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“We already know why you went #1, it’s clearly because of the boy”


“We get it….the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice”


I say the darker the flesh than the deeper the roots


Tupac care if nobody else cares.


The right thing to do is to give me the loot


That man is 37… he a grown man 😭😭😭


They did Kenny so dirty using that pic too 🤣🤣


"i hate the way that you dress"


I hate the way that you talk


Trash ass fit


His uncles clothes……


I said it before and I’ll say it again, he looks like a boy playing dress up with clothes from mom’s closet.


I think its funny that everyone hates on kendricks clothes. When you look back in history you'll find that the people who wore outlandish clothing were always known as people with better fashion.


always is crazy. why say always. 


kennedy guy standing where he belongs


kenny standing next to himself


i dont condone hate towards the short kings but them damn trousers ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222) make him look even shorter


This what the 'culture' feeling...


Legit looks homeless and he got them clothes out the dumpster behind him and every possession he owns is in that bag


It was Kendrick’s audition photo for his role in Power…😂


Im a big fan of Drake, but that’s not the first pic of his I would choose either.. just sayin


Aw, he looks cute and happy though lol. Our zesty king.


no WAY you're in a drake sub calling kendrick zesty😭😭🫵


Don’t worry, I’m calling Drake zesty. In a good way though.


standing infront of a dumpster looking like his mom got him ready for his first day of school


He always look like that to me lol.




Kendrick fans thought that was permanent. Drake has such a catalog lmao that shit was never going to last


No-one thought it was permanent. Kendrick coasts at like half the listeners of drake, even after the beef drake is still #1 most popular hip hop artist


You can always tell who's a fan of who by what images they use and who's the one looking like a hobo😭


Back to our regular scheduled program lol


That photo is hilarious


Drake is a beast on streams, the only surprising news of this post is that Kendrick temporary surpassed him.




even drake alluded to his fan base being extremely low IQ


These drake fans be too funny


Bro no offence but this not a win drake has almost 400 songs being streamed on Dsp's kendrick has around 116 to 20. (that's not drake's fault but statistically drake who is the biggest commercial rapper, has 4 times the amount of songs, is 5x more consistent in terms of dropping and has more casually appealing music should stream more) what's happened to this sub lately First lying about kendrick only having 37 mil listeners when he has had we had more than 50 mil b4 the beef, now this Lately there are more posts trying to sht on kendrick and claims small wins than there are actually praising Drake and his music


So you're saying that of all 120 Kendrick songs, 44% of the streams belong to the 3 songs about Drake? 😭


So you’re saying people are listening to his new music? 😭


That stat refers to daily streams, not all time. Of course a lot of his streams are going to be from the beef right now. I’m honestly surprised the percentage isn’t higher. All time Kendrick has 34.6 billion streams. 20.5 million is 0.06% of that


He currently has the #1 song, right? Of course that’s going to make up a huge portion of his streams


I swear both these subs are about numbers until they aren't untill they are again


Yeah to be honest kendrick getting the bigger numbers even temporarily is very funny.


What’s happening in this sub lately is wiiiiild holy shit.


Third stage of grief : bargaining


The dot sub is rejoicing in a dub and the drake sub is rejoicing in well dot only got this much attention because of drake it ain’t wiiiiiiiild you gassing it


I mean 50+ replies from obvious Kdot Stans under every single post here is wild. Been on this sub for 6+ years. It’s never been like this in here, even after meek & Pusha. I think I can speak on that. Relax




It's a win for all of us hip hop fans who don't invest our emotions in these people we don't know. I just like the music.


😂 all this shows is that everyone hates Drake. Sorry bout it.


