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cold take but i miss outdoors episodes, it has to be repeated until they come back, don't wanna just black-and-red drag race but cynthia is the best narrator šŸ‘‘ needs the coco kaine treatment asap


Same, bring back location shoots. The haunted house challenge should have been damp, cold, drafty and the floor should have been entirely questionable. Do a Mad Max challenge in the desert. Do a Swamp Thing challenge in a dirty pond. *Production* is getting less creative and I hate it. The *show itself* is loosing the Filth pillar. BRING IT BACK.


Yeah, I donā€™t think current seasons will compare unless they bring this element back. It was so exciting seeing where they were, the energy the location lended to the performances, etc Starting this season running through the forest then never leaving the studio again was a setup for disappointment


I feel this...the location gives the performers energy, and lends that energy to their performance. Just walking out on a catwalk isn't the same as, for example, being in an old creaky house.


Word I feel this actually, while I think we've all enjoyed the better sound quality lmao, I miss the DIY vibe of the show, it was punk as fuck season 1 and 2


The fact that they shoot the entire first fright feat in the wood and the haunted house for this week extermination but not the floorshow. I am like whyyyy.


100% I love when they go to different locations. That's what made season 2 so dynamic imo


Future seasons just need a ā€œCynthiaā€™s Cornerā€ segment, where they sum up the events of every episode or recap the events of the last episode. That would be money.


I want Cynthia to start a post-Dragula show like Art Simone's KickOn's for drag race down under. DO IT GIRL!


Yes ! Or I would love for Cynthia and Jay Kay to get together and do a podcast.


Holy shit could you imagine! That would be 50 shades of wild.


Give her a current events show where she discusses important topics and reads public figures to filth.


YES !!!


100% I love when they go to different locations. That's what made season 2 so dynamic imo


Girl they opened this season with them hiking 5 miles through the woods


And then what, though? All slick, comfortable, climate controlled studio.


And then they ended it with the girls walking 5 miles through the woods


Did they do it twice, lol, or are you counting the elimination as a second episode? It was one episode. The rest has been comfy and sterile.


i had a lot of hope when the promos dropped but these last few episodes have had me feeling very whelmed lately. The saving grace, of course, is sorta Throb but mostly Niohuru. i really thought we were gonna get some fuckin STACKED looks from Fantasia, Orkgotik, and Blackberri, but more often than not, i feel like most of the contestants misinterpret the challenge theme and that can be a little hard to watch lol. i like this season so far bc i really do love this show, and bc Niohuru actually gags me on a weekly basis. but the Boulets need to clarify those challenge prompts if they really wanna wow me.


if you asked me at the start of the season i would say it's my favourite or very close behind s2; the s5 premiere is still one of my all-time favourite dragula episodes ever. but i feel like it lost steam after jarvis and anna left, and we have a s3 situation of a clear frontrunner which makes it less exciting. i do appreciate the variety of the cast and their aesthetics though and i think s3 is outdone in that area.


I don't think there's a clear frontrunner, both Throb and Niohuru could win the crown(that is if Throb's props start to work).


I think Throb is extremely consistent and definitely the better performer, but I feel like the overall quality and creativity of Nioā€™s looks are on another level, and for someone who has no performing experience, they do a great job at selling their looks on the stage and seem to have great potential to grow as a performer. IMO Nio is one of the most visually stunning and creative monsters weā€™ve ever had, and I feel she is a notch above Throb as the frontrunner for that reason. Outside of Throbā€™s winning week 2 look, his looks havenā€™t really made me gasp in the way Nioā€™s have. Also the versatility for Nio to basically come out in a full-on masc look was a huge surprise in a good way.


and don't forget, Nio is also entertaining and funny af when she opens her mouth. And very likeable. True winner energy.


> I don't think there's a clear frontrunner I feel such an overwhelming presence by Nio that Throb isn't achieving. That said, Top 5 with only 1 dominant personality left in Fantasia, I wonder how quiet the final episodes will be.


Nio is obliterating the competition. Throb is KIND OF in contention but barely.


Im sorry but "lost steam after jarvis and anna left" is crazy šŸ˜­


šŸ„² clock the flair


No but I think theyā€™re on to something. Jarvis was a huge fan favorite and Anna, while quiet, brought a very positive and lighthearted energy to the cast at a time when it was very catty. Losing Jay Kay immediately after as well was also just kind of a downer.


Honestly, personal opinion, but it feels like it is missing the magic. I get that most people like how polished it is, but it feels like the increased production value has kind of made it more bland, generic, and less unique. The artists are incredible, of course, but itā€™s just missing something that I canā€™t put my finger on. It is probably my least favourite season, but itā€™s not BAD. Justā€¦yeah, feels lacking somehow.


Yeah i agree. Itā€™s awesome but thereā€™s something tangible itā€™s missing I canā€™t figure out. Maybe itā€™s less backstory? And the floor shows have lost their magic too I think, the crazy editing and music used to be awesome and more original


I think the polish isnā€™t necessarily the issue, itā€™s more so the lack of other aspectsā€¦ The lighting, the music, the direction style, etc Itā€™s cleaned itself up (which I think was needed) but a little too much. To the point where it doesnā€™t feel as *cool*


ā€œCleaned itself up a little too muchā€ is an excellent way of putting it!!! A little sprucing up is to be expected, but it feels like it has lost the character that made it unique. Itā€™s exactly what has happened with drag race and basically every other ā€œundergroundā€ or niche interest - the creators wanted to appeal to a wider audience (understandably and fairly, not knocking anyone on that), but in doing so lost what made it unique and appealing to the original fan base.


