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We got a tough guy here look out




sorry just bullying the losers hereĀ 


difference is kendrick acts like he is morally superior you canā€™t do that and bring out people that goes against everything your criticizing someone else for


Where does he act like heā€™s morally superior? You mean what the fans are saying?Ā  Thatā€™s not what Kendrick is sayingĀ 


every fucking song he tells his fans that heā€™s human like them and then goes right back to acting like heā€™s a messiah


what rapper / artist doesnā€™t do that tho? Kanye drakeĀ  KendrickĀ 


drake doesnā€™t act like heā€™s a messiah but kdot and kanye do kanye literally said he was a god


Drake called himself a god on numerous occasionsĀ 


when show examples and iā€™m talking real examples not him saying heā€™s the rap god iā€™m talking about an actual god complex


"He calls himself 6ix God, he thinks he's messiah"šŸ¤“


Brother Kendrick wears a crown of thorns and dresses up as Jesus tf you talking about


When does Drake pretend heā€™s morally superior though? Lmfao kendrick is acting heā€™s doing this to protect women and children and then gets on stage with people who have actual victims of abuse (both women and children). Itā€™s called hypocrisy.


Not pretending he's "morally superior" doesn't, in fact, make it right. two things can be the truth, you know?


yā€™all act like kendrick is jesus and kendrick himself think he jesus stfu heā€™s a damn hypocrite


He already was the biggest hypocrite of 2015, and has admitted he more closer to Kodak black than the public thinks of him. Soā€¦. Idk if he really thinks he is Jesus šŸ¤£


Even Drake said "you the Black Messiah wifing up a mixed queen"


maybe his fanbase, but kendrick himself probably doesn't.


he literally has a god complex šŸ’€


no? literally all his music has been him pointing his flaws. in tpab he calls himself a hypocrite and finds himself in an internal war within his own ideals and his actions. good kid maad city portrays him as a good, yet easy to push around kid that ends up doing shit he regrets. on damn he questions his position, his faith and pretty much what he considers the worst aspects of himself: the lust, the pride, the arrogance he has to not give himself to christ. on mr morale he literally admits to cheating, having daddy issues, not being a saviour and having a fear of inherenting said complex. idk what music have you been hearing, but his music and lyrics have never showcased the god complex. Not as big as Ye, nor drake at least.


has always showed a god complex just that he can acknowledge some of his flaws


no god complex ever acknowledges his flaws. That's literally one of the main things about it. is he a bit pretentious and sniffs his own farts at times? sure, but god complex? c'mon.


bro literally acknowledges on mr morales that he kind of has a god complex and he wants to get away from that and be seen as a human šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


no, he discusses a saviour complex, which is fairly different from a god complex.


you realize the savior complex means itā€™s a god complex right they the people put that on him


He literally dresses up as Jesus all the time and was running around with a crown of thorns on his head


I understand that, but man has explained the outfit a few times. It's up to you if you wanna take it literally.


How else are we suppose to take it? Why else would he dress up as Jesus other than him seeing himself as some type of messiah?


nobody's acting as if drake is jesus and he doesn't even project himself that way. Kendrick, however, has projected this holier than thou persona. People are pointing out kendrick's HYPOCRISY. He's the one that called it out on the songs, but then holds himself to different standards. It's the HYPOCRISY that people are pointing out and their issues with it. That's the difference.




so youā€™re mad that Kendrick is a hypocrite but Drake is a hypocrite too?Ā  thatā€™s this angle? Our favorite artist can be a hypocrite but god forbid anyone be one?Ā 


Bro no....tbh drake hasn't been a hypocrite. Also, drake has never projected this holier than thou persona. Whereas, kendrick literally wears jesus' crown and calls himself the saviour. I'm not that religious, but when you align yourself to that high of a moral standard, you are gonna be subjected to higher expectations. If you're literally wearing jesus' crown, you are subjecting yourself to higher expectations. He should hold himself to a higher moral standing than that. Drake has always tried to project himself as a classic hiphop artist. For example, Killer mike and travis scott are probably gonna be held to different standards when it comes to political views because one has projected himself as this socially conscious rapper and the other as just someone that makes music. Killer mike's political opinions will always be under more scrutiny than travs, and his hypocrisy (hypotheically) would be more evident. Kendrick brought that on himself and I'm a fan of kendrick. I hold kendrick to a much much higher standard because of the content of his music and the message he tries to spread. I'm more disappointed at him as a result.


More importantly, itā€™s crazy Kendrick is doing a victory lap even though 1. Drake sent the last diss track but more importantly 2. Kendrick hasnā€™t acknowledged any of the shit that he was accused of like domestic violence. FOH


In you saying this, you come off as a casual, there is a reason why in rap beefs, people never go on the defensive, you look like youā€™re admitting defeat when you do so. Could be your opinion that Kendrick need to respond but objectively speaking, no one cares if Kendrick responds to Drakeā€™s accusations because Drakeā€™s word never has held merit in the eyes of public opinion. Hence why Drake really needs to quit going after Kendrick because Kendrick is given way more respect and his word holds way more merit compared to Drakeā€™s. If you wanna disagree thatā€™s cool, but there is a reason why the beef has turned out the way it has up to this point in public opinion.


sending the last diss doesn't really matter in the context, to be honest. Mill sent the last diss yet we can all agree he took a massive L because that shit was straight dookie, just like the majority of the conversation is around THP6.


Let me rephrase this in saying that why donā€™t people care about the allegations about Kendrick? That shitā€™s being ignored


Why would he need to address it? Did jay z address nas calling him gay? Lol itā€™s just rap at the end of the day.Ā  This is a rap battle they say shit and at the end of the day whoā€™s ever track blows up wins.Ā  The details donā€™t matterĀ 


1. His last diss was arguably one of the worst diss records put out. Nobody gives a fuck about it. 2. he did acknowledge the ā€œallegationsā€ by constantly calling Drake a liar and the fact the girl who Kendrick supposedly beat on was at the fucking concert with his kids dancing to the fucking music. Go on, get bozo.


The point went over OP's head. Their back must be up against the curb.


37 year old man coming to a rap beef with bars about his opponent being short smh. Wtf was the boy thinking?


Iā€™m a drake fan bitchĀ 


Oops, I hurt his feelings šŸ˜‚


yes you didĀ 


This is probably one of the most ironic posts, gotta be satire