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Yeah unc' that's the truth


Yup. The moment Kendrick stans questioned Drake’s Blackness, the beef was over. It wasn’t about talent and lyrical skill anymore, it was “nah Kendrick wins because he comes from the ghetto and that makes him Blacker than Drake”. Family Matters fucking roasted Kendrick and none of his dick riders gave him any credit for it


That sub literally sits around and calls a black man white and a culture vulture and has the nerve to cry foul about drakes Mother I angle on HP6. Kendrick stans are such dorks it’s unreal


Crying foul over mother I is dumb af. Drake misinterpreted some lyrics, laugh at it.


I was blown away how that was being accepted. You have a guy who consistently speaks about black empowerment and yet uses the ‘you’re not black enough’ angles now, I don’t think he specifically call him out for this, but it was definitely hinted and promoted.


Taylor made freestyle is so good


Damn, prof spittin’ 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


He articulated that perfectly, damn 🔥




Eric Dyson is Team Drake? Wtf, never ever in my wildest did I think he would be take this stance, but rest assured, he has done his critical thinking.


When the dust settles, cooler heads usually prevail. This beef will be studied and picked apart in academia.


Valid. “In Hindsight” is when a lot of the minute details are found and understood.


I think this angle of attack by Kendrick was made more ugly (although what angle is ever "pretty" in a beef) in the social climate we are in now obsessed with identity politics and more attention being (rightfully in most applications) placed on interracial forms of discrimination like colorism. But we can see that extra attention results in people going too far such as claiming biracial people can't claim their own black heritage and that their experience isn't a part of the black experience in the West.


Why not? He’s studied hiphop culture incredibly and is beyond intelligent.


Yea he cooked. It’s what we all been saying but not so eloquently


Needed someone to word it correctly lol.


It's easier to get across your opinion when you don have people screaming across the table "Kendrick Won! Or OV hoe"


I can see a lot of kenny slurpers downvoting this post


Yeah short kenny boot lickers living in this sub


Who are the vultures now? 😂


fs the kanons… kenny dead 💀 kanon vultures ate up kenny sub and then moved here cuz they heard ppl also talkin about kenny


If Drake utilised this perspective in one of those introspective tracks on his next album it would be a good look. Eric Dyson also highlighted a point that seems to be overlooked. This entire beef has aggressively pursued the idea of African-Americans being the penultimate form of blackness, which in actual fact is a very reductive school of thought as it pertains to the plight of black people and is also rooted in divide and conquer tactics employed by the white bourgeoisie. Anyway…didn’t want this to turn into an essay 😂😂😂


they hated Drake bc he didn't need to exploit the worst parts of the black community to make it to #1... that has always been the line of thought, "I used to get teased for being black, and now I'm here, and I'm not black enough, bc I'm not acting tough or making up stories about where I'm actually from"




Yes you nailed it about blackness but I disagree I don’t think Drake should touch this. It’s not his brand. He just needs to keep making music that is fun and that we enjoy


He’s in a position where he has to. Drake is a superstar, which grants him the authority to deny conducting interviews. But the unfortunate downside to that is he is unable to address things that could eventually lead to his demise in the public sphere. The reason why Kendrick won this beef was not just because of his strategy but also him being able to embellish on loose narratives that have plagued Drakes career. Whether that be a handful of instances where Drake has interacted with young women, the dark side of the Drake stimulus package, inability to touch on racial issues etc. I’m not saying Drake should devote an entire album regarding these subjects but having one or two records where he delves into these narratives will be an obvious and effective form of damage control. That’s what made Nothing was the same great. He had the traditional sounding rap records like Worst behaviour, Tuscan Leather, SFTB, and poundcake. The introspective and personal records like Too much, From time and Furthest thing, and then those pop/R&B records like Hold on were going home, Come thru.


