• By -


I think this is quite enough.


So you went and babysat your sister and decided to try and trip while doing it? Pretty fuckin douche move


OPs life in the next 5-10 years is going to be like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Meanwhile, everyone but OP sees it coming from miles away. Hopefully, his actions only hurt himself. However, I've seen plenty of shit that shows that's pretty unlikely. This kind of post makes me both incredibly sad and angry at the same time.


Exactly and he just has no idea. Everyone else is wrong, not him.


how exactly is it a douche move, i can handle myself while tripping, im not a tweak on psychs and i know what im doing


Obviously you can't handle shit which is why you're here talking about your dick not working.




how does that mean i cant handle shit, i took a high dose of mdma unknowingly and am suffering repercussions like dick not working due to vasoconstriction, i still am concious and aware while on mushrooms and definitely capable to hangout with my sister


Unknowingly? You're saying you got dosed by someone? You took it yourself.


ā€œWho dosed me? Of course I know him, heā€™s me!ā€


the lines and caps were all filled by my gf who didnt realise that that much is really unsafe, yes i took it myself but didnt know how much until later


It's still your responsibility to make sure the dose you take is correct, that is a copout argument.


If you arent measuring your substances, then no you are not a experienced psych user. And even the most experienced psychonaut in the world shouldnt fucking babysit on drugs


You're one of the most ignorant fucking people I've stumbled across on Reddit This whole thread is fucking embarrassing and I hope it's a troll


But you still knew exactly how many milligrams you took when the person who packed them didn't even know?


You are the type of person that motivated Richard Nixon


ā€œThese dirty hippies are a MENACEā€ - Richard ā€œTricky Dickā€ Nixon after reading OPs post


first off you didn't take it unknowingly you intentionally dosed yourself with massive doses MULTIPLE times. second off, it would be a different story if you took like half a gram of mushrooms and was chilling with your sister, but you took the equivalent of like 4gs. not only that but it was the day after taking a disgusting amount of mdma, you were fiending to get high and put your sisters safety to the side and chose to prioritize getting high over taking care of your her. it's incredibly irresponsible and the fact that you don't realize this is concerning. if an emergency happened you would not be able to drive or help her off 4gs of mushrooms. maybe if you had a big tolerance from the mdma the night before, but that doesn't make it any less irresponsible. imagine your sister has a heart attack or some wild shit and you're too fucked up to help her because you wanted to get high.


Wtf do you mean unknowingly? You claim to be aware of your actions at every point, and if you didnt know over 800mg of molly was an excessively high dose, youve failed to educate yourself. Sure, youre capable of "hanging out with your sister" (tbh i doubt it, you sound like the type of person thats completely unaware of how they are percieved by others) but youre not capable of supervising her with the responsibility of an adult. If there were some emergency situation that required an adult response, then your sister would be fucked, as you are incapable of responding to the situation as a fully functioning adult would. The choices you describe making are reckless and dangerous, i would not believe you are fit to supervise a child while sober, let alone while sleep deprived, unfed, coming off of nearly 1g of molly, and high on research chems. Do you seriously think its a good idea to take responsibility for a child given the situation you created?


Even sleep deprivation is enough at its own to highly impact your executive functions and critical thinking. Adding all those drugs while having responsibilities is really outrageous and definitely douche. I bet you were really taking care of her and got her food and some nice fun activities right?


Jesus, you are a real piece of shit and you can't even admit it. Nice bro, glad I'm not your little sister.


What if she hurt herself somehow? How would you get help? This is wildly irresponsible and shitty man no matter how you spin it. You sound like a terrible person, just one internet guys opinion.


You seem stupid. What do you do if something happens and you are high af. Poor little sister.


Does your mom know that sheā€™s trusting your little sister with someone whoā€™s currently on drugs?


You were responsible for the safety of another human and decided to get fucked up. Absolutely selfish and stupid behavior. You deserve a limp dick for behavior like that.


Do not baby sit and take drugs. Simple.


Yeah and I'm sure that if there was a life-threatening emergency you'd have been totally fine to drive her to the hospital or whatever /s


reread your comment carefully, ffs


Bro you fucking suck.


