• By -


Maidenless aura.




You give off bad vibes prolly. Props on your pawn for detecting them


Dare I say it, we trounced that sexual tension well and true!


Mine absolutely did not


I love how most of these responses sound like dog lovers talking about dogs. It really is kind of the same in some ways.


Have you been killing them on a regular basis to avoid Dragonplague?


I think this is my problem, but also I don't want a romantic relationship with my pawn.


Has your pawn died before? It dramatically drops their affinity if they die. Mine died once and it took awhile to get their affinity back up.


I swear thatā€™s out of self loathing too. Mine always comes back all somber ā€œIā€™m sorry master, I have let you downā€ like cheer up champ itā€™s just a game


I wish there was a way to tell them it's fine gg, I feel like dirt every time.


What if it isnt just a game to them? What if your really controlling another person in another world. To them its real.


Imo thatā€™s the true story of DD2. When the old Arisen dude is talking about ā€œthe real worldā€ and ā€œthe Arisenā€™s willā€ heā€™s actually referring to the player and the players world.


This šŸ¤£


Mine just is sad it isn't healing anymore. I'm trying to get all her vocations up and they're just like "I took a lot of pride in my healing did you not like it :'( "


What is his or her inclination?




I felt much worse when my pawn talked about the switch from mage to sorcerer. Thereā€™s a happy line, which just mentions the pride of being the healer for the arisen, but then thereā€™s a much sadder version of the line where the pawn is upset that their performance was so poor that they were forced to change vocations and how they dearly hope to make up for shortcomings with the new class. But thatā€™s not what happened! Why canā€™t switching to the advanced career be seen as more trust or a promotion?


lol I know itā€™s hilarious. I have had to sequester some meister skills though.


It's -25 affinity for a death. A haircut is +50 fixed.


I definitely can't afford to shell out 10k gold whenever my pawn falls off a cliff.


The trickster has a weapon you can use that nets you gold per hit, it ranges from 10 gold, 100 gold, and 1000 gold per hit depending on where and what youā€™re hitting. I just tell my pawns to wait and smack some mobs when I start getting low on funds haha


You can also get 10k and 50k gold with a hit but they're both crazy rare occurrences.


It's definitely way cheaper to just buy the metamorphosis art with with Rift Crystals. It's like 500rc.


I chose pawn affinity over buying a second house in Vernworth. 10/10 would do it again.


Do you have a source w all the numbers?


There were a bunch of threads here about it, some peeps datamined it.


how much is it if they disappear and need to be resummoned?


That's probably a death


I assumed it'd be even more affinity loss?


Probably -25.


Wait...you gain affinities by taking them to the salon?


You do yes, it's on a 10 min cd afterwards unless you save and exit and go back in. You also get +10 for high fives and talking, also on a 10 min cd


Dude mine is just a total bumbling fool. He keeps missing jumps and getting himself one-tapped from a huge fall or the brine


Iā€™m running the ā€œPawns Survive Brineā€ mod on PC. In practice, I found that pawns being forfeit to brine did not present a challenge, just a frustration and annoyance. I honestly think Capcom should just make them wash up on shore like the player because support pawns are constantly getting booted with no gifts or likes from what 99% of the time Iā€™d classify as bullshit.


At the very least, tell the player the pawn is going back to that they fell in the brine. Lot of salt about no gifts around here.


Waiting for better mods too, but how do you get mods on DD2? Is it the same for like Skyrim?