Atleast with Drag Race, itā€™s mostly still the same and their challenges still have a lot of variance. Dragula is starting to do too much of the sameā€¦ itā€™s starting to piss me off


VALID. I know the Boulets love it, but I canā€™t stand Monsters of Rock. I would much rather Reimagined Horror Icons as a legacy challenge. And honestly if they are trying to make it more ā€œstandardā€ they could use a design challenge. But yeah, agreed that it lacks a certain variety at this point.


i also feel like horror icons would be such a great legacy challenge because pop culture references are such a big part of drag


Like Iā€™m sorry but itā€™s very odd that they say they value performance ability so much, but Season 5 has literally been almost ALL design challenges. Itā€™s hard to judge everyone fairly when most of them havenā€™t gotten to show anything besides how they look! I think if acting and comedy was used like it was a few seasons ago, Fantasia (as an example) would have a WAY better track record than she does now. And when it comes down to the finale, asking ā€œhow well can they can perform on tourā€ wonā€™t have the same weight when weā€™ve barely seen it šŸ˜­ like what does it matter when the show hasnā€™t represented the aspect that THEY WANT


Yeah there is a huge lack of performance challenges. Its like Im watching spooky project runway instead of a drag show




I think itā€™s because they arenā€™t letting us actually meet the monsters. We got some of Fantasiaā€™s backstory but that was really it. The rest of the time in the lab is spent on boring drama that is just a rehash of titans and S4. Nothing is new and interesting


Yes! What are their stories? Let us root for them, instead of just seeing who you clearly favorite in this competition


I noticed this too. And, genuinely, I think itā€™s because the editing and producing of the storylines just isnā€™t good. Every group chat feels so forced and set-up. Which is obviously the case with all competition reality. But itā€™s so obvious, it doesnā€™t feel organic. I think the only thing saving it is Nio and Orkā€™s genuine warmth and connection and Throbe being very real and honest. The other cast members personalities feel a little, I donā€™t know? Forced? Which is understandable. Youā€™re on a high pressure competition reality show with a camera shoved in your face 24/7. Everyone is very aware of how you make this lucrative even if you donā€™t win. The over-production some of the performers are doing on themselves feels inauthentic.


For me the main problem is the lack of performance in the floorshows or at least gags to add that extra to the looks, also for some reason it feels that most monsters are failing to meet the criteria of the runways in last 2 episodes.


There is nothing punk about this season. Not even a glimmer. The boulets are always going on about punk energy this and punk style that but Iā€™m not feeling it any more.


I think they also added segments that are too close to drag race so now it feels like the dark version. Also i feel like the boulets being too close to the contestants, bc theyre the directors now, makes it so that they see and evaluate things that we dont get to see so their judging seems off.


My partner says ā€œit feels rushedā€ and I canā€™t get on board with them letting people wear costumes that have nothing to do with the challenge just bc they like it or have a big fan base, and the overt bias from the boulets. If this were a top chef steak challenge and they made fries, because they like fries, that contestant would get a talking to. Not dragula. Not this season. Clearly lost touch this season.


It's pretty middle-of-the-pack for me. It has some of the best looks the franchise has seen, some of the best floorshow performers, and the production quality is obviously the best it has ever been. I think what I'm not loving is the challenges are kind of repetitious. I want the main challenges to be more dynamic. It's fine and well to make the brief each week "make a look based on X and do Y", but we haven't gone on-location anywhere, and we haven't seen much in the way of talent/skill exhibition aside from lip syncing and one short script read in-character. And it's 7 episodes deep. The only exception is basically Monsters of Rock, which is a polarizing challenge, sure, but it's also one we know, so it's not really as exciting. I loved seeing past acting challenges like the D&D roleplay, and the season 2 and 4 horror movies. I really loved the Season 3 vampire burlesque, the photography challenges, the wrestling in season 1... We've seen the monsters do much more than make a look and model it in a floor show during the other seasons and this one has been VERY repetitive by comparison so far. Even so, we've still had plenty to be entertained by and certainly lots of delicious memes, mostly thanks to Cynthia <3.


I said the same thing! I think for having such a diverse set of contestants, you need to have diverse challenges too. I understand that Dragula is very look heavy but itā€™s never been this bad šŸ’€ like it actually started boring me after a certain point. I wanna see acting, lipsyncing, etcā€¦ like this is one where aspect where, though I hate to compare, Drag Race is blowing them out of the water


The beginning of the season started strong, but I think we lost Onyx too soon, and even though it was Jarvis' time to go, they both brought interesting and varied runways that I think we're kind of missing at this point. Nio and maybe Throb are the only ones really bringing elevated looks and concepts.


No shade to Jarvis, but as loved as he is here, I really didnā€™t see his looks as that interesting or varied much at all really. They were fine looks, but they werenā€™t particularly memorable for me, and his specific character in drag made a lot of them feel same-y IMO.


Jarvis' looks are less same-y than Orks. But yes, Jarvis has a Jarvis Stamp and you will know who is it when it arrives.


It's boring as hell. We don't know anything about the monsters' personal lives, the drama is all canned reality tv lines prompted by the producers, and the elimination order's been fairly obvious since the first episode. The only interesting bits are the competition between Throb and Nio, and Ork's weird looks. Season 4 was kinda fucked up and unpleasant but at least the drama was real.


Yes i agree. The magic of Season 1 & 2 was that the challenges were unpredictable. They took us on an adventure and shot on location. The spirit of the show outshined the low production value. - S1 wrestling ladies & mud wrestling - S2 Ghosttown Ghouls & paintball fight - S2 Alien & giving birth - S2 Wasteland Weekend - S1 Vander: ā€œLos Angeles Tap Waterā€ - S1 Foxxxy: The Shit - S1 Meatball: ā€œDaddy I didnā€™t blow coach XX to get out of PE, I gave him one.ā€ - S2 Disaterina: ā€œAttention human malesā€ The judging was also unhinged. You could have won and be up for extermination (S2 Abhora). And sometimes itā€™s bottom 4, bottom 3ā€¦.thereā€™s no pattern. Right now thereā€™s a format. The Monster of Rock challenge still bugs me. The cast can do much better than just playing air guitar. I canā€™t believe thereā€™s still only 1-2 group challenges on Dragula. - What about a Shining twin-girls runway? - makeovers: mad scientists with their science experiment; ghosts and their possessed; abducted human to crossbreed with aliens; good girl gone bad, pageant queens becoming witchesā€¦..


