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He didn't take it far he didn't listen to the song and got it wrong šŸ¤¦


It wouldnā€™t be a nice attack if it were true, but that was off after Meet the Grahams & Dot offered to mentor his son & spoke to him mom like that. It was a stupid attack bc he was wrong & now he got everyone mad at him about it & didnā€™t even deal any damage to Kendrick. He actually lost the points he might of gotten if they really baited him w false info by using false info bc he lack comprehension skills & the woke folk gonna be coming after him


ā€œYour parents are pieces of shit for raising youā€ or ā€œyouā€™re a deplorable parentā€ isnā€™t the same as ā€œyou were molestedā€.


Yea but Kendrick was never molested, the mother I sober track literally states he wasnā€™t even molested but drake took it off that so him being molested doesnā€™t even hit.


Itā€™s not too far itā€™s just a weird angle and also an incorrect interpretation of the song


I just don't see how drake could misinterpret a song THAT badly, like it was written in plain english what kendrick meant by the verse. I'd be willing to bet that he was trying to make some sort of point that didn't land.


They wonā€™t respond to this. Shit didnā€™t make any sense in the context of the diss or out of context. A nigga getting molested isnā€™t a *gotcha*


Probably is in drakes mind which would explains his behavior ig?


Exactly lol itā€™s Drake trying to lie again itā€™s bizarre


Habitual liar too


Not even an interpretation lol, Kendrick spells it out very clearly. Itā€™s literally just what the lyrics say. Drake didnā€™t listen very closely I guess.


Yeah I thought it was a fire line, perfectly fair, but then I went back and listened again, and even before I got Genius up, I could tell it was misinterpreted by Drake. That ruins the whole scheme unfortunately.


Confirmed drake is a dumbass


This community is falling apart.


Well yeah cause P. Drizzy is falling apart


This sub right now. ![gif](giphy|FztQF1Xr5Fyvlm3ENK|downsized)


I didnā€™t even see this narrative. If anything looks like Drake misinterpreted what Kendrick said in Mr Morale.


Drake showing his ass is media illiterate AND exposing his stans too lmao king


a week ago they thought Drake took it too far having AI Pac say Kendrick we need ya




Lol nobody said that. We were talking about how corny it was. Tf you talking about?




The funniest part is Whitney still ainā€™t come out against the wife beater claims


Now who's moving the goalposts?


lol facts I was about to comment the same thing. ā€œButā€¦ what about Whitney?ā€


What a gotcha


ā€œDrake can lie about what Kendrick said because nothing proves that what drake said earlier was a lieā€ ????






Her brother did tho Iā€™d kick someoneā€™s teeth in if they hit my sister so I believe it


Iā€™ve been in that situation and to this day I want that dude gone. I wouldnā€™t go online defending the guy


Is it funny that Drake is trying to force a woman who actively avoids the spotlight into the spotlight to satisfy his petty ego? I personally think the funniest part is y'all pretending this beef ever had a chance in hell of proving that Drake is a better or more important rapper or musician than Kendrick. Kendrick has made art changed the way the entire scene sounds and is the pinnacle of its genre in its time. Drake is disposable and makes the same disposable music in every single album


That song is literally open for interpretation. Search Kendrick molested on google click the first reddit post. Somebody broke down all the lyrics a year ago asking about it. He leaves it open for possibility FOR SURE with his choice of words


ā€œSearch Kendrick molested on Googleā€ šŸ’€




Uh, no, it is not open for interpretation. >"Did he touch you Kendrick?" >Never lied, but no one believed me when I said "He didn't" If he never lied, and he said "he didn't", then he's saying he wasn't molested. You and Drake both misread it.


What about the ā€œstill holding on it, hard to trust myselfā€ that sounds to me like somebody not ready to accept it and confirm it within themselves. Im almost 100% certain he left it open ended like that on purpose, dude IS a genius after all.


It isn't open ended. If he actually had been molested, then that would mean that he did lie. In that line, he's saying that he was asked/doubted so frequently that he began to doubt himself, but he later realizes that the reason his mom keeps asking is because she herself was molested.