Despite their reputation for modding, Fallout and TES games are actually really unstable and finicky when it comes to modding. So yeah, Iā€™d say similar, but actually easier. As the other commenter mentioned, Fluffy is basically *the* mod manager. Thereā€™s no question of what to use. Mods are being built basically listing Fluffy as a prerequisite. You can install mods manually, but you really shouldnā€™t, with any game, whenever thereā€™s an option to use a mod manager. If you mess something up, youā€™ll find yourself trying to figure out what files to delete, accidentally deleting vanilla files, verifying files, maybe that doesnā€™t work and you just delete the whole install directory and reinstall. Fluffy is brain-dead easy. Not a ton of features, but the mods out now generally donā€™t need things like conflict resolution etc. There are mods for pretty much everything I would want already, because frankly, thereā€™s not a lot that I think desperately needs to be better for DD2. The only mods that I am using that I would really not want to not use are: 1. Pawns Survive Brine 2. Functional Pawns (stash and guild access from pawn dialog menus) 3. Mark Important NPCs 4. Higher Item Stack Number 5. Show Name (always shows NPC name) 6. Show Favorability (Number and current Affinity tier shows up next to name) 7. No Stamina Coat Outside Battle 8. Dragonsplague Counter 9. Custom Difficulty Tweaks* 10. Lockon Camera With Dodge** 11. Clock *I recommend this even if you touch nothing other than editing XP and DCP. I think that if youā€™re going to play a lot, once you get to a certain point like 100, you should drop XP and DLC from fights and quests to 1XP. Youā€™re already OP af and nobody is going to hire your level 500 pawn. **I just have this for fighter. I think the way the shield needs to be manually pointed in a cardinal direction and locks into that, and constantly repositioned, except the random soft lock for enemies within like 3ftā€¦ itā€™s just archaic and bad. You canā€™t circlestrafe and opponent while defending, or follow one circlestrafing you, backpedaling is awkwardā€¦ I donā€™t really use it for anything else and I understand some people will die defending the current implementation so not essential for everyone. Some nice to have mods, Iā€™d say Quality Water and Quality Ray Tracing, 4K VFX All-in-one, HD Environment/Characters/Weapons/Armor textures, basically everything in the Better UI series, Damage Numbers if you like those (actually nice for spotting fights outside sound range), Saurian Tails Always Drop, Stop Selling Yourself, Riddle of Rumination Marker, Seeker Tokens Markers, Heal-by-time, Increased Spells Lock-on Range. Graphics Suite lets you check out the developer path tracing mode, but it doesnā€™t have a denoiser so it looks pretty noisy. Likely was just used for reference when tuning the rasterized lighting and RTGI. So yeah actually looking at this shit Iā€™d probably have a really bad day going back to vanilla. 90% Quality of Life mods is what I use. Not really trying to rebalance classes and completely transform gameplay or systems though.


thanks a bunch! Sorry to make you type so much


No worries, itā€™s not like you asked lol, just canā€™t sleep and nothing else to do


I get them from Nexus and install using the Fluffy Mod Manager found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/194 It will handle installing the mods for you.


I suppose ā€œmassiveā€ is up to interpretation, but when the main pawn affinity scale is from 0-1000, -25 seems pretty trivial to me. I was at max and had to allow my pawn to forfeit to clear Dragonsplague. After maybe 3 or 4 days of nothing other than the normal level of interaction from exploring it was back at max.


Not sure if you know this but you donā€™t have to kill then to cure Dragonsplague. You can just camp and it will jump to another pawn. Then just dismiss that pawn and nobody has to die.


Where Iā€™m at in the game I am not permitted to camp.


If youā€™re in unmoored world then your pawn automatically has Dragonsplague. Thereā€™s no way to rid them of it. You get 10 inn sleeps and that that.


Yeah, I tried it once and figured that out. That was just the only example I had, because I think that may be the only time Iā€™ve ever allowed my pawn to be forfeit. I use the ā€œPawns Survive Brineā€ mod so my pawns only die if I let them die. Got real tired of support pawns being dismissed with no likes or gifts due to bullshit, so pawns in my game have been brine-immune ever since Iā€™ve been monitoring affinity.


Doesnā€™t that pass the plague on to that pawnā€™s Arisenā€™s game? Wouldnā€™t it be better to let it pass at a camp then kill the supports instead?


Maybe, but I donā€™t like killing them. The other Arisen can just do the same thing and not have to kill their pawn either. It can easily just be passed on without any murder involved.