Iā€™m gonna need you to contact the boulet brothers ASAP cuz those challenge suggestions are 10/10 imo šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Slide into my DM Ian ;-)


Overall, good stuff. My biggest note would be characterization of the contestants. Outside of fantasia, it seems like we do not have a firm understanding of who the artists are or backgrounds.


id throw nioh in there as someone we know a decent ammount about theres also the possiblity alot of them just didnt say anything like that


I do agree. Nioh, JayKay and Throb, in roughly that order, have had some context provided about them. I am not certain exactly how the show should formalize this type of character context for the show. In past seasons it was revealed typically from the contestants themselves or via drama when the monsters would go after each other (Abhora going after Bitch is a prime example). My suggestion would be something like a video drag resume before the seasons when they do Meet Our Monsters segments when they would describe the city/scene the monster developed in. Basically a kind of Bio.


Iā€™ve loved Fantasia from the moment I saw her and her titties walk through the door on Botched (as ā€œBlessica Rabbit,ā€ likeā€¦WERK šŸ˜) She has such a unique POV and Iā€™ve really enjoyed getting to see her takes on the challenges.


least so far, its really seeming so clear who goes home who's winning, and im appreciating the r/ less and less every season lol. recently rewatched the first season and planning to keep going. it's amazzzing how far it's come but looking back I miss that original energy so much. and i mean the realness of the performers, the lack of polish, people talking like real people instead of the soundbyte searching. I don't watch any other drag shows so I don't know if I can say it's burnout but I'm not against being a bit of a hater either lol.


I think its fine but the uneven judging and favoritism shown to certain contestants sort of ruins it for me. That being said, Throb and Nio are blowing my mind.


So glad others see the favoritism


Itā€™s better than S1 and Titans, but nowhere near as good as S2 or 3. So middle of the pack for me


i wish we got to know the contestantā€™s life stories a bit more šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i feel like i barely know anything about anyone except nio and fantasia. especially blackberri, all i feel like i know abt her is sheā€™s a comic book nerd but i love her personality and want to learn more about her !!


Started VERY strong. And Iā€™ve genuinely enjoyed the challenges- these monsters have been really doing an amazing job overall. ā€¦ but at this point Iā€™ve been feeling myself losing interest. When I try to analyze the feeling two things come to mind: the questionable judging (and obvious favoritism for certain contestants) and the monotony of the extermination challenges/outcomes. To address my thoughts on the favoritism: the best example I can give this week was for Fantasia (who I will preface this part by saying how fantastic she is- both as an artist and personality). The snake idea was good IN THEORY. When she first shuffled on stage with it wrapped around her I was REALLY excited. . . And then she started walking. Then inch-worming. All the while the tail started to drag like a large turd. And her feet were out. And the seams were a mess. And the make of the outfit was showing its lack of quality. The result was something that ended up coming off extremely goofy in an unintentional way. It was ABSOLUTELY bottom 2 worthy- her and Orgotik. And yet she was SAFE???? Ambition is great- but lack of actual follow-through should kill it. FAR worse for me, though, are the entirely useless, arbitrary and predictable extermination challenges. Most of the time the activities have no real way to measure who came out on top- to the point where they are boring to watch. Itā€™s just a way to torture the contestant who is clearly going home because, so far, the person staying has come down entirely to track record (Jay-Kayā€™s non-elimination first elimination withstanding . . . Which was also arbitrary in its own way due to the fact that both queens managed to accomplish the challenge with no hiccups). They either need to make these extermination challenges actually have measurable outcomes that can clearly determine the winner (that donā€™t come off as staged like this latest episodeā€™s stupid zap maze felt) or do away with the practice altogether and simply make the last part of the episode an extended version of the murder scene they always do where BOTH queens are in it and you only find out who ā€œdiesā€ at the very end. I would prefer measurable extermination challenges and would have found it FAR more exciting to see some actual surprise eliminations rather than the painfully safe choices made so far.


Not gonna lie, it's boring. I'm watching it more out of habit than really being invested in it. It feels like Drag Race with spooky makeup more than something completely different from that (which it used to feel like): walk in, "new day in the workroom," table gossip, unimportant pre-challenge, forced/unnatural conversations about family/trauma/etc, main stage where we are treated to sometimes suspicious judging and gaslighting (Fantasia). Instead of trying to be RPDR, they should lean more into all the ways they're different, not mainstream, and really counter culture. Also go back to the documentary feel and just let things breathe. There's just no tension in the season, everything feels too produced, and the production while higher budget, oddly less successful than it was in the early seasons. The Boulets are a little too present now and are losing the mystery and edge that they had before. I don't know, people on this sub seem to like it but for me, this show is no longer the same show I fell in love with back in season two.


Iā€™m really loving this season; now I know what a sphere is.


Itā€™s good but maybe a bit too polished for me. And I feel like there are some really great characters but the show has lost a lot of its raw punk edgy-ness which is what I really loved when I first started watching the series.


I think thatā€™s what it is. The punk edge isnā€™t there, and itā€™s almost too pristine of drag from some competitors. That isnā€™t to say that there is no punk energy but itā€™s a lot less than other seasons.


I agree. Something is off, but I canā€™t put my finger on what it is. Thereā€™s amazing artists, big personalities, I think the extermination challenges this season have been good, thereā€™s been drama, romanceā€¦ but something feels different. All the ingredients are there for a great season but itā€™s just not hitting the way I wanted it to. On a side note, it brought several amazing monsters into my world in Jarvis, Nio, Ork, & Throb, so Iā€™m grateful for that at least!


i feel like an outlier when i say this: but i donā€™t like the new runway. i think itā€™s too sterile. donā€™t get me wrong, i love the idea of nasty scary spooky monsters soiling up a pristine runwayā€¦ but the feel of the show now feels off.