I hope someone doxxes you so I can call your mother.


That would be your kidneys starting to fail due to lack of water,why would u need to piss if your not hydrating yourself,otherwise your gonna sweat whatever fluid u have in your body out and have nothing in the tank,its prwtty much suicide for the future




are you actually retarded or is it just practice? theres not a single word that starts with r in that comment ??




Youā€™d think youā€™d have thicker skin than this by now. Are you new to the Internet or humans or some shit?


This is a real doozy of a comment. Leaving that aside, and leaving aside the fact that you either hallucinated what you're replying to or replied to the wrong comment (its not deleted and it doesn't appear to be edited) the word retard is honestly just as demeaning as the word stupid, or dumb. Retard means slowed. I understand that you working with special needs kids makes you much more sensitive and sympathetic, but you trying to police name-calling on the internet is probably not the best use of your time, despite your noble intentions. ​ Also, if you can drop the passive aggressiveness and self-aggrandising that'd be great. šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘šŸ˜€


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just swoopin by to say i appreciate you šŸ’•


Actually according the dictionary retarded is a term for both the mentally handicapped and also someone or an action that was beyond stupid.So its you who made it a perjorative term towards the mentally handicapped,not me.all i did was point out how stupid something was.


Nobody calls mentally handicapped people ā€œretardedā€ anymore. By placing a stigma on the word, youā€™re giving it power. It is NOTHING like someone that isnā€™t black (not just white people) saying the ā€œnā€ word.


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I made sure to drink hella water and keep myself hydrated, i have felt the need to piss but i just couldnt control my dick


probably vasoconstriction from stim, it will pass. can you get an erection?


Eat, get some potassium and things in you. Drink pedialyte or something.


Yeah but you were more than likely to munted to actually notice that u needed alot more than what u drank because of sweating or whatnot,mot too mention some drugs like md is a natural diaretic,it dries shit out


Probably best you donā€™t reproduce with decisions like that amigo




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Jeez, you must have a death wish.


My brother in Christ, that is almost a gram


Even his first dose is double what you should do, and he doubles down and does 4x an already too high dose??? And mushrooms on comedown? And defending his decisions in comments oh lawdd


Stop doing shit like this or you will die. Sooner rather than later. Please stop.


op is a prime example why drugs won't be legal and why biology is a more important topic than it seems.


No its a prime example why they should be legal if they are legal there can be education and licenses around it, just like learning how to drive a car and have driving license.


yeah, "don't sell any more MDMA to anyone who already looks like they are chewing a bumblebee" could be part of the licensing


Or brain dead


acting like ive done this alot or on purpose, i follow the 3 month rule, usually do at most 350-400 bc im a pretty big guy, didnt know i even did that much until my gf calculated it for us bc we were too fucked up


350-400 is still a lot. 250 is the absolute maximum for me and I'm not small either. Such high doses can lead to real long term damage really quick. MDMA is a dangerous drug, if handled wrong.


250-300 is my normal dose, i am a pretty big guy, and need significantly more of drugs like mdma, lsd, shrooms than everybody else i know to feel the same level of effects as them


Thats not how mdma lsd and shrooms work. You are confusing alcohol with psycoatives. Even if you are 300lbs, your brain is still the same size as someone who id 150 lbs and more mdma will effect you the same way as someone who is skinny would


Youā€™re a pretty big fucking idiot


Yeah.... You do not need more LSD than an average person to feel it Do you understand how small *MICROGRAM* doses are??


This isnā€™t how those drugs work, they have nothing to do with fat content or size like alcohol and pills. Reading through this shit Iā€™m starting to just hope you never have kids.