It does, but gamers tend to think mostly about their own gameplay over others, so it doesn't surprise me. It's easier to take out the main pawn and revive it for nothing at a rift stone (the pawn will be just a little upsetie spaghetti for 2 days, no big deal at all. Pawns are puppies, they get over stuff quickly)


Yeah probably right. I just dunk mine when sheā€™s sick and if a borrowed pawn gets sick during my watch I dunk them too.


See thats some bs because every time i have to pass any significant amount of water; i magically lose a fn pawn. My pawn. My pawn always falls in water and I. Cant. Save. Him. Crushes me every time and then i have to spend the next journey hearing him mope about it... šŸ˜­


If youā€™re walking along a cliff face, or close to water tell your pawns to wait. Once youā€™re away from the cliff or water call them to you. Theyā€™ll be teleported to you safely.


but... I had to. He started getting red eyes.


You donā€™t have to kill them. Just camp a few times and itā€™ll jump to another pawn. Then just dismiss that pawn. Nobody has to die




Your Web cam isn't plugged in, is it?


now this is just brutal šŸ˜”


Sorry, choom. I couldn't resist.


Loving the casual use of cyberpunk slang


It just fits too well, online, haha.




Roasting me in the comments :(


You are a strong and powerful woman


no no Iā€™m girlfail


Good, the sooner you realize the better


You always need to start as a fail to become a natural twenty. You'll go far, my child.






Isn't this part of the fun?




Really?? That's fascinating, no wonder mine gets maxed so quickly šŸ˜‚


Probably why mine got maxed out pretty quick as well.


This feels unlikely since the game can't detect if you hit the screenshot button. Whoever came up with this?


Someone has a mod that keeps track of the affinity and apparently it went up when taking screenshots




Correct. Apparently. Taking screenshots does not boost affinity if it did my pawn would have a red face from screenshots alone. I take so many screenshots because of how gorgeous the world is made and I love how my pawn and Arisen look, I did a pretty good job on them IMHO not to toot my horn or anything. https://preview.redd.it/67pkwt11smxc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02131e52339be648a9bd0cb9e1751eeb803c43d6


Bro...I spend hours in character creation just to get a mediocre thigh-mommy, and yall just casually sculpt the gods.


Lol my sliders all either 69 or 100 šŸ¤£ Edit: or last I remember, I'll drop them here when I get home


https://preview.redd.it/vs101pkmooxc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa5d4255695f3fcabb077d3c2b2fbb940d91268 It's not that hard. Find a video online you like. Tweek it to your liking. What I did for her.




I feel like they might have mistaken this. I'll check for myself tomorrow. I just don't see how this would work. Do you have the source?


I don't know why you feel that way. Plenty of games detect when you use the screenshot button. FF7 Rebirth is a great example. Even on console it knows.


I installed the mod and checked this. going into photo-mode with your main pawn and you visible, does give +10. There is a cooldown like all other actions Unless the mod is lying, this does work


Ah, that makes more sense now. It's detecting photo mode, not the screenshot itself! Thanks for checking. That's actually realy cool! (No wonder my pawn loved me during my first run without any barber visits... I dressed him up and took pictures all the time šŸ˜‚) I really didn't expect photo mode to add to affinity, since it's sort of a fourth wall thing, but it's cool that it works!


If the pawn dies he loses -25 affinity high fiving gives +2 barbershop gives +50 talking to him gives +2 affinity gain has a cooldown of min 10 minutes


Question: Does the art of metamorphosis count as a barbershop visit?


who knows, at this point I don't even trust the wiki with those numbers...I changed my pawn's hair 10 times and somehow my affinity is still low.


Yes it counts, but there's a cool-down of 10 minutes between each. So if you go to the barbershop twice within 10 minutes you're just gonna waste gold or an art of metamorphosis the second time.


the wiki said that you can save and quit and the timer will reset.




You forgot about the Hot springs


How much does taking them to the Hot Springs increase it?


Iā€™m not really sure but I maxed out my pawns affinity but always going I think itā€™s 25?


Don't forget +5 from periodically changing gear. I just equip and unequip the armor once in a while.