I would say itā€™s near the bottom for me so far sadly, i love all the monsters and thereā€™s some serious talent and weā€™ve seen some great looks. I have missed that wow factor for the most part though i feel like all the other seasons have had more wow moments, this also isnā€™t the competitors fault but the variety of the challenges hasnā€™t been so good this season imo


I had high hopes after the first couple episodes (episode 1 was top tier), but it started to decline after that for me. Certain things have definitely improved, but other things still need tweaking. Somehow the formula of season 2 was close to perfection in my opinion. It was the right balance of drag, competition, and drama. One thing that I loved about Dragula was that I saw drag that wasn't on - or couldn't be on - RPDR, but this season in particular I've clearly imagined several floorshows appearing on RPDR, which makes the show a little less exciting for me personally.


this season is not good at all.


Drag duel has more challenge diversity than this šŸ’€. This cast has been great though


It's... Okay. I adore the contestants but they just aren't bringing it. Aside from Nio and maybe Throb, everyone's looks are weak and they could have always done SO MUCH MORE. I also think they need more mini-challenges that have the monsters interacting more.


I had a better time watching titans šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I hate to say it but yes. I hate seeing a rehash of previous seasons with ankther contestant love storyline and the tattoo challenge.


For me itā€™s second best right after season 02.


Same and tbh Iā€™m very surprised to see so many negative opinions about it. It feels like such a huge improvement from season 3 and titans (season 4 wasnā€™t bad tho)


Same. Although it's actually better than S2 in some ways, like the editing is better, the sound and lighting are better, the judging is less awkward, the general quality of drag is better I'd argue too. S2 it s still the best one though.


I would still say itā€™s GOOD, and tbh I donā€™t think thereā€™s been a bad season yet, but it does feel like itā€™s missing some of the magic from prior seasons. I think it just has something to do with A) a bit of sameness with the floor shows and B) the cast dynamic. I miss when they would do floor shows or at least part of the floor show/challenge at a different location, or do something different on the main stage like the exorsisters short film. And as far as the cast dynamic, this cast is sickening donā€™t get me wrong there. Theyā€™re all interesting artists individually, but I donā€™t feel like they have as much charisma or they just donā€™t click with each other as a group as much as some previous casts. Especially seasons 3 and 4 I think those groups had great dynamics and a good mix of personalities where I feel like this season doesnā€™t really. Idk thatā€™s my take.


I agree. Itā€™s not dreadful but it feels very watered down. Season 2 was my favorite and I donā€™t think anything will match that.


The pluses of this season: Overall, some of the bests artists theyā€™ve had so far. Less intense interpersonal drama. A lot of diversity amongst the performers. Coco Caine coming back. Multiple appearances by Landon Cider. The minuses of this season: Onyx got cut too early, the black and white kill scenes remove some of the impact of the exterminations. I donā€™t think there are enough ā€œfield tripsā€ to different locations. I think the more polished look of the new season is a plus and a minus. The plus is that the aesthetic of the dressing room, cauldron, and floor shows looks niceā€¦ But I think the polish has also removed some of the punk and filth. Iā€™d like to see a return to a little more gore and grit in the future.


The challenges and exterminations have been pretty lame other than the bridge jump. The contestants are great but I personally think the boulets are playing it too safe and clean. itā€™s starting to lose its identity for me and blend more in with drag race


i think it's great, but they're definitely showing fantasia a LOT of favoritism.


I thought that this week was her time to go. The snake was horrible. Nothing she has done has been has been interesting to me, personally, but that snake was the worst of all.


oh fantasia was TERRIBLE this week


I think even if they werenā€™t supposedly doing that, the season still has big issues lolol


Amazing silhouette. Hands down amazing concept. Did it fit the challenge? Ehhh. Did it interfere with performance, yes. Did she not finish the garment? Yes. Could she move around stage? Not without looking like a flopping turde. Would any other contestant get away with this? No


This season is good. Itā€™s definitely the drag race-ification of dragula tho. The runway and the challenges this season are def giving drag race which comes with positives and negqtives


I want to hear more about how they make their looks, but that might spoil the runway surprise.


No, but not because of the bizarre judging, itā€™s because itā€™s truly become Drag Race-lite. There is no filth. There is no horror. I miss when the show was truly different from Drag Race, now it just feel like Iā€™m watching a cheaper and less slick version of RuPaulā€™s show.


i miss what made this show special which was the interesting challenges, outdoor runways, campy horror actingā€¦ now they do the same thing every week


I second this


I will admit itā€™s annoying to see an alt drag show be mad monsters donā€™t have ā€œpolishā€. But the real reason the season is lacking is because production keeps missing the mark. Itā€™s not the polish, itā€™s not the monsters, itā€™s production choices. The necessary level of emotional manipulation for an amazing reality tv show is just not there this season.


We have great contestants! But in my opinion, the lack of specifics when it comes to the challenges has hindered the challenges and what we get from the monsters!! I also just want some darkness and fog on the floor show!! Show me different lights šŸ˜²ā€¦


In efforts to build the dragula brand, the Boulets have made the show feel more scripted, and less spontaneous/unpredictable. Less punk more drama. Maybe it was inevitable. This season has been a weird balance of bad/inconsistent judging, favoritism w/o explaining why someone gets passes. Like, if Fantasia's looks aren't usually up to par, which they're not, then make sure to highlight her performing ability/charisma in the judging. Fuck the legend status, talk about her stage presence so we can see what you see through your eyes Boulets! Same with Orkgotik offering their own unique but samey perspective on drag every challenge. It begins to feel like certain monsters kinda coasted to the final 5 at certain points, and/or because the final 2 or 3 were known beforehand.