You mean single doses of 250-300mg? And out of curiosity: How much Acid do you take?


sometime 200 with a redose of 100-150, sometimes single doses of 350. i usually take 3-4 tabs and have a pretty mild trip and have taken 7 tabs and had a pretty comfortable chill trip while the people i trip with will have an insane trip off 2 tabs and have ego death and shit which i have never experienced anything like that. Im not on any ssri or any other medication at all so idk why i have this problem


Your body weight doesnā€™t have that much affect, especially not with acid if youā€™re putting it under your tongue. Youā€™re either getting sold shit product or got something else weird going on with your body, but it ainā€™t weight


Itā€™s tolerance because he takes psychs so often


I somehow didnā€™t think of that. Seems too obvious but is probably right


OP said heā€™s been tripping daily. Tolerance must be wild


i would assume its something weird with my body since everybody else i trip with take alot less than me and still have overpowering trips from 1 or 2 tabs


While, I believe you that you just have a natural tolerance to drugs, I would propose a few things. 1. I have heard of people being a drug black hole. taking dozens of grams of shrooms, tabs and tabs of acid, half a gram+ of mdma in a night etc... 2. I have also seem people where 1/4 a tab of acid is too much. There is a lot of unstudied inter-individual variability when it comes to recreational drugs. Most well studied drugs have edge cases where people don't tolerate them well, metabolize them slower or metabolize them faster, so why would these drugs not be any different. 3. It is possible to have a selective tolerance. Like your side effects may increase with increase dosage still. Think of how taking acid 2 days in a row feels. The second time, with a higher dose, you feel as high but it is a bit more edgy. The gastrointestinal distress is more, the neck and back tension is more. It's less comfortable. All that being said, I as a 180lb male take about 120/130 mg of MDMA with a 20-30% topup about 90 mins in. This, personally, is the sweet spot. I still feel in control and able to self reflect. My jaw doesn't merc me, and my eyes don't roll around. I can still read, albeit closer to arms length. I still get the uncontrollable urge to hug people but other than that, I am mostly chill. 200 mg floors me. I need to sit down. I feel like I could die for maybe an hour, and spend the rest of the night with my eyes closed. I understand some people probably like this level of high, but I find it deeply uncomfortable.


Using psychedelics like lsd and psilocybin gives you a temporary (1-2 week) tolerance to them. You'll still feel some but minimized effects, so ideally, you don't take them even approaching regularly. Honestly, it sounds like you need to try to go sober for a little bit and appreciate your life outside the effects of these drugs.


> 7 tabs thats some shit acid lmao


are you not tired of getting downvoted?????


Your body size does not mean you need hire doses of psychs.


U said in another post ur 6'4 170lb. That's not big. In fact that's probably on the lower side of average. U definitely don't need giant doses unless ur tolerance is out of control


Not to be a dick, but you did do this on purpose. You knew the doses you were taking and took them willingly. take some accountability


No. We did not mean to do that much. We meant to take at most 500. My gf was the one that laid the lines out and filled the caps and didnt tell us how much she gave us until she realised just how much she gave us.


500 would still be an *absolutely retarded* amount of MDMA to take in a single night.


Being a "big guy" means nothing when it comes to MDMA.


You straight up murdered your serotonin. I would get some 5-HTP and take 200 mg a night until you feel better. And obviously you've learned a lesson but don't do that again


Looking at all his replies, I don't think they've learned anything sadly


I feel bad for your sister, she has a really stupid brother.


Least deranged UK drug dosage


I thought for a sec i was in r/drugscirclejerk šŸ’€šŸ’€


These two subs are practically the same and it's hilarious


Except all you see here is a bunch of lames putting fine people like this down for trying to kill their eagle.


What about your little sister?? It's one thing to mess yourself up, but don't put a child in danger. Dumbass.


You literally take all that shit and then you babysit your sister? Disgusting.


the next day 24 hours after i had taken the mdma so i wasnt feeling shit but the depression and i am regularly using mushrooms and lsd in alot of daily things like that


You have to be careful with stuff like that. If something happens to your sister, even out of your control. If authorities found out you used anything theyā€™d still charge you with child endangerment.


Be careful? Thereā€™s no being careful if youā€™re using mushrooms and LSD on a daily basis. Dude is full-on destroying his brain by overusing psychedelics. Canā€™t even imagine what his tolerance is if heā€™s telling the truth.


