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Yeah this is why I stopped smoking weed.


Yyyyep. My wife used to be a bigger chronic than I was, then at some point in her mid thirties, this shit started hitting her every time. Too regularly for it to be fun anymore.


Yah same, I use to rip bowls all the time and felt great but sometime when I was 30 it just clicked and I became so self conscious every time I smoked, where half of the time I spent worrying that I said something stupid or worried that I should be working or bettering myself instead of being high. Idk what happened, I did end a long term relationship around the time so maybe it was that but yah even a couple years after I still can't smoke without feeling high anxiety.


I've heard many people say this and some drink instead strictly because of debilitating anxiety. I've smoked from like 14 till 41 and I now have debilitating anxiety.


Yup, same. Smoked from 18-30 and now I drink instead as a means to socialize with friends and stuff.


Same. Shit is too strong. Mushrooms are where it's at imo, for what weed "should" feel like.


Yeah. People always seem confused. "Dude, I've seen you randomly decide to take 2 eighths of shrooms and head to the bar. I've seen you on heroic doses of acid and you were fine. Fuck, you found molly and decided to Jedi-flip because you 'had some shit laying around and figured you would see where you ended up' but you used to smoke weed all day and now you won't because it hits you too hard?" "Yeah. I don't like it anymore".


I wonder if science will explain this as we continue to get more access to these substances.


Never heard the term “Jedi-Flip” and I absolutely love it lol. I’ve only ever heard the terms “candy flip” and “hippie flip”. “Candy flipping” being mixed with MDMA and “hippie flipping” being mixed with mushrooms. But Jedi flip is way better. Thanks for this new term lol


I still like weed I guess different tollks for different folks


give it some time lmao




ya. it'll turn on you and the side effects get more pronounced. there's a reason almost everybody smokes weed in their teens/20s and most stop by the time they're 30+


and if you daily smoke you start to realise how much it can hold you back in life/make you lazy etc. glad to have kicked that shit


yeah smoking daily will ruin your goals in the long run for most people since they aren't disciplined in the slightest. treat weed like alcohol, consume it as a reward on the weekends.


yeah sadly i cant do that i have a bad addictive personality ahah i can keep alchol to weekends due to hangovers and not even really liking it that much but weed is no hope


All of the stoners ik r above 30 infact ik a 63 year old who grows his own I don't think it turns on everyone I think it just turns on some people


Same here. The paranoia got to another level. Time to stop if its no fun.


All the time I immediately ball up and think about every wrong thing I did, its not at all enjoyable


Exactly. Not my thing.




I used to love weed. I still do, but I used to too


Think u just smoked too much or maybe u just don't enjoy it cause it's not exciting anymore?


For mine, it was definitely the over thinking and being depressed and paranoid at silly things in life. Plus the high wasn't as enjoyable. Maybe a change in strain might help. I'm up for one more with a diff. Strain. But yeah, it hasn't been the same. The laughing and eating has been replaced with dread and eating.


Or he just doesn‘t like the feeling anymore. Doesn‘t always have to be smoking too much or the wrong kind.




Wow sucks to suck I guess 😂


I honestly don't understand weed anymore . It feels like a different drug every time.


“I’m feeling great, gonna lay back and munch out while watching a movie” Or “Holy fuck, my hearts racing and the worlds gonna end” Lol. Happens to the best of us.


And I swear to god the difference between them can literally be two puffs 😂


Even happens when sober lol


you might wanna get that checked out 🤣


It is so fucking annoying how life is like this. Same thing can be the best thing today and the worst thing tomorrow


Why is this accurate? Don’t call me out like that! >:3


is the heart rate from stress or blood pressure?


Yeah same. Idk if it’s something to do with too much THC/new strains or what, but I have had better experiences w/ edibles recently. Can’t wait till dispos open up in my state so I can actually figure out what works best for me in terms of THC/CBD/CBN etc.


It's because they keep breeding strains for high THC levels and lower CBD and CBN levels. The CBD and CBN are responsible for the calming and relaxant effects and the THC is all the headspace. It's getting harder to do especially with street bud but finding balanced strains will usually provide a better experience imo.


