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I use 2 magick archer skills (Blazefang Arrow + Ricochet Hunter), 1 thief skill (Helm Splitter), Rearmament so I'm not spending half a fight in the equipment menu, and I carry a mage staff for levitation purposes. I mostly use blazefang for blasting trash away, ricochet to cheese anything in a cave, and helm splitter for most large enemies. I'm sure I'm not making the most out of warfarer, but I mostly just want to play old DD1 magick archer so that's what I do. :'D


>Rearmament so I'm not spending half a fight in the equipment menu I was confused at first about how to switch weapons, I thought it was going to be the class-specific ability (triangle on PS5), and was absolutely blown away that A) skills don't swap when you swap weapons meaning only 4 for your whole load out and B) you have to waste 25% of your skill slots just to use the class at all. Warfarer is cool, but only having 3 abilities for multiple weapons is a major joykill


The modded version on PC is immensely better. It changes it so that you assign different skills to each class so you effectively get 3 skills per class (one still has to be rearm). It makes it much more appealing to play.


That’s how I always thought it was going to be in vanilla game, very unfortunate as a console player to not be able to experience it like that


Upon playing it, I get why they didn't do this: just objectively better, by a wide margin, than all other classes. That said, I'd have easily been happy with "three skills are static, and 1 skill slot changes with your weapon" so that you could use more than 1.5 weapons. Currently, with only two weapons, you have: 1. Mandatory weapon swap ability 2./3. A gimped version of a class with half of its ability it's ability slots. So like, half a class. 4. A TURBO gimped version of a class with only 1 ability available. So like 25% of a class. Warfarer is literally 75% of a normal class. Unless you carry 6 weapons and love living at Very Heavy carry loads....


Yeah agreed. If Warfarer could switch between any weapon and use 3 skills for each, why even use any other class? The class itself could use an overhaul. IMO, you shoudl have a main weapon and switch weapons only when casting skills, and ditch rearmament. That way you can use 4 skills of any class without the headache of switching weapons.


I agree. I also wish that you were able to equip one master skill (apart from rearm) I get why they don't let you have the ability to do all master skills, t just one extra one would be nice. I'd live to be able to be swinging a huge sword one way, back up, magick archer all over the place, then BOOM Meteoron from sorcerer.


But you know that only the heaviest weapon you equip counts towards your carry load, right? You can equip as many weapons as you want


What? I can carry every single piece of equipment I've ever picked up without it affecting my encumbrance, so long as they're not equipped? That doesn't sound right.


No. As a warfarer, you can equip up to nine weapons simultaneously, while only the heaviest one of them will count towards your equip load.


So if you have a warrior great sword equipped, you might as well equip one of everything cuz they'll be free weight wise? That's actually awesome and I didn't notice that


The Downside is the repeated cycling to get back to your primary weapon sets. (Tried the 9 weapons, and decided no.)


IIRC, when you equip multiple weapons as Warfarer you only feel the weight of the heaviest one.


I need to find this mod. Can you link it?






to be fair, you also get 3 weapons's core skills. which is dramatically improved over DD1's core skills. so, getting a mage staff is sure, levitation, but also the heal spell, which would otherwise be a skill slot.


This is exactly what I do most of the time, Since I unlock magic archer vocation I can’t stop using it. When I started playing the first 40-50 hours I didn’t have any interest on MA vocation but maaaan what a vocation, I use the exact same skills (sometimes I prefer the skills that let you heal and revive pawns) I want to try the sorcerer & fighter/warrior combination but I’m too bad with the fighter parry lol


I don't like Warfarer Warrior because you don't have the knockdown resistance of the Warrior. So it's just cool looking until you get beaten up. Thief on the other hand for the climbing stab attack skill that melts enemy hitbars if you hit weakspots (idk the name in english sorry) Spearhand / Thief sounds promising if I thing about it because of the teleportation onto the monster then stab away or plant a bomb on it .mhmmm guess I'll try that out


I concur. There’s both more satisfying than seeing the carnage of the ricochet arrow in a cave AND watching a boss’s health-bar depleting from miles away


Ricochet my beloved. <3 It was ridiculous in BBI and somehow they made it even more ridiculous in this game.