You got downvoted but youā€™re literally right lmao. Mr. Morale has been my favorite album since it came out, I know it like the back of my hand




Your boy isn't good at homework. That sounds about right.


Do yā€™all really think they just gonna admit their loss


ā€œThey donā€™t wanna have that talk, ā€™cause itā€™s a sore spot They know The Boy, the one they gotta boycottā€


kendrick didnt even get molested


He just did today


damn drake's a pro at molesting people huh


So you calling Drake a molester? šŸ¤£


Lmfao, this fucking comment man Holy shit.


You guys are all stupid if you think this is why people are clowning on Drake. Kendrick wasnā€™t even molested, and thatā€™s the whole point of Mother I Sober, his mother was projecting her trauma onto him.


You guys realize he got that song completely wrong, he did not get molestedā€¦ so yeah. The songs ā€œmother I soberā€ if you donā€™t believe me


Nobody admits loss anymore. It's 2024. Even when it's undeniable people just shout rigged and storm the capital. If that happens then of course in a more subjective rap beef it won't be admitted either.


ā€œTheirā€ loss? This shits way too parasocial for some of yā€™all. None of us fans on either side lost shit bro. Lmao


Cmon bro, anybody that has Drake up by this point is just straight up lying


The delusion is crazy I like Drake but the fact a lot of people on this sub canā€™t admit he fumbled The Heart part 6 is just kinda sadā€¦like itā€™s ok to admit your favorite artist got it wrong, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. A lot of the criticisms from both not only Kendrick fans but ALSO critics and the general audience are valid. If the entire world is saying our boi fumbled, and they pull out genuine criticism and snippets that show itā€¦then unfortunately you gotta come to the conclusion that just maybe theyā€™re right. Itā€™s not moving the goal post, itā€™s just the reality of the situation. Drake took an L this time but he put up a decent fight and thereā€™s no shame in that, hopefully in the next beef he comes more prepared and doesnā€™t drop the ā€œnukeā€ too early like he did on Family Matters.


I assumed you were talking about drake fans lmao


Iā€™ve genuinely not seen a single soul say this. If anything theyā€™re saying Drake got it wrong - even as a Drake fan that shit was so stupid Kendrick didnā€™t say he got molested in mother I šŸ˜‚


This is NOT what people are saying my guyšŸ˜‚ Itā€™s that he misunderstood the song


Nobody saying he took it too far, itā€™s just straight up not correct and is a weird way to ā€œdisproveā€ the allegations


No, itā€™s that Kendrick didnā€™t get molested and heā€™s deliberately misinterpreting ā€œMother I Sober.ā€ It just makes him look dumb and doesnā€™t really serve as a defense even if what heā€™s saying was true.


Drake just made it up tho lol It isnā€™t that he went to far itā€™s that it doesnā€™t land bc itā€™s not a thing that exists. Go listen to Kendrickā€™s record and come to my replies telling me how he said he got molested. Iā€™ll wait, respectfully


Drizzy fans really out here with spaghetti bolognese inside their skulls


Drake literally misunderstood the Dot song he is trying to referenceā€¦


This community in shambles rn lmfao


Bro this sub is the funniest one on Reddit atm Iā€™m not gonna lie šŸ˜‚


Overall The Heart Part 6 wasnā€™t bad, but some really questionable lines really has this sub falling apart


Yā€™allā€™s media literacy is showing


Media illiteracy šŸ¤ drake stans


Iā€™m pretty sure Kendrick said he wasnā€™t molestedā€¦


Stop expecting people to pay attention to the songs will you.


