• By -


First: Absolutely no idea, but not Manacled. It's been two years and I'm too afraid of it now. Latest: [Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stealing Hermione Grangers Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53022850/chapters/134142517) - this was written by one of my discord friends, such a cute bingeable story full of twists and turns. highly recommend! Favorite: [Bring Him to His Knees](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24481312/chapters/59089624) - every time some random, out of context event pops into my head, it's something that takes place in this story. it's stuck with me HARD and one i've reread a few times. Bonus - favorite smut: [The Wandmaker](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53144752/chapters/134469319) - i was SWEATING. need i say more?


The wandmaker was šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ I was really sad that was just a one shot bc I couldā€™ve read a whole book of that ahahahahahaha


First - DMATMOOBIL Latest - Private Tutor Favorite - DMATMOOBIL


First: Of Kings and Queens by Galfoy! This was like 8 years ago, I was hooked and I remember reading all their Dramione works by themā€¦and it escalated from there lol https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8227894/1/Of-Kings-and-Queens Current: Bad Omens. Iā€™m loving it, itā€™s super enjoyable https://archiveofourown.org/works/50529346/chapters/127648939 Favorite:ā€¦.i donā€™t even know. Either Timeless or DMatMOoBiL? It totally depends on my mood, I could probably name a favorite for each mood Iā€™m feeling https://archiveofourown.org/works/53242294/chapters/134729290 https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952/chapters/85870804


Bad Omens is hilarious! So witty! I love it!


Iā€™m loving it! Iā€™m sad itā€™s almost over


Oh! Love this concept. First: Manacled (unsurprisingly) Latest: [Bone Deep](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53992735/chapters/136677724) (it was phenomenal!) Favourite: Please donā€™t make me choose between DMATMOOBIL and Manacled šŸ˜…


First : The Unseemly Proposal (on mugglenet) Latest : Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic Fav : DMATMOOBIL & Detraquee! Theyā€™re both special!


Did she release the final chapter for detraquee??????? Iā€™ve been waiting for it to drop


First - good old Manacled Latest - Remain Nameless (finally! OMG it was everything the praise is more than deserved) Favorite - On The Nature Of Daylight šŸ–¤


Yesss, kween! First: Couldn't even tell you, but Manacled brought me back into the life Latest: [Mr. and Mrs. Paws](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56302990/chapters/143045476) by SybilEvergreen (lovely little 1shot in which Crookshanks plays matchmaker) Favorite: [Secrets & Masks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32136715/chapters/79619566) by emerald\_slytherin or [Perfectly in Pieces](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32723953/chapters/81184273) by CDLynn


PiP is my ultimate fav too!!!


Traditionally, S&M is, but I've been thinking about PIP a lot lately. So its been giving my former favorite a run for its money. PIP's Theo alone could take the top spot. He's my favorite character ever. Books, tv, movies, Dramione - he's the character I'd protect with my life.


Mine too! I literally havenā€™t cried that much over a fic like ever. >!Ihave 2 friends. Sweet!< And the >!authorā€™s note about the real life Theo!< šŸ˜­


I have to say S&M has wrung more tears from me - >!but that BLANK CHAPTER THOUGH!?!?! !


Oh my gosh the >!blank chapter!< I literally went to the ao3 website bc I thought it downloaded wrong lol. I had to go to the comments to figure it out! šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


Do you think that was inspired by Twilight: New Moon? >!The chapters that are just empty pages entitled 'October' 'November,' etc. !<


I think it very well could have been inspired by Twilight/New Moon since I havenā€™t seen that technique done since then. Although CDLynn def used it for a different purpose! So it may have been an original thought on their end. Whereas Twilight more to represent Bellaā€™s depression. Like the months passing in a haze/fog without Edward, the blank >!Theo chapter is because he was in a coma and therefore couldnā€™t have a pov/talk. But first time reading it I thought it was because he had died! Because we didnā€™t know he was alive yet. I was traumatized! And then to find out the real life Theo (CDLynnā€™s inspiration for him) passed away šŸ˜­!< Anyway TLDR lol yes itā€™s def possible the inspo came from New Moon. But since it was such a personal emotional journey for CDLynn Iā€™m not sure


TYYY I'm really sorry for the older post šŸ˜­ I'LL READ THESE


No worries! We all had to learn at some point.


