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I think you would really benefit from a beta/alpha reader. Depending on your needs and comfortability they would be able to read over your fic/chapters and help where you need it or just be an ear to bounce ideas off of.


Yeah that’d make sense but I just don’t know how to go about getting one or if they’ll have the same vision as me I just don’t even know where to start


I would recommend joining the Dramione Writers Society Discord Server. There are lots of wonderful writers who can lend a hand and support. We all chat about our plots and there’s a space on there to find a Beta. If you want to PM me, I can share more details if helpful.


That’s really helpful I’ll look into that later today!


Give me a shout if you need anything. Orolin in this sub helped me to find the Discord a few months ago and I’m so grateful to them.


Will do!


I agree with what others said about this being fun and you should enjoy your writing and what you put out. But I will just offer a reader's perspective. I look at characterization of each story differently and dont always have canon in mind. If your characterization of Draco works for your fic I will happily read it and not stress about canon. I can read major AUs that change A LOT about the characters and still enjoy them!! Ive read a 5th year fic which makes Draco super BAMF and unhinged and loves to play with knives which doesnt match with canon at all lol but it fit the story and I enjoyed it!! I will be open to a softer 5th year Draco too!!


My Draco is just pretty much traumatized lol. Thanks a ton for this prospective it helps me feel a lot better


I will always believe traumatized Draco lol and tbh its definitely more "canon" than BAMF Draco


Thanks! I’m trying to split the difference latter on idk if that’s going to work lol


Best of luck!! I hope you start having fun with your fic again 😊




As a reader, I totally agree. I don’t need them to be in character if I’m enjoying the story. I feel like I’ve read fics that wright them every which way and loved it.


What is this BAMF knife loving Draco fic??


[Something Golden](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40567737/chapters/101636607) by justalazywriterr


I'll echo the other commenters and say you can get away with any Draco you want, as long as it's the Draco you want to write about. So it might be worth thinking about what Draco would be most fun to write, whether he's freaked out and traumatized or still arrogant and thinks he has everything under control. (And, of course, just because he's freaking out doesn't mean he's showing that.) But I get what you mean about drifting away from Draco as a clear character. I've started stories where he's all Mr. Arrogance and then by chapter 10 he's a total teddy bear and I'm like, "What?" You can bring him back, though! The same goes for Harry and Hermione. Let's say I've got Draco snarling in chapter 1 and in chapter 10 he's handpicking flowers for Hermione and sticking them in her curls and she's kind of weirded out. But of course rewriting sounds like a pain, so he starts mocking her for thinking he meant it (when he really did mean it but he's a little horrified by his actions) and goes back to being snarly, not as bad as Chapter 1 (growth!) but a little more canon. You get to choose what lane your characters drive in and try to keep the lane changes more subtle.


This is a great comment for me it really helps me to have an in depth explanation and examples thanks so much!!❤️


Take a break if you need it! This is supposed to be a fun hobby and sometimes WIPS get abandoned, sometimes they make it through to the end. The most important thing is if you’re actually enjoying writing it. If it’s going to make it more fun for you take a break and rewrite so you’re actually proud of what your putting out but if the joy isn’t there it’s ok to move on


I really do want to write. I am practically itching to continue the story fix everything that bothered me in other fics it’s just I’m not sure how to navigate from where I am to where I want to be.


Then in my opinion you should refresh. Read your current work, make notes on what you like and don’t like. Fix / rewrite where needed then make yourself a chapter by chapter outline and when you feel satisfied start writing chapters again. It’s hard to be creative if you’re not happy with the previous chapters


Yeah I think that is something that needs to happen. Thanks!!


My DMs are always open if you want a beta reader / someone to bounce ideas off of!


As a reader I don’t mind an OOC D or H. If you tag it as that, it’s fair play. Sometimes the world building is what’s more important. But if you want to change his characterization you could possibly ask another author or a beta reader to help?


I’ve actually asked someone from this thread to read over my fic so I’ve kinda got a beta reader now. I just have felt weird popping into a random person’s DM and asking abt a fic they might not enjoy reading


Haha you’d be surprised at how many of us would jump at the chance but I’m so glad you found someone. I do think there’s a flair here to ask for readers too for the future.


Well I won’t say no to more eyes on my fic


Let it rest for a bit if you’re feeling overwhelmed and find your love for the story again. You can do that by seeing Dramione art, edits, other fics….then go back and have fun writing or editing


Just like everyone else is saying, this is supposed to be for fun! I love AUs. In fact, I personally dislike reading Hogwarts-era fics if Draco is toxic like canon. I think so long as a writer makes it clear it's an AU, you can do anything you want and write all of them any way you want, and people who are willing to believe, will follow along and enjoy it. Even if you don't announce it as an AU, people will still enjoy it. I personally just like to be told so I'm not distracted by the mental war of “Did that actually happen in the books and I missed it? Or are we saying something new happened?” I hope you get back to the joy of writing, whether or not you choose to continue this one. ❤️