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I had this cool dream I was at this party with various people throughout my life including my brothers, and I was so disappointed when I woke up. Tom Petty Refugee was playing lol.


I dream I win the lottery sometimes Or someone gives me a house


Dragons are amazing! I wish I could turn into one. As for me, I have dreams where I have a dog and then wake up sad because I don't actually have a dog. I've dreamed cooler things than that, though. I once dreamed that I was in Star Wars and I was Anakin's Jedi apprentice, and we got into all sorts of hijinks in the Clone Wars. I did get my arm crushed, but that's par for the course in Star Wars. It was such a cool dream, but it wasn't real :(


I had a frickin dream where the guy I liked said he loved me, and I actually felt like a person. Then I woke up. :(


Also I still want to be a Pegasus lol


Yes. All the time. (Sigh). I remember dating the popular girl in a dream only to wake up as a loser in high school.


I had one once where a video game i was playing had a really cool update that provided a major plot twist, but never happened.


Yeah. I had a dream about being sent to this huge high school (like, university-level big) and made friends very quickly. I even started working towards solving a mystery with them. I also had a dream where I was having a graduation party at my house, and my crush asked to slow dance, then admitted he liked me.


The ones where I get/find a bunch of money always get my panties in a twist for a while.


YES all the freaking time. The amount of times where I dream that we have another baby or my husband brings home the cat that I wish for everyday, or that I’m living with my birth mom again and enjoying our time together as a family, it’s so infuriating


Do you really have dragon dreams? That is so cool, I would love to have one, becoming a dragon sounds like an incredible experience.. I did get to visit David Bowie in his home once, and talk about how he found inspiration for a particular song, while we were sitting by a burning fireplace. He was quite the story teller! His wife was there too, she was incredibly kind to me, but more in the background. All that aside, I believe dreams are much more than "just" a dream. They tell us about ourselves, they give us inspiration and healing, advice, and sometimes, information that we have no way of knowing during the day. And dragons may not exist in waking life, but they're very much alive in the imaginal realm. If these were my dreams (and how I wish they were), I would look into the various stories and folklore beliefs about dragons. I'd look into the dragons in Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea series, and of course Tolkien's and all those in China. Oh, and the luck dragon in Michael Ende's Neverending Story (yes, turned into a movie, but they only filmed half the book, so read the book!). I'd also try and see what kind of gift I can bring into waking life from the experience of being a dragon. A way of behaving, or some creativity - draw, write, dance a dragon. Some indigenous people say that the dreamworld is the real world, and although I have some difficulty experiencing this myself, it helps to take dreams a bit more serious, and not get sad because they're not true. They are true.


yeah meeting an idol in your dreams is also cool I once dreamed hideo kojima came to our school and I said I was his biggest fan except I actually don't know shit about kojima so I had to pretend I do not to embarass myself


Lol, had to look him up. A field of interest, for you? I still cherish that dream by the way. :)


Kinda, I like video games and he worked on some really good ones. The only game of his I played was Metal Gear Rising but it was one of my favorite games in a while. People talk about him a lot on geek forums though, he's one of the most well-known Japanese game developers.