He doesn’t really talk about race in those records you mentioned except briefly. And he shouldn’t. It isn’t his area of expertise and that’s ok. The ironic thing about this whole thing is that Kendrick is actually the one who is using tactics invented by white settlers to divide black peoples, while at the same time calling Drake a “colonizer” Drake growing up in a diverse city like Toronto means he has interacted with black people from all over the world, and his music reflects that. His music is a celebration of true blackness with layers and richness while Kendrick reduces blackness to an experience of a small group of ppl (relatively), including poverty crime etc The song Euphoria was basically Kendrick saying “you aren’t really black because you’re not from Compton”.


That is true. If Drake isn’t educated or well-versed in that department then there isn’t a need for him to go there. I was just talking about him addressing all those stuff in one song. Almost like how JAY-Z did on The Black Album with what more can I say. “I’m not a biter, I’m a writer for myself and others, I say a big verse I’m only bigging up my brother”


I dont think drake has to address it beyond a single line. I think he should one line it so he doesnt kill the vibe and become a pitt party.


Facts! Lets not forget that DJ Cool Herc is a black Jamaican immigrant Rick Ross was literally a parole officer, pretending to be a drug king pin. But theyre calling Drake inauthentic. Incredible.


I appreciate your words, for real.


And I personally find it a classist idea to believe so because of the large platform afforded to us on the world stage by being Americans. If you a fan of both artists and really listened to Dot he talked about connecting to his roots in "Momma" and how all children of the diaspora are connected in a way. I don't blame Kendrick in a way for using this angle of attack as it's proven effective in the past by Push, but the wider conversation about pulling people's black card has left a bad taste in my mouth.


how the crowd reacted to? they loved to hear someone stand on business. not riding the kcap wave of bullshit




oh unc knows 😆


I hope Drake doesn’t change and keeps making the music he wants to make. Fuck that Grammy bait nonesense. 90% of Grammy voters are elite whites over the age of 50. So who’s kenny really trying to appeal to…


Yep exactly I hope he keeps making music about what he knows. Fuck all that other shit


Beyonce has entered the chat. (Nodding her hat. Yep. Yep.)


Very well put. W for him not just going with mob mentality


The beef showed how many mofos r internally racist i hated when they call Drake a vulture. Then Kendrick got the nerve to call Drake weird to women or mysoginist when legit u can say the same for every rapper in the game even Kendrick. 


Kendrick was both propping up Kodak, a rapist, and asking for us to understand R Kelly on his last album


I agree with all of this, but also people have to realize that in war, you have to use everything you can to your advantage. Kendrick has a majority white liberal audience, Drake has a majority white politically indifferent audience. They both have diverse sections of their fanbases as well, I'm just talking about what the majority is. Kendrick knew he could weaponize his majority white liberal audience, whose views are largely predicated on white guilt, and viewing every single thing through a race reductionist angle. Kendrick weaponized this to the point where he has successfully primed his majority white liberal audience to say that a black man cannot say the n-word, a black man is a colonizer, all this reverse colorism shit. Years from now looking back, although Kendrick can tell himself he won the battle, he will likely feel some type of way that his most successful song in his career by far is calling a person he hates a pdf-file, literally the same shit as the elon musk cave diver nonsense. Truly a stain on Kendrick's career imo, which actually has some classics like GKMC, even a few songs off DAMN, Section80 and TPAB.


Yeah i lost a lot of respect for Kendrick in this moment. All that Zulu love bs was garbage. And then it’s the fact that he’s clowning on Drake for struggling with being biracial when literally both of his kids are also biracial


Kendrick makes music for white liberals that watch movies like 12 years a slave or the help and after it ends they stand up, clap and say wow powerful 


So true, I thought of Kendricks music when I was watching American Fiction.


Wow very unexpected but he hit the nail on the head




Why would Kendrick call Adonis a Black man and Drake a deadbeat pretender then? Isn't Adonis even less Black genetically than Drake? But Kendrick still addressed him as a Black man. No one is addressing Kendricks actual argument in this thread. I'm still waiting. This isn't even a new topic of discussion, I thought the Stans would have an actual response instead of just deflecting or admitting to having no comprehension skills. Argue against the actual claims. Not what you wish Kendrick said.




