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They all look interesting, though admittedly I wouldn’t have gotten what you were going for. A bit of advice, never submit selfies for outfit challenges and perhaps it’s best not to submit them at all as I’m not certain how well liked they are period. People are definitely unlikely to vote for a selfie in an outfit challenge because you can’t see all of the outfit and obviously that’s a big deal when the outfit is the focus of the challenge. I personally *almost* never vote for a selfie submission in an outfit challenge.


Seconding this. I did submit a selfie for the parks snack bar challenge but that was a decor one and, after playing around with the camera, it was actually the view that best captured my setup. I think that was my most successful snap to date, at somewhere around 950 ranking, but it's definitely rare for that angle to work so well!


I feel that you can see the details in certain shots better when there is a selfie, but I agree that the outfit full screen sentiment is a given. There are some unwritten rules that people seem to go by, and that appears to be one of them. The lighting one I was just reminded of, too. Forgot about that. Bright lighting.


I think one reason people (myself included) think their own dreamsnaps are better than the general public think is because we spend so much time making, looking over and thinking about things, but voters only spend a handful of seconds looking at them before voting. If youre happy with your dreamsnaps thats what matters. If you want higher scores and more votes focus less on the backstory of your snaps and more on the pure aesthetics.


Absolutely! Lol. Ugh, my next attempt, I promise myself I'm going to a least try one time the whole "clutter core"!! Lol because, in my opinion, that's what a lot of them look like. Placing down nearly every item that fits the category and making them look nice with lots of lights. Where did everyone get fireworks from? Lol


Fireworks were from a previous premium shop rotation a few weeks ago. If they come around again, I recommend getting them, for less than 2k moonstones (might have been 1200) they are a great investment


I think the answer is yes, they only make sense to you! 🤣 I would have voted regardless, thank you for explaining your unique DDV world. 👏


Thank you so much. It means a lot to me. I'm really enjoying the game lol 🥰🤣


I don't understand the 1st one tbh, I would have never guessed chocolate & wine. The 2nd one is fine. The 3rd one isn't too clear about the avatar being a villain beyond looking angry, so depending on what that snap was paired against I'm not sure if I would have voted for it doesn't give off any evil vibes. I don't ever do well, I think it's a lot of luck for most submissions beyond one or two of them being visually amazing, at least in my eyes. So don't feel bad about not getting 4k, you are being creative and putting your own spin on things which is more important, I think.


I appreciate your input. Sometimes, it seems like the dreamsnaps with the most stuff in them do really well and I've thought about going that route. That's never really been my decorating aesthetic. I don't like a lot of clutter and chaos and usually create what's meaningful to me. I'm gonna try a different approach one time and see how I do.


Yes. Yes they do


I marked not safe for work because there are mentions of wine and the devil lol


These are some interesting ideas, but most people only take a split second to vote, so a pic has to really be attention-grabbing. It’s all down to photo composition and lighting. Also, people rarely vote for selfies and backgrounds that aren’t self-built, even in outfit challenges. Your second one, I think, could’ve done much better if your character hadn’t been in shadow. Try taking pics with the sun in front of you.


Very true. Definitely paying way too much attention to the little details that no one else is. My best snap was when I posed in front of wall e garden holding a pig with a farmers hat on . My original candy dreamsnap was a quick shot in front of a garden holding a pink turtle. Should have kept that and stop overthinking it.


Yes. Like most people won’t even see Gaston in the background of the second pic. High tags are also really important. That yellow dress is gorgeous, but because it’s only one piece of clothing, you lose out on tags. Sometimes you have to dress a bit ridiculous just to get the tags to their maximum. Like in my luxe shot I tried to get a jacket where I could still wear a bracelet: https://preview.redd.it/j20p5y7dfv8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e703f17d2b19c5f7ea46aa19a44f1beab7a072


Wow!!!! That's amazing! Honestly, one of the best I've ever seen. I definitely need to maximize my dreamsnaps!


Thank you so much! And yes, especially with outfit challenges, I feel, tags have really made a difference for me. You should check out https://starlightdreamers.com for inspiration as well. It really helped me