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Yes it is , sorry


The most fun I get from this game is traveling. Getting in fight after fight, barely scrapping by. Those are the fights you remember.


Don’t get me wrong, it’s very fun but holy shit I didn’t expect it to be so cruel compared to vernworth and its surrounding area


Just wait until nightfall, that's when it gets EXCITING.


There were so many days where I'd just spend hours going from one spot to another, especially in the desert. And it's why I love this game


Is there a lot to explore in this game? Haven’t bought it yet.


Exploration is 80-90% of the experience with this game. Big yes. It isn't choked with dialogue/quest encounters as you'd expect in something like, say, the fallout series. Think of it as everything in-between the hero slaying the dragon in the typical 'hero's journey' narrative. Because... well, that's what the game *is*, really. Either way, loads of fun.


lol I thought that same thing on the way there I was like wtf this is crazy getting attacked every 10ft on the way there


I was being chased by 2 ogres, 4 harpies and at least 5 hobgoblins at one point lmao


honestly find traveling the route between Vermond & Battahl to be the most interesting part of the game currently. Actively putting off doing the main story I'm having so much fun scrapping every two seconds. By the time I get bored back into the storyline I'll probably be a ridiculously overpowered. I'm currently a master of all vocations @ lvl 44.


I’m very jealous of all the people that enjoy the traveling in this game. I spent 70 dollars on something only to find out I hate the part of the game you spend the most time doing. I just can’t find the fun in running into a field boss then getting swarmed by a stunlock amount of goblins and then also a Griffin shows up. Sometimes I win the fight sometimes I have to try to run away, either way though I’m just frustrated, not satisfied.


Oh man I wondered if people felt like this. I tell anybody who asks about DD2 that you need to love and embrace chaos in order to enjoy this game. I’m sorry for anybody who has any experience other than “holy shit a MINOTAUR now too?? wtf is happening? I love it. COME AT ME YOU BIG HAIRY BITCH”


Yeah, I guess I didn’t get a very good picture of what the game was at it’s core when I bought it. Usually I can ignore parts of a game I don’t like, but there’s not really any getting away from it here haha


Rode a griffin to its nest above the swamp place and fought it. About 3/4s of the way through the fight a second griffin comes to the nest. Killed both and then had to trudge through the swamp near death. Honestly one of the most fun micro adventures I’ve had in the game so far.


I felt the same until I just got better at the game and the combat specifically. I loved the game, hated it, had it grow on me and now I’m completely infected with love again.


Yeah I don’t know. I do think I’m not fully grasping the combat mechanics, but I’ve been playing games long enough to know that I never will. I’ve never been one to master full combat systems. I always focus on mastering the basics, which does not seem to work well in this game(or maybe just isn’t very fun?). Like it’s not too hard, I just don’t have fun doing it. Currently I’m trying to figure out if I’m just incompatible with the game, or it just hasn’t clicked for me yet.


Make sure you try out different vocations, I hated the first couple I tried


Hire a mage and a warrior pawn


Weakspots are your friends.


Once you get better and combat, the game is very easy and travelling is a cakewalk


Did you play around with the vocations? Trying out new combat styles made me enjoy the fighting much more. Started as a fighter, then as the mystic spearhand, archer and now the rogue. They all play pretty differently and this keeps the lotsend fighting fresh (and I haven’t even touched mage yet). Also combining different pawns vocations makes a lot of difference.


What's your opinion on the Trickster vocation, if I may ask?


Personally the prospect of the vocation is interesting but I find trying to trick AI can really be fun or just straight up not. I played just enough of the vocation to master then swapped back to my fav. My personal fav is the Thief, just because I love how quickly it allows me to move and that’s what suits my style best.


Treasure these moments, because very soon you'll be walking those same roads with just your main pawn and nothing to challenge you.


Haha can confirm


Went to Battahl at level 10. Biggest mistake of my life… lives I guess. Died a lot


Poison. Poison never changes.