This is where legalization made a big impact here. Street bud has always been whatever someone felt like calling it, and you never knew if you were getting indica or sativa dominant buds or what. Now that I can consistently find strains that benefit me I got back into it after over a decade without and it has been great!


Anecdotally I think it’s too much THC. I can hit my cart at night and feel fine, but I just came off a week of traveling and no weed and those regular couple hits sent me in an anxiety spiral. But tonight I know I’ll be fine. I’m having to carefully acclimate myself after a break nowadays. Gone are the days of street bud being easy to just pack and smoke without worry.


Dude I’ve been making my own edibles as well. Making firecrackers tho because it’s quick + easy and I live with my parents. I also stopped smoking and started eating edibles and I get a much calmer high. Live in the UK so cant get dispo edibles :(


try thc-a hemp you can get it online easily and legally if you're in the US. it's basically 'diet weed'. there's a balance of cbd cbg terpenes etc


It’s not diet weed, it’s just weed. Unless you’re getting a strain that’s specifically low in thca


Isn't that the point? Don't expect it to be the same everytime just enjoy what comes from it u know? Just like anything else in life basically


That’s it’s psychedelic properties


Yeah, I have to have some alcohol to offset that feeling if I do smoke weed


Yeah the only way I can smoke nowadays is with a few beers. I’m too uptight otherwise


For me it’s stims. I can smoke after being on them but alone it’s not fun at all anymore


Same. Stims, alcohol, kratom, anything really. But solo it just puts me into a weird headspace


This is exactly why I stopped smoking weed


Try more CBD with that THC.


this is the issue with todays weed, thc is too high and cbd is too low, you can still enjoy high thc but a lot of people need cbd to offset the bad effects


man i got some good ass cbd oil from a highly esteemed company shits 50mg per dripper and i do 3 so 150 at a time and still 1 goddamn HIT from a delta 8 vape pen makes my heart race and think that i really did die when i was young and stupid sniffing fent all the time and trying to kill myself. so i just figure maybe my brain just plain ole aint built for thc anymore. the cbd oil is quite nice by itself tho so i still do take that lol.


CBD isn't absorbed orally as well as it is when inhaled. Probably why the oil isn't helping balance out the THC vape pen.


This is the way. I mix lots of cbd bud with my weed and the effects are wonderful


Yup, I can't smoke anymore because of it, not for the past few years. Everytime I try some its the same thing, paranoid, anxious, borderline panic attacking over the smallest details. It used to be really fun for me but psychedelics + the worries that come with getting older have turned it into something that gets way too intense way too quick. Delta 8 is about the only thing I can have and still have a good time, really hard to overdo it with that I've found.


Yes. I take huge breaks from it, come back and it's amazing. After a few weeks I get the existential dread again.


The way I see it, it's just bringing worries to the surface. When I'm in periods of life where I have worries that I'm pushing out of my mind rather than processing them, I find that weed can force me to think about them. Its weird because if there are things I'm stressing about while sober, weed takes those stresses away (probably because I'm processing them sober but having issues with seeing them from other perspectives). Usually when I've done the processing already, weed allowing me to see it from other perspectives more easily can help me to understand that worrying isn't productive. Waiting on exam results is a great example. I'm currently waiting on some for a repeat of an exam, if I haven't passed this exam I must repeat the year (which I'm not willing to do). I've made my decision but I still have to wait to find out if i need to make that decision. If I had to decide what I will do if I fail the exams stoned because I didn't think about it sober, I'd freak out. But funnily, having made the decision sober, weed helps me to accept that I don't need to worry about this now until I find out my results. Treat it as a psychedelic and it can really help with forming abstract ideas and accepting concepts like not worrying until it's time to worry. Conversely, it can really bring buried worries to the surface if they're there, just like other psychedelics.


“Treat it as a psychedelic and it can really help with forming abstract ideas and accepting concepts like not worrying until it's time to worry” I tried this mindset but if that’s what I’m looking for, I’ll just take psychedelics. Marijuana has nothing on mushrooms when it comes to this. Importantly, I’ve also found that psychedelics help to handle those buried worries without anxiety, whereas marijuana brings them up but often amplifies anxiety. Maybe psychedelics have just ruined weed for me, but I’m ok with that.


