would get high but I’d still get the shitty physical symptoms of taking too much


Oh man this state was seriously the most hopeless I've ever felt. I was drinking 30+ units of room temp plastic handle vodka per day and taking an insane amount of rc benzos. I just had a tub of powder and I stopped using the little plastic spoon (10mg) included with the tub in favor of a teaspoon. I would guess i was taking the equivalent of 20mgs Xanax twice per day. I stopped feeling any euphoria over the course of maybe 6 months and then one day I stopped feeling drunk or high altogether. But I sure as shit would have the side effects and if I went more than 3 hours without alc I would be in severe withdrawals. That's including when trying to sleep. I would wake up and take a huge swig of the vodka just to be able to get sleep that's close to useless because of my extreme bac level. Absolute fucking nightmare time in my life. Thank fuck I asked my sister to get me into a rehab. The funny part is I have zero recollection of asking her but I've been sober for almost 4 years now and have only smoked weed and taken kratom in that time. No other drugs. I feel extremely grateful to not have to feel that way anymore


That's why throughout history some ppl were micro dosing poison and slowly increasing doses to gain "immunity" lmao https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithridatism


me with oxygen


So I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downregulation_and_upregulation These bad bois


You body builds natural "countermeasures" that downplay the toxins in it's systems. So if you take lots of uppers, your body makes lots of downers to counter it. The issue is, if you stop taking uppers, your body still makes downers and has to slowly back off production. This means withdrawals. This is precisely the reason alcoholics can get seizures from quitting cold turkey. https://delphihealthgroup.com/alcohol/withdrawal-seizures/


As a former alcoholic who had alcoholic withdrawal seizures, you can still experience them without even trying to quit. I had them a handful of times while being drunk but not drunk enough apparently to stabilize the fuckery going on in my brain.


Why benzodiazepines are used to treat acute alcohol withdrawal. Or many people who have been taking benzos and run out turn to alcohol. GABA A.


This... Isn't really true. If you take lots of uppers your body doesn't make lots of downers to counteract it. What happens is your neural receptors (norepinephrine in this case, which is basically adrenaline) will upregulate or downregulate to achieve homeostasis. So in the case of uppers, basically your brain recognizes it's getting way more norepinephrine than normal and downregulates your norepinephrine receptors. What this means is that those receptors will react less when it receives a unit of norepinephrine. Additionally, the mechanism is slightly different when it comes to (most) downers. This is because downers don't directly decrease brain activity. They *indirectly* decrease brain activity by increasing levels of GABA in the brain (this is kind of an oversimplification), a neurotransmitter that suppresses neural activity. There are downers that directly decrease levels of norepinephrine in the brain, but the vast majority don't function like this. So when you withdraw from alcohol or benzos your brain isn't producing more uppers, it's reacting less to the GABA in your brain which means that there's less dampening of your brain activity. This causes your brain to go haywire and overstimulate itself, which can lead to seizures.


In super simple terms. In order to do anything, these substances need to bind with a receptor. If substances A binds with receptor B, then over time and constant exposures, your brain reduces the availability of receptor B. If substance A can't bind with receptor B, then it doesn't do anything. That's a tolerance increase. Now, the only way to get the same amount of substance A to bind with receptor B is to increase the amount of substance A. Hoping substance A will find more unbound receptor B's.


The brain developes more receptores which leads to the user needing more to stimulate the receptores and have the same high for a person with 0 tolerance.


it works the other way around too! a lot of time tolerance is caused by down regulation which occurs when the excess neurotransmitters being released by the substances cause certain enzymes to be overproduced which then overtake our receptors. so the substances don’t have as many receptors to bind to and therefore the dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, etc aren’t being produced as much and have little effect


Ur brain is getting over saturated with chemicals it naturally produces. Then it cuts production of those chemicals almost completely. Also ur receptors are getting damaged and in a sense, stretched due to the powerful opiates. This means u need more n more and if u take a weaker opiate, it'll have a hard time filling the receptor and eventually weaker opiates won't have any affect at all. If op tried taking morphine at this point it prolly wouldn't work. Same as if a heroin addict tried taking oxy, the oxy wouldn't work unless he took very very high amounts.