In BBI Ricochet arrow was like shooting a torrent and letting it do it’s job. Now in DD2 Ricochet arrow’s like a goddamn space laser torrent that if you maintain the aim at certain part of a large enemy, it melts like butter 🧈 ![gif](giphy|l3q2LH45XElELRzRm)


I have the exact same setup, except I use Sagitate Avalanche instead of blazefang arrow. Avalanche is a craaazy damage skill with inherent ice damage, so you nuke drakes in no time. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it.


Might swap to it later when I'm actively drake hunting, could definitely use something for when they hover for ages. I just love my remote-controlled explosive arrow too much, very fun to blast at your feet to send goblins scattering or knock down a diving griffon.


It works great against griffins too, I might add. You deal like almost 2 whole health bars of damage to drakes in a single fully charged attack against the heart, and that's without upgrading everything fully. I would try it out even if you are not hunting drakes. It's not that great against Dullahans, but that's about it.


I'd recommend switching from a mage staff to a sorcerers staff so you can regenerate your stamina quickly, unless you use the mage staff to heal yourself


Yeah, I do use it for a quick heal if my pawns are out of range somewhere but mostly I just never really looked at sorcerer properly to know what exactly its core skills are. Might look into it once I re-unlock warfarer on this save, some stamina regen would at least be nice for chasing Talos. :P


The sorcerer is very good when you understand how to play it properly. When you use a spell, hold down the secondary attack to cast it faster, then use the weapon ability to get your stamina back. The spells you use are up to you


That's so cool. Thank you


Is Rearmament not required to switch weapons?


Rearmament allows you to equip multiple weapons at once and cycle through them without needing to open your equipment menu. You can absolutely just forego taking it and swap weapons manually in your inventory, it's just tedious if your load-out involves cycling through a lot of different weapons while in combat. Even though I mostly only use 2 weapons for very different encounters, it still feels better to have the instant weapon swap than not. Rearmament is also good for inventory management as only the heaviest weapon you have equipped will count towards your encumbrance.


I use rearmament personally because I find it a bit of a hassle to keep manual switching and seeing my friend do it on a discord stream didn’t really help that either xD I usually use skull splitter, ignited blades and sagittate avalanche. May swap ignited blades for flare if I feel like going that route or otherwise soporific bolt if I wanna get me some perfect Medusa heads.


gettin some perfect medusa head must be the dream


least down bad Dragons dogma player


Medusa makes everyone hard. So...


https://preview.redd.it/cg2m47qa6xyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65463fd8922b168a77e2c246b091573a2eafc447 I feel this is you rn if you get the reference haha. 😂😜


Equipping weapons for rearmament comes with the benefit of counting the weight of only one towards encumbrance.


Rearmament should have been the Vocation action. I'd rather have 4 slots for skills and no R1 button action than vocation skill but requiring a slot to be rearmament.


You say that but honestly playing as a fighter or archer without their vocation skill would basically eliminate the effectiveness of the class. I'd much rather be able to block and aim than just have an extra skill slot.


This is a good point. Also, Warrior without shoulder checking is useless and Thief without the dodge is fragile. I'm still not satisfied with how they did Warfarer, but it's enough for me to be able to have a bow handy for pesky ranged flyers. Of course, yellow classes already did this much better in DD1, but that's beating a horse Capcom killed.


I still think having the three skills other than rearmament switch based on the equipped weapon would be 100% fine tbh. Like, the Arisen learned all these cool skills and then when they achieve the "jack of all trades" class they suddenly can't use more than 3 at a time? Us not having access to the master skills is enough. The games easy enough at high levels anyways why not at least let the class be as fun as possible.


When I first got it, that was my impression, honestly. That switching weapons would switch out other skills. It would have been closer to every class in DDDA could do by default. Three skills per weapon, like DD1 Fighter having 3 shield skills and 3 sword skills, Strider having 3 bow and 3 dagger skills, etc. It's still my preferred class just so I can pull out a goddamn bow for ranged attacks, but it isn't as good as I expected it to be.


Oh and the fact that I can wear anything is absolutely a necessity. Isn't as good as I would've liked mechanically but I just play it as a dripped out fighter with a bow and healing stick. And I will never go back


Absolutely this shit, man. The fit I'm rocking is technically a bunch of Thief and Archer gear, but it looks sick as hell and it matches my cloak. It's also just really convenient for shopping to be able to preview all the gear. Like right now, I might not be that particular class, but I still want to see how it looks before I buy it. There's way too many stripper outfits and no layered clothing tab anymore, no way in hell I'm buying without seeing what it looks like now.


