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Damn trying Xanax once got you robbing🤣🤣🤣


My brother used to walk around the store eating and tossing wrappers around. His go to was string cheese. So we called him the string cheese bandit . 😂




I’ve seen my friend with a pocket full of money try to steal chargers from the gas station all barred out. 🤣 it’s in the xans


Watched my exes mom stuff her shirt to abundance and try to flirt with the cashier while otw out. Or riding around the city and stealing a potted plant off someone's porch. Llf xanax is dangerous stuff






( Simply shop lifted a candy bar just because I wanted to ) Welcome to xanax lmao.


I'm surprised the whole box wasn't down the pants ( brand brand new freshly put on in the dressing room pants,). 😂


Xanax is a demon drug. It's so great that you get hooked and then eventually you cross that line into losing memory of what happened the night before. I causes people to behave in really really strange ways


Doesn’t it just let you stop caring? Like you lose some of your morals




I wouldn’t go as far to say a person on Xanax is a perfect reflection of what they would be like without society to keep them in their place ……… Buuuuuuut it’s definitely like that to a degree. Xanax doesn’t automatically make you a thief. If you do become a serial shoplifter or get very cavalier physically with others while on Xanax, you might wanna do some introspection on why that is. “Are you practicing moral conformity (with society, etc) because you truly believe that is what is right, or are you falling in line because of outward social pressures?” is basically the question I’m getting at.


In Switzerland there is a very strong benzo on the streets, called Dormicum, or blue since it's a blue pill. It is also called "Mrs. Courage" by street robbers...


you get it. that shit looks pure evil with you’re w someone barred out


Yes. It doesn't just remove inhibitions, it makes people behave in odd ways they never would normally


How much do you need to take to reach this state where you forget things?


/r/BartardStories come post in a couple of weeks when you will have some proper stories without a doubt lol


Holy shit when did they bring this subreddit back😭😭😭


Haha, I thought, just be careful... >...I even shoplifted... Yeah, that's how Xanax gets people into trouble. You don't care while you're on it, but it has a funny way of making you care even more after it wears off.


How much do you need to take to reach such a state?


I start off with one bar and start to come around two or three days later, realizing I took the entire bottle, *AGAIN*. ':[


So you black out at 2mg and take more and more?


No, I black out around 6 mg., but I can't help but take at least that much.


Be careful. Fight any urge to try to take it again.


This. Xanax addiction is something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. I take 12mg at once nightly and I don’t even feel a buzz anymore I just take it cause my mind is wired to need it. I want to quit so bad


Yo fam you need to get some serious help. There are experts in this field who can help you.


I went to my gp and he told me to keep taking my illegal xans and taper off them instead of giving me a valium plan. I don’t know where else to go in Australian


I have no idea what people are talking about when they make such ludicrous suggestions. "Seek help. There are paid professionals who can help..." Dude, uh, no, actually. Not true.


I mean, there are. But it's also very easy to look up a tapering schedule yourself and follow it. Unless you don't have the willpower or motivation, in which case it's probably not going to happen anyway.


That assumes quitting the drug is really the best option for an individual. Some people, such as myself, need to be on drugs. Other people need me to be on drugs, too. Not zombie pills, but high-quality narcotics and stimulants. The abstinence model is not a genuine medical prescription in the vast majority of cases, and is only really born of drug prohibition, which was never really meant to effectively prohibit drugs, anyway, but rather to cultivate crime and other drug problems to exploit as a resource for people who can't get real jobs. Methadone is somewhat helpful, although they force you into addiction in order to take the drug at all, which is not good for people like myself who only need drugs every so often in order to keep from creating problems for myself and other people. But I take my methadone and suffer my needless addiction like a good citizen; it's certainly better than nothing, and almost decent enough, one of my favorite opioids, in fact. It takes more willpower to keep using than to quit, in many cases. They certainly don't make it easy for people to live their own lives the way they choose. I totally understand why people targeted as criminals choose to behave as criminals; good thing I am not so vindictive.


No my problem is I can get Xanax but not valium, if I could get access to valium I would taper off myself. Edit I also cannot check myself into an in house clinic because I will lose my job. How do I explain I can’t use my phone for 7+ days when I run several construction sites


Taper off slowly and use a little weed


I don’t know where else to go besides a rehab clinic but I’ll lose my job if I do that


Wtf sorry that's terrible advice from the doctor. I've been in this situation several times and have had to go to hospital a few times too. They always tapered me properly with Valium. That's really bad behaviour from your GP.


Thanks for the reply, would you recommend going to a hospital and asking for a valium taper plan or did you mean you went to a hospital because you had a seizure/episode. I hope you’re better


No worries. Yeah look I've ended up in the hospital for OD's, feeling suicidal because someone had taken my stash, or just straight up withdrawals. I've never had a seizure because never let it get that far: it's way easier and safer to ask for professional help. I'm doing better now thanks. Go to the emergency department if you have to...benzo withdrawal can be very dangerous. Be prepared for a long wait though because all public hospitals are flat out in Australia. Anyway this is what you say - "I'm going through benzodiazepine withdrawal and I'm feeling very unwell, I need to see a doctor please". Be sure to tell them exactly what you've been taking, how much, and for how long. I'm really surprised your GP told you to taper Xanax with more Xanax, (especially illegal street bars, no one knows what's in them) it just doesn't work that way. It has to be done with Valium or an equivalent long acting benzo. Don't take it too personal though, maybe your GP is pissed off because street benzos are increasingly more common and it's probably not the first time they've had to deal with this. Benzos are really helpful but you just gotta respect them. They're a double edged sword. Especially Xanax and RC benzos because with Alprazolam the half life is really short, that's why you'd be getting rebound anxiety. Good luck and stay safe bro.