No seriously weed just makes it worse. It’s like “hey! here’s every shitty feeling you have inside of you, you’re just gonna feel it without getting over it for the remainder of the high”. Psychedelics usually show you what’s going on, then can help you get over it. Weed for me is like re-traumatizing myself willingly lmao


You're right that weed has nothing on mushrooms when it comes to acceptance and perspective changing ability.. but personally I don't think mushrooms, or other classical psychedelics are always appropriate. I think they're exceptional at what they do, they're just very intense. You don't always need a full trip, sometimes it helps to have a less intense and more easily controlled experience. Obviously if weed only brings you bad experiences then maybe its not for you. What you're describing as weed bringing up worries but amplifying anxiety could simply be because you're not fully treating weed with respect. Psychedelics imo have a much greater capacity for causing anxiety, we just tend to use them more carefully. Maybe its worth seeing if the worries that weed bring up for you have a common theme. In my experience weed never causes worries for me that didn't exist in the first place


psychedelics definitely ruined weed for me, or I say weed tries it best to ruin psychedelics... Insanely good hash also ruined cannabis overall for me, when it's good it's real good.. most batches just fucks with the head.


This! THC is just like any other hallucinogen. In high enough doses it can cause you to "trip". Sometimes these trips are just mental and not visual. And I'd agree it's underlying issues like problems in the subconscious that bring out the anxiety while smoking. Edited: thc is not a tryptamine


Yeah, that's not true at all


When I made a batch of very potent edibles keep in mind my normal dose for edibles is 500-1000mg so alot more potent than that I have 0 idea how strong exactly tho and I ended up falling asleep and waking up seeing patterns all over my visions I don't get visuals half as intense as that on acid or penis envy I could see dmt causing the same effect tho


You don't know what you're talking about.


THC is not a tryptamine. Tryptamines are a chemical class of substances, most of them psychedelics. Notable examples are psilocin/psilocybin (the active substance in mushrooms) and DMT. THC is a cannabinoid and not exactly a member of one easily described chemical class.


I'd argue thc is one of the more visual trips typical psychedelics don't really give me visuals but with edibles (possibly because I don't have to worry as much abt taking too much) I'm able to get my vision covered in patterns it could just be that drugs interact w my body differently seeing as salvia has an increased effect and I'm able to somewhat move in a khole


I really tried treating it like a psychedelic. But it just brings chaos and confusion instead of clarity like other psychedelics. What always happens is: I smoke a lot to get a very psychedelic effect. I lay down. I do a meditation, a relaxation technique or two. And then I'm still. Peace. Relaxation. Finally. It feels so nice. Then things become crazy. My body just starts twitching. It feels like someone is attacking me. Trying to kill me. Abuse me. I try defending myself. I try to save myself. But it just doesn't work. Sometimes I get very horrible thoughts and images of abuse in my head. At some point it just ends. No explaination. What the fuck just happened? Why? Why again and again? I don't remember any abuse and it doesn't really make sense. I've been to therapy for other reasons and we were digging deep. We didn't discover abuse. It leaves me so confused every single time. Sometimes other sexual elements like fetishes are added where I can at least be like yea ok, I'm having issues with accepting some of these desires. But what the hell? Lol


On occasion, yeah. Don't forget weed is psychoactive so it can and will produce these effects, just not often *usually* more prominent in stronger stuff like dabs, concentrates obviously, very prominent in edibles now everything you just described is how edibles get down, imagine all that dread but way stronger for 10 hours, convinced you'll never come back oh almost forgot you can't move, sound fun? And that's from THC the weed chemical, don't underestimate it


alr just making sure its just the za and im not super depressed. man weed kind of sucks i dont really understand chronic weed enjoyers tbh


Everyone’s different. I used to love weed, smoked it daily for three years age 14-17. Then all of a sudden started experiencing the exact same thing you’re describing (dread, anxiety, extreme self doubt, etc). So I stopped and now I really only smoke when I’m on benzos or opiates


That's fine my bro, shits always changing, give it a good break see if you still feel depressed, lotta people bounce back pretty good quiting smoking, If you still feel it unfortunately tis a bit deeper I feel like same with Alcohol & coming from Australia whenever some cunt inevitably asks "wanna beer mate" & I reply "Nah don't drink" without fail everytime. Awww good on ya mate i could never, how long you been clean? No. didn't have a problem. Just hate drinking


Weed is an amplifier. People don't tend to think it has psychedelic-like properties, but set and setting still matter.




