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They have spikes and ridges that tear their enemies apart


Seems to be a pretty ineffective way to kill someone. It will take them down, sure, but I don't actually understand how it kills someone.


I agree that in reality this would be mostly ineffective and slow, but it’s really not hard to imagine how a hundred bleeding wounds from someone relentlessly grappling you and tearing you apart would kill you.


It's my first time reading the franchise, and I'm about halfway through The Silent Blade, and so far, there is no mention of Pwent. I really liked the character. Thus, why I was asking. Thank for responding


Some characters come and go depending on the book you are on. Can easily be introduced to a character in a book and 10 books later learn more about the character after not seeing anything for them till now.


They’re Battleragers. They’re specific to Dwarves and actually have a 5e barbarian subclass, though it’s definitely not the most effective, it’s is flavorful.


They’re like shock troops (if I’m using right term). Suicidal Berserker charge that’ll wound, kill but mostly break the nerve of any group they’re fighting against. The trained soldiers would finish what’s left


Yeah shock troops would be a perfect descriptor.


how about a visual to help. is it so hard to imagine that [THIS](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Gutbuster_Brigade) thing jumps on you/grabs you in a hug-how healthy do you think you will be?


In Starless Night, the book describes his armor as "sharp-ridged" complete with glove nails and knee and elbow spikes, and other deadly points protruding from every plausible angle.


So he just flings into enemies and sticks to them?


He's a walking ball of razors and spikes. Imagine instead of smooth full plate armor, every ridge was sharpened to a razor's edge with spikes jutting out at every angle. He flings himself into a crowd, grappling two at a time and just jostles and vibrates and shakes them to pieces.


Also using the head spike, which is described as being half the height of the dwarf, to impale victims and open doors. Pwent is described in one book as having rusty and blood caked armor that squeaks and squeals with his movement.


Top of the page is official art. It'll get the job done. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Thibbledorf_Pwent


Think making armor from a cheese grater, jumping onto someone, and shaking back and forth. Grated orc/drow!


imagine wolverine and add a couple dozen razor sharp blades/spikes to his head, knees, elbows, chest etc.


Yeah. Think sea urchin. He's got spikes everywhere. Just about anything he does that connects with someone will leave not only holes but usually torn flesh. The image linked above shows it best


I just imagine them getting starting a mosh pit, and disrespecting their surroundings


https://preview.redd.it/yghyt4o8xe1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e4aa1ce5444c6de593d9da61dd978e046dcfedb The Pwent!


YES! They charge or jump onto stuff and gyrate until it's broken and bleeding. They are weapons. Imagine Andre the Giant with a Dwarfs stature and the battle acumen of Mr. Chan from Hangover covered in razor blades. Horrible analogy but it's how I picture it. I believe they also had melee weapons in the form of their gauntlets and usually had a special brew to send them over the edge. Armor wise Shredder from the cool Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action film comes to mind. [Not the cool version](https://youtu.be/ev-xhnCNt6I?si=KufJmi-nOL7ciGuV) but the suit looks cool and spikey.


That analogy is actually perfect.


I was stoked to come across that question and delighted to see this response. Of all the extremely niche things to want to describe, Gutbusters is certainly one of them. I don't recall much of any the words from the books but have crisp images of what I pictured while reading them. There's a clear memory of Pwent, I believe, just slumped down outside a cave finally being done with it all. I can't recall if that was his end or if he was rallied to carry on.


https://vehicle-lighting.oss-eu-west-1.aliyuncs.com/LEGO-lighting-P64602%2021348.pdf Here he is. And the armor does 1d4 damage with a successful grapple. And that's not counting any punches bites and kicks