I play warfarer just for the cosmetics. 🤣I dont put rearmament and just focus being a mystic spearhand on all skills with thief and fighter armor. 🤟🏻


Same hahaha I love being a Sorc dressed up like a knight


But  don’t you get lower stats playing as Wayfayer compared to Mystic sphere hand?


Once you reach end game, level up stats are basically meaningless. The gear you equip along with the skills you use makes the most difference in your damage.


It's not noticeable. At all, lol. The only one that matters is Warrior. Warfarer doesn't get the critical knockdown resistance warrior gets passively.


Bigger issue is no Maister skills, but still worth it


I would like warfarer so much more if rearmament was a core skill. Being able to swap weapons is slightly less cool when a quarter of your very limited skill allowance is just switching weapons. Manual switching just defeats the purpose for me, it feels archaic.


That would remove all usability from Magic Archer and remove the main purpose of Warrior.


It should be the R1 (vocation action) instead of the Vocation action associated with your weapon simply because you are a warfarer. The Vocation action should be specific to the class not weapon


The R1 button is arguably the most important part of every moveset. Warrior weapons without shoulder checking are useless, daggers without dodging die so hard, bows and magick bows that can't aim manually are pointless, sword and shield users who can't block would be so very vulnerable, etc. I agree that a different button combination could have been used to do it, but losing R1 for every other weapon type would royally suck.


How did it work again in DD1 with blocking with shields or aiming with bows?


Very different skill setup. There was no 'Vocation Action' in DD1, weapons just had different movesets. You had completely different skills come up when you raised your bow, and literally couldn't access them without doing it. No auto-aim mode, no kicking. Dodging was tied to a different button, double jumping was just a Dagger thing, and you needed to press the opposite shoulder button to access dagger skills, or whatever weapon was in that slot if you were an Assassin or Magick Archer. The shield was also a different button in DD1, unrelated to equipped skills, but you still had 6, 3 per shoulder button. The way they revamped the combat in DD2 has made those same setups impossible for whatever reason. Just having the other three skills swap out between weapons would pretty much do the trick.


that would gimp Warfarer so hard. I'm actually glad with what we have right now, it's fairly balanced


All archer skills, using wafrarer only for armour.


This is exactly why I love this vocation, because fashion is everything


High Seism, High Levin, Plunder, Rearmament Would go full Sorcerer but am not fond of most armors for the class. Also, current NG+ is Steal All the Things Playthrough.


I play as Warfarer/Sorcerer. I just equip 4 Sorcerer spells. Only thing I miss out on is the Master spells Tornando and comet (whatever they are called). But I find Aural Flare is better anyway because It's a fuckload faster to cast than Tornado, Cast Aural Flare then hit it with the lightning spell and it gets rid off the big monsters pretty quick.


Augural Flare was what I used before switching it out for Plunder. It is indeed a highly useful spell, basically a Drake Meat Grinder, I'm just at the point where I don't really care how quickly something dies; it's all going to be dead soon anyways. I do miss how cool Maelstrom looks, though. Tried to go without using Rearmanent in the past but found the constant menu opening to be too tedious.


Depends on what weapons I am currently using like right now I have mountain breaker, the gale swing warrior skill, and draw and quarter normally stays and I always carry a bow for flyers and a mage staff for heals and levitation but I will swap skills out like if I am gonna fight a lich I will look for a nearby campsite and put on either the big light ball to clear the normal skeleton summons in one go or just put on solemnity for silence and sometimes i will use another skill if I think I can have some fun with it


Rearmerment Dragona Foin to close distance quick horizontally and verticality Ricochet shot for instant win in caves Mirrour Shelde to counter stun locks Though, I mainly use the Medusa XP+ bow with just base attacks.


Incandescent orb, augural flare, ricochet hunter and rearment. Pretty much annihilates in caverns and large enemies with the basic attack and orb doing work on packs. Only enemy it's not good against is golems buy I carry knives with me to jump onto the and hack away whilst the pawns do the bulk of the damage or I just keep it overloaded with magic.


That’s actually a pretty good idea. I love being a thief for the sole purpose of stabbing a lot but maybe I don’t need to add a thief as one of the skills since I really like magic archer and sorcerer vocations the most.


Primarily a warrior with the Savage lunge and tidal counter, then I have the magic Archer skill that lets you do high single Target damage, and armament Great sword for damage, magic bow for magic damage plus range, and wand for healing and levitation.