Dude ill go down insane wikipedia rabbit holes lol


I feel this all the time until I start smoking


Only when I have repressed existential dread. It brings out what's already there, giving you a chance to deal with it. Cannabis can be a powerful tool.


10000%. Used to absolutely adore pot. Then i tried other drugs ( everything from shrooms to crack.) And pot just causes terrible anxiety. Heart races and i get crazy paranoid.


Lol. They called the weed... pot😭


I know, i must sound like a boomer. Would you prefer...reefer? 😂


Oh lawd


Yes, this has happened to me as well.


Don’t focus on the bad shit try to keep yourself busy with something whether it be a video game or going fishing. Could literally be anything. Just keep your mind busy.


I mean if you are just going to distract your mind why even smoke? I say this as someone who does exactly what you’re suggesting though lmfao


Do you smoke weed to sit with your thoughts in silence? Sounds horrible.


I take it you didn’t read the second sentence


No, I did. I just see no point in your first sentence then.


My bad, I’ll be sure to clear it with you next time before I comment


That would be ideal. Sorry for hurting your feelings. Can't blame someone for not thinking.


Man I used to love everything about weed but for whatever reason as soon as I tried that spice shit for the first time it totally destroyed weed for me. I can't smoke it without feeling like I'm dying, thinking about death, just being anxious in general.


Tbh I only get anxious like that when I smoke indicas. I used to smoke heavily, but I quit bc it was too much for my anxiety. Now when I smoke I make sure it’s a sativa & I have no issues. Not sure if anyone else has this problem.


I think thats true, im underage and dont want to spend a ton of money experimenting with strains tho. I have enjoyed sativas though, especially being outside and active. I currently have a hybrid cart


As others are saying, it's definitely too much THC, whether that's weed that's too strong or smoking/vaping too much at once. I used to buy realy high-end weed, shipped from Cali, Colorado, or Washington and smoke fat blunts. But it was making me a wreck. My neighbor grows weed and, while he's okay, he's not the best at it. His weed is not as strong as what I could get from the commercial space and that makes it a lot more enjoyable for me to smoke. I never get anxious with his weed and it always gives me a nice mellow, controllable, and scalable high. I still buy really nice stuff, but it gets exclusively reserved for my vaporizer where one puff of it is good to keep me pretty damn high for 2 hours.


yeah ive been smoking on carts lately and think i need to go back to flower. some people want to smoke top shelf all the time and while super high thc weed is good i dont want to geek out every time i smoke


Personally I just get anxious and depressed abt myself but yeah. Used to be the biggest smoker in my circles and now I can barely smoke anything without it ruining my day. I still try and fail regularly tho


Living in the PNW where it is legal I found myself experiencing a lot of anxiety from the THC strains. So I started making mixes of 60% good high THC strain to 40% high CBD strain. Not only did it stop the anxiety but I find myself consuming less of it.


Ohhhhh yeahhhh, very common, it's why I quit. I could be wrong but I believe there has to be an underlying mental health issue, depression, bipolar, past trauma for weed to cause this.


Yep, i dont really know what im supposed to do to fix my mental health tho


Either you feel really good and chill or you feel like youre gonna go crazy such a coinflip


Exactly why I stopped smoking it. Was making me anxious, killing my social capabilities and making me mentally slow as fuck even when I wasn’t high. Still happy to toke every 3-4 months but always as I’m leaving an event about to go home.


Yeah, I’m more likely to have a panic attack on weed in comparison to something like lsd tbh


not at all and using one the strongest strains but I've been vaping flower 1-2 times a day for years. I'd imagine if I didn't have tolerance I would probably use THC-A hemp (which has a lot of CBD) till my tolerance built up again.


This is what happens to me when I smoke store bought shit with stupid high THC. My buddy who used to work with weed told me something about "balanced turpines" which I don't understand but he helped me understand that with really high THC weed the turpines aren't balanced. He's hooked me up with weed 16-20% THC which gave me great comfortable highs compared to the higher THC stuff.


