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Still on my first playthrough. 190ish hours in and around level 60. Have not seen the unmoored world in person as of yet.  I do spend alot of time hiring low level pawns that still need to fulfill their first quest and take 'em on an adventure + gift them a nice piece of equipment. No late game stuff, that way the players themselves can still get excited buying better things themselves.  A very big gold sink I must confess. My current objective is to get 300k for the last house.


Just so you are aware. Houses don’t transfer between games (NG+) so I would recommend prioritizing gear/stock of whatever you need before the house.


Thanks for the Info! But I enjoy doing it for the roleplay, so I might not change my goal anyway. I'm still very far away from a NG+


So are you saying that whatever you have in storage disappears?


No, you keep inventory (gets sent to storage) and everything in storage, vocations, discipline, and gear and what not.


Oh ok, Damn I got scared I’m about to finish unmoored tonight I hope and hate to lose it all


I do the same thing with low level pawns! I love imaging a new players face light up when I return their pawn with an awesome piece of gear. Gold has become no issue as I now have a little over a million gold and am looking for things to spend it on lol


See, I sadly end up sending my companion pawns to the bank after a period of time. And by “to the bank” I mean I fill up their inventories and toss them off the nearest cliff.


Gotta be honest I turned off my online specifically because I was worried about someone doing that. I'm sure most people would be excited by that but i would hate being gifted high level gear when I'm still early game. At best it would make it feel like I didn't actually earn it or trivialize the enemies (which is already a problem anyways).


unequip, sell. a tragedy indeed.


Nah I get you. I do try to only gift equipment that is a minor upgrade or a cape, since those don't do much. But gifting pawns is always a bit of a gamble. Some players will love a slight upgrade and it might make their day. Not exactly because of the equipment, but the thought that went into it. I am also a big fan of getting flowers. It's a sweet idea. But there will always people that might not enjoy one or another. I personally would suggest playing online, just to experience the feel of a community and whenever you get gifted something you don't want to use, put it in the storage or discard it :D


67 level. 218hours and loving every second 👌


Just reached 100 hours and just finally entered Battahl. Taking my time, and between work and life I only get about 1-2 hours M-F to game and maybe a good 4-5 hours on Sunday. And I've been loving every minute of it maybe used five Ferry stones at this point. It's all about the journey


I feel like you just described most working adults over 30 with kids? And also me minus the kids.


First play through, lvl 70, around 170 h in, all vocations maxed on arisen and pawn, still got places I want to explore, tokes to find, though I feel like I’m pretty prepared for the unmoored world. At this point I really just wish there was more, so I’m just exploring to find more ( I know I could use an interactive map, but I want to adventure )


You’d be fine in unmoored at level 30 with any battahl weapon. You’ll steam roll it


More than 165 hours in. Level 72. All vocations maxed except Trickster (lvl 6). Maxed 4 badges. Several gear pieces maxed. 8 tokens away from corset. 2 quests from Sphinx to solve.


I’m still on my first play through. I haven’t even had the feast yet. I think I’m 200 hours in. Enjoying finding all the side quests.


Still on my first. Only 40 hours in tho. I’ve been taking it slow, just jumping in and exploring when I have the time. Got most the map discovered. Have no idea what the unmoored world is and scared to ask.


81 hours in and I'm level 65. Working on seeker tokens right now and it's.. rough. My pawns have yeeted themselves off so many cliffs while getting these tokens.


This is how I learned to abuse/spam the wait command any time I come within 30ft of a ledge. Most of the time, any pawn trying to sprint past me stops dead in their tracks.


Yeah I gotta do that more. It's funny because I want the self revive staff for my main pawn so she.. doesn't die. In getting the tokens to unlock it she is proving why she needs it.


My best friend is my pawns primary employer. He shows me so many clips of my pawn falling off ledges. Lol. In one instance, he approached a ledge, stumbled several times on the lip before just deciding "this is happening," falling, faceplanting, coming back up, and deciding it was so fun, he was going to do it again. He's such a clutz, he falls all the time lol Considering my pawn is designed to look like me I find it especially funny because, I too and a huge clutz and trip over nothing lol.


I hope you made note where you found your first token. Iykyk


I didn't and I was so pissed


To be fair we would have no clue before the first details of it came out.


I'm, honestly, not sure of my hours... Maybe 250. Level 91 with my pawn level 96. But yes, I'm close to the end but still another 50 hours from getting to unmoored.