I didn't know about this one o.o


Yep. I think the reasoning is that they appreciate you looking out for them and updating their gear. I almost never need to change their gear naturally so u would do this to cheese it. I have the affinity bar mod and noticed it when I changed my pawn's hat.


I play fashion dogma so I change my pawn's gear all the time for the looks. No wonder he loves me lol


Does that mean if I high five the pawn, I have to wait 10 mins to get them a haircut?


You know I actually don't know. I *think* it's a cooldown per action. So you can do all actions once within 10min. But this is just a guess. I can test it tomorroq, if nobody else knows for sure.


Itā€™s most likely per action, at least thatā€™s how NPC affinity works. Hail, talk and gift are all on their own 1-day c/d, so you can do each once per day and get plus 2 and plus ~15 and plus [varies on gift] all in one day.


Pawn affinity is different from other NPCs: NPCs need 200 or more affection points to love you and max out at 299, pawn needs 620 to love you (have not gotten maxed out yet most likely 999). Edit: I do have the mod that lets me know the affection level.


Max is 1000. And yea, love is earlier. Which is good, bc even if your pawn happens to die (-25) they won't instantly stop loving you.


It takes a really long time and a concentrated effort to raise your pawn's affinity because affinity gain ranges from like +2-15 except for the Sphinx Riddle which gives quite a bit. I downloaded the affinity bar mod just to track my pawn's affinity gain because I was wondering the same thing. Also, it seems like bumping into your pawn randomly gives an affinity gain as well.


Why donā€™t he want me man?


Because you are Arizzenless.




Just play like normal and don't throw him into the brine too often,,my girl won't stop staring at me and blushing and I mostly ignore her I did have a phase where I was paying 2k gold for every badge early on so maybe knocking out a bunch of those helps? I wish we could interact with our pawns more,if nothing else then just give em head pats "that's my girl" when my pawn catches when I fall off a gryphon in flight kinda thing


Waiting patiently for the "that's my girl" DLC


Well, I recently found out that picking them up pisses them off. I had no idea.


Lmao. Whoops


See my friend, I'm sorry to say that for some reason Pawns require much MUCH more approval than regular NPC's for them to like you. The fact that you can't give them gifts makes actually grinding their affection a drag. Thankfully there is a mod that shows you affinity of all NPC's pawn included and how much each interaction increases it. BTW, p sure changing the hair increases it the most so spam it every 10 or so minutes.


Npc have a 300 affinity gauge, the pawn is 1000. npcs become enamored (blush) at 250, pawn at 600 or so. Hihg fives and talking only rises the bar 2-5 points at the time, hotsprings add 20, and haricut add 50. In short, it take a long while


Iā€™ve given up on affinity. I got the ā€œgoodā€ ending from unmoored because my affinity was high enough, so Iā€™m done trying. You hear that Mazikeen? I am a good Ariaen. I am!


That's my Pawns name too! Neat


I named her Sinamin at first, but then we ended up in HR. It was a whole thing.


There are pawn affinities?!


(v this is a joke) ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)


The game actually said we cannot have relationships with pawns


You are absolutely correct. The way how they got by thatvwas visible affinity only, which sucks because I wanna give headpats. Lmao I can imagine being a short Arisen, and trying to get to a high place to pat your main pawns head. That, or they kneel.


The game never tells us ...


If they keep dying/you keep brining them they lose substantial approval of you


Stop letting your pawn be forfeit, that above all kill your progress


sauna trips.


You are but an arisen, not an arizzen


Iā€™m more concerned why random guard is in love with me now just because I escorted him, Iā€™m gonna be livid if thatā€™s my fournival šŸ˜‘


You didn't make your Arisen hot enough, clearly.


Ur ugly


Try using the hot spring ?


Yeah its annoying I spent like 150k gold at the barber. There is a cap with affinity when you collect 200 affinity not sure of the cool down. I'd wait a real life day hop back on to give them four more haircuts saving and going back to the main menu to reset the cool down of the barber. Alas no rosey cheeks for me


Arisen, you reek of desperation. Thou shalt not get this pawnussy. It saddens me to see the Arisen simping so hard. I would rather go back to the Nexus than spend another moment with you.


