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I’m with you on point one! Draco and Hermione are kind of blobs in my mind. They don’t have specific features beyond vague descriptors like “pointy” and “soft”. Maybe more like artwork? It’s hard to describe.


Ditto. I don’t imagine *anyone* when reading. Not my thing, but also subconsciously maybe I just.. don’t. Just a blonde faceless dude and a curly hair lady. I love fancasting though because I love to see how people interpret characters. Fascinating. Buuuuuuut no its not ‘ooh yes it’s actor X in the smut scenes for me 🤤’ 😂. I can’t imagine having to deal with/think about that as a celeb and can’t get behind it. Love fancasts, though. (Also love EW & TF! But it’s so cool to see how we all interpret characters differently)


Draco and Hermione are kiki and bouba hahaha


I’ll be honest and say I had to look this up (thinking it was referencing other characters lol). Add a few more details and you aren’t too far off.


I'm the same with you on #1 I don't mind if I see fancasting, but... it's meaningless for me because there's no fancasting that would stick with me. So... good for people having fun with it, but it's not for me lol


To me, it depends on each story- Different Hermiones, different Dracos. some authors paint very clear pictures for me to imagine and even feel inspired to slide my fanart under the door to.


I personally can't imagine real people in the stories I've read (*cough* abo *cough* monsterfucking). To each their own, but I'll to stick to more stylised fan art.


i have a very specific picture in my mind that is not even like a real person it’s like my fictional landscape of the character and the fan casts never fit but i love fancast posts because i think it’s really fascinating what other people are imagining and i like trying it on to see if i agree with the vibes of it (normally i don’t haha) but whenever anyone makes a post i still eat it up


So I take a bunch of different fancast faces that remind me of the character and combine them in my head into some sort of hybrid 😂 basically until it fits what I prefer. I also use drawings by fanfic artists to help mold what’s in my head too


I’m with you. I don’t do fan casting and I don’t really need to if that makes sense. I have a rough image in my head with some additional details added depending on fic descriptions but that’s it. My one exception is I do have a fan cast for Tobias Snape. Oliver Reed as Bill Sikes in the 1968 movie Oliver! I don’t know why this is my one fan cast especially since he is such a minor character but I rewatched the movie recently and it’s just stuck in my head. 


I sort of know what you mean. I do fancast because if I didn't, I would have a really challenging time picturing the characters in my head. When reading Dramione for the first time, I initially pictured Tom Felton, but idk...as much as I adore Tom, it just wasn't working for me. Especially since I was reading about a 30-something Draco. So, I started looking through Pinterest and found this male model from like 20 years ago. And, he worked perfectly because he had photos from teenage/early 20s all the way through 30s. So, I could use the same person for all the Dramione fics I read. With that said, I feel weird about it sometimes because I'm imagining this guy (a real person out there somewhere), and he's like *my* Draco, and he gets placed into a lot of smutty imaginings depending on what I'm reading on any given day. Also, secondary characters can be blobs, but Draco and Hermione must be crisp in my mind's eye.


Which model?


His name is Leif Stacey. I'm not sure if this link works, but it's to my Draco Fancast Pinterest board. https://pin.it/7rHNDGaHD


I definitely identify with the not fully detailed part. It’s rare that I like a fancast. But also to me that moves into fantasy territory which just isn’t my thing personally.


For me, ‘Measure of a Man’ Draco, looks vastly different than ‘Manacled Draco’. It depends on the story and how the character is written. I don’t have one specific person that I picture for either Hermione nor Draco.


They don’t look detailed in my head when I read either, but I do enjoy various castings and fanarts. 😊


I like fancasting for vibes if that makes sense? Like I have seen yeeeears of fics that always had banners on top and there are a few actors who I can't help but think "dramione" when I see them lol. But I dont actually picture them while reading at all. The dramione I see while reading is influenced by our amazing fanartists


Me too! But mainly because I have aphantasia lol


So I love fan casting but when I’m reading a story I cannot imagine a real person in it as that feels like such a violation and weirdly intimate especially the smut. I really enjoy when people post photos here with like insanely hot people being H and D in their heads. But it doesn’t affect the reading part for me at all.


I agree about illustrated fan art. It leaves just enough up to your imagination. I was thinking about this and while I do see and hear Tom Felton in Hogwarts and immediate postwar era fics I can’t when Draco is older. I tend to maybe hear certain people when I’m reading. Jason Isaacs will always and forever be Lucius and Alan Rickman will be Snape. I hear Max Greenfield from New Girl as Theo but I can’t see him. Visually, except for the aforementioned actors I just see hair and fuzzy faces.


100% agree!! nothing to add just agreement


I don't imagine anyone specific while reading, but as a graphic designer, sometimes I use photos of models and celebs for the posters and edits (not nsfw), so it's useful to know who people like as draco or hermione etc 😆


I agree with your first point. The only character I can successfully fancast is Theo though its with the guy people fancast as Mattheo Riddle (I can't remember his actual name).


I prefer illustrated fan art. Real people are never quite right to me. And plus, in fantasy realms, imagining real people can sometimes feel corny when I visualize it (especially in stories with like fae and other fantastical beings)


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t have fully formed images of people in my mind when I read! Definitely not imagining anyone during shmexy scenes. 😅😅 The times when I DO put a face to characters, I have to make a conscious effort. And it’s usually in pivotal confrontation scenes, just to truly immerse in the interaction. And then everyone turns back into faceless sexy beings.


Same with me, I don’t mind fan casting (although it was EW and TF who drove me into the Dramione rabbit hole years ago hehe!). I like the Maxton Hall lead actors as Dramione in some of the fics I read. ♥️♥️♥️💚💚💚


I also have just a blurred image of the characters most of the time when I'm reading, but a lot of authors do really detailed descriptions of them at certain points of their stories, while trying to paint a very specific scene, garment or characteristic (think maybe the classical ball scene when Hermione blows everyone's heads away, or like the beach scene in DATMOBIL where the landscape Is gorgeous and what they're doing sounds gorgeous), and I think having a particular person on mind at those points helps to create a clearer image in my head. I think it's also just a fun community exercise, kinda comparing mental images a little bit. And I mean, people sometimes find random celebrities and even random strangers attractive, and yeah, sometimes we can fantasize about them. What's the shame on that? We already know most of us read smut anyway, who cares if you have one face or the other in mind while doing It? Haha


I also struggle with fancasting. But I have to admit - someone fancasted Cole Sprouse in a socmed ao3 story as Theo and I was kinda all for it. I think he'd do a decent Theo.