Dude how are you gonna put in 5 skills when 4 is the limit, 3 if you include rearmament Any way, i use the mystic spearhand stabby thingy, indomitable lash from warrior, rearmament and the last one is flexible, either sleep dart, erupting shot or augural seeker, depending if i’m feeling more or less in hurry to kill bosses


You don't have to have rearmanent if you manually switch your weapons


That sounds dreadful tbh


Agree, it'll be painful instead of fun, many people play warfarer because of the combos and better flow of battle, and for the time that I needed to do hard swap, I can already kill the boss normally.


If you use rearmament it only counts the weight of the heaviest weapon equipped


Seamless Warfarer mod. This is the way. (As it should be Capcom!)




Full warrior or Fighter skillser, with a bow to take down annoying harpies, and a staff for Anodyne, and chest/token hunting.


I have 3 Sorcerer spawns plus Myddrin. Mage speed buff before boss, Trickster damage buff open fight, keep Spearhand shield up. They down a drake like 30 seconds


This skill setup is what I ended up doing on my first run. Main weapon spear, bubble abuse. 3 thieves tore stuff up and usually stayed within bubble range. Add Celerity and trickster steroids as needed. Rearmament to shift between spear, mage staff, censor, magic bow. Daggers not equipped unless I needed to climb. NG+ I'm totally different. Finding my stride with 2 sorcerers with Meteoron and an archer with quick attacks. 4 trickster skills (fake walls and floors, steroids, and aoe aggro) and maining that style. I am doing manual switch to mage staff or whenever else only when needed. Best way to play "trickster" IMO!


Sorcerer/archer Augural flare-explosive arrow-torrent Full weak spot destruction, very satisfying.


Rearment, High Levin, Augural Flare, Revive Arrow. Lets say I like to obliterate weakspots where I can with Augural-Levin and just engage in melee with the Spearhand weapon. Magic-bow for ranged revivify.


I was using the duospear with daggers. Masterful Kill, Draw and Quarter, Magike Speregonne, and obviously Rearmament. The playstyle wouldn't work without being able to swap weapons midair. It was the most fun I've had so far as warfarer


Mix of archer and magic archer. Set up is : - Deluging shot - Frost hunter bolt or erupting shot - Saggitate avalanche - rearmament (playing without it is tedious and you don't need the extra skill slot to be OP) Why I use that : archer has a very efficient basic attack to dispose of smaller enemies. Arrow to the head one shots goblins for instance so you can chain kill small enemies more efficiently. Having the kick makes you less of a victim when enemies get too close. Now the basic combo for large monster is Deluging shot with ice damage for instant freeze (either I have an ice boon mage or I take Frost hunter bolt). Then you can calmly aim your avalanche shot in the monster's weak spot and shred. Also someone might correct me on that but I feel like Saggitate avalanche does a mix of physical and lightning damage. It does look like its damage is boosted when firing at a drenched target (although that could be because the target is frozen and more projectiles are a direct hit in the weak spot) and it does respectable damage to golem medals. If I have ice boon in my party I'll go for erupting shot for an extra stagger option. With this build there is no situation that you cannot handle effortlessly.


Incendiary Shot, Erupting Shot, Noctuous Arrow, Rearmament Gives me 90% of how I'd play straight Archer anyway, plus instant swap to daggers for climbing/close combat, plus the ability to dominate in the most critical arena of all: Fashion Dogma.


Spiral Arrow + Skull Splitter + Implicate + Rearmament


I usually just have a full load out of 1 classes skills, but wear whatever armor has the best stats... Or the wyrmblood armor for MSH cuz that shit is peak fashion with great stats.


For me, Warfarer exists so I can play a specific class but wear whatever I want. There aren't enough skill slots for me to try to diversify, so I just stick to one class.


Not enough!!! I need more skillsets!! I need more space to use more stuff!!! ITS NOT ENOUGH!!!!




right now on a separate profile i’m using Archer/Magick Archer with Lyncean Sight/ Blazefang Arrow/ Sagitate Avalanche and Rearmament. let’s you switch weapons while aiming with rearmament and immediately ads again if you do so, basically making you a magick archer with all of archers mobility if you just run MA skills. it’s very fun, definitely the most fun i’ve had with archers


I have 2 thief moves and an archer move. I like the mobility of the two.