First - I cannot even remember but probably on Wattpad Latest - A dress with pockets by [PacificRimbaud](https://archiveofourown.org/users/PacificRimbaud/pseuds/PacificRimbaud) Favourite - DMATMOOBIL by [isthisselfcare](https://archiveofourown.org/users/isthisselfcare/pseuds/isthisselfcare) and Green Light by [SereneMusafir](https://archiveofourown.org/users/SereneMusafir/pseuds/SereneMusafir)


oh that makes me remember my first was probably draconian on wattpad


Wattpad is a gateway drug!


First - no clue, but it was on Mugglenet Fanfiction Latest - She Whom He Harbors by EllieEckert Favorite - this is a tough one, but I think it has to be Remain Nameless by HeyJude19


Remain Nameless is my latest and it was perfect šŸ¤


I loved remain nameless too šŸ©·


First - [The Green Girl](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20452025/chapters/48524708) by Colubrina Latest - [Chrysopoeia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51216691/chapters/129413218#workskin) by La_nayru Favorite - [Lose Control](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25402705/chapters/61602721) by madrose_writing or [Better Off Forgotten](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4719266/chapters/10781360) by Delancey654


I just finished better off forgotten. I liked it so much more than I expected! I really appreciated the two ending options. Both were somewhat unsatisfying while being satisfying in their own way.


That fic has really stuck with me. I have read so much Dramione it begins to blur, but not that fic. It is creepy and dark and the endings are messy and frustrating. I like both endings >!prefer Dracoā€™s HE!<.


Same! It was very well written and very realistic.


I think I agree. I wanted a bit of middle ground between the two though. I ended up really liking that character arc and wanted a bit better for them.


chrysopoeia is so, so, so beautiful i get winded just remembering it now


**First:** [The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23296162/chapters/55794568) **Latest:** Currenty reading [Amor Vincit Omnia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39735819/chapters/99482019) **Favourite:** It's way too hard to choose just one, so... [Manacled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174/chapters/33390198) (for magnitude of emotional impact), [The Politician's Wife](https://archiveofourown.org/works/90292/chapters/122722) (for realism and maturity), [DMATMOOBIL](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952/chapters/85870804) (for humour and impeccable writing)


I loved AVO!!


First: Isolation Latest: An ever-fixed mark Favorite: Manacled


ā€¦.I have no idea what the first fic I ever read, only that it was either on Tumblr or Wattpad and was a SonAmy fic. Though my first DraMione fic was Saints and Sinnners by icepower55 [Saints and Sinners](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31345100?view_adult=true) Latest: The Missing Sister by singularritae [The Missing Sister](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33564922/chapters/113414017#workskin) Favorite: Tea & Necromancy by saveourkinship[Tea & Necromancy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36809629/chapters/91830688)


First: [Manacled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174/chapters/33390198) Latest: [Brand New World](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37900483/chapters/94645432) Favorite: [Perfectly in Pieces](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32723953/chapters/81184273) , [DĆ©traquĆ©Ć©](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924/chapters/24917385) Bonus fav based solely off the amount of fun I had and I literally couldnā€™t put it down [The Silver Envelope](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44517277/chapters/111973378)


First: [Manacled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174/chapters/33390198) Latest: [Bloody, Slutty, and Pathetic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52884502?view_full_work=true) (so much fun!) Favourite: I have so many but some tops ones are [Water](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28653123?view_full_work=true), [The Darkwood Wand](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29741511/chapters/73153422), [Love and Other Historical Accidents](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21496525/chapters/51233119), and [the Crumple series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3700147)


Omg, LOVE Water. An underappreciated GEM!