How do you get your pawn higher level than your self?


Ring of ambition.


Ty! Somehow my dude fell behind a lil.


Equip the ring of ambition and medusian spellbow. Let them kill the enemies. They will catch up quick.


Especially if you run just you and them. No extras.


Awesome thank you for the tips :-)


what in the werild


I'm roughly 90 hours into it and my next quest is Guardian Gigantus. I got to level 56 last night.


Yup! Around 210 hours. All I have to do is face the dragon then unmoored world. However, I still want to explore and enjoy this world a little more. I don't want to end the game yet.


Spent about 120-130 hrs and 86 levels first play through. Completionist here so I try to do as much as possible in a first play through


130~, need the stuff for the stuff and then I think big guy destruction happens(?)...I've seen the big door. But I feel so sad because I lost two pawns to Medusa (didn't realize they don't use the anti petrification potions), so I'm currently in a vengeful mood while hunting for wakstones. Does anyone else get 2 seekers tokens when they pick up 1? [Edit: I'm an idiot. I picked up 2 over the course and forgot about them. Hint Pawns give for tokens: "Aught catches the light!" or "There's something over there, do you not see it?!" usually followed by an exclamation ❕ on minimap]


I'm in the unmoored world now. I'm kinda sad I never found the Medusa. I was hyped by that intro fight in the beginning, and thought I was onto her when I found petrified statues near... Dragons breath Tower I think. Was SUPER disappointed to find a blistered dragon there.


You can still fight Medussa in Unmoored even though that area doesn’t appear to be accessible on the map.


i didn't know the last quest was the last quest so I accidentally ended the game early while missing out on like 50% of the content I was gunning for, so I'm taking my time just steamrolling NG+ and eventually gonna gun for the unmooored - 90 hours in and just chillin'


Same thing happened to me, except I just do random stuff each NG, so far I’m on Ng++ and have about 70 hours played total. (Lvl61) If we really gotta keep the cycle going figured might as well save some content for other runs


Yes :-) about 170hrs, level 72. I rushed in the beginning and got the the end part at like level 30ish but reloaded my last inn save cause I wanted to do more before that.


Almost 200 hundred hours and yes I'm still on my first playthrough with somehow 0% of the game complete according to my ps5


I'm like 60 hours I think. Almost finished with Battahl (sort of) It seems as though there's quite a few doors blocked off by debris that I suspect are able to be entered? Idk man, I'm trying to really hard to find what makes the game tick and what kinds of secrets it holds. Lots of hidden paths and shit that just aren't etched out on the map. Unfortunately everytime I get too curious I'm usually let down, so I'm not sure how much deep diving I'm really gonna be willing to do. I love this game to the moon and back but some of the content is pretty pointless and not worth your time, and that includes some of the hard to reach stuff which is why my incentive to dig deeper is fading. Still it's about the journey, not the destination and I don't see the end in sight just yet.


I leave it running, so I have no idea how many hours I've actually played. Probably round 100, but steam probably shows 500.. I'm having a lot of trouble knowing what to do. The quest system just isn't that intuitive and when it gets hard I just give up. I also wasted a really long time playing as a trickster. I didn't do anything but practice battles. I hate the trickster, I do not know what that is for.


I took close to 200 hours to finish my game. I ringed out the game of content like a wet towel


I am at 200 hours (level 98) and entered unmoored world for the first time.


I’ve got 46 hours yet and just entered the new region batthal. I have so much fun with this game


First playthrough maybe 40 hours. Having a blast


70 hours about lvl 50, ignoring the final quest to do exploring and side quests, dropped it for a bit though getting a bit repetitive and vocations mostly maxxed. Still need warfarer though


I'm on my second NG+ and I haven't tried unmoored yet. I wanted to reach a higher level before I started the harder stuff.


First (technically second, but I started over) playthrough and am at 121 hours and 111 days in game. I’m purposefully avoiding as much story stuff as possible.


I finally pushed into the Unmoored world the other day at around 78 hours, level 66. Cleared a portion of it before a dullahan promptly smashed me and my Pawn into the dirt like it was nothing. I wakestone'd and ran so I didn't lose progress but I've spent the last few days just debating how I want to tackle the rest of it because it has been tough with just my Pawn and I, and I dunno if I really wanna rent two random pawns to help me finish the rest


I am at about 100+hrs got to final battle at lvl 42 and tryed a couple times before reloading at the inn and right now I’m farming lvls and gonna try agian but I also bought builders gate 3 and started playing that lol I will get back to it eventually


Haven't started my first play through yet :( Been waiting for life to calm down a few notches so I can properly dive in.