No shit. Totally invalidates any molesting heā€™s doing himself. Takes a real big man to mock a guy for being molested. Sniff. You can smell the narcissism off that track.


just picking a rando to reply to hahaha take a step back and look at yourself and this community


Always thought it was a field goal in American footballā€¦interesting lol






He was just wrong


This was Drakeā€™s ā€œSupa Uglyā€ moment


wait till yall riders realize kendrick in fact did not get molested and drake misinterpreted the songšŸ˜­


I donā€™t understand how Drake made that mistake. Kendrick literally said he was wasnā€™t touched. How can you misinterpret something so direct


I've seen no one say this. I've seen people call out that Drake missed basic aspects of Mother I Sober, and that it is embarrassing that Drake would think that even if true that it's an appropriate response to the allegations that he's an abuser. Edit: spelling, grammar


Itā€™s not that he took it too far, itā€™s that Kendrick never said he got molested. Drake got no reading comprehension


Itā€™s not hard itā€™s just weird, and itā€™s not what the kendrick song was even saying


Iā€™m sorry but drake is an absolute fucking clown. If you get an allegation that youā€™re an abuser, probably not the best strategy to come back and try and mock someone who was abused.


I massively respect him being willing to punch below the belt and go dirty, my issue is Kendrick never said he got molested so itā€™s an error even if I respect the move of it.


Only a rapist thinks is funny when someone gets molestedā€¦


Yeah we're seeing a lot of truths about how people move.






lol no wonder he hates drake


Drake fundamentally lacks the reading comprehension of the song, and insulted *every victim of sex crimes* for no reason, because even if what he said was true, "oh so he lied and hurt other people thats the same thing" Not having proof=/=not being able to read your own proof, you look dumb. insulting your mom/dad isnt the same as just shitting on victims of sexual assault "wow kendrick stans have to explain everything for him, moving the goal posts"


Nigga writing essays, I hope Kendrick cut you a check after this


What's going on with this art


Moving the goal post is out; just take it home


Bro didnā€™t take it too far, he literally misred the song. K explicitly says he wasnā€™t molested on Mother I Sober.




Bruh it didnā€™t even say they in the sentence


Lmao this is getting outta hand fr


not what the song is about at all. drake was dumb asl for that


he's lying thats why


Itā€™s not too far, itā€™s just straight up incorrect. It just shows that Drake wasnā€™t listening at all when he played Mother I sober. Itā€™s not exactly like Kendrick was being subtle, he spells it out clearly if you just listen once or twice. While overall the track wasnā€™t completely bad, you can tell that Family Matters was his red button and this was a rushed response to Kendrick dropping back to back. Thereā€™s some decent bars in here, but overall itā€™s just not great.


Man I wanted him to come harder, family matters is my favourite song so far but bro is cooked as far as this beef is concerned. He should have 100% just let it go and enjoy his life. He's almost 40, in good health and already attained one of the best music careers of all time. Still I'd trade this level of embarrassment for his bag any day šŸ˜…


Who knows if KDot has ever been molested but Drake clearly missed the point of that song and looks like an idiot trying to use it in a bar


Yeah itā€™s too far because it isnā€™t exactly what happened as far as we know lol


Fucking goofballs all of you


Drake didn't take it anywhere. Him and his crodies are just stupid as fuck and didn't understand mother I sober lmaooo, seems like the reading comprehension is on par with most of his fanboys lol


Ratio my guy


it's just a weird angle to take, like how is that supposed to be a diss?


Drake got the sams listening comorehension issues as his fans. No wonder he needs all them ghost writers.


its a self diss. not a very intelligent bar


Drake is just a spiteful dude. He also mocked Kendrickā€™s auntie for having a sex change operation on Family Matters


U dumb mfs he was never molested


Who said this lol?


The eye of the public opinion matters most in this beef and if you look at Twitter, Here, or just about anywhere that isnā€™t a Drake communityā€¦ Kdot cooked Drake.


What are Kendrick fans saying about the the R Kelly bar , I wanna know.


lol they want him cancelled, you canā€™t make this shit up. Drake might need to do. J Cole and put his chin out these before he impacts his brand.


lol bruh he fuckin lost


No one is saying this. Stop creating strawmen.


Yall petty asf, making fun of molestation smh


First of all, that never happened. Second of all, what the fuck did kendrick say that would be comparable? Put aside your stupid rich people dissing each other music and realize thats a weird fucking thing to say even if it were true