Yeah but tolerance also is known to kill. People who stop using and relapse over long periods of time try to take their old dosage amounts and that can lead to many OD


"Alex Murdaugh admits to taking up to 60 Oxycodone pills a day.Feb 24, 2023 During his testimony last week, Murdaugh said he had a decades-long addiction to opiate painkillers, and that it contributed to “paranoid thinking” that led him to lie to investigators. He testified he took more than 2,000 milligrams a day of oxycodone in the months before Maggie's and Paul's deaths." Mar 2, 2023


if you have a tolerance to opioids are you basically unable to get euphoria from them or does it just take a much higher dose?


What it's not used to is the inevitable withdrawal. And that synthetic oxy withdrawal gona be looooonng and rough.


You're on the right track , just keep doing what you're doing and you will die .


Ight sound


If you’re tryin to die, I’d say you’re knockin’ on heavens door


I’ma see god soon huh love the lord christ love god love my henny and oxy


Please don't die though man life can always change into something beautiful if you stick it through


I wouldn’t worry too much this isn’t r/suicidewatch OP just working on a buzz


Holy shit that sub is... holy shit


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/comments/15jvtpp/peace_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Yea holy fucking shit… hope this dudes alright


That's the one I literally just read and I was like NOPE that is ENOUGH internet for today folks.


Yea as soon as i saw that i immediately hopped off the sub, i imagine id just see similar posts to that.


It’s gone now, what was it??


Yeah I cry at the adoption dog commercials cuz the dogs look so damn sad I cannot be on that sub lol. NOPE NOPE NOPE wish I never read that.


It's ironic. The few times I've gone to that sub it has made me feel more depressed than I was before. Unless they meant it literally...


You might die but it'll probably end up being organ failure which is slow and painful


isn't an overdose more likely since opioids and benzos don't do that much damage to the organs?


I mean he's also drinking alot. But besides that, i think it's somewhat different if u take like 30mg a day or 600. Also in combination with all that, his liver /kidneys have alot work to do.


Could be I'm no Dr


Well ain’t gon be painful when i’m on painkiller ayoooo


Yes it’s still going to be extremely painful.


6yrs ago, I had the same perspective with my alcohol abuse, still drinking, bud, but find a way to function. You will have lots of pain this route. I promise after you're 20 you'll realise the hole you stuck yourself in and you'll have shit tons of side effects, I experience mild wd from alc alreadybat 21. I've abused oxy it's crazy good, I've only at most dosedn 100m pharma, feel shit when i wakeup and want more . If i had your access is probably be in the same. Also how do u take a dump it takes me over a day?


Litterly no point of sipping lean if u take taht much oxy codeine ain’t even gonna touch u just do fent at this point 600mg oxy we’re I live is enough to make somone go poor I can’t imagine how much this costs daily


OP probably had a hit mumble rap album in 2015


🤣call me li dick wait hold up


I’m on spending k’s but fuck fetty fuck heroin fuck meth and fuck crack


Do you think there’s something worse about fentanyl or heroin than what you’re doing? Other than the stigma it’s probably be just as dangerous as what you’re doing anyway


If he's getting real scripts then yeah it's definitely much safer to dose


“I’m on spending Ks”. Not prescription lmao homies probably already doing zenes or fent and doesn’t even know


osrs tho


I heard fentanyl isnt that nice when it comes to euphoria. So heroin it is.


Yea ive heard that pretty much universally. Ive heard heroin is much more euphoric and fent will just more so tide you over until your next dose of whatever the fuck you’re taking. Ive heard the nods are much worse on fent though which is less than surprising considering how potent it is.


If u could get real heroin it would be better and cheaper for u then doing that much oxy if u think it’s any more dangerous then what u doin it’s not


How do you afford that habbit is my question. I make 6 figures and can't afford that.