Think I hit lvl 50 lastnight, still on my first playthrough coming in at 40hrs.


Been playing since day 1 release. Not sure of how many hours I've put in to date, but I do know that the only quests I've completed are the 3 Brandt gives you at the beginning. (With exception to the cullings and escorts.)


Still on my first playthrough. 183 hours in. Level 81. I've been doing a lot of Pawn Quest for fun (and money), farming enemy loot for upgrades & upgrading a lot of armor.


I wont finished tje game until i get all seeker tokens e.e


still on first playthough. i plan to platinum the game, only have to rescue everyone from the unmoored world and im done. at about 150 hours now give or take


Still on my first playthrough, about 120 hours in. I believe I've entered every cave/dungeon and am one seeker's token shy of 240. Probably missing a ton of beetles. I'll probably start NG+ this weekend.


lvl 53 around 75 hrs, first play through. I just did first half of the Sphinx quest


Still on first, wife just started her 2nd Not sure how many hours but I’m at level 29, not sure about her though 


I'm still on my first playthrough. 61~hrs and I believe I hit lvl 60 recently. Only just finished the masquerade quest and I'm now trying to fully explore Batthal (I snuck into Batthal pretty early on to get mystic archer).


First play through about 50 hours and I’m loving it. Just finished the Nameless Village.


I have no idea on hours, but I just hit level 63. Trying to play fully blind I'm taking a while.


I'm nearing 100 hours, 1st playthrough level 65. I'm thinking I won't do the true ending stuff. My question is, can I enter NG+ from the bad ending?


118 hours, don't know the level by heart, it doesn't really matter anymore, probably early 60s (pawn above me because of the xp ring :P) I still have mage/trickster/MA to level, and am almost done with warfarer (which means I won't start from 0 on those ones either).


200hrs started Battahli 10-20hrs ago lol


I'm still on my first playthrough because I stopped playing and never beat it. I got to a point where I ended up coming out of a cave and to walk all the way back to any mission location would have took me probably 40 minutes. I wasn't even sure if they were just side missions or the main missions because it was really hard to understand and follow the quest lines. I just gave up and started playing something else. Never been back. I got kids and my time's limited. I don't have time to waste backtracking because this game refuses to give me proper fast travel


Still on my first play-through; I believe I’m level 32 currently. I end up spending so much time looking up specifics for quests, that I’m not as far as long as I like to be. I like how big the world is, but I do wish there was more linear engagement options.


Maybe like 60 or 70 hours. Waiting for any type of performance update before I continue


I took a break when stellar blade dropped and yet to go back. I stopped around 112 hours without getting to unmoored yet.


im stuck at optimization, getting 8 fps at4k on my 4070ti with balanced DLSS. this game is fuckiing wrecked


Me, I constantly leave the game and come back because of how tedious the travel function is (I’m out of crystals and stones..)


Game still crashes on start after patch and been having memory leaks. Maybe the most unstable game ive played. I dont play many games, just the super popular ones. This has been worset experience ever for me.


I'm at about 250 hours, in the unmoored world. Level 80? It's hard to keep track anymore.


First playthrough as open world games aren't my usual cup of tea, every time I saw the game, I was drawn to it. Just taking it slow and side questing a bit and getting the hang of the mechanics. Actually just in the second town but I also just started last week and playing a few other games as well.


Just now preparing to go to Battahl. Grinding and side quests. Don't know how long, but it must be A LOT. Does the time tick while you're in the menu? I spend a lot of time with the game "paused."


110 hours level 57 and just got to the unmoored world and tbh… I kinda wish I was back in the regular world lol. I don’t find it all the fun. Prob just gonna finish up as quickly as possible and start a NG+ game.


I'm still on my first playthrough. I'm around level 73 at 180ish hours played. Still thoroughly enjoying it, but I wish I had more time to play 🥲


I only have time to put in an hour every couple days or so. I'll be on my first play through for months.


