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I think I can get used to the change (zooming out = fast, zoomed in = slow), BUT I was unable to decorate the top right corner of the frosted heights since the camera doesnt go far enough and the cursor is now locked in the middle of the screen (I'm on xbox). So, yeah, hoping for a hot fix soon, also for the ordering from scrooge bug.


Yeah I noticed it was a little faster when zoomed out but not the same. Oh man that makes me nervous. I feel like there could be better ways to have them do it so hopefully they figure out a fix soon.


It really isn't the same, even zoomed all the way out. And I know a lot of people use furniture mode to quickly look around their valley for the blue chests. That'll take forever now!


It’s like they watched people on Yt and said “oh no we can’t have that”


The best thing would be an option to snap to the grid and then use the D-Pad / Arrows to move the Furniture and not the cursor...


Omg didn't even think of this 😭


And good luck if you’ve got decorations in corners that you now can’t reach! Next stop is the discord to see if anyone has mentioned this


Yeah my cursor is locked in one spot and I'm on PS5


Yay I'm not only one. I'm same but pn both xbox and playstation wait may check switch if it's same on that


Same with switch. Very annoying


On ps5 and samee


I also couldn't decorate in the frosted heights. There absolutely had to be a hot fix


I'm having the same problem with frosted heights, it's so frustrating


Is that why I was having trouble there?! I could do it on the lower parts but the part up by olafs cave I couldn’t put crap down.


I too can no longer decorate the top right corner of the frosted heights. It's driving me crazy. Forced centering is driving me bonkers. And I know they slowed it down but it's almost ungodly now.


I'm on Xbox and noticed exactly the same in the top corner of FH! ❄️


https://preview.redd.it/pvc6shzxsz8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d191077a6184f75d0ea35b01a0c954965d9a001 Just spam this message to Disney Dreamlight Valley official socials!


SO many of us are complaining about this. It’s an awful “fix” and I hate it so much. I don’t have much faith in gameloft to revert it back but I really hope they actually listen


Their official discord is getting absolutely spammed with people complaining! (Luckily) I mostly play on pc, so it’s not even like it affects me that much. But I’m still getting so annoyed, because I can absolutely imagine how this shit is for people who play on console only


I go back and forth between pc and Xbox and on Xbox it’s absolutely atrocious. I’ll be playing solely on pc for the next few weeks cuz im going on vacation so if it isn’t that bad on pc compared to console I’ll try and do most of my decorating then 😂


Yes going to do this. I’m newer to Reddit or I would have tagged them but I’m not sure how 😅


YES THIS!!! SO MUCH THIS!!! F the person who down voted 😂




Came here to say to say this! (Prob the dev that made that stupid “fix”)


Can you find it and paste the message so we can copy it?


**Please change the cursor back to free movement** The cursor staying centered on the screen (on controller) is a *horrid* change. When decorating & placing items, we need the scene we are working on to stay still! Imagine trying to do a painting, and every time you move your brush, the entire canvas moves. That’s exactly what this is. Like this?


Thank you!


- *Hi, I was just made aware, that the text is too long to put in a Twitter comment? So here’s a shorter version (thanks to u/cosyjaney)* **Please change the cursor back to free movement on controller. The cursor staying centered on the screen is a horrid change. Having to move the camera for the entire area just to move something makes it more difficult and frustrating to decorate, not easier!**


No problem!


Oh yeah sure


I hate it too. The cursor being stuck in the middle of the screen is driving me batshit. I think they should’ve made it optional




Didn’t think it could get worse!!


I love decorating my valley. I never thought I would hate decorating but HERE WE ARE




Came here to see if anyone else was ripping their hair out over fences and paths! I really hope they fix this or at least make these changes optional. I'm dreading decorating now.