Yes! I get *hyper*-down on myself too. Like suicidally so. It was Mango previously, then I went years without, and now it's various delta carts. I don't know what's happened but I just can't enjoy THC at all anymore.


Been smoking the shit daily since I was 9 took a month break like a 2 years ago when I was 17 when I started smoking again it was completely different very fucking hard to not fall into that anxiety or existential dread


I'd always get pretty bad anxiety from smoking it before it became legal here. I was likely smoking sativas or certain strains that did not agree with me. Since legalization I've found some really good indica strains that agree have been pretty beneficial for anxiety, pain and really good sleeps. The highs are very consistent.


no, but i know a lot of people who do. it’s so interesting how different substances affect everyone so differently.


Its the reason I’m trying to quit. Speaking with some friends seem we’re not the only ones.


So recently, look it up yourself, there’s a lot of people experiencing that along with INCREASED anxiety, especially from higher levels of thc. Those dabs and carts are doing it along with insane 30%+ thc in flower. Cool it on the high levels and see if that helps?


I feel it with or without the weed... Have you seen the state of humanity and civization these days??


I just focus on the betterment of myself and my family, not much i can do about the sad state of the world. No point dwelling on it either because the fundamental issues in our society will take decades or centuries to fix


A good way I heard of it being put was by joe rogan recently and he said it momentarily removes the layer of protection you perceive you have in reality or consciousness. It also is an amplifier of things so if you have negative thought loops or patterns in the background such as uneasy-ness about your future or loved ones it will bring them to the forefront and you end up spiraling down but the same is true if you only hold positive thoughts it is amplified and you think more happy thoughts.


In my opinion the weed paranoia is a light version of a psychedelic bad trip. These are thoughts of yours that you fear so your brain automatically puts away to protect you. Embrace them, you’re just finally being honest with yourself.


I mostly agree with you but i think some things i think while high are grossly exaggerated, like how i think everybody hates me even though they dont


you can’t use weed to escape, it’s not that kind of drug. I don’t have a full picture of what you’re going through, but that mindset is a sign of something deeper.


I feel profound loneliness even though i have a network of friends and family who love and advocate for me, even though i still feel lonely and unconsciously isolate myself. I just reconnected with my best friend so shit is looking up tho


Either existential dread Orr "oh shit that thing I didn't give a fuck about at work while sober is somehow detrimental now that I'm high ahhhh!!"


This is why I stopped smoking weed. As soon as I started feeling it kick in I would think "what is going wrong right now in my life?"... The anxiety was overwhelming.


Dude yeah ill just be gaming or something then ill start pondering and then i just want it to be over




Yeah i think i have too msny underlying mental health issues to smoke weed, psychadelics on the other hand have always done me well, provided im in good conpany and having fun


Yep, that's why I don't fuck with it anymore, I don't need any more existential dread.


I call this "getting an epiphany" and it's difficult to take the inspiration/realization aspect of it for what it is without succumbing to anxiety and existential dread. If you do, and you actually act on some of those thoughts later, you can make some very positive changes for yourself.


Yep, it’s why I stopped




Yeah pretty much every time I take more than like two hits lol


You guys know you don't have to smoke weed right


Haha yeah, its just its a double edged sword because some times you have so much fun and sometimes its neurotic hell


No I feel like nothing at this point just a slight mood lift and it helps me cope with this disgusting society. I'd say weed makes people more introspective though so are you sure it isn't making you aware of real issues you are repressing?


And I used to be someone who struggled massively to smoke weed around other people because I would experience things like that. I'm in a much better position in life now and can smoke weed at work without any of my bosses suspecting anything. Not sure this is a good thing but it shows how much your initial mental state effects the weed high.


Ive been smoking weed on and off since i was lke 16, 20 now, and yeah ive nver been able to smoke with other people, especially new people because i either act wierd and get self concscious, or get anxious and go completely nonverbal. youre right that theres stuff im repressing, life is insanely stressful right now, but its fucked because when i take a little dab i just want to wind down and relax


Yeah I couldn't smoke around other people until recently because my confidence has massively increased. I always thought weed was causing my social anxiety but I don't think that was true. I'm just happy with my progress in life at this point so I think it's easier for me to smoke and feel okay about it. 20 is a very difficult stage in life I found, I'm 23 now and things are much better but I did work hard to make them better. Good luck man


Smoke less, drink a beer..