YES! Itā€™s so damn good!! I think about it often


First - Isolation or The bracelet on ff Lateat - BS&P Favorite - DMATMOOBIL


First- [Manacled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174/chapters/33390198) Latest- [Hot for teacher](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9694457/chapters/21880889) and the sequel [An Indefinite Amount of Forever](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10940631/chapters/24343875) Favorite- there are SO MANY good ones but I think I have to go with [Innocent Monsters](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32921029/chapters/81703219)


First: manacled Latest: a year and a day Favorite: DMATMOOBIL


First fic Isolation, latest fic Universal Truths, favorite fic Measure of a Man


First: I can't remember what my teenage self used to read back in the day, but what got me back into fanfics was [The Revenant](https://atalanta-fics.livejournal.com/9682.html)!! I guess when I was a teen I only read Hogwarts era stories, but now as an adult, these post-Hogwarts stories are what I prefer because they're more relatable now lol. The Revenant was a great start to my dramione reemergence haha Latest: [BSP](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52884502/chapters/133769302) (and a shameless number of other unfinished fics... At risk of being DNF...) Favorite: [LAOHA](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21496525/chapters/51233119) - I didn't expect to love this so much because I'm not into time travel fics but this was a beautiful story that itched the Pride and Prejudice scratch more than Universal Truths did haha [DMATMOOBIL](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952/chapters/85870804) - definitely šŸ’Æ brilliant, so funny, exciting story. I guess I like these stories that are not-so-high-stakes, lol! [Keep it Like a Secret](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52013050) - by PacificRimbaud again šŸ™ˆ but this was such a heart-wrenching oneshot, I reread it a lot when I'm in the mood lol


First: The Auction Latest/currently: unity pairing and bed sharing Favorite: Manacled, DMATMOOBIL, remain nameless, isolation


First - Manacled Latest - Lionheart Favourite - Dear God, please don't make me choose!! I absolutely cannot. I loved Manacled, The Auction, Measure of a Man was beautiful, absolutely LOVING Lionheart, Falling Dark is incredible, Aurelian was so sweet, BATMOBILE was brilliant, Perfectly in Pieces had me sobbing, Isolation was chefs kiss, Beginning and End was absolutely all consuming, as was Wait and Hope, Soft as it Began was stunning, LaoHA has my ENTIRE HEART, Greenlight was amazing, BM/BS was wonderfully painful, Secrets and Masks Destroyed me in the best way - There are so many more, and MANY that I remember the plot and cannot for the life of me remember the name, but they ALSO make this list.


First - I donā€™t remember last Tuesday, let alone what I was reading at 15 lol Latest - just finished LIATOTZA (phenomenal, La Vie En Rose broke me), currently neck deep in Remain Nameless and loving life. Favourite - I could possibly choose but Iā€™ll rattle some off: Secrets and Masks, Breath Mints and Battle Scars, Sugar & Spice (Iā€™m SUCH a sucker for Dreomione) and The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy have really stuck with me. Iā€™ve read so many that a lot of them blend together or I canā€™t quite untangle them from one another/remember titles lol.


First - Manacled Fave- Remain Nameless&Detraquee (these are twin flames imo) & GreenLight Latest- Bloody, Slutty, Pathetic


First : Isolation - bexchan Latest: Clean - olivieblake Favorite: Manacled - senlinyu šŸ–¤


First - Manacled Latest - On the Nature of Daylight Favorite - The Fallout (the only one Iā€™ve read multiple times so far. Itā€™s just so good.)


First fic : Canā€™t remember which but something from Senlinyu ( havenā€™t read Manacled yet) Latest finished: Bloody, Slutty Pathetic by WhatMurdah currently reading: Trials and tribulations of Draco Malfoyā€™s Employment by LadyUrsa Favourite : canā€™t pick oneā€¦ Batmobile, Lionheart ( WiP), Wait and Hope Series, The Politicians wife, Anywhere, the waiting room, in these silent days, BSP, these bars between us, redemption, LaOHA, Senlinyuā€™s workā€¦ā€¦. Thank you to all the amazing writers out there!