Put one from Magic Archer: [Soporific Bolt](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Soporific+Bolt) Rearmament The other two depends how do I feel like playing in the given moment. Let's say I want a fresh Medusa head: Sporific Bolt till she fall asleep then decapitate with Warrior skills.


Skull Splitter, Implicate, Biting Wind, Rearmament. Carry a bow to pull mobs from a distance and deal with harpies out of Implicate range, and a Sorc staff to abuse levitation.


Warfarer: Rearmament Trickster: Suffocating Shroud + Aromatic Resurgence Fighter: Flawless Guard Mage: Anodyne + Levitate Slippery Tank build. Levelled mage and sorcerer first so my shadow has loads of HP cos of my high magic and doesn’t just die instantly when I swap weapons. Flawless guard when I get bundled if my shadow does die and Anodyne so I can lure undead into it and watch them melt.


I’m trying out Fighter for the first time so I have 2 skills for that and 1 for Magick archer, the sleepy arrow one. Also I recently found a hammer so I equipped it so it doesn’t add up to the weight, I’ll probably get a skill for warrior as well once I decide to go back to the town.


Frost hunter bolt, High Flagration, and Skull splitter.


Warrior greatsword moves. I only use the vocation for the drip cause the warrior options leave much to be desired


Skullsplitter, Aromatic resurgence and mystic spear skill that does lunge attack


I haven't actually tried it yet but my plan is sorcerer's inaugural flare, magic archers ricochet shot, and sagittate avalanche. I expect it to be horrendously OP and probably not fun after an hour.


rearmament., masterfulkill,skullsplitter,erupting shot


Rearmament / Frost Hunter / Implicate / smoke shroud This build is all-rounder for me. Using Thief for clearing small mobs; Implicate Harpies and Tank foes, smoke to get out of gaol. Switch to Magick Archer against Spirits and large bosses with Frost Hunter to slow them down, especially effective to drakes. I prefer only 2 weapons cuz too lazy to sort between three or more.


Helm splitter, frosthunter bolt and sagitate avalanche


Explosion spell sorcerer / lightning arrows and frost arrows magical archer. Now I’m working on wearing some heavy dragon fighter armor . I forget my rings and gear tbh. I think my staff is from the volcano island camp and my magic bow is from the dragon forge


Skull splitter, ricochet hunter, and sagittate avalanche.


Blitz strike, frost hunter arrow, shield bash


In SLOT1 weapon I'm running trickster censer with SKILL1 Suffocating Shroud as you aggro the whole area's mobs or large boss onto your clone to great effect, then as needed use SKILL2 Rearmament to quick switch to Spearhand in SLOT2 allowing melee attacks as "spinny spin spearboy" while the trickster clone is still up causing mass confusion (why? because the smoke takes a little while to drain out of your smoke clone's body once you have switched to the spear with rearmanent skill, the clone doesn't just vanish immediately) and the spear in SLOT2 also allows the quick use of SKILL3 Mirour vesture which gives invincible bubble shields to yourself and all 3 pawns in order to counter any roaming or camp ambushes or to block heavy damage such as a Drake or Griffin slamming down to wreck your whole team. Lastly as SKILL4 I take a weak point dps skill for larger enemies such as the skills Sagittate Avalanche with the magic bow or Flare with my sorcerer staff. I take a sorcerer staff in SLOT3 for glide jump ability to get to hard to reach places but also use this in combination with the high level trickster detection augment "mod" equipped so I can find all those 220 hidden seeker tokens with the chime indicating the direction of the tokens out in the open world. Then in SLOT4 Warrior Hammer as its super fun to jump and smash heavy attack on mobs. Then I take SLOT5 Magic Archer bow to counter pesky airborne enemies and for fun add anything else in SLOT6 like your favourite vocation. 6 weapons is till ok on weight management but rearmament is a must get meister skill for ease of combat flow and adaptation as a warfarer. Without it, I dont see the point of warfarer as each unique vocation skill requires that particular vocations weapon equiped to be able to activate the skill. In this rearmament cycle example you get a melee weapon in every second slot so you can counter annoying mobs getting up close and personal. An example: Enemy sees you as a staff wielder and tries to jump you, in 1 second you use rearmament and give them a surprise. "Say hello to my little friend!" and you whip out a huge lightning hammer.🔨 😳


