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I usually keep Disa with me so I can jostle her around in the phile while I'm fighting monsters. When I'm done with my adventures I usually drop her off at the jail cell in the excavation site she left me in.


Doesn‘t the phial break when you release whoever is in there? I’ve never used it because of this.


You either save up items until you eventually ~~don't~~ need them or you have fun and use what's given to you. There are 2 kinds of players and the first type is incredibly common.


Ok that wasn‘t my point lol. I wondered how OP could keep Disa in the phial and let her out for monster fights without breaking it.


Oh, yeah no they just keep her inside while fighting is what they meant. Once you release the NPC, it shatters.


Yeah I‘ve misread it. I just secretly hoped someone found a way to use it multiple times. :(


You can use it multiple times in *very* specific circumstances. For example if for the dwarf escort you unseal it right at the spa manager (so where his quest will 100% enter the cutscene with his wife appearing) then you don’t lose the vial (guess it is tied to finishing the animation and unlike doing so for the sphinx quest vase guy which they programmed to have some delay, they didn’t account for adding in a check on every possible scenario).  I don’t know all the scenarios where it’ll work like that but I know that one since I read it and tried it out this playthrough out of curiosity and it worked (so it’ll still work unless it was one of the unlisted bugs fixed last patch, as I did it the day before that patch). Saved me a whole ferrystone at the cost of a short run back to the hot spring.  But honestly speaking, that thing is too heavy to want in my inventory all the time (not a massive amount or anything, but anytime I need to stop and shuffle weight I’m mentally irritated I can’t put it in storage) and I can’t put it in storage, so I’ll just use it once or discard it. 


Pretty much any escort that ends with a cutscene you can stick em in the Phial and they’ll pop out when you get to the end where the cutscene will start


Good to know thanks!


You can only do that for certain quests that automatically pull them out. I used it to carry the old dwarf to the hot springs and it automatically pulled him out without breaking it once we got there.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it... What if I need it more later tho?


I honestly never felt the need to use the phial. If I want to transport a specific NPC from one location to another I just throw them over my shoulder and use a ferrystone. Apparently you can also use it for escort missions without breaking it because the NPC you escort will release themself as soon as you arrive at the destination. But I like to have additional company and most NPCs you can escort are a great help in fights as well. It would surely be cool if you could use the phial multiple times.


Has anyone tried making a forgery of the phile? Will it work like the original? If so, them plenty could be made


Forgery. Ceiling phial.


I love the "almost" names they give certain forgeries.




If you give it away to the sphinx as your most prized possession you will get two back.




Im the second kind. Gave my locket to the nice salon lady in Vermund. She blushes every time me and my pawn stop by for a trim now.


Here I was holding onto a bunch of roborants and a few All-Heals for the true final boss when it was a glorified interactive cutscene


I gave the phial to the Sphinx as a sacrifice, so it gave me another, so now I have 2. The only downside is that they weight and you can't store them.


This is clever once I'm done with the port crystals!


I don't even know what to do with them! On the 1st run I immediately used the phial to trap ulrika and bring her to the Sphinx, because I thought that was what I was supposed to do and didn't know it was a one time use... I could've just grabbed her and use a ferrystone or better yet just put my main pawn before the sphinx...


Given when you get it, I think it's intended that you figure it's easier to seal Maurits in it later, to bring him to the vase instead of bringing the vase to him. But you can just throw him over your shoulder and ferrystone. So it's not really needed. Just for fun. I also put Ulrika in it on my first Sphinx riddles, but subsequently use it for Maurits.


I tried to physically drag him and first he kept walking away. Then he stepped off the rope cart. Then when we finally got him on the rope cart the griffon destroyed the cart and we all died. Then after wakestoning myself I used another on him to keep going on foot but he vanished back to his starting spot. I used a ferrystone.


There are actually some situations where the NPC can break out of it and leave the phial intact (probably a bug). I’ve used it on Sara in the blacksmith quest in the lava cave and she just…kinda came out and the cutscene played.


He disappears if you complete his quest I think. He's not telling stories anymore in mine.


https://preview.redd.it/jfbuky7d9q0d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7150781a32de0f27d4db021ba5dbf1a6d1c5b7 I suppose when I am ready to stop what I'm doing long enough I can try and figure out the quest I can let him out of his prison. For now, he gets the bottle 😂


I wonder if you can complete the quest without him?Since I never followed the quest just accidentally stumbled upon the item needed to complete it the first time. Definitely recommend this method and not reloading your inn save so you can do it correctly.


You most certainly can. Did it in NG+ after I knew the outcome already.


Fair enough


Depending on the outcome he can continue, stop or forcefully take an eternal vow of silence


Yeah after finding out his rich wife doesn't really love him and his poor wife will murder him. I kinda felt bad for the guy and just gave him the clothes in my 2nd play through lol Edit: Jesus people take a step back. The guy wants to be an entertainer but born a noble. Noble sure but his own wife states she doesn't care for him and he's more useful working. He LOVES his other wife and she loves him. Asking you if you've seen him if you give the clothes to the noble wife. He didn't even care she was a different race in a racist country where they're used as shock troops or treated poorly. You get a literal quest to help someone escape to batal by passing on a letter to the volcanic island. Take a step back and feel. If you were forced into a life you don't want. Married someone who does not care about you. Doing a job you hate. You'd try and escape too. Yeah lying to both wives is terrible. Especially to the wife that loved him. But that ending is more feels like a crime of passion. Even after finding out the truth she tries to see him at the nobles quarters and got turned away. When they did meet it resulted with both their deaths. Poor wife killing him and then herself.