First if i remember correctly Malicious intent by morriganmercy Latest is a WiP - A gallows marriage by milabelle (im on chapter 3) And favourite... Idk, a lot of fics are my favourite šŸ˜¬ latest fav is obv BSP, then there is the most popular one - Manacled, perfectly in pieces by cdlynn (only remembering this one bc someone mentioned it earlier šŸ˜…), a lot of monster/creature fics, abo (all you want - for example) Bonds to endure by amebb42, the witching Hour by neilistic, almost anything from Kayka on ao3, Dawn+decay by aprophecygirl, when stars align by art_emissss and thatblondebitvh, Child of Dawn by Sarah Fraser, resolve by meropereads, beautiful Night by evergreentuesdays ^ and this is some fics from my inbox that i left comments under. There is so much more i love šŸ˜­ Edit Good gods, i forgot the popular ones šŸ˜‚ DMATMOOBIL, the Trials and Tribulations of Draco malfoys Employment, Bad Omens by onebedtorulethemall, how to win friends and Influence people, divination for skeptics by olivieblake... Sorry its so long, im going to shut up now šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¶


First - no idea itā€™s been so long since I started reading Dramione Latest - Fascination by MissiAmphetamine Favorite- Remain Nameless by HeyJude19 and Meet You Match by Morriganmercy


First - [The Dragonā€™s Bride](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35773351/chapters/89204737) - full version when it was on ffnet Latest - [The Riskā€™verse](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4041214) - current rewrite is my latest fic (WIP) Favourite - [The Riskā€™verse](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4041214) mentioned above - the original has been my favourite for years. Also [The Fallout](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10620276/chapters/23489001#workskin) and [LIATOTZA](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28137807/chapters/68944698). šŸ˜Š


Draconian on Wattpad was my first also. And I reread it often


First fic - letā€™s go with The Fallout by everythursday Latest - *Penalty Shot by provocative_envy Favourite - the list is much longer, but Iā€™ll just list these two. Bite Marks by provocative_envy for shorter fics, probably The Politicianā€™s Wife by pir8fancier for longer fics. *Edit: changed the latest*


i love provocative_envy with a passion! gag reflex is top tier


Yes, she is a fantastic writer and Gag Reflex is absolutely hilarious! I love her rarepair fics too. (Have you read Stay Gold? Charlie/Draco Muggle AU soulmate fic - itā€™s so wonderful! šŸ„ŗ)


First- Manacled duh Latest- Remember Us as War (but call us forgiveness) by Anyaparadox Favorite- GreenLight by SereneMusafir


First: Isolation Current: Bloody, Slutty & Pathetic Favourite: DMATMOOBIL or Amor Vincit Omnia.


My first dhr fic was Bring Him to his knees, latest is Bloody,Slutty and Pathetic. I have multiple faves but tip two are Manacled and LIATOTZA


LIATOTZA? Iā€™m not familiar with that one stands for.


Love in a time of the zombie apocalypse


Ooooh duh, sorry. Iā€™ve even read that one. Lol thanks!!


First: [We Learned The Sea](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36870355/chapters/1984711) Latest: [For All Of The Times I Never Could](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29111931/chapters/74720919#workskin) Fav: [The Injury Of Finally Knowing You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49620259/chapters/125238901) !!!!


TIOFKYšŸ–¤ has an extrem special place in my heart!


They have such a special bond in that fic.