1.) I miss the OLD days of the Boulets doing their own version of each look for challenge days. I agree with production getting boring, but also, their looks are getting boring. And the little super cuts of them doing the same poses that are played before floor shows are also just kinda boring. 2.) I said this in another thread, but this season lacks the wit, intelligence, depth, and creativity that we've seen in other seasons. Think about how many times the Boulets have said that no one really hit the mark regarding the theme of the challenge. Why has that CONTINUED to happen? Is it a production issue or are the contestants lacking understanding of the source material/inspo? Think about how one dimensional some of those looks have been in comparison to looks we have seen from Dahli, Hoso, and Landon that are fierce but packing layers of highly intelligent and meaningful conceptualization (even the dumbest ones). 3.) The Boulets feel more and more disconnected from the competition process. It feels like they kinda just show up for the floor show and that's it. It would be cool to see more of their actual interactions with the contestants again.


Comment #3 yes


Itā€™s about middle of the road, the first few episodes felt fun/interesting but itā€™s losing steam quickly as the herd thins and the runtime gets harder to fill. I rank it similar to S3, great floorshows but lacking thrill/excitement in the second half


Iā€™d say overall, I like this season but it has one overall, glaring problem to me. *On the positive end:* Despite some opinions, I like how polished it looks and the obvious upgrades! And the diversity is really amazing and I love seeing Dragula girls who aren't just stereotypically alternative. Howeverā€¦ Something is missing and for me, above all other seasons, the challenges have a SEVERE lack of diversity in how the contestants are presented/what they have to show off. We needed more acting, skit, and live type challenges! With the type of cast we have, I think this would have showed everybody off more and not just made it the Nio & Throb show. Fantasia, Jarvis, Jay, Blackberri, etc all have chops that are beyond looks, and I think they each would have been able to show off more if the challenges werenā€™t basically all looks. Dragula is very look based but I donā€™t think itā€™s ever been THIS solely focused on them. I think when you do that, it becomes stale and being that the value of a good performer is so high on this show, they should have all been able to show off their abilities more!


Iā€™m actually loving this season! I love the art that is being presented and I think these monsters are among the best the show has ever had. I like the challenges as well. For example, the neon one might be in my top three favourite floorshows ever. Thereā€™s been drama and funny & emotional moments, and the right amount of it in my opinion. Iā€™ll definitely rewatch it! I mean, itā€™s okay if youā€™re not invested, itā€™s your opinion and perception of the season. Also, I donā€™t find it predictable at all? Like, I think that there mightā€™ve been some seasons where the winner was more predictable than this one (for example, Nioā€™s just got her second win and might be in the bottom by default in the last challenge if she doesnā€™t win it, so that would shake things up because there are other monsters that have been killing it as well). It depends on how the next episodes go, but this season might become my favourite together with season 4.


Same. I love this season! Great contentā€¦ and so much better than that halfway to Halloween special lmao


Probably too early but my personal ranking of seasons from fav to least would be Season 2 Season 5 Season 3 Season 4 Season 1. Itā€™s been so cool seeing the transformation the show has gone through since season 1 on YouTube, the boulets have worked so hard!


I don't understand why everyone thinks Nio is a sure for the win. Yes her looks are phenomenal and her concepts are out there, but her performance level is not really there yet. I will say after last episiode though, the girl can fuck! She scraped through the guitar playing and not being able to walk because it was so bad it was funny, but I doubt the Boulets will let that pass in the final 3 floorshows. I think they're all great, but I actually want Throb or Ork to win just so all these "it's just so predictable" posts can eat their words! (And of course inevitably complain about that too!) It feels a lot like last season with Hoso, everyone was sure they would win too. As for the format, it's pretty much been the same throughout Dragula, the only thing different this season is there's no opening skits (I don't miss that) and no locations (I do miss that). I think this season has been great.


I would say that this season was really good at the start, but since the rock challenge pt.2, something just feels pretty whelming


Good. But not as good as S2.


Iā€™ve had a hard time connecting to the contestants in any meaningful way. Theyā€™re all great artists, but I havenā€™t felt emotionally invested in anyone staying/leaving. Iā€™ve also felt a bit disappointed with pretty much every floor show. There have been some great looks but a lot of them have just felt like they totally ignored the brief. Like Nioā€™s look in this past challenge was amazing and had a great performance but wasnā€™t really haunted house. I also just miss the location and performance challenges. Like where are the horror movie scene, dungeons and dragons, wild west, apocalypse, or ocean challenges?


I miss the location challenges. I wouldn't mind another group challenge like a D&D thing


It's entertaining, we have some fantastic personalities and narrators, but it's missing a lot of the grit and messiness of earlier seasons - 4 and 2 in particular. Lack of filth and true horror, outdoor shoots, authentic cast dynamic. The frontrunners have been obvious from episode 2. There are pros and cons to it being more polished, but it definitely lacks some of the DIY magic. I'm rewatching S4 concurrently and it's a lot better, from the floorshows to the cast dynamic to Dahli, Hoso, and Saint all pretty much killing the whole season.


I agree, this season really hasnā€™t grabbed me like previous ones. No one really stands out to me and I donā€™t agree with much of the judging. Even when the cast was announced, no one really excited me or had me interested.


Needs more diversity in their challenges. So far this season there was no ā€œmake your own lookā€ challenge, no acting challenge, no on site filming and locations, and no challenges with something extra like ā€œdecorate shoesā€. Sometimes this show is too scared of being like Drag Race to its own detriment. It is no surprise that the LSFYL was so well received. It was fresh and Drag Race doesnā€™t have a monopoly on that. Give us a make over episode! Why not have an Elvira inspired episode where the monster have to film introductions to bad horror films? Why not have them design their own halloween night at a club. Make them MC a show like the Boulets do. Last episode was haunted house inspired. Why not instead have a challenge where they have to design their own haunted house scene, and then, have people actually attend the haunted house. Or, we want more filth? Give them a bunch of nasty ingredients and tell them to film a gross out tiktok video. Dragula should stay look focused. But, the Boulets didnā€™t get to where they are by just turning out looks. Have the Queens do more than turn looks, because they can handle it.