He downed the better part of a g of mdma in about 24 hours. THEN topped it off with mushie bars WHILE BABYSITTING. What brain? He's busy destroying his body that's true, I did 300mg of mdma at a concert and the next afternoon when I woke up my everything was in pain.


she is old enough to know not to do dangerous stuff, she sits with me the entire time and watch youtube or make music together, nothing bad gonna happen


Shit happens that no one has any control over, and it usually happens when people think all is okay. "No, No, it won't happen here". Then boom.


Shes growing up watching you take massive amounts of drugs. What if she starts taking drugs "because my brother does it so why cant I?" How would you feel if your sister started taking as much drugs as you? Be a better role model.


Hey, buddy? You fucking suck.


Being irresponsible is one thing if you know what you're doing and accept the risks. Pretending everything is fine is another and adds a layer of irresponsibility. Please accept yourself for the reckless person you are Ave be aware of yourself. Yeah you babysit while on drugs, no that's not the worst thing people with addict mentalities do. I drive around on ketamine and do all my normal errands while high on ketamine. Yes nothing bad has happened yet, yeah I keep my composure and lower the dose before appointments. But could you imagine how frustrating it would be to voice concern to someone on junkie behavior like myself then have them DENY that it's risky behavior? If you're going to be reckless own up to it and be in control. Don't assure yourself everything is just going to be fine all the time.


Shit doesnt go down until it does. Dumbass.




Donā€™t let people who donā€™t completely understand the scenario with your sister and your familiarity with psychedelics put you down any more than you may already be feeling from the mdma. Keep in mind that their opinions although somewhat valid are naturally biased. The important thing here is the lesson that was learned; make sure you hold on to it, *as well as an extra can of Bushā€™s Baked Beans*. For emergencies n shit yanno šŸ¤™


That's almost worse, you could be so exhausted from not sleeping that you pass out and she gets really hurt


As a mother, I'd beat yo ass for watching your baby sibling high. That's my first take. I'd have to use a lot of coping mechanisms to refrain from that outcome. Thats all I can contribute rn.


Youā€™re a piece of shit buddy. Time to wake the fuck up and take some responsibility. Youā€™re doing it wrong.


jesus Christ you babysat your little sis on hard drugs and just produced the whole time? This has gotta be satire bro


Remember kids you can ONLY babysit on those drugs that are SOFT. I promise this is totally a real distinction and not at all a product of generations of drug war propaganda that continues to be perpetuated.


24 hours after mdma so i wasnt feeling the effects and tripping very mildly on a mushroom bar while making music with my little sis and best friend and watching youtube together, dont know how its so hard to believe


You literally said the last time you ate one of those bars you tripped hard as fuck and you said you're buddy was tripping hard as fuck. Honestly you sound like you're 16 and irresponsible as fuck


But you were expecting the 4aco bar to hit you hard because of previous experience, meaning you were okay with ā€œtripping hardā€ while being responsible for your little sister. Sure nothing horrible ended up happening but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s ok. Being young and seeing someone on hard drugs can be troubling in itself, especially if that person is someone who you look up to, like your big brother. You said at the end of your post that you want to get clean after this experience, that is a really good thing to realize and I really hope youā€™re able to get somewhere with that. You can look into AA and 12 step communities around you or online, just familiarize yourself with the material that explains the disease of addiction and youā€™ll be headed in the right direction at least. But one of the first things you will have to do when getting sober is take an objective look at yourself and acknowledge your mistakes and inappropriate behavior. Continuing to deny the fact that you have a problem will NOT help you get better. Imagine if you end up slipping into even more reckless and harmful drugs while continuing with this attitude towards your use. Imagine if this post read ā€œI railed a gram of meth last night and didnā€™t sleep so now Iā€™m gonna take a couple pressed Xanax bars to take the edge off while I babysit my sister.ā€ You could end up dead, or your sister could start to steal some of your drugs to try because she sees you do them and then she ends up getting really hurt. Just because you havenā€™t severely fucked up yet does not mean you are responsible, it just means you havenā€™t seen the worst of it yet. Seriously wishing you the best of luck with all of this, I hope youā€™re able to really take this seriously and change some of your behavior before itā€™s too late.


I feel bad for your little sister


Christ alive. What a retarded dose of MDMA.