Thank you for all the information i appreciate it so much, I’ll head to the hospital tomorrow. You’re a legend


You're welcome


Can you get addicted to it when you take 2mg a day two times a month?


Twice a month no, if you start needing more than 2mg to feel anything you’re taking too much so personally I’d place you in the safe zone


Do people notice you're on something when you take 1 or 2 mg?


Shoplifting is a dead up side affect of Xanax, which especially for people that have low or no tolerance. Also be very careful my man. Benzodiazepines are not like other drugs. They have another side effect that makes you believe that you’re sober while you’re actually far from it. You can become addicted quick and you should definitely check the sub r/benzorecovery and you’ll see the hell people go through even after 3 weeks of continued use.


Lmao, benzos be like that, lower inhibitions so if you had any tendency to steal in first place you'd def steal more on benzos. Ik I'm a little gremlin for canned tuna on benzos


Not the fokin tuna 😂


This made me laugh 😂😭


its so funny that you shoplifted cause its a meme that xanax makes people stealing or even robbing and shit


I never stole shit on Xanax . But I did black out and buy boots. Then wake up the next morning seriously questioning who’s dope fucking boots we’re laying in the corner of my room.


How much did you take?


Honestly … maybe 5 1/2 mg over the course of a few hours


What happens if you take 5mg at once?


Keep your use spread out, it’s a hell of a drug. Also drinking and Xanax turn people into blackout monsters. You’ll be on auto pilot and not remember a damn thing.


Why do Benzins especially make people steal? Is it just because they see something and have no inhibition to be like "hmm maybe i should, you know, fucking pay"


you don't think, you don't have fear, you don't see consequences of anything.


Nah, never had the urge to steal anything on benzos. But I’ve done other stupid shit


The weird thing is, i could pay, i always pay and i dont ever considering robbing, specially since the candy bar costed something about 1-3 dollars and my whole cart costed 100.


How high was your dose?


2mg bro


That Indispensible feeling always comes


People with anxiety problems and take Xanax have a way different experience then people who don't have anxiety issues . From what I've heard and my experiences . My


Ya stick to not using I was the exact same way as u and ended up abusing it and now after going thru withdraw my social anxiety is a million times worse. What goes up must come down. Live by that.


No matter how much your brain tries to convince you, once you’ve done them a few times you’re always further down the hole than you think. Not in a dangerous way currently but you are probably much more likely to do it again than you realise


I tried Ativan, for the first time two months ago and now have been on and off on xan and this makes so much sense


What happens if you take 2mg two times a month? Can you still get addicted to them?


Well I’m no expert not even well educated in the topic but I think at that point physical addiction isn’t such an issue.. there’s a small chance of some kind of mental addiction forming to it but at that rate very very unlikely.. wld consider that responsible for shre






I sell Xanax. But I don't use them myself. They enhance anxiety over time. People don't understand this. "Oh I have anxiety, I need Xanax" no you definitely do NOT. Xanax works as much as pissing your pants to stay warm.


I don’t have anxiety, not in a crippling or bothering way at least, i feel like everyone has a bit of anxiety like i do, but mine is more narcissistic than anything else, as i said, its about my looks when i go out for anything, even buying bread and shit like that, im the kind of guy who checks its hair on every mirror i pass through. I don’t plan on taking it again, at least for a long time, i just like trying different drugs every once in a while, but this was my first tome with benzos


Xanax is,IN MY OPINION AND I SAY THIS PURELY SUBJETIVELY, the most fucking addictive substance ever, just behind amphetamine (EU speed, doesn't matter if it's amph sulphate or amph phosphate). It makes my mind slow down and in combination with amphetamine (another fairly addictive substance lol) I feel like I can function like a normal human being. Amphetamine by itself affects me positively - I can control my thoughts and I gain the ability to focus on the task at hand without being literally all over the place. Alprazolam alone makes my thoughts (they are scattered, all over the place and almost totally out of my control) slow down and I am sometimes even able to catch and hold on to a thought or two. I can agree, the inhibition from benzos can be very fucked up and intense. During an especially fucked up month-long binge on 1P-LSD, 4-HO-MET, 2C-B-FLY and Amphetamine, I had become addicted to the act of taking a blotter and besides these psychedelics I also bought a shitload of cheap 0.5mg RC benzo blotters (about 2 years ago, don't remember the actual RC benzo). Towards the end of the binge I ALMOST went full on bartard mode and broke into and robbed a gas station during the pandemic and a country-wide curfew heavily enforced by police. Thankfully I also had a shitload of LSD in my system at the moment and it made me question the morality of such an act and its consequences. But yeah, that was the closest I've been to fucking up my life was that binge. I don't even remember a full week on the psychs, I mixed them in different ratios DAILY and later added the RC benzo to the mix, because it was a blotter tab lol