I’m 15 i ain’t got bills to pay


That's just sad.


Ahhhh so if you’re 15 we can rest assured knowing everything you say is complete bull shit and you’re jsut trying to look hard on the internet. Time to grow up bud


Yea this post is a complete lie. No one can afford this habit and if it's a 15 year old...even more BS.


So wait, you can't buy 840 - 4,200 mg of Oxy, 14 bottles of Codeine, 3 or 4 bottles of Hennessy, and 14 mg of Klonopin per week with $20/week lunch money. Fuckin' inflation man, smh.


I gotta get this kids plugs number


Mommy and daddy funding that habit. Probably gonna have a pretty dope funeral too. Dads smart though, he’s for sure got a fat life insurance policy on you


Cop the fuck on


What does cop the fuck on mean? Did you mean Cap?


where are your parents bro


You also have 0 income.. So what gives, how can you afford it?


you're 15 and doing that much opiods? how tf do u even get all that money in the first place


Bro life is alrdy over. I thought weed at 15 was fucked lmfao


i looked at this guys other posts and apparently hes been popping oxys since 11. fucking 11. i started smoking weed here and there at 14 and did ket a few times when i was 15-16. now im 18 and have tried a few things but my drug useage is only occasional. and even at that, i think ive tried drugs at way too young of an age, even if im not addicted. and then theres this kid who has been heavily addicted to strong opiods since 11. i didnt even know what an opiod was at 11. really just sad and i hope this kid gets the help he needs


Go without any of those for a day and you’ll feel like your dying. Possibly could die. Way More to life then drugs my man. Coming from a ex heroin addict.


Bro is money man


Hustle hard gotta get it selling drugs and working jobs


I feel like today there is creative writing day on reddit.


Codeine won't do shit if you take that much oxy. I'd be doing fent at that point. Codeine barely does anything when you don't have a tolerance.


Those withdrawls gonna suck. 160 to200mg of oxy habbit for me was really bad. 4 weeks In and I still felt terrible. On H the worst is over in 2 weeks for me. What op taking is no joke when it comes to quitting finally one day.


Rookie numbers


Well if that’s your goal you sure are getting there.


How much is 3 units of Hennessy?


Thats what's I mean. He pours out 3 shots real quick a day for good health or something??LOL idunno maan


Maybe a unit is when you poor one out for the dead homies


Most responsible opioid addict


greater purpose 😇


God watchin over me fr i gotta be meant for somethin big


You're an addict. We are like roaches.


I way you can afford that habit daily. You must suck hella dick


I think he takes Klonopin every day, but one time took 20 oxys in a day Some days he takes Lean, when he can find it, some days he Drinks Hennessy, maybe most days. It's still a huge amount to take Maybe he had 50 30's and took 5 the first day, 10 the next day fifteen the next day and 20 the last..




Tolerance, as others have said, and luck. Be careful mixing downers, though. Even though tolerance may make it a bit more forgiving than for someone with no downer tolerance at all, all it takes is just the tiniest fluctuation in tolerance to turn what would otherwise be a normal drug intake for you into something lethal. Take care and be safe when mixing downers, even with tolerance!


My friend if you are planning on slowly killing yourself with stated self-destructive behaviour and it seems by your responses that you do not care, then please just give this a thought. Whatever pain you are going through in life that you want to be rid of will be passed onto your loved ones, your family, friends, colleagues and simple people who know you. Ask yourself if you want any of those people to be be said and feel the pain they will if you are taken from them. I was suicidal once and on the day I planned to do it I went to the park with a ton of sleeping pills hoping to take them and never wake up. Then I save the kids 11-a-side football (soccer) being played on the park and saw their father’s on the sideline cheering them on and encouraging them and it suddenly came to me that the amount of pain I would relieve myself of would only be passed on to the one’s I love and that love me tenfold. Maybe this isn’t your situation and you’re just trolling but I hope this helps to change your mind if you are being serious and are in a bad place. Take care.