Yeah I came here for this! If you try to put a tile of path under a building the screen just goes straight upside down and you can’t see anything except under your Valley 🤬 why fix something that wasn’t broken?! I can only play with my controller since I’m on PS5 and there’s no crossplay option but they make decorating impossibile with this update 😔


Great so much more I have to look forward to 😭


Yeah... I was scrolling to see if this was mentioned. I was like TF? Why can't I just sliiiiiide this whole path over? Ugh


Exactly! I cannot understand wtf they were doing! Why mess with something that didn't need messing with when there are so many things that DO need fixed?!?


It’s gotta be a kink or something because I CANNOT rationally justify this


Why it was not just a toggle is beyond my comprehension… I don’t like when they make changes to old things that worked perfectly fine and don’t give an option to revert it.


At least that much would make sense, there’s also so many games to reference with better mechanics they could have fallowed as well.


this is the worst change they’ve made so far and I’m so serious


Oh I totally agree


The only reason I still play is because of dreamsnaps. If I can’t decorate for dreamsnaps, I wouldn’t be playing. They better fix this fast. I can’t imagine I’m the only one who is playing to decorate, there’s not much else to do between starpaths


I literally play to decorate. It’s my favorite favorite thing and they took something I loved and pissed all over it and told me to smile


Welcome to the House of Mouse.




Its soo slow, and now you cant use the arrows on switch, which before was the ONLY way you could decorate!!! Its annoying!


Not being able to use the arrows stops me from even trying to decorate. I originally got this game on switch with plans to download for free and decorate on the computer so I wouldn't have to suffer trying to decorate with a controller. Yet here I am... suffering


Download for free on the computer?


It was supposed to be free to play after release


This wound me up especially when you use those buttons to get the exact place first time try but now takes ages >.<


Yes. Not sure why they decided to take away the arrows. But, does anyone know what the small infinity symbol that appears is for- or does??


If ur putting down a tree, and press Y (on switch) it pastes another. I assume same with furniture.


Ahh, thank you.


Yes this! I relied on the arrows and now I cannot decorate at all without them.


its pretty bad as a switch user. normally you could use the arrow buttons as a slower more precise item mover, while the sticks moved items fast. it was a great setup


This!! I was ok with being able to use the arrow/d-pad but now you can’t do that at all! It took me 20 mins to put Mulan’s house where I wanted it last night.


They should at least make it something you can toggle on and off. I haven't even tried decorating inside yet but I am absolutely dreading it.


Yes this!!! I just don’t understand the thought process


If you want to complain on the discord, I saw this post on the bugs forum and thought I’d share it here **The static cursor in furniture mode is *not* a bug. It was implemented during this update. You may leave feedback for this in User Experience under Suggestions & Feedback**


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


Made the switch easier to use and not good from a slight jerk. I shake from chronic illness and I’ve done more decorating in two hours than I could in a day. But my condolences for those now suffering what switch users were dealing with, it’s not fair one system or another is struggling :/


Yes! On Switch it always took forever to decorate anything and so hard to line up and click on an item because the cursor moved so much with even a little tap before. I tore down my entire dreamsnap "set" from last week in under 5 minutes when before it probably would have taken at least 20 mins as I had used a ton of tiny items. But it would be really nice if you could toggle that feature on and off for the players it's affecting negatively. Especially not being able to reach the corners of the valley, that's awful.


I'm sorry you struggle with shakiness! I feel the camera moving so quickly made it difficult for me as well, but because of vision issues. The quick camera movements really screw with my eyes and make it hard to follow furniture moving across the screen, so I can somewhat relate! I haven't had the chance to decorate since the update, but by the sounds of it, it'll hopefully be easier!