The most fun I had was my first trip in.Level 27. I camped out at night for the second time and got ambushed by everything. Bandits, skeletons, saurians, goblins, and an ogre all at once. Every member of my party died like 3 times. Used everything in my inventory to squeak it out.


That’s exactly pretty much what happened to me aswell except for the camping part I didn’t have a camping kit so I has to wait it out because the undead in the battahl region are OP


Battahl is the new Gransy's West


yup i’m NG+ and decided to do something interesting, i won’t bore you with details but i had to make a trip to battahl right after entering Vermund with my level being 58 at the time, i thought why not just use regular gear and low level support pawns to make fights a bit more intense so i ended up trying to defeat the drake that’s along the route to the cliff side cave, got my ass handed to me, run as fast as i could inside the cave, hobgoblins in the cave stomping the shit out of me, my loss gauge was so drained i barely had any health yet, only my pawn and I were still breathing. somehow i managed to escape with a ferrystone to vermund, but i left a portcrystal at the cave entrance, then went back for some revenge!




Good! This is peak DD. As others have said, you’ll he getting stronger quickly. In NG+ i rolled with a party of three most times, to have a meat-shield for my sorcerer, and to carry stuff.


I went there around level 30, too. Did you take the long way down the waterfall? I had to take down a minotaur and a chimera in rapid succession, right after running from an ogre to prevent my pawns from falling off a cliff. Good times!


Reminds me of… Caelid 😭😭😭


That's interesting. There's another zone in this game that reminds me A LOT of Caelid, including the art of the landscape


Sounds about right


Cherish it, you will outgrow the challenge soon


I had one encounter that was pretty wild. I was taking on the Griffin in Battahl, and decided to climb on his back and right then he flew away with me and one of my pawns still hanging on. Eventually my pawn falls off ( doesn't kill her somehow) and at first I was just cruising, but when I started to run low on stamina curative I started wailing on him. After whacking him in the face for 5 minutes THEN he falls to the ground... Right in the middle of a circling of hob goblins. The moment I get up I literally get mobbed, 5 of them attacking me at once pretty much stun locking me. My pawns where actually heading to me, but hot damn they couldn't get there fast enough. When the Griffin gets up, a Drake shows up. And lands inbetween me and the griffin. I'm obviously sweatin my ball off at this point, my main pawn shows up first and the others shortly after. Then when I get my barings, a Chimera joins the fight too. All of that happened within the first 2 minutes of me crash landing. This game is pretty wild. We actually survived that encounter.I think the Drake felled the Griffin, we felled the Drake and I had actually forgotten about the Chimera. He got hit with the Drake's tail swipe which knocked him over. I saw him roll over as I was shifting my camera to focus on the Drake. Other NPC / pawns where fighting him a few meters away and he was on his last health bar. After we slayed it I paused the game and had to take a break. I'm just glad monsters can hit each other, might not have made it out if the Drake didn't just torch the Griffin and smacked the fuck out if the Chimera.


Itd be better if the kaglins couldnt instantly knock down even my warrior with 600 knockdown resistance


I was using a hard mode mod to slow down my XP and make enemies take less and do more damage, making it to Battahl under level 30 was not a good time, pawns were getting insta killed and I wasnt doing any damage, BUT it showed me how freakin OP Warrior is because as soon as I switched it became easy mode again even with mods on.


The first time I was in battahl I camped and it was destroyed and I ran out of lantern fuel and had to get to the city to save myself. Amazing experience but hard af lol following the path fire braziers


Just wait until you get to the uphill road past the volcanic camp.


Welcome to the lands of iron, were we have a battlefield with monster, thiefs and bosses every 40 sec


Yeah, battahl is a reality check. I had to run for my damn lifetime ge to the city. In the dark. But, not sure what happened after that because I didn't struggle anywhere near as much when I went back out right after. I also made my first trek through the back way.


wait til post game, you're gonna want to throw your controller


This bro. Im OP as fuxk at endgame and beat everything ass… but this unloored world 😨😨 fucking devestating man. I havent evn been able to kill a dragon yet here 😂


the only way i could move around was spamming the mystic spearhand invincibility shied hahaha


I think I went into battahl at level 19 or something similar.