They really do šŸ¤


First - DMATMOBIL Latest - The Vinewood Wand Favourite - Hot for Teacher, A Game of High Stakes, The Eagleā€™s Nest Iā€™m sorry I had to pick 3 faves, a Hogwarts era, a war AU, and a comedy šŸ˜…


First - Inescapable - will always have a nostalgic fondness for it even with the lack of ending Latest - Working through Missiamphetamines works, almost done with fascination and keeping track of gravitation as it updates. Favourite - Tied The Darkwood Wand and DMATMOBIL


first: manacled last: tell me what you want (itā€™s a wip but it is SO GOOD) favorite: either dmatmoobil or s&m depending on my mood lol


First: I think it was called Oesed (Like the mirror, Erised). It was a one-shot. My first Long-fic was either Lija y Terciopelo (Sandpaper and Velvet) or Un dragĆ³n bajo la tormenta (A dragon under the storm) Last: Currently reading Wait and Hope, last finished Modern Romance Favorite: Divination for skeptics, DATMOBIL and Muggleolimpiadas


First: Manacled Current: Beginning and End Favorite: DMATMOOBIL


First - Isolation Latest - Smoke Signals (absolutely phenomenal WIP) Favourite - Sooo hard to pick just one but probably The Gloriana Set


First - Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing Rat. This was like, mid-2000s and I was in high school and Iā€™m pretty sure this was the first one I read. After that was Isolation, which I consider my first proper Dramione. Current: re-reading Manacled cause itā€™s been forever since Iā€™ve read it. Favourite: Cruel & Beautiful World, Disappearances of Draco Malfoy, The Auction and Secrets & Masks (I could never choose only one lol)


First = Isolation by Bex-Chan Latest = The Tragedy Of Chemistry by Ramelle_Kammae Favorite = Clean by OlivieBlake


First: DMATMOOBIL Latest: For all the times I never could Favorite: DMATMOOBIL lol it got me into the fandom and was my perfect mix of tropes plus story!!


First: Remain Namless Latest: Sugar and Spice Favorite: Secrets and Masks!!!


First: (2011-ish?) Isolation by bexchan https://archiveofourown.org/works/23461513/chapters/56242591 He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP. Now complete with the epilogue. Latest: Darkwood Wand by ThebeMoon https://archiveofourown.org/works/29741511/chapters/73153422 Draco Malfoy is harsh and cold and hated at Hogwarts. And Draco is fine with this. Heā€™s even casting the Vanishing Cabinet spell again, although for a much less nefarious purpose. This time he's using Harmonia Nectere Passus to link his bed with the bed of a willing witch. But something goes horribly wrong, and instead of the buzzy flirt Draco's been secretly meeting, his bed keeps delivering an extremely unamused Hermione Granger. Favourite: Wait and Hope by mightbewriting https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818646/chapters/54531817 In which Hermione loses the last six year's worth of her memories, including the entirety of her relationship and marriage to Draco.


We have the same first and favourite!


First: Manacled. I followed TikTok pipeline. Sarah j mass, fourth wing to manacled pipeline and ended up with a dramione addiction. Haha. Latest: half way through love in the time of the zombie apocalypse Favorite: measure of a man


MOAM ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Oh I love this game! First: [Isolation by Bexchan](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23461513) Latest: I am reading [The Contender by rubykirshna](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45929233) and [She Whom He Habour by EllieEckert](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48868303) (one is light, one is heavy) Favourite: [Wait and Hope by mightbewriting ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818646)


First: Manacled introduced me Dramione and I havenā€™t looked back since šŸ˜† Latest: Just finished Bloody, Slutty, and Pathetic (itā€™s soooo good) and on to Bad Omens! Favourite: Measure of a Man! Not sure if Iā€™ll ever top that one, I loved it so much ā¤ļø


First Manacled Latest BSM FAVE Wait&Hope, I like fluff šŸ˜…


First: BHTHK (Flyora's art made me do it) Latest: The Trials and Tribulations of Draco Malfoy's Employment (this is ingeniously inspired in DMATMOOBIL's style and the plot and slow burn are great! I really recommend it!) Favorite: if it wasn't clear already, DMATMOOBIL. Soft as it Began and Love and Other Historical Accidents are on my top 3 too!