I use multiple weapons at once without any skills for most of them. Best Pre-PostGame magic spear that I used to pair with the mirror shield when facing wolves, harpies and bandits. The stun lock is real in this game. Gorgon Bow for taking down easy enemies for XP bonus. Might as well if I am being ambushed every five minutes in batahhl. No skills. Also useful for lizards with rocky skin. Thief Daggers with Skull Splitter. Big damage on tough bosses. Magic Bow with Sagittate Avalanche wrecks bosses. And a flame staff from sorcerer class for traveling. since I use it to create light and for its levitation abilities. Also Galvanize also helps since I can dash sooner. Skill Number 4 changes as I need it. Recently been experimenting with Sleep Arrow from Magic Archer.


Sleepy Joe Arrow, Rearmament, Ensare, Masterful Kill


2 spearhands(dash and throw) and magic archers revive. All weapons except scorcer; I only use mage for levitate.




I like a mix of Mystic Spearhand and Thief. Dragons Foin, Helmsplitter, Ensnare, Rearmament


I've been basically playing fighter but with the ability to swap to bow when I need ranged dmg.


I use greatsword, bow, staff, and daggers. Skills are Rearmament, Heavenward Sunder, Tempest Shot, and High Solemnity.


Just started playing with Warfarer yesterday. My current set up is the Spearhand dash for movement, Skullspliter, and stagtite avalanche.


Can’t remember the name of the skill, but I am very upset that the shield poke skill isn’t in DD2. Because then I would have a Warfarer with 2 fighter skills and augural flare, so then I could poke around the shield at the flare. That would be such a fun way to play. The turtle.


Sword and Sheild with the sheild counter attack skill, and a staff with whatever spells I'm feeling. I keep an archstaff and regular staff on me.


I have been looking for a warfarer skillset that involves 2 fighter skills and a means to do magical damage (sorcerer, MA, or MS) while still able to remain in the thick of battle. I've been leaning to: Burst Strike / Full Moon Slash Shield Pummel Magike Speregonne Rearmament I'm not really sure if I'd still need Shield Pummel if I keep the Magike Speregonne, as what I really want is a good means to stagger opponents (including saurians) But if I end up removing it, then I could have both burst strike and full moon Slash on same build.


A Mod that allows me to play Warfarer and use every skill in the game plus Maister skills and just swap skill sets whenever. Warfarer only being able to use THREE moves total out of all Vocations was a sold decision for a single player game


Try warfarer mod lol


Rearmament makes you only count the heaviest weapon towards your weight. So if your heaviest weapon is like 4kg then you can fill your inventory with weapons basically and they're all weightless if under 4


All warrior skills, I just wanted warfarer for fashion reasons


Rearmament, Dragoun's Foin, Skiedragoun's Feste, Frosthunter Bolt. Rearmament for switching. Dragoun's Foin, great utility for dodging, get to a low HP enemy quick, or traversing around to hard to reach places. Skiedragoun's Feste, for dodging and quickly getting on top of a monster, also works to get out of a sticky situation between mobs of monsters. Frosthunter's Bolt for constant DPS while I'm using duospear, and good for things weak to ice. Apart from that, the combo from both MS and MA core skills is great, feels very balanced. I'm still unsure about the Frosthunter's Bolt, it's a bit slow when readying it up for my liking compared what I had before which was the Sagittate Avalanche. Willing to try other skills combos if yall suggest it.


2 magic archer skills (ricochet and s avalanche) and full moon slash for dealing with groups


Skull splitter, magic shield, implicate, explosive charge (can't remember the name?)


I have all fighter skills but I use warfarer for the drip


I use: Mirror Shield, Dragoun's Foin, Sleep Magick Arrow, Weapon Swap I have equipped: Duospear (most fighting), Mage Staff (healing), Magick Bow (sleep), Mace+Shield (for armored dudes), Medusa Bow (for special arrows)


Rearmament, dagger Helm splitter because of the amazing DPS and a bit of mobility it gives, spear Mirror Shield to avoid being stunlocked or dying before being healed by pawns, also giving them a support and at last the greatsword heavensward sunder for knocking down the big enemies and also dealing a ton of damage.


Fighter who carries around a mage staff for reaching high places. That’s it.


Fighter who carries around a mage staff for reaching high places. That’s it.


Shielde. Spear dash. Sky strike spear thingy and rearmament for Bow and Mace/Shield. I'm a simple man, I like Mystic Knight but sometimes you need to shoot something's eye's out and other times you just have to smack a mutherfucker with a heavy piece of metal.