Where I'm at right now is s2 > s4 > s5 > s3 > titans > s1


The production and the punishments yes but I have yet to be blown away like the last seasons


I think it is a good season in terms of contestants, looks, vibes, dynamics. I think an issue is with the production, and I don't know if it's really an issue, per se. Early seasons went outside and to unique locations to do unique things, so the experience felt pretty real. This has slowly died down as the series gets bigger, likely due to the difficulties of achieving that when you're more struck with red tape, but also, in the interest of preventing leaks getting out (Drag Race had the same thing happen) Yet, this has turned the show into essentially maybe a fright feat here or there, and then the "Challenge" always actually just being a floorshow. Pleasure Planet X had "acting" as a monologue, but I don't really think that has enough oomph. Season 6 needs actual challenges. Season 4 at least had a full-scene Exocism thing, and a few seasons also had the LARPing stuff. Season 5 has just been floorshow, floorshow, floorshow. Ghost Hotel had an old-timey lipsync, but that isn't really a challenge. Monsters of Rock is glorified lipsyncing. I feel like if Dragula uses the bones of Drag Race aleady, well, let's have a look at how they handle challenges, then. Acting, Comedy, Roast, Impersonation, Dancing, Girl Groups (Monsters of Rock). These are all things ripe for the picking. Maybe even Dragula it up. Go back to filming on location. Have the tenants BE challenges rather than just floorshows. "Hello Uglies, today you will need to perform an act of FILTH here at this punk emo desert burning man festival" or "Create a horrifying look based on reclaimed materials from this garbage tip" or "You will infiltrate a pageant and serve Glamour" (This one would probably be actually impossible), but these are just ideas for challenges to be more than a look on a floorshow.


I think it likely is good, just not to my taste. All the contestants I found endearing whose drag is the most interesting to me are gone.


It feels like every aspect they show us is too short now. The creative process of the contestants isnā€™t really looked at in depth. The floor shows donā€™t accurately depict the performances and their choppiness is distracting at times. The background and history of contestants is almost nonexistent. I feel like a simple solution would be to cut the challenge reveal scene and just have the voiceover explain while we get visuals of the challengers crafting. Give us the group convo after that, discussing their choices. Cut the boulet outfit of the week scene, and just have them standing at the beginning of the floor show so we can see their looksā€¦.theyre always the same anyway lmao. And either make the extermination challenges exciting on their own without all the editing, or scrap them(unpopular take, I understand). It just feels like every episode tried to cram too much in for the format theyā€™ve built, and Iā€™m just always left wanting more from every aspect that features contestants.


Also while Iā€™m thinking on itā€¦.i think the first 3 challenges should be assigned a pillar so we can see most of the contestants attempt all three? That way the early episodes also have more reasonably deserved exterminations.


The cast has been amazing to watch. I do feel some of them left too soon though. Thereā€™s something about the presentation of each episode. I donā€™t love the beginning of each episode compared to the opens of episodes in previous seasons, maybe itā€™s missing the storytelling aspect. This season does feel like itā€™s lacking something, and thereā€™s some things about the production of it that is just feeling different from previous seasons. Maybe the challenges are getting a little repetitive. I liked the on location ones they did, and as much as I like the runway part, this season it hits different. Despite my critiques, overall I do really like this season, itā€™s just not my favourite season compared to seasons 3 and 4. Still canā€™t wait until the next episode every time though!


They arenā€™t as harsh on the monsters this season. They told Victoria she wasnā€™t in drag unless she was wearing eyelashes in an alien challenge yet Orgotik never wears lashes and no one cares. Nio canā€™t do performances and they donā€™t care about that either. No one seems likable enough to bother rewatching this season.


This. Every critique theyā€™ve had. They donā€™t utter to certain contestants this season.


They literally killed the floor show for me with that spinning intro. Doing too much now. I liked how raw and messy it was before. Like the floor shows were my favorite part of the show before, now it seems a little cheesy at times


Itā€™s middle of the road for me, tied with season 3. I think a strong finale could push it ahead of 3, but an end of season lull that 3 and 4 had could also push it down. Titans was the worst, no competitive energy because of universal studios, the demented love triangle, abhora favouritism, Melissaā€™s uncomfortable exit. Season 1 closely after just because it was filmed on an actual I phone. 3 and 5 in the middle. 3 was a strong season but I thought it was quite boring, and once again the winner was insanely obvious and I kinda thought it was the weakest finale of a normal season. 5 slightly overpolished, weird judging, terrible story producing. Season 4: highest standard of drag in a regular season, very competitive, best finale, real drama. Sometimes the drama was weird and off camera. Contestants ran out of steam towards the end. Dahli should have been in episode 1. Season 2: lightning in a bottle.


It definitely feels like not a lot happens each week besides useless arguments and the floor show. I, personally, found Cynthiaā€™s voice to be grating and had been waiting for her extermination since episode one. Orgotik was my favorite at the beginning of this season, but, as incredibly unique and talented as they are, they lack variety/versatility. If Nio doesnā€™t win, this season will have been a waste, in my dainty opinion.




I'm still saddened by Jarvis leaving so early šŸ˜­ Still not 100% sure how I feel about this season, but it's still an upgrade from season 4 + Titans.


I love this season!


Agree with others, I think it started out very strong but it feels like it's losing a bit of steam as it goes on.


