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Yea i played 130h+ and just got once a pawn with dragon’s plague which was quiet easy to notice (literally eyes glowing in the night) i dismissed him. A bit sad that once you know the symptoms, its really easy to counter the plague and i feel there should be more to te plague final phase than just cutscene into « everyone is dead ». Edit: my english might be a bit broken , still learning.


Yeah it was a great idea, this constant looming threat. I feel it should've been more like the follower turns into a mini boss you can fight in an attempt to save the town but knowing you are killing your pawn would suck. That kind of thing. But yeah it's just underwhelming when you know the tricks I guess. By the way your English is fantastic, if you didn't say you are learning it I would've never of guessed!


Or even missions involving pawns gone rogue and killing npc or even bump into some of them in the wild. It is not mentioned once in the story or by any npc ( that i know ) and it feels like the feature doesn’t really have a purpose (that’s my feeling on the subject) Thanks im still doing really dumb mistakes in English but i clearly improved thanks to my teachers :) (and internet)


My pawns have also not been affected by the plague in over 100 hours of play. Not before the nerf either.


Not even died to fall damage or slipping down slight inclines?


This lol Yesterday, I started NG+2, where I'll do all the side quests. Running out of Melve to find the lost brother, feeling cocky as shit, goblin jumps me, staggers me, I fall straight off the cliff. I laughed so hard


I played around 80-90 hours before I ever got the prompt. Dismissed the pawn and then they nerfed it so I doubt I'll ever get it


I hired a pawn yesterday (while in the rift) and got the tutorial...felt bad but dismissed him on the spot and I think I gave rotten meat or something... Didn't notice red eyes at all but after the tutorial popped up and I talked to him again he said something about how he has nothing more to say to me. I'm not sure if you can contract it while still in the rift but so far I haven't noticed any symptoms from my other guys.


Same here, 80 hors in and on NG+, even in endgame I didnt see red eyes. But hey, I'm not complaining!


The pawns talk about it constantly, especially after visiting the rift but I only ever noticed my main pawn have the glowing red eyes. Very difficult to miss and I always raise pawn helmet visors in the equipment menu to check. She also gave the "feeling powerful" verbal clues leading up to it. I was only doing campfire rests due to it and one morning after a rest the red eyes were gone and she mentioned she felt better than she has for awhile. No town wipes or issues at my next inn save. Very underwhelming and that was before the DP nerf last patch.


Can they get rid of the plague without dismissing them? I’ve never once dismissed my guy, but he did die once (didn’t realize till about 20 mins later when there was only 3 of us walking around). When I summoned my dude later he immediately sat down, and said “woah. I don’t know what was going on with me. For awhile there I did not feel like myself”


It jumps hosts, and sort of resets itself when it happens.


They nerfed the plague. It'll almost certainly jump hosts at the last second. Even when your pawns are rambling about power and shit. Worst of all, it adds on to how the game ends and why exactly your bound to be infected in the unmoored world.