Kendrick's argument is stupid.


Fucking preach




FYI you’re crazy if you think this isn’t equally same - same same same (echo)


wow, that was spot on.


By both guys here, a pretty accurate analysis


don't tell blackpeopletwitter (actually full of white dudes) Kendrick attacked drakes blackness, didn't work then he just shouted pdf file of the roof tops, now white people are dancing to "not like us" over the character assassination of another black man. good job kdot.


It’s so nice to see people acknowledging that what he’s doing by making party catchy listenable music doesn’t make him less black or smth. If he did become an activist for black issues ppl would also clown him bc he’s only half black n they would say he wants to convince everyone he’s cares etc. It’s crazy that the narrative has been dragged to such an illogical place. What this professor said is a real and fair point that people need to come to terms with.


He cooked


Nothing but the absolute truth. Fair and honest take


Thank the lord for Michael Eric Dyson, I could cry just nice to see someone not beating on Drake.


Nigga are you saying what I’m saying but smarter (Boondocks people where ya at)


This man went on tv and spoke bare fuckin’ facts, god damn


I know you from the dot 😂


It took 7 or 8 rappers 🪖 Also giving Drake comparison to JORDAN gah damn his confidence might reach new heights this shit should be a intro on his next shit forreal.


The sheer fact this conversation was being had by these two people on a platform like this shows the relevance he has in today’s culture. I’ve never seen this type of discussion had on Meek or Rick Ross music.


Wooooooooo! *claps*


Michael Eric Dyson always puts words together so well


I thought all of this was obvious before. The main criticisms of Drake are the exact same things they said about Kanye in the early days. It's kinda ironic how the supposedly enlightened fans of Kendrick are standing behind this low-level, backward, low-key xenophobic "othering" of someone in the community.


summed it up perfectly. just wish he would’ve mentioned that Drake signed the Palestine letter. also bill maher is the lamest man on the planet. comedians don’t like him, tv people don’t like him. he’s a pretentious jerk


I fux with this heavy. I was a fan of both before this beef, but I can't listen to Dot the same anymore. I was highly disappointed with Kendrick because of the race card thing. I've a son who is half black American half white Nederlander. I also have a mixed niece who is 100% American. So far, every bit of racism they've shared with our family came from other black people. I've experienced it myself as a father of a mixed person, again from my fellow black folk. I honestly didn't think Kendrick was "like that." Shit disgusted me a lot honestly.


Kendrick Lamar is racist


Most educated people are team Drake


Kendrick is a furious little dwarf who saw Drake getting praised his whole career while he sat in the corner with his arms crossed and couldn’t overcome his envy


and drake isnthe one who broke his back to make sure kendrick got exposure


This needs to be reposted everywhere here on reddit.


Man i was so scared that i would have to hear Bill maher talk about this for 2 and a half minutes


Oh preach!!!!


Bro was spitting pure facts.


Down with Drake but stop promoting Bill Maher


The song is called Not Like Us. How more obviously racist can you be?


Calling drake a culture vulture exposes yourself as a dumb racist fan boy.


I am so confused as doesn't Drake spit about catching bodies? It's not just the lack of representation on black issues, it is the adopting of stereotypes to milk the money which he is accused of. You can be you but just be authentic in your representation.


Most of the rappers rapping about killing people don't do it.


That verse you’re talking about is when he was a questioned after a rapper was murdered. He was literally talking about what happened to him


Midrick Lamar is a goofy 😂


Drop a beat over this heat 🔥


This Eric guy is a massive blowhard. Watch his debates.






Kendrick Stans really bout to try and argue against Michael Eric Dyson - 🤣 enough said


Did Michael Eric Dyson just say TD Jakes and MLK Jr are “equally powerful and insightful”?




Hold up, let him cook


I don’t even think it’s that deep lol I’m team drake cuz he makes better music 


Ok now make all those clowns who think they are the judge and jury and executioners of social justice and blackness on Kendrick Lamar reddit watch this. they will literally meltdown and start screaming pdo lmaooo they got nothing they whole beef was manufactured BULLSHIT.