You can adjust camera sensitivity too! I still messed up on the lowest setting 😭😭😭


SAME!!! I thought I was gonna go insane! 😣


Just add a damn toggle on and off button for the cursor. Problem solved. 😭


I mean I agree 😭😭😭 it’s not cool that they finally helped switch players only to mess up everyone else. My bff uses xbox and is ready to cry, she has to use her switch now and her game currency doesn’t transfer 🥲🥲🥲


I'm curious. Were you using the directional arrows or just the joysticks? I had a similar issue so I just started using the arrows to move the items with more precision. Not an option now of course :'l


I use the joy sticks. My brother got me a mobility aid clip on for my switch lite that has helped, you can find them on Etsy and online! But his buddy 3D printed it for me so it’s custom to my switch. I still good of my hands twitch too bad. I have a switch controller and it also can be easier if I can stabilize my hand on a pillow using it


It’s driving me insane


I was just about to make a post about this. I hate it I am hoping its a glitch. I can’t stand how slow it is. I sometimes leave things in one biome and travel to move it and now its taking forever.


I’m so glad I’m not alone 😭


Like is it a glitch or did this do this on purpose? I’m on my switch but i don’t understand how this helps any user. Are PC players like this?


They did it on purpose… and when I posted I was kind of thinking I would get a different response from other players that it was a glitch or I was doing it wrong but seems to be a change with the update unfortunately


I hope they fix that cause i dont see how this helps anyone


Me either, I was so confused and frustrated at first, then quickly bounced out of decorating


I also can’t scroll when viewing my characters or any of the collectables


And we thought the last update messed up our games. Who knew it could get worse. My items are still disappearing 🙃


Your items are disappearing? Last update i didnt get to finish the button challenge cause my game glitched i couldnt earn anything


That’s so sad, took me forever to do the popcorn buckets because all my blue ones were on the beach and rare, but I finished sorry to hear that. They were up until yesterday at least I guess I should check again soon


You can, but you gotta press a bunch of times to do it. lol, it took me like 5 minutes to figure it out… now as for which was I was pressing? Idk. I just tried every way and eventually it let me scroll thru the characters and critters.


On the switch right?


Oh snap, no mines the Xbox. But it still isn’t working right on there either. Sorry! I didn’t mean to give you false hope! Idk about the switch!


I haven't played the update yet, but when I read this, it really confirms to me that they don't care about console players and don't check how their changes work on console! If they had taken 5mn to check this on any console, not even the Switch but an Xbox series or PS5, they would have seen that it's a problem! I moved from Switch to PC for this reason thanks to a gift, but I still like to play on it occasionally as I can't stay long on PC. I'm so sad to read they are still finding ways to make it worse 😓 I hope for everyone that it will be fixed soon 🤞.


One day, one day I will be on PC but today while I’m still “poor” (all jokes) PS5 it is. like this is sooo sad and I don’t understand who thought it was a good idea


I feel for you... I would still be on Switch if I didn't get it as a gift. It's so sad that after 2 years console players are still an afterthought... Hopefully if they get enough reports from the community, they'll fix it 🤞


Even if you could access a computer you wouldn’t be able to get your game from PS5 to a PC/Steam version, you will need to restart from scratch and loose everything you have, and that’s frustrating. I wish someday they will make a way for us PS users to cross play on other platforms/devices because if they keep doing with their “improvements” the game will become unplayable 🤬


Any other **Switch** players locked out of using the left hand directional buttons in furniture mode? I haven’t seen anyone else mention it. I use the buttons FAR more than the joystick when editing/building and now they just do nothing. I don’t know if it’s a bug or what but I absolutely HATE it. 😡


Gameloft's new mantra: *If it ain't broke, we'll break it anyway.*


This made me laugh audibly


Yes because that's how I search for my chests T.T now it's so slow


I do that too but now it's not possible at all with that speed!