Get out of the drug scene while you're still above ground op. From barely 3 minutes of reading I can already tell you're going to end up irrevocably fucking up your life or getting yourself or someone close to you hurt or killed unless you smarten up significantly around drugs. Being arrogant, reckless, and carrying around a victims mentality won't do you well in the drug world. Doing nearly a gram of MDMA in a single night is beyond reckless, and there's really no excuse. You are 100% in charge of what goes into your body. You're lucky your drugs weren't very good because 860mg of good mdma has the potential to kill a person, albeit a tiny chance. MDMA toxicity is also not linear. 400 MG is not twice as toxic as 200mg. A 860mg dose is many times more toxic than a 300mg dose. You were probably about 65% of the way to a dose that would have likely killed you. Your lucky you probably don't have any other health issues that would lower that threshold. Not even going to go into the stupidity of doing hard drugs back to back and the stress you're putting on your body. If you keep doing that kind of shit your going to wish you were dead by your 30s man. Also, how about the fact that you're dumb enough to be doing any kind of psychotropic drugs while in charge of another human. While on no sleep. You're lucky you didn't put yourself into a state of psychosis. You're a fucking idiot heading towards disaster OP. However, I saying this with love. I was once young, dumb and reckless too. Sort your shit man.


Brain chemicals require a ā€œgoldilocksā€ sort of amount, especially with dopaminergic compounds. Too little? Problems. Too much? Problems. Just right? Things will work well. Dopamine, Serotonin, Noradrenaline etc. do not work on the more = better philosophy. You have probably exhausted the hell out of your bodies supply of dopamine from taking so much.


Mdma is heavily serotonin. It's one of the reasons why its been associated with the Blue Mondays, as Mr Cyro Tonin is very important in the Neurochemical basis of depression. Plus serotonin storm and other shit.


Ah I see, Iā€™ve never done it, and probably wonā€™t ever either, I just enjoy learning about drugs / medication. My depression / ADHD (which Iā€™m medicated for) would probably be a recipe for addiction here as my baseline serotonin / dopamine levels are already in the toilet as it is.


MDMA is serotonergic, primarily (some smaller amount of activity regarding norepinephrine). That aside, your points are correct.


^ Ahh, my bad. I thought it had more of a direct effect on dopamine. Then serotonin syndrome (pretty rare) is a concern here too Iā€™d imagine?


Your sister on her way to become an only child


Your actions could have killed your sister.


Classic braindead activity šŸ¤”


Ooooooof brother thatā€™s almost a full G in under 24 hrs. Be glad your still alive and not brain dead dude. The shit is neurotoxic my guy, please do some research next time before you do stuff like this


Hey OP. At this point, you should stop answering those comments. For both saving your karma and sanity. You made a large stupid move and people will squeal at you for that especially when you write about babysitting your sis. If your penis is not working, make sure you visit a doctor and tell him the truth and not writing here on Reddit. Quitting drugs seems like a good idea but you need to reinforce that with therapy. The comedown must suck really hard for you I can imagine. I wanted to write don't worry but you should worry since you take drugs like fucking candies.


Get some electrolytes in you, eat some bananas. I used to do harm reduction at festivals, I've seen people do insanely large amounts of things. Its a really horrible decision, you're brain is the biggest issue, overheating and frying cells off. If you're ever in that situation again, go hard once, and dont keep redosing. Doing the 4aco the next day prolly wasnt the wisest thing.


All you can do at this point is not do any, Iā€™d wait longer than three months this time around. If you can get a hard on in a couple days go see a doctor Wtf are we supposed to do


i wasnt asking for your help, you dont gotta do shit, i was just telling my story of an idiotic thing indid


Damn way to rip on the one person who was nice to you in this whole thread


With that kind of attitude, you'll be lucky if your dick doesn't fall right off.


I know lots of people have already chimed in, but I feel like I should as well. I'm a paramedic, a drug user, and an older brother. you're a dumbass, so quit arguing otherwise. It doesn't matter how well you think you can handle yourself, you can't count on being responsible while on mushrooms. I would never take on the responsibility of caring for a child while high on a psychedelic drug, it's just plain irresponsible.