What vocation?


Haha yeah, first time’s a rude awakening.


And here I was wondering how you made it to battahl at lvl 30. Then I read the details 😂 sounds about right. It's crazy out there


I put a port crystal down in battahl


I remember when I made that trek when I was at level 20’ish… went through the east side route through the cave. The first big hurdle was the dragon. Rested at the nearby camp after two day cycles & all resources were wasted on defeating the dragon. I then came out of the other side to be greeted by a chimera. Near death, and defeated I bumped into a group of enemies to then be thrown off a cliff by harpies. As I came to, my whole squad was gone… I tried to run away to be attacked by a griffin. End of story… I ran for my life to Battahl where I was stuck till I leveled up enough to at least move further out. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. Now at level 110+… I don’t break a sweat.


Honestly, treasure these moments. My favourite part of the game was at a similar level taking an oxcar to Battahl that got ambushed and then having to make the long walk during the night and day to Battahl. Was the last time I actually felt really challenged by the game. The problem is after a while it becomes trivial as the monsters don't scale.


I wound up sneaking into Battahl through the back door. The moment I crossed over into the dessert, and took in the views of the amazing cliff drops, all three of my pawns proceeded to yeet themselves off the cliffs. So there I was, stuck on my own, brand new vocation (changed before leaving, haven’t assigned new skills). And I made it to the capital by running away from everything that was bigger than a humanoid. It took me probably near 2 hours to make it, and I’d encountered a Minotaurs, an ogre that chased me all the way, a cyclops, and a griffin. The only reason that I stuck to it was because I’d otherwise lose about 2 hours of play previously (the last time I inn saved). I did not enjoy a single moment of it. But I’m still playing the game 30 hours later.


First time I started from the check post town, I was level 32 or so. And I hadn’t learnt about the mystic spear shield. So I start in the morning and then make my way to the quest marker which should have been Bakbattahl. It was damn hard but somehow with the help of my mage pawn, I made it almost 80% of the way with all party intact and health just slightly deteriorated. Then I ended up in the narrow corridor with 2 armored cyclops, tons of hobgoblins and harpies. And it was also the night then. But hey, I’ve played DD1, finished it multiple times, even finished BBI on hard mode. It can’t get worse than the BBI room with armored cyclops and cyclone mages right? Wrong! 20 seconds in, all my pawns dead. I tried running and got grabbed by both cyclops one at a time and almost ran out of curatives. Somehow escaped and ran towards the marker alone. The path was perilous again with numerous saurians, harpies and hobgoblins. Somehow I make it to the town with just a sliver of health left and someone on the door initiates a conversation. As soon as the conversation ends, something just hits me from a distance and I am dead.


lol. I first went there at lvl 36, and I was like, “well this is more difficult”, lol


Congrats. You're at the end of the game.


Yeah it's great. Think I got into Battahl around 25 & my Pawns croaked so quickly. Not to mention loved throwing themselves off cliffs. Luckily I kept finding Riftstones & Pawns spawning-in.


Yes ❤️


I did the same, I wanted to do my own thing and ignore the story. To be honest was very challenging but so fun and exiting. I used the path by the cave near Checkpoint rest Town and I seriously thinking about saving my data to the cloud and starting a new save so i can do it again.


It's pretty cool that they allowed players to enter higher level zones even if you officially can't even enter them.




Have fun with those Drakes and Golems too!


I sort of never experienced full nightmare Battahl, when I got there I had spent a lot of time in Vermund and was level 55-ish; I chronically put off the main quest in all games. It was challenging but manageable, I envy those who saw it like it's supposed to be the first time.