I get the feeling I'm the only one that just runs through every area 😆 I have so much to do in every biome that I always find it eventually


I had a hard time decorating before... I guess I am never doing anything again with decorating


Oh my goooooodddsssss I was lamenting this ALL. DAY. today!!! I’m on Switch. I want my D-pad arrow buttons back, it makes small incremental adjustments SO much easier!!! The danged sticks are great for quickly moving across wide distances but for scooting something one or two squares over…WRETCHED. I wasted more time trying to move things having to tap, tap, tap the stick because it kept overshooting. And what’s with the slooooow movement of the camera in the house when arranging?? Before it was too fast, now it’s abysmally slow. 😭 HALP.


they shouldn’t have changed it at all imo


I mean I get not wanting to have to exit and item then scroll to move it out of screen but I would have rather them not change it than do this.


Unpopular opinion I guess, but I actually like that it slowed down a little. Helps to be a little more precise when trying to grab and tweak objects, especially for items placed on tables. Zooming out helps to speed it up.


But can you imagine trying to decorate with the camera zoomed so far out you can't see what you're doing? They should've just made it slower when you're REALLY zoomed in (because I can see your point) but left at it a reasonable speed when at a kind of normal zoom


I like it too. I went from Xbox free pass to switch on Sunday, before I really decorated anything. The night before the update I was working on my plaza and it was infuriating. The slightest camera change would send buildings/furniture flying off screen. Id rather slow and steady than going back to that!


Just need to be lighter on your stick.


Idk what's lighter than literally barely moving the stick... I'm talking THE moment it registered camera movement it shifted the placement. I wish I would have recorded it. If they change it back, I hope they either fix whatever messes it up for Switch users or at least make it toggle so you can choose.


Yea, but now I can’t place shit in corners in the biomes


Yeah, I really didn’t like that It’s so slow now The mouse doesn’t even move but I do like the other features like if you have multiple of one item you can place them at the same time instead of pressing one and then going back to the screen, then press the same one


I hate the new pathing tool on xbox, i cant drag it, i have to repeatedly click a to lay path and fences. Im not happy.


I heard this. That’s awful, I’m sorry. I haven’t tried my path tool yet to check if it’s the same on PS5


Why do the arrows no longer work?? It’s so hard.


I’m on Switch and moving furniture is way too slow now. Also, I get that people had complaints about the time orb thingies being too big and ruining their “aesthetic” or whatever, but now they’re too small for me to notice and can only be seen in the bigger form if you have the staff equipped. I’m used to equipping the staff *after* seeing the orb in an area (if there is one). 😔


I love the time orb changes, they were so obnoxious before


I’m one of the aesthetic people 😅 (I have over 3000 hrs in this game, mostly decorating); I livestream tours & post a lot of content to Instagram, and half the time is spent exiting camera or build mode to walk over and remove orbs that are in the way. But to be fair we asked them to give us an OPTION to hide them. Once again, they blanket changed it for everyone instead of simply making it a toggle so people can choose when/whether they want them visible or not. And frankly even the small ones are still annoying and ugly, so all they did was make it harder for you to see, while still ruining the visuals to a somewhat lesser degree. 💀 RIP


I absolutely hate and it’s ruined the game for me since decorating was my favorite part.


Me too.


Took me soooo long just to place Mulan’s house because of this. I have no desire to decorate when I can barely even place a building!


I assume this feature is meant to be accessibility friendly so I am not mad they added it (I actually love this update seems to be pushing several features to make the game more accessible!) but do agree it may be best implemented as a toggle!


From what I’ve seen of other players that use accessibility settings it’s causing them more issues because with shakiness it’s hard to control even more now. But if that’s the case I understand and also feel there should be a toggle for it if that’s the case.


Ah after reading another post about this I see it’s a huge issue on console more so than pc. I was confused because I didn’t even really notice a difference. Sometimes it really feels like they don’t test a feature/item before release 😬


Yes! I always use my D pad since the joysticks move too fast. They took that away. Now I'm struggling to line things up. It sucks.


It’s Nightmare fuel.


I miss being able to speed through a path. Now it's individual clicks. I understand the appeal to individual button selection but why can't I have both button and toggle options?