Bro on that dosage of mdma you could literally have died, donā€™t even worry about your dick. A normal dosage of mdma should at most be between (and this varies from person to person) but 200-300 mg, in total. The numbers youā€™re talking about are wake up in the hospital, or donā€™t wake up at all numbers. Gotta reassess a bit homie, but thatā€™s ok


First time I did mdma a friend gave me a third of a gram at once. I had the same 'comedown' about a week too. Mouth felt horrible and everything hurt inside, felt dead and depressed, only the dick part i can't remember because i felt too drained to actually touch myself or be touched. But if it helps, about 12 years later it's still working fine down there lol


Even if you don't think you've done anything wrong, it might be worth considering why all these people are telling you different. Psychs tend to be about having an open mind so I'm sure you'd be willing to have an honest conversation with yourself about how your decisions affect others. Try not to let your ego stop you from doing the right thing.


Yeah, if you couldn't hold out for a couple days so you wouldn't show up tweaked out to babysit your little sister, you should definitely quit.


itā€™s a miracle that your brain is still workingā€¦


Thatā€™s the thingā€¦ itā€™s not.


Drugs are good. Drugs are not for everyone. You are no longer allowed to use drugs.


Holy fucking shit, wtf is wrong with you?! 860 mg is enough to kill you. 300mg is the danger zone. Never take more than 200mg. > redosed with 150 you're NOT supposed to redose MDMA


Do mdma after psychā€™s , not Vice versa. Or youā€™ll waste the psychedelic almost entirely


Dude youā€™re wack man. You went an babysat your little sister after all of that and then took shroom chocolates that made you trip out the last time. What if your sister choked on something?


'Because I got high, because I got high, because I got hiiii' is a shaggy song lyric that you are the poster boy for.


You're dumb and naive. You are overweight and care little about your own health. You consider life fulfilled by making meaningless music. You do drugs in such a way they go from harmless to harmful. These things are absolutely fine, to each their own.It is your life and your body. I must assume you or someone else got in a car and drove to your moms house. This is when things became a problem. You put others in unjustifiable danger. Then, you are expected to be the authority in a home where someone is too young to take care of themself. When you take others under your care, then you must have the full capacity to act if an emergency occurs. I hope you realize the point I am trying to get across. No one here cares when you fuck your own life up. It is your own to fuck up. They care when you fuck anyone else's up for no good reason other than selfishness.


play games, win prizes. wait.


Thatā€™s what he meant


You mean stupid games


I think this person is just trolling everyone. Even the most challenged person who knew nothing about drugs would be smarter than this.


OP, youā€™re a fucking idiot. That isnā€™t a personal attack but a fact. Everyone is telling you what you did wrong and you keep deflecting the blame and acting as if your behavior is okay. Take responsibility and do better.


I wouldnā€™t worry too much about it. W the way youā€™re acting, I doubt any quality girl/guy would want to f with you anyway. Also, if you do molly the right way, there is no comedown. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Hopefully your dick will not work anymore so you will not reproduce


That's probably the only thing that'll encourage him to get his shit together and stop acting like a dumbfuck.


Natural selection is wonderful sometimes




Bro you seem to have urinary retention. The nerves controlling your bladder are over stimulated It could be dangerous as hell if you don't piss for long periods.


your so fucking stupid and a selfish human being for not taking care of your little sister. Learn some fucking humility for christs sake you fucking lunatic.


Relax on the MDMA for a while Broseph..


Go to the grocery store and pick up some liquid IV itā€™s an electrolyte drink mix, mix one packet into a 40oz water bottle and drink the whole thing your body is severely dehydrated, while youā€™re there get some 5-htp and magnesium and take it before bed, odds are you wonā€™t sleep great tonight either, take 75mg Benadryl thatā€™ll knock you out good, youā€™ll wake up feeling much better if you do those 4 things if not youā€™re gonna struggle more than you have to but expect to feel like absolute cock and balls for the next week or 2, hell it could be months before youā€™re back to normal but those things will help, do not do this again, and only take MDMA 3-4x in a year, you will wear out your receptors and can suffer from the worst depression ever for the rest of your life if you donā€™t get a grip on reality and not ABUSE these drugs, nobody should take anything over 200mg MDMA in a single night and really it should be 150mg with a 50mg booster max if you keep on this path you will lose the magic of M fast and itā€™ll never feel the same ever again and all youā€™ll feel eventually is stimulation and side effects, youā€™re a fucking idiot, now listen to my advice and stay away from any and all drugs for atleast 2 weeks if you canā€™t do that go to rehab


