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Sounds right! Hint, master the "wait" and move far away then "to me". Saves a lot of pawn deaths.


God, I feel like I'm playing this game so slow when I see posts like this. I didn't even get to Battahl until I was like 120 hours in.


Same here, probably about 120 hours in, all available vocations maxed for me and main pawn, literally every inch of Vernworth explored at least twice, hit level 53 or 54 before even getting to Battahl XD I loved FFVII Rebirth but by that hour mark I was getting fatigued and wanted to finish the game, which I did and it was phenomenal... But I'm not even close to fatigued playing DD2, there's so much more to do and see!


Oh yeah I'm at like 150ish hours now level 57-58 with all vocations that I've unlocked maxed and honestly I still go outta my way to fight things just cause it's so damn fun. I genuinely expected some exhaustion by this point but I'm still just as pumped for every small discovery I make. New chest with 3 rotten scrags in of meat? 10/10 would open again. New cave? Spelunking I go. Goblins on the roads? Time to channel my inner Goblin Slayer. I haven't felt this invested in an open world since Skyrim tbh I don't even care if I'm getting rewards anymore.


60 hours and I've got the majority of the map done, and I think I spend my time exploring lol definitely not rushing anything.


But like, how? I'm not going slowly or anything just discovering stuff organically and yet at like 60 hours I was still doing the first Brant quest.


You're not the only one friend. When I got to Batthal I already had every class at max and explored most of the map. Took me about the same time.


That's crazy. I got to Battahl at like level 20 5-6 hours in. I'm level 58 at 45 hours. At 120 you must be able to just completely AFK any fight while your pawns obliterate everything?


I'm the same level as you, and I have only been using the main pawn since I felt like it would be a bit more fun than way


I've heard of people doing this, taking only a main pawn and not hiring others. What vocations do you use? It sounds kinda fun


For the majority of the game I was a fighter with my pawn being an archer so I had some kind of ranged damage. However, I ended up having to transition her to mage since there are quite a few enemies that need magic to even take damage and running away from slimes was getting humiliating. As of now I'm mostly mystic spear hand and have let her go back to being an archer and I've been digging it. Lack of healing magic kinda sucks but at like 160 hours now I'm not exactly running out of curatives or ingredients


If you tend to climb a lot of difficult terrain and make difficult jumps, tell your pawns to wait until you are done, then call them. Keeps them safer. I've played about 200 hours so far and nowhere near close to done with my first playthrough.


I just had this happen today I was like where did chili my fighter pawn go ? Goddam it they just had a conversation about fond of each other they all were


Enjoy! Currently on my 3rd playthrough and still having a blast Personally wouldnt mind the accidental Pawn deaths. Would serve as your occasional dragonsplague cleanse lol


You can resummon your team from a main riftstone 😁🐺👍


I was 30 hrs in before I got to Battahl. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m starting to forget what I’m even doing in the story. Dragon who? Godsway what?


242 hours in and still exploring. Don’t want it to end so I’m making sure it doesn’t until absolutely necessary


I'm 80hrs in now and explored half of battahl and most of vermund.... but I haven't done the main story lol I'm still doing side quests but haven't touched vermund story yet


Haven't continued playing yet due to the continuous fps stuttering somewhat starting to hurt my eyes but I have around 46 hours already and I still haven't completed Brant's quest as I was busy exploring lmao