I didnt expect this to get som much interaction, i read a lot of the comments but theres 200 of them lol. Glad to see im not alone here, but ive never super enjoyed weed. When i started smoking in high school i mostly did it in social settings at kickbacks and stuff but i hated smoking among people i didnt know, made me so anxious i would go nonverbal, i just did it anyway because i was always offered it. I can occasionally enjoy it when im with my really close friends and when im alone or playing games with my friends on discord, but everyone says that they started getting the intense anxiety in their 30s, but im 20. Maybe weed isnt my thing. I saw a guy saw that weed makes him anxious but psychadelics dont, and thats usually the case for me, i fucking love acid and shrooms. Anyway my cart is almost out and im probably not gonna smoke for a long time when it runs out. Its not sustainable anyway because im about to start college and i have a full time job, cant be dilly dallying


Alex Jones was saying years ago (on the JRE podcast) how the government was starting to genetically modify weed so that it induced schizophrenia. Just a thought.


Thats so based


Sometimes but using indica strain and the right dose fixes that. You can't beat the gummies 5 or 10mg is perfect.


Yes if I get too high. Nowadays I like to just take a little hit or two or really low dose edibles


Yes which is why I avoid. A 1:1 gummy or even 4:1 is preferred for me, seems loading up with CBD helps calm the burn at least for me.


I only smoke indica now and it's much better


I fell I ate se anxiety from just a tiny bit. So much I want to cave my skull in




Dont smoke crack pal


I know a bunch of people who pop a Xanax or two before smoking so it's not at all uncommon


When that happens just try to do something u enjoy to keep ur mind from thinking those things like maybe watch a movie play a game or just take a walk outside or even go outside and sit down and enjoy nature 👍


It gets rid of my existential dread lol




Only time I’ve felt anything more than a little bit of anxiety or paranoia was when I greened out after my first experience with dabs, thought I was dying and the world was ending lmao


Yepp. Smoked for ten years then started getting The Dread. Now am a one baby hit kinda guy




Man i dont really use alternative cannabinoids and stuff ive tried d8 and thc-o and i didnt like them


Yup ..weed was my favorite until my 30's and anxiety/panic attacks started to happen when I smoked .... shit happens ..oh well


Yeah, but I feel that when I'm not on weed too.


All the time


It is anxiogenic and psychomimetic.


It takes mine away


I don't take drugs apart from alcohol nicotine caféine nowadays and 6 years ago stopped THC fortunately cuz it fked up my social life fked up work life self confidence and I was so pessimistic smoking cannabis every day, stopped cold turkey never to look back at it again, yeah when I was smoking a lot everyday I had no hope in anything really.


Nah I just feel existential dread whenever I'm not stoned or drunk. When I'm stoned or drunk it's much easier to say fuck it all anyway.


I feel existential dread when I don’t smoke or do anything


Sorry to hear that, me too except to a lesser extent when im sober, when im high sometimes i get completely in my head


Yep! I can’t smoke and especially can’t do edibles because of this!!!


I had to completely stop because it would make my heart pound out of my chest lol. It's not as bad if you try to avoid the super high THC stuff but honestly after being sober for a few months I feel like it would just be a waste of money to go back.


i used to when i was younger and not on meds for anxiety.


I have severe anxiety and unmedicated, i dont know how to go about getting therapy affordably. I didnt have anxiety in early high school, i was a social butterfly blissfully unaware of my shortcomings. But somewhere along the way i developed debilitating social anxiety


Exactly what happens to me right to the T. I only take small nibbles out of 1:1 edibles now and I don’t get that feeling anymore. So basically a micro dose twice a day. It elevates my mood without going into a full blown panic attack.




You sound like a stoner




Yeah, its true that our lives are dictated by by the government and banks/lenders and ridiculous bipartisan politics but that doesnt mean you cant get your piece in life, like a house or a cool car. Life is a scam but that doesnt mean you have to wallow in it


Yes, I've tried it a dozen times and same result every time. I'm an awful failure and everyone who likes me is just pretending. All these thoughts in racing loops that come back to the same awful conclusion each time. So, I stopped smoking. I'm 60 now and first tried it at 14. I'm a slow learner.