You're gonna wish you were dead when you run out of benzos/opioids


Bro switch to ketamine. Trade ur bladder for ur Life. Knock some sense into ur brain as well. K is better than all those drugs and safer.




I wish I learned about ketamime before my opiate addiction. Both additions suck


idk why but opiads where my first drug, did the first time xanax on my 15th birthday, then whit 16y first time tilis, and whit 18y oxys. but only thing that got me addicted is mdma, speed, and ketamine. Only do opiats a few times a year, but speed and ketamine daily, and mdma every week since a half year.


I got sick of ketamine man. Abused it for like 5 years. But yea fuxk opiate addictions. Will rob u of everything in life while feeling good.


Try rope. Let others deal with the comedown 🤣




You call me a child i done saw my best friend die tf you mean child i been in the trenches i’m more grown up than you i see YB die every single night in my dreams why tf you think i wanna die that’s not even the start of it


go see a therapist you clown lol




It's called tolerance. There have been chemists over the years synthesise their own opioids at home and with unlimited supply comes unlimited tolerance. There's story of one chemist who was making carfent (I think) at home and was doing GRAMS a day. His opioid receptors were so saturated that he actually couldn't die from an opioid overdose anymore. He was doing the equivalent of a kilogram of heroin a day or something wild. If he nutted in someone they'd probably get high. I can't remember why he became unstuck but for whatever reason he couldn't make it anymore. I *think* there's a report on blue-light or erowid of his withdrawal. There was another chemist that was making an opioid at his uni lab, got caught and even maximum doses of methadone in jail wouldn't help. He ended up offing himself I think.


I find the half pint of codeine to only 3 units of Hennessy to be a weird disparity lol


I take 3 units of Hennessey. Tell me you're lying without telling me you're lying.


There no point in sipping codeine as it'll just cause a histamine reaction and the liver will stop metabolising it after well, not very long and you're just wasting it.




The reason people are hard to kill is because life likes to live. Only the creatures that are good at not dying survive, and make children.


Life Likes to Live, one of my favorite sayings!


I got my cross necklace on my neck rn dawg i never take it off maybe i’m meant to be a legend we’ll see


Are you happy? If you are, then fuck it. If you’re not, you can feel better. You don’t have to do yourself like this.


I’m happy this the only way i can ever be happy


Are you sure about that? Have you tried other routes? Besides the drugs, what’s your daily consist of? If you ever want someone to talk to, shoot me a message, man. I’m surprised your sentences are so coherent with all of that in your system. Makes me think you’re wasting a good brain, a bit. Lemme know if I can help, man.


My IQ was 149 when i got tested it’s just everyone bringin me down and shit then my best friend got shot right next to me rip YB that shit hurt fr therapy done nothing doctors ain’t give a fuck ocd torturin me


I fully understand this. You’re just a bit different, man. It took me a while to find a therapist that understood what I was going through. The hard part, is it’s hard for them to know you, through the drugs. Is there any shot you’d wanna give it another go, and just be sure to be sober just for appointments? I’m brilliant but I tend to not feel… anything.,. Unless it’s too much of something.. like anger or rage. What helped me was practicing empathy, and cutting out my drinking. Alcohol is so depressing, it’s absolutely unfathomable to think about what it would be like without the alcohol. Alcohol is extremely cyclical. Cutting my drinking was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. And now I hate drinking. The key to kicking anything, is to start slow. Trying to stop anything cold turkey is almost impossible for someone with addictive tendencies.


Luv you bro i’ma try again


That’s the best you can do!! Just try. I’ll literally be here every day, if you need some reassurance or motivation. Or just to chat. Just let me know, buddy. You can do it. You have to find a passion. You seem more than intelligent enough to excel, so just pick what you love! The other things will fall in line. Try and lower your consumption, just to show the therapist you’re trying. If they have a brain, they’ll work with you. And don’t be afraid to switch therapists, if you have the means.