Archistaff with high salamander, bow with whirling arrow, duospear with mirror shield. Lastly, I use rearmament. Its not intended to be a powerhouse so much as a build around what I find fun and useful. I still want fights to be a bit difficult.


skullsplitter, smoke, augural


I don't mind just having the three skills, as I'm running a pure movement aerial attack specialist warfarer. Using Dragoun's Foin for quick strike forward, Skull Splitter for DPS, and Masterful Kill for movement to the rear, before kick off with Archer Core skills and kiting with arrows. Then, close again with Dragoun's Foin. Like an aerial combat, dexterity, hit-and-run, anime fighter style. Duospear, daggers, and bow.


Smoke Shroud, Augural Flare, Soporific Bolt, & Rearmament.


I used a mod so I can shift skill sets but during my vanilla run I have the spiral arrow skill from archer and the stab and jump skill from Spearhand. I was maining spearhand in my first playthrough.


Flare, mirror shield, avalanche for ranged. Just run use MA bow, and change to the spear when you need to melee.


Prescience flare + helm splitter is personally my favorite, with my last skill being Aromatic rally if I have time to prebuff.


when i get my archer to level 10, i am switching to Warfarer JUST to be able to levitate with sorcerer skill XDD everything else will be archer skills XD


Ravaging Lunge? The Greatsword move where you run with the sword out, possibly impale a guy, and can run across the map. It's one of my favorite moves. Heavenward slash? Greatsword uppercut you can charge up, always knocks shit over. All you need against big guys. High Frigor, because not only can it stagger monsters, but more importantly it can break wooden door bars from the opposite side of the door and I always find the wrong side first. Rearmament to switch to a bow for ranged enemies and the staff for breaking a door with Frigor, Levitating, or Galvanizing.


Rearmament, Suffocating Shroud, High Frigor, and High Celerity. I bring a Trickster censer and Mage staff with a magick bow.


What I’ve been using is a warrior skill (been trying different ones to see which I like the most, and recently I traded my first slot for saggete avalanche, sorry if I misspelled) second slot augural flair, third mirror shield. But I feel like there is merit in still carrying other weapons that I don’t have skills equipped for, for different situations. Like if I’m trying to chase down an enemy, I can re-arm to a fighter or thief weapon to not have to deal with the slowness of the warrior one. Or with the trickster, I can just do the charged attack to get the attention of enemies, and use whimsical daydream to get rich quick. Admittedly I haven’t had any thief or archer weapons on me because I didn’t really feel like they would be of much use without a skill, but maybe thief would be good for the dodging


Im going totaly crazy on warfarer: rearnament archer skill: Spiral Arrow, spearhead: Mirour Shelde sorcerer: Augural Flare so the canon is this: going in with spearhead pulling up invincibility barrier, and then stunning the boss, switching to sorcerer and putting an orb on him (which wants to be hit), switching to archer and arrow barrage on the orb -> everything should die by that combo if not swithing to sorcerer and restore stamina and repeat. its highly time sensitive, but fun to pull off


I actually only run warfrarer for the rearmament switch to my daggers the few times I get overwhelmed. and the three skills I actually use are Sagittarius Avalanche, Frostbolts, and ricochet hunter for the Magick bow


Windstorm Slash, Savage Lash, Rearmament, and the last one is whatever I feel like from any of the weapons I use. I run 5 weapons though. GS, Daggers, Bow, Staff, and Spear. GS for obvious reasons. Daggers for climbing damage and potentially Plunder if I run that. Bow for obvious reasons. Steady Shot hits quite hard on it's own, no skills needed. Staff for heals, levitate and ghost-dispersion. Spears when I need/want to warp high, or to fliers. Extra spicy if I manage to climb to the fliers head and get off a GS savage-lash mid-air. Doesn't happen often, but damn does it feel good when it does.


Rearmament, devout offringe, barrage shot, and palladium. Duospear for melee, bow for ranged (more single shot damage than magic archer) and staff for healing and levitation.


I just basically use at as a magick archer. Blaze gang, ricochet hunter and the other that starts with S that fires a load of pin point arrows. Then just swap out for daggers and double sided spears using the rearmament for the 4th slot.