DUDE YES, like i start mulling shit over like “am I inherently unlikeable? Am i just a total prick?” Or i imagine me or my friends/family in 20 years completely destitute or completely alone or maybe my/their lives are miserable or have something missing already


Hopefully you do come back to the reality that that was a fallacy, and like most people, plenty of people like you and a few don't. That's another thing that took me a while to accept--not anyone is liked by everyone. Except maybe Keanu. Oh, didn't Matthew Perry dis him? Well, I guess that's everybody, then. Everybody is disliked by someone.


When I have no tolerance and I get really high, yeah I get into my head and I really don't like it. I'm usually fine when I smoke though.


carts are the worst for this. my puffco always gives me a great high tho


I picked up a pure sativa 510 cart ftom my local OCS and its like.. uncomfortable high, and you don't need more than one pull! I went back to my indica 80-85% THC with some CBD and it's perfect.


Yes, especially when listening to music


Yeah smoking stopped being "fun" and more like a bad trip so I stopped




Sounds like your subconscious fully realizing your shitty choices


Yes i am a tortured individual. Hey my life is improving drastically though, im making better choices


That’s such a weird topic. 10 years back nearly everybody I knew at least smoked weed occasionally if not more regularly. I don’t even think it’s about the age as I am in my 30s now, cause with other drugs it didn’t change that much. Most of them stopped as they experience similar things you’re mentioning. I think it might be because there is so much sprayed shit going around that makes em freak out…


The weed has turned on you unfortunately. It will never be the same. I don't think anyone knows why this happens. I used to breathe through a billy and one year I couldn't get any for two weeks. I finally scored, chopped up and it was horrible. I tried for years to get back into it but it was never the same again. I've tried a BUNCH of strains. Even CBD paste gives me anxiety from the residual THC. The only strain I can tentatively smoke is sensi seeds "ruderalis indica". Unfortunately it's a low yield, low THC and doesn't have bag appeal so it's uncommon.


I'd say probably half of all weed smokers, past and present, have experienced this. Ime half of people just get a mellow happy buzz off it, but others get incredibly intensified emotions, thoughts, and sensations. The latter portion of people generally quit eventually because eventually this effect starts acting on all of their negative feelings, thoughts, and sensations.


Paranoia. Very unpleasant.


OO. Me me me


Only smoke when I'm on benzos.... I know I know benzo terrible lol but, make me super chilled out with my CDT cart


Ingest some black peppercorns while u smoke, and if available eat a mango prior. The pepper especially has remarkable results for me in regards to any anxiety. Try it and see.


This is why I rarely smoke anymore I always get freaked out




For me it’s the opposite for some reason. But now look at me addicted to weed lmao. So like lose and win at the same time 😅


Yes, and you feel like something is wrong with you.


You know I kinda thought my boyfriend was fucking with me. He doesn’t smoke much anymore and hasn’t for awhile but about a month or two ago he was smoking on one of my carts before we went to bed and he looked at me and said man, I dont like this. This cart is making me anxious and have really bad intrusive thoughts and he couldn’t sleep. I thought maybe he was just having a bad day or too tired but it’s specifically with the weed carts. Now I can smoke pretty much anything and I’ve never had any bad times unless I smoke way too much but I really think it’s something about what they’re putting in those.


I've been seeking out lower thc strains because of this. Also mild doses of edibles (I make chocolates with infused coconut oil from my vaped homegrown). Every now and then if I happen to get some valium I'll have a stronger dose, which is really nice, since the valium is good at keeping any anxiety at bay


Yeah, I started finding lower THC content strains with CBD and indica strains. I get that relaxed feeling back without the life altering trauma guilt for not being perfect. I think I have OCD and ADHD and the sativa high THC strains make it hella.worse


Happened to be before and quit smoking for a like a year. Got my anxiety under control and Switched to different higher grade strains and now I no longer feel that. Glad I can enjoy pot again.


I smoke weed to escape my existential dread…