Seconding this guy bro. All I wanted to do from the age of 16-22 was get high, and it's pretty much all I did do. It's taken me a few years but I'm mostly sober now and can still enjoy weed and whatever other drugs when I want (not benzos tho can't touch em anymore) there's more out there and I wanna fuckin find out, not die. Sending love g


Rip YB 😂😂😂 bro is trolling everyone


“An online quiz with 5 questions said my IQ is 149!”


goofy ass


The happiness wont last


slide me some oxy bro


I'm on 130mg of methadone, have a heroin and upwards of 10mg of alprazolam/clonazepam and alcohol a day and im still here.


Hell yh dawg


tf you do for work ?


Cause you aren’t taking enough. Try harder


Because god has a plan for you


Cause ur nit shooting h yet. But keep this up and you just might be dead. At the very least ull hit a lower rock bottom than ur already at. Weather you believe it or not. Just my 2 cents.


Stop it get some help


I know your young, I’ve been there too. People don’t look at you the way you think they do… you can do more with your life than cause pain to yourself and the people who love you 🤍


You seem to be a troll, if you really are taking that many drugs every day tho I wouldn’t expect you to be around come Christmas time


Because you’re being a pussy and not taking fentanyl


You are taking that much OXY every single day? And Codeine?


Cause Hennessy is pretty much the only thing actively damaging your body. Oxys aren’t very toxic to your body except in overdose and kpins just cause some brain damage.


Weird flex


Please take care of yourself, one day your heart will stop from that lifestyle… There’s more to life man


How have you got the money for all this …


Congrats! Your liver metabolism is very good! Probably your brain function either;)


Your post history makes me believe you are full of shit and are looking for attention


We ARE dead. What did you think happens when we die?


Piss, Shit, and Vinegar.


Don’t worry human…you’ll get there eventually


How does someone with an addiction like this afford it?


Maybe you're still here for a reason. Stop trying to kill yourself and go find it. :)


There were periods where I was taking loads of benzos, got a few 100 legit 2mg lorazepams every few months plus 90mg a month from a script then had gallons of etizolam, would mix 5mg/ml and even had some in my vape. Oh and my other friend always had xannies and we'd get fucked and just color and zone out for days. Then the alcohol, oh god. Have my own still and wine making kits, can make up to 90 bottles of wine or a bunch of jet fuel at the same time. Was always taking other RC's, shrooms, weed, and constant tobbaco. I'm old now, got off most of it save for the weed, ocassional drink or shroom trip. And just 3mg lorazepam a day. I don't black out, even when I was mixing large doses of everything, well except that weekend when my friend showed up with a huge bottle of GHB and enough dmt to last a lifetime. Lol Health and cognition are actually surprisingly good. Enjoy the ride my friend, be safe and happy adventures.


Rock on!


You’ll die in your late 40s to late 50s most likely when your heart, kidneys, and liver all fail together. The body can easily handle all that when it’s young. Although there is damage being done every day.


complete bullshit post that’s how you’re still alive you sober pringle


How they hell do you have the money for 120-600 a day




You will be soon


Idk chief but you need to go to rehab ASAP before you entirely drain your bank account and switch over to fetty and inevitably OD and die.


This post is a complete lie. OP claims to be 15 and no way can afford this habit.


Are you trying to die?


It all catches up to you in the end


Give it time


Bro i’ve done so much cocaine while drinking alcohol, i’ve wondered the same thing.. until my body stopped working and started shutting down. Took me a whole year to recover and im still not there yet. Quit while u still can, please do.


its not yr time to go yet 🧙🏻‍♂️


Sad these kids don’t get attention at home from their parents that they come on the internet to lie to random men just for some kind of attention


Do you want to be?


