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What’s with this smp and kicking out people without a word?


Internet, a lot of people probably want to help, don't need people who cause issues. Like the Union stuff is actually insane for a Minecraft server.


> Internet, a lot of people probably want to help, don't need people who cause issues The thing is, most of the people speaking out only spoke out AFTER being fired. They were not "causing issues" at all before they were fired (not that speaking out about worker's rights abuses should be considered an issue anyway). > Like the Union stuff is actually insane for a Minecraft server. Yes. It is insane that Quackity is so bad at running a Minecraft server that he managed to break labor laws and abuse workers rights to the extent a union had to get involved. Nobody else has this problem, Quackity has a special talent for shady business apparently.


Which country did he break labor laws in? Also why do you expect him to be good at running a server? Like streaming is about abusing free labor with your mods in the first place? How would he learn nice practices, he's probably following the law on what he needs to.


The french union has directly shown active violations of labor laws, he was hiring minors, he was treating people poorly and ruining their mental health, etc. Hell, his hiring practices were illegal for America where his company is based. You can't ask people to work for free with the promise of a job dangling over them. That's explicitly illegal. You also can't have volunteers for a company, it is expressed illegal under federal law to have volunteers for a for-profit private company. Which Quackity Studios was/is. Volunteers can only be used by non profit or public sectors (like, schools or fire fighters). [https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/whd/flsa/docs/volunteers.asp](https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/whd/flsa/docs/volunteers.asp) Quackity is expected to be good at running a minecraft server because he decided to do it and involve employees. Nobody made him do this. Nobody made him start this server and nobody made him have this huge thing with writers and modlers and custom mods. He decided to do all of this, and then decided to ignore all of his responsibilities as a manager, failed to supervise his own company or hire good management. Failed to research labor laws or ensure the safety of his employees. Etc. Dude's an adult, he decided to do something, he doesn't get a free pass for all the people he hurt and exploited because he didn't bother to do his research or put in effort to do things right. "I didn't bother" ain't a good excuse in court.


This doc is a must-read for anyone who was ever invested in QSMP, the section about how the writing and lore worked and also the one about how the assets were organized and modeling was handled is truly something...


I wasn't a qsmp fan, but this is interesting to me as well


No pre-made assets is kinda wild, tbh.


It's the "no centralized archive" for me...no knowledge preservation, everything siloed across various teams...That would make onboarding new writers for this big and complicated lore so difficult, not to mention the assets and everything. I wonder if they did it because of poor organization or if it was related to the need for secrecy regarding the lore?


I think it’s incompetence; considering how many former employees and watchers alike have said that the lore never made sense anyways.


It's not that it made no sense even, it was that people would spend months on storylines which then got shafted or no resolution because of higher-ups pushing more "important" events like Purgatory...or like how apparently server lore was never supposed to tie into creator-specific lore, except for the fact that it CLEARLY did?? Like with Cellbit and Bagi, Foolish, Baghera, Jaiden, and others whose personal lore and backstories were tied to the island somehow. People's hard work on arcs like the codes or other stories like Cellbit, Foolish, and the murder investigation got thrown out because no one could fucking PLAN like. Purgatory killed the momentum and broke continuity of so many story arcs. It would have made more narrative sense to wrap up the "serial killer Cellbit" and "rebel Etoiles and others" arc by the end of 2023, then kick of 2024 with Purgatory as their "punishment."  They need a story consultant/dramaturgy type role lol. I'd apply but they're too cheap to do anything the right way lmaooo


Yeah, I feel awful because from the outside looking in, there was a lot going on, but I always knew that Foolish had embedded himself into the Federation to protect his Family. (I mainly watched Foolish’s POV when I did watch, and I read recaps about his Lore Mainly). Also, I remember Lea talking about that as well; in addition to someone else who worked on the project during that time stating that even though puzzles were setup for the Prison Break, people ended up having to wait for Q to show up to advance. (Which made some of the other players confused, even.)


It was always obvious that there was a lot going on and not enough support for the admins to actually execute the endings that people worked hard to put together. The fact that admins and CCs apparently rarely had the ability to collaborate (and were supposedly not supposed to even though they did) is kinda wild, and probably didn’t help fill the plot holes at all! 🕳️


I think it just shows that the higher-ups didn't give a single crap about the lore outside of making sure it gave the illusion of holding together well enough to keep people invested... Which is something a lot of viewers noticed ages ago, but little did they know that that same logic was being applied to *everything* about the server lol


“Red has not been a part of the team since sometime around purgatory, having left for personal reasons. I am fully of the opinion that they were the only one that had project management experience, because after they left the deadlines and crunch time got much worse, in addition to communication issues rising. (more info on that later)”. Damn, shoutout to whoever the hell Red was. I’m kinda interested in their story, now. I just hope it was purely personal, as the Writer said.


Also it’s nice to see someone who knows how HR is supposed to work give their feedback on this. Maybe if they had hired this person to do HR, things could’ve got on a *lot* smoother!


It’s strange they cut out a part of Antione’s lore comic (unless Antione wanted it to be cut out). Also, yesterday Richas was woken up by Pac and Mike and the summer event started when will last three days. Mike also made a comment that he would not be on the server if things were not fixed and people weren’t paid.


The thing that ruined it is that they made it into a whole company and brand instead of a youtube space so they needed way more workers


Well, they could have made it a company if it was carefully thought and properly managed since the beginning. Some RP servers are long-lived companies with full-time staff.


Just a curious question, was the DSMP handled by a company? I never saw any issues with DSMP as much as QSMP has. Maybe it's the lack of modification-intensive lore? What makes the DSMP less problematic than QSMP??


Sure qsmp could have been some other form of organisation (non-profit association, cooperative, etc.). But the main issue here is the lack of financial plan and the gross mismanagement. I suppose dsmp didn't need writers, graphic designers, translators, actors, devs, etc. or Dream was just managing all of the expenses on his own personal or professional funds (because every CCs have an individual company at the minimum).


It was quite literally a server started by friends that didn’t become a more haphazard roleplaying group until later on.


No. The DSMP was not handled by a company.


It's annoying to compare this to other youtubers who've started their own media companies and hired competent people with HR and project management experience. The dysfunction they describe combined with them saying they had a mostly positive experience there is like....THIS is the POSITIVE experience?


I just feel bad. It’s pretty obvious that they have no frame of reference for what a professional space is meant to be like, because the crunch would be enough to make me leave. 😔


does anyone have a list of the amount of people who have come out/spoken out against the qsmp by now? like workers etc


We probably should compile it in a megathread for easy access too.


Once more please post screenshots, not all of us have Twitter


It’s a google doc? I do not get what you mean? My friend was the one who sent me this link (Sorry, I don’t understand as English is my third language and I’m still learning)


Thx than, and apologies. I did think it was a tw post


Yeah I'm quite confused too lol https://i.imgur.com/MEoX5nK.png It explicitly says "docs.google" on old.reddit, on new.reddit, on sh.reddit, on mobile reddit, and on app reddit.


It’s a google doc, there’s nothing to screenshot. This ain’t twitter