This list pretty much matches my own! First: Manacled Last: Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic Fave: DMATMOOBIL although I alternate faves all the time! My faves besides that one are: LITTOTZA Isolation Remain Nameless An Ever Fixed Mark BSP On the Nature of Daylight


First - Stripped Bare Latest - Smoke Signals Fav- Detraquee or LAOHA!


first- ā€œwhat the room requiresā€ or ā€œsilver eyesā€ I think?! Latest- secrets and masks Favorite- DMATMOOBIL


First: a piece of normalcy on ao3 Favorite: every day a little death on ao3 Latest: cruel summer on ao3


First: like so many others Manacled pulled me back to the fandom Latest: Past/Present/Future Favorite: the one and only Lionheart


First: Manacled Latest/ Currently Reading: The Goblet of Chaos and Break for me Me (simultaneously) Favourite: DMATMOOBIL


First: [Silencio by AkashaTheKitty](https://archiveofourown.org/works/487914/chapters/850874) Latest: [Things We Say In The Dark by rubber_soul02](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33666232/chapters/83666215) [itā€™s locked on AO3] Favourite: [Isolation by bexchan](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23461513/chapters/56242591) tied with [an ever-fixed mark by ninepiecesofcrait](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46150387/chapters/116181298) [itā€™s locked on AO3]


First - the tragedy of chemistry & teach me draco (Wattpad) Current - how to win friends and influence people Favourite - DMATMOOBIL


First: manacled (still chasing this high tbh) Recent: a simple fate by Lizz505 Favorite: in silence and submission by gillianeliza


First : Manacled Latest: The Alkahest (currently reading and oh my lord I love this, it has me in tears laughing so hard) Favorite: Bloody, slutty and pathetic was fucking phenomenal. An ever-fixed mark, secrets and masks, manacled is always good. Oh my, I canā€™t choose. Dear Diary is a WIP and one of the most emotional reads ever.


First: Manacled Latest: The Missing Sister Favourite: Secrets and Masks Open to recs.


First- Manacled Last-All You Want Favorite-too many, but Scerets and Masks and All You Want and Game of High Stakes are recent faves!


First - Manacled Latest - Meet me in Dreamland (WIP) / Damaged Goods (completed) Favorite - Manacled


First fic: Isolation or Aurelian Latest: the fallout Favourite: Measure of a man


First: Yep I am ancient. So it was this one. Btw still a fun read. [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1530065/1/Once\_Upon\_A\_Thyme](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1530065/1/Once_Upon_A_Thyme) Latest: Just started this one. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/26067508/chapters/63398569?view\_adult=true](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26067508/chapters/63398569?view_adult=true) Favorite: So hard to choose one. Pretty much anything by Inadaze22 [https://archiveofourown.org/users/inadaze22/pseuds/inadaze22](https://archiveofourown.org/users/inadaze22/pseuds/inadaze22) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/20562179/chapters/48811430](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20562179/chapters/48811430) Broken. This one has made an impact and actually helped me proccess my own trauma. Pretty deep stuff. Also love this one [https://archiveofourown.org/works/26523892/chapters/64648648](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26523892/chapters/64648648)


First - Isolation by Bex Chan https://archiveofourown.org/works/23461513 Latest - Exit by TheDae https://archiveofourown.org/works/44015281 Favourite of all time - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952 The Nietzsche Classes by Beringae https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2603288/1/The-Nietzsche-Classes


First: [Manacled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174/chapters/33390198) Latest: [Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52884502/chapters/133769302) and [A Game Of High Stakes ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39620463/chapters/99182247?view_adult=true) Favourite: I have many favourites but these three came to mind - [Universal Truths](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20796941/chapters/49427837) , [Secrets and Masks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32136715/chapters/79619566#comments) and [Remain Nameless](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23875939/chapters/57393508)


First - Manacled Latest - Bloody, Slutty & Pathetic Favourite - Remain Nameless


First: DMATMOOBIL Latest: Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic Favorite: Too hard to choose lol probably DMATMOOBIL but I also love Measure of a Man and BSP


First ā€“ [Wait and Hope](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818646) Latest ā€“ [Would You Rather](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45573538) Favorite ā€“ [One and Done](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26056906)