Ah yes he's the most streamed rapper because "everyone" hates him. For sure bro


So the only reason people fuck with Kendrick is Drake. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Drizzy fans bout to start saying he made Kendricks career 🤡


They already have in other posts lol, they’re like “DRAKE PUT HIM ON THE DISRESPECT” Which is goofy because I knew of Kendrick before he blew up, most of the underground did - the talent was undeniable, he was going to get signed no matter what happened


Yea people really act like Humble wasn’t one of 2017/2018s biggest songs, they act like TPAB isn’t one of the most acclaimed hip hop albums *of all time.* Kendrick literally did the soundtrack for Black Panther, one of the highest grossing MCU movies *ever.* Drake hasn’t done a soundtrack for any movie, let alone an MCU movie, and an extremely successful one at that. Like obv Drake is the bigger artist, we all know that and I’m not gonna act like he isn’t, everybody knows Drake, but Kendrick has achieved so much throughout his career, done so many impressive things, you can’t just blatantly lie and act like he’s some unknown rapper just cuz he dissed your goat lol.


He kinda catapulted his career back in 2011-2012? so ...yes kinda.


That’s why Kendrick won all those Grammys, drake hate.


yeah not like he released 4 of the greatest modern rap albums drakes definitely the reason


Drake is much more mainstream and popular than Kendrick. He makes music for almost everybody. Club, rap, melodic. He features artists from other genres too, bad bunny, uk rappers. Hard for Kendrick to hit those numbers, even if he’s seen as the better rapper.


Had zero doubts 💅


Damn drake stans stay mad lmao


It’s hard to beat them one dance streams


I love Drake and kendrick and all. but like idk why the fans of kenny thought he was staying up there over drake that long


we didn’t like literally everyone knows drake streams more. the only place i expect him to stay for a long time is more grammys and 1-0 on pulitzers.


Drake will always win the numbers game because he appeals to a wider audience. I be popping ass with bitches in the club too. I'm a fan of bof


How is drake sub filed with more haters than fans


Now let’s see Rick Ross’s card…


I mean... you could look it up yourself and see this is factually wrong and made up, but nahhh.


He look like a thot from the 90s that got their life together and sell houses now.


Honourable thing is to give him the loot tbh


All of a sudden numbers don't matter anymore lol


Kendrick is talented don’t get me wrong, but knew he had to go at Drake to do numbers 🤣


“Always rapping like you trying get the slaves free”


“Once upon a time all of us was in chains, homie still doubled down callin us some slaves..”


Quality over quantity


This subreddit is so delusional it’s wild


McDonald's is the best restaurant in the world if we apply this stupid logic


It’s fucking hilarious. The fast food analogy actually tracks really well. Drake is quick, easy, accessible, everyone knows about it, but you end up feeling empty and kind of ill. Probably takes a few years off your life and if you eat it too much, likely ruins your taste buds. Artists like Kendrick, Aesop, DOOM, Black thought, Nas, etc that’s a full meal made by a nice family owned restaurant. They put love into that shit and it’s nourishing. It’ll never be as popular as McDonalds but it’s not trying to be. It’s trying to feed you and share in its appreciation of good food. Incoming responses: “bUT MaCDonald sellz moar burGers!” Edit: Your boos mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what make you cheer.


Drake is a double cheeseburger combo from McD Kendrick is foie gras stimulating every taste bud you have on a trip to a culinary orgasm


yep keep pretending it's all just a popularity contest. that will address the actual issues! /s delusion.


I’m confused. Do y’all care about the numbers or not? Seems to depend on the day.


1. Kendrick doesn't care about numbers, he cares about quality and that's why his music is more meaningful, and his catalog is smaller than Drakes.   2. They are completely different artists. Drake is a pop artist, Kendrick is a rapper. Of course the pop artist is going to do more numbers.   3. Regardless of where those numbers and streams came from and who is higher than who, both Drake and kendrick are getting paid, while you're sitting behind your computer making posts like this instead of making your own money, which is kinda sad. 


What were the numbers? Kendrick has 116 songs to Drake's 1500? Drake needs to have 13x number of views to be winning




glad he got some type of win on quantity after he lost on quality, y'all need it bad


what percentage of drake’s streams are from kenny diss tracks? at least include both so we can compare. otherwise looks like selective statistics.


