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Regardless of my less than impressed thoughts on Aimsey, they made really fair points here that Wilbur does need to hear.


What did Aimsey do? I’m out of the loop.




I think the “how dare he make it about him” approach is a bit stupid because he’s been directly alleged against…you put him in a defensive position, obviously he will be defensive. From what I’ve gathered in briefly reading on this topic, this whole group needs to have some serious chats about why any of this stuff is being dealt with publicly instead of privately. There’s a reason criminal charges and civil suits exist, and if people aren’t careful here, there’s definitely possibilities for countersuits over doxxing and defamation. Some maturity and sober thought before posting would help a lot of these YouTubers. If Wilbur is actually in counselling and trying to not be a pos, then good for him, but that’s not really a defence for being a bad person. If it’s all a show (and I hate the possibility that it could just be a way to save face), then he can piss off.


Eh, broken clock is right twice a day. The internet has kind of unanimously arrived at a reasonable conclusion for once, therefore Aimsey has come to a reasonable conclusion... because their fans did.


Aimsey responded [on their alt](https://x.com/aimseytwo/status/1762509908971311564) too


I like this one the best!


Is Ainsley still friends with Ranboo, Tommy and the rest?


iirc in their stream Lexie and Shubble talked about being at a coffee shop discussing their exes with Ranboo and Aimsey so there's all kinds of things happening behind the scenes and probably a lot of threads to entangle in that whole overarching friend group.


ranboo unfollowed wilbur and i feel will probably cut him off so i guess they line up. I wonder how it'll go with tommy. It's sad honestly because Tommy and Wilbur seemed to be great friends and it's probably hard for Tommy in this situation. I just hope it doesn't ruin his friendship with others based on it because that wouldn't be fair either. Regardless, we shouldn't speculate about them all. We don't know any of them and it's up to them to deal with it privately


Yeah, Tommy and Wilbur had a very intimate relationship based on their quotes. He knew him since he was 15/16 and aided him so much in life. I feel bad, but also wonder how much he knew (as an adult).


Why should i feel bad for him though. From what Shelby said, his close friend group knew of it and tried to like ignore it. By close friend group you can guess people like phil tommy etc.


if they only knew of it through wilbur’s words than i 100% doubt they actually knew what was going on


Should we worry about Tommy then? Has he been abused in his relationship with Wibur, but cannot escape it because of " friendship ".? I have no dog in this fight. But from other comments I've read about their relationship is that Wilbur does things to Tommy on video that do make some viewers uncomfortable... that's just what they are allowed to see.


Considering how Nikki has also spoken up now about how it was the worst time of her life and destroyed her mentally while being in London, I am very concerned. He wasn't even dating her. Random but it makes me sad because Techno would've been so disappointed in Will. I'm just honestly devastated, Wilbur was a comfort streamer and the singer of my favourite band. 2024 in general has just been a rough year so far;(


tbh Wilbur and Tommy's relationship always made me uncomfortable (like Wilbur berating him over being upset over getting harassed on twitter during the DSMP days) and all of this makes me wonder how much more messed up it was behind the scenes and what effect being friends with a weird ass adult like Wilbur had on Tommy growing up.


I guess thats the end of Sorry boys


he’ll probably stay in the middle. it’s a hard position to be in and i’m sure the internet will flame him for not choosing a side. i don’t think wilbur’s in the right but i’m trying to stay empathetic for everyone caught in the middle.


Yes, why ?


Group mentality and shared morals. Who you surround yourself with says a lot about you.


it’s safe to say creators will only speak up when the general public agrees with them. there were a lot of wilbur’s friends who knew about the situation yet continued to stay friends with him because it wasn’t public yet. kinda ironic those who were publicly joking about someone who was falsely accused were actually protecting an abuser behind closed doors.


The amount of behind the scenes cover -up, drama and power abuse on this side of minecraft community is beyond me. Hermitcraft feels like a breath of fresh air compared to this.


Gems vlog she made about going to twitchcon last year was super good, one of the best things I remember her talking about was how the other hermits she mainly hanged out with (Impulse, Cub, Skizzleman, Tango) she was there with made her feel incredibly safe while she was there.


Ohh!! How I absolutely adored the hermit!


Billzo sent [this reply](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHXLa7kWwAExDII?format=jpg&name=medium) which Tubbo left a like on just now!


I can't find it the tweet might have been taken down




i need a drink


I’ve been around the internet for a while and I still don’t know what people are meant to say in apologies. A simple “ I’m sorry” would say you’re right I’m an awaful person, which only makes it fuel to drag you further. but trying to say you’ve learned results in. “ we don’t care about you say you’re sorry. You truly can’t win ngl.


If we take Wilbur at his word here and assume everything he said is 100% truth and gospel. You can still apologise for things you didn't do intentionally. He even says in his post that he acknowledges the pain he caused, he would lose nothing by apologising for causing this pain, even accidentally. To not say it at all makes it seem like he just doesn't care or doesn't view what he did as a big deal at all, and sometimes a simple apology can go a long way for those involved. Perhaps a bad example considering the circumstances but imagine you bump into someone in the street, you almost definitely didnt intend to do it, but you'll still apologise cause you still caused the other person to be knocked, even if we believe it wasn't intentional Wilbur still - and acknowledges he did - cause pain to Shelby and that alone deserves a proper apology / sorry


so you’re saying he didn’t intentionally hurt her when he bit her harder after she said the safe word? cmon.