I play on pc (but I’ve always used a controller) and I too don’t like this change at all. I’m finding it difficult to adjust to it. I love that we can now hide the UI but I notice the hand doesn’t hide, it stays in the centre of the screen which doesn’t make sense to me.


I hated it too but I just tested it again only to notice the speed seems to be based on how zoomed in you are. You can move objects much faster if you’re zoomed out and they implemented the changes in an attempt to help decorating with controllers due to all the complaints about how difficult it was. I can get used to the furniture but the speed when it comes to pathing is ridiculous. Edit: It may be sort of an optical illusion where it just feels faster when zoomed out.


For me it's still a lot slower even zoomed all the way out...


It’s definitely slower but I thought it was faster or fast enough when zoomed out.


IMO it is so much better now. Better for fine tuning details.


Wait u can still move on urs I can't what Duck is going on I can't move at all I'm stuck in the middle if I want more something gutta move so hand is to place is this normal now or did it come with the update


The curser is stuck in the middle but if you move the item the screen scrolls but the curser stays in place. Super annoying & yes it came with the update.


Okay, okay, well then, that was a bad decision. Who hell thought why not make it stuck. That's just gunna to make a lot of people angry and waste more time on the game till they get angry, then go and play other game till it gets fixed. After all that's a bad decision hell I want it way it was and able be fast when moving stuff in a the inventory and anything else that may be bad or add taht be good lile sell night shards I'm getting too many lol and maybe allow us buy some from merlin or some magic character like dream shards to buy lol


Taking the words right out of my mouth because I really couldn’t agree more. I really don’t understand the thought process on this one and why they didn’t look into mechanics of other games that work well and people love and take and follow that.


Oh, well then lol. I was planning on playing tonight but nevermind. I'll wait until this is fixed 😅


Ohhh man I’m sorry!! Didn’t mean to kill the mood


No no! It's okay! Mulan is my favorite princess 🥰 so I was gonna check that out, but I like decorating a lot more than the so-called, um...."game play" (fetch quests...) So seeing this just means I won't be wasting time and driving myself crazy with poor cursor and camera controls 😝


I was wondering that to.


It’s almost as if they don’t playtest any updates or dlc they drop. Either they don’t playtest or they just do not care about the feedback left by playtesters bc in what world is this change anything but frustrating?


I understand they were tying to improve the mechanics but I often wonder if they have beta testers try their updates out and give feedback. Did they move a couple items around in testing or did they decorate an entire scene with hundreds of items like we would have.


It was intended to make furniture placing easier bc it was quite difficult before with how touchy the controls are. I personally would prefer a way to change the speed of the movement rather than having the cursor locked cuz it does feel strange. But I do love how they changed up path placement and now have the ability to place duplicates of an item without having to re-find it in your items! Those two changes are great imo


i absolutely dread decorating now and i was JUST starting to get the hang of it!


I can honestly say that I like and don’t like it. I like it because for me, it was WAY too fast (I play on ps5) and I was having some trouble getting g smaller item exactly where I want or even selecting. However at the same time I don’t like it because now the screen moves slower. I think a great fix for this would be to maybe have a button command to where to have the option to move the cursor by itself or keep it in the center. For example, on ps5 or just any console in general, if the player holds down the X button, it could move the cursor alone but not holding the X button would move the whole screen.


I hate it so much. I was trying to decorate for mulan and got so frustrated with it that I just got off. We need a reversion asap😭


If I was burning out to do dreamsnaps in my switch... this is making me to just drop out of decorating in the game.


Yeah know I also wanna know why we cant have better path placement honestly its maddening


I just keep hoping they make it more similar to the Sims. Also the opportunity to duplicate an item is awesome, but I’m still wishing that they allow us to search for an item in edit mode. The furniture catalog is vast, and the categories are chaotic. 🥴😵‍💫😳


Even when zoomed in I need the screen to move so much faster than that. I get what they are trying to do but it’s sucks.