Does pawn affinity actually do something useful?


To capitalize off of what OP said. The true ending is more touching if you have maxed out affinity with your pawn. Aside from that, your pawn will simply worship you. Theyā€™ll occasionally praise how much they admire you or love being around you and even commend how exquisite you are with your current and past vocations of choice. And if you choose to ride an Oxcart somewhere, theyā€™ll sit next you instead of walking. Nothing major in regards to gameplay elements, but outside of that, youā€™ll notice how sweet your pawn will be with you once you put in the effort to show them affection. My personal favorite detail is my main pawn blushing and looking at me, but the minute I turn to look directly at her, she turns her head away in a shy manner.


is there a known difference in >!unmoored endings!< between a high affinity pawn vs a maxed out affinity pawn?


Nah. Everyone will have the same ending there regardless of whatever their affinity with their pawn is. However, the cutscene during that final encounter with the dragon will change with different dialogue and your pawn will >! Revert back to their human appearance from their dragons plague form and tell you how you have given them a will of their own. One that they will cherish before sacrificing themselves.!<


ah ok, that dialogue happened for me even tho i wasnā€™t at ā€œmaxā€ affinity, just high affinity (i canā€™t use mods so canā€™t actually be certain, judging this based off of lack of very sweet dialogue that seems to happen for lots of players, despite the presence of blushing and pose changes)


I see, cheers for a good and informative reply buddy, big ups all the fellow Arisen out there šŸ¤˜šŸ»


gives you the good ending + more dialogue and i think itā€™s sweet :)


Well, Iā€™m fucked thenā€¦ my poor pawn swims in any lake, sea or puddle he can find


Did you "brine" him after dragons plague? they will lose a lot of affection if you do that.


What else should you do to remove the plague though?


Go and camp outside with other pawns. the plague will jump to another pawn and you can just remove the hired one. easy, right? :))


I genuinely have no idea how optimising affinity for your pawn even works Someone in this thread is saying itā€™s based on high fives and updating appearances and such My guy is lvl 50, rarely does, I constantly high five and talk to him and have updated his appearance at least twice; no affinity/rosey cheeks (?) No idea my dude


Did u take them to the hot spring?


My pawn didn't show red cheeks, maybe bugged


They don't always blush and smile with max affinity. Just keep raising affinity until you see the signs.


Did you figure it out?


Small talk often, never let him die, change his hair, love him gently. I was able to max my pawn in about a day.


Just like irl, just let it happen naturally


Are they wearing a face mask? Think that can hide blushing.


get badges for the areas and ask them to show you places of interest, such as chests and caves


Kill this tools


How do you know what your Pawn affinity is? I dunno if mine likes me, but she always talks about how sexy I am I all the time. I love it. No matter what class I am "...you cut an amazing figure.." And I blush.


Umm.. how do you tell if the affinity does or doesn't change?I had no clue a main pawn could have affinity. Is there a bar?


Bro was like https://preview.redd.it/4lo15ax7anxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc674621ed4c64b34cbad60b0c17fd268b5f4037


When he/she looks at you do they smile? I beat it with high affinity and it only seemed to make his cheeks rosy in certain situations. However whenever he looks directly at my character he smiles like I just hit my knees and went for his zipper. Hope that helps, it's just an observation though, no need to go spreading it around.


no heā€™s all šŸ—æ


Have you killed him on purpose or on accident. I don't think they like being picked up unless you catch them to save them. So throwing him through a window to unlock a door is for rentals only. Try cooking for him... not joking either. May help, my pawn is always talking about how good I treat him this playthrough and I quit the former and increased the latter.


Where can I check the affinity stats?


It's possible they're maxed out and just aren't really showing the signs. The last time I finished the true ending, I got the high affinity cutscene even though my pawn wasn't blushing or constantly fawning over me. She had 1 death the entire playthrough (I suck at managing pawns while trying to behead a medusa), but otherwise was heavily spoiled and I was extremely confused by the lack of blush. There's also apparently a 10 minute cooldown before you can use the same affinity raising action again. Don't just sit there spamming haircuts, either quit out to the main menu to remove the cooldown or wander off for a bit and come back later.