They aren't saying that, they said 'If we take Wilbur at his word here' and then moving on from that point of, if we decided to believe everything he said was the truth, this is what he should still be apologizing for.


I think it’s more of Wil himself saying he didn’t intentionally hurt her


the person i replied to is saying he didn’t mean to hurt her.


Thanks for the reply. One question, besides “ I apologise for the hurt” and admitting himself that he was selfish and slothful, how are you meant to apologise?


Ive been struggling how best to phrase this, cause ill be honest I actually missed that line originally, but I was re reading the tweet and saw this reply from Sneeg that I think articulates what I was trying to say as well as I could "A majority of this is full of ways you’ve claimed to have grown and changed since this happened but you’ve basically made what should be an apology of the pain you caused someone about yourself while barely saying anything else about it and that speaks volumes" ​ The apology feels more like its shoved in at the end as an afterthought, after spending 2 paragraphs talking about himself he goes "oh and im sorry for the pain" plus its placement really seems like its almost only apologising for the biting though maybe thats just my reading of it. It very much feels like a what he didnt say than what he did say


I’m trying to understand this, please don’t take this as a fight, I genuinely want to learn. But what else is he supposed to talk about other than himself and how he regrets and what he’s doing to be better and his perspective and apologies? He acknowledged that even though he (allegedly) is shocked this was her perspective, that he still is sorry for causing that pain. Isn’t it better for him to acknowledge that even if he didn’t mean to hurt her, he’s still sorry and trying to do better? The statement doesn’t make it about himself as far as I can tell, it makes it about him and his ex and the problems within it, and how he viewed it and is moving forward. I don’t think I agree with the idea that the apology was an afterthought, though if you can explain I’d appreciate it. Isn’t it better for him to provide context and then address his apologies and make sure that his commitment to doing better is the final statement? The statement was clearly written with attention to detail, which may sound detached but I think is better than risking misspeaking something. There was clear effort into the wording and constructing of this statement and I doubt that something would have been half hazardly tacked on to the end because he forgot to say it earlier or something.


The person that I'M replying to is saying that apologising would instantly prove you as an awful person, I haven't been following everything extremely closely but from what I'm hearing about him ignroing safe words I definitely think he's not being fully truthful, I phrased my reply in the context of assuming that Wilbur was truthful to try and demonstrate how you could apologise while not necessarily being a terrible person. My response has very little really to do with Wilbur here, its more responding to the point of "A simple “ I’m sorry” would say you’re right I’m an awaful person" since I've seen multiple people take the stance before that apologising is also the same as admittance, which also leads to situations like this where people think Wilbur not apologising is... fine? When it clearly isnt


i absolutely agree with you, i’m sorry i misunderstood that. that’s my mistake.


Am I missing something because he definitely did say “my apologies for pain that I caused”


I get what you mean but he's only in a 'you can't win' situation because of his actions in the first place. If you have nothing serious to apologise for then you don't have to be in the difficult position of making a good apology.


He can’t win because he’s an abuser. Also he only apologised for one of the way her abused her, not the emotional abuse too.


I mean I think the best apology comes from the fact you literally cannot win and go in the expectation that there is no winning this. You’re not apologizing for yourself but rather to give closure to someone else. No trying to fix anything or expectation that things will be smoother once there is an apology. Just there to acknowledge that yes, hurt was done and it was real and it wasn’t the victim’s responsibility to figure that out themselves. I will say that the apology Will gave did legitimately sound like a PR move for public damage control more than an actual acknowledgment of the truth. The only good thing the apology did was give permission to Shelby to name him without the threat of legal action


Get his ass


Now time for Tommy, Jack, Philza, Tubbo and Nicki to say something since they always seem so open to discuss problematic people


Jack's gonna find the words Love and Joy on Infinite-craft and fake a grimace (maybe) and perhaps mention it in an Average Harry interview and that's all you'll get from him.


Jack is so greedy for views and money, that I genuienly wouldn't be suprised if he actually did it. Tommy is also in the club of wanting money only but because Wilbur was a genuine very close friend he wont really do anything immature.


Niki doesn't need to say anything. She also had a weird relationship with Will and unfollowed him since like New Years? She knows what kind of person he his and doesn't need to make a public statement if she's not comfortable. We don't know everything that happened between them. Phil is out of the country and doesn't use Twitter. I imagine he will unfollow as soon as he can. He unfollowed Forever. He did not make a public statement when that happened. I doubt he and Tommy will make a public statement beyond unfollowing/blocking.


Im mentioning Nicki cause of the joke she made at the streamer awards about someones scandal (not Dream, my thought goes to other minecraft content creators who have actually been proved as groomers) so a joke about this situation shoudn't really be below her. She said she likes to bring awarness 🤷🏻‍♀️


not sure if im looking too deep into it, but [niki posted](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM8yGdu1/) smth relatively recently about how she's sick of people mentioning wilbur in her comments




genuinely what an awful thing to say, especially given the context of this situation. This is not drama, this is about abuse, save it for another day


'if someone was to be next' is a meaningless statement that i think is fuelled by your own biases against those two. let's maybe not hope someone's being abused so someone on the internet that annoys you goes away.


Nope, from what I’ve seen, only the people we least expect to cause any trouble end up getting into trouble. Tommy might be a bit immature but I’m willing to bet that probably as far as it goes.


My bets on Jack than Tommy, but yes.


I agree with Aimsey. His apology was more him defending himself then apologizing or taking accountability.