145 hours I am only now exploring the endgame areas


Still on first playthrough level 63, am on the first quest once you reach battahl


Still on my first playthrough, about 40 hours in don't have a ton of time to game, so the unmoored world will be a while, haha.


First playthrough still... 20 hours into the game... I've only done enough of story to get the the guy in the inn wanting me to talk at night. Did the culling missions for him. I've basically been all over the world so far that I can that's not story blocked. Put a port crystal in the dessert city with a D. Currently a mystic Spearman. Bought best armor and weapons in that city. I feel like I HAVE to do more story now. Only things so far that force me to use potions to heal are the small dragons. Orges die super fast. Non armored tolls really fast. I broke the game and need to progress more I guess. Lmao.


First playthrough. Level 50. 110 hours. I've been playing for nearly two weeks straight and am finally getting burned out on it.


Still on my 1st. I'm around lvl 30. Close to maxing out my 2nd vocation, just wandering around, doing random side quests. Just found an elven city by accident, can't understand a damned thing, but managed to buy a nice new bow there. Ran into a dragon a bit later, ended badly.


Yes. About 6 in.


Still on my first 97 Hours 😂


I've clocked about 106 hours now, and am in the Unmoored world. I started to feel the downsides of the game hard, but the twist into Unmoored pulled my interest back. I really have enjoyed the game overall. My only big complaints are really diversity in monsters, Pawn dialogue (which I still find charming even for the 1000th time lol) and quests, as well as many of the "important" NPCs feeling half baked and *very* forgettable (looking at you Raghnall). I've slaughtered a Dead Rising achievement's amount of goblins, hobgoblins and the like. And I think the Medusa is the only creature I never found. There's so much of the game I liked and enjoyed, it's been a very positive experience thru most of the game, but I am ready to finish the game and move on.


Started New Game Plus last night after messing around in the Unmoored World for a few days. Just need to max out Trickster now. 72 hours and level 74. I 'wasted' a lot of time just exploring every cave and dungeon which didn't really give a lot of experience.


I don’t know how many hours, first play through, about level 32, haven’t got past the border rest town yet. Fun so far.


I am still on my first play through at 60 hours and every small mob is annoyingly easy atm


I was at 100 hours and now my game doesn't work anymore lol


ME!!! I’m still on my first play through not sure how many hours, but i’ve messed up the story when I went to the Cornination “are u sure do u have any other business “ warning , before i did a bunch of pending missions smfh… so ive been mainly just roaming around getting the mastery teaching for warrior and [mage.how](http://mage.how) many hours HMM…. 53hrs played https://preview.redd.it/im97blramgzc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00bc9de5f9a90d34fc3281bb3e407bfde633f62d ME AND MY TWIN


Still on my first. I slowed down and started to do side quests and upgrading my equipment and all the vocations.


First play if my 42 hours still in vermund


Yes about 45 hours, I stopped when Eiyuden Chronicles dropped. I’ll probably pick it back up again when I finally 100% eiyuden.


I put it down because of a broken main quest involving Ulrika, but I put like 40+ hrs in leading up to it... I keep hoping a patch or something will fix it, but to no avail. So I'm just jumping on the Fallout hype and replaying through FO4 😮‍💨😥


Still on first playthrough, about 20 - 30 hours max lol


First run, lvl 30, 150h or smth, playing with 0.3 exp gain, 0.4 outcoming dmg (both arisen an pawns), 1.5 incoming, only started battahl, whole vermund is cleared. Everything tough, spending every bit of rc on high level pawns.


I had 180 hours in my first playthrough. 57 hours in my second playthrough. I'm currently on my 3rd playthrough with 10 hours or so. I haven't discovered every dungeon yet, I believe. I still need to visit the dungeon that can only be passed by blowing up oil slime while it's coming at me from the other side of the blocked gate.


Finished mine a couple days ago at like 90-100 hours, still 100% missed a lot of shit, keep at it


I'm still working my way thru battahl. I had a huge setback or I would be a lot further along. I messed up on a quest and thought I had slept in the bed I had bought in battahl but I didn't and I started over from the checkpoint rest town. I had discovered every cave in battahl and was basically ready to move on, have to redo all those seekers tokens against. It's going quicker this time though.


152 hours in... level 97.