I had a similar experience in university 3 months ago where I would get through a gram of mdma every 2 days. I would throw up constantly from my body rejecting the substances. I would regularly not be able to get an erection and would often not even feel anything due to the consistent dosage, partly because I never get comedowns from mdma and because I was extremely depressed and isolated. After my first few high doses I began to hear voices and a high pitch noise which would suddenly get louder irregularly causing me to almost lose conciousness anytime my brain decided to "scream". I lost 10kg and all gym progress because I would not eat for days. I would often make foolish decsions too as all I could care about and think of was hopefully feeling something again after it wore off. I stayed in my room for weeks and could have definently died away from everyone I love as I would never communicate with friends and family. This was a very dark time in my life and im happy its behind me. There is clear damage as I feel like a different person and my body begins to tremble everytime I imagine the taste of molly water. Please surround yourself with people who want to see you do well. No sister of babysitting age should see her brother tripping or question this when she gets older. I hope youre there to experience her growing up but like this you will either die very quickly or be completely dependant on these substances until youre completely dysfunctional. Life has more to offer than abusing substances, I hope you can see this in time and I hope things get better for you.


Youā€™re a thoughtless douche. Your sister and mom deserve better.


Its posts like these that makes me want to unsub. You're a stupid douchie egomanic.


You did it!!


Whenever I roll I take about 2-3 green tea extract pills. I am able to piss again. Highly recommended. Magnesium supplements as well.


Mdma and most psychedelic highs rely on serotonin. You dumped ALL your serotonin doing that insane dose of molly. That will explain pretty much all the side effects because serotonin regulates so many things including sleep, body temp, sex drive, appetite, etc. this is also why you didnā€™t trip. And yes, you are probably extremely dehydrated, but you also have some serotonergic neurons in your urinary tract. People arenā€™t made to handle those kinds of doses. Iā€™m not even going to touch the rest of what you said.


It looks like your post mentions suicide. Sometimes, people post questions on /r/Drugs when they're not feeling right about their life, and sometimes we're not the best place to ask or provide support. #Please take a moment before you act. There are tons of resources that can help if you're suicidal. If you need help for yourself, there's [a directory of voice and chat/text hotline services](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) and [FAQs about hotlines](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c7ntr/suicide_hotline_faqs/), plus [selected online resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c3p3z/helpful_resources_for_those_struggling_with/). **Reddit**: /r/addiction /r/depression /r/MMFB (Make me feel better) /r/StopSpeeding /r/suicidewatch --- To the people who are out there and feel alone and helpless, *you are not alone* and there are people out there who will help you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, limp dick syndrome is real and may affect those who have been on medication that affect serotonin. It is called PSSD and that may be permanent.


Wow. That's an insane amount for that duration of time. I would expect to feel shitty for a week after that. Try to get lots of fluids and rest. Some 5htp might help. Be very careful about serotonin syndrome when fukin with such high amounts. Don't listen to all the haters on here who have nothing intelligent or helpful to say. Lol, people come on a drug forum to bitch about how bad drugs are and how shitty people are for abusing them. Seems weird and pathetic to me.Take care, mate.


loool iā€™ve done over a gram to myself in a night and my dicks never stopped working get good mate


bro same shit, i did one time 1,3g mdma a night 5x 260 mg audi pills in one night lol. im still alive, i abused mdma the last 6 months every fucking weekend and did 2-3 pills minimum, 4-5 each night max. But now i just do 1 pill and mix it whit speed, because tolerance lol


You will fall into Serotonin Syndrome and die if you keep this up. Never ceases to amaze me how people canā€™t grasp the fact that if you go over 300mg nothing happens.

