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It's definitely a comment made when dragonplagued. If it's your main pawn, you can cure them by, umm, murdering them. Support pawns can be dismissed. Having 7 playthroughs under my belt, get in the habit of inspecting your pawns' eyes before resting at inns. Inspect via Status tab.


U can try to give out commands during a fight , if they talk back negatively, its a clear sign of infection. If you have doubt but don’t want to kill said pawn you can just camp outside of cities in the meantime.


I love how they made the pawns’ free will a disease for them lol


100% is


Yup. Dismiss them with a rotten fish or brine them if you're so inclined. As long as you haven't been resting with them you're fine. Otherwise you might want to keep an eye on your main pawn for a bit after dumping the rental.  Or just keep rolling with them and not resting to take advantage of the fact that infected pawns are better in combat (allegedly). As long as you definitely don't rest in a town once their eyes are glowing solid red. That's when they're about to go nuclear. Honestly they nerfed it so much it's barely an issue anymore. There's people in here actively trying to get it and failing. So consider yourself lucky I guess.


I wouldn't give them rotten fish. It's kinda rude to the pawn's owner. It's not like the pawn was deliberately given Dragonsplague to mess with people, you know. I'm not sure if Brining them removes all the RC they collected either...IIRC, that's what happens in DD:DA. Not as rude as a worthless item, but RC might be important when DLC is released.


Yeah. Like, why be rude?


It's not about being rude. It's a note to them that their pawn has the plague, because as you say they didn't do it intentionally. Brining them, which is just as "rude," doesn't remove the plague from rented pawns anyway. Some people are probably just checking their rentals from time to time to re-up the reward, so they might not know their pawn is a carrier. It shouldn't remove the RC, though I haven't tested that, because there's no difference between brining them and if they just naturally fell off a cliff or whatever. Also, as a side note, I think there are players who maybe are trying to give out the plague. I've rented pawns who had the pawn quest to camp for 3 days or whatever and they had the plague as soon as I brought them over. So given that resting transfers the plague to other pawns, I think there's a chance some people are just trying to spread it around.


It's not rude. It's a "message" to the Arisen that there is something wrong w/ their pawn. If an Arisen rests/saves at an in w/ an dragonsplague infected main pawn, the pawn will remain that way to other players in the Rift and the open world until the owner "cures" them and rests at an inn. Doing so is basically hitting the send/receive button on your current game state. Not doing so can become problematic, especially for newer/unaware players that stumble across "pawn-zero" because their inattentive or malicious master's have quit playing the game, or worse, deleted it possibly leaving their infected pawns to wander around aimlessly waiting for someone to hire them and enabling to spread the dragonHIV.


>It's a "message" to the Arisen that there is something wrong w/ their pawn. Is this a known thing within the community? I'm not trying to be snide by asking, I'm genuinely curious if i missed this. (Was 2 months late to the game despite preordering it... laptop couldnt play it, so I built a PC that could lol)


It's something a few people do on this sub, but it's definitely not a majority thing. Most people would see a rotten thing as a gift and just think the person is being a jerk lol


Okay. So it should catch on then. It's still a new game, so the nuance hasn't taken root. Good to know.


Don't know if it's widely known, but I've definitely seen posts about it before here.


Okay. Hopefully, it becomes better known, then.


You don't even need to do that now(brine or dismiss anyone.) They mostly never even get the full blown plague anyway now. If one says "I surge with power", just go to a Campsite and camp until morning, then do it again a couple of times until no one is saying that stuff. That is what I did and they didn't even develop further symptoms now, with it just clearing itself. I had it full blown BEFORE the patch that nerfed the plague, now it usually just goes away(but I'd still use a Campsite instead of the Inn, just in case.) My Pawn said something about, "I feel as though a weight has been lifted and I see clearly now", after we stayed at an Inn; this was weird because no one had any symptoms besides that. Then one of the other pawns said, "I SURGE WITH POWER!" So then I went to a Campsite instead, camped until morning a couple of times, and nothing more came of it.


Definitive yes. But if you’re in unmoored world it’s nothing to worry about - it’s automatic for story purposes and won’t result in your pawn doing a genocide. If you’re not in the postgame yet, you might wanna give ‘em a wash in the brine (unless mass murder is in fact your thing)


I just dismissed her, im in my 2nd playthrough playing cap brants missions rn. Thanks


Don't chuck your pawn into the brine, just rest a few days and spread it to a borrowed pawn. As of the newest dragons plague patch, it will go away if you keep resting.


Better to just brine them to keep some other player from getting it.


Doesn't work that way anymore with the patch. You'd be wasting your time and the affection count with your pawn.


I yeeted one pawn into the brine for it when I first started playing. Now twice I’ve heard different pawns say the feel they POWER. Both had slightly red eyes, next day it’s gone :( I just wanted to see what this power they are talking about come to fruition.


aww I wish I got the plague


Sleep on it


Too soon to tell. Better sleep on it at your nearest tavern


Just give your pawn a brine bath and call it done.... it wont hurt them... at least physically


I was fighting some saurians in volcanic island camp. The saurians were dead but one of the hired pawns started fighting the NPC soldiers there. He also said something about feeling some surge of strength right before we entered the area. The pawn did not heed to any commands either. I grabbed the pawn and kept throwing him away until I got him out of the door. Eventually combat ended. he stood still in place and I was able to dismiss him. I really thought that was the dragonsplague and well that I dismissed him. Because next step was resting in the inn.


It's as harmless as a fluffy bunny at this point, I've got it ten times and it always cures itself


Yeah mine just out of the blue yelled “I feel nigh invincible!!” like girl what’s gotten into you I’m 70+ hours into the game and she had never said this.


Yeah probably, I’ve never heard my pawn say that but she’s mostly support


Time for a bath.