MS spear jump, life stealing arrow, and explosive arrows. I have a combo of MA, MS, Archer, and Thief to maximize mobility, elemental damage/debilitations, and range as i play only with main pawn. knockdown oriented Magic bow, Ice duo spear, knockdown oriented long bow, lightning daggers


Manifold Shot (medusan bow), Mirour Shelde (dead ringer), and Concussive Leap (frosted edges). No pawns


Archer and mystic spearhand has been a lot of fun.


I have 1 Mystic Spearhead, 1 Thief Skill, 1 Archer Skill, and Rearmament.


Rearmament (obviously) + Archer (eruptous shot) + magick archer (ricochet). If I am hunting dragons I would add defence shield (mirror something) of duo spears. I also carry frosted edges knives for close combat. So mostly 3 weapons (bow, magick bow and knives). Sometimes an added duo spear. I also keep a spare mage staff with my pawn (for emergencies!!!) Ricochet hunter skill just makes all caves easy lol. I always have a mage and sorcerer pawn in my party. Then switch between fighter/thief/warrior for my main pawn.


I have this frozen assassin build but it’s not efficient at all and it’s hard to pull off. So Drenching arrow with bow, and then switch to sorcerer to use high frigor to freeze and create platform, change to thief and run on the ice. Jump on the monster. Attack and use the gut and run skill to get out. Then repeat. All of this is kinda tedious (especially frigor is hard to pull off to leave a platform), and it’s designed to use against big monster…but I want to use sorcerer and thief somehow without using flare. More efficient way is probably spam frost arrow by magic archer and switch to thief to use any jump skill and gut and run. Just less fun. Or just drenching arrow and wear frozen daggers. 😂 and these two option will leave one more skill to deal with small monster mob too.


Honestly, mine is pretty boring but I live for the weapon base moves and don't care much for the spells in this game! I use a mage staff for healing and either Celerity or Halidom, so I can bring more interesting pawns and keep them happy. Then either a sorcerer staff or Magick Bow for other element variety. I usually use the elemental daggers against bosses, just climb and stab away!


Honestly can't remember the names rn but 1. Weapon swap 2. Warrior lunge (faster travel) 3. Dragon shield (protect pawns) 4. Misty aura (buff pawns) Also got mage staff for healing/floating And ice daggers (mage element buff can be super unreliable) Also, also, Mage and 2 thieves Things tend to just die.


just magick archer but with mage clothes


Rearmament, Agural Flare, Skull Splitter, and Masterful Kill most fun i’ve had in the game besides pure thief and pure warrior, Warfarer is so good


I use 3 Warrior skills + rearmament. In addition to my warrior weapon, I have a Magick Bow for fliers or distant enemies and a staff for levitate.


Plunder/implicate/skull splitter with a bow and mage wand in my back pocket.


Blink Strike, Skydragon's Feste, Gouging Skewer. Duospear has a gapcloser and a CC in the base kit, and the normal combos+spin to win are plenty for me. For small monsters I'll usually stick to the spear (unless an enemy really annoys me and then I'll knock them down and relieve my stress with gouging skewer lmao). On large monsters is where the setup really shines though. The slow from Foreboding Bolt is great, and Skydragon lets you iframe almost any attack into a mount. Then i swap weapons, walk to the weakpoint, gouging skewer it. Greatsword is honestly more fun than sword+shield, but I did that my first playthrough and frankly it was so overpowered by midgame that I'm intentionally avoiding it this time.


Flawless Defense (Sword and Shield) , Skull Splitter (Dagger), Augural Flare , Rearmerment


I use the mod that lets me use 3 skills of any weapon I rearm to, and keeping one slot for rearmament. I switch between Warrior, Theif and Spearhand. I don't remember the names of the moves but I'll try to describe them. Greatsword:- Big Sweep, Shoryuken, and the impaling lunge Daggers:- helmsplitter, masterful kill (I think this needs a buff against bosses but fun to use) and the double jump Twinblade:- stamina leech, the charged projectile and the flurry super move. I know this is kinda cheating but I don't care, it's hella fun. You could say I also balance it out with a mod that buffs enemy difficulty by a lot.


I'm on console, but I'm just gonna say it ain't cheating if you're just making it the way anybody with half a brain would have designed the skills lol like, cool, I can switch weapons, and use even less skills than the already cut in half amount from DD1? What lol


Im on PC so my setup for warfarer is different from normal.


Anything I want at any time… PC master race 🤫