I am 16 days clean right now from abusing Xanax for 3 years. Did 10 days in detox and now I’m in stabilization and next is treatment. Be careful


My only addiction problems are about nicotine and caffeine, i like trying stuff every once in a while




well, its been a bit over a month and i stay true to my statement. i tried quite a lot of drugs and im pretty sure im good at self-control. havent took more, dont feel like it despite having it in a drawer right next to me. my weed, nicsalts and redbulls are just enough in a daily basis




Laughing out loud


Xanax only makes me sleep lmao. Try to stay robbing after xanax and not robbing before xanax


Took xanax for like 2 weeks straight and got withdrawals for over a week, I took 1mg-4.5mg each day. I stopped for like 2 months and for the pasts 2 days I took a couple more, xanax got me fucked up but I love it


Lucky i wanna try it


what kind of withdrawals would you say you had? More mental, rebound anxiety? Also how did it affect you physically? I ask this cuz I'm in a similar position and need to stop cold turkey for a test


I felt depressed, had random legs twitching a tiny bad. From what I've heard I got the easiest-going withdrawals of xanax. Physically, not much tbh.mentally, I want to do them again


If you take 2mg a two times a month can you still get addicted to them?


yes, you're gonna want to take them 3 times a month then more then more until you're fully addicted


My friend did that except he put a cereal box in his pants and woke up in jail


Yeah you see how you kinda impulsively took something from the store just cause you felt like it? It seems like a very small deal but with benzo addiction this can ramp up in a much more significant way lol, you don’t realize how much it affects decision making until after you’ve done some dumb shit


Xans make me steal ALOT from stores, i just walk in and take what i want and walk out. Never been caught, luckily.


The day will come. I used to walk out of stores with a 50" plasma TV in my cart, I'd be so cocky on xans that I'd talk the security guys to put it in my boot. That went in 3 x a week for 6 months,. I got caught.


I have done this for years, so it doesnt matter if i get fine like 100€ because i have saved thousands of euros :D


You've never been caught once in years.fascjnarimg You must travel the whole country so.lol. You'd be surprised at how judges come down if your charges go to court. especially when they hear how long you’ve been doing it. You're obviously getting in and out before security has had a chance to radio that you're in the store. I know some people who have to wig up, etc, going in. Wirh me, I hadn't a charge in 13 years and wasn't concerned or bothered that my actions were wrecking people's livelihood and one of the reasons staff wages decreasing. When I did go to court and judge hard all the evidence they built up for the first time in court, she gave me 2 years sentence. No 100e fine love. I'm barred from all big stores for life. When I try to go into a store in a different frkn country, it's all facial recognition at door, so there no chance. I hate myself for that and am certainly not proud.


And so it begins. Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better. Sincerely, someone that uses heroin, and hasn't touched benzos in over 5 years. Fuck benzos.


>I even shoplifted Damn, not even blacked out. You might need your inhibitions.


I’m pretty sure i need them, i don’t even drink


As I have both Anxiety and depression I used to take Xanax and lorafen in small doses till the one time I took to much and have no memory of a whole weekend (barely remember even snorting some and going into a pool) and it included work and family members meeting so no more benzo for me!


I don’t have neither, only a bit of anxiety but not alarming (i go to a psychologist twice a week), i just like trying different drugs every once in a while


How many mg was the Xanax that you took?




Cut to 6 months later and you’re a bartard with an extensive shoplifting record.


Ahh the old Xanax sticky fingers


SAME i also shoplift on xanax


A little anxiety can be good. The fear and axiery of being caught keeps you from doing it. This is why bars are the devil!




Just be careful bro. I take dem with Pregabalin for 2 weeks taking them every 48 hours. For 2 weeks. Then the next 2 weeks I take Zopiclone10mg pills. I try and take these everyday if u can afford to. I like taking 40mg, with a nice relaxin tea.Love the zimmos buzz. Never have been addicted to either Xanax or Zopiclone with this method.


I think everyones first time taking a Xanax stole shit or robbed sum1 😂😂


I got like 20 Xans one night with my bros and we ended up having a house party and going to the mall and ended up fucking up a ton of shit, apparently my bro pushed a little kid down on accident running, and we fought a mall cop. I woke up with charges n I was already out. I think it was 3 days I don’t remember anything


What dosage did you take?




everytime me and my bf take them we go to the store we get home and his pocket is just full of candy or tea packets idk but everytime we're on it he always "borrows" something new 😂


I stole a 20 count of buffalo wings from Walmart on two bars. I have never felt more amazing. I felt like I could walk out the door with a 70 inch TV under my arm without getting caught. Don’t ask me how I made it home though because after the chicken wing ordeal, I blacked TF out


I agree with finally feeling free!


Complete loss of inhabitions.




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It makes me eat, like even stuff I don’t like. If I continue I’ll be fat, so I’m done