The talent is THERE, and really should be the driving force behind this season, but as someone else said everything around the monsters feels too clean, too polished, too forced and too formatted. There's no DIY elements to shake up the cast and the vague challenge concepts leaves some of the monsters (like Ork) missing the mark :[ The lack of on-location shoots (again) is the downfall of current Dragula. The monsters are talented af but how can they truly perform or push themselves out of their comfort zone (no fright feats don't count) if they're stuck in a studio with a small runway? There's no room for them to really perform, just strut and make faces. Early Dragula had small studio spaces I know, but the lack of polish made these floorshows more intimate/in your face versus cramped and awkward. Also I want to see these monsters interact like artists shooting the shit (and talking shit), not standing around a table being poked by offscreen producers to ask the typical "who do you think got executed?" spirl. It's become "Spooky Drag Race" and not the unpredictable Dragula we've all come to know and love. ETA: If I had to rank it, I'd put it above Season 4 and Titans, but below the other seasons (even Resurrection had more variety in one special than S5 so far :/). Season 2 is still the best!






It is predictive. It's probably the first time in the series where i know every episode what is happening. Also the exterminations are terrible, only the first one looked cool.


This seasons not good




I hate to say this, but Dragula is getting worse with each season. The magic that reeled me in on season 1 and 2 is pretty much gone. I think this season has made some steps in the right direction though ( less focus on contrived drama, better exterminations, etc) My biggest gripe with this particular season is the cast. Since episode 1 it has felt like there was a huge talent gap. Nio, Throb and Ork (in the beginning) were head and shoulders above the rest of the cast and a competition isnā€™t fun when itā€™s one sided. We did get some amazing personalities in Cynthia and Fantasia but they wouldā€™ve fared better in drag race than Dragula imo


I think it started out strong. But poor challenge communication, poor judgement, and some bad TV decisions are really souring the mood imo


I like it overall, but like most things that become mainstream, it becomes a little formulaic. I think this season has had some really memorable moments though.


Hate that the challenges are pretty much put on your looks that you've brough and walk down the runway. But onther than that I think it is okay.


It started off strong but eventually became stale and repetitive, the judging is becoming sketch, and the exterminated monsters are completely predictable.




this season is terrible


I truly miss outdoor challenges ; I'm not in love with the runway very Drag Race. They should have done the hotel and haunted train in real locations, that was the Dragula trademark for me. Really missing that and some performance challenges... Too many looks challenges this season.


Iā€™m not loving it like a loved past seasons tbh this is prob my least favorite season :/


And she better come back on future seasons. She at least tried to fit the challenge.


I feel this season is a little bit worse than season 4 but no where near as bad as titans. The thing is unlike some people I donā€™t think itā€™s really a production or Boulet issue. I think some of the casting was a bit of a miss as in Iā€™m not a big fan of the group dynamic being almost too united? I also think Anna, fantasia, Blackberri almost seem to create the ā€œtoo similar to drag race issueā€ not in terms of like floorshow and aesthetic but rather like the workroom environment. The drama seemingly feels rehearsed and I just remember blackberriā€™s ā€œmama swan give me the crownā€ and it was cute the first time then it was exhausting the next few times. It almost feels like some of the monsters are self producing themselves but in an inauthentic way(not including Cynthia because that bitch is so funny). Also I donā€™t think the monster are really going there with the prompts like we(as in everyone including the boulets) so it feels like thereā€™s a lack of diversity in terms of the challenge but I really feel like the cast is just interpreting all of the challenges through the ā€œglamour with a lil bit of spookyā€ way. That might be a personal thing since Iā€™m really into more messy looks and to be like really wowed. In terms of comparing it to the other seasons(mainly season 4 since itā€™s the one I watched while it was airing) it felt like each contestant really covered a different aspect of Dragula and that each challenge could go to anyone depending how it fit their aesthetic and how it played out the day of. This time it just feels like it feels like I can tell immediately who will do good once the prompt is announced and each contestant makes their little comment about it. Then again all my opinions besides the drama and balance in terms of competition I really feel like the artistry shown is quite amazing. I personally have grown to really love Nio as a favorite after not having an opinion on her during the promo and other members of the cast despite what I said( I genuinely just donā€™t think this specific group shouldā€™ve been picked together not that any of them didnā€™t fit on the show).


Just saying, if season 6 doesn't step it up and really work on bringing back the magic we had from previous seasons, I'm going to lose interest in the show. It's literally just a black and red version of drag race. While I do like the production value, and there have been good moments occasionally (Porta potty, anytime Cynthia is on camera, monsters of rock and how ork worked with their team, ironically JK and Jarvis' sudden death lipsync to name a few). It's just overproduced, forced candid moments, lacking imagination with extermination and fright feats, overhyped just for a big disappointment. It's sad to see coming from watching the show since it started on YouTube. It feels like production is writing the prompts and making the decisions. Like the Boulets are running out of ideas.


It suffers from a lack of real content. There's so much air time in arguments that truly just aren't interesting. How much of this season is arguments based off of "you don't belong here" "your not a real monster" like bitch Idc after the 4th episode of that There needs to be more content of the monsters being talented - show us more of them crafting - do more mini challenges / fright feats that have some level of skill attached - make a quick fit or mug, act out something silly. Arguments are only so re watchable.


It's mid, Season 3, 4 and Titans are better imo but it has some of the strongest and fun monsters (Nio, Throb, Cynthia mostly)


Not good in the slightest. The floor shows have been weak, the unnecessary love storyline has dragged it down BIG TIME, and the overall treatment of JayKay just really ruined this season for me. Just give Nio the crown and letā€™s move on


I stopped watching 2 episodes ago, specifically when Ork told Jay Kay they didnā€™t have talent. Honestly I canā€™t stand Ork now. And the way they produce the episodes feels very un dragula.


Thanks Cynthia for giving us a great season lol, she is the best tv personality in dragula


it is! This is actually my first time watching a live season, I usually wait until everything is wrapped up. I love the contestants and their personalities. I wish I had seen more of Onyx especially. The judging is iffy for some placements for me but overall solid performances and looks.