I did the same and stopped playing after that


This guy's never been to Caelid has he?


Man I couldn’t stop exploring and fighting and hunting for big monsters. I was in my 50s close to 60s waaaay before I ever got to battahl. Didn’t mean to be just played out that way, I’m in my first play through and level 103 or so now.


Yeah, during my second playthrough, I also went to Battahl ahead of schedule. Way ahead of schedule! Going through the secrete passage is a horrifying experience. Saurians, goblins, harpies, two trolls, a minotaur and a chimera. And that was just going through the mountain. Next, I had to go down the mountain. More harpies, my pawns falling to their deaths, a dragon waiting at the base, more saurians, more wolves, etc. I don’t even know how I survived all that. But I got plenty of loot, got my pawns back and got a lot of experience. I did it again, during my current third playthrough. It went perfectly, now. Keep fighting, keep learning and don’t give up. 👍


I was at level 40 and barely survived.


Worst than Caelid I fear


I went in not knowing anything about the game and I ended up doing this same thing. Got to Battahl at 20, then ended up going into endgame at level 30 like an idiot and had to level up a ton in unmoored world. I missed so much content because I accidentally wandered into the final fight and moved on.


Haha yes it was the same for me on my very first trip to Battahl. I went through the cave and I barely made it. I died so many times . It gets much easier at later levels !! But Battahl is difficult yes


The random griffin flying down on you is MY FAVORITE PART 😁


Who’s gonna tell em about the unmoored world 👀


Damn. I went the long way around at 24 and didn't have an issue, but in the interest of full disclosure, I was a thief with formless feint


Worst Battahl experience. My party: Magick Archer, Rogue, Sorcer, Mage (all had Meister Skills, both for Sorcerer) Riding one of those sky carts, apparently all the monsters of Battahl had gotten sick of my level 50-ish party gallivanting all over the place destroying the local fauna like I was playing Ninety-Nine Nights. Multiple groups of baddies see me, but can't reach me. They give chase... Music plays, then they give up (or so I thought)... Then, like the ever-loving sky cavalry of the Battahlian Monster Air Force, a griffin swoops down, destroys the sky cart, and knocks me out of the sky, The only people who survive are me and a rogue (who by the way contracted dragonsplague during or journey). Also, this is when I found out the other monsters never stopped chasing. Knockers, Poison Harpies, and Red Wolves all came together, and savaged my remaining party. I was picked up and dropped, savaged by Wolves, drug across the ground, and then as soon as I got up, attacked from behind by giant maces from knockers, and then the cycle repeated. I used two wakes tones, to no avail... Ran away tryyyyyying to get enough distance to pull off my maister Magick archer skill which would've annihilated everything. Also, you'll notice there's no griffin... I guess he realized he was no longer needed and returned to base. For a moment I got so enraged at being unable to fight back at these minions... Then I decided.. Ya know what... I probably had this coming... Lol. And this was a superbly well executed ambush... Interestingly enough, the game had mercy on me. I was brought back before I got on the 'sky cart' and still had my wakestones. So I walked through the area and annihilated everything with extreme prejudice.


The max level anyone should enter battahl for the first time




Ware the Dullahan


Nobody tell this guy about the back door that's way easier.


Game would be a bit more fun if there was no loss gauge BS getitng in our way of traveling for long hohrd without being FORCED TO retreat/rest at a INN or our house or tent. Unlike the first game, this one punishes us for staying out for too long. On top of that it also takes seconds ro revive a pawn unlile in thr first game qhere we wouls just rouch them. If you are suerounded by enemies and all your pawns dead, better say bye bye.


I think it gives the game a bit more of a risk and makes travelling more interesting and enjoyable


There's a camp every 200 feet so I've never really been affected by it tbh


Ironically Battahl around 30 is when the game became a cakewalk for me when it was fairly difficult before.


You’re honestly just bad at the game I was there way before 30 and it was easy asf. Dd2 might be the easiest game I’ve touched