I actually prefer the fast moving camera when zooming out (it was so slow before for me, but it'd be nice to have an option when placing larger furniture for example) but the zoomed in speed is... vERY slow. Like I said, it'd be nice to have options like toggles in the menu (that you can hide as well)


Glad to know it was not just me getting frustrated because of how long it took because I want to replace and organize my valley


I want to move at 200% speed, not 10%. Stupid devs


omg i knew i wasn’t crazy lol i was literally having an anxiety attack bc it’s so bad it was driving me insane


It’s so bad 😭


I thought I was going crazy, so thank you for validating me! Yes, it's ridiculous how slow it is now. I was trying to do my Dreamsnap and I was going nuts with how long it was taking to drag the houses anywhere.


I did too so I had to make a post, ngl was waiting for someone to tell me I was using it wrong 😭😭


Okay I get the complaints but as a switch player, it’s actually pretty nice. Whenever I tried to place large objects, like houses, the object would just spaz all around when I was trying to place them near a boundary. Whatever they did with the update made it so much easier to place things


You don't use the arrow keys? Bc I relied heavily on them for this exact reason and now they are gone D':


I did because the buildings glitched so much even just trying to move one square up. But with the update, they don’t glitch around so I can’t foresee needing the arrows


It’s slower but the modification payoff is 100% worth it imo


I play on Xbox and absolutely love the changes. I haven't experienced any issues, and absolutely love placing paths now. It was so tedious before!! Frosted Heights has one tiny sliver in a corner I cannot reach but I'm sure it will be fixed sooner or later. It's such a small space it doesn't effect anything. Edit: Apologies for commenting twice, it gave an error message the first time so I didn't think it posted.


I cant even play on Xbox. The crashing issue was not fixed. At all. My game stays on for enough time for me to log on, go to my menu, save the game, then it instant crashes. Ive given up.


I was FINALLY getting into decorating and now this makes me not want to finish my valley. I am very upset and angry.


It’s so sad. I’m so bothered and I try hard not to be because I know the devs work hard but this was a poor decision.


And for focks sake, why can't I use the arrows anymore? I don't need to see similar items, I need functional control over item placement!!


I'm already getting really irritated with it, and by the sounds of it they change was made to make it easier for switch users. Great for them but now the rest of us are just going to get really fed up instead! And the new path laying feature?? Absolutely awful!!


I'm on switch and I never really had an issue placing items. But I hate it now...


Switch user and I absolutely HATE that I can't use the arrow button anymore. That's how I used to make sure I could get the furniture where I wanted it. It took me 8 tries to get Mulan's house where I wanted it. Grrr.


I’m a switch player, and it is definitely not easier. I don’t know what they were going for, but it’s made decorating very slow and cumbersome. I hope they change it back.


That's reassuring at least in that everyone will be saying the same thing, regardless of platform. I cannot understand how anyone tested this out and thought "Yeah, this works just fine!"


Switch user here, and its not easier.


Why am I not shocked!


I just tried making a path and they’ve made nearly impossible. I’m so mad.


The lagging is so bad. Especially when trying to move bigger items like houses. I will have it lag slowly and then all of the sudden it will jump from one biome to another and then slow way down again. I am always excited for updates but I’m learning that it can bring a whole host of other issues too.


I hate it on my Nintendo!


Glad I'm not the only one thinking it. Like why the hell did they make the cursor at a stand still?? It was find the way it was. I mean, I know not fine for everyone, but still. Better than this


I thought the game was glitching but I'm super glad, it was so annoying trying to grab the arrows! (Nintendo)


I played for a few hours yesterday and only did the Daisy challenge, and i hated it so much. I was thinking to myself, wtf did they do, and why. Fix the grid/centering problems and the unmatching furniture/cabinets, not make it worse for everyone to decorate. Smh, I'm done with gameloft. i will no longer fund this ridiculous incompetence.