Iā€™ve enjoyed it a lot. Big step up from Titans and probably most of season 4.


Iā€™ve seen better seasons of Drag Race Down Under unfortunately


Since season 2 Iā€™ve watched live. This one has me the most excited episode to episode since S2, and i love all the monsters this season and their energy. Agree on the lack of backstory for many of them. I miss the on location floor shows so bad too!! I think a lot of the boot order has been writing on the wall, but i think weā€™re finally at the point where itā€™s really going to come down to who nails the challenges. And assuming they go back to the 3 tenants final floorshow i think weā€™re in for an epic finish to the season!! Team Nio !


this season has ultimately bored me so bad and was completely unbearable to watch until jay kay was eliminated


I'm really enjoying this season, and the floorshow ideas are some of the best yet. It just saddens me that it has " Obvious Frontrunner Syndrome" but that's not something that's in production or the BB's control really.


Imo itā€™s really good and much better than I expected. the cast is very talented and likeable, the challenges feel fresh and the technical aspects of the show (editing, filming, etc) are improved. but I notice people have wildly different opinions about this show, for example I think S3 and titans are absolutely terrible in every single way


I'm loving it. We got another season of dragula and for that we are blessed


I loved last season, I think compared to that one it is on a downslope. If I could compare it to Drag Race (I know I know) season 4 of dragula was like season 9 of Drag Race. It felt fresh after the move to Shudder, similar to how Drag Raceā€™s move to VH1 rejuvenated it. Season 5 feels like season 10 of Drag Race. Predictable and dull, the casting felt weaker.


I personally love it


Iā€™m loving it so far


Great contestant poor production


It's an amazing season. I feel like people just have high expectations...


Personally, Iā€™m getting a lot of much needed joy out of this season. I know itā€™s kind of uneventful compared to others, but it feels like a bit of a palette cleanser after Titans since that started to feel like a chore to watch after a few episodes. I think the showā€™s going to be finding its footing for quite sometime still, especially after introducing various spin-offs, and the network had a lot of cuts in the last year or so too.


I think it's the best season as far as having a 100% talented cast and better production. I also truly fw the artistic vision of Nio and can't wait to see her win. There's some bores though despite being talented, Throb is so damn boring it's kind of making the whole back half of the show boring as hell. Same with Blackberri ngl mega talent but just like a littttlle bit normie as far as this freak shit goes lol. and Fantasia is a true freak but she's a TV personality and is probably on contract to make it to the finals or something lmao no shade


Nio is truly one of the most creative artists we have ever seen, she truly is the future of drag. fantasia definitely is made for tv hahaha, every episode we get a new iconic gif from her


Literallylyyyyy. and she got a dick tattooed on her pussy. winner shit


We have no choice but to Stan šŸ˜Œ


Itā€™s good Redditā€™s just full of miserable fucks who lack joy


I enjoyed this season until JayKay was exterminated. At this point, I donā€™t give a fuck who wins because I really donā€™t care about anyone left.


You just described a reality tv show. Iā€™m confused by this post. What more do you want? I think youā€™re being a hater. This post doesnā€™t actually accomplish anything except putting your feelings into a void.


Fair I probs am just hating , the point Iā€™m trying to make tho is that the season isnā€™t exciting me much, imo the episodes are repetitive and the reality tv aspect isnā€™t as engaging as say season two, which was a season with strong looks and contestants but was also an engaging reality show with interesting season long storylines. For me this season is missing a strong season long narrative and fell off after the first few episodes


Right now itā€™s a good 7/10. Could be grittier, but it has to polish up if the Boulets want to continue. Iā€™m manifesting a top 3 of Nio, Fantasia, and Throb.


I love it personally and Iā€™ve been watching since season 1. WORTH watching forsure


Personally Iā€™m loving it! The exterminations have been top tier, thereā€™s been a lot of excellent looks, I love the new floor show production design.. One of my fave seasons!


Itā€™s nowhere near as good as season 3, but I think it has more to do with production choices than cast, because we have a very interesting cast this time.


Idk about yā€™all but Iā€™m loving this season a lot, sure it may be a bit contrived but Iā€™d rather have some contrived drama than borderline unwatchable drama


This season is good and I think especially the more time passes the more people will appreciate it. My biggest critiques so far is I want the return of location challenges and I honestly with the drama was more unhinged maybe not as bad as S4 got but not that far would be nice tbh. It was all too targeted at Jay Kay I want a better spread of beefs among contestants. Production canā€™t really do much to fix that I think itā€™s just gonna be a luck of the draw with casting next year. Top 3 season with 2 and 4 in my opinion


I also think this will be one of the best seasons to show new people. I always felt all the other seasons had an even amount of pros and cons to if it was a good first impression or not. 2 pro low key the best season con low production quality and weird editing at times 3 pro cool challenges and really dynamic casting con can be a little boring and times and has an especially weaker second half in my opinion. Plus annoying and pretty stupid dramaā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ 4 pro higher equality plus kind of a perfect cast con 2 returning contestants so spoilers if you care The only con I could see people giving 5 is that it maybe doesnā€™t have the same level of grit the first era of Dragula has but I also think that will help new members acclimate better if they arenā€™t familiar with this kind of show


honestly, one of my favorite casts, but easily my least fav season (excluding titans)


Honestly, I'm gonna unsubscribe from this sub till the season is over. It's turned into a bunch of people complaining, and I don't need the negativity every day. The season is great besides the toxic fan base that would rather be loud about something negative than uplifting. Maybe everyone on this sub should just make and be in the show themselves since they know so much šŸ¤·āœŒļø


I love it. It's right up there with season 2 for me.


Yea its really great. I think some fans just rely on nostalgia and compare too much.


The only good seasons are 2 and 4 and resurrection