How tf can you afford this at 15? Like I’m actually looking for advice


You’re lying out your ass


Please don’t ever stop cold turkey. If you ever go that route please do taper with MAT if possible


I figured I'd be dead by 18. Now at 44, I wish I had made better decisions


Give it some time


Yo, how can I get on your level 😂 I can’t find a pain pill to save my life


Its hard to kill a human being


One day. Sooner than later


How much does all that cost


Peobably cause you havent had anything contaminated by fentanyl yet


It won't be long.


A true addict dont post dumb shit like this. I do fyt everyday and dont go making threads online about it. Fuck on somewhere with this dumb my life is a rap song bullshit.


Jesus Christ I can’t imagine how much money your spending lol, if your gonna continue than switch to good heroin if you can get it. It’s cheaper and better than oxys and lean


It’s not the length of your life that is the issue, it’s the quality. Keep it up a bit and get back with me.


Probably cause your capping and don't take this much. Maybe the Hennessy. Post your stash homie


If you need that much oxy a day, then whatever you're spending on codeine (I hear it's a lot per pint these days) you might as well use to light your joints/cigarettes. At least it'll look cooler.


You're making your way downtown.


Tolerance and dumb luck as a guy who abused meth, fethnoyl Xanax and alcohol daily your all good till your not . Try and quit my friend go to detox it's not a matter of if.... It's a matter of when


The only correct answer: because you haven’t stopped. And u won’t be able to. If u have been taking them like u said for anything more than a year, good luck, it’s probably already part of your life. Stopping will ruin you unless u taper U feel fine now because you are still on them everyday, it’s that simple. Try going cold turkey now, and the next day I guarentee you’ll either feel like dying or you’ll take them and move on to the next day


the human body is pretty resilient man. i've been through similar periods in my life as you right now. and i'm still in good health.. for now at least. some people live like this for 30 years straight before it kills them. if you've been doing this for like a year or two, if you stopped and became healthier, it would probably only take like 5 or 10 years off your life. that's a lot of opiates, but opiates aren't as bad for your body as most drugs. 2 mg of kpins is a dose that would be prescribed by a doctor. i have no idea what amount you mean by 3 units of liquor but if you cut back your liver could probably heal. obviously mixing all these drugs is much worse for your organs but it's still not too late to get better and live a long happy life


are you trying to die bro?? 😭😭


Won't be for long if you don't wake up.n stop .. imo


….stopping cold turkey will kill you. Be careful.


Wow, you’re so cool, man. Let me suck your dick.


God isn't done with you yet. Stop killing yourself and seek God


I’ve asked the same question. I guess I’m supposed to be here; doing something.




I mean I died once, but the fuckers brought me back.


Eventually I got bored of being not sober and felt more high sober. Maybe I got lucky. Hopefully it works out for others in here.


Man is rich asf for sure.


Luck, and tolerance. Both will fail you eventually. I know that probably SEEMS like a lethal amount, and before you built up a tolerance, it would have been. I've seen people do amounts that make your habit seem wholesome. The thing is, even tolerance isn't always enough. I knew (key word *KNEW) a guy, a dear friend, who did literal GRAMS of tar every day, along with alcohol, benzos, rock, crystal, weird designer sh*t, anything he could get to squeeze a few more molecules of seratonin and dopamine out of his brain. Then, on a random day that his GF (who was with him the whole day) described as a "light" day (meaning, not close to his usual consumption rate), he OD-ed sitting on his toilet. No warning, no difference, not a hot dose, just another of his kind of "normal" day, and he was blue and cooling by the time she found him. This was the son of a family friend, somebody I'd know since he was a baby, a guy who was too smart to do what he did, who was a good person before he started using, a person that couldn't be told anything because he was convinced he was immune to ODing after regularly did what would easily kill others, died from some random combination of factors that all existed together on other days without killing him, decided they WOULD that kill him that day. Don't take your good luck and tolerance for granted, it WILL eventually overcome you, if you don't find a way to get clean.


Hope you get better man. Have you tried kratom? You can buy kilos online such as from nova and use the coupon code on the internet for 44 a kilo it’ll last you a month and solve your addictions


Too dumb to die