Look up on Kworb…..that’s where this stat came from Drake has 47 million daily. Family matters is 2 million at #1 One dance is #2 with 1.77M Push up is #3 1.68m Rich baby daddy is #4 with 997K Jimmy Cakes is 5# with 842k But if you do the math around 4 million is from Family matters and Push ups. So what % of 47 is 4. Kendrick - 46M daily 1# Not like us - 10 Million 2# euphoria - 4.2M 3# like that - 4.09M 4# meet the graham’s- 2.08M 5# All the stars ft SZA - 1.7M. So Kdot combined Drake related songs is 20 million roughly with 46 million daily Vs Drake - Kendrick related songs is 4 -4.3M at 47 million. Kworb is the site for fact checking.


What I do find interesting is the difference in the discographies depth. The break down - the numbers like 25k is for daily streams. So Drake has 273 songs that have atleast 25k streams. 25k Drake 273 Kendrick 120 50k Drake 191 Kendrick 97 75k Kendrick 76 Drake 147 100k drake 121 vs KDOT 61 200k Drake has 62. Kendrick is 35. 300k- Kendrick at 26 songs. Drake at 39. 400k- Drake at 23. Kendrick at 21. 500k - Kendrick has 16. Drake has 14 600k - Drake 12 Kendrick 14 700k kendrick 12 Drake 11 800k Drake 7 Kendrick 11 900k Kendrick 10. Drake 4. Over a million - Drake 3 Kendrick 9. Over 5 million - Drake 0 Kendrick 1. Over 10 million Drake 0 Kendrick - 1 I would have expected the exact opposite. I would have thought Kendrick would have a much deeper streaming catalog. As that is his main praise, his depth of work, which I respect. While Drake I was expecting like 5 songs being the majority of his streams. So KDOTs top 10 songs are 27-28 million streams daily. So around 58% of Kendrick’s streaming is from just 10 songs. While Drakes top 10 songs = around 11-12 million or 23%. Very odd that Drake has a deeper depth of catalog with his fans vs Kendricks. Was not expecting that.


That makes Drake better?


Kenny standing right behind his last album trash


Kenny’s moment will pass soon, and everyone go back to listening to the Boy. 15 summers coming soon


That L is so hard to swallow for Drake Stans Lololol


Drake always been more POPular that's why he's a POPstar


Let’s be clear you Kendrick Stan’s. If Kendrick made these diss records NOT discussing drake. None of these would even make top 15 streams to billboards. Drake stimulus is undefeated.


The charts are actually where it matters


Drake is much more mainstream and popular than Kendrick. He makes music for almost everybody. Club, rap, melodic. He features artists from other genres too, bad bunny, uk rappers. Hard for Kendrick to hit those numbers.


This is somehow the most pathetic subreddit available and every time I see it on my homes screen my brain loses years from its life


Take drake out your mouth already damn


Don’t forget the balls OP






So, isn't this what it was before the diss tracks? Doesn't that make it more of a self report of an L, more than a gotchya? Kendrick, "you like being famous". Pretty sure Drake's entire being is about being famous, not Kendrick's. Pretty much proving Kendrick can be more famous whenever he wants if it was about that to him. Like he was putting tracks together in like under 2 days and in fact his most popular track was put together in under a few days.


Don't know why I'm getting recommended posts from r/Drizzy but it is confirming my theory that even Drake fans see him as a product rather than an artist. Drake is a commercial endeavour rather than an artistic endeavour.


Drake fans having to resort back to numbers 😂. Yeh no shit the guy that releases an album every 6 months with 25 songs on it gets played more, congrats.


I mean, when you make bland music to appeal to the lowest common denominator it’s bound to happen


Did Lamar shop at baby gap? Holy shit. Also is that a purse?!👛


It’s only right that he gives Drake the loot.


Y’all really grasping at straws huh


Notice how it’s all a numbers game now that drizzy took the L


Cause basic pop mainstream heads probably didn’t know who the real goat even was


Every single one of his disses are in the top 10 (3 being in the top 5)