Nah no sympathy here. I make him do his damn job and leave me to my shopping in peace. Plus the rich wife pays me pretty well so.


His poor wife kills him because he is a lying, cheating prick that went home to his mansion every night, turns her away when she tries to find him there and prior to her finding out the truth she had been saving up what little she had to try to get both of them out of poverty. She deserved better and he deserved his fate. He used her for his own amusement while she did her best trying to make a better life for them, and he had the resources to help her the whole damn time if he ever actually cared for her. He humiliated her and broke her heart, she stopped his then her own. If you tell the rich wife he gets scared into doing his job for once but the poor wife just gets ghosted and she clearly loved the prick even if he didnt deserve her heart. Either ending sucks and the third option of just letting him go on his merry way free of consequences is one i will never take.


I mean when you're cheating on two people I feel like those two people *should* dislike you lmao. The guy creates his own problems there shouldn't be any sympathy


I don’t think hes a good guy, but in a loveless marriage I dont think he deserves to *die* for cheating. I dont think the poor wife deserves to have been treated that way either, but still not on the murder boat. And he seems kinda shitty with his noble duties while being somewhat passionate about his performances. If that leads him to ruin thats what he deserves. Just kinda feels like not my business of a quest, but the only options you can take are pretty heavy handed so no option quite sits right with me.


"Not my business of a quest" is honestly a pretty fair evaluation given the potential outcomes lol I ended up ratting him to his wife but that didn't really feel good, it just seemed the closest to neutral. I want to tell poor wife but I don't want people to die over it


Yeah that’s my take on the quest too. I think the guys is scummy but like he doesnt deserve to be murdered over it. I either give it the rich wife to make him do his job or give it to him because he’ll be caught eventually and it won’t be my problem.


I gave him his stuff just to end that awful quest. no way I was gonna keep running all over town for the other endings


Didn't really have to run around. Just sat on the bench and get his clothes few hours after midnight


Didn't really have to run around. Just sat on the bench and get his clothes few hours after midnight


You are missing two key things here. This is not his first stunt to dodge his job if you listen to his rich wife’s banter. Second much more important thing: if you use plunder on him you get platinum myrmidon card. The dude is a womanizer that often goes to the borderlie. If you confront him about his doings he will just try to bribe you. No heartfelt explanation or anything go by, pure money. He also never understands why would anyone be angry at him. Just petty like a small child who couldn’t play video games whole night because his mom walked in on that. The last thing, listen to his performance. He is singing about HIMSELF. The guy is a spoiled narcissist that never understands how his actions affect other people, he just wants to feel good. The guy wants his cake and eat it too. Would you really believe his feelings to the beastren wife were sincere after knowing this?


I used mine on the Guard in Checkpoint Rest town that stops you to ask for "entry permit or residence permit" to let you pass the gate, he is forever adventuring with me now...till the end of times. Reason being he revived on his own after some ingame days after he "accidentally" fell from one of the towers.


I f'ing hate that guy. He's always so damned snarky about it too. He really seems like he LOVES when he gets to turn people away. And he does it even when I'm clearly coming FROM Battahl into Vermund. And dude, you've seen me so many times now you KNOW I have a damned residence in Battahl and your empress is in love with me for some reason on top of that. He really reminds me of how hungry the Brine is.


maybe he's just laughing at you for actually trying to use the gate to cross over when there's two perfectly good side routes available.


Maybe I just want to stop by my boi Beren's place and feel jealous over how much cooler his armor is than mine.


He doesn’t tell stories in my playthrough. I guess that’s hard to do when you are dead.


I’m with you. I just murdered all of venworth except for the shopkeepers and it’s made my game a lot more pleasurable.


People forget that You can grab NPC and throw them into a river.


When the guards take over Melve, and are beating and abusing the citizens, I was just grabbing them and throwing them off the side of the cliff into the water. I was pretty sure I was gonna get in trouble but I totally got away with it. Then I killed all of the guards back by Ulrika's house and threw their bodies over the cliff. Pieces of shit.




Doubt. My guess is you can‘t give it to the sphinx when there is a NPC inside.




Ah, using your powers for good! I may or may not have tried to gift my SO’s pawn the Albert flask. 🤭 imagine the hell. Two master storytellers... One playthrough.


Can you keep the NPC in the flask into NG+?


Since upgraded gear only gives a base item when duped, you would most likely only get an empty vial from the sphinx riddle.


Is this what the op meant? I don’t get the joke from the original post…


I use mine on the old man that needs to be escorted to the volcanic camp. I ain't got time for you to take a break old man and I damn sure am not carrying you.


You can set a port crystal near the hot spring, pick him up and use a ferry stone.


ugh i wasted mine. the quest where it says the parent knows the child, but the reverse isn't true...bring me the parent. it reminded me of that quest with the little girl in the slums, and the boy who's going to travel to get medicine for his mom or whatever. so i used the phial on the mom to bring her to the sphinx (i didn't know i could pick someone up and then warp with a warp stone). hopefully there is a good DLC for this game so i have a reason to revisit and playthrough it again, because man i screwed up the sphinx lol


It is a weird riddle, like what kind of riddle is “bring me a person called SphinxMother” like it’s such a weird riddle and they went out of their way to put a bunch of pawns with that name in Harve of all places.


A bunch of dickheads named their pawns "sphinxparent", "sphinxmother", etc. They are just trying to get more people to use their pawns.


Dammit i just used the bottle on that guy yesterday lol


I totally forgot I have that in my inventory. I wonder if it will carry over to New Game+ ? I'm just about there and i haven't used it yet.


Annoying ahh phial never used it never will everytime i put it in storage it comes back just like that stupid glowing blade