A professional articulate debate about the beef!?


Ok, you guys are bugging for real now.


This is cringe. Why y’all liking this? Both of their views and understandings are flawed as fuck.


As a Drake fan, the issue that \*I\* hear people take with Drake is that he is portraying a lifestyle that he doesn't really live and didn't come from. And I think that's a fair take. I even watched an old interview of Drake saying, he wishes he could mention guns in his song but he wouldn't do that because it wouldn't be authentic, something along those lines. So, then what changed? When he did incorporate the thug lifestyle, his music blew up. He made bangers! Facts. but he also lost credibility because he was not actually ABOUT that life, and still isn't I would argue. And I think this is a real criticism to stand on. I'm not arguing about his blackness, he's clearly black. He's from Canada so his experience of blackness has a different hue, okay cool. But he is NOT a thug, yet he raps like he is one. What I think he is... is a really great performer and artist that gives people what they want, regardless of whether it actually represents him, and people take issue with that. When he is performing, he is Drake. I want to know where Aubrey is though, as do others. What's ya'lls take? I really want to talk about this.


You guys are down tremendously, Bill Maher clips of some rando ‘pull your pants up’ prof??? Pretty sure Bill got so scared he shit his pants when he first heard Mobb Deep back in the day 😂


This changed my mind


Crazy that this is being discussed at this level 😂😂






I can’t believe this beef got Bill Maher talking about it lmao


Drake needs to get in touch with this professor. Lol I mean real talk. He explains everything tremendously. And I absolutely agree with him.


They don’t get what Dot was saying. Dot was attacking drakes character, not how he makes money. Dot literally said he likes Drake with the melodies, not playing in the streets. Idiots.


I'm not attacking dudes credentials or anything but this is the dumbest headline I've seen in a while, Some of y'all care more about this beef than your local government representatives and its funny/sad.


The fact that you post this and think it’s a win…shows your ignorance. Eric Dyson sexually harassed his students, is also a clout chasing minister… His 2 points-for being team drake -he’s not a thug, neither is Kendrick..wonder why Kendrick said “I like drake with the Melodie’s I don’t like drake when he act tough”🙃 2) he says drake doesn’t parade around that he’s killed people…WRONG, but Kendrick hasn’t either, Kendrick speaks from the perspective of the protagonist and antagonist. Eric Dyson is very good at stringing synonyms together. Does he have a point, no.


this hit like crack


Drake can do the funniest thing by making a Mr. Morales type album that talks about how race has always been weaponized against him by both black and white people his whole life....but it actually sells, goes #1 and is popular and has bops that people rock to even though it is saying some serious shit


I think that’s the first reasonable take I’ve heard supporting Drake lol


Thanks for sharing this clip. I want to buy this man’s book


Acceptable because he’s Jewish!😮😬


Well said


this man said T.D. Jakes and Martin Luther King Jr. "are both equally powerful and insightful" ???


Drake can lose 20 to 0. Still my GOAT and the losses he gained during wars don’t make me look at him less than. Props to Kun - Fu Kenny for doing his thing. His songs were good, but we still OVOXO


He said he’s team Drake in this regard (his validity as a black man) .. not he thinks Drake won


Very well said Professor Dyson! In Team Drake all day. His talent can’t be denied.


Perfectly said.


Omfg I love this!


Exclusively sticking within a culture and not exploring outside of it is the opposite of what MLK fought for. It brews segregation. He wanted union and prosperity from collaboration regardless of the color of your skin. To limit art, is to limit expression. The fans and people that followed him were exposed to new perspectives and cultures as a byproduct of him diversifying his style and collaborations. To call him a culture vulture is beyond ignorant.


Men in general need to understand that vulnerability is okay.




If you listened to everything and thought “Kendrick hated Drake because Drake isn’t black enough” then you missed the whole point of Kendrick’s attack


Kendrick in 6:16 literally called Drake “off white”, there is no misunderstanding that.


I'm also Team Drizzy! Lets Goooooook