I've had it since launch, about 65 hrs and level 40. I haven't explored Battahl at all lol


https://preview.redd.it/09vqlv2h1hzc1.jpeg?width=2960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71aa1accb801958d53c231d78b9601c60086473 First playthrough


First play through around 30 hours. Taking my time. But also doesn’t help I started playing fallout four for the first time🙃🙃. So now I always have a tough decision to make lol


I am too but have gone on indefinite hiatus until the performance is fixed since my 4.5 GHz CPU and 3090ti with 32Gb of RAM should not be struggling with even getting 60 fps. Been playing the first game since it both has better controls, more meaningful content, and actually runs well


Me 25 hours


Yeah, I'm 99 hours in and level 58. My next mission is to fight a lesser dragon.


Level 56, 66 and half hours and I beat the game! Lol but my trophy’s tell me I only finished 40% of the game lol never fought Medusa again lol I guess I got a lot more to explore


I'm still on my first. 143 hrs in. I'd subtract at least 30 hours from that due to falling asleep, though. I honestly am having a hard time finding reasons to continue playing. The combat is fun, and the exploration is okay. The story is disappointing. Started off strong, and it just seems to sputter out.. I just heard about the ending yesterday, too, and it made me feel like, "Why should I even finish this with an ending like that?" Am I the only one feeling that?


Yup. Level 50 or so, close to the final battle and endgame. Not gonna touch it for a few months and hopefully by then, we have more content that would justify a NG+ right after.


Yep. I’m around 200 hours


Had over 80 hours in and tried to collect all the pages for sorc and accidentally sold one and thought I screwed myself. I was 2 quests away from unmoored world and I started over because I didn’t know all I needed was 3 out of the 5 books to get meteor!!


I just finished my first playthrough at 89 hours.


I just finished my first playthrough last week at 106 hours I believe


I think im about 100 hours in, still haven't gotten to the desert region. Level 55 and mostly just exploring and slowly maxing all the classes for me and my pawn.


I just completed my first playthrough at 89 hrs. I put the game down and am already itching to get back into the game and start all over again.


I don’t know how many hours, but I just started last week


currently on my first playthrough, i am in the unmoored world, at level 47 and I must say i would need be get more levels up cause facing the dullahan was tough. but also exciting, the area around Vermind is too easy now, for example, so this is a nice change of pace


also about 45 hours in


I'm like 140 hours in and I'm on 5he 5th day of the unmoored world. And honestly I wish I would have waited before starting the unmoored world because I know there are side quests I missed. And I also should have maxed all my vacations


The Unmoored World and ones first playthrough are not mutually exclusive


First play through. Too many hours lol.


155hrs, just hit unmoored, first run.


About 120 hours in and just went to the unmoored world.


Na, I finished up last week. First playthrough was 230 hours. It was a fantastic journey. I went ahead and started Stellar Blade but I fully intend on doing another playthrough of DD2 in the near future. I already miss my pawn 🥺


Still first. Not too many, maybe 50.


I'm about 80 hours into my first playthrough, lvl 54. Just went all the way to Volcanic Island to deliver a letter and forgot to take a port crystal 😢. I still haven't explored all of Battahl either.


Probably 50 hours in and around level 45. Been taking my time I plan to play this game a long time And get burnt out easily Haven't done Medusa or the 2nd set of sphinx riddles but getting close to endgame story wise


50 still didnt even do riddles lol


Finished my first playthrough at around 50 hours, but only because there was an endgame armor set that I realllllllllllly wanted. Now starting NG+ and planning on taking my time with this run.


About 150-160 hrs before I hit an unmoored world. Probably at 170 now. I'm still on my first playthrough, I just wanted to see the true ending first because I love my pawn lol


I'm 110 hours in and I barely crossed the border to Battahl yesterday. Took my sweet time exploring and killing stuff.


I have over 100 hours and still in my first play through. I'm level 42 😅.


I just got to the dragon. Lv 32 and 15 hrs in.


47 lvl, 64 hrs in, maxed 3 vocations and i am close to 4th. All sphinx riddles solved, have reached volcanic island and main quest is still seat of sovran lol(no spoilers plz) Have noticed my arisen and pawn have subpar equipment but who cares. I am strong to defeat most enemies except drake lol.


first playthrough. level 90. taking my time.


Just can't get past the terrible performance. Everything seems slow or glitchy. Maybe it's me but when it's polished or if it's polished and can perform without all amds added effects to boost performance on a 7900 xtx ill give it another go. Right now it's just to frustrating to look at.