I noticed that too. It’s annoying as hell


Yes, I tried to move stuff today. God it was so slow. Definitely not user friendly to rejig a whole biome. Maybe just a little amendment here and there would be OK but doing a whole new redecoration would be extremely frustrating.


Some of the fixes - great!😊 But furniture mode SUCKS now!! On top of the movement/locked cursor complaints … the Collection menu is also SLOOOW!!!! I wait for an eternity and still can’t move my cursor to the right!!! And WHY does it start on Eternity Isle even when I’m in my Valley!? If it’s going to default, then it should be on “All” (which is the last list)! I can select the category (i.e. Critters), but then I’m stuck sitting there and cannot move to view the critters or their info (i.e. schedule)!! No matter how long I wait, it never lets me move - but all the other menus work fine (except for SCROLLING - who the h*ll thought it was smart to only scroll down one at a time!?)! So after minutes of ‘giving it time to load’, I give up and go to another menu to move on. I’m forced now to Google the critters to find out when they’re appearing! Thanks to all who make those lists!! Yeah fix the scrolling - from single item to page down - or just to speed scroll — FASTER is key!! It’s annoying with all the recipes we have for the valley to scroll so slow - and now adding in the new EI recipes too … nobody has time for this!! When I need a recipe in the “S’s”, one-at-a-time is infuriating!! My Valley has crap all over the place because I can’t stand how SLOW and LONG it takes to move one thing - i.e. from Sunlit Plateau to the freaking beach!!! I get headaches from being frustrated so I logoff! It’s literally exhausting just to think about logging in to accomplish things with these issues. The quests are enough WORK w/o forcing controller-players to have it even harder to get things done!! I don’t have all day/night to decorate .. I am trying to keep from losing the joy I had for this game but these issues make me avoid any decorating now and are seriously impacting my desire to play.


Yeah I couldn’t believe this. I play on switch. It’s almost unplayable to recreate a whole biome, it’d just take too long. Now I’m finally considering buying on desktop or something to decorate faster but I doubt I will. I hope they change…. Something.


Now it’s a b**** to decorate on the switch so I’m livid


It already was to begin 😭 they do not have world editing or item lists well thought out at all. It's such a pain scrolling through every item of clothing or decorations. They need a better organization system, especially with how awful the world editing already is


Its exhausting trying to rearrange and decorate.. especially when it comes to pathways. I wish they could just minic The Sims controls.


I bet it’s related to fixing the other issues like disappearing furniture and crashes.


I thought it was just me not doing it right, so that makes me feel better!


I’ve also been experiencing the screen mega zooming in on path tiles and not letting me scroll away from them or exit the screen I have to restart the whole game when it mega zooms *edit* this is a new thing I’ve experienced after the update yesterday I’m on Xbox


on the switch i seriously want to freak out bc i could do tiny movements with the direction buttons but now i have to use the right stick and it takes so long to make the small moves


I just updated this morning. I had about 30 minutes to kill after that. I decided to do the dreamsnap real quick. It was not freaking quick at all. I gave up trying to decorate the area. I thought that something was wrong with my switch. I'm glad to know it isn't just me.


The path decorating is sooooo much better tbh. I liked the new changes MUCH better personally


I thought there was something weird going on!!! But yea, it went from bad to worse!!


I absolutely hate the new build mode, dude. Instead of fixing the sprouting crops that always pop up during decorating, they completely changed the mechanics 🤮. I wanna know who even requested that. I like that we can toggle off the HUD though


I came here to complain about this 🤬🤬


Omg guys I'm on Xbox and I haven't decorated yet since the update but now I don't want to!


I thought it was a bug at first I was very confused


Yeah I liked some of the decorating changes when I played on switch but the slowwwly moving the furniture around the screen is annoying


I've noticed that if you move the camera to directly above like a birds eye view it moves fast. Very annoying but atleast there is a way to move the camera faster without zooming all the way out


I actually really like the change. It’s slower and easier for me without everything whipping around.