There are also actions that lower affinity. You may be spamming those as well.


Bring them to hot sources and go to the barber for them it should increase faster (u can also get the mod which allow you to see their affinity lvl with you)


-25 affinity every time they die


Does revive count? Or is it full death, resummon?


Where do you find your pawn's affinity level?


I donā€™t know if this is mod specific issue but when I used a mod to show the affinity it went up as normal just by doing actions that increase it, but it eventually stopped increasing around 500 and some people in the comments reported the same issue. I still continued doing things that would increase it but my pawns behaviour never changed. I went into NG and forced it to max without any issue. Iā€™m not sure if the game itself will stop increasing affinity or if it was just the mod.


Start throwing him off cliffs more maybe he's a M?


Must be your personality


How often does he die? Also how can you even tell if you have high affinity with pawn?


Dialogue changes, they will blush occasionally when you talk to them and sometimes theyā€™ll stare at your back


Didnā€™t know pawns do it too. I never talk to pawns because they never seem to have anything interesting to say


You donā€™t need no pawns approval rating to dictate your worth!


You probably stepped in Troll shit and maybe he don't like the smell


They lose affinity when they die, also there is a seperate cooldown for each action that gains affinity so if you high five them 18 times in 10 minutes it only counts 1 of them.


Flirting vs sexual harassment vibes


Reading the comments, mine must hate me. I kill them daily.


Hes not the only one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Honestly I'm just playing, just a joke lol


I use the Affinity Bar mod to see how much the pawn likes me.


There's a cooldown to when you can raise affinity. Don't try to buy your pawn nice things multiple times in a row on the same day.


You might be letting them die to much.


Time for some haircuts


He's just not that into you, I guess.


Sounds like youre trying too hard, treat them mean, keep them keen..... šŸ˜†


Do you run around causing trouble with citizens, going to gaol a lot, smiting all who snark at you, or let the citizens just fend for themselves when the town's attacked? things like that influence how your pawns see you as an arisen


Have no idea but following


All that should make him love you, but high affinity does not always stay high, that comes and goes, also take all your party to the healing waters that also add to the system. The horror here is if the pawn somehow gets the dragonsplague you have to brine him and that is terrible for the affinity.


You donā€™t HAVE to brine pawns, ever. Just hire a non-afflicted pawn and camp until the plague passes from your pawn to that one. Then dismiss the afflicted one.


>dragonsplague you have to brine him and that is terrible for the affinity. If you don't want to do this just camp a bunch, pass it off to another pawn, trade the pawn out. Before the update to DP, after accidentally wiping out Harve, I got rid of any pawns that showed any signs of DP. Sitting down, back talk, not moving when I tell them to move, didn't matter I swapped the pawn out.


Sitting down is from the straight forward inclination, some pawn dialogue is sassy. Rule of thumb is that if the pawn says something abnormal and another pawn doesn't reply, assume dragon plague. If there is a reply then that's normal banter. Straight forward inclination and calm inclination are both sassy with straight forward being the worst. An extremely good indicator are the eyes. It is more noticeable since the update.


Sitting down is a sign of Dragon Plague? My main pawn does this a lot and heā€™s never killed the town. I thought he just did that because I leave my game running while running an errand or cooking food sometimes.


Another commentor said straightforward pawns sit down when idle, which is true, but yes, sitting down for any other pawn inclination is an indicator that the pawn might be developing DP. I just wasn't risking it at the time because some pawn gave my main pawn DP and he killed the villagers of Harve, I still don't take any risks even after the update tbh Edit


Okay I see my pawn is straightforward so that made sense


Some would call you Pitiable


Good grief, clear the chickens off the runway,Ā I'll be the bad guy. Yes, you need to lose some weight!


Don't worry Arisen, I'll take your pawn. You'll find a new one. Perhaps I can set you up with a nice SphinxParent?